HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-04-26, Page 1von, t, • • ,V,Vollovth 410.1* rot V ' Lk szymetwz. Dit tr. , ON R$ Mortlock Wins Suit Agaihst Chees0 ' County ,.Ceurt, *tiled BY. . Awarding Plaintiff Full"Claun , $=110 t(Ort160ko of , Ileintaesalle won -his case against:. the HOInteavIlle 004 OperatiVeCaiee4e and. Butter Co., ,Ltd-, In County Coati on Tuesday, April 24th. Judge T. M. Costello, awarded $317,50; the full amount Of his elairn; The counter" claim .0 the clefenda-nt -was die; , allowed, Mortlobic' Is a.cheeseinaker by trade. He was engaged by the Holmesville Com- pany in that caPaoltY in umr At. a wage of $900 per annum, with a guarantee .of a minhnura remuneration of $700.„ He 1-received0)814t4d2.140-14,1*IMIW'r;t1WaIi stopped- cheese 'making. He t!matinued - in the empley, of the firm in the cream trade 'until Mareli f8th, 1932, without salary, but *was never paid the balance of the 1931 wages. His claim was for the boleti:de-Of -hit': 1931 remuneration plus $io Per Inenth for.".the-period, when he-av ,aaetairlrerehr-ereaniT The company (advanced the counter- claim that afortiock• stopped cheesetnalt;• ing himself,-set..cantelled:ther,--agreement. They further claimed that he *aa never engaged to take in cream and that in any event he did not do the work for WEDNESDAY CLOSING AGAIN THIS YEAR Mod Loeai Merchants Attot4, nott-rn Expert Otiierti W111 ,jeqn in Moat tiodeetele, merchants iU eon- tinu1*..,We!friesday afterit0Ort eloaltie dur- ing the coming Slimmer.' Wednesday, *a('2nd, will be the first 410 'of the early 4104144 Shope Will eleees at, RAO, p.m. from that e date Meth the end of September.. The deCiiion. Was arrited at during a Meeting on Monday 'When, 4 large num- ber of merchants got together to tlisetIsS" a .eonienen problem. An effort le to be emade to have, all merchants follow this - lead. and also to agree not to keep Open in the evenings. It is 'Pointed out that buyers' habits qUickl,Y adapt themselves te conditions and that no busbaess is lost,through early closing,provided everyone adopts the same practice. The ifeeaS. „neeeeeehtnetteeseteeetmeelesee4lee=, Melee tlairFieldi;'•the Ilatontraffd-the-Wahtie- makers,- all. - demonstrated the trail Of this business • Ome Retiree, M fact, went etartherethane any of -than, closing all pantsatnoon on Fridey during the warm weather and remaining closed un- til the follgotitig.imondai: -This practice has beete_Seeemesehat.;e4nostifeeereeelq•elatee eaff Au tidheled-foiti - principle& An appeal will, be made to the spirit „community loyalty present in • every local Merchant, in' an effort- to have all places dr business, other than restaur- ants and hotels, and Such IiimalecessarY which-be_.was cernpenzation • 1-1a4t.italtions.a.. follow the ,leact, now given. Judge costella ruled for lVfortlock, McPherson. elS Malkine- repreeeraecf the defendant while Le E. Daticey acted for • • FOR SALE OR TO RENT TO RIONT,--$5.-00- per 'month, 8 rooms, part' of double house on Qizebee' Street wagr. 4IghtsAppjy.4o MISS N. TAIT. • r JJOUSE TO TtiN--One of the best, : low rent, adults 'only. Apply to THE STAR OCE. • • WR-RENT.---Centraqa 'warm houte for rent. Apply to M. W. HOWELL. ' -FOR SALIa---Comfortable- eight-reometi -11- "house, all modern conVeniences, near eCollegiate. Double garage. fruit trees, garden, lawn. Aelearesin for vah Will consider a small place 'n town or -tqnntrY, or suminer cottage, as part pay- ment.' (BOX 4, STAR. , To RMT.,--elixeroomed apartment on South -St. Modern oonyerdences. Also dwelling and to situated In .0... good cOnununIty. Possession at- once. Room and board. Apply to J. E. HARN- WEIL, Keties- St. -FOR SALE.— 3.0f-atre, .'-..farra, • 'very jr- Cheap,. small 'down payment ac- cepted from Tellable -party," low interest, good 'buildings, orchard; good, soil, ,no waste, locatec1--elose- to school; Handy markets, abciut '1"3. Miles from •Gkaierich, about enough thither on farm to pay ter it. if properly' handled. Immediate Pos- session. Anply to J. D. ARMSTRONG, Box" 89, Goderich. „Oret„ Residence :at -Challengersse-Elgiff- Avenue, s...