HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-05-31, Page 5o
l a*Istrate haS' :Reld• '+i �+�bt�rt .#ono
-mutes .to he 'bury both„•;1'n it/Oder-10h and
in other eentrea. h the CQunty..
Walter;.; Marl end'rieli aPPet rel1 oni May
' 25th to4 an*Wer to • a charge of driving
While 'under :tlie influence of liquor •, id
COA!t °M' t ExcumuoNS
at Teales drilving > t4 *Walt Of an AO*
eident Which . his. Mother. Ittra. 1/4
144 Kendrlcb .44 Detroit,. attatrdned -.
'tout As Mrs. 140.4.Xendr°leh;
was Still iit°`4,I2pWi , the c was d
Mtint im e- iso.
' " p
fine. poby Crew At;
neat' Holmen. ' at M e Vii' C
rtBeU" , . egos °
*hick. it Oen- rted that;•%,4%,
ing' the 'head of 'hb house. is respon
t • was actions, Was: sett .
favor et the Cro'Wn Attorney. The point
was°raised' As a result pt. Mrs. 'Bell's
ling' liquor, .•while her husband looked.' onn
but did net handle It- him self. Bell
was remanded 'tor sentence,
'high McCebe, Goderiich Township
farmer, who walked into' court lest week
and. ;inquired if he was wanted, Only ttt'
find that he was loon ';.to, ;be very Xnuehl
in demand,',' got off scott free n when has
wife ;Called',to press the ohargo He was
ad isecl. by. . the, Magistrate: to.:.,be, more.'.
gentle in, his handling of his Wife, path-.
erwise a stiff Jail tear- was in prospect.
Mrs. •McCabe vas_ sporting, a black eye
when She laid the charge .a week age.
�--�-^^ -- Hari old Kaitting, a Goderich, trucker,
Paid a•fine for failing to carry a reflect-'
- - •e• tri
-�or�i�r�ris�►ekliol �t t --wort . ... a :.wore- .
severe penaltywhen he: was male to pre- ,
duce bit:: of • driver's . license whichl
had:' accidentally been Pit through the
washing machine when his wife washed,
his overalls; Naturally, he had not been
able, to produce the card when asked to
_by _the tramp ofilcer_ He received a re,
fund • of one dollar 'on. his three -dollar
fine when he Was paid for taking the
ashes, out of the magistrate's office .cel -
fop eaoh Person toyyttrist sleep- ' lar '
ing oar* accommodation"inlay1
bct �aea etta,t�modation "i y. May29th,th.
Seaforth court on Tuesday,
r !la�,,ar rates. ' prove�°°brtsy one also with six men up
Going Dates,:
Return Limit 45 Days
QQni payment of a slight ad-
t)ltticnal passage fare chat*s
Stopovers granted at Port Arthur, Ont., on eight --Charges: A keg of beer, four
and alf stations west thereof men and a • lonely $farm zatise proved the
• setting for -'dark deeds, ending- up in a l
general fight. Nelson Clew, ,Hector
Chesney, Roy Pinkney and Robert Char-
ters were the four_ men and in spite -of ..
the fact that there does not appear to
have been an Irishman in the crowd a
good time was had, by all. The fines
and jail terms' meted: out to them ' all
Full particulars from any agent, or
J. M. SEATTIE, C, P. R. Agent,
God.erich, Ont.
_canada.n Pacific
-,but time won't , : 'COMB before the gift -time. is over, Accept
s`O i$ -s '.�." a ?o Toits� coma ro _ `I" Ifelet "Riib ist 11. _ '"
...oiar t�ifiv :f�-:'gr P e uBA.
izas .privileged us to "present it—in her Powder -Rouge Package -r -with
the purchase of her celebrated one dollar powder. A rare bes,tty
When you use these cosmetic masterpieces you will 'realize how ex-
quiCsitely beautifying; --how benefcial to yohr skin Helena Rubin4.
stein's pure -misty*fine pawner' and,glorious true -color rouge areal
How glorifying to your complexion
L.., Your choice of two flattering combinations ;
For brunettes: Rachel /powder and Red Raspberry rouge.
