HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-05-10, Page 6'*t 4 41,, .00 Yt.1 .14 `a • 0•010 , 11. • .wska .00Y rat 01,4 AaaAllan ,,,,, 5, 1,, ...to, .44 4Wrter,0 If thenot Stark the Ita ot. NIOthers Dy, tliey have .06:10 a ,great deal in Zo:te n. 1Mid it lias develOpsd lnto kgoed thing 'tor there Any light* des not ,neett to he tOld, to reniernt,er their Mother, and to do 4 on 4 certain day. 1 never Ivarad to do anything _ for „Inv mother on Mother's Day no do 1 Want ow: 'children to do anything ter Me. ,We are told to 110110r thy Father and Mother,' but we do not need to*COriline, It to Abe first Stindaii In May, Perhaps At is Weans° 1 lack *Ai:44,411d of entinient or perAaps X re- ' tient tomerine telling me 1 Must do -a thing, butwhateverthe CMOs b, t dis- like Mother's Day. I find that there are * large number or -Women; Who's opinion I, respect, feel the Mtn about it, *TO MY 'mind there, ba something *very queer *bout rtnYOne who -needs a special day to remernber to love their mother and then -has to be told to do it I cannot:en- ilure mother songs and we herir,S0 Many of them. The other day mate. palsionate tenor was singing a,- Very - touching mother EOng on the radio, when one of our bOys remarked, 'Mother songs give me a pain.' My. sentiments exactly. If to .wallow- -sentiment-ind-ree, i1ires$TakeraiF1619vt AirePair- , d That is your privilege...:SoznehoW. Mothers pa leaves me cola: Since we itarted ou the subject - -of motbersi-we-are going;to write At bit, more about them'. Have you ever no- ticed the way some children Make their inut.'" taken t her. vt#0, are to let. their mother jito'.40 *0.11;0' for tear:.eornethil.4 tn4ht happeni or they m1jht not, knew 110W tO 1344 the Way or some finelttoattettneso. It *eons t me.04 ,When a WOrrlariria heilhhilOX to get Old atu-t has tungott up & pool, shO Ithett.hl be Ole to tle0cle thing* for -herself and stio what 'ehe M**be. ;She never his hatt-nni.etreltitneeltr have "her Own way betore 1 'weight aftoeste eving Motheri. every Orli but to let, them do OS .they like and .hot to WreP them; in W001 and, Mike 'them feel Old and beipleSS, When 'there'Ag_no hit*, -100 .1* deadly. ;Vali,- so 'let The Moth* ers',initiate their own :plant arid cork. .04t.their own Ideas. Just think * min- ute and am Sure you Oarl. all name Mothers Who are made feel Old. tle.kind but not overitelnlingly protective, GI -VE MILK TO Tot ottlymetr If the calcium in our blood falls .bc- low a certain level, It affects our nerves and we become irritable. When year family be\043Me$ Irritable Io.,k for the cauler and try to Make a .change in cOn. 42tIons. If it is leek of sleep, it is up to the mother to arrange that they -get more, Irritability is caused more often may grtOt be caused in 'each case by" a f-caletuoi4utit.will not hurt anyt get-mbre 01 It Milk hat a high calcium content and to use MOre mIik -ls-spee,of4e., -4,40sing.- vlum SQ the not lime your family is cranky bring on. the milk,. :Of , course you can't -rush up to the ,cbildren or friend husband with 41 glass of, milk and e-IttloVin filet++, -Your-Must balm offenders. Thee datzgl1ter TfairIy k mOre ,silbtle than that, .If 'tliy are „ their mothers with kindness, They de- ready to drink More, all w„ell and good, . tide where they can go, what"- therwill t even if theY ara not, you can *ear and even what' they may have to add a large 'quantity of Milk by ,eat, It is all done with the beat • of in your choice of foods, CrPant soUPa was sent td mel" arej one easy . way. of using milk, iu me*I In V, And certainly toe lot, G1 mfli. (hczqate Or;Maittri dedaike • . jther 2t .Or ;Obi are utitally popular, ''.04e. 4144 your fsniiiy Set at 1e044,* 914010 tbt Will 401 tOward. 