HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-04-05, Page 5-and Airs:, ShePPIsi4 end -04e•
/Wines Heler‘. And Marian lvieGill
silent the week -end at tlie heine Mr
SOtt eaine up from Toronto
last Wednesday to staY fog A time with
father, Mr. Robt. 'Seat:
(Miss Josephine Weir went to Streth-
roy last Thursday to visit with her
aunts, the lk,fisses Wein
Misses Marian Mortimore, Ethel
Waihington and Anna Dobie, are enjoy-
ing the „Easter holidep at their, several
homes here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos.' Carter Spent a few
ter, Mrs. Baxter, of Goderich.
Miss Margaret King is spending the
honie-cOoked Meals
served in a homey atmosphere.
Phone 575
Easter hOiidsy Iii Gix?erieh v�it,Y lid
grandparents , and Mrs.: b. King,
Mre and Mrs. Jos, T on1 n, of P1I1
sonburg, were Sb?ad1 y:.x to 's t ; th.;
home oft Mr,,* .J..•Thornpso
'41'.se4Dorothy d Margaret VillOttr,
p$ Mitchell, are spending the holidays:
gi# d r 4ts. 'c. and N p
00.,...,4012.0,01:44 a ...�
Mc 7 data the ek-en
'anctsho]iday at llveriSilt. and $tlratfor-
,with. bere thitight0e l is : Smit, r ° and', b
Robes ,,,,Matreod, e e
Mrir M ° t -41e. *-'vbo bias bee
home with, her mother ree,..alnieStse,.sI
`#nonihs,, returned to ':Cliicii.go on Satnr-:
day fait. • ,'�
We regret the Mistake in .last 'week's
news; the gokdere -weddl ' nnn1vers ar
of Myr. and Mrrt. thlt. Pattti'ssn Is April
Dth instead of April Bra, i►a We Stated.
At the Easter service *Or Knee 'United
church -Mr. Herb Mogridge was installed
as elder to fill the place or the late C•t.
L. Sturdy.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy :Robinson and
fancily have moved to Clinton Mr.
Robinson is at present 'helping Mr. Jack
Hallam ,,at the syrup.
CMS Mary Houston, of Stratford Nor-
mal school, is spending the holidays at
the home of her parennts, Mr. and Mra.
John Houston.
Mrs. M. Jewell; who has been with
her father for • several weeks, returned
to her home near Benmiller. We are
Pleased to state that Mr, , Robt Scott Is
M_ r, Nelson Hill, accompanied by Mr.
E. Ball., Mrs. la. L. Sturdy and Mrs. Jas.
Raithby, motored to Chatham for the
week -end to visit Mr. •and Mrs • James
Ball, of that_place.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson and sons
metered. to - -Ailsa Craig ---on -Saturday.
Miss V, Sharpe went with them to
spend her Easter vacation at her home
near Grand Bend.
Word was received early last week by
Mrs. H. M'wridee of the arrival of a.
little sqn (Robert -Gordon) to efr. and
Wino Whiek WSPer alleged. te hoe (10–
tutted 014 41e,qiied 'sure that it. had
*VW eUestlelyfIsi,te etate°0 fetid „hi
the 'Ita!ge when Pe startd.
OW4, net remeniber all that tOok 1)144*,
retednted 'What he saw and. insistett
th..!4t. there Wass r,efonsiderable within
wising tq foil the attempts of Ross to
SeiAre the -return of the doetunents;
net knew 'hew theY, get there* bid net
see any scarf, tern ,off.
Mr, 210$8 was then called. Ile .claim.
te have' been in. the Village Council
since 19g3„ Ile admitted that he had
11Aminated • himself for the chairman-
ship although Ms. )33iley ext bes_ded
the poi' at the election. He claimed
that he did this because he did not con-
sider that she was competent to hamdle
the meetilags. He quoted the Act as he
understood it to ,prove that the village
seas not entitled to a secretary. He, too,
recounted the trouble of February 5th
and was sure that he had not made any
°motion to strike the plaintiff. '
"I was. only trying to .protect the
papers of the municipality which were
sin my care." he asserted..
He detailed the procedure necessary
te have A secretary legally.. He claimed
.11 'in Crefitol:t etc.
GormleY Thompscui, of Timmins,
Mrs, R. J. Ross, who has spent the
winter hem left this week for Allsa
Craig where she Will remain a fete Weeks
before leaving ibr her home at Round
Lake, Indian Scb.00l, Seek,.
On their return they were actompartied
by Mrs: Wm, Strausser and daughter,
Gladys, who spent the week -end with
her sister, Mrs. rt. D. MUlltrO.
