HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-05-10, Page 5rag& , sot jig., DZM4* tem, 1034 ••• •AQI • ....14,014 '1 • 04 4,4 4,14,14.440 444,444 AM 4 04,, 1444 t • 1 .PA pnosql qt. i,A,?! ties oil:JJi Iiled by ltoving reapactlYely .y4, 0 , dogs A few Wee10} 0; The or,:00041' C-OS*4, . POttee Will has* to arrange *boa it With: V the, bereaiecl, owners.'" ' .. .. . ' fir 1. The Official letter front .the Water aVid sht COM,042Sion "adviged the. cOUncil thatIt.*11",:birling, had .beenreques to oall, for te#4,40"10i-thif..VEWOU:s.it the pump house. th'e .11OOking( Viiiir piping , will bedone, bg oky, lahOr.' A,:, long, letter from the Coder 'tit4ettiring CO', • wentInto detail Connection 'with; the trouble the cOM has halkover a :period .of year With,' Water% ettAng into theif, dry' itiln„ ,Th 3r =e4t , lite- .010. to-COnidderfablemekt POILsO. to tryto eliminati., the ..trOUhite and . have . not been able to de It. They feel that . (Cantiunetl, fr�m pige • It the eiti*OriO41 BeeletY by 41141' Ilk Meeting • :JOintlY w1h the, "Centennial (YlleOlt,., ace. ' ThAt'1144' 'referred' ,tbr. the sPeciat 'committee, t Th; RUhlie$01110., 1„)4eard wrotiSaing for 1180o. for ihe year, -This :estimate..is the stone as last year. It will he taken into ,cOneitleratiOn.'1When' the general esti.: mates are 'helug'7erriyi4. at.• ° TorontO' COMparkir-:engteSted-: that the town spend 119,0 or. $150 and Insert • . V t an advertisement In thelr Ptiblicetioni a.bout10 tPwn should now40 soMethingt The Public 'Works Vennnittge Vaa. 40014' ‘froVtied on, The When the county -weed insPec6rgt 'together In clintonozMa7Wz, Chief ‘Postlethwaite will be one of them In his oindal .4Pa_Ol.t3! *Of te.Wri Weed InSpe0tor. ' Roller. ,IISCassiOn aroso as' to the results accruing to the town' from: the Purchase lof the titan la.St fall frOm which the atowa • wood 'w1)..so cut. Reeve. Turner thought that it Was about time tht0 ,eMne final relx)rt was being secured. Coun- cillor. Humber remded Inin that it .was too early yet to ItnOW just where the town., stood as there *as still a quantity of wood not sold. It Was thought that It. might be possible to reprice the re- maining wood a little lovirer but the mat- ter was left to •the committee eoncerned. The question;of roller skating_ was *pointed' aiit that it as a very danger- ous- practice' 'and that -the -children eV14 dent:137,1(qt that they had a right to -use the roads. ,'The result was that lie span- IBilack Knights want to held a celebra- k tlon here•, on Most 12tli. The town council Will consider andwill let them 'know, later, , ' The -Goaerich Collegiate Board, yants $1600 out of the 1D34 levy and an extra 42,000 to ,reeet an, overdraft.They will Probably get , „Rill For Ilene . Wm. Waite and Wilfrid Dcinaldson are asking. $1 each few slit and eleven liens Use ‘.‘Stiperteit" Let us lubricate your bar today .t try our service. We Are sure you will be satisfied.' • SuOrtestiServici -Statio2 A. Beavers; -. - Cor. Hamiltan 'arta Victoria Sts. Phone 242'VV. Week End Soecials FORCASH --FtesTflia-M-To To a st. 18c -111. Fresh Picnic Hams. :15c. lb; Shoulder Roast Veal' .o. 12c -1.4c lb. Rump Roast Veal. . .15c. lb. gu-ie..Porkl Sausage. .15c, -1b, Pure Beef Hamburg, • . . .3 lbs. for 25c Lean Shoulder Roast .Beef, --12c lb; Rib Boij Beef: ....'10c lb, Lean Boil Beef 10c Ili. Blade Roast Beef,14c lb. No. -1 Shortening. . 10c lb. Bat Roast Pork. .18c lb. THQS.,LE,GG We Deliver' Photo; 41-i , Ph. Weys the -Cnier pest notices warniag children against the practice of skating on the roads. This of course does not apply to Skating on the sidewalks. Reeve Munnings was entrusted with the Joh of arranging -the -question of-th ' d proper fence to be built adjoining Vic- toria Park. 