HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-05-03, Page 4•••,4•4•04‘...w 4,1 • • •,..•••••,••••1,1,1... ,• • Mr 4 NEM Wskt., Mai‘isetd,* rifsNeW York tite's ttre renewing coraler AINOalrie' 'In thls efifttr",iets lAbOhtt K..1.4 •w. went 'visi ere. ettlirris. end ttr.. Barris, Ickett* c011flite4 .hL rdot aut thf veontor, bone. Mr wool, a' Lr art410,,, J. 4, Wrntlina, Orlin- areY.igtint Me latter'smother; Nits„ vid Oinin, • ' gresoin4 llArC'Pert Briiiiferd and two .•thIldrell Were tilleksend elisitera With re- latives••1n Ooderieh; The , regular Writ* Meeting.' Or the Dungannon Junior' Farialero' 003 is being held In the Parish Hall on 'Thurs. day evening of this •Weele. Robert Fitegeeald has eeld his fine 0 oc, 1 b4 Pa,re eras, AO. and Mrs S. 4. Kilisittriek, and e ther friends, Mr. ;NSIMer Kiliastrielere *turned to worooto. He Wee ateemnoets led by. 'Aster Girvin, Reed. son Or lair, end. Mri. Melvin Reeds' • , Mrs. Berton • Itratehs lArlis N. r, • Ws/ Cella Pentland ' and 3tro, Arthur elliott attended the 'Meeting of HdrOrelleehitterial SOC.iety: of the W. IL S; Of the United:ellenele, Which Was held in 'Clitriam on Teesthlys• * • Miss Margeret PentlOild and •brotlier, 'Wilfred Pentland, were guests with Tor. °Tito relatives for the Week -end. 0 their returri they Were attempanteci by •thelr aunts, Mrs. Sarah Clirvin and Miss MarthS Pentland, who 'spent the winter season v4th the former's daughter, Mre, Melvin Reed, and Ms -Reed. s •-Mr. and. Mrs, William Molt sand Mr. end Mrs James 'IsteWhinney „were, in Wingham on Fridase the gentlemen being in attenthenee at the Cobeeteative 'convention for the Huron -Bruce riding, for which Foster Moffatt 'was rionlinated as the eandidate for the corning election. Mrs. C. W. Alton, Mita M. Ryan. Mrs. F. Ross and Ms. R, Davidson, were at Blyth on Friday in attendance at the district executive meeting of -e W07 W r _ _esx ron,- Both health reqiiisoiti at this time of, year •*.***, 106-stire :81111 on core 1, Ashfield, ,the Thuesday, May '10th, •EiC 230 p.m. . Roll parelueser Ming *Main Mole, who ob- coil will tfe,-"shiOn Ilints-karly Sum. tails Peseeseloreleamecliately. mere -srl'here will be a "dress parade!' The Dunglituani beef ring will open and Judging led by Miss, Matlaret . Dur - next week for the summer, tee first beef Mei, who will also ',give an address upon will he butchered on Friday, May llth. _ehe subject, 1i•Geoci Dreastrig." Music - Mrs., Annie Barkley is At- guest ',with irilitOr and violin -will he Wen. by M.183 her. daughter, Mr& Robert Pitegirabt Catherine Crawford and ' litisa Evelyn CulThbV'regsular Weeklr meeting of the We are. sorry to report that Mr. Fitzger- ald es very ill following a nantlYtie stroke a few days ago, •• Y. Fla of Dungannon 't.Triited church The directors and officers of the West was held on Wednesday evenings Miss Wavolnosh. 1ttutual Fire Insurance -Cce Marjorie McDonald presided, Miss Belle held their regular monthly meeting in Swan read 'the seripture lesson, the 23rd the Company's office on Tuesday of this Etallo.' AI* Lots Treleav,en rendered a week. solo, A very excellent •adriree.a,. was giv- Arthur Culbert, Carman Anderson and Allan Reed,. attended a meeting in the en .by Mrs. Es C. Laweort of Carlow, on . . , thes-Subleetse-Flowers, ' An inetrimentall- tssessseee.-AtereSTSSOXeOrselfeas-CpeadaeMSWereiert . ..