HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-06-21, Page 8• •••• •••••4.•
•••••• • •oo,...10.....•••P l'• •
•• Colbilrne eatt Mi11oi'
Remtetb, Allauf ivere Rowing
the Othrr' night, '04
cwncar. ThoY MeV nearz OPO. and
Allrn !Slit Over the ,.aide 011)0 culvert
trth 10'
• them,41-1,c0tnie, On 4.46,' 0,0atirArtd
,Pn henk home. , '1,felther was .Intured;
John 0. • iney;' ,itofineri$'.Of it4,04erich
d now 43318' V0000ialini Ave.. in cht.,
co5o, has sent usant extract from tlio,"
•'"Efoonornist,". one of the leadirs
'Oublications of the United State.'
qUOtf$ With, great siitisfatilon,, that
part of the last ;business letter Of the
110Yal Bank of Canada whicit_relates
the bUSinesS reaOVery---inr--rthe--Vnittd
States., The ReonOmist Ought to take 'a
look at - the imProvement in Canada
where weluoteru*ol no N.R.A. to help
... •
000Erixon agiook vtiva
At .J.11e,,weckly- duplicate 'kid**. it
evening, the topoWin, were ',Winners:
North and South-Ist, Mrs; t East-
man and Mr. T. R. PattertOn, Phis A%.
2nd -Mr. and 1Vf.r3. E. C. Beacom, phnk 4.;
Carey, plus 2.
East .,and west7-1st, Mr. W. A Cott!-
Don't forget the liability you
incur throuej theoperation of
your car. make yourself safe
by insuring la'rith
Rates, High. Security_
I Nir. OOLLCO 14 1.3 g
Phone 296 • '
. „
itstfc At '7e/ If1;t1,
pine will,b0 :held next Mon
Orange 0rth, 4treett was
dn -40,10 l5th,OR*
14. :01)1044404,,•NAtorttl. init400,44
tOn. 'Oster Ot:ganlaittittna ,ond.' Wendt'
hOnOt .0,f th�.htlkt4t0i141,10.'
4:fraw4 The e.4rlier part ,,of,,the evenin
"11000t, PlAYing 'cards,: the or** or
high 0core .going to Sesiforth, 00000
ladie0 tend gentlemen's ,conablation prIea
to Mlss Ruby Clark'snd Mr.' Prank Riley.
dainty lunch., was served' by the local
,Mena)ei* Aftet, the loneht tho gather -
ng ---tome-to.--.0rder, Mrs; IX •Sproul and
iMrs, . A, 4a1tt1ng, Past ,mistresSes Of the
preaented MIss McOraw, l'sith an
Occasional chair; Mrs;
414 the Address. tittle,. Misses- Verley
Sell and Phyllis Carrkek drew- in .pret-
,decorated. 'basket on A wagon Oen..
.sentett It to Miss:-Mcgraw, who Made
very fitting reply. The rema!ndor of :the'
'evening *-.44Pent conununitv 10.4ing.
'41;1010 twenty of her °girlfriends met
)4 the home Of. Iflps Vera Vir.ilkirls 0
Friday evening last to present the bride,
elt•,,ot MISs Viola gsbaldeWk- with a mis-
cellaneuos shower. The home was pret-
tily decorated with, %pink ' and • white
streamers, pink en.INhite Peenies • and
orange i)10s,sciint, and the wagon 'Contain-
ing the presents was decorated to inateh
Little Miss 'Nancy Belle •Oriit and Mas-
ter Edward Cllitton, • dressed AS bride and
groom, drew the wagon.'" A WWI ltmeh
served by the hostess -consisted • of ;gni
and white cake and pink and white ice
a.** s
The :Dionne BaWei .arelthree weeks Old, They are
-• -
Read :our" week's speeial pi ice
1,0e, 10e. 25c
• 6 oz,net,,--for -100 -
cpTR,N mat, rottflt.-oo
PR. IvEsrs ECONOMY *OltliSlit
' "- 350
S1AT1. QNERr DE 1,1E4E
raper' and_Enielopea,459_
*Members of the Amputations Almelo.
tion :living in Western Ontario 'to.' the
number off 100 Inocluding wives and
on , Hotel Wilioa
or sv , lirsi rgeut:eh
•t by t�,. from where
. they took -4S heat to;40 to Montr,a1 and)
Queiec. The • bride's gOingliwel 40it
, ILWAINtVilOSWA31.1i as neNY 014e Vrene Istith White* lie**,
. .
