HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-05-17, Page 1,CP.1ikho 1 ••• •.• • et aitland Ladies Plan Opener Arrangement!' Completed 4 434 Meeting for May 2,4"--;; .4colf,---aridgefrentL-Dance, About 25 ladies met at the, 'Maitland Golf 'Club Friday after110011, May 11, to elect officers for the year and to discuss items of business. The following` officers were elected for the year; Hon- orary president, Mrs. Geo. Williarai; preeldent, Mrs. C. A. Reid; .I.st vice-pre- sident, Mrs. T, M. Costello; . 2nd vice, Mrs. (Dr.) seceetary-treasurer, Mrs. " J. A. -.Graham; 'convenor social committee? Mrs. IVIcLaughlitt1 convenor house coin., Mrs. A. Coulthurst; con. tennis com„ Miss Margaret WatS0p; cap - Watson; 2nd vice -captain, Mrs. J. H. Taylor; 3rd viceeceptain, Mrs. T.- IL Mitchell, During the 'business (Mot's- oe, 11 Wab decided-tre-arontre Wednesday •afternoon' teas during July a1ij Angus' teee-Arealigainelite-Weire-firade- -feretheeraffloTterebelleriffit,--Ver nefirfitr radiii' events beginning at 10 a.m. Luncheon will be served at the golf club' ,house. In -the afternoon mixed competitions will. be held, with the ladies as hestesses for afternoon tea. A bridge and dance will be held in the club house et night. ' Giris'1Print Dresses In ell sizes frOrn 2 to 14. Smart new spring styles, all guaranteed east in color. A laige range to choose from at SCIIIAtheeat'S. OHAS. 0. LEE,The Hardware Store at „ - the Harbor. Phonea--Btore 23 honsa. Ieten FollepelltiOn Afar klacel .ifie tIt 1-tee$4 TOW %Me new ecettiPMent mrtedfer the betels -41 teera and 41111"Ba1oW hits been petting in a :geed 004 of tiMe at SHOULD STUDY LAW „thedialetead, getting some use Ottt of it Andeeletukelipeehe _materiel for thee tesaln., - "The. toWtt Council, aseeequested put" a 11171Fitick77-ToWniblerealfalreeftlighteellearer ",•• • • gang to Work in Agricatural Park Wei Saved Hintetle Some Money the result Vas a more even pleYing sure faee and repaired back stop; AbOut twenty-five midi:flat-es have Wed out Se farandsome interested practice game4 have resulted. * With the first seltedUled game. little more than a week away interest is run- ning high and competition for the places Is keen. • There have been. no leagne. meetings but there is a stirring threughout the towns of the league where town and vil- lage fathers have all 'been buttonholed by the clubs for better playing aecOm- eArettietecette. " ''V-,eieeteeer 'Seine 'time next week it is expe-cted -that the line-up of the local club will be known. - -"OA-14w G,LaT,J!!„;,§,nowbird Etettier„atee, - , -rfait-telfriiird`.4ait-4".1enrriabehoef -"lignitrilirerarcrriWeare-'.iihilnittififfd -aii'ee-e'reiria-__,eafe;efaTg:ij age sego:elk nOT right -to he. 7-1pr :litr;...PA-0 -TT; ' ea- "- e result was that when the police, forth. • • • who do seem to hear abaut these things, came along and found. it under six feet of hay, It cost IVIr,e Dey just $2andeare, extra $8 for putting them to se, neueh trouble. The Magistrate told him that if he had. left it in the cellar the visit Qg the police would have been just a friendly visit.. Orville John ForPwitge 20,, ee Steplrn Township, appeared before. Magistrate Reid on Thursday morning, Ziplfltb 11.argetl. with ,cOuetion4of a young girl. He was freed 0.U4611 of $2,e00 sup ed. by hie father, a well known 8ezt Township farmer. The case will he heafd at Exeter on May 23rd,.. ° T,hoi. Day, liewick Township, got himself into a 10t of trouble because he did not know the Intricacies of the lave on hand as tliere Was no case on the -htat a lot of cider and eometimes calendar of " unusual interest and. no leis friends came 'in and helped him Jurymen had been warned.- 44e-aeteeteetemeeeteeetWeeesealaseeeseees,..., • '1.