HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-06-28, Page 1Friends Gather at Pic` nip ilia
bpi 'Park ,,to llonor Mr.: an
__4_fer.Y-.--AVOY,=43r-etltt;Aqt,-, lkqe--*
Monday evening leet in Harbor Park."
number of friends of Mr., and Mrs. Relit;
Johnston, arranged. a earl:wine Verde sup-.
fi Per in tonefeat their 25th wedding aria-
After some fifty friends hal. enjoyed
the. sumptuous lunch prepared by, the
ladies, Mrs, A. L. Cole, on behalf of the
friends, presented the guests of 'honor
with a/silVer cake baiket, stogompanied
by a suitable address' of congratulations.
"Mamie" and "Bob" were .quite viSibly
effected, but managed to 'express ,their
surprise add appreciation in most -suit-
able terms.
Rev. Mr. Ford, who hid assisted at the
wedding ceremony 25 years -ago,- gave- a
very fine address, working in. some happy
reminiscences of the earlier days, of the
-bride-and-groora. -
Mr. Heale of New York,,read a very
.finee poemof his _owncompositionwhith
was much t enjoyed. A number of the,
guests tookapart_irt_thee.exchange ofefelt-
ritationswhich followed. Mr'. Howard
Robertson, nee Miss Jessie Ford, ey
attended the' wedding 25 years age, was
among the me,rry _throne Istich had
gathered on this oceasion.
Mr. johnston is the efficient clerk' a
the Summate Court, Coming to Goderich.
seven Or eight years ago from Imcknow
on his appointment to his position.
in g Mr.. and Mrs. Johniton many' years
of continued happiness.
ennee. --------tianieeeppositeeefeboredourreite ,11.---evsards
Is not pleasure, but exciten,e-ent"-Ber-
trand Russell.- "
QEALED TENDERS, addressed to the
undersigned and -endorsed 'Tender -
received until 12 cecloek noon (daylight
saving), Tinetib,y, June -26, 1934.
Tenders 'will not be.,Onsidered unless
made on the forms, supplied by the De-
partment amid bi aecordance with the
conditions ea forth therein.
Combined specification ani form of
tender can lie obtained on -application to
the undersigned, also at the 'office of the
las:strict Engineer, Customs Bldg., Lon -
doe, Ont. -
Tenders rhust *include the twit* of
the plant to and from the work,
. The dredges and other plant which are
intended to be employed on this work,
shall have been duly registered- in Can-
ada on or before the thirty-first day. bf
December: 1929, or shall have been con-
structed and registered in Canada since
the sand date. •
Each tender must be ompan1etby
a certified cheque cin a chartered bank'
in Canada, made payable to the order of
bhp Honourable the Minister of Public
Works ereibl. to 5 per cent of the amount
of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the
Dominitie of Canada. or of the Canadian
National Railway Compeiay and its con-
stituent iCompanies-motiditro-liallY guar-
anteed as to principal and interest by
the Dominion of Cana,da, or the afore-
mentioned bonds and a certified cheque
If required to make up an odi amount.
In no ease shall the seturity deposit be
less than $50(1.00. •
By order,
. Secretary.
Depattment of Iniblin Works,
Ottawa, June 14, 1934,
Ootlerich, June 27t14; .1934.
MO the Editor of The Star,:
Dear Slr:-As X have. been Informed
that the TOW* COUncli had pasted a. by-
law '49°4 Polite dogs ten 4ouam:1 VdSU
yoti".woUld kindly' let it be known for the
information of the town Counoll'ancl
others who may.be Interested, that such
,sal to piece a special tax On .041' breed
of deg.
. "g*Oura truly,
Elgin Regiment To
Arrive Saturday
To Be Met By Mayor and Council
The advance party •ofethe Eigin•Regie
Silent will Anita in _Goalie/a on Friday
with :Mitjor- Shaw-ia co' ,nipmened.- -
Thie party w11.1 arrange for all -supplies
for the men. and wilintinTany nece _
ratigue&-sfialf-iis ereetthg thi" tenti- Set -
new . up lines and arranging for water
supply- ' •-n • --
• A- letter from the Adjutant Of' the
Regimentaaekedethat -the -eV:oft:ea-41ns
detail be expedited as amen as possible.
eTtse-maine betty of -the '-inertewilletterive
at the C. N. R. station at 9.35' on Satur-
day evening, under commandof Lt. Col.