'ttraigbteXiing oaC, Ofhto Qt Milk Je day eieh arid stind .whit„sehe 'bet'eWlth : of the afternoon Ibe .Fiftern0011 se$104 cOninien0ed'a 145, VOA., 0.Join* and Urtt. 'StraOha. contitictings,,stille,0004diat -MAP Whe: pot itcup butter, 1, ton4.11i, '11!:1;$1144-1014elte'Y'lt: 'clh°11944i41 m.IP'g ettit, -r to Boni, a• levet tato**, sorouvi Vtiltbihe'ouvezinx a very Inzplr*tIOn- cf taiiaLi,--v:hitr.si teopoon soda, 2 CUP al address. *0104: at. the' 'bltthsoX tour. Cre11111 hater iittid sugar and and add Christ the piethred iiLs chUdlio3d, with Well.beaten, egg', . Acta soteit do jngre. the ,thoiming:of ..the , knowledge of the 004 and mIlk alternately. Put '24 of, °rat 'Work ',Ahead, and the endeavor this mixture in 41 buttered Pan and to later On to *part :gime Of these deep the remainder 144- 2 tablespoons sreidizatioris _to, ha, followers. ri.„.ekteK:WceiepOori Otoirei ifid" 14 leasOoext, She Ihteried; ttie Christlan life to leaven altsPice.' )41X Well :'111.4d pour on top of 'in, bread ft work* with greet iniikOrMit0 the first mixture. *Bake in * moderate there are no;:irliviSions amongst Chris - Oven of 350 degrees, Ice 'AS desired. tians, *lotto**. Mee color, Make' none. This is an old-fashioned cake. - The re- She spoke of the wonderful, eentxibu. Op* came frerti 41C Oortuan family , and tion some foreigners are making to Our had 'butter the 'size of an egg:* 1 melt- national life and the keen intelligence slfred that 111Uc11,1,nd found it ifto be 14 of ,rk .great many of. these, -people, wen cup. 4n old-fashioned leing seemed fit:- WhOill. we are apt to look down a little, ting 80 1 ued & Caramel Icing 'made by This is out of Place amongst Christians, Wiling 2 cups brown sugar, cup mIlk, howeVer.She told of a group- of New -1 teaspoon corn 'SYrUP, I tablespoon Canadians Who were. Mired bow we ter Until it fern,* a ton bali In „cold could help theta, • The answer Was. "by water. Lt stand stand until luke-warm, add tieing 'more .00nelderate." Another said: vanilla and beat ',Until thick. "In God • alone is unity," A committee ratk9apPointedlo„stiitgulthe likenesses:anton ath- Put layer or tseasonett, finely chop- , ,1-5.- • RT7triiin,"a. olio priest, a Jewiab. Rabbi and an An - Ped, cooked..__spi4eirin --as-bakbag---dish wart -blivoric.„.ithe,, thouiffit which may be brought° to the table. /leant, that they :were going to search Break an egg for each serving on this. •-dlf- seasotLwi,salt and.- pepper and.,coxer. the thi2gs 4n common, pot _for tit A.T FIZRWOQN tht irritatIOris, and 'WOO* *kW totire But let*tbat be you aeciet, No heed to tell them ,all yini.knOw, beeanse then it May lose its iffeet: BL.WK HILL CAE - with grated,chem.-Cook„in, a moderato - 1..eaven keeps on working,:untii the °Vert ot 325: degrees until the- eggs are; set and the cheese wholes leavened, it didn't leave any un - Milted. leavened part. hristian, worker - are ,vgEDDING vcouNT -apt: to ito short of the oal. She -Friend-'--There watrit--,a‘ Very big thought a nes i: standard -of- lifir:-was- -need- account of 'youx daughter's wedding in ed.' l!Aaterial things lave taken -tt?# the paper..thii Morning." ' high* a* place in the life solar. Our Father adly); "NO, ;the big account PoSiessiona are. not our own while others are in Sore need, She coneliided with the story. of "Big Bill pavicison," _who was sent- on- a- commission orgrcat den- -ger -during- theLwar sand4old.,that_31 must. be executed "at all cost," He eXecuted hiS WOrk and tame back to the base, his plana trashingnear it -r- Trent.- wbith bls, lifeless.