„.,,_ , ......, _ . , .whTeb 1;611144 at Carlow '01-*ThurrAlai 'bilstness of plan ing the program for the P14 '°'''S°1° WaS P1aY°4 'fri 1V -1X. frif Ler°1 evening. * Stingel, . . distiect annual meeting was conducted. . , Meidamee J. Winiams, 0. S. Harris, „-, Pais „ . - „ The quarterly joint meeting of the e "The a crass of arra or DIM - R. A. McKenzie, 0, Irwin, were in Clin-- - - junior Farmers Club and the J gaimoti United church, hai be invited - u ni or In - ton on 'Igueul_ ay attending the Presbyeo..present the •tliretinY , „1,11 stitixte of Dungannon will be held in the t...'lse.esteeied''''' 41371JIPM•alt4J-11e;_tilret8::%e' program.'w1;1 mettinf-Ot-the-W1)4.4. Of the 'Un- Three -Pegte'r-in Auburn- on Friday evens . • VW, 44, ,r,,av• lied cof hurch. . .......,,M•441.1. In. thie week uncle h ateenteeeje. 1 verer'esejoyab e e was spen at e Au urn . omen s n s ititte... The'"7r- "*-%'RerfaifiniarifferiT ,,,,. ....,-.. ,.... - . v ..,.. " 01'6 t4Q- lile 'Or la incr rs,;.. it mien' Roach', play wee eueediefifili" i6ifk4: iiiiii: simintiltene-Cluttoreewho,ewitheMrss-Clute . the• oecesiOn being to celebrate the iously at Dengannon and Nile, and is to tonspent his honeymoon last summer -making a tour -of quebeee-Thle shout -birt•htleY et the host Only-immedi, ' be- giverr at Blake church, Mined; IV - prove quite _Interesting -land - will be 11- . edi eterares otethe- family -were present. • eday, Mai -lithe; - - - - ! - • - ' 1 . lustrated with lantern slides furnished Miss Mary Jane Robb, War has en- :With the coming of May and finer . . It. e JoYed, the winter season wit -h irr• sister, weather, seeding operations in lisle dis- by the CNFollowing thprogram Mrs will be a dance, music to be given _ Mrs. Milner, of London, has returned triet have become general this • week. -to by the _Hogan eorchestra. •This meeting - -Vy -littlwor e kehatt been done on the Dungannon and is now at home with er • • • r• • ..4.4 •.•••4! ••• `OW ' .44 Aar:EKING Ithpattleke. of Topiit0, w -end at his hone * Pearl, '/rstin „returned hone * few ;Week' witk her f ir4 with her Mrs„..fstusit iDurnint, Belfast. Ughideri 'Mr and 7§ftran:her:Vo ehitAirac"p4„,a1"14,4;41grt4nOXO*4 lircsgtit't Ins”' 1444414 10 Wins *Rh, ti* and Will Cook /41010 ter, Miss,. lainie Ste* -Ire-resireinVak'Mr So. well ' this .week. daughter, "•listra. 11 With WM at present. • 4, • .• • "P'. 14,44Poki tIPScOtt is no a fete rillYalfm4 'weft wit'h ' quite * nUMber, Of ifidlea froin0•110* .r United ohttrOt attended the 'OrOy"teriaT 1 * Clinton on Vueiday of this.: Week, , ,., Mlle I; Witient- and Ma V. 11f, titran- 'Wm attendede the funeral Cr:their eau. 'sin, )A.trs,',Robt, 4oPiln.oller. of, littgoiley wownelop, en MeridaY'ef.thiti week, Mr, and UM. Milt00: Plunkett And ebil4rett, of Torebta, Spent the week -end at the home Of his father, 111r, ' WM. Plunkett, and ether relatives in the vies Mr. 4 Dobie and T. Anderson are home from College. 'F. Anderson 'will leave shortly for Northern ,Ontario, where he has a pdsition.for the coining season in the nsining section, Master Donald, Mallory left for the West last week alter 'nearly a year rfpent with his -aunt, •Mrs. Wm. Anderson. We are sorry to eta,te that his mother, Mrs. Afallory, is still in the hospital in Tor- onto, • e "The People of thit seetinie heard with deep regret of the sudden death of" Rev. "te.A.sattlieres,---lifressalliler swase-peseeer- the Methodist charge and removed from . •1 -here aboUt twenty year ago, ' He leaves! hes wire and three children, Margaret, Ella Rae and Lloyd, ' ' • • , repteed,...1. .....mogr•VrAtie...V... nt • ev/O, 4"ient lier. friend, ft, it4Plit*k. *r.., *inlay 8441#ton and itisa.