-Gosleriches tea my Two Oats-- ot Ory ot Ole At Least the Magistrate Could Not See It That Way7—Man,_ _ ° Sent Down William *Nesbitt of Blyth thought it would be quite a good joke to steal a couple of. coats 'from the , :Commercial Hoteritt bis bottle town, but Metriiti •Reld 'can't seethat:kind _of a joke so he sent 'Netisitt fa'e_ Guelph for at least- six months to acqiiiire a aifferent sense of humor. - . . -1‘Tebitt athb hearing of his' case ffi lZtlyth sm. IViOnday, April 23rd, said thet he had been drnnk for three days and that -Was when the. humorous notion eeiz,ed 41p W2 e diecovered that other people- •svere net inclined to be • amused he hid the purloined articles in a svtamp. . A friend of his had then notified the authbrities of ,their where- abouts. ; Nesbitt has a long police record. . He _ - will have some time to ,thInk over; his shortcoming& as he will have an indear- minate sentence of eighteen > Monds, of which the six.montha will be A part, in the provincial jail. _ _ A T FEMALE IWO! WANTED , e 'Propose Five Year Tenancy, Al- -IjAYitie'701,,rn Priveleges„ TWO OTHER PEPUTATIO rivo Aei , RI et, • MI.V.e. , THRESHER co. $'irrS OUT • sodoith coopit.*: Maxi Over strattod. NS -114,111".° ” , , Many resident 01 this oArt, 01 the eelnity will bte.intereeteCtO Jealle that the neeDonalli 'Tlteeeheg OnelA0 91. Stratford has sold out to the Robert Bell 'Ionellees 8e Thresher' toznpny 01 Sea - forth. • ' . Th a MacDonald bueirtiet was beialse ell in Stratford about t 18I6 and the Company was one of ,theiold,eat manne eactnrers of threshing machinery in .411;14.. The sale Ancindee -patterns, templates and repair ,parts for "Decker" 'thr,0„Wxestge4.446 eteseeeeseee-eses- Council Inspects Street* to Decide WorksPipga. -Tbe Ilederieb TrOttting ant Pacing Ag,seciation: through its pretident, Dr, J. B. Whitely`, 'asked the TOM). COUneil, on A Friday .night, April 29th,'' for the privi- lege of IeasinF the Agricultural Park at a yearly rental et $3,80, for a period of 11",elle additionto tile' mOnetary-•Mnisiders 'titian the Association *Mild be wining to elle* the Town -the privilege of using the park onJu] est, for ball ganiei, cir- cuses, the fall' fair, etc., and would in _the meentlentemaintain the property in first class condition, making. neceseary lieiPr-:„W,Weeseritt,-„„araee...7"ita became ;medial. Dr, Whitely maintained that the town would be better ofr financially than ire -tlieepaste-eas' diViiie the years between 1928 to 1933, with the exception, of 1932, ,the town's average revenue frpni the rental of the toark to the Association had been $271. In 1932 the town, had re- ceived -411,0f the proceeds from' the -grand _etand amounting to $627.50,which sum was „need far, work on the property as- a relief -measure The matter was referred to the com- mittee of the whol. council who decided. to consult the town solicitor before tak- ing any action on the proposal. .-The-speakee pointed-soUt• that -smile work was ,now needed, such -as roofing for one of the' bartas. 'This the associa- tion Would do, taking the place over as it now, stands. Twe More Deputations It Vas a night for deputations. Presi- dent Roy Stonehouse and Ila,rry Ed- ward's appeared on behalf of the Horti- cultural Society,- requesting assistance in caring for flower beds -at vatious street intersections in town and in the Court House grounds at the Cenotaph.- -pointed out that the membership in the organization had' fallen off somewhat ane that funds had suffered actordingly and that as all plots to be tared for were on town property and as their appear- ance WAS of importance to the cOninfune ity in maintaining its reputation a„s the prettiest. town in Canada it would be a good investrieent to dopate a minimum of $25. The council seemed -impressed and turned the question evr to the Parks poitimittee.