HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-05-10, Page 3P•, V-4,10.• ' 1.1,•4 , OtANNINO tAR OPIDENV Iluroa Sxpeatto; Vraztklpg hie ear while It was in gear .prOVed diaaStrMIS for 'Mr. prank Oills brie, day hist ',weelc. The 'ear' ran ,forWard, triishing Mr; $111S, 1?etwiPele-Itont--bunaper-and a work bench at tile end of 'the garage. Mr, ,.1BOls was badly :praised And the boneiof one legwas eruehed near the icliee, with the..restat that he 'will have his leg in a pletter_cast for snine time, • 'CALL 'MINISTER •Seaforth_ EXpesitor: At a cengrega,-:, tional Meeting On, Wednesday might Members Of the ,Northade • -Mated church issued at1.1111fthimous caflto'Rev. T. A. Carmichael ot.Alvinston as suc- cessor to Rev. W. P. Lane, whio has ac- cepted 'a aU to ilbrth, street 1;:nalted church, Goderich. It will be eetinitelY known in the course of a few days whe- ther or not the -call .will 'be accepted. Dn. r. 3, U. FORSTER,. • EYE, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New Yort Orplis asaisfant at '.halmic and Aural Hespital, .7.02maraortffel.lwallanstsg,• iquare Throat Ilosp tal, . Tele- d.IQ IIN.40l(NT 60V* "OWN " 'LucknOW the first thne ,h1. Several Maliths during W1iie11.1P:alae1ie, had been. 'critically 'John Jostrit,.was '`ctowit't0WW! this Weel;, and nniny: were the,hearty hand.ahakek.at)01.1t the Street -With friend#' Whers,are delighted- tosee our esteined citizen, se • WellOn Ihe road to reeovey Strnh is slow Au return.- Ang to Mr. Joyret• legs, but otlierWtse...lie aPpearS reMarkably weti' and his kt-rentfth 0ioc,e; and the grip of his handshake, wOuld indlOtite"that he I re gaining his forMer vigor. PURVES-ROULSTONE -1-011ektIOW Sentlnel A qtnet butpretty wedding was solemnized at the P.reshy- • terian manse, *Ingham; on. Satarday afternoon at 2,30 o'clock, when Re, °Kenneth lVfoLean .united in marriage Elsie Evangeline Roulstone, daughter of Mr. and iWrs. •Rottistone of 'Kincardine, and Harold ParVes, elder son as gr, and Mrs. Alex. Purves, Kinloss "Township. Following the ceremony the ' young couple motored to the bride's home ba Kincardine, -where-a -presentation was 53 -Waterloo St. --S7-, ;Stratfor 1t. ..,I., fellow -workers of the oirele-Bar Hosiery cases, try it threa times daily. If Delicious, Cereal' Relieves Conatipatto:n , Read tlds Very, erithwslaetie letter: _ "Something like eleven Or twelve Years age, t_began eating KellealPa Au -RA! When 1startekit Was called simply Kellogg's Bran, arid X 7 believe it was one of the first prod, ucts of the kind On the market. My Minds often laUgli at ,r8Yr • fondness fOr, ALL -BRAN. It gives such a clean taste in the mouth, and I do not feel satisfied until I have had ray ALL -BRAN. "If the Kellogg Company should. ever stop manufacturing'Au.-BitaN, here is one who would be greatly disappointeft",-afisi Amy- Parson (address furnished upon request)* Science says that ALIAltaN pro- vides "bulk" to exercise the intes- tines, and vitamin B to further ald regularity. Alm') iron for the blood. The "bulk" in ALL -BRAN Is Melt like that of leafy vegetables. How much safer than taking patent edicines—often harmful. Just" at • f nstip ti r serious ' Vhone 267. 'Co., where she•haa-been employed for a types .o -co a ort.. At Hotel' Bedford, *Goderich, second. number Of years. 'Mrs. Purites was the Wednesday, !rota '1 ,p.m. to 4 p.m.. • recipient of an aluminum kitchen' show- ndooettorre.lieved this way, see your and_ everAhing needful for a -1":tciOssmmrt'c'AgD-- —Soktiin the-redAmigreen pack, equipped kitchen. A reception Et Ednor age-. M all grocers. Made by J. W. iiifTEIof the newlyweds is being held at the Kellogg in London, Ontario. ON''TH. home of Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Purves on •FrititT:evening. 