-aasese-Aer kick at thia‘ time of year whioh seems to ttoOpere 0. Ginn 44 Pi town 61 Gode- have roused Day's fears that he Would rich, was proceeded' With immediately. be favored .with a visit from the police. As Thos. Steirdy was unable to appear -so he took the Container °et of the cel- oWing eit, REAL B.ARGAINS . 1 lar of his lionse where it had a perfect Dancey appeared as Vsitness for htM as ovmoUodetielli 'Defellelatet in first Case—No Jury Called WEBER DIVOIE ACTION , Judgement* Wi'ilteldt. Until' Con- ic!tision oF Court 2‘11., Justice Kelly opene'd the, non -Jury sittings. of the suti'rezie Cotalt of Ontario on Tuesday morning, May 15th, with- out ceremony.. . Only a small erated of speetators was One New Gilson Snowbird Electric Ironer, reg. price $115.00 for $90.00, One New Gilson Electric EinpreSs Wash- ing Machine, reg.price $45.00 tor $85. One New Happy, Thought Range with waterfront for $40.00.- Also, some second -hand Wishing Machines and Stove' at Bargain Priee-se We carry a full stook of Anthracite, Bituminous, Pocahontas Coal- and Coke and Hardware. For Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing, try WOOD FOR SALE The Town has a few cords of one -foot mixed Wood for sale. This will make good summer wood; and the halence en, hand kJ being sold out at $2.50 per -single eord. Cash with order at the Town ,Hall. ' L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. TOWN OF GODERICH •••••.•••,••••!..0.10 All Owners or Harbour- ers of Dogs must obtain 1934 Licen.ses aL once at the office of the Tax Collector. By Order, R. C, POSTELETHWAITE, Chief of Police FEMALE HELP -WANTED WOMEN---WANTEDe-Women--evanted to sew for us . at home. Sewing machine necessary. No selling. ON- TARIO -NECKWEAR COMPANY, „De- partment 258, Torom--6:- - WANTED CANADIAN MANUFACTURER, reqidres 1ol realesentateve, metaled- man preferred, send references. Apply Box 9, STAR OFFICE. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE O. F. CAREY CO„ Fire, Accident and Motor Car -- -INSURANCE ' Office : Masonk Temple, West St., Goderich Phone 230 'NELSON Mgr. J. w. cgAIGIE Automobile Insurance See our rates before placing if)?' STEDELBAUER'S USED __CARS You may see the.following cars and others by call- ing a our.place of busbies& NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 31 -=Ford Special Coach 30—Ford &mil: Coach ' 30—F o d Half -ton Light Deliiery, Steel Box 29—Ford Touring body 28—Ford Roadster, R. S. Stake 31----Chev.11% ton Truck, Model T. Truik, Stake bodychilli 'Wheels, Stake body.. 27—Whippet Coach $TEDELBAVEirg are located at Moore's Garage. 13 -Plate Batteries—Special,Guaraeteed. 1 .year —$4.8 5 "Terms inay be arranged op any of our cars". We will take year �l steers in exchange for cars 11 suitable. St. Andrews St., off Harnilto4; • Coderich, Ont. 32—Chev. Special Sedan Salm 30—Chev. Standard ,Sedan 30—Chev. Spent r.s. 29---,-Chev,. Coupe 28--Chev. Coach. 28—Chev.. 11/2 ton Truck, NOTICE Court eGoderich -No. ,32.ienitelte-te Order of Foresters, will hold their an - n al Church Service and Parade on SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 27th at 11 Plaintiff ope,ned with an attempt to amend the statement of claim by alleg ing that A. J. lc toper had conspired with J. H. Robertson, Town: Tax Collector, to strip plaintiff of his pods and chettels. The original elaim, had been for illegal distress. After some argument by epposing tounsel, His iLordship ordered that argu- ment peoeeed as he would 'decide the point as evidence was -submitted. Tfw-ease epoeupledernost -of two day Frank Donnelly appearing for Mr. Coop- er and Douglas Nairn for the town and Mr. Ginn. *shjAra- -.nuts cal- Goderich. Bev. 1). J. Lane will be the led. Ile testified, that he had held speaker. Brethren are requested to meet power of attorney for Thos. Sturdy since at the Lodge. Rooms in MacKeer Hall& Aug. 22, 1930. Evidence was produced 'North street at 10.30 tem. , to show that -elle •Goderich •the Visitiag brethrencordially invited to Royal Hotel as it