' And Vhlte C011ar and euirs wIth blue
quiet. imirriatc.took place At, Xi= ,,,..-F, purse ' . A -,,,,te,.."-
1004 '111411)1(0, V4,1144neglOst ',34114 20axic k."" /014' iw'gli*'' Guests- were Pre,
rlo.renie ,Clertrnde, .liting*well, ditiot. stsr.L.,„11,154‘5114•09..._ 4 Toctio9, ..*
ter of gri,gmf WU& Welter Itbogswell, of '''''-"*"'"*.''''-', '114MC--44* ,11'nxt loundot‘i-
„ , .
-Ceiborne- tOwn,40,.--to :- , ,fleorgel. '' MeV', •
*10, Ver.t.ef the late .trugli,0114-XxS.114(
iviain Of GOeterioh 'TownShip. ,Rev,,
..Y.,,, tone Oillobsteth; 'AO: Will: reside poi
ridge street, Go let..',
ilreogvtrupfo ts%oN:
' Alto.,reto' *ofung 1,44,1i4to44104
. on Wednesday, 400:2otb, at 2.20' 31P.M.'
at thoJ4oni (4. wc.,,s;exanlivr 0,00,140$.,
ton..10p4eritikiewgen her' elatst d*Ughterx ;
• riv$011-MeGRANV Viola ,)&tari," Nirs4 United in Annrriage to
. , . . . . . ,
The 'ma age took , place At the, 'Vie* J. Norman MOPowell. only So0 Of Mr.
teria Street personate on Wednesday,. and 'IttriS,, V;rillieln,MoDowel1, East, Avg,.
beCtionaw:420,4(t,tbUit:e'lla.,1,4ite'r't?.,1,4"(ir'n:l.i.0,°rtt. i--4-AP:srifrii,iiaw4117bE.C.0.4"; thebva I1'Rev. lawn W.
i V\°.le' beneath*V13e Itt;: tart .* "4 a'sj r ' 7t ch .:. *b 1 1 ee aP 419...qu : i r a le t A n Y:14
tobell. Rev.. F. w,.. Craik otrtelated, decorated , with evergreens and summer
The attendant* were 'Miss' *Ary-, Clerk 4.4wers. '.1711V lir4dei given.'in M04%0 by
and Mr, John McGrew; . brother oft Mr. Otorge* 4)**sOn, of Auburn, idoked •
bride, The 'bride was.biteioninAy attired lovely in her wedding dress of iyorY van -
In a dresIr of white erepe'with hat, shoe* Ay Satin, Pade On. 14neesS linesl, 141Xing
. and gloves to niatelA and. 'ilerrieci , '. . . . to the,noc.l'i tqw1 Ilkek103,003'W4n,Sleeves.'
7sP4)11161:::1*""1/;ivdnillibte-clea'''"ekrrlelidtsviitboli bouquet of 'Ilalgth:h17tm3'7.1731.-11:gtunh:r*beiosio4:irrnistl*':latit shells,*4'
roses. After a itioniy weddiM? supper it. a gift two the West Indies. She wore
the Untie of the. brides mother, whieh White kid slippers, and carried AOSehill
Hotel an ;Isilt114.‘rclausr art:rn,:ota, the and
I '''11416nauliSPIPgea1131171keftr'47°d:wrs141474h'' 8:Vitti-reatnitt14:14erires:tet:ellfillawati3f8" 'bodiAlW":134icre'titIle, 44wiiitth41".11,1'alliffi'kuin:71T44, ts'sgkirtisa;17:14,:p'clitbni:ktIllidte'emsmanttli:hailii
for a picnic which was . arraloe.4 soaie .giatirnowlifi:rmh _triheettrY uWilitiatil, . el'ue$.1claiiioalltitith4: hat! 7Atte ,opots, told cvslect rtemlei,
Suprema roses "strut inumosa. Mr. 4,, Vi-
woqi 'Staektionse,_ •04P., CillolPh,- - -don-
of the Inn. Mee •MaCticinald's boat has '.-- ''.f7FlifTTE-lielifit/All sin or '040 groonl, acted as bOEIt man, .