#ar* Pont el 'Prleeiltle, were ,Week*Ond ineata t the toTitter'8, hOme here, *Asa Marguerite 1,000,' 'Ipngavillea, 1s.,home for a two weeks' Iyith, her: Parents, Mr. and Mts. Norman Long. 'Mess Itttehie and sons, garve.it and Eldon, of Zion, itisited the fernier% *ter, Virsc, Thos. 'Blake, on Sunday. Ali. and Mrs. Kenneth- Campbell and two danghters, *Mr. and Mrs. •Aubee" Higgins and aeack, of Detre% visited Mr. and Mee, Glaris, Curran -SatiledaY' - The_ popular play, "The Three Pegs," vou be, presented in 'Blake Han- PrIclal'; May llth, by the Dungannon :Young People under the auspices, of the Y. P. S. • Mr, and Mrs. Itobtesphillipes Cteides -rich, 'and alrt. Will MenarY, Vanee and PhillLps 14fenary, of Dungannon, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh teriarY Sunday. The superintendent of Blake Sunday Schoole the young men's and boys' etas- ses and their' teachers, attended the il- lustrated lecture on "Literature and Life," -by 'Dt's M. Soland Lucknow tQwThhalI -s4,11-44"--efteetleensessee-4.gesseere s. is for members only of the two organie land previotusly, with the exception or her brother', W. J, 'ROW Z.Alli. ancLanyone- wishing -to -attend every -high lend; The -fields- of-swheat, - The Ant of the weekly half holidays muet'Isecomeses member ef either- omen, s ,which have -been -looking --quite -brown. se on--nie- are beginning to look greener -es -buts a cheints on Wednesday of this weeir, oottleeounr rain is needed tor -bent will continue throughou,t tne summer wheat fields and gr . „ s --sersbirtMlirtlie'Triet WeeT• of ".Septen-ibefre" ' 'The- -rectilaremonttilye. eratetirige-ot-the. - Mr. William McClure, general seer. Dungannon Junior Institute will be held chant, is able to be, out again •after at the home of Miss Margaret Ryan, on ...1101010111* SPECIAL SELLI . • • WOMEN and MISSES A wonderful group of ' values in seasona.ble. styles at a remark- ably low price of.... . _ , • • • -• -111- • -Mres-Robsiesininilifeor nears-SaskatdO ' with his ' tinnily; two daughter Gladys btrisci-eandeileabees 'Rosse-Wrinmill. iiitesese sereenelase-GorciefieJeriklifee419•101itterld (4r.:a&Orsr.4gSMI-S '.—IfztGofaYTCE . y or , an ee usS . The death oteurrectrat the home of her and Leslie Witimill, his nephew; motored,. at,,1,' Stratford, on Saturday last,eof ure. To -Ontario, arriviiik at tb-e hoine, of Mr .r Charles Parsons. Syria, parsonisliad been T. --Taylw brothertaw=c)U-Icfr ' Min. ' staying--irr •the 'city for the :emit- ted milli lest SatUrday. ,Mr. Winmill and inontluo, Her home is in Hullett Town - family° are leaving the dried -out area of ship, Hurorie County, of which township , , . she was a 'native and where she had Saskatehewan rind making a new start - she vas - -- . eisent - -all "-her life She leaves ts-iiit Alexander- ISL-GrassIck, aged 45, died In Nova Scotia, where his other son has • ' ' ' • suddenly at his home here on Tuesday daughte.rs, 1VIrs. Jenkins of the city, Mis.s . „._ , , been, farming for the last -live years. .1--s- A. week of special evanscelittic eeridee rothers, 'Miller-- Ernest: Amy Parsons ofe neat Clhiton; three 'north -1'g An."' 461n year Hes-was born and Thomas_ in _Aberdeen, Seettlende sons of J_ames and Mebe held inethe-Maptistechtnth corrrs ams, of II -Ellett; two sisters. Mr& Margaree--Duguide-Geassick. ' wnen he William Ross in Hallett, 'Mrs. Jas. Cook was 18" --he t°°k-- Up raik°ading °I1 the of Yorkton, • Sask. else 7,aa a meenber, Ortlie-11-iiins-United 'efaireli- in Hullett 7'ov/is-sh1p. . • . CHARLES KERR dl••••••••••••C Obituary MON •• "..