is now known, was attend: Let us raffle this a record year. bought for $6,60Q. by Sturdy In 1927. JAS. BARBOUR, A. E, BARKieR, A. J.:Cooper became the owner of a C.:R. eeRee;_esec emortgag.esed42,5(10 on, the property. -Th taxes got into arrears" and action was in- STRAyED stituted in Decembee, 1932, to seize the cattle'-ar- property fotyurorndmerteax warrant Action was thanea year yawn fie - rived oti Friday, May ,11th at the premises of GEO. McILWAIN, Re R. 2, a"--uy the chattels were seized and sold to Goderich Twp. Owner can have same A.1.7,.. Cooper for $e2,55 on February 15, by paying expenses. r s, This was the signal for the s. starting- of , thepreekiit action by Mr. Sturdy Mader the_clairdrOf wrongful dis- tress. Leo Baker, former proprietor of the Hotel, was called to place expert valua- tion on the chattels. He considered • , COURT Or.,,ILEVISION . COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH. • e' A Court of -Revision to hear and deter- mine complaints against the assessment roll of the Township of Goderich, for' 1934, will be held ate26th, hall in Holmes- ville on Saturday, May 26, at -10 o'elock am. complaints should - in writing- and milled to the undersign- ed not later than May 20th, all parties assessed for dogs that have since been destroyed Should return the- tags or -be charged in taxes. R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk, R. R. 2 Clinton._ NOTICE -TO CREDeTOUS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. .„ NOTTCE IS !HEREBY GIVEN to all persons having any claim against the estate' _of Charles 'Kerr, late of the Township of Colborne, 1n ;the County of • Huron, Tile Manufacturer; who died on or about the nth_ day of April, 1934 rend same to the tuidersigned on or be- fore 2nd of. June, A. D. *1934, is on a.nd. ' :after that -date theZie-cutilic of the said estate will proeeed anake_distribution thereof,- hievini regard only to the claims then filed. • Dated at Goderich- this 10th day of May, A. D., I,934. Solicitors for the Executrix. • HAS and 'HAYS, . Goderich, Ontario, TENDERS FOR COAL- AND COKE • • • • REALM) Tenders, 'addressed to the un- • dersignecl and endorsed "Tender for Coat," will be received lentil 12 o'clock noon (-daylight saving),, Thaws - day, aune 14, 1934, ter the supply of coal and ceke for. the ,DOMinke tititecftge -7-throughout the Provinte of 'Ontario.• .Verms of -tender with- specifkationsand conditions attached can he obtained from, the Purchasing Agent, Dept. ef Public .Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Architeet; 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ontario. • Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forins Supplied by the pea: partrrient and 'in atcOtdance with de- partMental specifications and conditions. The right to demand from the.sticceis- A4 tenderer a deposit, ,not exceeding 10 Per cent of the amount -of the tender,,to secure `the Proper fulfilnlent of the con- tract, is moved. By order. ° N. DESJAILDIN'S, SteretarY, Department of Public, World; Ottawa, May. t, 1934 u lc eetin 10' WILLBE iHELD IN THE TOWN. HALL TUESDAY, MAY 22nd, 1934 Pak at &o'clock p. in.9 for did pUrpote af Arencxxs FOR SALE Corn Pain and Wotta Wart, Undesirable guests of MrS. Pliblie, were reirf0Ved by CreSS Oxen Salve. , DUNLAP'S 131rt/0 scram tovir itcorclot lottri:z sAtz—vh have for tale treat hat worth ,$225.00 on neVe Per& ear Por lurther Partiettlart apply to HAYS --and UA, HaMiltellifttetret; tgoont a Dominion Day CIebralionCommittee EVERYBODY WELCOME!: :odrich, May•••'•1•5. 1.94.. • • BLUEWATER' MEETIN g „ eteltants 414'wn 'last TOOrs410 A brief ineetnig Or the plueWater ,Campaign in Progress to SecOte es-44+Veay Aeseeiation was held on There. Citizen*' Manes to Pletiti033. --Aseett-reSUiteed- aiteetert8---Of -*boa tltirtyelevit. of the town merchants, held ,Saturday evening, May 12th, it was dee eided to a* th citizen.