The *wet girl,. .P.oxie sail, youngest
boats from the harbor are to be a part ,-,----, ,
, daughterof Nit, and Mrs. Arno Sall, of
been arranged for and the partY hope; ' A pretty:Jane wedding Was sclemniZed AulAtrn. looked. very dainty in pale blue
time ago by D. travelled In a navy Polka dot ;dress,..with
A Splendid :afternoon of. , Childien'S n000morks to match.
ePOrts and a trip _on. one .of the fishing .
for a good breeze as some old aailoraform on SatUrday,-.4nne--,,2414,..T*TittaakPmbY Trriffikr"talc-
a port 61. the' party and power boats do terian church, Seaforth, the altar decor- rie.d a basket of yellow rose' bud, mu!,
not Appetitl to then*, ' • ations ,being mixed Ont flowers, NOW= Edna Walsh played the wedding • innate
Members' 01' be present ,from ,Strat- Margaret B. McMillan,, daughter" of the " and lqt, S, •,SibtherPa -of Blyth Aang. "I
ford, tendon and other closer points, ,,late* 'Thomas McMillan. U,P,-; and the 'Love You Truly," : during' the signing of
An invitation was sent to the Dominion late mrs.11cMillan„Wilx lin If 4'n
liteildenf;* ftev.-.,, =yr -tgfei't of Christfe r1e �Wi1frid L. ,Vnyte„: •B. 5. A., ,bride was a ,pendent: and to . tbe
Street li.OSPital,„ together with...pther youngest. .son, of .Mrs. .4ohn-Whirto-, and mald-ant1'1101Yer-Igirl rings, to the -plan -i'
*officers -4f the 0:ganization the late John • WhYtee, ,Stratford. The ist, a purse and to the soloist and the
but they unfortunately could not attend, oerenunlY 'Ovas Perf("rnred• by the ;Lev. F. bestman2 bUl Zald after-the-cere
a n, P•o orOn • assisted by mony, " the bride's. mother, dressed M,
AMONG TIM Leliiintentz er.Reir-:11ng_ laLltaineforth,-.14 &inn- blue--Crepvith. grey -hat and
• 44e presence 01 sixty guests. -' The groom --4110Pers to-rnateh,_yfith a corsage •ol.rose-
' we* attended by Fred Wellnigton of Sas- '6104, assisted the bride and groom to re.,
meet on. Tuesday, June 20th, at 8 Park nia. Mr. Atrf R. Rennie, played the wed- '.ceive the 'guests, misses. 'Vera. Wilkhai;
at the home of urs, 0. W. Wotsell, ding Much.' and 'during the signing of 'Amy Mair and Edna'rell, prettily dressed
Keays St, miss' Vsther Mime will sum- the register Was Xlarrlett Murray sang, in green; yellow and blue, served the wed.
.mariXe a chapter in the study Book,. 1 Love You 'Pruly.r.- The ushers 'Were ding supper to the- sixty guests: .• The
Services at the Baptist church on D. Cameron, $entizatt' %Tog, zwdod bride- ehose AS 110 going away costume,
Sunda June 24th
• 0,user-BruCe.±-0000'41forle e'S,• rose crepe gaze e, 'rose p c ure
,ston ,and R. Patterson. Mr. .(1coStew- _hat, grcy crePe,,---coat-' with: -grey '
-art:- Plied; Goderlch,. -..deCorateathe}.-trimmiuga, and". grey aceessoees: After
,and home" for the 666a*nd a honeymoon trip to 'Toronto, Ottawa
Guests'1,-,1-ii'ref,reOPtsrvilelezl!-Wii.friktrial.-11r7?rtrnaltli'aiattild47theeciui;i4,10nsleirr;s1Pitino*'n 4thhee'svilloaornal:?;
Arm In East • wawancsh.--- Gustswere,present from 'bungartuot;*.ritioknoV, Bei
grave,' Blyth, Guelph; Stratford, Exeter;
pastor, W. T, 13unt, as follows: 10
Bible„School; 11 ELM., go'Spel service,.
