HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-05-31, Page 8..4 Tt$10*. Warr BOWLING SEASON OPENS j 'Pe� le 77()zi, irt" tzeit. raitttano 0111toit *OW*, e to. `;-..laarat la* • :zuquiviet. 't.tivst spot. "tilrho Taka MI* 4, the rk A ' . 'I/tete:013 Day ,ntatked tile ,PtKultut ,of . , . • , Lla )4.01 lIoWling . CIO for the 04000„ . . . , o,nd althnugh a, cold windpiede itAwe'S, ,MOrc.,,IhWthit',Antiti.,allotli" '. ',.• ,,'.'••• . ' : ' ' . inept • ef; Olothing,.' :tWerititthirif...rinki, • , p3.rticipatcd in the elf;Sas,' , . . them, fifteen'. rinkse,Were• of ,040q4' players, thio :Our came -fro)* Ktn ' • ''' .cordine, tam from Wingitatti. one. fiord $eaforth and"crui, trout lItiosels . En,. , t • '•(‘-,.. a rivAleei. *UM:40X16a4* Tent laiit; Week 14. Detroit. gip (Alto Moro. of Teronte, was era Nisiter at heirhome here., Mt5& '17(kt.),;02.t * her ••,home. • Ur. rnest Pritchard, of Toronto; • spent', .ibe, week -end with. ',friends in 'f•O' : • Fart siiiO4sOf 'Perente., aka the week -end with his father AO. Plunk. • • Mr, ,00iin Uunter of Western. Vat- versiti, is sending the vacation with his mother, Mrs. A 0. HUriter. Mrs. n; R. Lennon and lvi:N4 Munro have returned to Ooderich, after spend- ix)g the winter scaeort at flantilton. Mrs, if, 0, 'tiinciair and: WO* Bruce, who,, have been Visiting gro. tel; havereturned to -their home at coP- r. MeSsrs. WIIlIaxn and Edward Lacey, of aotreit,--Attended the funeral vet 'their uncle, the late John Limey, on Monday afternoon. • vir, Alex. MaeVicar,--.WhO has been at- tending Western University, has re- turned to his home here. to spend his summer vacation. Mrs. Roger Bone, St. George's Cres- cent. .jeft this Week for Quebee where thusto,srn 'kept all players busy Until a We hour when the witmers, were an.° notrn,ced as: ist, P. ritalett. and J. IL. tauder, Ooderieh: dtiti, A. Downing and ..IL Zan, IIrustels; 3rd, ,Xerthew rtud " Pers, X Icineardine; 4. X. Crawford • , end D. Rae, l'Atingliamt Atli,' T. Toler • and lkie,k'PritaleY,, Cioderiett. ' • ea••••• 11111,01. the month of WEDDINGS answer the Gift Question. BY SHOPPOC:10 AT CoWs Sookstoie- 744mmairommumarim144444.44444444,4444414 she will sail on Saturday on the Empress' of .Australla ter Engliind to spend the summer. . Col. P. H. Lainpand• Mrs. 'Loing, of Windsor, have. taken up residence at Cherry Gate. Cottage for the summer and have asitheir guest, Mrs. Laing% sta. ten. Miss Bensen. Mr. A. NieliblSon" and Mf."- and -Mrs. Itir,urObY,- of -Stoney Creek; -hate been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, A. Campbell, East et Mr, Michelson --mrs. Campbbll's father;- and - Uri Murphy is asiiter. . , - • • YOU'LL NEVER REG RET YOUR VISIT TO OUR STORE' DURING THE VISIT OF . . . IVIL S. MILLE -ic,pfeSent ni Royal York- Clothes on aturday, June 2nd No chance for you to lose when you buy- Royal York Clothes. Come in during this expert's visit, have him measure you for a Suit or Topcoat, you ' will always appreciate. The Finest of British Woollens -"The Finest of Trimmings • , ---The Finest of, Workmanship • Makaoyai Yoric_Ciothes Your -Clothes A. CORNFIELD • ILOCALAGENT FOR ROYAL YRKCLOTHING - PHONE 4 8 • ON THE SOOARE • roc to Ha." Dominion Day .Coilstbriltion Commiueeg7for :AO 1g are FunvtoningZm�otMv • • , o There is Possibilic3t ,thikt. the Vilirt Regitnent With head 11,irters •att !Mottos, will,'he• Ootierieh *for, the Dominion Day