----; • " -Moore- president of the Gode- dr -Musical Society, appteited on- be- alf .of that organization. He gave riet „summary of the previous year's ctivities, outlining_ the method. under itb ..aumbas-faincis,,,,had--been-Aistribait- d-at the end of the year and regeesting hecontinuance of the tot -tree support nancially. The band is dear to the carts of most of the cauncil and there as .no trouble securing •the word of the ayor that their interests would "be -kept Mind when the esOmates -Were bein k•Tutitijtolcto -te:--r7Robeitiso-n • reported eol- lections during April of $2830.98, mak- -ing a total of 61,9,595.00 brought in se far for -1\A4.' The anaJor part of this amount, namely$1L,53660 _covers_ ads (Continued on_page. $)",:( - - AUCTION SALE" IC.ECIITORSt SALE -OP ANTIOUE AND MODERN - HOUSE, „PIJRN., 'MIXINGS. , OWEN "afANTED.--Woirien wanted --to-rearipr usatheroes SevftigJw atestreeeseietessary. No selling. ON- e 11 111 ARIO NECKWEAR COMPANZ„--,Des NOTtbk7tO' iDitEDITOKS 'partraent 258, Toronto 8. NOTICE TO ortEirtrroRns. NOTICEISGIVEN to all -persons- insvinge-anyet rants atithast the estate -of kis..--_Trernate_MorKftn, late of the Town of-Ociaerleti, who diedi on or about the 2:2n4 dear. of April, 1934, to sere! same, . duly proven, to „the under- signed, on tr before the ._eetheday of May, - 1934,- as on.. and after that date the • Executors of the said estate will proceed to make distribution thereof, having re- gard onlY---foie-the-claims-thezi Dated at. Godefich this 24th day of ' April, A. D. -1934. " HAYS _and. RAYS. - Goderich, 'Ontario, •Solieltore for the Exemitote bekein NOTICE OF 'MEETING mac ci.onntror vriEwerort AND "4- TRANS:VT COMPANY, LIMITED. Please take notice- that the annual general Meeting of the Shareholders of the CemPanY will be held on Wednesday, May 9th, 1934, at 12,30 noon, in MacKay Hall, North Street; ,Gocierieli, bat:, for tm"the election of Directors for theetinsuing year and the transaction of• any other business, wirich May properly be brought before the Meeting.. • It.",,iCk. 'SANDERSON, a Sietettit% TOWN (0 GODERIen Ownersor Harbour- ers of bogs' must .' obtain 1934 Licensee at. (loco at the :office -of' the Ta CoJkctor. By Order, IL C. POSOLETHWAITE, Chief of PoIke All owners ' gplos . *erases ste bereb notified Ithat all garbage, et, ',utast be removed treat tbiir 'premises betel* the Arst day of May, TENDERS FOR r, DREDGING - 7 e's• SE-47-=TENDRS addressed to the , undersigned and enttOraed !Vetter for Dredging, Byng Inlet, Ont.,"-- wilbe received until 12 o'clock enoon••(4Aight • saving), rtiestray, May 21; 1934.. Tenders will not be emisidered unless made on the, forms suppl1e4 by the De- partinent' and inetteterdaneee witai the conditions set forth therein,' • Cetnbined specifications and. forms of tender can be obtained on application to e -aidersigned, else at the Office of the District Engineer, Fatuity '13unding, 'Tor- onto, Ont. Tenders must Include the towing .of the plant to And 'from the work. • The dredges and -,:zther plant which are Intended • tobe employed on this work, shall' have been duly registered -An Canada on or before the thirty-first day Of Deceinher, 1929, or shall have ,been constructed and registered in; Canada since the said date. ' Each tender mutat be aceornpaniedby a ',certified cheque on a chartered; bank in Canada,, made payable, to the Order of the Honorable the Minister of Fnbile Werke equal to 6 per cent Ot the amount of ,the 'tender, or Bearer Honda of the Dominion of Canada or of. the'Canedian National Railway' Company and its Con- stituent Companies unconditionally guar- anteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of ,Canada, or the afore- mentioned ilmatida and a. certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount, In no ease shall' the security deposit be less than $509:00. By order, N. 1)/ZIARIXIN6, , • - Secretary. Department of Publ.