---bodywas•4akene his. bands,:stili grasping the wheel. He had ,rxectiteds• hia--.inperior's--Vderg, at . the cost sr his • - - life: ' tentions. and Oa of a great love but it does make a wornan feol old to liave too .• - joitiaLtiitgain 1 fp --flitialli1ORRI1-011)11W- iwiti+Aso...e.ow04)4whoisst- -AND SPrittNCks-FEVElt The rittraber of desserts-Wiiieh require' li---rintres-S-:,------Crearried----vegetabres .rterl - (if your family like them), TanY , cla! The North Atlantic ice patrol reports dren heartily dislike themY, creamed that' iceberga are • later than usual this avor dishes 'tor super Of-luricho, year in Starting Southward JournU L1ke reit ct salmonlobster,- shrimps; Irr fact -the, backyard -gardener -they- baVe- &tub any or the fish, fresh or canned. Seal,,, less been deterred by the snow,spring: loped-d-Ishes-reguiremilit-and there Aga , .a you may use the -sea foods -and-have the Over .40,000 trees were plaitttaste added satisfaction of increasing the Jed- year on, Boy Scout reforestation,' projects in Nova Scotia. 44 _e_cati be only combining. Bigness Economy. . Slyleand-in the rice Field, it's the ormetnce • • - • etv arc always two tr. one fide to a fact. 11 car —weigh in BIGNESS es to an opinion, There can only„ you are considering the purchase s about thc new Tailplane, a 17ONE4*tt1*t**ZGGS In is L 10 frst n PlettrORMANCE It 11 , cat tither hisa tire earlier or hassigi treak j the r�tiortheear1u*e*a ***clean. With eleatoiloariajt tear hody lima *tad & trot* tnd free tit silt air waits, the Tortola** 6 h s M Oaglathatt ottietailinati ityk Pi* 14 tCCOOMIt pock T. —441kir* *Ono* * 0 tti 'itt log Nair proved ittsietaal owleer alvtitti 4 • MUMMY, MAY 10th,„1,034 SAFETY :Ile fits. t requitement of the investor, particularly the sthall investor, is assured safety; income yield is of lesser • - IMPortanc,e. That is why so. Many hundreds of thou- sands of Canadians regard rileir savings deposits in this bank as the best' type of investment., The income may A not be so attractive as, the promised yield of certain securities,but it is six= and steady, while the principal itself is safe and always remaims it full face value. - • HEAD orricz t 1 11/411ljdi MONTREAL AL • TOTA,L, ASSETS( -1N- 'EXCESS OE' o -;61i Goderich Branch: R. C. WHATELPY, Manager • MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE tbe 911,tcome. of xx6 Years' Successfule,Operatior's 0, ptpress1ng--theithanko-of411 delegates for the 'hospitality received, for the use of the church,• the_good dinner provided and -to all those who had •taken Part In the *program and to The `retiring. officers for their faithful work daring the-palt. -year: •Iirs "0:- Lawson contributed a very appropriat,e, Isola very sweetly7 Heard ile.'aUkAtY.''." ,r+r, Itetta Gifford -Kilburn', for manYi years a ro,sionary in West China, was the --second speaker and she told. inanYlf structlyer-- and hitpiring:,s-things aboutf he,r arork.„. there -arid the situation. In', -.the Province of Szechw4n, We,st Chizia,1 there are shtti millions Of people, toll nJfliOna of *Wont the United gburch 'Canada have t,he responsibility, and'. there are-siii40-triirly and Canton, brkilborn said the work! of the United Church, was like the Bri- -tith :Empire; iipon,_ it tile _suri_never seta. China is Wing: a crisisit is either! Communism or Christ. It adds greatly I to the Chinch'sdifficultied, but we I should welcothe difficulties. . In 1913 I AuditOrs: Mrs. McKenzie, acderleb; Mrs. Lane,Seaforth. The chroming of an extbutive" committee was 'left to the officers.