HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-04-05, Page 8• v #1,114,,#
• orrorwor`”
te Studep
nts Dami
w ' •
loatlit* Wambokl, third ateeenrealdent
Of the O. O. 'I, Iiterarsafeadiety,, pretent;.
ett the laat lir. of the season, The
entertainment vie interesting ana vars
led and weliareeelyett by 41.,Capeltr aud-
ience., •
The debate, 'Resolved that the St..
TaalottnnaotWoreoentitti:?14aing7rewvgairesesehben,p0;:ita:sb:we. oydri:rebaP;hede
Leod and Lois Treleaven. Dorothy
Muir ,and Betty 'r Thomas,' • Of IP; for the
negative, pUt Up a splendid argument
but tbe Judges, Mrs. D. J. Line, lass I•
dSechelakair to rniat, Mr* awarded -the
The aeMalraler 'of the program, Oise
played the talents, of .the Collegians in
the Way of lighter entertainment- Jean
Robertson_ And D. Worthy 's pleasingly
rendered that old --favorite,. "When y
wore a tulip and 1 wore a big red ros
and encored with a modern mead
xrish"ThreLsikandOgintherce,,liaaog tevariDtheulafrrge.."Lan
ay, D. Baker, H. Archer, R. Deer,
Bishop and G. Farrar* was well recei
aaalleatilon Parade • r
''r.rte to
• mover' icent
ation. ,Dr E. D. thish7,, of tOndon, waS
aneceSS IS looked for. tn., tho "ineantiMe
P4ticnit. •Iks'• resting comfortably In
Mr, an HoWell of Alaert
.#1'03 WelCOMed a new member of the
$am14 04 &indite night, Meath lath.
;anther and daughter are in eplendad
heatth and are fectenting the congrattle
lationg and in the elect of the little
itatIghterJthe admtration Of their felends.
The Arthur 01010 Is nre,paring foa•the
presentat,iq 01 the three -act
"(liven. S.r.intsk!!"•44 ,thit'lecture lroom
:YKnelni:Cigettirt4:T11,9111agYi 1421:1 Te
Arthur CfrcIe jlay3 are always piapular
and "(Iv* 0-•`,A*1 sautto bel
puticular '
40110414 _ST, WM.& MEETS .
The April meeting of the W. M. 8., Or
Victoria St, United church met in the
sehoolroom of the church Tuesday
afternoon, with the nreSident in charge.
The meeting- opened 'vat h the singing of
a hymn, followed by prayer by Mrs. B.
.A reading. "The •Pounding of
the W. M.S.," Wee given bY Mrs. G,
Baechler, After reaeating the mission.-
my- "creed bible readtilatt 'were given by
alas. Wileon, tars. Ea Allin, Mrs, C.
Young and Mrs R. Postlethwaite. Mrs,
Don't forget the liability you
ineur through the operation of
your car. Make yourself safe.
by- insuring With
Low.*Rates, High Security
Phone 296
'Ott:14,40d the ,havotioha Ia11et, 4444
jernoleni and .paporz*vti•
'MUM theiCttaVe. report. 4136 $4,1
church', Wednesday 04Veninit, ti),e',2113tti
ult. : Arrangements have tiOn jilitte'for
Tleir.• Thigh Taylor of Thames AOad,', for-
MerlY ot Vhina, te..4ive a. Tab:denary. *4*
004'4 ';nest SUndny motning at eleven
.o'Cloek for the W. M. 8. Ect.4tr tti*Ok"1
arvice. An. invitation has 00001
extended to the Members of the WACO;
at Union to Meet With the members of'
the Victbria -St. W. M. IFi„ on Monday,
May 7th. allse Meeting eleeed---with
prayer by Mrs. Ora*.
An9;ther Case Where 'Chickens Get
_owner in Trouble
Adolph' Urbau.oski, Polish by birth, but
trieek- diver y proleklon,. disciwered
that chickens can be a source of trouble.
He hada load of them on hie truck and
the truck needed some repairs. Ile went
into a garage in Dieter to get the re-
pairs done, ebilisting on the -chickens to
pea s the shot when they were goal,
That's 'what he told the garage man,
&sawn'. •
The work, was done, Urban went off to
sell his hens and the garage owner wait-
ed for him to come.tback. Evidently the
thickens failed him as they have a way
of doing to trusting Souls because he did
not come back. An informatlon. was:
laid and Urban had to at•pear befdre
:gistrate Reid _and espiain. The re-
t was a week in. custody.