For blondes--Peachbloom powder and Red .Geranium rouge . Helena
Rubinstein has created both powdersin special textures for normal
• and oily, and for dry skid, •
Apply your make-up to a cleat' receptive skin.
Sallow Helena R ibinstein's ,First Steps "to Beauty: Wash
with Beauty Grains—banisheg blackheads, refines skid tex-
ture._ Follow with, revitalizing Pasteurized Face Cream (or
Pasteurized rase Cream . Special;)
Real Bargains
One New Gilson Snowbird Refrigerator (largo
size), regular price $248.00,. for. ' • $190.00
One New Gilson Snowbird Electric Ironer, reg.
ri .5
ce - 11 .00 fo>t .
One.New Gilson Electric - Empress Washing
,Machine, -reg. price .11.5.00,, for.... .... , , , ;9$$5.00
One New `Happy Thought Range with water- -
front, for.. , .. $46.00
Also, some second-hand Washing Machines and Stove ..at
Bargain Prices.-
We•, carry z full stock, of ANTHRACITE, BITUMINOUS,
For Plumbing, Heating and Tingmithing, try
'Phones:122 C
has. N
itpirior Stores
Stock -the \Cupboard Shelves Now and Save
Aylmer.. Golden Peaches Salves, No.
pesize . 15c
>r � tia.
- ��-dA lmer ^ CRUED � ti� Pineapple>w>� _
Aylmer . T�mato juice. fic
Aylrner ILIEV:::+i) Soup 3 tIDS'1.5C
y!mer'. -M� Cirrx•� s 2T i,SSQUAT 15c
�Amer Pumpkin
411ARG 4y1roer Toma#oes � ���3
2 tins 25c
►,uerr Cora
STYLE, 14 -oz, bot114c
NO.. 3 .SE1V.E_
mer eas
Choice, Seeded Riaisius p'kg. 15c
1u;e Boy Black' Tea vuEb. 45c
Merest Pttre r
Clar s Gaoe�
?lapag etti ' 1
►u�'ai-Y'ark ��o�'� T��/�I�
LYIN -CTT... Pli�nes 116 and 216
++tiV.1 AR1.lu'e '�
Campbell's DrugStore
22 The Square . , Phone 90
probably took , some of the` edge off their
enjoyment. A lady in the case gave, the
excuse for the row, as always. - -
Donald Dale and J, E. Willis were, the
two other men. They got oft, as it was
difficult to prove anything again: t them.
Another liquor case, ,
Miss Donna Armstrong spent Sunday
with her friend, Miss • Jean Robinson.
Miss Mary Million, of Dungannon, is
assisting in the home Of Mrs. J, Craig.
Mr. Bert Thompson is in Sarnia this
week as a ,delegate to, Conference.
Mr and 1VT'm George --Jefferson nd
daughter, of ,Cihituu, spent Sunday with
his mother; Mrs. C. Jefferson.
Mr. Graeme Symington, :it Toronto,
was a visitor with Mr. Geo. Wallace on
` May 24th.
Mr. Wm. Bush, of 'Toronto, was a
week -end visitor . at the home of Mr.„ W.
A. Campbell.
• Mr, Graham Chimney spent a few
trays last week with his brother, Her-
man, in Goderich.
• Owing to next Sunday *being Confer-
ence Sunday' there will be no church
service in Donnybrook: but the Sunday
school will meet at. 10.30 a.m.
Miss Marjorie Campbell has received
word that .her application to Stratford
General hospital 'has been accepted for
the 1935 spring class.
On Monday, May 28th, at his -home In
St. Augustine, an old and highly esteem-
ed resident` of this locality, M. John
O'Connor- passed ' away,- after a short
illness. He was in his ° 83rd year.