'Laborers Together With Christ,",. 7 p.m.,'
continning the series of Elijah, The
-WIdow's Untailiariv.tearundoir
. Services • at victoria street United
(Church (M-- Sunday, .June 24th, will be
conducted by the pastor, Rev. P., Vir.
,Oraik, as follows: lo aam, .E4rnday
-Samar 11 an subject, Plower Sunday
wiU ,be observed, 'special service -of -bap-
tism; 7 P.in.,--Mreatr-Hymns of -Christian
• 'rhe annual oresb_yjery. agenid_of the
yotii people of the United cburth wlfl
be held on Saturday, June ° 23rck at the
new ,StuMner_ School siteth --
north of -ooderieh. An • afternoon o
sports will begirt ,at p.m. Following
the pass.around supper a vesper service
will conolUde the ploniei'..-t0” ViZeti all
the yOung people are bitted -
Services at.North street "United ebnreh
on Sunday; June 04th, will be conducted
* the pastor, Rev . watti, as golp'
./bii,41 10 am., Men's Chih: 11 a.M..
speeial Masonic. Service. Maitland Lodge
-,%vm attend (Wine 4erVIPP'
Warth .street United. church, The
pastor wlli preach on "Tonga ,Buildjng,"
3 p.m., Sunday .schoo4 7 ,tho poster
will preaeh his farewell sermon.
larga,nUmher OeoPle 0."4,0121''
selveS Of:the OpPlOttUnityJOIStietipica,.•
-sant ho Or or two at •aaltfOrd'Ilelghts-
and; attended the "garden tea ...Sponsored
by the W.:M.12t. 'iof • Itnox-PresbYteriatt
Church ork 'Thursday aternoon, -June
14th. Wirs, s. Bissett, a. Walter
and Mrs.; Albert Taylor,' welOoteed the
guests .and IVIr4 D. IWOLtati arid, Min
124', --AtteNicsir Were -jet* -hoitessest_ essited
by young, 4titiet of the thurch.
1136-it4es Ir.no*,, Vresbyterian churOh
ant, Sunda Y,T Jtuitr-2.4th; -win be r onducted
4S, tOnOtIM: • 10 aan.; SundaY Sciiool and
r Bible Class ; 11 a.m., net, A, Cordon,
4%/tacrherson, 4.A..• of Listowel,
reach, 7 nalm, Members the 1,airiti
Orange :Lodge of Goderich and 'other
amolate Orange' 'organizations -Will Icor.'
ship with tile 'congregation; Pet', 0.
'Ar.aePherson- preacfp,Br D
the SerVieeS at 'Itnox
Presbyterian ittirell, Listowelf on Sun-
day. ,
North Street United chtutlx voti
nrettihr ,doorated On Sunday :Morning;
411110 "17i. *hen '461- tongregeton- and the
undaY School united Servicee tet,observa
Plower SundaY. Large Oti
OeonieS adorned 'altar and 'organ; While
struOr hOtuniet-s sumMer :Orden
flowers Were Artithged fr,Mt' ef the
'pulpit. A tiurnber or canaries- In thetr,:
cages were 'hung through the trOnt of
the Chtirch which added' to the bettitY
well' „as to the. Ikvve
•SheardoWn, Warrener, -
Eleanor Johntton; Dorothy 11**ter. icon.
dente ThotupstM, seated -aeoldt'ot Pink
trel* ttPer, rebreSente4:1.0-ses: decorating
the pulpit-plattotro.- --Mt 'WM, Meglilatia'•
Mr, C. Itobetteori.tendOtted the war.