On Tueeday of this week the W.M.S,
Clubs of• girls hr-chazge-or their -leader. -
Miss, Margaret Small, ' took charge of
the meeting. It was the anneal Eastet
thankoffering meeting and was much
enjoyed by all those present. The girls'
program was well taken by some twenty
tiffs -who- irieer regularlY in these clubs.
hart Nallere, of Hamilton, and also 'vis-
iting Toronto friends.
A number of farmers have tapped
their trees, but awing to the weather
syrup making is at a standstill.
Chicken !hatching is the order of the
miss fia. e Toronto,
LimaitnEEutteURiNr,-., of
spent the week -end with her . parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Horton.
_ Mrs. Hamilton Cluttort was called to
Lucknovi on Friday on accennt lof her
- -Mr. antr-Mrs.. S. cook r_eceived word that had happened. He appeared bright
znother, Mrs. Chestnut being very -sickl sucireas he to rernenitier in detail all
on Saturdal of tte death of the little' and active for his advanced age, but was
six -month-old daughter of Mr. arid Mrs.! inclined. to be argumentative over his
Herry Freerain in'Wellanet actions. He dwelt on -the questiem of
Miss Dorothy Linklater, of ' the Tor- legal right so much that the Magistrate
onto University, is spending the Easter interrupted to ask, "Don't you think
holidays with Seer parentseeter andeMrse sthateaelittle- common -sense -is -much -bet -
Roy Linklater. ter than too much. law?"
Mrs. Percy Stewart and son, Wilbur, The Statutes, produced by Mr. Her
have returned to their farm a/ter to substantiate the' claims of his client,
speredlg the Winter months in, Woothe appeared to leave the question of ap-
stock. pointing' 'even a chairman, or inspecting
trustee, as he is more properly called,
,somewhat obscure. The, Magistrate's de-
cision was that -the framers of the act
had assumed a certain ameunt of cones
mon sehee on the part of elected officers
of municipalities and had left it partly
to their own good judge•rnent as to just
what officials were necessary, lie was
of the opinion that not too much good
senie had been shown in this case.
J. H. Read, formerly treasurer of the
municipality, also had a somewhat dif-
Watkins of S. -S. No. Colborne, is -at - Went -story- toe- tell; He hatt 'heard
among other things Mrs. Bailey say:
that she was going to see that "this
isn't going to remain a one,man town.
At North street United church "ont
Sunday, April 8th, anniVerSary ser-
vices will be ..o serve . 0, a.m., Mens
IClub, subject, "The Use and Abuse.,
of Money;" 11 a.m., anniversary seie I
vice, speaker, Rev. Jas. M. Finlay, of
Robinson Memorial United - church; 3 I.
p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., evening -
service, special Mother and Daughter,
Father and- Son Service, at which Rev.
J. M. Finlay will preach. On lelonclay
evening an anniversary supper will be
served in- the basement of the church
from 5.30 to 8, after which there 4.111 be
Services at'. the Baptist, Church on
-Sunday, April 8th, will be conducted by
School; lel a.m., goitel service, subject,
"Encouragement to Spirital -Sowers and
Reapers;" 7 pen, evening service; sub -
church on Sundai, April 13th, will ' he
Conducted by the pastor, Rev. F. W.
Craik; 11' a.m., moneing woship, special]
Ta• ylor, formerly of China, will preach. -
3 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., evening
service "The Place Of 'Hallowed Fellow -
on Sunday, April 8th, will be conducted T
by the pastor, Rev. D. J. Lane; 11 a.m., echnicai-ASSamit
etv eau
ments is open for bustness. There you can receive a complete Beauty
Culture Service in a fully equipped shoppe at city -prices.:
M,arcel and Fingir Wave „..... 350 Shampoo and Finger Wave
.Shampoo 35c Shanipiio -and Marcel...
Henna R,Inse 50e Plain Fasciel 75c
Henna., Pack VA. Milk Facial or Mud Pack.. „..$1.00,
Oe 50
SPECIit • OIL • PREPARATION $5.00 NATURELLEs WAVE ........ $3.00
(Our -Opening Spivial is our 11.E7G. 55.00 WAVE for $2.50, for one week only
• To the first five customers FRIDAY we give a Free Facial by
Mr. Rithard Glidden: and son Fred,
were at Mitchell for Easter Sunday •and
on Monday attended the funeral of the
late Mrs. Daniel Gliddon, of Holmesville..
their respective homes' for the Easter
holldys are„ Dove Horton, .Frank Link -
later, Milford Horton, Jean arace and
Jack Hunter.
borne, is spending his holleays at his
home in .Lucknow, while Mise
her home at Summerhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Moore and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Pearson, ef Listowel,
were Sunday visitors at the Stome of the
ladles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aloe Hore
them to spend a week, yee
Tuesday_ evening- of list week Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. 'Green entertained their
friends and neighbors- to a very _enjoy-
able progreesive euchre party. Honors
were won by Mrs. George Fulford -and
Billie Parrish. while Mts.' Arehie Horton
and Horace Horton were awarded con-
solation prizes: A dainty luneh was
morning .worship, subject, "A. Study in
Bible Class; 7 p.m., evening service, sub-
OT es
Aldon Hasty IS spending the .hoIl-
days at his home here.