% to petition the, .PrOvineial Liceuor Board to estatlish at liquor store in Gederich at the earliest possible momeat Wm. Powell was appointed charmers' a ex 'committee to organise a campaign to interview all citizens at once and to have -their lists ready for presentation to the town council et its meeting on Friday, May It. was shown that the fact that Miran County is under the Canada Temper - day eireleing, May leth, in. „the Town Mill. • or-54raa, dent of the AasOciation, and W, D. Fere gUeon, also of Sarnia, the secretarY, were present and were met by members of .the town council together with a few Members of the Board of Trade and seine interested eitlitens. The Meeting had not been widely ad- vertised priot to the coming of the offi- cers, which, possibly accounted for the rather Meagre attendanee. 'Only routine matters were discussed. Col. Woodrow eXpre.seed himself as. being pleased with the action of the Government in taking over the .south end of the Toad. Fur- ther publicity is necessary on the part of eette4Weeke41,74,1LeeseebAfte': of the store here. Legal opinion had district more 'fully before the great pot 'been secured to the effect that the Can- ential tourist trade. -ada Temperance Act has not been opera ve nee e pass g o ne _Con_tr.91 Act. claitns-thate-Goclerkh-hass-- _Tait itairsililli-eiliGliari...worth of• epor business to ettatford' and London by aspec reason of our citizens going to those places to Make liquor purchases This IR especially true et Christmas time.i Last ChrlstMeS some sixty Oederich cars were .eounted within a short dia.. tante of the liquor store ill 'Stratford at one time, The majority of local merehants are said to favor the idea .of the store and canvassers report that by Wednesday night, most of the town_ had_ bee.n scan- as.sedeand - many hundreddse-ofe eames had been affixed to the petitions. It is further said that th town coun- cil will forward the petitions to Toronto ad, ?equest, thin-bTing-'a- matter for the Liquor Board to decide If they will open the store here. ' Zuricli Alan's Case Probed by Sheriff Examined by Three. Doctors Be- fore Final- Commitment to Jail 1 At the instance of the Provinefal Sec- There is a good tone in the. school. I found the pupils respectful and court- retary's office in Toronto, Sheriff C. 0. eous both to their teachers and to visie Middleton has made a careful inquiry' tors. intd the circumstances surrounding the The classes are all of a reasonable size except Form MB which number e 47, committal of Prank Boyce, Zurich wale o notes lectiOn JunO. Candidates All 0 tee I' Province Read* to. Co—Cionotien Soon in Pull SvAng, Preinier Geo, Hettfre „annoutleeMent on May 16th that the election, wouldbe held on, June 19t1t was greeted in GOde. rich and in Seath litvon, generally With satisfa,ctip. • It means a slfort canspaign and a *V- ing in expense to all candidatee. in a month the whole thirni will be oVer, No Meetings have been held as yet in either South Huron yer in. nuron.Bruce but *11 candidates are ready to go. , Geo. Elliott in the South and Oraham lvfelfatt in the North riding are calmly Confident although each expleM a hard part of all members of the donieriative party can they -be elected. Mr. has already warned of the danger of overconfidence and at the Mansell nom- ination meeting told thcLerowd ehat_afledLd _ tirtFilettrilfe- lairefeetroh *lien owing to thefact that many Wellswish- ers stayed at home expecting easy Vic- . toile Now that the. toreh has been- applied to the heather it Is expected that.: the, whole Province will soon be abiaze With campaign fire. Two reperts have been receiVed from the Ontario Department of aducation MASONIC RECEPTION e Inspectors Speak Highly of Gode rich School----Agrtculturitl and) General Surveys tiie _w_Tithhwrensprstect _reptoortthels_institapect-tiot.ef oAf. Goderich