HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-05-03, Page 6s OA MON,. .1. 13 • 3 *At / nos ws r.) v S.., • - _ • _ — iittOlUrif "ofmt ;ivho' went ;forth inVistigate condithins 'Of .00 families .„11:14:14, .0*rtuilitr t(* i0.61,a; :irCii0i0AAtiAltIlitf UAW -talc* Vire With.the'tOt ClutOilt3 be Wee 1*0' sUpeged on 1.11S. landIt y man :has •tlie right kind of a trite has' at be ter Otanee- to succeed but that' mast be pecially Imp Of thole . who .pioneer„.„ ,priving about the country'. tlieice seerea to be to' many vaeant ,farms one wonl .ders if it could, not have been. Possible ti utilise b,oine schools and churches all *eady built': rather than 19 start new settlements. If eeMe et the money .spentor relief in theettles.could be %a to put people •on a e.rnall' piece 44 and near .en_ough to the 'City , to wori; there, it, would help the right kind of faiiily to help ,lhenitelves. Not every fandly 'would do for %las se/41m bat, there are reallY v4%0,1701114 be glad to garderi and to do what they could.to help themselves If they were given the opportunity. Nutritional Changes in Pasteurised Mak Pasteurizing milk destroys the vitamin C and for that reason any bottle baby led on pasteurised milk should be given torange juiee, tomato or turnip juice each day. The destruction of the germs of Bovine Tuberculosis, TYphold Toyer, „ Scarlet Fever. Paratyphoid, Septic Sore portant than tlie mtaIng o Alta as, it an be added to 'the diet by using fruits an Vegetables. AflerhiS ernetinies eartled .11Y *ple. 'Whohav net the. •,diSeaSO' Stetnally, „but ailed "carriers: as .thoY harbor; .the ge*iiis'and,C4117 tlwnit "to srnc 0447‘ 44.e. '041? -11' Infection is eanSed: hY .Carrier It • seinetirna Very difileult to ,detePt thel PasteuriZutien Inut ho, properly1 carried out Or It 1,4$010N We re4utre by law, cheeee anti butter makers, to have a certilleatel inglifeera on water*, works and. sewage disposal plants must have certificates; others 'coneerned with public ..eafety ,priaat be trained: , why is it too much to etvot to have properly trairted milk Plant operators? Let not all this talk about dangers in milk Os - coning° You from using it., We insist on having meat that is fit to eat, bread made In sanitary conditions, calmed feeds done properly, candies and in fact all foods made and kept in ,a sanitary manner, If We exPeet all our feeds to be proildc,d,All a safe condition, why de we 'expect milk? We only get what we demand so look at your milk . Home PaSteurisation POW. Iran t Shd keeP, et this at for * taunt% reheating the water peur ,in Old water ta. replace, the hOt' voi4er 3.17,o xp41,„1 .4ufx coeT, the** 1.1 qUiCklY posst4.o 114 de its.. geep, the uiftk Fill sterilized bottle, Using either milk bottles with paper caps or sealers with' lerew tops, abmost full. Put a folded 4,/owel in the bottom of. a pail and set the bottles on this. Pour in ,warn water nitil It almost reaches the fop of the 11 a thermonieter Which has been placed • one of the bottles reaches 143 degrees. .Astho* " ,A,stiftipi ons ,of4he, fit*so,s% whie Srptrioht**:oZictgct y tteii, There 11143?"-' Ottbin, :441feters are '4 have an „ettack ifi„or .they hava eaten ii.$11,,p4.111404r feed.. 'Very •0140 t1fie"1:$ not., rcrOgniSed •and they suffer needle0. attacks. A deter who I acenstemect to *Or*, et this kind, Will probably be able to find 104 is the cause and what par. tiotilar food must be, avelded. Seine astinna' Patients are sensitive te..ether 'things than 'footle. Vtiri. hair, Wool, e0t- ton, kapOt, at' 4 each, the ealige , Of at. tacks In. V.44410tIs People, r itoowr one man who was relieved almost, completely when he discarded a heir mattress. It he goes in a house where there is a cat he .thokes u in a few minutes. One woman was so sensitive to oottOn. that she even re -meted to cotton -seed oil._ She had made her salad dre$111131FOKI eetton seed oil and as soon as she quit' doing this she seidoni' had an attack. ,tot.Pourri Substitute tomato juice to; milk in baking powder biscuits to serve with a savory or