* Works, Ottitei4, Area 12,-1934., hEAlre ESTATE AND INSIIROCE took ME O. F.' CAREY co. Fire, Accident and Motor Cit. SIJR,ANCEL. -- bract Veld*, Wept st4 GOderk 23$ NXZSON, MILL, CRAIGI st We have received instruetions to sell .by public auttion, at the storage rooms In the British Exchange, South Street, Goderiche on . .° SATURDAY, APRIL 28th ' Commencing Gat 1.30 p.m„ the ioaluable house furnishings belonging to the estate of the late Marion H. Carey, con- sisting in part -Of: One sivare 'piano and stool" one draw- ing room Milte; one rocker to.'matche *bete walnut whatnot; one walnut fire screen; one ,papiersmaehe table; one walnut oval centre .tablee one equare wainut table; orte metal cherry card table; one 'tuna walnut antique chair; two waltitit cane chairs; one wicker tea wagon; one brass Piano leap; one small breed lampstand; ohe wicker stand; one Carpet; one hearth rug; pictures. and ornaments in drawing roonie onedining room suite; one walnut whatnot and books; (inc large eerie backed chair; four papier-mache trays; pictures in dining -room; one • table electric lamp; one...walnut sofa; one woven hearth rug; one fire ,stand, poker, shovel and, Songs; kine pair 'coal •ersitteheree 'en= table (Walnut); china arid.otilatitetit,s; hamper of silverware; one 0ld4aShitmed walnut, btde one. Waltint 'dram& With 'Stii611-iiiir- :tor; one walnut high 'dresser without gleat; One large sofa; one walnut cane bottom thane three pictures; one walnut, bed; springs and niiittres$: 61111 Walnut washstand;', one 'U Onaltlealed eht leleturee; one walnut dreeser with Mirror; one Steen, round oak table: one -Istr$W valillit-halt -tablet' One cherry TWithOat mirror; one Mirror, gilt trainer one walnut high dresser Without grata; one large Waltitit bed, lliattreet and springs; One' walitta dressing table with long! -mirror; on iita11d• eliain' one small Wahet0 cane leettOnt 'elutir; one /Visit OW One *wen rug; one tette bet edit -reit; One font-lot:the till it-ttme and Oen: One range; One large table: one dear One •Preinkr •learier; .one tberry drop /tat table; I 'kitelien inet: Oaten table and thairS: t Ax4 411- 70.4 414( ' rebh &M$ ant ThImroua Other Schooi Conceit to Be a.Gnat Event • „-(aver,...TAiro.-khrikdred,...Childres.!_to Take Part --.110y Interesting Turns t'reisared. preparations are practically complete for the mammoth soh:oo. 1 'concert to be held in the lecture room et Knox church. on the evenings ofeThursday and Fri- day, May 3rd And" 4th; -next. R. P. Player, niutieal irittructor of •the • Palk SChObls of town has a vaed interesting program arranged, in which Some 250 children will take part. For weeks, th, children have been drilling and these who have seen and heard them sa 41J4 theyhateebeeense „wersderfully clever at their various parts The en- thusiasm with whieh children always throw themselves itito *their activities is prompting them to great -efforts to make their own entertainment as great a suc- cess as possible: There. will be choruses, recitations, drills and an operetta.. A full dress- re- hearsal has been planned for the Wed- nesday, peeceding the, concert. Arrangements -have -been made to have the children use the classrooms. of the Sunday School -at waiting rooms and. dressing rooms so that there will be plenty of space in. the lecture room it- self forspectaters, parents are re- quested to assist in seeing that those af their children- whci ate IA the various events keep to these rabiift-at much aa. possible in order that .eonfusion may be reduced to a minimum. - School Board officials say- that this 1 the largest affair that has ever' been staged by pupils locally and there is every reasonste expect Nspleodid enter- tainment: . eorge's or iiief Benefici ndor Wifl of Late M. McKim Ms4,Charkahle_and Educa tioSial Bequests With, the ,'exception of the sant eri:ix Mindeed del/era Whible le left to ftla‘ tires, the whole estale of Ida Tremaine Melthn, late of Ooderich, v,r111 be distri- tinted among charitable, religious and echieitional institutions with a small sum laid WO for the_ care „of 'eenietery plots. ' The will, which is entered for probate this week, disposes of property to the value of 410,408.60, made up of. miscel- laneous -assets of ..41.4.9se'...shaoneYee.