He will have another interview with
Ole We .Know
Mrs. J. W. Bowe, of Detroit, visited
friends in Ooderich last week, •
Mae E. E. 'Waldo, of Zurich, is visit -
Ing with' her sister, Mrs. F. Turner,
Mies Carrie McRae, of Toronto, was a
week -end guest with W Naftel.
Mr. Marvin Sanderson, of Teronto,is
vielting his niother, Mrs. C. Sanderson.
aVhss Jean Proctor is visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Wm. Ricatirdson, port- Albert
the •Magistrate 'next Vibrato. April 9th.
Miss McNaughton motored to her
The little Mushroom partits appeal to tion.
at. Essex to !paid -the Easter vaea-
boys who think it amusing ,to dress up I Miss Naomi MoDennid, of Toronto, is
and go through queer antics, and tO renewing acquaintances in Goderich this
Imagine that they are something Ile -reek. •
tWeen conspirators Ana zoldtere.
' •
- - , -
The Liberal- nnservativeLof South Huron
will hold a Convention at
Wedntsday, April -11th 1934
• AT 2 0' 414.,OCK P. riw
to select a candidate to contest the riding of -Sou' th Huron at the
forthcoming -Provincial 'Election. -
Three _delegates will vote from 'each polling .sub -division,
Mrs. MacLeod visited with her
father, Mr. D. Tiplady, of Clinton, last
Miss Margaret White Visited friends
at allamilton and Ingleatood over the
week -end.
'Mra. Lilian Wallis Sinclair has return-
ed to tier home ,afteren, eatended visit
at betreit. , -
Wass Esther-Huine and Mr. J. P. Hume
dc!,re attendingathe +D.E.A. Convention. in
Worento this Weeks, •s '
H- MISS. EVelYn Dougherty',;'Of -the 'Hanni-
a ton teaching staff, is vieiting with her
sister, -Mrs. Ja'Lauder.
Miss Olive Goldthorpe, of Toronto,
was an Easter visitor with her sister,
_Alm. --Cia-Maaware - .
Mrs. D. A. Gray. of London ,
with. 'aer mother. Mrs. M. McGraw,
•Breck street this week, - -
Miss Evelyn Clark, of Hawkesville, is
spending', the Easter season ° with he
i,u;Ifad 7svirsl,t. :T01. Tut. 4...a.pent,
In Mitchell -vane- Rev. and Mrs. Geo.
ltersy, formerly. of WindSor.
snending fOen-Mw -dat‘rnys°wiYi-traieTorrclparntrists,
Mr, and Mrs, F. MUrney.. • .
• . .
.,Dorialci Lane is spending the
Easter liolidaYs in Toronto with his size
ter, Mias Ma4eleine Lanes•
M. and Mrs. John Robertson, Park
street, havb returned himie after spend-
ing the winter in Toronto. ,
Nfra Roy Stonehonee and Mr. A.
liaberfasort are In -Toronto this week
attending the 0. B.- A. COnveinion.-
Mri.- Wm. Richardson, of Poet Albert',
,.spent the Easter „holiday. at the home of
Jaeraparentesaala and -Mrs. W
(Minister of Public Welfare) ,
and ethers will be present to address the meeting.
IA40.1r4 AltEv,-ESPECIALLY AT -T -014 -11. -
COL 11.11. comBE, W 0 GOODWIN,
* ' ,Seoretary,
oop sAvp THE KING
-- the -time to reptate many
+iousefurriilhings. See -our department up.
stairs for your_vvants in Housifurnishings.
e. . .
InlitOd Linoleum
-Pattern goes. through to the back---NewIspring!- at-
-terns are in 44,yaid wide lin6feutn covers' yo'or-
'floor vvithout a ,seam
150 to, Si On
Square yard.