threaipcb'aerv1tat' il‘ritenrt;'' t:talsPv\oap•rtie. *:selSrrmoila;*:
bal)04 on °One Thing" Thou :Reetlest.,*
He 'spoke partieularlf tolhe etildrenand
the youtg people. Little Mls3
Moss sang a solo the service,
tegutow meettna, Ktunz charch
WO, hekr 'on Toes!..h* .st
Attend:4feet ithe -A,
tionat riodulYlwatill* ttke'-jerti bY, MrsMtesn Mx* .
warokibt, Toil; sot, MrL
nod .0* de
held last Week At tieltforti freights wu
given, the IltsOteed* behit aUfkient
e• Awn- rneeribeteofirkis Irsot
ttfAdit aint the group Were,
1arty or thank* by the lire
it) *cater!, VA* Urnett,,fl
Wit to estahliak •
In the„AtntrilAry Where itteratttte
avalla* all thus* to the nsbst
theca lett Thmop 1* pap*
to ilk
ampbeil Lauder. "Dunlop
Smart washable crepes 4o,paitel shades, includ-
ing the popularithite,iri. Suits and. , Drei
sses a full , .
range of siies, fOni
•Fianne! Coats•
Irivream polo and ,,flannel
lin0 and unlined. stnart:
skitts are
plain tailored:
linty iltyles 4reats,,,,
sites 14 to 20, at
for every merri6r� ti
family. All wool suits a
•theloweit pri4z itito
l'ardt Mitchell, Bronte.__Ssirde. -GueiPlv
and St. Davids.
' The United Church, Wardsville, ,the.
altar banked, with mauve and yellow
iris, Was the seene, of a charming June
wedding, when Mary. Margaret. only
daughterTbrthe late Ur, and MM. Bert
bride' -107 Earl keutch.,_ -wry_ toil of Mt.
i Her-
bert Purdy 01 Wardsville; became the
ree--Milet-antt101 'Xarry iteufch, of Rodney,
r Rey: G. r.tt, Watts of.Gotterrch, presided.
The iredilbltr' aalSiO was PliYed by ,Mrs.
Cady of Toledo, aunt or the, bride. put=
' en in raarria*,§y..her_uncle,_ Mk. Avery
or strathroy, . the bride Was lovely In ,it
traar-length *late taiee gown, large , white
hat, white 4ippers' and isliwes.., Her
shower bouellet was Johanna Hill - res
wflh 417, of the valley and tern.” The
bridesmaid, Missgatherine lteuteli, sis-
ter of the groom, chose' a ffeiilti or pole.
blue taffeta with matching ateessorres
044 carried' pink roses. " Thi grzethlanan
was ' W. istele, and the ;pliers' Went
Clayton Watts of tIoileileh; and , )4rtin
'Rua_ pt. Rodney, During -the' -signing Or
-the-: Tegister-,t-mrsa.. Marguerite - rizrdy.
,ILZC3tc-.7or Strathroy, Sang "All - Joy
Be Thfne," owing the oprelriony a
.Ruitdtng Supplies
Fresh Lime arid Cement .
Fonnditiou.:and 'Cement Work
or Speclatliy
ilittarlitgar Mis;;71'
See �:new-
aprint in
r- ,Ootirear.
grer, I4ue, b1onde;.
brown, .and black, outdo in ties,
iltinVer koieS and 1tri.1*
1,041 ..maderately priced.