- -- Delegates to ,the brinCh mOting in June /tie: *Mrs. Erratt, Goshen; Mrs, McIlwaine,Lucknow; Mrs. Cooke, Hen- sall;, Mrs. Pi, Thompson,. Londesboro, =Ontario street church, Clinton. has in- vited the Pre.sbyterbal for 1936, the tenth anniversary of the inaugural, -The-ladies -61 the, Wesley-Wiilis con- gregation 'provideti gates, also for the meinbers of the Pres- bytery, which was meeting in 'the On - tar' street church on the samo day. _ benthe''''Bay--,--Stitto::Glittilt;;;6016%, launches trotting and pacing for 1934. Ten reCeSi worth, _$6,900, already are earded for the three-day speed carnival nt the ''COlorfid • heart . of pre-Itevolutionary Goshen: -Binh year trotting enthuslasts pang their :attention on the gay inaugural of harness racing here, slice it Means the first starts Of the season for Many colts destined to write -.history -before-autumn,. Pour candidates 'for the $40,000 -Hamble- tonian Stake, being raced August. 15 aoress town at, W. IL Cane's mile-Jrack; wilt,..iget..-their rst baptism of --fire for 1934 in . June: when. the three-year-old trot is raced. • , - Other hotly -contested' milts will help. give the harness horse f,raternity its first intimatidn .thi.s season of how well its ThOP-efttls will perform whexi1 e Circuit starts rolling later in June. With 131 entries already 'assured for the inaugurarraces here, -Mr. Hairimani pre -- aids the fastest miles and largeit, crowds at his.dalitoric track So4lte its inception centubr ago. s' . • Society, as Well as •sportsdom turned out en Masse -last-Juno- to -spur its fay-, °rites on over the shalf-Mile 'ring. This _ _ 11, ' oxes-arezreported to -be goigg-eveh- faster than at this time in 1933.. , Fol- lowing the 3 -day trots and paces here, the Bay State Circuit moves on to Chat- ' T.T.Y., Sturbridge, Nfass., Avon,, Corm:, and Windsor, Conn. The 10 events already carded for Goshen arid the entries in each WOW; open trot, 5; .2:15 trot, 19; 2:25 trot, 15; 3-year-o1d- trot, 12; 2-ye5r-old trot,' 26; open pace, 6; 2:15. pace, 11; .2:25 -pace,. 15; r3-year-o1d pace, 7, and -s-year-old „ pace, 15. New; of the Trotters .01.100.0,600.0 China became_ a ,teputtlia but it is: still7-The , .. in a state Ot confOslon,with nu settled New; YorkMay 1 (Specia4 thrill 'Of 'personally bringing home a' central goVernment. She 'clid not agree. with -something. r-sitid - sChir, after Weeks or ;months' of, sttting, up _behilid_rOur_ eons. or fillies_tn - whip about the Wis-dOna or sillitring-- the -yohrigt IbliiketliclisitilirCirirrirtlitrdid-rrot-4440A-4140447-4011-A4148,004-sag4F,i, thework -vitt CanadianswaY -ab they are taxed, tion -denied --horse IciverS and owners, in . coMPlain otitr but In phina Most fields, is What keeps harness ra-ping . the people art taxed twentY.flie years In advance, • She, sPoke enthusiastically about the alive rind, of late, hascaused' it to spurt -forward, , Such is the report of the Trottiiiii • HOLDS FALSE TE ETH - ALL, DAY LONG ' rasteeth, a, new, pleasant Poiiirdeit, keeps teeth firmly set. Deodorizes breath. No gUmmY,. goOen'in-01 taste or feeling. To talk, eatan laugh in comfort, and withoUt em- barrassment, just sprinkle a little Fasteettf on your plates. Get .FASTEtTH, 35c. or 60c. size,' to -day at any good drug store. Send for free trial size, to Fasteeth„--- Ltd., •64 Wellington W., Toronto.. FASTEETH— MADE IN CANADA 4 irt--'0hentna where flan .11111b of, Anlerica, headed, by E. they have ninety beds; 'with- only five Roland 'arriznan, of Nov/ York,' and -6- doctors .• The training School for fitirs,es, llnumbering among its members Many of in..„11311,..hospitaLshe_.Clairatd, was .-tO none, -e• Some people- -criticised-the edticationat, and medical ',work' in China but she said 'evangehatio wOrk"CoUld best be carried .On in conrieetioh With Medi - tat and..edneatiOnal work. 