'in the different widths
Stauntori„tt sernt-tetromed VVailliapers; ,atotable tor
every room in the' house._ Buji, serni,tfirnrned „and
•same both time and money,
A Complete deprtient to cotter to you
a, A
e, ChM
a -
m.1 his 75th year: Mr. Knight had been In
as Poor health, for some time. Deceased
came to Canada many Years ago from
Guernsey, England. Be engaged in
farming in Goderich township for a
time but eventually tetiied froni that
occupatIon and came to Goderich where
he secured employment with the Wes
tern -Canada our Mills Co. and work
ed for over twenty years. He 13ecam
interested In local' politics and in thn
was erected reeve of the town in 1923
Re was an Orangeman and an activ
niemb,er of Court. Goderich No. 32 .of th
Canadian Order of Foresters, being .en
trusted with many responsible epee by
both of these organizations. He was a
member of the Victoria street United
churth, and of the official board-, and.,
AtiN' f4c1,EV
Another member of the Oct6gegaria
aiieY ”
sleint Maaaeay died on ;...Pattirt1ay,4#1004
,31st, 1034, „Mr. McEvoy was boriv
Ireland pow, than 93'''years,"`ago °end,
COW to Canada, as a wain boy. Ito Was
the one surviving Member of lth fatniit
'Vs Wife, three eons", and dittighterlIaV,
'g predeceased him by a munber Of
Years, For Many years, he actively en-
gaged in the production of salt Aro
with the •Saltford. !pit Ice. and latterly
With, the Cidderieli Salt Company. A
lifelong Catholics he was an '04bitiv Mei:o-
ber Of St. .,Poteios •eburch. Rev. 'rather
Lowry conducted the 'funeral ,servicea
from St. Peter's church n Monday,
April. 2n4, ,the intcrment;taldng Vete' in
the Roman , Catholics "acemetery _
pallbearers were ThomaBabb,James
Baal% . D. O'Brien,,,Fred Robinson, John
SPOT' and tater MacEwan.
- annTrN KNIGHT_
Goderich lest ,one .of its best knewn
and most respected citizens on Thitrs-
day, 'Ware's' 29th, 'when Martin Knight
die4 at his benne in Trafalgar...street in_s_
• •,-,TABLUT$ 2*,
- _novel- number on. the program was
the fashion parade. The feminine styles
from the beginning of the twentiet
century to the present. were gractfu
Infeaeled -ten of the -fairer ;Collegians,
Bet,ty jenneri Mary McLean, Madge
TUneer, Barbata, Thomson, Donelda Moa
Manus, Aida rarrant, 'Jessie. Mathieson,
Ilernice-Ilogarth, Marg. Ferguson and
Mariery tumby, As the costumes were
modeled Altos, Howell played tunes on
the piano Suitable to the period repre-
sented. ' .•
Jean 'Houton and Lloyd -Rutledge
starred in an amusing 'skit, 'Please pees
the dream." John Clark, a self-made
'man, has recently married the aoriner
Mrs. SMith. who prides jeer,self on her
manners and correct grammar. The
Scene-is--0-.breakfast and centres around
tele question, "Is milk 'breath when it's
In a ereana jug or just plain ordinary
Milk?" ante -dialegne was amusing and.
weli 'Presenteil:
sFor the Scncol
A snaplaraloetrnal, edited and read by
-Harold -Tayleasewitsare.plete with- -aensa
and no.nsense..... The editor_ pleaded for
moreaaahaol aniusernents such as dances
and 'bemoaned*. the fact that the school
spirit Is tit trachea low ebb.
A one -act 'coatedy entitled, "Forty
MIMS elfmaxed the excellent
entertainment -
body, Bess Kneestiaw; Mr. Radley, Tom
-Pageaa Radio, -Fan-lees- Thomson;
Peggy- Radley, Ida Elliott; Grandina
Radley, Annie lafeKtrinon; Parker Doane,
Murray ' laraaDonald: _Patrick_ _IsID
Joe O'Brien;
-- --Clinton; March 27th, 1934.
To. the Editee .esa The. Star.
POW BirPtiPam sorry to entreach on
yotur Valtiable 8Pa0C again but if you can
04C6 -t,14.041 be as
PtiPt AS ,pOssibie i eniarks upon
the libcpeettor's'oditoriai, as published: in
last weeltae Star; • '
tit my achaoletlayS before the war abe-
faire_aelairiel_thelti: fact) I was_ told
to-tt*t.,e1,,,,e4:01,0„;:iiii.e toittm3stioab,,:tteirii-1. x eaa44.