•••,40•••••414,-,), •A•Souri TOMISDKZ, 1+SAY 3rd, 1144 rittvuEsVIDIRisireoiria:(wat MerNrsteno:ASIribien in Mader BOW . •. • USSLER and LIONEL BARRY -AIME ' , antet .1i an' event" not to Inksed and this- attraction boista.rinenties 7.1010tO ene.teis •stars .11, picture praised by all 6104: Very* 'Mailer aPe• SuOtietirse cast: ; • --, • Sweetheart, Christopher Bean" _WATS Slaaal,' 11,1A0X Ttlint$DA,Y ,to - aIRA., and SATURDAY glim,:'.Sununeville and Andy Devine , Willta:se Yeti for buggy ride along joy -road in their.laigst ruciiontil riot of, »unity, sseeees ect,MINCe--.Charles Lateehten in "The Private Life at 'HENRY VIM" Matimee Wed, and Sat at 3.60 p.m. e "HORSEPLAY" ••••••••••••au,oram; •••• .••••••••••••••••••••••••• . 058 King street West, Kitchener. He WHERE SCOUTING HELPED Was bOrit in Toronto May 28th, 1863, Writing a Saskatchewan juvenile court judge reiarding two boys, a probation officer reported that they had "attended school and church regularly, joined: By Scout Troops, and .done their good'. tUrn. each day," and reconunended that they- te discharged from the proba.tior. list. and at the age of 19 entered the,Inland Reventie Service. There he seems for 35 years, retiring in 181'1, moving to Gode- *rich. He remahied here until 1921 when. he took up residence in the city of Kit- chener. He was 'married August 3rd, 1886, to Zea May Marlton, of Goderieh. Three daughters survive, Mrs.. Eugene Roschnasi Mrs. Herold Young and Miss Kenos all of Ilitcherter, one daughter, Zeclas predeceased him in 1910 and his wife in .4921, one brother,. John, lives in elltt6Wraleriera-8LSTet8;-Ell-zalietliSt•Snel Catharine, both of .Toronto. He was A member of the Huron Lodge, X.O.O.P. of Goderich, and the Red River Masonic Lodge, as well as the Kitchener chapter R.A.M., Guelph peasentm Templars, Royal City Lodge of ,Perfee- sessierse....lis30 trict superintendent of the Chapter. e- „funeral willeta.ke plade from- hit late res deuce, Kitchener, Friday afternoon at 1.30.° The remising will be brought to reoderich,_ interments _Iis Maitland ceme- tery at 4.30 p.m. , NORWAY A composite scoilt troop of beys from' some of the big public .schools _of Share a essiipefie -Noiway-stbig summer with ,Norwegian Scouts. s ALEXANDER GRASSICK pleasatit-eVening was spent in meneing-on Suntlay.-Alay 6th, afternoon the parish hall Priday, ander the awe Service '3 o'clock, • evening serviee '730 spices•-of-the-Wornenss sC/uiedeof-Sts-Paul't e°7`°1°°k•rs 411.1e'esi*e1ai- sPeakers'- for -the' ,en a gond crowdi lv"k are Rev. Dr. 0. &butt, ot Tor - was whenspeak - in attendance for the ' progre,ssive euthre party. Poirrteen tables were in d eYening, Maday and Tuesday even - 1 ay and prize -whiners were. Ails& Als •stead, Euderton $t., London; Thursday, eseandeelames Brown, -while-con. isolation prizes were mein: by Mies '1or Durnin and Allen -Reed. A feature of. e -evening was the drawing for a very pretty quilt of „the Dresden Plate design, James MeWhinneY being the holder of the lucky ticket ,whieh was drawn by _ • , Miss iris Rivett A _ dance was held PORnit S HILL after lunch was served. • -Some-to- report5the 'lilnesa 'sot Mrs. Zio • 111 e 'Tweed Stilts, consisting r Jacket, Skirt, Eat and. matching Bag , black, nayy, and brown, _ Eats &tan styles and one -to -suit eve4' taste, large. head sizes ins., eluded. Reduced' for this week . * i?ESSES xi. spring style—striped, checked flowered prints.... ..... 