269 Ontario St., 15I0 Star ,Building, CHARTIRED ACCOUNTANT. iGt,taWa, tattier Sqry to the,plettire of tObaeco.grOWera solltag their warx at a IlAre Oenairibriably be, Ow the Cost of wodnetion, the .Stevens ,.0011XlitteOla§t Week., was given an. ear - Ail of:Sante Of tile :Wilts Made by to- baCaq CiutiPanieS Whieb, Mer4r (*tribute the PrOduCt whielt ,Ithe ,farnter grOWs. }or an lnitiat investment of :$25,000, re-* presenting a,,.Off-Per 400 Snterest' in the Obs,ceo Co.. the Imperial !1‘3 - .bacco‘ •Company .11a, In the past. AYe. years retelved dividends -aggregating 41,375,000. It wati brought •OUt by the Persistent questioning of NorMan Sem-. raerVille, the tounsel of qhe ccinnifttee, Those .shares originally, worth but $25,- 000 had subsequently risen to a present value of $2,000,009, it was interre& er, distribUtor and consumer are to re- • 'The financial structure of the Duper- main harmonic:at& Supporters of the ial Tobacco Company waa under keen new 'Marketing Bill urge that Its pro - examination, and it was brought out visions could be used to cheek that sort hat although only $14,000,000 odd in of thing. , cash was actual,* invested in the emu. Gold Tax Cbanites pany,,.its capital structure, by acquisition Tobaceo was the highlight or the of other' companies. had grown to over week, but we also had some news about 863,000,000, while the present market gold. Instead of a straight ten per cent _tax_ on • the sellinu price_of tgold, a ova -eying Qualitj, bellicRis thoughts among •produters." Even the most loyal supPorters of the capitalistic system 0.dinit that inequities of 'this sort must be stamped out of the systern, if the relations between produe- the priraary salue of the .stools was in the neighbor- AcIIPKIMieltVISPairagkr Stratfertl, Ont. Toronto, _Ont. DEATH OF. MRS. BORT-. McCUNCHEV . Zurich. HertaTcff-There rpaSsed aura - at her home on Goshen Line: 'Stanley, on Saturday, April 28th, Mrs. Robert Me'Clinchey. ° She had been in failing - health for some time and during the last few months had suffered very much and'in spite, of all- that loving -eare and medical treatment could do she gra- • dually became weaker till death came as 'a welcome release from paysical 'suf- • fering. •'Deceased was. born 60 •yearp-ago- ..on • Babylon Line, Stanley; was the youngegt-daughter --Orthe-late -mr: and Mrs. Isaac Erratt and was married 33 years ago to Robert McOlinchey, who LEGAL CARDS • HAYS. ,14 HAYS, - Barristera and Solicitors. R. C. Hays, K.C., and R. C. Hays. B.A. Hamilton street,. Ooderieh.„ _ Telephone 86 DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. Bsiirister and Solicitor •*Office.' • Handlton St. Phone 512. FRANK DONDiELLY, B. A. • _Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phone 282. IiAMILTON ST., Goderfch. F. it. DARROVIL Barrister/ Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. Successor to J. L Killoran, Phone 97. Office, The Square, Crodetich. ERNEST M. LEE. Bs:eater and Solicitor . Sun Life 1314._ Adelaide and Victoria. Streets. Telephone: Elgin 5301 Toronto 2. CHIROPRACTIC DRUG1EF3S PRACTITX014ER. CHIROPRACTOR A N D DRUGLESS ' THERAPIST, GQDERICH. ok,...•••••••• • Equipped with electro -magnetic baths. Electronic electric' treatment and chiro- practic. Chronic, organic and nervous diseases. • Lady attendance. Office ' hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 8 p.m. and by ap- pointment. Closed Wednesday from 12 to 8 p.m. . A1ICINS0?4,, residence—and, office, corner of South street and Bri- tannia Road. Phone 341. - AUCTIONEERING rHOMAS GUNDRY it SON. — Live Stuek and General Auctioneers. Elgin Ave., Goderieh. Sales maple everywhere and all efforts Matte to give you satistactfoli. - - Farmers' Sale Notes discounted. • Phone NOTARY PUBLIC, ,ETC. WM. BA/LTE. •'NOTARY PUBLIC General Conveyancing done. Good Companies Represented. - , Phone 298.. • Goderich. Ont. to infeitlgate. Tb.eir lack of faith 'iri the bear stoy proved not without foun- dation, fort,>Arnold"s-bear was merely, a pprcupine. But Arnold 'still wanted to find a bear, apparently. He continued his trips of adventure. • Theft