H. 0. Cameron. The unit' will be met
by the Town Council and other intereite
ete citizens and, it is hoped., by the Town
Band, This latter may not be ,,possible
as the band will be in. Waterloo that da
for the competition of Wseaternfantail°
bands which is expected, to last ell day.
However, Bandz;aaster Jno. Hackins hopes
that the part of the competition in which
time toallowthem to return to Ooderich
to meet -the Elgins.
It is hoped that as many citizen& as.
possible wiU be on nand to welcome the
Men from the South.
' The Regiment will remain in. Goderich
until Tuesday, leaving by special train at
7.3° Tile4daY evening.
Judge Covtello Len& big Beinitiful-
Groin* for Affair Sponsored - by
the ihmeek Chapter
The beautiful._ groonds of Judge Cos-
tello's residence in Nelson fee are the
scene of a ,garden bridge azid tea this
afternoon under the auspices of the Ah-
in.eek Chapter, I. 0. D. E.
The bridge and tea tables set under
the branches of . Magnificent elms anci
maples were a beautiful sight and one
calculated to inspire the most, pneficient
piaY by the scores of ladies who were
taking part. 'A large crowd of ladies
were ire attendance as we went to press.
WANTED:en-Maid -Wanted ler gerierid
housework. Apply to iift. WARD
ALLIN,.,R. R. 4, Goderieh. ,
AN.rea).-Largest organization of its
kind in Canada requires two young
men from farm or town to complete its
county organieation. Sales. experience
-Unnecessary as OiganIzatiOn. trains its
own men. Positions are permanent with
excellent ,opportunities for advancement.
Present large business repeats easily.
Must be content $18.00 weekly first
month. Apply in first instatire CON-
71 -1/1cl21ond W., Toronto.
Fire, ACcident and Motor Car
Moot& tattoo, west St, Goderieb
Mont* - , NELSON BILL, Mgr.
Fon eALK-rour-Wheeled„tranere com-
plete with highrack, Apply to
ALLAN REED, Dungannon. Phorie 84.
• --------
RENT.--LIght housekeeping rooms
to rent. Apply, STAR OPFICE.
Npa RENT. -House and barn with 25
.11. acres adjoining town, also another
house with two acres in town. Imme-
diate possession and reasonable rent in
either case. •EDWARD LOWDEN, Box
95, *Milton, or ROST. BELL, Cor. Cam-
bria Rd. and Park St., Gotletich.
10 ill -health, avilleaell lien _three
aere pettltry farm with dwelling. house.
100.11 . basement under dwelling; best of
garden ground. House for 500 layers;
colony hoiltes and shelters, On Blue
Water Biglovay inside Ueda
sell either separate Or as a "going con-
cern. W. A. CIIISROLIVI, Bayfield Hoed,
Ooderich, Ont.
Harbor , Park Scene of Cheerful
G4thering—Ice Cream Spaiis
and Boat Ride,* for All •
• Reeve 4iii:d.00 Matheson of Ashfield
picked the: right kind of a day for the
Plenic of the Illiron County Council, the
right kind of a OreNird was there • and
everYbOdY had a good time when the law
makers and their wives and their..chil;
dren, and'friends got together last Satur-
day. afternoon.
'Harbor Park was the loCatien. By two
Weise* some of the councillors had be-
gun to come onto the ground's, those
from. the *farther pints taking a little
longer. As the groups gathered roost of
them at once went into a huddle to go
peter- hieeleteell the miracle of a "Aber*
landslide and it wato -time before
'each, had.time to express his amazement
tr.thasesult ancl,bria.personal-opinion-of
the cause
Warden Oeo. H. Elliott, defeated can
didate in Huron, was early on the scene
and was the most Cheerful man 'there.
ere was o viously no crying -Jiver and
milk in his make-up, a feet that' was
telieing-to all present. -
C. A. Robertson, member -elect for •
Huron -Bruce, and Jan Ballantyne, 'mem-
bee 41eet-for Huron,•eame along to re,
tante eongraturations and to theineeth
rif -their supporters who were present
Both remarked that they .had worked
pleased -with the result ---Both- received
congratulations from Warden Elliott, in
the best of good humor. •
Most of the 100 ,tovitatneeeenntenieeyee.
been- recceptederis-ethereewere mimy -more
than.'100eireethescroVed on cheerful, pic-
nickers. The children came in for, tee
cream cones in abundance and not to be
outdone thee_wives and the ceuncillors
themselves joined in, the men doing even
better than tile youngsters.