----BPSur by 1nortgage- asostSfl ecirf and real estate, $4285.65, and cash in bank e $30147. . Friends of.the late Mrs. MclCirn, who died only laat Saturday night, in com- menting on the wfll,. sta,e that it gives a true picture of the kindly and public aPkittcl.„.1031t...1011A,ma.bast,...4,:laeagki.-afteit always for _th.e goad of others. - The largest bequest-eisetdest, eleerge's churchwhith gete $3,00o. "Iirsig._ stun Is 1.0 iseelliveSted-in trustee. securities, the interest ' from Whicli. Is to be used as the rector and wardens see fit, provided it is expended' on the church. The Governing Council of the Salaa-- . tion, Army, Canada East Teiritory, gets $1000, for use in rescue work. ' The Synod of the- Diocese of Huron the Church Army. Alexandra Marine Hospital, Goderich,- receives $1000, outright., St. Andrews cemetery, Orillie, Ont., is to be paid. $50. for -the- unkeep•af the- greefe" Of 1Vtailarit. McKim (nee Harvey), .while another $50 goes to the upkeep of the faintly "plots in Maitland cemetery. Mrs. Msrtha Mor- rison, Iirimptorea sister -in -.law of Mrs, 1VieKim, is to be given $500, while a Leou- she, Root. -Vicnce, gets $100. These are the only personal bequests. GoderiCh Collegiate • Institute is to establish a scholarship with $1,000, the interest to be paid to the scholar who comes- highest iir his pr "her examine -I tions held during his. or her third year, . in Latin, one modern language, two mathematics, and Engiish composition, and Literature or Buell subject as may, -be on the curriculum. Such. student, must remain in the Goderich Collegiate for his or her senior matriculation. I ' The Sum of one hundred -dollars is left I to the Toronto Humane Society I I.All of the balance of the estateeand, g effects, after the payment of all debts, and funeral and testamentary expenses, 1 Is to go to St. George's church, to be' 1 registered in the names of the Rector and Wardens, to be kept inveeted by them and the interest to -be Issed for the building and equipmeint of' the wintery school, the sum to be in the nature of an endowment fund and to be k ' e---Ivic1C1rtri-TVFOlii-Iiinci."S Geo. Lusconthe,. an uncle of deceased and a cousin, Robt. Vance, are named as executors with 'Hays and Hays speci- fically designated as solicitors of the estate, it is expected that all of these bequests 'Oar Lunt DAritAGE TO 'HURON CO. RO'AilS swing' ma Limo Stab* Leave* An' *osAilo ,rikssabio contrarr to the tepectelons of every- oncethe S'eatiS•QtIturon,..coraty_stre lnJ Brilentlid sliiipe'Iitter a winter whith, it • W44 ekPeeted, 'Would leave them impas- sable for 'weeks, • County Engineer' 40Y Patterson `..re - Ports 014 'there are no badly broken roads anywhere in the tour.ty and no road lute been sent of Use ae result of frodamage. In addition to that, the frost has practically ell gone from .the /round, extept In sheltered places. The routers foe this sumeising state of afrairS is that there has been little rain and no warm weather. Ifad warm rairet fallen on the deeply' frosted roads, or had the sun, coMe c,itit hot, the' frost days, leaving quagmire e in place of roads; -Those spots on the ,pavements which heaved a few weeks age are quietly set- tling.. It Is possible that 4% few low spota .w111 need - some Work- One on them be- fore they are -just right amin. ,IVIskpe tate: serearietraliitalletnietiliethararriiiirig low spots in favor in the -States bt.tt not yet tried out in Ontario, is known arthe seludejack'se method:-* 'slight- opening is made beside the low spot ha the pave- ment and into this a pressure gun forces mud. This raises the level of the pave- ment and when allowed to dry out gives a hard foundation. • •••••••• + Conservatives WiJk ownshOs to L Farmers Ge Letter frOin Minister Clears' Up Intention iirGoitisienffieat Re -- main' Crain SubsitlY Act • There can no longer 1* any dentlet ,te the intention 0 th4 Provincial aov.., ernment regarding the supplymg of seed, grain to the farmera of the •prev1nce. -- We are Mereceipt or a -letter from W. Young, Colborne Township farmer, who has been active -in the negotiations leading to the clearing up of the some- what obscure situation. 