a salad. Use 1 quart of milk for each child and 1 pint for each adult every day. Try serving' Candied Ginger, at your next tea in place of the itvitable, mints, ilitTopm._ 71, VFhohf, Wheat Xtbseu1i3- 2 cups whole *heat flour, about 2-3 cup'inflk, 2 tablupoGns butter, .41' table- SPOOiti Ogar, 4 teupooui b04,4 pow.. der. 1 teaSPOoti silt Sift, tile dry. initre. dienta, ,v4t • hi shortentUlt and, Add Milk ' Make Ok *oft dough. .1t21,1 44t* t „Ater than Or White :440L14' 0 the 11.1. net r4e. kigh*.: Mit int rounds *44 1lor4,1# & 40,:q01, .44 409 clegree ler about 15 .initintte$ Mapk „4.,..00s;1 ogp bpt, map1 erVP. 1 pint hipping. creaM. 1344 ,t eggs 4.19" and as.?iii maple syrup eIowI3r. CG slowly wall the mi4iire' thiebena, *Cool and add treani beaten ,until stiff. °Pack in 'refreratertray vr it;lee and salt for holm. PitESWEINIVS TO SCOPTS Practieally indispensable, public ser-, vice f011oWing great diSaSterS like tile Fjcda htiiLlogne, 'fioods eaid the--Calitentia *eartheafake, "and *Vie securing a, $352,112,f,075 Liberty Loan sullscriPtien.s during the World Altar, . was credited t4 Bo Y Scouts by President .IXOeSereit '411ring recent V.S se9nt anniv'ersary broadeast. The Proven' Alf.tana ReMedy-pince astiama existed there haS been no -lacic. of milchheralded remedies, but they have proved short lived and wOrthleSs- The ever.growing reputittion of Dr. J. D Kellogra Asthma, Iteiriedy has given it a place in the field of meelleine which no other. can .approaela. It, has never ebettealinlahetrWtriestellkse!licInethodapbto 1104sbn9IF. gime- on- -effectinvrellef- an Making new conierts. roubled er Mr, ,P4 Stein, 1.,e4uc, A1twrteE :"1 had' serious „trouble wittl b04. 4m9t legs, neck, in fait, nir whale, Leidy; Woke 'eut-with-ttietn, tried salVes, ointments, poultieee, nncl, pally, different medicines, t.out,,, they did not help Me. • . Then 1 tried Burdock Blood Bitter. ji-turivas surped at the regalia:- „ only took two bottles and • gip.. boils disappeared and hwe never been troubled with than since." Ottaa, May % Another sviklng ln- stance"POW by the present gYiteati Of '44triOntien was stinplied.rby the, Stevena balling" hiquiq last week, when it was disclosed that the tobacco -grower Only receives .,11..ccents, average for the tobadeowhich goes. into a 10 Cent Pie4ge or • eigar,,:, etteet According -to the 'Ivitneis, even an additional quarter of a -cent , that quantity 01 tobaceo iottlit make 01144 /*nob 'better for the tebacev producer. cents average fOr the tobcco which, brought out before' the MI* lug .uiry a year age -of farmers getting. tive .cents. quart ler niUk. which _sold a, few hours later to the consumer lar.,,ten or eleven, In the cue of tobacco; the Preeessing and the excise 'tax exiaa* a large part of the spread, but a set-up which- gives. the ;original Primary producer only -6% of the selling price ,ol his product- does seem at first glaric.ela have something "pretty rotten about it. No wonder. there is so nieit enthusiasm ,about. any legls.. lationWeh appears to promise anim- provement in this respect. Instead of the Primary produCer getting what's left -if any -when distribution --costs are *subtracted from the selling price, . why eV*** tt.b. ra Yowl twAtituritCrOtto ONLY tor E T MILISIONN CO, 11.0111tOd 1.0r0100. Ox at b0. 4di1e4 to an▪ d out the selling price? Tht a the_question,manY Pep,' ple are aSking, arid It has prompted suoli legislation asthe Weir Natural Products Marketing Act. why Market Act Owls* • The, aim of the Weir Marketing,legis latiOn s, r thhlk, Wholeheartedly en- dingedby aU members of tb,e House. The reason the 'Liberals are making such an attack on it, is because of the sincere belief which at least some of them held, that it will prove a flop and leave the pripaary producer in. even -worse .shape than he is new. The Liberals for the Itz&Wrett•MFAllataliAlg the- -only-final salvation, ter; the 'Primary prodticer to enlarge- our markets, and exchange goods for 'scads:\ The Conser- vatives are retorting that the world has -Clialiged;:iiiirthat