Goderich. last Thursday.
Mrs. Isaac Gauiey is spending a few tit ed to as secre ary., 'Ross, She claim -
days in Goderich with Mr. and Mrs. Will ,ed, heel seized her ann-and had pushed
Gauley. her away. She managed to secure most
Miss Anna May and Beatrice 'Itelea- of them, however, and .Rose stood up
-Yen --of Lucknoie high schopl, are hem. a;nd battled ler theme ,yhe table- was
for the holidays. 1 shoved across the floor and *he backed
Will. Hasty, Roy Maize, CLorne Haety her up against the platform. Constable
Pease then intervene&—warding Ross
Plain.and fancy cotton materials during di' co ng
Have you seen the new cotton crepe pyjainas and gowns
,for ladies and children, in plain and attraetive patterns. ,
Specially priced -at
Realizing the popularity of ,eotton wash fabrics we are shoir:'
ing exceptionally_slarge range of
'1;1'6a s
JA„ new assortment of Buttons, Slides,, Buckles and Belts
just arrive,d,
Excella and Pietoriar Patterns makes your
dressmaking.a pleasure.
He and the succeeding witness, Lewis
Thompson, did not see Ross actually
offer to strike Mrs. Bailey. He did 'not
think that the interference, of' Constable
Pease Whi-ar
The -chse ended- ritsnoon with the het -
pression left An the minds of the outside.
',spectators that there was a lack of
,frankness on the part of most of the
.witneeses. This may have been dee to
their meticulous regard for the exact
eruth as it may have been due to a de-
sire' te say -els little as possible' in -order - -
that there should be no future explIme.-
tions demanded of them' by acrimonious •
ki Case
(Continued from page 1)
had finally said, "Read it yourself!'
This she proceeded to do. Her action
meeting with the approval of the rate-
payers present she then reached for the
papers whith. she considered she.was
eeials,for Thurs., Friday, aturday
-Foll 15c
'ffeARGE TIN 13c
and Isaac Gauley were in town on Sat -
urday last.
,;The oi Crewe United church had
• woodbee last Monday to tut wood for
the church in Will Crozier's bush.
off. The chairman Telt -the meeting,
breathing threats of vengeance.
Mrs. Bailey retains the papers' to this
day, Mr. ,Ross afterwards handing over
Cutting word is the order of the day a portion of them which she had not
around here. John Kilpatrick has Gor- secured the first night. During the en-
elot Ball running his olitflt; they are touteter Strieg, of beads, was broken
es, a burnin sold a fine young team Mr.. Cockburn Hays, splicitor• for Mr.
of horses to Isaac Cranston last week Ross, in eros,s- questioning, elicited the
and he also bought a. fine young horse fa,ct that Mrs. Bailey was not very tam -
from Victor Whitley the same day. filar with the' law as, applied to police
Mr, Torn Twamley, of Belfast, was villages. She claimed that she under-.
fitting up Raymond' Finnigan's tractor stood that the village was entitled to a
on Monday 'and hien was at .1VfattA;eeeretary. Mr. Trays quoted the act
Shaekletores getting his 'ear in shape Showing that' this wag not the case. ,
for driving. 'While Mrs. Bailey asserted that there
Alex. Gauley. was rushed to Alexandra` had been no feeling prior to the en-
Hospitel on, Thursday night last to 'have counter she admitted that the village
en operatien for eppendicitis. He was had' been diyi:ded into two camps ever
working for Mr. Albert Campbell near since the advent of hydro power.
Atiburn. He is getting along fine at the
time of writing.
Permit card must be carried in vebicle
or by operator at all times
almolive Soap 5c or 5
— Caicos for 23i
Our Own Popular
Royai Y qtk
14b7 -tins
oone 86 package of .
oto .1rork
Mrs. Bailey admitted that while she
had incurred no physical injuury, her
feeling had been hurt a great deal. „
"Mr. Ross is an old man," she said.
"old enough to 'know better than to act
Miss tdna Walsh was a London as . he did."
visitor on Monday.