1 CJRLS' RINT DRESSES Fast. ebtoi Prints; dainty styles, - sizes 4, to , 0 FLANN Grey Flannel Suits, English style, *via h shorts? sizes 4 to 9. In sand shade, 4.to LgIlSh W War* et -41 Gs --V. Crefeot, Adelaide St, Lon- don; Friday, Ps. W. Zeiman, Tal- bot St., London. The London speakers will bring .along talent to assist- in the service of song.' Everyone is invited. to attend and will be very welcome. nt ,t. 0. fst.ntugsanium litable Meeting liVedneiclaYeVelling, When Gil •Sondays* esDeWitt Cosens spoke &able meeting wediteday eveningwhen, to a tali ..atied congregation in Grace members of flielr•P. S., --of Nile. CreW-0 ehurth and:Slake United ehurches were guests' tee, es.. ser. ,Theeseeeennaller, :spent _ the -There passed away at the home of her t, of -the DUngannon Society.- -Meg Mar- - on, Allan R. Mershall, near London, funeral will be held from the home of the areteRyan presided._ and miss; pejesnasl_Week-end With he sister, Mrs. R. Fuller. Elizabeth A. Rundle, widow •-of the late deccasedee_brother-Johnee-Lorrie Averrue, . Treleaven presided at the plane. Guest/ The 'f _earniersEdeeerieulte ,bitsYssthete das-rs- James- S: Marshall, in her 77th • year. on Thursday afternoon to Woodlawn Speakers for the evening were Resi. F. J. putting in the' seed. Mitt the harvest __es— Deceased is an aunt of lett Roy Rundle, • cemetery, where interment, wiellsessenesse Miss 011ie F'uller, of London, _spent ity 35 ,years ago, moving to London, and .... ie. ' • ' plentifiii-this- year. • Mathers„ et Grand Bend United-chereh, ,*e -Huron reigheinirSandslieed-fn-tIrlifein- • , • ," who spoke upon the subject, "Christ in iefies eacierie eamiciond Sunday at the -home of her parents, Me. later returning to Goderich, taking up Minor Crinle Wave our Livesand resbyterial President of -the' Yount. and Mrs, Robert Fyller, Master Earl re- re,sidence on PictOn-1,treet , twenty _ yeara — turned: Sisit-lierefOrs S. -few days' Viatte ago. Her , husband predeceased . her '''' ' . 4 also of Grand Bend. Who addressed the People's -Societies, of Huron 'Presbytery. The Porteria .Hill softball' team held abOut ten years ago, and she again .nievs - Hits h Colity t -e --1,-e-olges societies.. lifiss olive, inakeo growl _$,. e de -the aureli-Wonclay_even- their Ibis, oneRianglitere Mitia Martliall, Gaines and. contests followed, and inneh therfrikenpsHri• •the work. otethe• tii Blake thumb,- Ashfleld, rendered a 'Solo. was served by- the - Dungannon 'Voungt .. ,..titair. el,seepeeeteee,-DI the season attlielt ed to London. -She' 'Icai..e.F...to MOM -,---.-- ,..,...„.....,..._ ' -, e•----- ---se - ing. A geed ennui:" of. the `sports were present • . • On lay 8th Menai- Clifis *ill held home et her son onWednesday. of last of Liesden, and one don. The funeral was held front the sons auen ee Lon- Two .1Viore Men Rounded Up—A . Pozen. Undier Observation , People. : • - I tsbetr regular thee mi. 'Mr. Ian McLeod week. Interment was made in Scottis- 'Stewart MacGillivray aged aged 25, Ash. 'The -April -meeting -0 the Dunginzion ' • - ' 1 or (Milton, will eve lantern slides. "I'llis' ville cemeter `Vireitnen's InttitUt`e -Wat held -on Thurs. ..day at the home of Mrs. .W.. R., stoth- ers.