markets rib-Iiinger ex- -Cand-indepencient .bers, who are 'pretty solidly 'behind the marketing Bin, argue that Varined pro- duction and consumption is inevitable, 11C7--thal4he--Lsooner Canadi-gets-- her productive and dittributive Machinery ready for the new era, the bette' it will be. . The Budget Debate least the ocst-of-operationjplus amoliesk prat first, and then the distribution 1333333333 33330133313333.13 HERE -THERE aalaW EVERYWHE 0017YEARS COME FIRS • pretellrenee;`for.GOodyears*ag. proved 44 times in 1933. InvOtigiitors reem4ed ;the make's of tires on thousands 44 ears gathered at Ito' ,rate tn4ts, golf tournaments, the • , C'anadian, National .UxhihatiOn and other important events.. 0 _ .Every tire bak, fiont aitid .siare refully tabulated', and an every survey •-Goodyear Tares tar . , ,outnumhered every other make. The publieio?nlfri not speakits N tort&rento for Good ear Tires more i'tstophatieally, more clearly! eNt time`youi see 4' lot ot,p lool„ ears, gliontealong the. rows Goodyear!! tir•s. iii ilietrA,„if you, 1ilte, ),eat t! I, You'll see tot yourseitthat G�odyars are obv$;., y first etitioift..;-4 gigs leading tire. You tin. itoe All Your Tit* Shopping At This. Stitt Yott don't gore to tett,*coinoote _ *moat* todicoer got -boa tits vile.. Whatever priced tire, you witaV- • ' *tether for pesiateser oar; thick or -- treetersimyost cn b* perfectly sere of IMsi Yeletet Moro focyout 1410,441 10,4 deeler*s 6001 44Y.WhOtik 4i1141, - Criticism of the Rhodes budget pro- ceeded along lines which were forecast. Hon. J. L. Ralston ' did his usual thor- Ugh_ position. Some of his points seemed to be a trifle picayune. After all, it is one ofthe easier 'jabs. in, the world- tc shoat _ IL Of_ Itolei_such_a_. doctunent..aa. almost any government is com.pelled t,o ,present 'during the, trough of the depression. ~The -peopl.of Canada -one sometimes feels -are not very interestecl in:a de- -Lba,ting---victory -of-the--Libera4s over _the 'Conservatives, Or vice verse. They are much. 'more profoundly •eoncerned ove. some dractiC constructive action which will tenki. to improve conditions in the country, reduce unempiqyznent and -im- prove the 1ot of themasses I doubt, dODERICii ToWisi SHIP:. I- „ - We are sorry to report that Mrs. Pave Pocock is seriously 111. Hei • many • friends hope for a speedy recovery. r. and Mrs. S. R.: McMath- And fam- ily, of Holmesville, wS're renewing ac- quaintances at Union -on Sunday. There was a good turn -out to the ser- vice- in Union church on Sunday. The Pastor, Rev; F. W. Craik, was in charge and delivered a splendid address on the =Wet, "The Crcod Samaritan.' (From another •correspondee) Mr.' Norman Puller visited in Gocle., -,19#,AR10"1,41,4 home of Mr. Jack , 7 qZ.IgAitat,krutOVISMii Clements. Mrs. George Bean, of Saltford. visited— -- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. West- lake on Saturday. qeverai, from the conununity attended — the funeral of the late Chas Puller On Wednesday of last week. Miss Marguerite Falconer, of Gode- -rich, spent_sunday at_the home of Mr. and Mit. George Falcone -r. Mr.. Robt. Davidson attended the - meeting of the Huron Prqsby'ery in On- tario street thurch, Clinton, Tuesday. m Mr. and Mrs. Fred mccuugh and Mervin, of Goderi2h, were visitors at the 11:me of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuller on :Sunday. ' Mrs. Dave Ellictt and Lilly go to Lou- don On Saturday, wh;re 1A 'to un- derga further 7 treatment at, the war Memorial 'Hospital. • - -The members of the W. M S. are in- vited to attend the meeting of the c•-• eiety of 'Victoria . street church.