Boat trips had been arranged. for, all,
and moist of those present took advan-
nee:dna/re-_ -offer OteseerideeninenTir
Sandrs launch. Clark of 'the Coiirt
ROWS Johndme and Oalternor Jas. Rey-
nolds of the -County Jail,. eenstituted
themselves a taxi committee who saw to
It that everyone got to and from the
water in comfort.
Their kindness Wes much epprecieted
by the reeves and their wives as well as
4 apal .sad.,"tOrreeted gat %if ligureS
4coverinit-lite, Vet.*ini1tIxsr baa been
Cetved, and iltera the Ballantyne .11.044.
Herewith is the. oaat •summary as
-uppliect by, the deplitY rt offitier.
A ' M. g
it m
eter .$2 493. 41
A email 2,88 150 108
•Linton .. 449 732 283
eaforth , 603 395 208
erat „.104 987 2$7
ITsborne 582 314 238
Stephen ....en, $38 518 -317
.Hay. - 959 351 608
etrinley . 4114 547 '13.
derich Tp 340 537 197
ullett 682 '401 231
oKillop 669 271 398,.
Tuakeremith ... . _ . „,746 277 469 -
enmity for niallantyaie, 2280.
-Total -\iiite for Win: booPer.- 122. -'
"Votes polled -...41 14,451
(Continued On page 5)
Judgment for Most af Cla'rn
With Cost --Ben
, Enters' Appeal
Prank Allen of' Goderich was awarded
practically the full amount of his claim
against his brother Benjamin when their
long standing dispute over a complicat-
ed sbries ot.horse deals was disposed of
in County Court on Tuesday, June 2601
by Judge M. Costello.
The inimediate 'claim Was for $3361.45.
Costs also were allowed.
L. E. Dancey, solicitor for Ben Allen,
immediately ordered 'the evidence for the
appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.
The writ was first issued in the case
on September 14th, 1933, . and it was
slated for hearing by Mr. JusVce King.
stone p.t the Winter Assizes of the Sup-
reme Court Thneott to 'area
settlement out of court a stay of pro.,
ceedings was'granted and it again came
up before Mr. JUstice Kelly, in April.
He- ordered that it be -dispose4. Of by
Judge Coatelio and MOnday's heartnek
was the result.
Both brothers are well and favorably
known in GoderiCh *here they have liv-
ed for many years. Frank Allen has
been the.buyer of horsed whieh were dis-
posed of largely in Northern Ontario by
Ben. They have been in butirets in a
very large way, purchasing and shipping
many thousands of animals over a long
:Perlod- ig time. ,The business was .vety
Profitable Wail the advent of the de-
pression when. difficulties enstied. Prank
claimed that no FA:minting coad be te-
ettred of moneys adVanded by IIIth for
the purehasa of luirses whith Den. sold:
At request 'he supplied -full . details of
transaetionswith the retidt that judge-
ment was given in his favor.
Ho date has, been announced for the
hearing by the Supreme Court. MO
and Hays have beds eating for the plain.
Detsias;'of Pistos for Parade; Oche*
stAle of Events -4 ,Careful
Day celebration in Goderich se'ere oztt
pleted at the last scheduled meeting on
Mona' evenit4t. Juneg5th,,. in the WV),
It Was again stressed and t commit-
tee hoped had been made cigar that it
will be rieeessary for all who intend to
take partin the. parade .to be in their
places at 'Victoria Park in time to move
off at 9.30 o'clodk sharp. If anyone fails
to be there at the proper tinie it was de-
cided that the main bOdy would com-
mence without them.
This instruction particularly exeludes
the small children who intend to be in
the parade with decorated baby buggies
a.nd -tricycles. '
These thildr,en are to wait in Court
HOUSe Park until the 'parade 'comes.