--,-Vor the ••openIng-e*i'reites;-the- sident, Mrs,"charles A Alton, predided. Roll -call ' wag answered by oOne way in -which •elve may help Mu* taririninitYt" C. P., R. and at the time of his death IVaritMitilitIV-“ngineer in' the -London- Windsor division .and in Goderich. Mr. GrassIck had been in poor health. since he suffered an attack of flu ;it 1918, but There passed away at his home in had been at work until a short while Ccilborne township, Charles Kerr, in his before his death, which came as a great 68th year,safter aelong-ilinesse on Sittur., I shock --to his family and friencb. day, April 28th, He was a son of the survived by his wife, formetly Eliza'beth Sellers, of Dundee, Scotland, and two ughters, Phyllis and Gladys, both, at home, two brothers, James and John of borne Township 21 years ago and este). London, and three sisters, -Mrs. Morri- s . . liaised a ' tile. raanulacturing business son and Mrs. grant, of Detroit, and Mrs. :HeSellers of London. Deceased was a _ leaves to mourn their toss, hie widow,- -ate, sat -home„ one sister, Mrs. Ed- o, sort, Courtland, and a daughter, Lor. -member- of the Presbyterian thumb, of the -Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A. F. and ward Beaver, Crediton, and one brother, A. M, and of the Brotherhood of En - Fred Kerr, Crediten. gineers. A Masi:laic funeral service was held at his late- residence on Tuesday evening, the 'remains being' taken to Loyclon Wednesday morning, where the late John Kerr and, Carolyn Wilson Kerr, and waseborn--at-Crediton.• H moved. to the 3rd concession of Col••• MRS. J. S. MARSHAL" is to be an open meeting to which the; • 3 - . • .in the toils.for 'chicken and grain steal- 1.• - Don't forget the liability yowl • EDWARD McDOWELL incur through the operation of 'Fiarider _states, • • 1,,.. ' . ladies, aresinvited. There will be war and '' ' 1 , The _death occuered ef Estsw..ard Me -1 ' • _ _ _ . your car. Make yourself safe. 11n by insuring with ' . • --- s don,,ivrra were Ct Uhtfras.i111041' MdacYlwitlineP;Is0ift lAlmrlis: IlsteQwsulist1"171:it lini:lage:*i.erlim::efr-Am' :torts. thc:: hai:iiinp:egte::: ,togoPk•to„,„v,„iinz!.,„,„a' la . '0_:tiisnisndltidr9yjeoh peraYsley.!4-AcC°e57-• s - Low. RapthesLi le ii:9h6 Security-- - --- mvilisth, st,, :/1410, bAs been. quite ins •Vigin __avenue, on- -FridayreApril -27th, 34tli. .shr ,dlirerent charges were laidl_ . • F. WOOLLCUNIME— Reports ot-committees.--innectio4) Mrs.,:-Atottillen,' rianikined-lor n -week t 3-4—Mr.--,meDowell waa born -in Nova a imurlani whieh 'would seerrito indi- [ - - * • • With" the prepttrations tor the district soon be al'ritifitellwas sPent on a far ;:41*, t,;..:—,Witnst -she v1111 animal meetingto be held in Darman- . m' in Hurs°11 'C°11n4i, cate thathe is something more than an ------ ' - ,zert_en,may 30; were glyet, via_4210._.84.. *47,,Leanard .ginott pt. „ Norval tete,- near Auburn. 14enty-ilve years ago „__he 3, loan, itfrs, rt„ eiskeeesese •ese Rev, D eek, who it eritleally ill Ssith pneu. wife, Mary Jane Henry,. predeceased him Caecs. triA,, lektt::111:21 a,dreiso iforira,vbteitationto.tiotaintlitei;t alpivOaveilin;enAtt liithriheero_cf osernittitttingot abasesiehoet;ited.rn. coitioti emiunittee, :ern/loosed .0t. icc;,. j: Ont are vith these snateee ler& Deft.. to 00derieh' duelti-g. lett. winter, His, :fliTehM:::::tettliw6111:ixte-airl hitt:re:de, iroif .tthhe_ ditional coriireittee Was , , ,_ appointese a re- thin. and Mrs. Will Fleet., of' D.P.rford, retited arid moved to Totento, •coming NrittseVtinlulYoii'''..?Eteu*liitt bssrbourvi°!k. Aft'V'ercitirleeb'jY15is. atenrirdet 1Virs6itts:c; • beecisneeens amateur if they are:proven to be true teunty ein conneetion with *the present. . , ' etas district. director, . Ws., V. , Was; a'est.,,' 14tgs are giveit*foroeoeh night's tetviiskit) Prod 'SX'grtelall, in his 41st Year. °mitt on Mondait, APrii 30111, he plcaded Srli A V -V -el ' . -- - pittnist, eletft. te. G. --treleatritit it-Ot,.. Otttrant thos* itaar4 ill- -rePreoent E`b1 He was a son of -1-4/.11 Tina ,Strg,,, Trn. guilty 'to ihe theft of a latiics purso .irt 47''' I the" " imettrbil thef;, :e th e thhaelip autt 8 eBrttusnd- i-deleseates, could not act in that capaeity Her'. tWo $1Ster-S, 'elle frein.