Came ail= other day when he reported 'bear,' This thine they had it in tv small cave. Re- membering the- upbt6iipifie -bear"- the father suspected another false alarm, and told Arnold he was 'too busy. That it wasn't a bear anyway. "But, Daddy, it is a bear, when I looked in, he oPen- ed_his_mcaith at ,me and it was bigger 'than collie's," was the sartling reply. That brougr action. The men, went survives her with two sons, Prank and to investigate. And, sure enough, there Bruce, both at 'home, who will feel very w -as Mrs. Bruin in a 'ver' sury med. keenly the loss of a kind and loving wife Mrs. Bruin came to an untimely end and mother. Also one brother, Henry then and there. -Owen Sound Sun- Erratt of Stanley, survives. The family Times. also suffered,a very great loss about 16 months ato when the eldest son, Willie, was suddenly taken away, especially was it a .heavy blow to the mother in her weakened physical condition. The fun- eral which was held on Monday to Bay- field cemetery was very largely attended. - INSURANCE yureicnitoP istrrt;AL. E INSUR- ANCE COMPANY FARM MID ISOLATED TOWN PRO - PEWIT INSURED. 1 A REAL STORY From Tobermory comes' the Story° of a six-year-pld, who, through lack of fear for bears and such; allowed his curiosity to .tarry him into very close proximity to death. Arnold Spears, son of Mr. Thomas Spears, or near Tobermory, likes to roam the wilds, despite • his south. He has a very faithful chum in a b14 shaggy collie dog. The twa are in - .separable .,on these :roants. One Arnold came runnint home in great ex- citement, 'His dog had 'treed a bear. Or so he said. The older pec,nle at the honse ogere - dubious. But they- decided Value of property insured up to Jan- uary, 1910, $3,848,975.00. • OPPIOERS--Ai Broadfoot, aeaforth, President; Jad. ColmoUyj Goderich, Vice - President; M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Secre- tary-Treasarer. DIRECTOPIA-Alex. Broadfoot, Sea - forth R. 'R. 3; Jas. Shtnildice, Waltoh; Wm. Knox'Londesbore; Geo: Leonhardt, Bornholm No. 1; John Pepper, Brtic.e- lield; Jas.- *molly, -tioderich;!, Robert - Ferris, Blyth; Thos. Moylan, Seaforth No. 6; Wm. X. Archibald, Seaforth No. 4. AGENTS --M. 3, Teo, R. R. 3, Clinton; Jas. -Watt, tlYth; Finlay liicEtercher, Seaforth; John Murray, Eteeforth. Policyholderan pay their assess- ments at Calvin Outt's store, Goderich • The Royal Batik, Clinton, or 3. 11. Raid's, Hayfield. a I A.woon a VIRE INSMANCE Haile atteuttea to by the WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE • INStlRANCE CO. lgstaqished 1878 Head (Mite: Dungannon, Ont. Ronert Davidson, Dungaianori, Presi- dent; Ernest Ackert,. 1101yrOod, Presicterit; in 'addition to the President and Vlae President, the fenewhIg 04r, Directors; WM. Watson, Auburn; W. TholnixOtl, Allinlrlal Wm. Mc(01111Ittrik • -.44lar.knotn.M.,..P....Htliti.A.R. 2. faleknew; Harry L. Salkeld, Gederiairikar ' icay. Ripley; Tim Otifilo, R. R. No. 3, Godertela., TRISZAVilif. See, 11104., STOTHKRS. Teel*. "It. Helps Me!" • That!s what.9a out of 11:10 women say after taking this th'edicine. It quiets quivering nerves, gives them more strength before and afteri • childbirth, tides them over Change of Life ... makes life seetn worth living again. LYDIA E. MADAM'S VEGETABILE COMPOUND .1111111n11.111111111111111.111., 111111111,11110111,11111111811011 - JOHN PINDER PLUMBING, HEATING •tHEET MET'AVV,VORK Phone 127 - P. 0. ..Box 131 The Panic Week Members of the parliamentary com-, mittee were curious is -to what happen- -eft -during- tlie;$0=Tcalled-"panic veer -of 1931, when the price of tobacco fell from 30 cents a potmd-a .figure at which growers could probably 'get by', --to 20 cents patmd, which, for nutst. of tnenli. tneant a price below cost of actual pro- duction-On-lVfonday-anorning -tbe- mite was 30 'dents: the following it •was only 20, and the lekplanation given by the to- -baeco--executives--was----not---sofficiently