Messrs.. Cameron and Pete Jefferson
and the Misses Margaret, Irene and
olive Jefferson spent Sunday at the
home of their brother, Mr.. John Jeffer-
son, •Munroe, -
Mr. T. Cunnington and Miss Mary
and Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Ashby nod fam-
ily, of Toronto, Were ,Sunday visitors
with 11&Ir. and . Mrs, Chas. Robinson, 9th
line. Mrs: Ashby and children are re-'
maining • for • a week's visit. -
Mr. Howard Feagah is wearing a
broad smile these days:- a little girl has
joined the family circle,
- Mfrs. Alex. Barnby, of Hamilton, spent
the week -end with her mother, Mrs.
Thos. McPhee.
Miss Amelia McIlwain spent the week-
end with' her friend, Miss Eileen Feagan
•of. Vile:
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bean and family
spent Sunday with the lady's parents,
and Mrs. Wm, Addison, of Ldindes-
boro. -,
Miss Mary Addison., has returned to
her • home at L,ondesboro after spending
the past two months with her sister,
Mfrs. Dave .Bean. • -
greatnnuinber of our summer visitors
spent the week -end ttt�• their cottages,
here. •
Mr. aril Mrs, t rffiur coq, ai' Mc avii;
visited At the home of :Mr, Robert Boy
Sunday last.
Mr.. and Mrs, Ciarenoe Hoy, of Gode-
rich, visited the forthera patents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robt Hoy, of Fort Albert.
The members of St. Andrew's' .united
church, Port Albert, will hold`: a lawn
>rocia/ -on June §2nd,' Please keep this
date in „rind:
Miss 'L. McPherson - has debated. a 5out
159 dahlia 'bulbs .to the zr ein ers of the
Oedefle'S Horticultural Society 'in ffieM�:
•dry of Win. Coates. They Are„ $nicer-
laxly fate, • healthy roots and are ofex-
cellerit• varieties. Met:ibert dhsiringthezii
are requested to get in touch with Haiiry.
Hell) ter thma-. -Negk et. given tb-
Ma; a great advantage, . the .trouble,
-on a -it tuts-steurc -a fo0!hold, is stens its
grip ern ; the. bronchial passages tenacious -
1y. Dr..f. b. Xellogies AstlinfilitrittedS
1 it dall • b '
y erkefltiryg -rates- 'off, 'asthma -of
long stealing. Mears tri" tattering, how.
ever, Might .have been prevented had the
remedy been used when the trout* isita
C la Alza stages. Da hat gelled- arch.,
1.01.4 but. itse.this pr ttr* loA t out*.
tolatit wok
prevents blood
'Services - at- Victoria street . United ,
church will be conducted on Sunday,
June 3rd, as follows 10, a.m., Sunday
School; 11 a.m,, The Y.P.S. will have
charge of the service, Miss Mabel
Brownlee willire the_
D.'Moyer, of Preston, will have
charge of the service. -
-Services at ilaraic Presbyterian church -
on Sunday, June 3rd, • will be conducted
as follows: t'0 a.m., Sunday School and'
Bible Class; •-11 am., worship service, 1
Rev. John Pollock, of Whitechurch, will i
have charge* 7 .pm u : Rev..Mr, - Pollockr'
will preach. -Rev. D. J. Lane will preach
anniversary services at Calvin Presbyter-
ian church, Whitechurch, on Sunday.
Services at the Baptist church on Sun-
.day, -June 3rd, will be conducted by the
pastor, W. T. Bunt, as follows • 10 a.m„
Bible School; 11 a,m., gospel service,
subject,' "The Supreme • Example of
Humility." The Los Supper will be '
observed at the close . of this service.1
All members are urgently requested to
be present. '7 p.m., -subject, "Elijah, the
Prophet of Fire." -
Services at North street United. church
Sunday, June 3rd, will be conducted- as
follows: -10-- a.D1.; "Ment's: Q nb suliject;;?
"Which is the greater . Incentive, the-,
hope of reward or the fear of punish-
Ment." 11 a.m., worship service; Rev.
i. D: Moyer, of Preston, a former pastor!
of the church, will hive charge of the'
service and will speak on.. the interests
of . the Ontario" -Teniperance k'eaeration. I
3 p.m., Sunday School. 7 p. m., Mr.!