lelebriOlon• • .1.Col; Cameron; 'oilicer eomnianditi the Siffin regitrieitt and Capt., Shaiv, Ono of his offietra, Appeared, hefore the tom.. • tnittct in charge of the arrangements session at the town on Monday eVening. "MO --28t11, - The proposal Avaa fully iii.scussed and, the two officers 'left to attempt to complete arrengementS • with Military . Headtiliarters "At London W.sinooth ou arrgeritein14,111 regiment 'at hoe, Members of tile Committee are static -,oVer -the 'PrissibilitY of -the Men coining here:as the town hits pleasant recollectiOns of the visit paid bv the unit toGoderith two years ago. A high spirited grOup, their soldierly demeanor While in our midst won them. many friends. ° 44 Will be the nature of a summer camp, the nnit probably arriving on'Sattirday morning, June soth, and remaining untillbe folloWirig Tuesday4 lVfeanwhile ether plans for the Observs alive Of Dominion Day are well.acivanc„ ed. -It the .oldiers cone ..they. will OnIY- • . . add to the gaiety of the occasion, the regtilar planned--PrOgrPt net -liana In,. terfered with. There will be .thphilexergs_at, tractions, calithmnplan- parade, floati and all that goes to make a real dal" in Gioderich. - The baseball teams of the. Huron - Perth league will play in the morning and in the afternoon a, regular field day of baseball, Three gantes.A`n. I scheduled, the winner - of the first two contests to play off for the champion- ship -of the day in the third genie. Meetings of the committee will be staged every° Monday evening until the event is over. Committees are functioning under the following heads: Children's, sports,' H.1 T. Edwards, R. Sionehouse; Parade, Colin. Fred Seabrook; Advertising. G..1.3, Parsons, E. R. Wigle; Decorationg Com- znittee,,,„G. L. p_arons4:w.„.„Viaser„...ned Johnston, Chas. Wurtele; tprivileges, L. L.. _Knox,- Con :- Sproul:- Pinance, Humber; Octagenarian Club, T. G. Con - on, A -Porter, H. .R. Long. 'Mayor 0. Lee will act as chairman of the whole coriunittee. • • 14h;der Se*1411.0 or plOyment for:. Thos* Oat o niorsels too, Xello407S, Rite Kr*spiee have, a delightkitaste-appeat A trtthewhoje' Stunily." So crisp, ther crackle 'and POO In cream: • • All the nourishment 6f. wholesome rice; Light and easydgest,----Ideafjor brealrfast 0r, lunch.. Fine for the children's supper. Always oven -fresh in the patented • "prier warm= bag. Made by 1e1lggh London,Ontario. 0, 11 • Mr. and Mrs, Wm. /min and son h been- -visiting-wethls----eit-wmr and Mrs. R. T. Phillips, East street The Ladies' Aid of Zion church Tay- lor's Corners, will ltold, their regtilar monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Lorne Rodges, Huron Road, on Wednes. day, June 6th, at 2 o'clock. • /1.••••••••••....... • • • • 4.01•01•011111111•101•11.10141, • Let Us Clean Those Spring Togs of last • yearlor you The • • eriew for another --season's • wear. • • vioommit'S French Dry Cleaning Works • Nun. ST.,90.9•91.199919,89.99999,, • t/nmPlOYed .e*-ZerViee men',..1011 tereStect.,to.kow 4.the OUP* 'the'zpe*''' -.Kleenex 0. 