We' invite you to s-11,oiat
Vt. Bern'sShoeOtt
Ott THE SQuiltt dm:out:ton
Mr, and Mrs. Eeg. Thompsonr of
-troit were week -end visitors at ;the home
Of Mr. arid `Mrs.- -F,tarvey,'PiSher, •
ra;rold Carrie and-Iittle
.daughter, et Detroit, were Week -end
gueS Carpenter have
oitaittaainf tahnedirmrparnts'
• retum:14agtit
month's..,ohl:aeation at
Mrs. TX. Sockett- and Mrs. •of -
Mount Forest. 'haye been, guests at the
home, of 'MrS, H. C, Dunlop, triton -111a
Samuel Red and daughter Evelyn
and Mr., -,Peter Cook,, of Ashfle4, were
guests at Mr. and Mrs. R. T. 'Phi/lips last
Sunday. '
,Mr. and Mrs. --Elwin -Rutledge- and -son
_Eugene, and Mrs. Rah _Theitipten "-of •
,Detroit, Were guests -recently rith Mr:
I and Mrs. R. J. Rutledge:
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Rivers were at
Stratford on Friday attending' the fun-
eral installottiymr;clu., beeodrf,cweedzirt, rsdpitrwrooindortanithog,was
- mr, anCIVIrsi, Wm. Phillips, et
.Manitoba, .11Od,
gins, of Stratford, visited with Mr, and
Mrs. lr T. ,Phillips on WedneSday,
Miss M. K. MeCorkinclale, superinten-
dent of the :Alexandra Marine and Gen-,
month's vacation with relEktiveS in the
wateatiItternopsproitva.leftinices. this *wenk for
Elwin Rutledge and:son_
tir Detroit:W/19 have been vlsitini friends
in Goderieli; were guests of Mr. firullgrs
'ilarVerri-sher,- Of Oarlow, before return-
ing to their home. '
Atts, (lievi) J. W. Bowerrng„ of Win-
nipeg, is the guest of her sister-in-law,
,Mrs. R. T. PhlIlips, and Mr. Phillips of
East* street, and her aunt Mrs, 'Henry
Newgate street...
The Many 'friends Mr. tom Pritch-
ard will be pleased to ',tee htm In 'town
again, Mr. James Ittfaclricar. bat
reeintly • returned from London, 'Where
he had been recelytng treatment, mot-
ored to London early lit the week, bring-
ing TOM heine With hint. ' •
and MO. John Routlitre, Of
• Your\ hist 'sChance
'resh Ground Coffee ictiLt.„
With every purchase Of each pound of Coffee FriClay'-
aTternckin from 2 o'clock till 6 o'clock a beautiful
Sherbet glass will be _given -absolutely free...
e, 0 .on rea ,
preaehed---in-tates,-Presbyterlau church
on 'Sunday afternoon:
Mr, and -Mrs. Jos. Scott itncl miss
-_,Scott, -near- Pin --River, spenrSunday-
with Mr. and Mrs.- Albert Alton
•---ivo-OXtend--;:yur-hearty tongratiastions
to, ,Mr., and Mrs, Thos_ Ferguson for a
long,' happy and prosperous married life
And: we welcome7,-Mrs:-Wegtitor..-- -to our
- Next Sunday June 24th Rev. Mi...
Tavener -will preach his farevielr serrnon.
He leaves for his new charge in, Kent Box 59 S.;ratford (tonne, F.i'gu
County on :Tuesday. We are sorry to see
ist Rev. Mr. Patton, from Bentnilier, will
commence his duties here. -
--nail,- are Ylsitingoyer the week -era -with
. .
their daughter„ lift Jos. 'trophey, Arici
Ivir, and Mrs.,Otchard Wickens and 0111-
(104i. Ritchie and Bobbie; or Toronto.
*tit the latteris sister, grit, /..grophoy.„
%re; and 'Atm. di S. Litt. Ur- and Mrs.
W. J. tilt, .of Oodetieli, Was pit'iner, and
Mr. Rink,. ot, Toledo, itumded the, gra-
duation exercises at Meborield ' that,
Guelph, on lorlday, when MN Algae
1 Litt, graduated. ,
--- TOP -NO4V11-- - -
.bred. by RP Goverrunent 'approved •
males. •You can see them grow,
-White Leghonis -tarred-Itooks,--White
Rocks, Wyandottes, 874c. 1- week 2b
more, 10 days 3c.
Durham Cornstarc
Princess Fia
Choice Corn
Choice Red
Togs of Iast
year tor you
look like ne,
another aeasor4
,T t t
di** 'yoit ' heir, 01 *nue bright,energotie0
out person, the ,prime of Me,. being
thethed th6 ,*atit of their tett:014es by
breisltaawn, ,
utrea lie we leaa, the late hours, the **tit
rest and the stress of business ate all
bettor's '
8 .es"the disturbing e*ne sbon1d be de -
1* tb4rinelpienty and the nervous syatem
y tit* nee ot *
luso* *sr bo worts&
Ufftlsootto, Ont.