-they Wilrthezi-be-told b 11 -ie la-arade
Marshall. When and wh.ere to loin iz.
eThis arreillaelneant was__ decided on. as,. it
was felt that it was too much to ask the
children to enarch the whole route.
General Plan
—.., • The plan is 'to have everyone except the
alms Her First Call at doderich small children and the Elgin Regiment
• meet at the Victoria Pane.
on July 1 -,Carries Newspapr- Councillor Seabrook will be ehief mar-
men—Regular Run Starts shal of the parade. He will give the sig-
Following Week te move off South alOng 'Victoria St.
At the intersectlein of Kingston Street,
turdynevill-, beeeposted---to
The Steamer Hibeni bee' assigned
•y the Seaway Lines Ltd. to the Toledo, meet- the Elgin, Regiment which will
Windsor, Goderich and Little Current come clown Britannia Rd. from Agricul-
tural Park.
route and will make her firstapparance
t _port .on. Sunday,- July ist -enniestege street. to the Stnikee, the W. -
The Hibou Ls assingle crew etertifier of ance-ef the parade following on -behind
out the size of the eManitou-a---boat Proceeding around the Squareit will
hich is well known here arid is said no head down. West- Street .to Waterloo,
e very "comfortable..- to -Lighthouse -and-bank to the
On her first trip slie'will carry a load square. It will circle the Square tiv-ice.
of newspapermen, pi -withers of the Gra- The sniall children will be notified by
hie 'Arts Club of 'Detroit, who have her_ the znarshall when to Jo1n lin
-haltered for'a run over the week -end After the parade has dispereed; the
P eOrelaal BaYThe--Pantr-wnelilldiesheld and- the
.top over in Ooderich for some hours and fudging of the Children's event? will be
Mayor 'C. C. Lee has already extende_d an i.carried on, -the meantime. a baseball
Invitation to the -party. to -8,v:41i-them- t game' will be -hz progress a AZT cultural
sphtes of the opportunity to view the (?ark, starting at 10.30 o'clock.
sights ot the town and to enjoy an after-
noon's play over the fairways- of the
Maitland Golf Club, .
The following week the Hiboie 'wW
etart her regular runs, arriving ir Gode-
nth- on Tuesday, July 12th, on the trip
This Company also • owns the North-
west and the Southwest two splendid
boats on the reeular Chicago run, which
it is -loped will be possible to make
Goderich a port of call next year.
IVIegietrate's'Coura Disposes of a Number
-Rweetier Asinine:Remanded .
liZry Johnston of Goderich who with'
Clayton Nivens, wits driving soutiren the
highway north of Clinton and crashed
into a motor travelling north and injured
the ocoupantso was fined and_ costs
for permitting reckless driving
-This unusud charge Was late as John -
Eton was not driving although it was his
care Nivens. was also assessed $10 for
driihns without a permit.
Clarence Bere pf London ecntributed
$11)0 'with •costs for having It cases of
beer in. his car at Baylield without the
necessary authority.
A couple Of young men from Wingtham'
aid $1 each for the use of a schoolyard
-for parking -purposes. "
.Pergus Smaildon appeared again on
Wednesday morning, June 27th, and was
gain reenanded. There is a possibility
hat tie will be able to make testinnalon.
for the cattle which he adrnitS having
rustled from the farm of It, A. Cleaver
lacKillop Township.
Menesetung Park Hotel opens this
week and prospects are for an unusually
ood season. Mrs. Margaret Duckworth
of Detroit, es• again in charge of the kit-
chen and staff. Among the vinnors this
week ve eordort filnelttr,:w4fe and fame
y of Toronta. M. 'Sizicliiir 13 the avell-
oWn "foot -loose reporter" of the Tor-
onto Star and has just returned from a
ix 'thousand mile trip strthe irterior of
Africa. His rennet tine nea-r Pc the re-
sult of the pleasant visit he had last year
at the time Of the Birde-Eye Center eel-
"The season ma government machin-
ery runs so badlY is because it. IS obso-
lete -and neglected."-Iiptori
• In the afternoon another baseball
game will commence at 1.30 and De ex-
pected to finish about 3.0.9 par
Follcwing the game the Elwin Regi-
ment Will stage a Variety of spectacular
and interesting enanoeuvres such as the
trooping Of the colors, flag drill, tumb-
ling- and the grand march pat.