W. S. Bowden will give an address, by
request, on "Religion, Its Place and
The Baptist church was very taste-
fully decorated on Sunday fast When it
held its -anniversary services.„ Rev, G. I Mrs• A- G. ;MacDonald, and by Mrs. Grant Johnston, accompanied on
W. Sharman, of -Clinton, was _£he spe- I Murdoch MacDonald, which 'were great- piano by Mrs. Forbes Miller, wag an
tial speaker at both services. ° Mrs. King ly appreciated. A. violin solo by Master, standing number on the progran
and Mrs, Gale, both of Stratford assist-
ed in the service of song by contributing
solos, and ° at the morning service Miss
Leah Griff sang the solo of the anthem
and Mrs. Hamilton Clutton in the even -1.
tog. On Monday evening Rev. P. P. , W.
Ziemann of London gave a very inter-
esting and instructive lecture on "His
Experience in Japan." •
The regular monthly meeting of Knox
church Ladies* Aid was held 'on Friday, ;
May 25th. Mrs.' A. D. McLear. .press»
dent, occupied -the'' chair and conducted
the devotional exercises. After the bust.,
ness 'of the meeting was epne1Uded, a'
chorus by Mrs. R. Waiter's group alas i •
rendered, readingswere also given by '
ridgy, June
Faultless . tailoting of these exclusive materials
Frostolaine,Cre n
�►e�►laine, .and Boulaine
give to every Avon -Knit - garment that .added
touch of style, and beaUty beautyso much admired .1.)y
- every woman,
„ilei 11111
• COp�p'e
NI ; , u itl�i It
THE - ..._
A smart1,' tailored
three-piece Suit in
many .attractive col-
ors -with a --lacy
over ''in contrasting
shade, at
A beautifully com-
bined silk and wool
material in .t h r.. a e -
piece` ensembles with
_varied Necklines, and
lace pullovers in -
▪ c a n trastinl; cblors.-
Sb new:. -So" differ --
'i - erent to the knitted
wear of previous -
• .s e a sons. Werfec-tly
grand for informal
and bridge., teas and all sports, whether it be active ore -as
a spectator. •
Seethe new 1934 Styles at our Fashion Show,
Ire' t r sir bre Moderate -priced lines we are showing a
large range of
All VVOOl- Botany Suits
in dark and light colors, ranging from
$1O.95 to $14.95 per suit
out -
meeting, which was greatly enloyed by.
all, was brought to a close by the sing-
ing of the doxology.
el' IP
Air Your
iribr avrtsepric.
' kAV onm '
GENERAL 141 1118
C S .6 ' PHONE ` X23
•' s I n �II�1lII l
We have a nice assortment of,Suites in allover $853
Ontapestry`anc� Windsor.velvet, from Vup
1 Only combination Walnut -
Diningroom Suite, at $99.50
1 Only Bedroom Suite com-
bination walnut with butt
walnut fronts, reg. $225.00.
Sale price;. $150.00
Only 13edroorn -Suite , com-
bination -walnut, at $65.00
1 Only Tea ,Wagon, solid wal-
nut, regular - $22.00, at.. $16.50
1 Only Kitchen, Cabinet -in iv-
ory and greed, including 12
pieces _ of -aluminum, at • $45.00
,axwelI = Electric- , Washer,
vacuum type, reg. $159.00,
for .... .... ..$100.09
Occasional, Chairs from .. $5,50 up
Card Tables from $1,50 up
A number of Tapestry
27ins. x 54 ins., reg.
Sale price k
Cbfigole n Rage, drop
Special Prices..
p-atterns; at
A number of Table Lamps at 25 per
Cent. Reduction.
An assortment of Cushions at •
yz Price.
Many broken lines . 'and and. odd pieces
gteatly reduced.•
1 Second hand Reed Rocker' and
Table, suitable for cottage at a
A large assortment of V.erandah and Dawn Furniture on head.