„Toronto and Potter, at he expected to be out 61- town, the ono trmus BOxlibiltbni' are with her. . .brothersZLeonard and Hiram, of giehi- ilte edoifey use, Harry Prc'oc:o?, 1°I. tb6 'ensiling 7eat "s held' 'tht Prt' were Pres'ell: 111°**Inee'llig was. °P6rkedi tbSuendatul; entlifter11861**100the: sxrihTl'ilehe Wnallh-belecilir:eital s'-', Police ,report that 'there are aboixt it pointed in his stead. preskicht. mrs,. 0, es, Aiteri,- was ap. esee .erseday • eventrig. the Y. ,1". S. held gati.- Rev. Geo. T. Watts, !pastor Of ;.011 11-Ete_kett. Eidetic:di .ot otatets .tlieir ftgUlar meeting,, ,when about 15 [North street Unit,ed thureh, t (inducted Stenehiesse, of gredeeleh; and tome anct donee agaihsi 'them. is conPlete. William. mCDOwell,. of . -Wcattleld,', Itost *tliei' Will. be picked up as soon as evi- were six' riephews, Marvin, John anti dogen • more under observation and that " All are en . urimes, Victor Whitley and Cas - MONTREAL Davittscat toresi; •Nfts, 0. yr. Anon: iir3t the to-ntest . that starts Allis rigidity for torment was, Madein „Maitland cone- -vicelom, urt., ,,y, 4. /14,411; 8$7,001,4 toe& larger atiendan'oe, and More members. xt tery., .. pro.. Mrs., 0. 0. &ova; 80,,Artatt tfriit; it to be a rate. aerate. the continent, ' FRED TYNDAIL,L , 1 ‘c°6*.lzileto.. *Cirirries' tate Is sonewhat diiier:2 $ 85 .. $. , ii,. , 8, ,... 1 . (fl M1 T Marstritil StonehoUte, of Westfield. Ths fi-w days will land most of them ' in the known to the authoritieS _arid. the:next OU 0 Y *s torn itorni,tait. -atel Urse -0-.-.0e Trelexte ' °1';"-V4A` 4411°1 'll,:-.P1---"Taxel—front -qtst- AV: -0,#-:----ttoti-dAy-atz;-Its,--- home ---irse speliett• , P eletsenalel:, dieectors, mes, es, Poo,. - taolt cattain to 01166Ae ' a certahl Make After a long illnesi ' there' Passed away e, 11 t Ireat, .,,, thOge ef theeepers. _ tors pollee .. , . ,„ , .s_._ . , B DE IlEAtTPIt Mrs. 1 Ix "Itiehardson* lkifit4 ' V. .101104, anaosy .ce* are the eaTitaihs arid wi811 farm. now occupied by the partlatS at '''''• pianist, "Mrs. P., RoSt;" flower corranittee„. 11,444 b111°"t qui race • °lea r"01..,art dalt of tulletti lived kits. whole me in this conornunity. die alarm was raised. He fled, the incl was b"11 4511 the thles. viespaek,r1.:amr•k t(e)::-todttanlec: Equally 'low fares from , att. a, Igtaxmaid and utt, rt. David. eVeryont tri come out tor either ono side ton. Mies Margaret ItYan, Of th6 Junior or the .other and It,' inaRe the minting!. , - Ten S'eafe ago lit 'Ant liitb ParrnorohiP erewd -after liliii. 'The faetthing of the GOING MAI( 1142 'ate . points tottIttite„ foored with tt, vptal zao. kr. as interesting 8.S peeeible. Mass 4ta re . rangemente were made tor 'the next etl- i g• n e ' ,,n a ight tot th ' race Olen Lock- , with his broth&-in4taw, 0Iarente COrie purse esesieee looseeed ood computi. powder Puff' arid the varioue items *nal. ''" etutning: Leaving Maltreat arid que- ''s• Y ille to eyening of May . Interrnech trieting whielt is tO be held woe week hart will have thane and. will be Pleas- , . nell, In cattle and they also eear;lyeendrd:i a girt earri.e attunci mai hem tvere Ps...4111M% COTISLut, 701.1r near- Ketittg as hOstesses. ' tallier, Mrs. Itoss offering, lier-hothe tor (.t tO 4ee °I'tett 1011° Mete' " " 21.rm battle . of oorinell ,and he, ottasiOn litin011, Vt0 terVed lkitts ttoanh and Strs, Aavithort, , ,, - - - - . - - -- - .