'Two citizen's are; involve but the Reeve has no doubt ,of arranging the matter quickly. The Goderich Salt Compaay reLreires more space at the dock for the storage of salt The Water, Light and Harbor pcmmittee- - es. 0 a .,t or Neflson's GODERIC iaira c r °co a e ar e dispIa fshoriv' fare Board rrange for a relief *exit oncerta tai arrears of tb.ose_on relief; that the Collegiate' Institute hoard has paid a further slim of,..$2,200 on thelr levy' Genuine Success We have etainined acettlinta trein „the 4 • Welfare Board amounting to $10246 and reconimend that they be pissed and paid; we have examined the weekly pay- rolLs and recommend that they be pas- sed. The bemetery and Parks Committee recommended that a 'by-Iaw be prepared providing that identification plates be on all t askets as Used in bkials at Maitland cemetery; that the additiOnal bathroom at the Park Ilduse is now completed and the) fire escape will he instal -led on the More Than Two Hundred Chil Please Capacity Audiences At Two Performances • Those who .raisSed the oolicert and en- tertainment .given by the eliiiiiren of the two echools oo Thursday and Friday eVenings, May 3rd and 4th, In the lecture room of Knox church, miesed something north. side of v .2 the "4,141 Ileeizolt.',AtettW owel.. Ietneelec 'rill {hot plate with a prepayment electrio "IrTei---t-t- a he -tourist camp kitchen; the Horticultural Society be granted $25 for improving town parks and oth-er pro- oPer,t7i.----.......... ---.-------- • ---- ' -,-- • . Fublie Works?, Committee The Public Works Committee recom- •mended that a tank ear of 'Tara) B be purehated; that your committee be ern - powered • to proceed with the work of treating the roads- and prOvicang the --Maydr Lee was in the chair for -the meeting which was an unusually quiet one. Couriellior Sproul was the only ab- sentee . • .. . Committee reports were adopted s _ o The'reports of the Standing Commit- tees were adopted as -follows: The Finance Committee recommended that -the Ptiblii-Library Boari--be paid a ftirther sum of $200 on thefr 1924 grant. as requested; that the electric light ao- cotint of MacKay Hall to Marth 1 amounting to $19.13 be palet; that the resolutiOn. "to pay MacKay Hall •light qn rest room rent be rescinded, and that the MacKay Hall Board be notified that as they now have funds, they pay their own light aceounts hereafter; that ar-- ',Tarigernents with the Bank for a credit • of 4,95,000 for the year have been com- ;doted -And a letter, to trlis affecti..has 'been received by the treasIner; that the comraittee in connection with the Wel-- , 4 ?TJPE Riffj CHAIN for Tburs., Fri., Sat., May. 10th, lith, 12th Orange Marmalade.14roGzEjar Golden Bantam-Corn-rar 10c oyal York (Etta' Tea it;10,14° 28c Aylmer Soups ionE01,1%; 3 tins 25c Alymer. Pumpkin' I'szioUAT Lifebuoy Soap, Cake " " nowilake Ammonia 4 pkgs. 23c itve_ -- 5 LARGE - I'd!' PACKAGE lc 01d Soap Nugget shoe polish ALL f&LORS a riiu cocoa - us, your Ego .hest OE 44444 conpie-or ;nun ed cnUaren, all told, took pare in the event and ate. entitlea grea •ea of criart for a epiendid` entertainment. Those who witnessed it are equally enthusiastic in praise cif R. . the schools, who was maInly resooneible for the numbers and for the training of the children. Spectators also commented oh the absence of confosion, a thing which is suppoeed to be inseparable fioni chil- dren's 'affairs; and 'ne4etio 'Neva ti*It a bad (Mei' *IL to OW got tbtkt facs wash ed ,And wejt to bed there.on e staae and 'wke up 'quite, deferent tttIe Ooke, and 11140Pin 'Mb Mornglit, And the efforts of Mlas 4licgottline Hank as Done, Durdina*, 'Alt4ether'It 1' a)d'enloyabletXT , CklidreP, and the $309110ble, .11Wr.. P1ayr Miss 'flOchatia.k- ont' paniMente And ithe ohfldren Ti !Whited