These, military exercises when well
done are very Much worth while seeing.
The Elgin Regiment have been training
for the events for same time and should
be excellent.
'Just prior" to the .military everts, three
es poen to_ Contestants from. Euro
°aunty, will be run off. A nuinber of
good entries have been receiver] for these.
„Atter the military events a third base-
ball kame is scheduled between the , wip-
ners of the two first games. This will
coriunened at 4 p.m. and will be over
about -a -paws
In the evening the local town band
will give a eoncert in the Square. Thus
a full day is assured for all.
A great deal of time was spent at
Monday night's zneeting arranging small
details' and particularly looking . after
possible costs. , It will be necessary to
provide free entry into the Agricultural
Park' of the various players or the ball
The IlUren Old BONO Aiswiation of
14‘91`Onto 'war 1)0)4 the, annlial picnic in
Area Nei. a, Canadian National Rctdbt
ttoijVarit« Unontot On SaturfillY or th4.
Races of all kin0Sfor yoiing and old,
for Which Vied pilizts will be awargto
-StioceutitorsL5tUes ttild girIs
baseball Will be one of th featiirea
Every lady IsreqUested to; bring a bas,
ket of good Huron ,cooking, Refresh,
ments will be served in the transPorta-
tion_building at six o'clook, EverY per
son is requested to sign the attendance
register so that they May 'Procure a tick-
et for the refresiunents. Every person
must have •it, tieket.
'The mysterious "Lady Huron" will ap-
pear on the grounds early j the day,
and the first person discoing her
identity -will -be- awarded a suitable prize.
Particulars will be supplied by the secre-
tary, E. Moody,' 58 Close Ave LA. 3276
Imposing Array of "Clergy :will
' Participate—MAO Guests
Very great- interest is being manifested
loudly in whate_premeseseto_ be _oneeof the
smartest social events of. the -ceerent
son, the marriage of Miss Mary Caven
Parsons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. L.
Parsons, to William Pattison Telford, Jr.,
of Owen Sound..
The ceremony, will take plate in St.
Geor 's
Saturday afterrron, June 30, at 'three
An unusual and interesting feature of
the ey _ant_ will be Ang_nartieleation_inth
marriage ceremony -of -The Riett Rever-
end Cleo. •Cring Stewart, tal).-.
S.T.D., Lord Bishop of Chicago, who is
a cousin of, the brtde and who has been
visiting here -it -her home-lor some days.
The Right fiev. Chas. Alan Seeger,
M.A., D.D., LL.D., Lord Bishop of Hur,
on, will officiate, and Venerable Arch-
deacon J. B. Potheringham of Toronto.
''da tormereintaiffibent brthe PeirisheiiT
.Goderich, Venerable Archdeacon A• L.
G. Clarke of Grace _church, Brantford,
gethervith-renerable-Ardideuon Wirs
frid Jones-Batemati and ,Rev J. N. H.
Mills, rector or St. George's, have been
invited to assist.
Many guests from far and near, inti-
mate friends of the family, win be pre -
.sent for the ceremony.
Rezimental Dance
Brilliant Fiinction
ns#ranee ,„co IOre
For CoinjanyPjcnk
Bring Eiimdie Ana friends and
Have Splendid Time in Perfect
Teo- Wet WaValaisla Mutual Va-
surance Company en3oSe4 ther annual
picric in Harbor Park, Ooderich, this
year, and fully fifty guest's of the Officeri
-and directors sat deivn to a grand suite,
per under the Shelter. of the covered -,din -
Ina" hall on saturclay. June 23rd.
Perfect, Wonky -weather greeted the In-
surance men and their falnilies Und most
of the young. 'and Many of the older
members of tbe party participeted ht the
baseball game whiebewas started at once.
Filially the game developed into a con-
test between the ladies on on side and
the men on the other. --The modesty of
the men forbids reporting the score.
Many of the party took ativentage of -
the opportunity for a trip On the &eke
which had been arranged by the County .