Sam Huston was callecras the third
thember of the couricil. His testimony
Mr. a E. Cook is spending a few days was remarkable for the parts of the
„this week, 'with Toronto' friends. ' scrap which he did not see. He is a
, Miss Grace Redmond, of Stratford brother-in-law of Ross and Could not
Normal, is home for Easter vacatiOn. remember !Just what had happened. He
The asse'ssor, Mr. Marvin Me- did not see the beads fall to the floor
Dowell is bity, making his rounds. arid did not know whether Mrs. Bailey
had on a scar/ or not. There was some
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent, of Bel,
grave,_ visited on Monday -with .Mr". sort of disturbance but he was not sure
and Mrs. Charles Smith. just what it was, Ite had been sittleg
Mr. Notma.n, Redger returned home on at the teble with the other two. He
had stayed out or the row but thought
Sattirday /light aftet spending the Wine
I that Mrs. Bailey was too anxIoue to get
I ter in the vicinity of Muskoka.
poesession -of the papers, - -Under quo-
* 'Mr. Gittil;Y., of Asbfiela bag 'been tioning of Crdwn Attorney Dudle
engaged to 'work for Mr. W. A.
Holmes he admitted that Mrs. Balle'y
Campbell for the summer months.
was elected secretary and as far as he
Wag-e0116619derd-ShOuTd have had- theerighe
niday with' the former'g Sister, Mrs.; to the papers.
Wm. Taylor, of St. Helens.
,Misses Kathleen, and Lois Elsley, of Asked by Mr. Hays if he had seen
parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. J. Ellis.
mrd. Iles Taylor wed eee Ronald John Parker, one of the audience in
the hall on the night qttestion proved
spent over the week -end with the for -
Atter, Mrs. fitonehousey of a _good. witne.ss. Ile claimed that .he
OoderIch. wasp, no kin to any ixt the parties eon-
Itr. J. L. Stonehouse visited over 1"rned. described: the event, varying
the,tveek-end wth his son, Mr. R, male degree froin the previous it -
Stonehouse, and other friends in eoanyuntbebalidattbrisreisaktingtiortti,,aot tomthe ha,dounuoetdse0,ertil.
, Ur, and Mts. ROMs Drown and family He Was tiill_Ithat Mrs. Bailey had re -
were week -end guests at, iniilited reasonably tool dkiking Mir pra-
ttle el Mrs. IfIrown'S parents. Mr.; grtst of the affair.
VielteMat..1.1ie 'Witte said Mrse, tot *Ivied -lusty' 'lane Present he an-
Catkr 'at %Pit itisf swered, "Ws, and they inure got their
st *mon of Myth, and Me. and krt. Money% worth," '
Sit !Men and bobe, Asiburitt. 'This seetritd to be the ktynote of the
*tit 4. 060k Cad "Mat whole ititdr. 'The *Aria% in
which.may he carried by various types of vehicles during the months
.of March and April shall be limited p.s.f0110WS;
tired_trucks and -trailers &kali not carry aloact of more than
half their registered carrying capacities.
Pneumatic tired trucks and trailers with a registered carrying
capacity of 3 tons and not more than 6 tons, shall be limited to
a 3 -ton load.
Pheiimatic tired trucks and traiterS wi,th a registered carrying
capacity of more than six ton4 shall be restricted to a lOad of
not more than half their registered carrying capacities.
HvEDRAZwiwscEus Horse drawn vehicles with a *cdrrying capacity' of more than one
ton shall be limited to 250 lbs. per inch in width of tire.
whether Nved or unpaved, outside the limits of cities, towns ot.
No.. 2 Bdle River to Tecumseh
4 Clinton to Durham
' Williamsfo'rd to Chatsworth
7.. Lacan to Arkoni,
7 Perth to Peterboro
9 Cookstown to Primrose
9 Orangeville to Grand Valley
10 Dundaik to Chatsworth
12 Beaverton to Atherley
12 to Midland
14 Foxboro to. Sterling
15 .Gananoque to Elgin
No. 17
Arnprior Pembroke
Amherstburg to Kingsville
Tillsonburg to Pt. Burwell
Petrolia to Oil Springs
Galt to St. George
Arnprior to Almonte
Brighton to Campbellfora
Lancaster to Hawkesbury
FOR A COMMERCIAL VEHICLE Must accompany vehigle at all times.
lt,may'be'carried.by the operator or in some readilywaccessible part of the body
or cab of the vehick -
PENALTIES—Highway Traffic Officers have been instructed to be especially
vigilant in apprehending those who disobey these regulations and the Highway
Traffic Act prescribes severe.penalties for infractions of the weight 'regulations
bntario's l'ood roads represent an investMent of millions of dollars which must be
protected, especially against preventahle damage. Every owner and driver of a
commercial vehiele must assume Urfa share of responsibility.
artm ighways-
The 'Honourable Leopoid Macaulay,