thereby. I , N. H. Milt -14-.itrntenitierrif 't40,-e0hooli-hoe,tr.rtlniniced-theipssion, the Hoard of . Management cf, Knox, church and Rey. D. J. Lane' for the 0,se of the lecture roonvOt the church and a oaPaelty crowd for each perorMance went home well 'pleased. Idea re $1M1)4rY'eTriljer'eit4it Plitt of the ie itrid''04'eletentS 4eSe, ,11* ere great HURON.PERTIt BASEBALL SCHEDULE 4444144441041.44.4411411 May 24-(x) Clinton at Mitchell 25 -Exeter at Gocierich " 28--4fitc1ell at SUMS. Exeter at Clinton Goderich at Zurich " 31-Staffa at,. Exeter Goderioli at Mitchell June 4--o(*) Goderich at Clintoo Exeter at Staffa • -" 7 -Zurich at Mitehell Staffa at 'Ooderich Clinton at Exeter 715Gottl-44"44derietra64411-E'xetrrr 'sfemt°6°1' Mitchell at Clinton 14 -Clinton at 'taffa Exeter at Mitchell Zurich at Goderich iareb- ?- Mitchell at Exeter Staffa at Goderich " 21-Goderich at Staffa Zurich at Exeter b Mitchell -At Clinton sulfur -- Mitchell at Goderich Clinton at Exeter • 28--qtaffa at Mitchell Zurich at Clinton Gocierich at Exeter July 45--,C11nton at Mitchell Goderich at Stella; Exeter at -Zuri. - 9-Mitoliell at Zurich Staffa at Clinton Exeter at Goderich " 12-.-(1t)' Staffs: at Exeter " 16 -Clinton at' Zurich -Goderich_at Mitehall • Exeter, at Stella " 19 -Zurich at Goelerich Staffa at Clinton _Exeter at Mitchell " 23--Staffa -at-Zurich-- Goderich at Clinton Mitchell at Exeter " 26 -Mitchell at Staffa Clinton at Goderich Exeter at Zurich 30 -Clinton at Staffa Zurich at Mitchell Aug. 2--Staffa at Mitchell Goderich at Zurich . Exeter at Clinton " 6--(*) Chnton at Godench Zurich at Staffa 9 -Mitchell at Zurich " 13 -Zurich at Clinton Mitchell at Goderich " 16-Zurthh at Exeter (x) Indicates game called et le a.m. , (*) indicates.games called at L.30 p.m. All other game3 called at „(1.15 _ •1 1-1YD RO CONTRACTS SHORTENED olotoo Geo'. Schaefer, chairman of taa---„Sohool neeesearY 'gravel sand and gral- Petard, that the Bedford Hotel proprietors have acted as master of eeremonies. .`1`liree selections were given. as an been given permission to c.austruct a opener, by the pupils of the Third Hoek concrete curb -on South street 'in front of of *he Combined schools. These werc their hotel and we recommend that they „The 'Whiter is Over "A Lovely Even- pbe allowed to construct a stri of con- ing" and "John Peel." This war. excel- crete along the resent sidewa k. also a I 1„tly_done...._.The_thidergaram---Am... ti4o. strip acrees-the bdiiievarci from- the walk to the -curb. side- presented by' seine fifty little ones who. under the direction' of Miss .Hume, be - The committee of the whole- council came a band, pla3ting on an sorts of odd submitted the following report: With thIngeo 410. tilecitei...triangles,.. reference to. the letter of A,prij -20 -from bottles and cymbals, .and sang to their rmik the Goderich Salt COmpany, -for own accompaniment. They those._"To- permission -to-construct -a- -rairway-siding day . Saw a Robin," "'Mare Was a off Maitland 'Road across the north-east Crooked Man" and "Lendon Bridge." corner of the 'National lot into their pro- perty .plan L-1644, we Following thernoeame eight little. girls per C.N:R.re- hi a " h • commend that thosrequest belohickatieg ance," under the "per - granted at • - the pleasure of the -Cauncil enlyLi Ia Damn, Master John Graham and a chorus of Primary rate of $1.00 per not to stand on street or town lot, ren- school pupils did "Ilumpty Dumpty." and tal at the armum- tracks across the National property and "Pussy Cat," with Master Graham as the - ,n, on the street to be removed at any tim54yBettyEastmaproved- herself ae splendid reader when she gave The upon two months' notice from the thwn. Land of IBeginning _Again" ancl'"How the The- Special Cciramitthe