,-Counellevetnehawasaeraoyingeitsepleinceate---- ' the same time. .
There was a bountiful supply 'of lee
eream for yotingeand old and alleenjOye
ed it No speeches were permitted but
the table was cheerful with friendly gos-
sip and trio men took the opportunity to
diseusssethe e1ent1ore;inz4ries3 and- the .
prOspeet for better farm 'prices.
Cecil' Treleaven and • Harry Salkeld,
who had been active in arranging the
picnic, were congratulated on the sue-
'cies& of the party. "
Robt. Davidson wasepresent, and Mrs. '
Davidson came later as
.tending r meeting of the district O.K.A.
In Clinton. -Others attending were Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Ackert, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm.Watson lAn. and Mrs.. W. J.
Itiiiii-n-Pisone Mr. and Mrs.-. Wm. Montilla
lan, Mr.. and Mro.:.W. P. Reed: Mr. and
Mrs. Dan MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. Tim
Oriffin, all directors of the Ceirpany and
theireevives,-Mr.- and Dens -Bailie. -a p:Vit,
director, Mrs Chits. Oirvin, Mrs. Isaac
Hetherington; and Mr. Donald MacLean.
the. Company auditor. Me. Thos .Stoth,-
,ers, treasurer: was unable to bc present.
Axaong the, marneepie-nies held -on -Sate _
nrdct'ftz Harbor Park was thafirvfo S. S.
No. 10„ Hullett Township, who gathered
In force .for a good time for the chil-
dren. Between forty and fiftn ehildren
and grown ups sat down to a splendid
repast and as soon as it was possible to
find apace on the grounds a pi-0gram of
sports was run off. Much ice cream was
disposed of by the whole party and. with
baselaall and a run on the lake a .oplen-
did afternoon's outing was entoyed.
Sunset Hotel Bright With .Color COMIlloe Events
for Annual Affair of the AND BU.•'--NIESS BRIEFS
County Battalinri _ _
The Women's Hospital Auxtniary will
Hotel Sunset never had a brighter or liold a garden petty on JUdge Costello's ,
more colorful opening than 'this year lawn, Tuesday, July Han, commencing at
3 p.m. Bridge and Pive Hundred will be
played and tea sen.e.
latiss Margaret P.:. land, A 1'CM, is
their friends at tneir annual
dance on Friday evening, Jure 22nd. lippriaenpoa,revdocatlo anrde"thl'CeryP.uPPillisonien
Dining room. rotunda and lour,ge were Dungannon.
griy,with bunting and Mtge while sitting
out rooms and retiring rooms were com- A garden suppn will be held on Mc -
when Lt. Col. A. P, Sturdy and the offi-
cers of the Huron Regiment entertained
fortably arranged for the comfort and Kay Hall lawn, on Friday, July 8th, from
convepience of the guest& 5 to 8 P.m. A splendid program is also
Nearly 200 officers, their wiees and being prepared by local talent to be
sweethearts and guests from far' and given on the lawn. Admirsion 35c,
near took part in the teetivitiese children 25c.
- Lt. Col. ISturdy and Mrs. Sturdy with Reserve the date, Thursday, July 26th,
Gel. H. B. Coomb of Clinton, former WTI. for the annual garden Party of St.
teams. It Wee ,dentrinci ,alter lona disenter -e-ommanding th regiment-, received -George's -Clear&-Wor-neif 6--(3-tad.
te- allow each team a maximum' the guests as they entered the dining this is their Centennial year, a special
ef 15 tlikets for its players, cos -dies, etc. room which had been set aside for the effort is being made that this may be *a
The questlori 0 admiesion tickets for ;lancing. An eet4ellent- orehestra from
these men was raised and it vra,e discov-
ered that such tiginata %mind cost about
41.25 to 41.50 if printed. Couneillor
Humber and Mr. Wigle could not see the
necessity for each an expenditure and
decided to use 60 of last nee:, tickets,
appropriately inscribed on the backs.
These will be distributed among our vier
iting ball players. •
Max. Mhz.
73 66
74 52
83 48
82 60
68 48
83- 58
.. 73 58
Ma x. Min.