ed some questions on the tones !brought
up in a screed Wet000cI Business'
has no coinpien..4.°44ttetic'olls-43trt abo11171461uWtinz;whun-
Avorthy motives -to Our representatives in
the•-etaintsf coilneil, when he thinks his
own are tantibt,ed, about 'all can learn
isathatsthe OlCiaaayings .abota it librse of
a differentaccatir andathe -shoe-behig on
___Theaseditorsahass had -no-change-Of
heart. Alia; 40es not a suiprhe in
the haat, for .t� learn by this- method
requires logical thinking and„stieking
to..the subject 'instead of dishing hither
arid yon, But 'believe that. the tete-
-elvers- tor -.whose -inforniatiorr-X wraar
the letter' will 'be sable, •tO,se,e ithe point
-epite Of the over-inilated ego which
bobbed up in the editiriM Chair..in an
cleud the Issue,
tays' X Warted frozit the truth,
entirety' re the engineer's -salary X.heg
to, &fir, On the authority of the by-
;ws of
Itaroti. County,. t .state emphati-
cally .tbat the 'County of rturinv pays- its
engineo, $23416 for 1934 and until this
by-law Is anientied bY another. .."11iat is
tile truth ,and explanatiOn- Or 'at
teeipted- explanation' tan alter' that fact
in any way. 'defy the editor to taine
one intelligen ratepayer that he can
env:Ince to the contrary
Vrhr nOt the Expositor espouse
he cause- '15f .the te. --beref-saul-teitroster
ho according to his tomputations or
ittsintiatiOns are ,paid by the county only
0 and 20 'cents 'per hottrO Mr, Editer.
hey* ate' Inddi•eiattly what the' teinkt37
tzncll species, as is the engineer,. all
our•cluibbling ,oVer the ti) per tent'Siib-
4,5.. to • the Contrary notwithstanding;
SturelY Such rillibbling",is ,childish
ay for one, Who aspireS tO'.'he the editor
a newspaper; even if it is only of the
Would not the - libtpositOr*a proposed
'refOrin' of abolishing the Good loads
Commission, sit im little Xaiser Bill
hieti One might' resUlt COntusi'
'Misses oral and Phyllis Cooaer, of
Poit-Ergin, are spending the vtication
With their Parents, Mr.. and Mrs. A. wit
Newgate street; it
-at-present, staying with lOr daughter
911 1C4v--
alurktrs-4,1; lik-simpson and Mrs
Jas. Rosset Toronto, spent; Easter Sun-
day at the home of 'Mr. and -Mrs. Keith
Ross, Anglesea St. •
atass Catharine, Sale...O.-the TorontO
trniveriltsr. is Spending the Easter vaca-
atiOn withaberaenotheSiTi e,
;St, .Gebrge's Crescent.
.aalefisees Rath thint, Of New Hamburg,
and Esthet anent of To -fent -a, are hoii.
4aYing.WIth their Parents, act andMrs„,_
t; Vietian
Miss Vera of Parry iiiteuriti,
_Nralerly he teaching Staff-ef
Uri& scheol, is 'visiting Mrs. A. Buch-
' *ban and latels Mary Buchanan. Elgin
Mr. and !qrs. Ernest Platt., of Port
Colborne,. visited oVer the Week -end With
Mara Old Mrs. Platt,Tictoria stfeeti 'b
-d and. Mrs, N. IC. McLeod, Elgite
„Avenue. Mr, aa."13terke, who has spent
the winter in Port Colborne, returned w
home _with. theta.
is mournful cry, a hunter heat‘ si
He takes atm With S, cruet' gun.
'4,t tat long, sleek bird who. the World
has heard, of
,k; a thief and a pest: whate whole life
, fun.
„Id piit hint there, to take some part,
Nt to people to' take his head; his
13y Otorge O. Persons
A 8101 of sluing, trow aoeeirs
Sante i
lilt Mb* birds above hint soar.. • Iv
One*" einitounded The tfood loads
tr/itZt. tiniNn, .and *ter, filmitsZtpplies every.,countr:
One "POW X wfll oneede
Posittir., • MY preit.name, Votes\„, tor
omen, itu, misleading, but -$ was rnoire
coned about col:teet1-1g the Itiiiidead4
Ii* statement*, In the Mot Good.
nets' and Sheadrig that the .00uul1lr
tountillors had , *Akre JtistIlitatida
VtiOtt in regard Uj. the atilikrie4ot
'the Official* than In;reverdlitt et OW
° My Identity. Waterer the olitti-
OS MY ,ti‘fhasis the *Atli* but
mode*t and he het, that / ant- too bus
t wr1t kid* gittieleS ter the xpt
t� 1tk myatiie) It*4s me
I» 1t1t4odtflt ins tan* front0tiblita-
C, 1)i
Now is the time loget- WO
with next seasotett money.