recommended Elephant Gots Its Trunk," to the'at- that no action betaken on the letter of 9 from the -Ontario Institute of companiment of musio: Mire Eastman .Aloril Cleaners, Dyers and -Pressers, asking the is a pupil of misa shoxplan. • .First and SeCohd tihok .classes were Council:to license cleaner's and pressers; there in songs such asi '`Where Ere. a •Ive reetOlinenclothatothoiletter ol April Snowflake Melts AkVaar."0"Itickory, Dick - 18 froth the lue Watei H" Highway A„sso- Ory; Dock," and "Sprhig Flowers," while elation regarding tourist publicity be re- four young ladiesMagine Patten, Betty 'ceived. and, pla, ced on flle. Westbrooke, Joan and and Kath - The Water, Light and' Harbor Commit= .leen MacEwan costumed in Dutch out - tee recommended that the Goderich Salt fits Performed 'a Dutch dance. Co. Lilted, be rented space in ,the big All the nursery book characters joined freight shed at the dock for shipping together in a party at "Old Motiler Hub- ] -salt M. cartmr-packagess only; that the life .saving equipment at the harbor has bard's Cupboard?' The old lady in the person of Martorie Eastman wei-orripo been overhauled and is now in place for use as required; that the septic, tank and -drains at. the -public rest room at the harbor be eieened out. -The- -Fire-committee: -recommended that it be empowered to have the frame of the ladder truck straightened and that the front springs of this truck be re-inforced also. Council went into committee of the whole to consider the numbering of . houses which .has been in progress tor the past week but which had been halt- ed ,to get the. approval of the Town oCountil. ..- _ Women's Institute Name New Officers Satisfactory Report on Year's Work -Many Donations dericirbran...h of-thr wowen'g in- stittite held its annual meeting and elec- tion of officers on Saturday, May 5th, in MacKay Hall, Goderich. According -to the report of the secree Cary, Mrs. Abell, the past Jeal' 'was a most suocessful one. Two card parties, social, the sale of a ',quilt, lind of art- icles at the fall fair liad all helped the Institute financially. Among- tlic ties of the. Jbranch were the tending of iloWers to siek members, pare of ceme-1 tery plots, donation's to. the public schools for the promotion_ of music -to the town and the Canadian Legion for relief. As usual, the new babic6 of the rnetribers had been renieinberd with bank books with a start at banking to the ex- tent of one dollar . each. sitisfattory condition was reported 0.18o as to nr2rnbeiship and attendozte. There are now 89 members and a total attendance during the year of 552 was pleasing to all. • lq:cte.bilitera WCreelected as forlows : President, Mrs. James Bitset; first vice- president, Mrs. .Girvin YOtetg! Sec.-treas. and district' director,. Mrs, W. Abell; auditors, Mrs. Seattle and Mrs. J. C., Stewart, press sfitl., Mrs. Remy Tien - borne; Wanist, Mrs., dirrin Young; branch directors, Mit. V. C. Robertson, Mts. vattl, Mrs. shore. Mrs. Tooie, Mrs. an , 0/Bisset d /vrrs, J. liewcombe. Re. 11PreieritatiVte to the district annual ' merging. Itifra. A. D. McLean, Mrs. Elons, - DM:IMAM{ ,ILOCAL EXAVINATION C014ttStAVAt(iiiiir OF TOredite 0011terVatory tAltitiVO nountea that the MidSilininer tOetil Xatainatientt tor 41$24 will be held ant., d--4121 S hcm ox tsr1 teS „emit Of M** ott1d reekla the COWeliViiteley lat Mho 034. "Bo-Peep,".mOld .King Coale, "Little Boy Blue," "M-ary. Mary, Quite Contrary" and "little Miss rMuffett." Ince. parts were prettibt taken lev Madeline Viekers: John Graham. 