ludisi for Hon. H. H. Stevens,, who served prompt notice that he wanted a better _explauation by the -follow- hie day, had to- agree to a _similar rettriction, •* - though- he --didn't, likd it much. He who One leading companymade thirty-one rnlllion dollars in profits between .192e paya the piper likes to have soinethint, .and 1933.. The spread' in a 25 cent•- 44 saY a53°Ilt the 111-11-e' Titat package.of cigarettes which goes to ma,nufacturer wasdmittds'by their re- ties are the - • the theory on which the federal authori- -presentative to -bef heady _8/4 cents; _ KOMI' _ef _108117Pressure Talk ' -Working - mis -lae is a fearful condenmation of our • The banking committee has heard economic set-up. Last week we had the plenty of theory, -so much tnat little • grower admitting that he only received_progress on:the bank charters has yet 14to14 -1-cents for the tobaccci' which . been made, a. a. McGeer of B. C., put went into the cigarettes; now we have on, a show which laad Maior Douglas the spectacle of a manufacturing coin- thrown completely. . in the shade for pany getting 81/2 cents, mueh of which rapid-fire oratory and platform tech - was obviously profit., This is thc sort of Owe. A few members undertook to thing which breeds discontent -and re- quiz Mreer but he threw every' one for . , PULTON-STONE . Seaforth News: A very pretty wed- ding was solemnized in -St. Paul'E Angli- can church, Hensall, on Saturday after- noon at four o'clock, when Dora Jeanne, youngest daughter of Mr. Williarri 'Stone and the late LVIrs. Stone, was united in marriage to Frederick Augustine Ellman Fulton, youngest son di Mrs Kirkland of London.. -Rev. M. B. Parker, rector of St. Paul's, officiated. The wedding march was played by Miss ,Greta Lam- mie: The bride looked charming in a white satin dress and -yell and she car- ried a • Colonial bouquet of roses and sweetpeas. She wore the bridegroom's gift, a bracelet. The bridesmaid was the bride's sister, Miss Oraee, who look-- .green-crgandie with hat and gloves to matcl, She carried roses .and mauve sweet peas. The ,bridegroimt. was attended by his broCher, Jack Fulton, ef London 'The bridegroom's gift to the bridysmaid wag a piece of flat silverware and te the dr- , ganist 'an amber pendant ^ Followirg the ceremony Mr. 'anti Mrs. Fulton mot- 'ored to the home of tile bride's father, where a buffet lunch *as served apd later on in the 'evening the{ left on a Short trip to, Sarnia and points west, the bride traveling .in a' beige and brown suit with acces.sories to match. They will reside in London. DEATH OF SARA C.' BARR Clinton News -Record:- The • passing of Miss Sarah C. Barr, which occurred on Thursday Morning, April 26th, cast a gloom over the village. Deceased had • been id' poor health for the past four months and confined to her home but her condition was not eonsiderdd so ser- ious. For the past month Miss Moore, R.N., was in attendanee an.d the best of care xvas given her. None realized the end was BO near. Miss Barr was a meinber of the United church an'd an active worker in the W. M. 8. and also the Woman's Institute. She was of a kind and cheery disposition ana will be •missed_ in many, ways. She and her brother, George, farmed on the I2t11 concession of Hallett, a short diStance West ot the highway, for many years, about three years ago they sold their faim to Mr. James Crawford and came to the village to reside. She Was the youngest daughter ofthe late Alexander Barr, and she 1.8 survived by her bro- ther, George H., and four sisters, Mrs. Geo. King,' Hayfield; Mrs Margaret Bethane, Winnipeg, who Visited her last summer; Lucy. Mrs. James Proctor, Cal- gary, and Sophia, (Mrs. David Moffatt, Schwa Lake, Man. The funeral was held from the Unitedchurch on Mon- day, 1ev. A. W. Gardiner °Milting, bdrial taking place at the 'Union eine- ter, Blyth. The pall -bearers were Ern- est Adams, Alek. Wells, Win, Caldwell,. • Vitarttitie.