HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-05-10, Page 6'*t
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If thenot Stark the Ita ot.
NIOthers Dy, tliey have .06:10 a ,great
deal in Zo:te n. 1Mid it lias develOpsd
lnto kgoed thing 'tor there Any light*
des not ,neett to he tOld,
to reniernt,er their Mother, and to do 4
on 4 certain day. 1 never Ivarad to do
anything _ for „Inv mother on Mother's
Day no do 1 Want ow: 'children to do
anything ter Me. ,We are told to 110110r
thy Father and Mother,' but we do not
need to*COriline, It to Abe first Stindaii
In May, Perhaps At is Weans° 1 lack
*Ai:44,411d of entinient or perAaps X re-
' tient tomerine telling me 1 Must do -a
thing, butwhateverthe CMOs b, t dis-
like Mother's Day. I find that there are
* large number or -Women; Who's opinion
I, respect, feel the Mtn about it, *TO MY
'mind there, ba something *very queer
*bout rtnYOne who -needs a special day to
remernber to love their mother and then
-has to be told to do it I cannot:en-
ilure mother songs and we herir,S0 Many
of them. The other day mate. palsionate
tenor was singing a,- Very - touching
mother EOng on the radio, when one of
our bOys remarked, 'Mother songs give
me a pain.' My. sentiments exactly. If
to .wallow- -sentiment-ind-ree,
i1ires$TakeraiF1619vt AirePair-
, d That is
your privilege...:SoznehoW. Mothers pa
leaves me cola:
Since we itarted ou the subject
- -of motbersi-we-are going;to write At bit,
more about them'. Have you ever no-
ticed the way some children Make their
inut.'" taken t her. vt#0, are
to let. their mother jito'.40
*0.11;0' for tear:.eornethil.4 tn4ht happeni
or they m1jht not, knew 110W tO 1344 the
Way or some finelttoattettneso. It *eons
t me.04 ,When a WOrrlariria heilhhilOX
to get Old atu-t has tungott up & pool,
shO Ithett.hl be Ole to tle0cle thing* for
-herself and stio what 'ehe M**be.
;She never his hatt-nni.etreltitneeltr have
"her Own way betore 1 'weight aftoeste
eving Motheri. every Orli but to let,
them do OS .they like and .hot to WreP
them; in W001 and, Mike 'them feel Old
and beipleSS, When 'there'Ag_no hit*,
-100 .1* deadly. ;Vali,- so 'let The Moth*
ers',initiate their own :plant arid cork.
.04t.their own Ideas. Just think * min-
ute and am Sure you Oarl. all name
Mothers Who are made feel Old. tle.kind
but not overitelnlingly protective,
GI -VE MILK TO Tot ottlymetr
If the calcium in our blood falls .bc-
low a certain level, It affects our nerves
and we become irritable. When year
family be\043Me$ Irritable Io.,k for the
cauler and try to Make a .change in cOn.
42tIons. If it is leek of sleep, it is up
to the mother to arrange that they -get
more, Irritability is caused more often
may grtOt be caused in 'each case by" a
f-caletuoi4utit.will not hurt anyt
get-mbre 01 It Milk hat a high
calcium content and to use MOre mIik
-ls-spee,of4e., -4,40sing.-
vlum SQ the not lime your family is
cranky bring on. the milk,. :Of , course
you can't -rush up to the ,cbildren or
friend husband with 41 glass of, milk and
e-IttloVin filet++, -Your-Must balm
offenders. Thee datzgl1ter TfairIy k mOre ,silbtle than that, .If 'tliy are
„ their mothers with kindness, They de- ready to drink More, all w„ell and good,
. tide where they can go, what"- therwill t even if theY ara not, you can
*ear and even what' they may have to add a large 'quantity of Milk by
,eat, It is all done with the beat • of in your choice of foods, CrPant soUPa was sent td mel"
arej one easy . way. of using milk,
me*I In V, And certainly toe
lot, G1 mfli. (hczqate Or;Maittri dedaike
• .
jther 2t .Or ;Obi are utitally popular,
''.04e. 4144 your fsniiiy Set at 1e044,* 914010
tbt Will 401 tOward. 'ttraigbteXiing oaC, Ofhto
Qt Milk Je day eieh arid stind .whit„sehe
'bet'eWlth :
of the afternoon
Ibe .Fiftern0011 se$104 cOninien0ed'a
145, VOA., 0.Join* and Urtt. 'StraOha.