Collegiate Institute. Hooper and is a most complimentary document. Summing •up his remarks he _ __ • _ e. The enrolment shows a slight increase since last year. There are now 314 pupils and a staff, of 9 teachers. There has been no.change in the pereonnel ef the staff. •• The Principal is centinuing, to do good teork both in hiS management of the sehool and in his teaching. All, of the -staff- have beenehereefor-sbrne time and are doing satisfactory and in some cases excellent work. The two teachers most -recently appointed, MissPark mad Mies Ackerman, both show improvement and appear to be well established, ne, in some cases, 52 pupils. The sizea veteran, to Huron County jail for con- of this 'class *mikes the perforrning of the them worth over Mo. Robertson, ; tempt of court on April 27th. experimental work in Science mete diffi- Tax Collector, L. L. Knox, Town ClerkThe case caused some :comment •last cult. The Principal is endeavoring to Oswald Ginn, 03ailiff, all testified on the week when it was reported to tne Attor- overconte this' handicap by havhig the _ ,ney General's by 'an interested ex -ser- experiments carried on by smaller groups (Continued on page 51 viceman of Clinton as the latter under- outside the regular school hours. _ NOTICE stood that Boyce was suffering !mutt I was glad' to meet Mr. Robertson, PUBLIC 1\110TICE. tubeven erculosis and feared that a ten- I Viceof -Chairman the Board. and to dis- ------------ --------------------e- day confinement would undermine -111-is cus.s with him some of the matters men- _ , ill health. ' ' -1f4 in this report. _ . 0......s— veatigation, that three doctors testified saya that the discipline is.good and that It appears now, from -the short-M*15 in In his iiirscellaneous comments he tt4Oirernment 17tclinic at Goderich — Hospital• Wednesday • afternoen -May tea,. ar, ',23reles Anyoneedesirouseofetalcineradvans '''''''''''''Y"---waa not tubercellarea-Whenethereactre-146--boys:und,--168 leirlseenrol- tage of this opportunity can do so free first - terrested for failing to answer a led, a tote! of e14 students Fire drill of charge. Judgment stunmons in Divaion Court. Is practiced three tones a year. The By order, after same had been 'properly served, he teaching is a good average and much of M. 0. H. complained df being tubercular and de- it is above the average. All teachers , mended that he be examined. - He was are qualified for their present duties. 'seen by a Zurich doctor who could find, /leading is good. spelling is about aver - no evidence of tuberculosis. Brought age and writing somewhat below aver - to Goderich, he demanded that he 13e' age. looked over by Dr. J.. M. Graham, whoml AuthoOeed text books and equipment 'fie-elitImer- know and in rhom he are in use with standard practices gen- professed, to have great conlidenee. Thist , erally. 'examination lime accorded Jilin and Dr. The seeond rePort is that of the in- ' ..GralIaM-Vetile. findenathieg if ,a-tubere-e-epeotoreof-Agrfetdttrmls-Sircssea. Norman cular 'nature wrong with hen. He was Davies, 'and is dated March '14th, 1934. then committed to Jail wherb, to ma. ke 1' It leamore concise and reads as 'fol - additionally sure, the jail physielan, Dr.) lows: ••••••••••••••••••...... y. • . LOST LOST. -A small bay driyer. Was last seen neat' Sheppardton • Monday ,morning. Any information will be gla TY- reed -lied -by JOHN BRODIE, R. R. 1, Port Albert. Phone 23, r 11, puegannon. TENDERS WANTEDTENDER'S WANTED. Sealed tenders, Plainly marked as to contents and addressed to the Chairman A. H. Taylor, went over him,, with a; The organization and time allotment of the Waterworks and. Electric Light Epecial eye to the, pots/billet/ of chest t are satisfactory, but provision for prac- Commission, Goderich, Ontario, will be trouble and could find no trace of the, tical work could be ilnpioved. received