220,, boneilt resniting from the recut, conventien of • 'the •ia*a4iar tkontIg Ottawa and ti•te subseonent fice, ' vagronP;$1.14•11". terviliw4 tif Legion °Metals' with reproetivei .of the Dominion Ooveminent. As a reStilt. Of these et a A numbe of ek-zerice cage already 'been Owed u positions throughont the eoun, bid A man need. not be tk. menther ot tt,*51 Lecolon• th.order to secure 1,136, piiyi- eges. Ire must, however, register his, ,nalna and, Certain Particulars with.Legieli officials, - • • . Ift, Order to faeilitateAkieWork of istration invitations have been .e,ctentieti to an intereSted men to call at the Legion rooms Meting 0114.111he--1,,,t. at 8 p.m„ bringing. with them particu- lars of serviee, At that time, -the plan will be explained to tbeirt. It in expected that all Men not per- manently employed will register. 1.145NS VISIT .1dKARDINE Inteniew Citizens There In Inttrests of CrIPPle4, Clifidreles Work - AS the result of effOrts on the part of:, Cuter Pr ePar atiOn) 71.10 ta O0 , telarrig'tefte;‘gbnalth: NiCoth Balis,, Moth 13 a, g's, Sodium FI4Oride, Di chjQri- dde. )4! cre()Jine, —25c • Lavorts..... . 25c,49c, 89c „ . Wairipole's Milk of An-, nesia Liquid .25c 50c , The same price everywhere, ...........19.999991199909419991,10.4.,,reammina‘rowpwanamaaa r$ t Aid Fland.:T4pe; tin 25c 7. • aoptRicit local Lions, it is probable that weft, among the efipplect children -of -HMO County. will be given an impetus. :Messrs...Ham Edwards, -II.- °riff, -A. L, Cole, Robt. Johnston and. F, E. lilb- bert jcurheyed if.incardine Wednes- day.evening_ and interviewed-seTerril--of the prominent citizens of that commun- ity, outlining the work carried on by the Lions Club in Goderich arid elsewhere. The Kincardine men were impressed and will call a meeting* there to discuss • p." -ns. It .1s not known* w ether ranch o d ervice club will be formed or whether the work will be carried on, Obituary JOHN LACEY', Aribther highly esivined citiven °Pour $ service in„ the.' person•oi 1.0ace3‘ who died on Priday night it the twine of his daughter, Mrs. Leo Qiiishctira; with whoni he resided. far, Lacey, who was in his 82nd year, was born near Benmiller. He farmed most of his life on the farm communty---ha itig by sone present organization. It has been suggested that Lions Club funds must be running low as an inter- ested citizen observed the missionary party, returning late at night; laborious- ly pushing Mr. °riff's car around the bend above the Saltforcl 1/111. When they reached the point -where the far. would toast they all piled in and pro- eeded yypirsp.... to_gaitrord..._ . !. • insirettreAL SOCIETY TO 1VIEET It has been announced that there will 8e -a meeting of the Ilisterical 'Society in the town hall on Tuesday evening, June he now occupied by his son-in-law. •-Mrs, Macey dired-f-Some-yearage,-He was -a - devout member of St Peter' 4z R. C. church, and was held in high esteem by *4P 1ref11111., TWO dall_b,terA au iV ve, Mrs, chiSholin and -Mrs. Joyce, of Chatham. The • funeral was held on .Monday morning from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chishobt to lilt Peter's Church where Requrem High Mass was sung by Rev. Pallier tawerY, . Six grandons were the pallbeatete. lntermentwas made in Colborne R. Q.- eemetery, JOHN O'CONNOR' • The -death octurred on Monday of John Mannar, As.hfield Township, in his 821id Yer. • He wan sett, of Ifr, and 1 :Urs. liartholornew O'Connor, and was Ora ',In c*Oan frow2whip. Aboot 56 years akfo lie mVedto A.sittield, near Et. gitstinelincLiiad lived -thee continn- misty sine.' gi Was an esteemed citizen and succeastut farina°, a, pest member. Of---tyl, HOW -Name. Society,. -felow mem- , hers of this society forMed- a gtiard of I. honor at the entrance of the church at the funeral,which was held Wednesday twining at Kingsbridge Roman Catholic chUreh; 'rather ‘McCardle * and Vather PagnettLformerpastoriot 6tAuguit1ne •!churh, were In the sanctuary Va,ther Gaffney, of i St, A tine, preaehed the . ' funeral- service. e • Pallbearers were Messrs.