1114 letter, which embodied one from the Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, traikt4L'uatIMtiort :4211ifarlirtglIte C1overnmept . . is concerned. It reads 'as followss• The Editor of The Star: atn sendinLYOU, A letter for_pubilea., E'en which 1 regeived from Hon. T. 46,, gajte.fg'tit,.'e take' this opportunity to point out for the interests of the tea -payers Semi the township at the presen_t tine:: has about 84,800 of unpaid taxes. 'This has -broken all records for our township and finless the people who had poor crops lest year are plated in a position to sow good grains tionAid taxes win greatly increase next year. This is the main reason why 1 halie- taken an -aetive part in trying to. • find easevey to -enable. the:farmer. to -get eet in Winghain good seed grain. As some of.t .he township efficiale dif .. 4 fined with me as to the provisions of the a dy Act and as this caused e >some- confusion, ---1 avrote the -Rom lanese ' - Kennedy for an explanation of the Act and his letter in reply reads aS follOwS: as Toronto, April 24t.h. 1934. he Dear Mr. Young: Or in Sti NeY Huren-Bruce Riding io Nern Candidate on Friday There is eonsiderable speculation to the Conservative candidate on t ridinge-of-Huron-Bruese-of whieie C borne Township forms a , part. Th convention is tie take Place in Winghem I on Friday, April -27th, in the Town Hall The name most prominently mention- ed is that of -Wm. although others. are known to be ambitious f the honor of contesting the seat wi Chas:- A. (Robertson, the sitting Liber member. There is also a possibill that the dry forces will interject a man of their own choosing into the cam- paign. They feel _quite strong inpartof the riding. Without a third candidate there Is a better than even chance of a vic- tory for the Conservative nominee as Chas. Robertson is admittedly none too certain of his chances in the rearranged riding. Pew authorities have been found willing to- -make' a foreestet 'Until the mune of the 'party standard bearer 181 known. bsi cee the T.eweshipCierk and have him read 1 wish you would -show this Aetter to_ • it to the council. Seed grain may be secured, by an farmer in any municipality Your munitipality comes under the , S b id DOES NOT wANT JURY TRIAL • Thos. SturslyAeltsa That a Slew 'Against Town- ' Thos. Sturcry, late proprietor, of the Royal Hotel, has filed a Motion, through bis solicitor, E. L. Dancey, in Supreme Court, protesting against trial by jury of. his action regarding seizure of his ropertY_DY the town for. taxee last *in- ter. The motion will lie heard in London 011 Saturday, April 28th, Sturdy, it will be-rernetribered, itetted a writ against the Town of Goderich, A. J. Cooper arid Oswald -Gime. bailiff-, r damages far alleged illegal cliitrees be- cause of the foreclosing of the mortgage on hilt hotel when the chattels were seized -and- sold. ' A. J. Cooper asked to have the case tried by jury. Sturdy objects., that It is not a primer ease for tile jury and asks that a judge hear it. The 'questitin will- be settled -On Saturday. • Otte of the pleasant episodes of life is Making plans • to spend money that you never get. I I . a be possible of fulfilment, as. the semi -Kies are of a sound nature with esood inunediate or -early values. 