raaiterk- 'Your teat:Its next
Winter will depend Olt the
uality of theothieks you
Our prodhOttan" this winter
tusked "bett*r than 65% ot
e'bit ems. OnIy
overnowat. 'Mate*
re heading o all from.
eo gar hensand, or."
for 0
,00.001S 6
P1,14.1.48k4 390, ,
Reart, . and Nerve ,
IllTAGS; '447
,SALTS, 59e •
DO 7;i7fi R PART
. FOOD, 490
ing better than'
Sarsaparilla o
pound, ,98e
We *en Films and 'do Developing :
NOW 250
S-HAVINO ;CREAM': 440E, 'Urge 500 : • Aim Off,,, 98c
---- •• • •
1 doz...
ELNT!YLSA-'FRGE,trit 98;
4 cakes.,
* DYES, Colorite,
Rit, Sunset, Dia-
mond, Putnam'
Dunlop Campbell - Lauder Wigle
North St. W. M. S.
Holds Fine Meeting
treasurer of the church. He was an
ardent Conservative, and devoted much
of his spare time to the cultivation of
ffowers. He is sarylved by two daurrh-
ters, lairs. MAT Barker_ and lafra. Wth
Ticabotirne, both of Goderiela His wife
the former Mary Jane Elliott; died ten
years ago. He also left a brother John.
now living In California. The funeral
was helcf on Sunday, April 1st. at *2 p.n.,
tinder the auspices 'of the Canadian
Order of Foresters, interment taktrig
place' in gartra,-Ad,-eeiiiaekf:- -114116-ear-'
ers were Albert Wilkins.W. F. II. Priee
an4 Archie Hadden, representing the
Foresters, Camo 32, and Len. Westbrook,
Jos. Fisher and James Bogie. .
MRS. JAMES--10iftir5TO-ar,-,
The death of Alice Elizabeth McCule
lough, wife of James Johnston, occurred
at her home on Hinks streets on Wed-
nesday, Aprit 4th, in her • 5th. year.
Mrs:Johnston was a daughter of Simon
and Elizabeth -MeCullough and was, born
In Gederich _townshipa-but-anovedeato
Gederich with ber husband about fifteen
Yeam.ago. ,Rev..F. W Oralk, pastor of
-Victoria-street- United church' otwhich
deceased was a member, had cbarge of
the funeral service on Thursday after-
noon. There survives her husband, one
daughter, Mrs. Roe, and one. son, Gor-
don, all of Cieclerleiija. three-brothers,-
Fierl and lEtenson ¥oO Uouh of Gode-
rich, and Garfield, Of Colona, Ind.:
three sisters, Mrs. Fuller Goderilh
township. /Vbs. Francis Church. GOrle-
real, and Mrs. Frank Willis, of Port Al-
The death. occurred -at Toronto on
Monday. April andr-of-Maxgatetaelaliza-
atli VarrEvery, widow of the late ix,
Rothwell... She was a daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas VanEVery,
for many ,.years resident of Goderiche
and was ire her 79th year. She leaves
to inellan their loss, three daughters,
Mrs. J. McCowan, of Montreal Mrs.
wiry 'Johnston, of Torentoa acre F
atighlina of Toronto, and -one 11011;Erli-
est Bothwell, of Toronto; The- funeral
was from St. George's church Wednes-
day afternoon, the pall -bearers being a
L. Parsons,„ Reel; teat, narrY Burgess,
Albert Goldthorpe, RJ. ttecEwan...and
11." 1„ A._ AtacEtvan. Interment, was ,
made in -Maitland cemetery.
Armor 11#,,00mormoommoomommt
Young Man theallibrarys-Have you a
book tailed "Mari, the- World's Rilrella
Lady Liararianeaton ;Magid and 11.,. irk
the `fiction • department sir."
Choose your taster Millinery
from our varied. selection of the
newest styles and materials,
Pattern Bats, Broad Brimmed
typos, dose fitting models and
a variety of matron styles.
Rehlocking "'and remodelling
carefully and reasonably done.
Easter Hose in all new spring
shades at 75c, $1.00, $1.25
a pair.
Orders taken for Pur Coats and
We invite your patronage.