-ZoriliZatriiiiirWeetY°"117 Atale_:210M.tiekTaithfe7- -vitlr-exemptions -and-modifications, been announced.* The idea ls to with- hold the tax from the shoulders of the small or low-grade ore mine just strug- gling' to get, Started, and te_ collect -the bulk of the revenue from the large and highly profitable mines, which can best afford to cough up the coin. lin had -the -Premier -of -British ,Co- un_thia here last Week,-askirof from the federal treasury, and Mee -tin-- with decision any suggestion that in re- turn B. C. should submit in an) mea - sure to the dictation of the federal gov- ernment. Premier •Bracken, a year ago, a, considerable loss each time. • 'Tic the Senate there Was very nearly, a war 0•1 the subject of peace, 'Messrs. Murdoch and 0.1eRae exchanging so e words over the League' of Nat A WORLD PAGEANT AT ALBERT HA Flags representing every section the Empire and 40 other scouting countries were carried In a pageant of :nations at a great rally of .London Scouts at Royal Albert 'HalL A campfire sing -song of 3,000 Scouts was led by a choii of 600, a scout orchestra, and the famous Al- bert Hall organ, played by a Scout., INDIAN SCOUTS ANO - THE EARTHQUAllar,S Reports from Northern India tell of splendid service 'rendered by Boy Scouts ' of the Prevince of Bihar and Orissa lot, lowing the recent serious earthquake*. The, Scouts distributed blankets and food, constructed temporary shelters and dug . wells, and wee given charge of sanitary trieasures for relief 111111Pl, supervision of bazaar prices, etc. Scouts from other Indian provinces offered help and money. • Distemper responds quickly to Doug- las' Egyptian Liniment.. Keep a bottle handy In the stable. THE GODERICH HEAT FOLKS YOU; SWALLOW- ED A CLINKER THATS ALL THAT WAS WRONG - BUT YOUR-TROUSLES-ARA OVERT me CLINKERS MOONS Don't buy your coal in haste and freeze at leisure, I! you want • your furnace to treco, you right nouriitt it- with this choker-Tree- coal. Here is coal that burns .s1oiv and sure. It's slow and easy on your • pocket-bnok and sure. fire. with th.e heat.Yott can -get happiness with- your coal if you 3 E0Wbeeler FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER ALSO' AMBULANCE SERVICE • 000ERICH, ONTARIO." • All calls promptlY'atterided to day, or 41.g1it. Phones Stere 335, House 335. 4••••••• CALL THE rkittiefiSt Wt NOW CARRY GENVINB- SCOTCH ANTHRACITE J. B. MUSTARD COAL CO. PHONE 97 • GODERldi, ONTARIO • ••• ;—„di.rows.••••11“,•• ••1•11...1200•••••••••••__ • ftWOMMOW..^.0.00P* .1..aossiouowasearalow,..' LT epormenamwswor. ' fts ,Inemill01111000wati for 'gator Motoring and BaiatietidlAiidgata What a sense Of security concrete paving &eel Tire( realty grip its skid4resisting surface; edges are clearly defined; night-tinie CONCRETE visibilitt is unusually good And it means driving economy as well COXIStiliCtiOXL is as iafetie' through reduced fuel cOttsuraption and retarded vehicle mas.cANAD/AN depreciation, Advocate concrete, the permanent pavement that Everything thst goe into needs so little upkeep. It assures your community maximum j ecterete--cernent.aand and Iiii4iiiileirde-withr-cost-kept-well-within.-bwigetiimits--_____mareli,crusbcd stone. rein - 0 foreiagliiiiiiiiaiirain Cattdisnandhelpakcep tamer par - dANiliiM CEMENT 'COMPANY LIMITED' Y -VI GAMMA& laisment Company Building Phillips Square, Montreal rolls. Advocate concrete for . , , salvo oak** id MONTAISAL roaortro virourto caitiriaiki ',way type of tonotnictioa, . . . csoogpicH IlIltECT0118 el-itmratmEas AttO IttittlOrkflttr til11t Olt DAV' itOt/AS Al 11 , Evers" careful and observant mother knows viten het child suffers froin Weittil She aim knows that if come renedy be not speedily, lotted much harm *111 restat to tha latent. 'rise, best apPlItation that catliW got is Mil- iliekr,-0001,3,0401w;--04.1kiltiM.19„,MA trniti t.ttilittitittitatt upttiknIdtktioit d thatAlwthild's tter 15 Painless and Mat* —