1 Marine -Club Final I Members Dispersing with ins wife and family. - Mr. Coplan is the owner of the Cont- -• bia Theatre, a well known movie house Ladi nors for Last in clown-toWn section of. Detroit as well , u s y Act and the reeve or deck znua or give the authority to the farmer, to go th to the bankto borrow' the money on a al note. When the note becomes due. ty . toR DETROIT .TODA Owner, C. G. Coplan, Intends to Live' !tee with Mite and Family The yacht Anona left Thursday morn lng for Detroit under command of .Cap colm acDonald, who. was her ak-11) the farmer is not abletto pay, then the ,Government will pay two-thirds of the loss and the municipality one-third.' It - is hot necessary to teke a lien under - Subsection 8, section 85, ot the Bank Act. and we do not wish them to do so. The arrangement simply means that thgse who are able to pay will pay said , those whO are not able to pay will have seed Irrain tes. sow. r hope thie -makes the Act. clear. Muni -8-incere1Y. (8gd.) Thomai L, Kennedy. .. Minister of Agrieultere, W. L. Young. Esq., - ''''''---- -it -II-No: 5, .6-e-cleric/I, 'cent • • Y In the meantime Reeve Albert Oelte, thorpe has been in totieb With the Cor- n ernment throuGh Mr. Chas. Rebertson, 1 M.L.A. The reeve states that he is., in- - -formed that a meeting of the cabinet t. took place last Tuesday April 17th at - Which the -Grain Subsidy Aet Wm -under- - discussion and as a result or- which _some , modification of its provisions was ma,de whereby it was clarified.. At the same - time a- standard farm of •bYlaw was s adopted to assist the township and coun- per for elihr -years when she was for merly in commission. Her new owner C. G. Caplan, Detroit theatre nfagnate infermed_ The Star that- he had no in tention of leasing her to anYone. He I very fond of the writer n.ert means • live on board for an indefinite period, Dance of the Season ' The Marine Club changed the regular order 'of -procedure for theit last dance ! of the etteson when the ladies, wives off the members took charge and entertain- ed tharilembers and their friends • TO . , on Doin • Friday. April 20th. • g well on this earth does not mean that you are to go out and do , As navigation opens ' soon and as many ,of the members Will be away for ., others., • WANTED WANTED. -Lady desires to rent small Y self-contained. apartment. Please state rent and location. P. 0, Box 636, .Goderich. HELP *ANTED. --Experienced woman for epoking and genefal house- work. Apply. to Box '0, STAR OPETOE. MAN VVITH CAR WAN'TED for Route, steady; farm experienee desirable; no lay-off if you wait 8 hours Apply J. R. WATKINS COMPANY, 2195 Masson St., Montreal, bept, SA -6. MEN Wu forlitawleigh ttoutesof 800 families in littroti and Bruce Coun,ties. Reliable hustler ahouid stare earning $25 weekly and increme rapidly. WrIte intrnediatelY. HAVVtglarr COs Dept. C11-21-th Montreal, Canada. - • -..---...- _ AnTICLEg 10011, SALE ,. ri ort SALE. --One rubber -fire buggy in .1‘ good cOndition. 44,1)01,31 at STAR orracr.' lriteSet SALE---Three-pieee Suits4 and a a"- large or:ortmout of samples for dresset, sweatier% etc. W01114 be 1s4't& ow there to you if yen Would tat „o Waterloo St. Ott ON' tfaitti' OAR ftit Utz:4.-We hoe for tale tredit note Werth $225.60 on a new Ford ear rot further portfolios 000 to WINO ito4 tfoderith, for liaWhinfr at 0. .4, co, b 4. t 1664 !sidth good atdL M1. fl, DAVZ04,041; the summer on various boats, the event took on the Mauro of a fareweil party. I Mrs. McIlwain and Mrs. Cousins arrang- ed the first part of the program, which took ' the form of euchre. TWentyefive tables were in operation and the win-, ners proved Co he 1Vliss cr. Young and Mr. Claud Murray, with Mrs. G. Moore and Thos. Goddard taking •the .consola- tions. Mrs. 'Walker and Mrs. Clairmont II assisted Jas. Bonny in the preparation h of the- lunch for the 175 guests. At t 11.15 p.m. dancing started and lasted for ° one hour when an interlude took place f during Which a brief program was ate h ett., MesSr-44.