4 mu:, - Ma,' Zad, 1934. The "big boys" _of Victoria school un- To The Editor: . der the 'direction of Mr. Stonehouse, out- The policy of the Provincial Govern - did themselves In a Harmonica Band. ment since 1921 in paying part of the They played. with _Splendid. effect, ern cost of supplying electric eervice to rural the Garden" "Conee to the Pair" and consumers in order to make rural elec- for _an encore -'y rtcarde ovir The tric -service poisible In deserlets -Which Ocean." They whistled the cliorui. of the encore and the audienee wculd have had them do thore. Scores of the bhil- , dren in the _fourth, book made an excel- lent chorus and sang "Come' Let Us "Be Merry, " "All Through the Night." Those who thought et these songs or1.1 dently dfdariot' consider that they were encouraging .gaiety to an undue extent. "Darne Durdin'n School" -wound • Up the evening with -a "bang." Tilts was a conglomeration of earetty dresses, sweet young .voices and good smart aeting on the part of forty or fifty 'youngster's who were -all having-% grrod tit* tehd. 'Wanted everyone, else to have one ton. Miss Eileen MOM Queen of the Land of In- otherv,ise, could not be served, has re- sulted in the construction of over 9,230 miles of rural ,lines to serve over 82-,000 rural consumers located in various 'parts of the Province. ' So general has become the use of electric power for rural ser- vice throughout the Province that, ix) many districtit is considered on econ. omic necessity, and, based on, past ex- periente theCommieSion has for some • time, been considering the redaction of the "term" of rural contracts. At a resent -meeting. the Coe:mission decided to recommend to the ccuncilkof the- tutvriships-ire Which- niral 17dt-6-elec. tric service is supplied that ritral *tat servite has become so well-established sr) dustrV, was seen on her throne ai the to justify thein reducing the' term curtains were partea, and -around'-h-1 existing and. future rural cortraits from were grouped a throng of her *courtiers. 20 years to 5 years !mon the eonthtione mainly fairies and brownlee. After it of a letter now being forwarded to these was explained that everYone must be municipalities, whiele reads as •foncrws; busy to be hapny and all had stng about "The Commitsion has, for some tiime It. Dame Deedin cone in with -t-, bunth . been considering the reduction of the of lads rushing after fier who' were not "term" of the rnial contracts, and. at enamored of this working Idea. Thee its meeting on April 13th, 1934,, approved Were really not very clean. either. So of recommending th the municipalities the gOod btip vigorons, :1:?;:4#1,e. F,tyrIg. _04.91at, "t_ill existing_4,,Ud future rural con - them and the aueen san an.•presently! they all began to think that being clean tiacte, be for a period of 5 -years from the date on 'which the customer corn - EN! Now ihe t c'14hang iiirngrltetor es tto lb • Underwear. ' Ba1.5rig,gan Shirts' arid Drax&- ers, all sizes. Per gar; O smAii7c ment. Men's Ba'briggsti Conn., binatiOns, short - .sleeVeS arid knee iengthi7e_. e 04; and Uat.; per suit • (all sizes) Men's Shirts and l'iortS, sizes ROBINS 50 50 Agentior Tip To Tailon.,Suit �r MAL- Thilored to your individu*i rteaturtmentl menced to take and use eleetile energy Instead ot4 20 years as at present. The, conteacts will continue in force after the 5 -year period has expired on a year-to- year basis, unlass cancelled b, one- year's notice. In writingby either party after the expiration -stithe 5-rar frr.od. . It Is pfqvicied. however. Coat. this eharige shall net take effeet ui.lcels and until the codneils of all the various tOWitshipt foern.ng part of each rural power district pass by-laws approving of sueh amendment in existing arid future rural Power coritracti. A consumer„ Who- lila a loan tinder the Rural Pottier District Loans Act, shall not be entitled to avail himself of can• . cellation of his rural contract ulth the tOevneltirtnntll atter all obligations WI* der the said loan have betsi.,,Aischarged, Terirul-01 contract doe's not' apply to Intiratittrer eoiltraelet, tlhOUld YOtir Cotincli deilde to approve of he suglestion of the COMMISSIOri in I; regard to this matter. it win he in order for you to patt a by-law, tom of which nib enclosing hereWith, appraving ,this amendment fin the poior 'awe. •OIP.teg.