--Grode- rich, on Monday, May 7th, at 2 p.ra. - Sunday, May 13th, is 'Mo0,ete- Day,. and will be fittingly celebrated a. Union church. It is hoped there will be a mothers' ' choir. Mr. and Mrs. John Longmire, Mrs. Reg. Needham, Bobbie and Jackie, of therefore, Whether Ca -Ralston% master- Goderich, were Sunday visitors at, the sniashing of the Rhodes budget will home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harwood: have made much. Unpression, on, the Mrs. Mary Phillips, Mrs. Robt. 1VIcIl- country. Moreolier, I 'dank it. is appar- wain, Mrs. Gordon Harwood and lVfiss Ethel MdIlwain attended the Haron ent that the attack being made by Lib- _ erals on the gold tax, both federally and: Presbyterial in Wesley -Willis. ichurch, provincially, is dead against ' the senti- _mexit of the_thries,--andr-for_thatteri pretty well opposed,to Liberarpolicies of the past. Surely a transfer of a. tax which affects' 11 :minim Cariadians,i many- of them Just getting • by, to a smaller group of shareholders of gold stock, for the most -part much better able to.Pay the tax, Is a siemd inove only-, some adjuStments can- ba. -made '-to ---keetrup- the' development:V-10V ores4' and prevent, the 'discharge of any qtlerabIe nuiriber of miners, then the tax, I would think, Would be quite be- yond criticism 1 tear that in South Afri-a. the goVernmerik takes twice or threetimes as Much of, the bonus on Protection for Investors The new Companies Act which was intiodueed laSt 2Week-at as- sweeping as the government would have liked, since much opposition- was eXperienced front)" the - provinces. Rut, among other things, it putota crimp on the high-pres- suresalesman who can at people's --doors, call them up on the telephone, long dis- tance, or Other -Wise, andtry to sell. them securities.- Ileavy-fInes-are-prcaide stop the Practise. ,' ,IS.Virt*•:— • Mr. and Mrs../ack Ittialiarian and babe were WinghaM, *hers- en Saturday. -Mrs. H. Stiehanan 19 visiting . at the heme-of Mr. C. Clemens, of ifespeler, is Visiting his brother-iii,law, Mr.J. L. storiclieute. Mr. 'Jetts, of Kitehener, spent a iesv week With Mr. .1. L. Stelae-, house. . allss , Orice 'Redmond, Z Stratford • ilerinala Spent the Week -end at her bonie here. ., Mr.: J. L. iitotelio' use and Mr. • iiob flarrisoit were •Alisa Crabs visitors en WedfleSday. 'The tattle= ate busy working ort the these daYs. XV.looks as if spring is. too at Ust, Mr, WM. MeDowell, Mr. Norman Mt - Dowell and MiSs Mildred Tharnton :were one diy -last Week. arid. Mrs. Percy Vincent, Misses. Marie, Verna and 'Eva, spent Sunday' Ivith Mr& Vintent's mother,. Mrs.. Me -4 Offen, Of WhitethuOli. The v. 0. held a erokIno1 arty oit jrii going to 1Vtts. AT*t. Wtt And 01 gehtlentaitli to Mr. AlVa MCDOWeit frhe s'm$th t th6 tottnituttity t Tott :to the relatiteS Of the ..tatAl Mr. lttt MeDOwell, Wit posed, itvo4y J?kidaf, noon at th 1Ae b NV. mut ..LIStiOrt.stt t-ttottists loot ttitnds this- vitirtity teridet the luttetAl, v9t0oh 144441 ' littetrito0e 'Clinton, on Tuesday. Willi- HOG GRADING IS NECESSARY The price of bacon in Britain depends on the quality of the produa and the total stipply offered for sale -by the dif- ferent countries. During- 1921 the lnonthly averap price of Danish bacon ranged from 8 to 51 shillings (roughly from 2 to 12 dollars) per cwt higher than -the -monthly-average-prize-cf--Cmlatfair: . Qne • of the chief factors resnonsible for ' thi5 great price discrepancyas the lack of uniformity in Canadian bog pro - „duction, .and it was the recognition of • this 'problem which resulted in the Qf the National sw4ne_x0i4erence: by the Dominion Department af_ Agri- culture in the fall of that year. At, this conference it was clearly demonstrated that the quality .ef Canadian_ hogs A/411*T- , be steadily improved if Canada' were_ to maintain an outlet for her product on the world:a-bacon markets. It was also agreed that the best way to accoMplish this objective ma's to institute soniesa tem of hog grading which woUld' result in the farmer being paid for his hogs 'accordanee with their quaiit The Wis- dom cf this step has never been one Handbook on the bacon hog and hog grading. ' • \ -V•”" , am -Bulk Is 1/nequalled ECZEIM-1/147192Si, C/1/181/7/NS COLO SONS cars.eams- !mos Ri#CWORil'P/LES OfriffiLoOtiONIO vamps riEt. E ST VALUE ,TORONTO AThiACTIVE ROOMS WillifBA111 $2.00' SiiiStr, $3,00 WITH ItliNt411410 ViATEIk ExatieNt Food 36c 50644 tiOc Ira 60e, 1154, ti.00 *EitlitY HOTEL LOAM* -