-MAP Whe: pot
itcup butter, 1, ton4.11i, '11!:1;$1144-1014elte'Y'lt: 'clh°11944i41
ettit, -r to Boni, a• levet tato**, sorouvi Vtiltbihe'ouvezinx a very Inzplr*tIOn-
taiiaLi,--v:hitr.si teopoon soda, 2 CUP al address. *0104: at. the' 'bltthsoX
tour. Cre11111 hater iittid sugar and and add Christ the piethred iiLs chUdlio3d, with
Well.beaten, egg', . Acta soteit do jngre. the ,thoiming:of ..the , knowledge of the
004 and mIlk alternately. Put '24 of, °rat 'Work ',Ahead, and the endeavor
this mixture in 41 buttered Pan and to later On to *part :gime Of these deep
the remainder 144- 2 tablespoons sreidizatioris _to, ha, followers.
ri.„.ekteK:WceiepOori Otoirei ifid" 14 leasOoext, She Ihteried; ttie Christlan life to leaven
altsPice.' )41X Well :'111.4d pour on top of 'in, bread ft work* with greet iniikOrMit0
the first mixture. *Bake in * moderate there are no;:irliviSions amongst Chris -
Oven of 350 degrees, Ice 'AS desired. tians, *lotto**. Mee color, Make' none.
This is an old-fashioned cake. - The re- She spoke of the wonderful, eentxibu.
Op* came frerti 41C Oortuan family , and tion some foreigners are making to Our
had 'butter the 'size of an egg:* 1 melt- national life and the keen intelligence
slfred that 111Uc11,1,nd found it ifto be 14 of ,rk .great many of. these, -people, wen
cup. 4n old-fashioned leing seemed fit:- WhOill. we are apt to look down a little,
ting 80 1 ued & Caramel Icing 'made by This is out of Place amongst Christians,
Wiling 2 cups brown sugar, cup mIlk, howeVer.She told of a group- of New
-1 teaspoon corn 'SYrUP, I tablespoon Canadians Who were. Mired bow we
ter Until it fern,* a ton bali In „cold could help theta, • The answer Was. "by
water. Lt stand stand until luke-warm, add tieing 'more .00nelderate." Another said:
vanilla and beat ',Until thick. "In God • alone is unity," A committee
ratk9apPointedlo„stiitgulthe likenesses:anton
Put layer or tseasonett, finely chop-
, ,1-5.- • RT7triiin,"a.
olio priest, a Jewiab. Rabbi and an An -
Ped, cooked..__spi4eirin --as-bakbag---dish wart -blivoric.„.ithe,, thouiffit
which may be brought° to the table. /leant, that they :were going to search
Break an egg for each serving on this.
seasotLwi,salt and.- pepper and.,coxer. the thi2gs 4n common, pot _for
tht irritatIOris, and 'WOO* *kW totire
But let*tbat be you aeciet, No
heed to tell them ,all yini.knOw, beeanse
then it May lose its iffeet:
with grated,chem.-Cook„in, a moderato -
1..eaven keeps on working,:untii the
°Vert ot 325: degrees until the- eggs are;
set and the cheese
wholes leavened, it didn't leave any un -
leavened part. hristian, worker - are
,vgEDDING vcouNT -apt: to ito short of the oal. She
-Friend-'--There watrit--,a‘ Very big thought a nes i: standard -of- lifir:-was- -need-
account of 'youx daughter's wedding in ed.' l!Aaterial things lave taken -tt?#
the paper..thii Morning." ' high* a* place in the life solar. Our
Father adly); "NO, ;the big account PoSiessiona are. not our own while others
are in Sore need, She coneliided with
the story. of "Big Bill pavicison," _who
was sent- on- a- commission orgrcat den-
-ger -during- theLwar sand4old.,that_31 must.