by the tinderSigned up to 2 condition complained of. In the classes observed, the interest of o'clock p.m, standard time ' _If Boyce had appeared in court in an- I the pupils indicates that fairly good MONDAY, MAY 21'st, 1934 swer to the u s mmons it is doubtful if progress is being made. However, the for the construction of suction Well at anything' would have happened to him.! best results cannot be achieved owing to the Pump House. The Judgement teas for a small amount' lack of equipment' and illustrative mat - Plans and specificationse may be seen on an old account and went against him; erial. at the °Mee of the Town Clerk or E. H. Darling', Consulting- Engineer, 512-13 by default as he failed to appear to con- I The following were discuised with the Pigott Building, Hamilton, Ontario. test the claim or, to make any provision Principal and, teacher: s Tenders must be on the forna supplied and be, accompanied with a eeertified cheque or 5ee of the amount of the tender. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. (Sgd-.) L. L. ICNOX, "Seeretazy Water and Light Commission, 'Ooderich, Ontario. FOR SALE cot TO RENT FOR ,SALE. -A small cottage for 'sale or rent. Apply to J. CALVIN MITT, Kingston St. •11•101•••••••**••• OUSE TOP, RENT.-Cetnent block, coveniences. Hardwood floors throughout. Garage. XP -1) Y K. MeLEOD. Phone 12, Goderich. • port EIA11.-tornfortable eight -roomed house, all medern conveniences, near Collegiate. Dotible garage. fruit trees, garden, lawn. A bargain for cash. tOnsider a small Place la town or oountry, or summer tottage, as part pay- ment. Box 4, STAR. , FP,O1ULS.--A house suitable for suraa mer tourists, known as "The Hal- liday Tourist, Home,'situated on the eorneir of Victoria Street and Merl Ave. roz' Anther particulart api* to UM'S 11AVitlffillelteriklarIbi itxceuftat., • BALt.f&-tlid )kriek benMY nflrst das8 tIndit1on, largt randah, eleCTIFIC- water liettfie, fombituitiOte- fur- ritite,, tat Water iStern, good well be. Sidet the tOwn water lawil$# gatikKo, ,StrOlt4-4114-•-r(t0t4 Xok-AtAtrAtroriv'-t iritk sow sou& Phone' 2�. Redil • • • or it. On his second failure to appear' 1. The use of orie class-rpom for all there was nothing for Judge T. M. Cos-, classes in Agriculture. This would fliA.. lAlir. to -- comply v,.t the law, vide for more frequent use of the pro- , and commit him when P. 0. Stanburv.i jection lantern and more practical work appearing for the Zurich Merchant in1 by pupils. Agricultural apparatus and the case, asked for coin/ratal. Had he illustrative materiel could be kept in this appeared, all of the circumstances would' room There wouid It • ng have been apparent and It is piobabletizne and more efilcient . Work on the ----- that the prding judge could have ar- part of the teacher: 4 ranged a settlement. omznEvents 2. The need of feference banks and Boyce did not appeal to the Canadian magazines on agricultural topics and Legion In Goderich, *none of the stem- some additional equipment, bers here knowing that he was in jail .ICT is recommended that the Board' until after he had beett released. Oen- consider the purchase of additional W. R. Mathieson, of Toronto, will be eral regret is being eepressed in court equipment. back at the Bedfprci Itotel week Julie House circles that last week's publiCitY t is, recoMinended that the Board 4th giving Permanent Waves. For an tended to create an impression ecnvider the u h 'f •••••••••••••,•,...., Gran_d MasterIiet. Itt:o2e21:51d• Payi Official al The Most Worshipful Frank A. Copus, Grand Master of the Oran d Lodge of apada, en the -province- at_ Ontario, vet pay leis official visit to South Hilton Dietrict on Tuesday, May 22nd. Ile will be received by representatives of the _eighteen lodges In the -district it - a banquet in the lecture room , cif Knox I Presbyterian church in Goderich. D. D. G. M. Hugh Hill, of Carlow, will act as host of the evening. mArrange- ents for the event are being, eared for by menibers of Maitland Lodge No. 33. , A., P. and A. M. •••••••••••• Odds and Ends From • Along the Harbor - Two Boats In—New Floor on - Warehouse—Some Get Fish .