-44.*414-4011r::.4.1* ehip." w. POPE, ,NtrettrY flcLr1ca 10 Dozen'Print presses, ,in - rgi,assortment of colors, pat terns and.Atytes_anittevei'y 'dress-- Is-suri.arkt dresses'in our .window at. .6 .Do;.,..Itiddie's Pantie Dresses, - in a. good quality fast edit print. The patterns • are small and dainty. The sizeS, are for child- ren 2 to 4 and 4: years of age. tit, .Special value... . - CH This is congoleunk Week. Come Iry and guess the lucky number.. * You maxi, leessi=exiameroneeZreeeeeeZMA9=-01,;L,4 • wan a beantiful Goupm RUG absolutely Free. •-• , Phone 86 1 The Cash Store - .1010.0•••••••••••••••••••••.•0101 GODERIM _TWP. MEETING OF MAY 7th Council met in lloimesville on Mien - day last., Correspondence trent -the De- partment' of Agriculture re weed inspec- tors'meeting In Celenten,on-Fritlay, May llth, at 1 p.m. was read. The weed in- spector, also the road superintendent, were requested to attend. The clerk was delegate to attend the meeting at txylie share our township should pay towards day evening. May 20th, at 7.30 p.m,. when a men's choir will furu.sh special mimic, • and on. Monday ever.ing„ May 2Ist, the Club is sponsoring a bariquet in the' basement of Grace pitted chureh. We hope to see both these meetings well attehded. _ _ en Friday evening about 2a people - met at Grace united chtircta te attend the first, meeting of the Young People's, eontes of which Wilmer Hanison had charge. The topic, "The Mystery of Growth," was given' by Glen. Lockhart. the • maintenance' of Hayfield Division Misses Olive and HeSsie Young contri- Court. .buted vocaL solo, Fred Elliott a read - The council deciiied to discontinue re- Ing, Pete Young n violin selection. Plans were 'Made for the play to he presented by the Hayfield Young People on May: Ilth. • lief payments after May 1, Hydro Elec- tric by-law to change the terms of con? tract .from .?() years to 5 years was read a third time. This does not affect guar- antee contracts nor those who are not users of current for five 'years. The A large number turned out to near the seed grain bylaw came in for discussion. illustrated lecture and view the pictures Councillor Jervis favored paeeingit -- of the Peace River district shown by the while ethers .were opposed on ths ground Rev. W Mr", a former pastor .of Ben - that there were too many chaneseof itmlller chureh. Mr. Moss will always bt being abused. There being wily one wel-ome to Benmiter. request nothing was dorte. The collector BENMILLER Mr. and Mrs. S. Vanstone visited at .presented 'his statement of unpaid taxes. Nile, on' Sunday, the arrears, being. .01 non-residents. Mr S. Brown, a-empanied by Mr. Tehs was a good showing. and Mrs. Adams, yexited at buegessyillee Council devided to make their annual 64 Mother's Dav .erviee will be observed on Sunday tcur of insPectiJn of roads Ina bridg onTliiiireayfo2n2nowid no; 2.133rad;mv nts wen made : at 11 a.m. A mono -es' choir ts expeeted . In . leenmiller church on Sunday mornink Relief aeeountg. $52-68; Amato Porter, Y. P. S. well hold their service ore' -sheep--olerinIe-S6e-Reer- -Sturdy, -vaillielgleStnitlity'siVenine To; heep. $3160; sut7t. pay vourter No. 4. $320.1a. " Council then acifourned to meet on • Saturday. MAV. 26th. at .10- forSchool Reports , Court of Revision an -d general basinesse I v. 114LFAST Mr. and Mrs. George Lane son, Clifford, spell t th,e Week -end re een tly I ' with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Layburn at Riverview.'l . Messrs. Jim. Alton and Ker. Smith, motored up from Teronto on Thursday4 and are staying with Mr. John Mullin. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davie and little son Ian, spent the week -end with rela-1 Oyes in Embro. Mr. and Mes. John W11r1 and Mrse Nelson, sPent Sunday -afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neleen Mrs: George Lane, Misses Malziel Hackett and Elsie V.nt, attended the W. M. S. Conferene,e bran:h meeting' which was held in Clint.'n on Tuesday. Mr. and, Mrs. Spence. Irwin and chil- dren' seient Stinday with relathes at Auburn, PORTER'S HILL • Miss Dora Harriean Ls under the med- ical care of Dr. Galina. Ot pees,nt On Friday evening. May 1.13th. Ray Cox will rive. charge of the gecond meeting of the Y. P. S. coatrst. Every enc. is. Made Weledine at theee rnectina:o Owing to the Mother's Day pro-zrams: not getting here on time the speeial Mother's Day scrvieeWill tot La held until May 20th, when Rev. R. M. Gale will speak to both cid and v)ong at 3. p m. The many friends ef Mrc D Peenek Will •ile.Plea.ed te learn of a enntintred I, improvement in her health. ha+ will le? Igoe* Ea IttioW there 5 very flak Change ; in, the aerious condition of Mrs James i McMillen. Sr.. who IS eritleally el at the', home of her son. John Mr. and• Mrs.. Les. McMillan, of London, are both with' her.. • l On Mond.aY evening. the esteeutive of . the Men's Club arid the stewards of the church held a business meeting It was ot - int .syrup U. S. S. eNo. 1; Colberne V. Class Donald Wiplams, s4any sa, p:r cent, Hntery 71 Sr. IV, tested ne Gram, Hist., Spelt , Zorn' ensure Fvagan, 00; 0orcLi Wilutams. 60.iSr. 11I.--Etarnined in Lit:, Spell. and /Oath. -Lawrence W.Iliams, 70; Ruby Wilson, 60, 'Helen Free, -57; Harry Peagan, Elmer MeWhinney, 30. Sr. 11.I.. -Exam- ined in Spell., Arith., Geog--tgorts Wil- liams. 10; • Jaek • 69: Arnolci Young, 62; EiW.A Ryan. 5'0; Margar McKnight, 35e Olen Williams, 33; Phyla. 11 Karr. alasent for all trIts...' IL Clate -Helen Young, 71; Mare Feagan, 54 : *Violet. Free, 54; Dorothy Pearson. 53-1 *Hilda Karr, 30. I. Chess -Bum e Mathews. 99: 'L)is Fagan, 77; *Wilma Pentland, 4.4. Sr. Pr. Clam tionald, 60; Roy MeKnight, 51;• Harold Knight, 37. Jr. Pre:-Blilie "Itedght, 53. NurriJer on roll '27. Average attendance 25. E. IVIacDONALD, Teocher. Mr, Jim Salkeld, whose name .was in- othertemly omiael from the 114 of suc- cessful students in the degree Csurse of th 0. A. C. as ptiblishe'd in the Tormito napers la -t wee, has reeeived word from _Registrar -Porter- ttrat tis Wag sheceeiiftlI In all subjects. Jim is being congiatu- Anted bye.his 'many friends ,n his sin- ce • air-, 1R: A NV:Nally lir, 'sri rind .() the hoinc of her daeghter, Mrs A. L. ee le. Behat.nIa R itincs her Qom Mr. S-ot M 'None. of Detroit. Mr. MeNallya he hee Nee,peetele4 ill t, . his many ?rien-1,,, te ea‘ed to leara. improvine• PASSING OF 11.41.111.S,,„)1AS, MtPlIEE. 44•4•4444•e••ak44044•4I•I410 Many •friends In Gederieh will learn with rogret.of the death of Mrs. Jamosr McPhee, which took place on Wednes- day, after a Ieng and painlul The 1 nn'rt il1 t eke pa'. on Friday. with .111a-rine:it in CoOa•-re eaanctery The Terrible -Cough med to Nang On Mrs. M. Dultart, Bradwell, Sask., write:sr.-40ot a long time 1 suffered from a terrible-touglr-whiebr seemed to bang on despite numerous medieineei 1 took. wasAold about Dr. Wood's Norway Pine, Syrup, -,11tArtfil-416011....*bt.%1K4g;triiiiip-TO,2;a1;a1.-eaan. ray eough was gone. N'ow 1 always my.medieine chest well supplied with it." Price, 33o a bottle; large family size, 6Jc at,at., drug and gClottal storto; put up only by The' Mil. um ON Litnitedo Toronto, Ont. _ : d