'Dr: Itilborn went to China in 1894, being the .ilrst medical thisSionarY .Sent to the field, by spoke otsthe:tnibroves, 'eptury. Mints lit:that time„:' c .nOW _ IS illegal, not only siti, but it Is out -of- Ls harness toeing game is not only . • date, sunfaihionable, it is AO lorEger, done, the sport' of kings:" Dick lieViatilai said. eximpt in out of the way PlaceS. All the other day." but_ something itt doors; in China :are now open to Which: every man can go, out, for airtisof iions.,•litter declared, all tli*t is needidare instead of being tucked CVO.' hri in the fonds and. worker*. ..4there 13 more tratidstatat, Personally, I like my sports money spent.in Canada in -cigarettes and firsthand" than in Missionary *ark, Ole - Rev C .1i,fa1colm of rotoridville, brought greetings stroni the iirtsbytery, whlch was Meeting the tAiXid ay, Itt the COinse of his remarks he tiated the cO-operation ot the W.'W/C,-;*Ek itt -the SIAMmer' -Clump 'project Itt which the L. OOdge,' Le' OVUM. Ity.: Dr, O. M. Preihyttor, has invested,," r„dWardS. .*ittsbtireh:. David M. took, 11‘. Ooetns dedicated the New tork; L. B. -.Sheppard,' Ranover.• !new oilicers. to --thor work. Pa, and others all spend a geed' share , the Clinton, 0,601011 ,Ztarsa$ gaVii very ,Of their tineseeingto it that their interesting little': exercises and a bible nits 'writes are in loin for th4 owners tbeirrneltes to take them on a task . *butte. 'ot flence Was observed breith4ektrig *Pin 11664:At ,ni1 .110k. 'mm�iryvo.tit'sfOlWiorkktitsltin on *li: Sidra, • during " the year.; ot‘.*` *et,.;Records, et, the 'Tiottiots'Itorae. • Oluir,- /iftr.twa:. **1st ItietitY4 sttorttcat 'toyer behind harriesS,recing, , , :the, * drowrdng aecMent, rePttitirt itt ahear that the *port Is being prOMOted Witieli *Mit Petirrie. WO' Of Xtelt. dly ot late by the, feftriation „of 1 Penrthe,tetmOttr,ot 'Vol**, loot his "Ito. geritlenieh dr1ng Olube Whoie Members Mia. Lang reported for Of 'rotoltititli pLiot .their Oen' trotters agalibit telPist members and often enter peofetionid *AO* on the . Wit line tracks. )theAK'roup belng formed h'v the, esst- krn ntiktivest' en.d far we sectots are the ranking busine:ssleaders and imorts. Men Of the, emork.., -PonstAntly: erEttrg- ed by the addition of such enthusiasts as young It. J. Vick" Reynoid,s and his Wife, who botti.train and race -their own stable of trotters arid' pacers', tbe club and tile Grand' Circuit, trackli under itS ,general gtridante are looking fOrwird to . 004. -season' ShiCe th.0-4. Of Such figures as 14. itartinian, who train, and races his Arden Iloraestead Firm harness steppers:, William Ir. Cana* Jersey City, who **orks Oood Time Stable trotters:. W. N. Ileynalfle, WInst°4411‘1,0,, Ifog4n, ifetiiiIr knight, Ciiic.ago; John A iA a new ,"'"Intlt; tttl*tikilitt 'titan* ..trara..-ara aJaavaleira,Asa , ice Powder • Perfect For -Every Skin complexions ilnd on skins of ,eireilf type, Bouquet Face Powder, a triumph of hiendine, gives the perfect oatural effeet now the vogue. You will delight in this finer powder, whieh stays., on for hoUrs„and in its inimitable 'delicate fragrance. iiran;lette.-nosh,4);srk &whet Koeht4r1Aite • tIPSTICK.4o1e1ilb10 55e MELBA ROUGE.Natarall.Tohe,. SSe' Ifyour dealer &nowt supply you, *Oa OS Smu J*41/00.' ' 411000.10.,101...BA Or, (.10,04%., 141). 55e 0 to istressin After B P., DOCK MM. ,ins very ea! Into yin* ,stothsth 'is psoper ondition you 'an tat trh# 70U like Wttbout haying to ar after, Mr, M. land* time ago 1 100014.4ea.in my bettda., .:04ivriittorrivinittesestine:...*'8Ornepoitto' my trotditboy som$hits r,titot tr7 hiAtic