be executed "at all cost," He eXecuted
hiS WOrk and tame back to the base, his
plana trashingnear it -r- Trent.- wbith bls,
lifeless.---bodywas•4akene his. bands,:stili
grasping the wheel. He had ,rxectiteds•
hia--.inperior's--Vderg, at . the cost sr his
• - -
life: '
tentions. and Oa of a great love but it
does make a wornan feol old to liave too
joitiaLtiitgain 1 fp
-AND SPrittNCks-FEVElt
The rittraber of desserts-Wiiieh require'
li---rintres-S-:,------Crearried----vegetabres .rterl -
(if your family like them), TanY , cla! The North Atlantic ice patrol reports
dren heartily dislike themY, creamed that' iceberga are • later than usual this
avor dishes 'tor super Of-luricho, year in Starting Southward JournU L1ke
reit ct salmonlobster,- shrimps; Irr fact -the, backyard -gardener -they- baVe- &tub
any or the fish, fresh or canned. Seal,,, less been deterred by the snow,spring:
loped-d-Ishes-reguiremilit-and there Aga
, .a
you may use the -sea foods -and-have the Over .40,000 trees were plaitttaste
added satisfaction of increasing the Jed- year on, Boy Scout reforestation,' projects
in Nova Scotia.
_e_cati be only
combining. Bigness
Economy. . Slyleand-in the
rice Field, it's the
ormetnce • •
etv arc always two tr.
one fide to a fact. 11
car —weigh
es to an opinion, There can only„
you are considering the purchase
s about thc new Tailplane,
17ONE4*tt1*t**ZGGS In
is L 10
frst n PlettrORMANCE
, cat tither hisa tire earlier or hassigi treak j the
r�tiortheear1u*e*a ***clean. With eleatoiloariajt tear
hody lima *tad & trot* tnd free tit silt air waits, the
Tortola** 6 h s M Oaglathatt ottietailinati ityk
Pi* 14 tCCOOMIt
pock T. —441kir*
*Ono* * 0 tti
'itt log Nair proved ittsietaal owleer
MUMMY, MAY 10th,„1,034
:Ile fits. t requitement of the investor, particularly the
sthall investor, is assured safety; income yield is of lesser
• -
IMPortanc,e. That is why so. Many hundreds of thou-
sands of Canadians regard rileir savings deposits in this
bank as the best' type of investment., The income may
not be so attractive as, the promised yield of certain
securities,but it is six= and steady, while the principal
itself is safe and always remaims it full face value.
HEAD orricz
AL •
TOTA,L, ASSETS( -1N- 'EXCESS OE' o -;61i
Goderich Branch: R. C. WHATELPY, Manager
tbe 911,tcome. of xx6 Years' Successfule,Operatior's
0, ptpress1ng--theithanko-of411
delegates for the 'hospitality received, for
the use of the church,• the_good dinner
provided and -to all those who had •taken
Part In the *program and to The `retiring.
officers for their faithful work daring
the-palt. -year:
•Iirs "0:- Lawson contributed a very
appropriat,e, Isola very sweetly7 Heard
,r+r, Itetta Gifford -Kilburn', for manYi
years a ro,sionary in West China, was
the --second speaker and she told. inanYlf
structlyer-- and hitpiring:,s-things aboutf
he,r arork.„. there -arid the situation. In',
-.the Province of Szechw4n, We,st Chizia,1
there are shtti millions Of people, toll
nJfliOna of *Wont the United gburch
'Canada have t,he responsibility, and'.
there are-siii40-triirly
and Canton, brkilborn said the work!
of the United Church, was like the Bri-
-tith :Empire; iipon,_ it tile _suri_never seta.
China is Wing: a crisisit is either!
Communism or Christ. It adds greatly I
to the Chinch'sdifficultied, but we I
should welcothe difficulties. . In 1913 I
AuditOrs: Mrs. McKenzie, acderleb;
Mrs. Lane,Seaforth. The chroming of
an extbutive" committee was 'left to the
officers.- --
Delegates to ,the brinCh mOting in
June /tie: *Mrs. Erratt, Goshen; Mrs,
McIlwaine,Lucknow; Mrs. Cooke, Hen-
sall;, Mrs. Pi, Thompson,. Londesboro,
=Ontario street church, Clinton. has in-
vited the Pre.sbyterbal for 1936, the tenth
anniversary of the inaugural,
-The-ladies -61 the, Wesley-Wiilis con-
gregation 'provideti
gates, also for the meinbers of the Pres-
bytery, which was meeting in 'the On -
tar' street church on the samo day.
launches trotting and pacing for 1934.