• sent. -1 e. Ile' ma e a teag r o . , e , roe r see ........e. * 1,,, neTvh,esetr4ieltwtienting'.• ret.ttniirct:".xtraokeee,°Ileetdr:sserlithrtmil viM:is4!illitit61:12*, sSuit' VAillyin't;V:4141:7,41.11,t6Wititht) ‘,061:=3;:i .11,4rtfhatItf lat. volrittext:0,,,,bieu aftPrWard! admit-, . 3..gSbt, ill,erA...., ,.upt.m, ..„. Agent, Id ., • pamphlet liesuett by the Dominlen De- eu44, tour brothel% Clifford III l'or°11t4 ° Ile le spending a week in jah before- -' tiNtititAtt 110C- rit-0401-- • MI ' rti A ' If 'lite *C rho*. fa *it ill Mika, ,Norrh in e.,,,,,,,,,,,„A Which partncrship continued 'to the pre- soatutistrcity,atitla tthhtevIlsurttt.zethtoldi;:p, 'it Fo. 01:1ili , ' , ._,.... i3tai. Titekersrnittt. and Roy In Ooderich.tOwn4 being '""s'-'7'"" , butcher im.;inests 'in Clinten und th C N,Atill.AN ., , p.AcHwic . s, g„ 1 - * ... Alin- ohe 'shter, • MM.' iloward "I‘rewate thit, in ‘litillett; tab *nix, Weldon and ..andzlone-..daughterr-mboris,----ithetz...- ,late Fred TYndall-litas-highlr respected'. 1-- - --- -- Ile leas it itiorgier or .o'utitto street United thuteh, having been brought tip * 1#tethoditt in religion. , 4 politica he Wat littera Tbe 10e/tat was held thit atterriO6it Main the heme sin natal Townabip just borderio the teal* lindts. I: . (X *trill tondnoted the wok* i . $it the Nil* MA graveside intenneatt I being Made in 'Minton temetent, It, 18.111dittit .--,,,.... ‘.1., - lit 'aiit. bit ' tit tb field Township man, is the 3atest to land •— HIGH-CLASS - mara•••••••• • o‘,...olrof s "0. - - We can give you prompt and satisfactory service at a moderate price in the following lines of printing: * * * —Letterheads —Envelopes --.Statemehts —Billheads —Private Cheques —Circulars —Tags ----Cards —Tickets --Sale Bills —Dodgers -,-Menus --:-Factory. Forms `-'--SOciety 'Stationery . —Blotters —Booklets --Business Cards —Visiting Cards —Wedding Stationery —Invitations it_ * The Star has an up-to-date - onunercial--printing- Land we -are equipped to turn out all classes of job work. Prompt service. -:-.XHIE-GODERICH -STAR- - Phone 71 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 14 ROUND TRIP ikidwAt vatitting the Ow In ;savor (gee° bes.the pretident. Wainer, garrison; Mr. i,thit Viet -president, Mrs.' j r6.40.1 Fred' Ellkitt had oharge of the topic. Mrs. X4r4O tYtre Mrs. p. Ross utedt sOie.c,..t. WAS, "SPending "mOneY as a as seruti4etrs, and the foutswing eft; -ohould." Quite a lengthy Ms- ters Were eleeted: 'pree:, 'tlISSIO11 !AS entered into , regard to from GODERICH MAY 11-12 • to •••••••••• •.,‘, \ Df)i)i)4, PILLSIONE Dittotttilt a likiltilltinte: oattneal fee treatoe-46,_.C41) toned bats,. 15 , teopoolt, ,ftd, vinInaiy Oneiluarter tup sugar* 1 tup, mllk atut 1p 'cream., Moak thek,rolltd oIt in -the 4n11k,oliallOur.-.4tritilly �ok he strained double boiler *btut 45 ininnitt% Sttrring trtquennt Wbnt Ma, «earn tiaVering, 0 ts SernOtt, sttit ,1/44.10 Xrritish Sto 10- 4,44 tolloired by Of *Odd* Scout V , a • -4•••••,4 • • Mis. Thom T4cat tanedoame gfation, N.S. tit 2 If 1r - Had . a Bad Cold cough little gui had aloft a bad cold she would butno hard at night elle could hardly get her breath. iuttit atte:otitervtimilitnito IIiiittiyhowng,44.0ht lenerni.w4 oodirn1146 ttlettootbry's Pint *iv watt_good for cold anthCilft, After enng her oto bottliss the voaa greatlyitnprore4. 4 -inn never Without .1)r. Wood'' in tilt boueo in es*, of .1A