80 58
00 48
•71 51
85, 51
82 e67
84 67
91 68
You may see the fonowing cars and °the.* by call-
ing at our place of business.'
32 Essex Cos&
29 Cher. tOuti45
/9 Buick **Aid Couire
31 Si;ecial Ford Sv r
Coutio, IL S.
31 -Chev. Sedari, Special
20 Chev: X:00 -pe
28 Chev. Truck
27 Ford Coach
25 Ford Took
$TEIMLBA .f.t'S ire located at :Moores Ostragi
13.Phoe itaitatifi—Spociall—Gssrailtiefl 1 par—U.85
Orilit may be arranged on any of our care,
WIR t�atailteakite .$46110-110 etreintaille tor cats it astintiole,
/JO* aodarichs
St. Thomas had been engaged for, the
The red mess jackets of some of the
officers, the searlet of some of the older
officers and the • newer "bales" of the
very interesting event. •
Will the members of the Octogenarian
Club 'or any who are now eligible -for
membership kindly leave word at the
Town Hall if they wish a place in the
Dominion Day parade on Monday next 7
younger men, set off the beautiful gowns Conveyances will be provided for them.
The earden party. under the auspices
of the Nile Ladies' Guild, will Ile held on
Wedtiesday. July 4th, on the Nile School
grounds. Supper from 6 to 8. The pro-,
gram will consist of a pia: , "Closed
lApts.:!. and. orchestra_ frorit Winiechurcheee
Admission 35c and 20c.
The Women's Institute will held their
regular meetingson Tuesday, July 5th, at
MacKay Hail, et 3 p.m, Tne subject
Will be taken ley Rev, .1. N. H. Mills, the
of the ladies., Color ran riot as ts usual
In military functions.
Sergeant Major Geo. James announced
the guests at the ballroom door while
four eergeantsi were posted In the rot -
arida and on the veranda fo: the con-
venience of the guest&
Col. Coomb and Mrs. Sturdv led the
.grand march with Which the dare open-
ed, followed by the gueets in a long
laughing line
Supper was served 16 the lounge from
lunch was enjoyed by an. roll call will be. Noted CanadLen Women
eleven o'clock on and a very dainty
Comfortable rteats and retiring nooks and Their Work Mrs W. Laweence will
tite wide verandahs were much pat -1 Ore the -Current Events. The hostesses
on ronized by the younger members of the, will be Mesdames E. Beattie, C. Biased.
party who watched the moan making! Hall.
! J. Adams, W. Barlow, A. Celberne, R.
long rippling pathways across Lake Hur-
on in the time honored fashlor.
joyed them but daneing was in the air Wednesday. June 27th, to Mr aledseetrsees—
CLARK.-At Alexandra hospital. on
Cards were available for those who en-
I 18 kely, from tlie entsfied efain-
inents of the guests, that future regi-
mental attain' will be staged in the same
hetet altlitiugh this le the firet tieeafiloti
on which the facilities of the Sunset
have been made nee of.
Guests were present from oll parts of
the county and from Owen Soinid, Strat-
enrci. Toronto, as well as other Western
Ontario points.
itadge--"itiave you etior NI. utterly
AkIltgrated itt publler
Janot-aviby, res, to tutband goes
out witt? nit oetationally,°
?tr. root .was friendly with 131101PY
ill take .past in. this 11001ihi4711' DOW Celebtitti40 4tt G041000
40septreltcrirli sbn. '
CLAMMONT.-At Alexandra tao01tal,
on Sunday, June 24th, June Maxine, In-
fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Norman
V ICKRRs.-fn loving memory of
Sarnuel Vtekere, who passed away six
yeara ago, June '2Gth, 1928.
We do not forget him. we loved him too
Por his memory to fttcle front cur lives
like a dream.
Our 11133' need net Sneak, when our hearts
mourn ,Ntncerely.
Por grief often dwella where it eeldelle
In our home Its 13 fondly remembered,
SWeet Matter -les ding' to 1814 nathe
The* wholovecl him In We sincetely.
Bunion and mitt" CalluS until diresS ,�tUlp love bnz itt deatfl ids tp8 s$ne,
Corn" lind itunicin saves were Sid by Oittny iklued by
brug 6tere, WV'S and