--,Some Don't — Last week's activity along the water- front has slowed down ,someivhat with only two boats in harbor. One, the Westmount, camo,. in on Tuesday and began unloading wheat at the Elevator. She is a four hundred thousand bushel boat but was carrying- (ar Eihort of a full load. On Wednesday morning •the Troisdoe came In with 090 -41.1.010-seelategaLfeetptoiathe. Eleataa tor. ,brought up from Quebec. This is consigned to the Canada Flax Co. at Baden where it will he turned into paint oil and stock food. The Superior gives promise of bieng a regular visitor. 8he will return for salt in Monday, May 2Iet. The town is -plating a new and stronger fleor Into the second scRion of true dock warehouse for the tons of salt which the ,Cioderich Salt -Company will be heiellerig. 'No further word has been received regarding the possible neW .,s1fPs for handling this freight. The Graham Bros. are getting good catches ' of -fish these days. They brought in over 300 pounda on Wednes- day- and they are bigger and better, spe- cimens, especially the trout. Bert MacDonald is putting a canvas awning bn the after part of the "Cap- tain John." With a couple -or easy lounges and some benches she will be a reeular yacht. There Just isn't any fishing off the pier. Numbers of old timers -are down every day, tryhig their best tricks, but all report no luck. Several parties went old to the • outer breakwater, but met wall the same result. The water is still, very dirt' • from clay, deposited by streams ,up the lake shore, It is claim- - ed that there will be no fish until this clears up. - . _ e AND BUSINESS BRIEVS Judge Costello -had.- been, harsh Inttriooks*, Matiaxined 4nd" ecluiPirient. The judgement, whereas it is well known regizlations provide liberal grarite tet a that in similar 'cases in the past hia- find- cli refurfd of such pefiditure. ings have been lenient and kindly. I The teacher, (D. I. TIM 1.0 'doing 41.1604.1111•0•11.1.00. 61.11.011 •••••••••.•.o.dop satisfaeto.ry Work under existing The Central Home 'and tiehool Club .001/melees where nearly an cusses must A19 having a sale of hmne-bartind on I be taught in different elassrootrue, pattirday afternoon, May 26th. Re - Member the date. The Old Age Pension emmittee of, the County Council met in the County Clerk's office on Tuesday, May 16th. A eat deal of routine work was put throuth. Mr. C. 11. Green, Chief In- epector of the Old Age Pension Commis- I11.10fir-Telf6ilt--leat tietell templrifiented the formulate on the ex- eelleriee, of the work being done In this eather Maln. Max.-61UL 100 1934 lVfay .. 92 41 10 92 " 12 • . 74 02 5025 32: " 11 • 64 43 " 13 "' .„. 413 "56 8'44 43. " 16 64 3 4361,t4' 01 06 16 ...... 62 62 ounty: Miss Adallne Vn 11rz1, sister a the late 44.1r Wjt1amwek Vitittit6-111`ttristegileittS Of and wradisow 'sylor h Sritaliniii .11011d. pointments phone Mrs 0, Litt. •pkion 323. A menace. to your; health snould not he permitted. A sluggish liver causee triar.y ills. PARKE'S tAVERTONE re- stores a lalty liver to healthy action. CANI:PSELILIS bRITO STORE; , Inlaid Linoleum With heavy felt paper • cemented tO the floor makes a life -time job. ,See the new designs In floor cover- ing for Spring. Corigolcurn Rugs always in stook. Visit the house furlishings de- pattmetit UpStalra at SCHAUPER'S. Watch out for the home -baking sale by the Ladies' Aid of Taylor'. Corners in---Ockitifich-ort-June-9th.---Ptirthe ticulars later. -- DUO TAI''. -At MotaladriS. tIOSpital, on ktirSatiY, May l/th, 93•11,. Itebett )it'rait* ovest...luts*hd, Lander. 1 tiliteial-44111 takesjTae�jtorit" Ohloel Interment tn MaIUand temeter, -