&S McKinnon
5 ,Square
• 4
Sew .0111._fl Iootvear fo
spring in grey, blue, igoruld,
broith tt
oand 'biek, ,.inttde in tits,
pump gore* gores and straps.
,Our /ines are very attractive
nd ,.tnederately prited.
'We inVite 3tou to shop at
di 0
Traveling Secretary, Miss E.' Mit-
chell, Gives interesting Ad-
dress and Fine Music
.On Wednesday evening of last week
the W. M. 8.andthe Evening Auxiliary
of North street United elnirch held a
joint thankeoffering Meeting in the lec-
ture room of the church. Mrs. I. Heth-
erington, presaientanfathe -Wald: SW:ma
cupfed the chair and rc,a,lled_ upon the
minister; Rev. Ct. T. Watts, a, offer
prayer, after which Mrs. D. D. 'Mooney,
president Of the Evening Auxiliary, read
the scripture lesson.
Ali- interesting program of music
contributed by the different missionary
organizations of the church. Miss Hazel
Watts gave, a-ablo, Misses Mary Wilson
•,anca Helen, Howard sang a duet and Miss
'Catherine ICantelon gave a soloaageema
panying herself on the, ukelele. 1Vasi
Ruth Warks___presiderit_aef_ the Mission
Circle, gave a -pleasing.solo; Miss For-
ester played a -delightful piano solo, and
-Miss B. -Hume and 1Vi1sa Mary Buchanan
sang a ,mueh appreciated duet - Ace
eompanists for the . evening were Mist,
Alma Hewett, Miss E, MacDonald and
Mr. R. F..Player.
The guest 'speaker wee_ Masa Eveyn
1V11tchell, travelling secretary of .• t
W.M.S., Vika for an hour held the elle*,
attention of her audience by her tinge
ling story of missionaries and their,
work. After a brief aceount of, work id
Indian and ,/apan, , Chink and ain-
-Afrfca, -she took -her Itearera in imagin-
atitn, from sea to sea ,across Canada,
giving them glimpses of the suffering in
the_ dried autatireassaof-eSaskitche
and among new Oanadtans in ',Alberta,
of need in parts of Ontario and Ai -xebec,
and itCloriely fishixtg Villages of; New-
• I
foundland It was not wholly a story Of
suffering and want, however, for the
was able to tell of need supplied and
suffering alleviated through the min-
istry of the churefs. She deectibed
Vividly the werrk of the (lectors and
nurses, in. mission hospitals and told of
the difficulties met and conquered by
ministers and their wives in outlying
districts. Especially interesting to 'a
North street congregation was her tale
of a few days', visit to the Hythe circuit
where Mr, and Mrs. 'Va.- H. IVIrss have
worked for .some yeas.
easvotesafathanks and appreciation was
moved by Miss Emilie Buchanan and
•TP,024eSt,.. B. J. Howara,
Mr. M. W. Howen also expl'eSsed his
sense of the value of ,the address of Miss'
Mitchell. The meeting was dosed with
prayer by Miss Mabel Bailie.
-!!1f-1,--were running the -world I- would
it -rain -only between --Z-and hi am.
Anyone who is out then ought .,to get_
Let Us Clean
Those Spring
Togs of last
year for you
They'll look like new
for another season,s
-• wear;
• FieiiIUDijCEeaniiig Works,
• Saturday, April Tth
First person to
ree Adniission Pass for Season
, pay adniission F
First five ladiss
to ay adinission-
Free Adm. rass Good for April
Every Whether it's cold or wh'eiliers Meetm
Saturday Night There will be a dame wheiher orlot The jp :17!
Where eleariliness and quality. combined with reasonable prices
, Ptearail*
CtioicE CHICKENS.,. .. .. ....... .. 8c Ib
FRESH PICNIC xrAms., (young Pork),--- •
NEW fAII) EGGS (not 'storage), dozen)
HAMOURG SEAx, a lbs. for.
suovwxalliIAL CHOPS, b5.: for..
BEEF sitAxim
SHOI/Witit PORK 'CHOPS, 2 Ilit4 fet...,-4 „.„
HEEP....PORTERHOUSR `ft0AST Ott STEAK,S...4.— .*.tot
NO0 1 0,14TARLO POTATOES, 0046.
'110itelt POT ROAST, 4rititit „,igt. 164,
TENOR* b0114X0 11EEZ (short rib or 'neck). 4,36t -
Mit RIK $TERIt moo (roiled
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14 lh.
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