Ten reCeSi worth, _$6,900, already are
earded for the three-day speed carnival
nt the ''COlorfid
• heart . of pre-Itevolutionary Goshen:
-Binh year trotting enthuslasts pang
their :attention on the gay inaugural of
harness racing here, slice it Means the
first starts Of the season for Many colts
destined to write -.history -before-autumn,.
Pour candidates 'for the $40,000 -Hamble-
tonian Stake, being raced August. 15
aoress town at, W. IL Cane's mile-Jrack;
wilt,..iget..-their rst baptism of --fire for
1934 in . June: when. the three-year-old
trot is raced. • ,
- Other hotly -contested' milts will help.
give the harness horse f,raternity its first
intimatidn .thi.s season of how well its
ThOP-efttls will perform whexi1 e
Circuit starts rolling later in June.
With 131 entries already 'assured for the
inaugurarraces here, -Mr. Hairimani pre --
aids the fastest miles and largeit, crowds
at his.dalitoric track So4lte its inception
centubr ago. s' . •
Society, as Well as •sportsdom turned
out en Masse -last-Juno- to -spur its fay-,
°rites on over the shalf-Mile 'ring. This
_ _
11, '
oxes-arezreported to -be goigg-eveh-
faster than at this time in 1933.. , Fol-
lowing the 3 -day trots and paces here,
the Bay State Circuit moves on to Chat-
' T.T.Y., Sturbridge, Nfass., Avon,,
Corm:, and Windsor, Conn.
The 10 events already carded for
Goshen arid the entries in each WOW;
open trot, 5; .2:15 trot, 19; 2:25 trot, 15;
3-year-o1d- trot, 12; 2-ye5r-old trot,' 26;
open pace, 6; 2:15. pace, 11; .2:25 -pace,.
15; r3-year-o1d pace, 7, and -s-year-old „
pace, 15.
New; of the Trotters
China became_ a ,teputtlia but it is: still7-The
, ..
in a state Ot confOslon,with nu settled New; YorkMay 1 (Specia4
thrill 'Of 'personally bringing home a'
central goVernment. She 'clid not agree.
with -something. r-sitid - sChir, after Weeks or ;months' of, sttting,
up _behilid_rOur_ eons. or fillies_tn - whip
about the Wis-dOna or sillitring-- the -yohrigt
thework -vitt CanadianswaY -ab
they are taxed, tion -denied --horse IciverS and owners, in
. coMPlain otitr
but In phina Most fields, is What keeps harness ra-ping
the people art taxed twentY.flie years
In advance, •
She, sPoke enthusiastically about the
alive rind, of late, hascaused' it to spurt
-forward, ,
Such is the report of the Trottiiiii
' rasteeth, a, new, pleasant Poiiirdeit,
keeps teeth firmly set. Deodorizes
breath. No gUmmY,. goOen'in-01
taste or feeling. To talk, eatan
laugh in comfort, and withoUt em-
barrassment, just sprinkle a little
Fasteettf on your plates. Get
.FASTEtTH, 35c. or 60c. size,' to -day
at any good drug store.
Send for free trial size, to Fasteeth„---
Ltd., •64 Wellington W., Toronto..
irt--'0hentna where flan .11111b of, Anlerica, headed, by E.
they have ninety beds; 'with- only five Roland 'arriznan, of Nov/ York,' and -6-
doctors .• The training School for fitirs,es, llnumbering among its members Many of
in..„11311,..hospitaLshe_.Clairatd, was
.-tO none, -e• Some people- -criticised-the
edticationat, and medical ',work' in China
but she said 'evangehatio wOrk"CoUld best
be carried .On in conrieetioh With Medi -
tat and..edneatiOnal work. 'Dr: Itilborn
went to China in 1894, being the .ilrst
medical thisSionarY .Sent to the field, by
spoke otsthe:tnibroves,
Mints lit:that time„:' c
.nOW _
IS illegal, not only siti, but it Is out -of- Ls harness toeing game is not only . •
date, sunfaihionable, it is AO lorEger, done, the sport' of kings:" Dick lieViatilai said.