• fledden and Jeffry -did a ' s step dime and the audience wanted 0. After crews have arrived for nuist. of hem and are getting them in Phape for he sommer'a work, that is if we have ny summer. Ice conditions are irti- roving rapidly and it is anticipated hat by the first yak in May the her - r will be emptied. MT/Whried on pig oVio ost000d.onvomommuns•., as others- in_ the neigb.borligoa ease; lie enjoy 111.4 yacht. disposed or. which gives him leisure to formerly owned a number 'Of these lot - ter playhouses.. some of which he has Capt. Gore, who has had eharge of the refitting of the Anona, left for De - treat a few days ago owing to a differ- ence of opinion with the owrier. It was the original intention of Mr. Copelan to clear for . the Michigan meLropolis on wednesdror but the heavy snowfall of Tuesday night and the presence of some oose ice in the harbor persunded him to waif over fcir a day. He expects to visit Goderich again during the summer. ANXIOUS TO BE OFF - • trelghtera. in !labor Making • Reedit The Steamer D. 13. Hanna haa steam p on Wednesday and Was tuining over er engines for a eouple of hours, get. tag the winter kinks out of them None f the other freighters in hal tor has so ar put a fire under her engines but all ave the appearance of hunting dogs tr ng t eir leashea, anxtoua to be n their waY„ • `More, Mrs. Sutcliffe sang a song about t her grandolotherle entoning wheel after t which the party took to daneing again] t 1.4rs. Clairmont and Mrs. Walker made a themselves and the ladies very pOpillar I P by -donating- it purse Or Money to the t club. That broke up the laarty and they b° allwent homer 'voting 'the ladies exceP lent hastestee. C Weather Male. Ma. MAX. Mn, 1033 • 1934 April 19 .; 6$ 48 , 69, 394 *. .. 11E-4-'-'1';'--44f-lir ' tp, ,,,,.41 ',,'1' " 22 .... i 46 2$ 48 34 ' ° 23 ....- ..,,,,, - , 28 ilit 40 ° 24• .„.......,...... 00 40 8130 t' 23 --,.,,,,... 64 35 40 $0 stbEcitAL PERMANENT • WAVES at the triode - rich Beauty Shoppe, *est Gt. . Waves ellen ,as „Thilp Oil. Natural Oil (Intl Charniinol 011. prices 33.00, $1.50, and 88.50. FREE with each wave frank 5446 up a speelai Steam 011 &alp Treatment, value- let, 1.4 given with et no niathine specially Installed for this purpr.o. This strengthehs Om hair and leaves It in, the,best tradition fOi• 'way- 1I9''Iten_IP#14E,4441).41,410tritaii.Z-147,46st way healthy' !astr., Pitionize yOue Iota bale dieStete, who Is not berei toe* and gene teariOtatir., Art our work guaranteed, *or appotantentt tall 0$401. I Com -in A Events 4,0/.0 ousiNtss ratiEF8 The L 0. L. No. 182 will hold a 15c social in their lodge' rooms on North St., Tuesday evening. May 1st. Euchre at 8.15, lunch served. Come- and bring your friends. Have you tried the, new Kayser Crepe Hose, guaranteed free from shadows or rings. Exceptional value ter $1.00 a at SCHAEPER'S. Mothers' Day Cards Remember her with Laura Secord or Neils -ns Choco- lates Mothers` Day May. 13. CAMP13ELL'S mum STORE. The 'Women's Hospital Auxiliary win hold their . regular monthly meetirig on Monday. April 30th, at 4 pare in the Public , Library. EVery Member is re- quested to be present. The new Spring ,Print • Dresses for children are in, just as smart as they can be, sizes 2 to 14 years, priced from 98c to 9195. It large range to choose from at -§CHAlsellst'S. Many aches and pains can be'relleved by „lnflrtron.I1AXUs LI exetToNE , corrects lazy livers, causing them to per- form normally rt also aide digestion. CAMPSOWS DR/TG STORE Miss Janctt? Wilton, of London, will be ie. Goderich on Vtidays until further notice lO give, bridge lessons. For fur., , ther information apply STAte OFIelOg or Box 12. STAR OPFICE. • The next nWet.ing of the- Aluneele Chapter. roD.E., will be held at the Public Library, On Friday, May 4th, at .4 o'clook. The regular day of rooting, has been changed front the third lton- day of tire month to, the first Friday. leltelettAY.•-eAt Clinton 11aitaI,ott Ottriday, April 22nd, 1934. to Mr. and ters.eDoriald Murray, Hayfield, „Onte a, daughter (Donna Alice). ,1%1 , • h r --Mc0uir.z.-4to: loving meteors "Of, l‘fts. Serbara McConnell, whO pottied away April 24, 027. Then, doittr.tontiot sevsti Lovis lad ineinory Ust torero% 219‘IttUft, t, to 4..10itt• ••, ' ,