• -go. AleXander, Wm ,„ Amstrong, Chat, ..RobinSon; Prank, Deereaux, Dalleh- ael ivitirphy. land Wm, BOW.' Interment was made in.' the .Kingsbridge U. ' C. emetry. • .. 1 : HERE'S' t164, WE DO 1T ---WE BUY POO, CASH.. WE SELL POR CASH -440 --EXPENSIVE POCTURES—tASE TO BASKET SELLING— NO• PUSS OR ,PRILLS .„ • itRING. THE.. CASH—MONEY TALKS ORNCILAiED SUGAR, 10 lbs. BREAD,. Wilke or Whole Wheat OTT Ri-'etioice-Crea*ery; FREE • °GERI E S Big Baskttt EN FREE ATURDAY ,,Naw mow o pow whkik w* t� *to oiswew 1#40 SAMONE Moor tlealtast.Notishyg is toterbaos WEDDING; • AtaoM4irinfit4vfelirEE . A quiet wedding Was soleninied on Eaturday,-May, 26th,, in the vestry of Noth; street Alnited church When •ollite ane, daughzer Of Mr and Mrs. Janies .NfelitPe; Was foined inWedlock to Frank Mfrth,ur.' one orthe best known young. hushiess men in tioderieh. Ity. O. T. Watts olnelated 'at the. eetmony, at Whieh MO the iiiimediate relatties =of the ridand grOmil•-were pr'esent. Ate; teritling the :couple *ere ,atr. and mks. toward McNee, brother- attit astershi. lilt( of th6' bride. ne beide JonIced ianiThIn a navyhlue tallOred dress With Oat to Matth; grey hat and.tnateh- IAT ikoteMOrieS, Ms. Mat* was gown4 ed tu grey with black hat and torsageof roses: and sweet peas.. The horde Of the bride's iparents n Britannia Road was 0;1t-* tet: tlie-eCPtieric Wait given *Ito tbe ceremony. and lilata *Oa used profuselY, giving a delightful effect of spring„ After their tieheYhfoOtt •ttIP the „young, -couple wilt, reside in dotterich. Mr* lipta.Arthur Is grattuatt trotonto :Otneriittospital, and has been residing in that city tor setae WO. MAITUND.GOLF CLtitt OPENS. 1934-$1:A40N top nth. oilitf lifeinbOi-*IttentilAlt ° *004 00atartieit „ • ' gendla turnout tilt tnerimers and ttlends„ made the .opening day 4.: Ntattlatut' Galt May 24th, *Of to be tetnetinbOe(1. tn Otte ea, bitter Watt vtbith Wept the Vette Weenie *Aka Wert �d Walt wellPattholsad. We* O44141letit Ithrtta teablted and' attiornoon, apootttoa thittle ken. brbOt elkettlae in the Ot}en Mr 'lent to the etteni004it tea Ithieb. Vet .14 the ehib beast *tote it UM** Mr �o; Viltitort* And 0,004444 byaetrat - eitaaboNtit,444ba,411hitt Al** 11$ thal 44411,0C*0* St.* va. *It* altht$101 )404 taasty *tog. 5th, At 8 pm. It Is intended to make. larrangeinents o in the con tn ..rOarding faith* over the ne* rooms in the public Lib- rary buildillz and an invitation is ex- tended to an intereated citizenstobe present • , • • USE `cSUPERT T• " GAS and OIL • AutvE AN OIL CHANGE AND COIVOLETE GREASE JOB urnirtEYOU WAIT. Try Our Expert Service.. • Supertest Servie. t-at!up F. A. ',Wet, Phone 242,W. Goderich 41,•9•99kommismorammaaemannuanom*amommainamomononm, MILLINERY! THE -LARGE HAT* tells a new, fashion story in stunraei ety and pia will find 0, stunning collection in ont.. new • Strain, 'Crepe and Mohair The Hat or the Seasen to flatter-, Ing and becoming, attractive in style and eelbr, and trinintingn• effecte are good•. •Ali MOderatel.V BERZ,TBP:ite:.,:SjCivaPS atid Alt. LHa YOU are cordially invited to Sped' 'enStock., • -• • , , Miss M. R...Madticar • KINGSTON St, •BEDIVRO BLOCK , in. Pins, box4 39c ArMand Face Powder, 0.50c Nozema, 2SC for. • LiSterine Tooth Pte 250, small . ; • Black Leaf 40, i oz.. 7 .3 Fhns, Develapi'ng, Printing. e Straw Hat Dye. Colorite, • 30c Vaseline, Blue Seal, 2 OZ. BUY DRUGS AT THE. DRUG STORE - Campbell - Wigle DRUGGISTS' Lauder' uuttiop "i". • . t ' • ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs, 0, L. Parsons announce the engagement of their daughter„ D.4ary Caven, to William. Pattison Telford, Jr., son- of -Mr. and- 1VIrs.-Win. P. Telford; of Owen. Sound. The wedding will take plaee in St-George'S Anglican church, Goclerieh, on June 30. , Mr. and •Mrs. Robt. P. McCabe, ot- Goderich, announce the engagement of their. eldest, daughter, Bessie Irene, to Harvey Alton, only son Of Mi .and' Mrs. Herb Alton, of West__Wawanosh, the marriage to take' place early In June. Mr. and. Mrs.' L. R.,. Bender, of Nia- -„gara-Fallis,-spent- a few4days-tir-town-last week, the -guests - of Mt; and' Mrs. Wm. ,oraigie; East St, • • MIN III FLUFFY AMR& grown this year from WILT-RESISTNT Seed are so labelled.. geat • boonto 'Ater Adria:MM.' 71,--y- pent: • The new ANNUAL CARNATION is magnificent, equals those grown under glass, and blOom.s 'till late Autumn. svcrimr AND HOT ,PEPPERS are very healthful and as easily grown as tome - 'toes but hi much less space. STEWART BROS. sENmiLLER NURSERIES • Phone Carle* 235 • 111,11111111111111111111111111- ARE you CONFUSED I BUYING CHICKS1 Let- -our--myriad-customers deeicle, „ for you. They've been through • the mill and now, TOP 'NOTCH CHICR$ live up to every guarantee Flocks headed by ROP Giwernment ap- proved males, hatching eau aver- age 24 ounces and over per dozen. Sound, healthy, producing chicks. We book orders as received, do not delay. armed, Itoek.s White Rocks and Wyandottes; 10e. „ Started, Chick's, 10 days, '2c more. Pullet% —Top Notch Chick Hatchery „ sTEAT1ip4D (formerly Fergus) BoX 59 ,29 Ontario St. Phone 1'257 Pee our new footwear" for spring in grey, blue, blonde, brown and black, made in ties, pumps, gores and straps. Our lines are very attractive (Ind Moderately priced. We invite, pvti to shop at W. Hero's Shoe Storel, ON THE SQUARE-GODERICH .414Numvawromom, . • . ' A pi,eptiratioiiihaa6en found that will POSITIVELY restore grey hair to its NATURAL COLOUR in .3. short time. It is • , • ANGELIQUE GREY .HAIR RESTORER And it is NOT. A DYE, It acts' through the isiocess Pigmen- titaktic7, ,, In th.e Hair Ceila out,ard, an d will not discolour the PRICE .$1,00per bottle MONEY BACk GUARANTEE • We guarante'e that it will 'estore Grey Hair to it's NATURAL COLOUR (providing you are not over sixty years of age) or your money *evil' be refunded. •• TO keep the hair and scalp Clean use . • ' . AN*GgliKIVE SPECIAL SHAMPOO PRICE 25c perbottle For sale • hottenrac:pe ed 8 8 81 8 4,4 44i4444 44444444444'4 4441 •t•vs77-- MPBELVS DRUG STORE • r. DON'T EXPERIMENT PLAY SAFE • '' . • " al Warden of Huron 'County Eight Years Municipaj gxperence. Va Conservative Committee Rooms West Forneriy W. C. SatoI's store Phone -570 lake sure Revision sittings or erich 41.41,44,Ar.,..4,-,.,....,0-,1.,..,..,:a •. 00,,i1,4 -.,:..4,,,,-X,,, . ,,Ott...6MUIXet--"14.4,:,4441.1r..,4 -I iVrif.(,,...1,. , , ' '" '' SOA1111, lit . ,„:., ,,,,t,..1'...: ',-."'„ ',.1",',!.', , ,#J-44.: -,,, ,, ,:".,,-4.i- . ""44„,Z,A4„,r.e...13r„-';',,,tr4., e It on the list sts may