eximpt in out of the way PlaceS. All the other day." but_ something itt
doors; in China :are now open to Which: every man can go, out, for airtisof
iions.,•litter declared, all tli*t is needidare instead of being tucked CVO.' hri in the
fonds and. worker*. ..4there 13 more tratidstatat, Personally, I like my sports
money spent.in Canada in -cigarettes and firsthand"
than in Missionary *ark, Ole
- Rev C .1i,fa1colm of rotoridville,
brought greetings stroni the iirtsbytery,
whlch was Meeting the tAiXid ay, Itt
the COinse of his remarks he tiated the
cO-operation ot the W.'W/C,-;*Ek itt -the
SIAMmer' -Clump 'project Itt which the L. OOdge,' Le' OVUM. Ity.: Dr, O. M.
Preihyttor, has invested,," r„dWardS. .*ittsbtireh:. David M. took,
11‘. Ooetns dedicated the New tork; L. B. -.Sheppard,' Ranover.•
!new oilicers. to --thor work. Pa, and others all spend a geed' share
, the Clinton, 0,601011 ,Ztarsa$ gaVii very ,Of their tineseeingto it that their
interesting little': exercises and a bible nits 'writes are in loin for th4 owners
tbeirrneltes to take them on a task
. *butte. 'ot flence Was observed breith4ektrig *Pin 11664:At ,ni1 .110k.
'mm�iryvo.tit'sfOlWiorkktitsltin on *li: Sidra, •
during " the year.; ot‘.*` *et,.;Records, et, the 'Tiottiots'Itorae. • Oluir,-
/iftr.twa:. **1st ItietitY4 sttorttcat 'toyer behind harriesS,recing,
, ,
:the, * drowrdng aecMent, rePttitirt itt ahear that the *port Is being prOMOted
Witieli *Mit Petirrie. WO' Of Xtelt. dly ot late by the, feftriation „of 1
Penrthe,tetmOttr,ot 'Vol**, loot his "Ito. geritlenieh dr1ng Olube Whoie Members
Mia. Lang reported for Of 'rotoltititli pLiot .their Oen' trotters agalibit telPist
members and often enter peofetionid
*AO* on the . Wit line tracks.
)theAK'roup belng formed h'v the, esst-
ntiktivest' en.d far we sectots are
the ranking busine:ssleaders and imorts.
Men Of the, emork.., -PonstAntly:
ed by the addition of such enthusiasts
as young It. J. Vick" Reynoid,s and his
Wife, who botti.train and race -their own
stable of trotters arid' pacers', tbe club
and tile Grand' Circuit, trackli under itS
,general gtridante are looking fOrwird to
. 004. -season' ShiCe th.0-4. Of
Such figures as 14. itartinian, who
train, and races his Arden Iloraestead
Firm harness steppers:, William Ir.
Cana* Jersey City, who **orks Oood
Time Stable trotters:. W. N. Ileynalfle,
WInst°4411‘1,0,, Ifog4n,
ifetiiiIr knight, Ciiic.ago; John
a new
..trara..-ara aJaavaleira,Asa
ice Powder
Perfect For -Every
complexions ilnd on skins of
,eireilf type, Bouquet Face Powder, a
triumph of hiendine, gives the perfect
oatural effeet now the vogue. You will
delight in this finer powder, whieh stays.,
on for hoUrs„and in its inimitable 'delicate
iiran;lette.-nosh,4);srk &whet
Koeht4r1Aite •
tIPSTICK.4o1e1ilb10 55e
MELBA ROUGE.Natarall.Tohe,. SSe'
Ifyour dealer &nowt supply you,
*Oa OS Smu J*41/00.' '
411000.10.,101...BA Or, (.10,04%., 141).
0 to
Into yin* ,stothsth 'is
psoper ondition you 'an tat trh#
70U like Wttbout haying to ar
after, Mr, M. land*
time ago 1 100014.4ea.in my bettda., .:04ivriittorrivinittesestine:...*'8Ornepoitto'
trotditboy som$hits
r,titot tr7 hiAtic