The Goderich Star, 1934-04-05, Page 1eehnical Assault
In Bayfield Case
Murdoch Rog's, 'Found Guil.ty by
Magistrate Reid in
Mrs. Bniley Case ,
Murdoch Ross, 81 -year-old self -elected
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of
the Village of Bayfield was found guilty
of technical assault on the person of
Mrs. T. O. Bailey, a fellow. trustee, -by
Magistrate Chas. Reid in Bayfield village
this morning._ _
More than one hundred of the three
hundred inhabitants of the village were
on hand to aear the magistrate address
Mi. Roes and, Mrs. Bailey followilag the
"Mr. Roes," said Magistrate • Reid,
"you are an old man and I don't want tee
inflict a severe financial penalty cm -you.
What woUld please me fax more would
be an assurance from both of you that
.4;\ these petty blekerings in your village
will cease. You, Mr. Ross, mirst remem-
ber -that- Mrse Bailey,- even though --a
woman, has the same -rights and privi-
leges on the Board as you have She
had a right to -see the documents which
e you tried, forcibly, to withold from her.
I are going to deter sentence until I sed
if you can work in harmony together."
This outcome, of a case which started
February 5th, 1934, at the second meet-
ing of the council, will, it is expected,
tend to bring peace to -Bayfield... At
that meeting Mrs. Bailey nominated
herself as teeretary of the Board, Sam
Huston, the third member, seconding
her nomipa,tiore Roes, as .chairman, _zee
fu,seir-tO -reed here non:dilation, claiming'
that it was illegal to appoint a secre-
tary:'.He• told Mrs. Ross to read her
own motion, 'Which she did amid ap-
plause.Then, being presumably elected
as, secretary, she attempted to take
r.hage-ot the inners; of' the mtmicipality
but •Mr. Ross objetted. A scuffle en-
suedeeduring-ewhich-Mrs. Bailey- lost a,
string of"beads. OnMarch5th She laid
ati information againet Ras, the-iiut-
coin-I-bat*thfs inoriling's hearing.
Mrs. Bailey was .the first witness cal..'
led. She. le -a big -,-good-looking -woman;
the proprietor of an hotel in Bayfield
where her leuaband- assists .her in the
• She-stated-liar-casedrearit-ge ove
the inaldents-,of the tihh whiCh.
the alleged assault took place. She
claimed that she had three times asked
the ehairenan toereadethe motion -where-
by she would become secretary and then
(Continued on page 5)
TICE,Nfisae- -.Janette WiLloo, - of
• London, will be in Goderich on
•• • Fridays, commencingetcpribelath, to give
• Bridge lessons. For further Information
apply STAR OFFICE, Or 1102C, 12,...STARe
TO RENT. --Furnished rooms tith or
•-a- ;without beard, also light house-
keeping rooins. Apply at the STAIR
OeViCE. •
Hurled, Out of Car When. the Door
-Openx,4-rest -010VInir
aroki BSOPhee:i out ef 'pespital" re -
caving congratinationa 'frOin' his manY
z friends on .a iniraeulees escape from
Ie valekathe • , '
-.;cias riding in Jack Woods* car on
Wednesday,* 'March 28th, when...he at-
tempted to.raise the vflndow of the ear.,
Re grasped the wrong handle and
opened the door instead. Mr. Woods
was travelling at quite a speed and
when M. arophey realized what had
•happened tried to save the •car door.
The result was that he was milled out
,of the car in the twinkling of an eye
and hurled to the road. He Wa5 rushed
_to_ the. hospital...where- an -examination
dtsclosed the fact that he appeared to
be unhurt exceett, for some braises and
cuts around the face. He was dis-
charged fioni the ,hospitel On Monday
morning, taking a day as' a 'Patient to
.recover from the shock. His friends are
sure- that ethea-days of Miracles are not
yet over.
Board of Health
- In itchgular- Session
Reports Received on Water and
• Milk Supplied to Town
Little sediment was discovered in the
water intake. 'basin when e-xamlned •by -
F. G. Weir last week according to the
report which he'presented to_ the Board
of Health sitting in regular session on
F. IL Miner Oaritlfe' ShelVirig "'oust
" Produce of lindeon-Esses ComPtifly •
Information has been received frora
F. R. Miller, that the new Terraplane,
product of the Hudson -Essex motor car
people, is an exceptionally attractive
job this year, •
It has all tile lateet streamline effects -
of the new models and in fact improves
on anything. seen ,here this year. One
of the best of -the wide range turned oat -
by the makers of the 'rerraplane is on
display in the ehavvromn of the garage
operated by•Mr. Miller .and it, appears to
be an, that is dallied for it.
It is a ruggedly built care 'the chassis
and body being designed as a single
unit, the" eteerfaior of the-bederfOrmlnig
the top of the frame. This makes for
ease of riding and safety, features stres-
sed in*. all new Hudson -Essex built pro-
ducts. In desigri it is beautiful, some-
thing ardently to be desired, and so sure
to catch the eye of any one to -whom
beauty is a great factor. The ladies are
especially taken with these new models.
A new • engine, more powerful, more
rugged, gives speed and stamina and
long life.
• No modern improvement has been
overlooked. A trip to the Miller garage
will well repay anyone.
Court Awards For
Monday, April and, 1934. The greater
detail was -3/4 of an inch: This settles V. J. Lane in Action
-a -point •-whichahas- worried. not- a .few- _ •
le or lit -Me e th ht that * •":
p p e. ny v oug
the murky, unparatable state of ' the
water was due to the fact that these
basins were not. being cleaned out It is
explained at the Town Hall that the on-
ly reason for the condition of the water
Is -that -river-water-ts getting Into the
A rePort from the Institute- of Public
-Health at London_ shows that its zolore
and taste do IIC41 necessarily make it
dangerous ate thebacteria count was on-
ly 790, •Ldielerille treatment ;takes care
of this small number of bacteria.
guftller wort vo4 received from
London' on -the Ittate milk digtributed
t takelesatigeria_ This e.. •
ation_ in the bacteria count; all the Ivey
from 5,000•in eerie case Ltd 600.000 in ari- •
other case. It Is generally felt that an
occasional test such ae is canted. out is
not altogether a fair one A. better
method of arriving at a reasonable basis -
of judgement would be to take samples •
every week over a period of a couple of
months. An average struck from such
figures wcauld glyeeet clearer picture_ of
the actual state of the milk supply.
The meeting was a brief one, A. D.
•MeLean chairman, being in charge, with
eMayorDrW.Ga11ow, H J.
A.• _Malvin), and Dr.- Whitely, M.O.H.,
being present.
Man May Pay Money on Street.
VVithuot Receipt.—Other
Cases Deferred
• judge Costello- -ruled -in twenty eoue
on Wednesdat April 4th e that a .mane
migbt quite easily pay a debt to a cre-
ditor- on the Street-. and fail to ask for. a
receipt for same.
This decision 'resulted In awarding V.
J. Lane, • McKillop Township farmer,
Judgment for' $281 with coats and inter-
est against Thomas Ptircelleof Seaforth.
Letter from :Solicitor Nairn
Council Lo *s of
Proposal Will Need More Pablic.
ity to Pille$ Voters
• Advocate -a -ot -the- -plan for plaeltig"
Maitland cemetery Mader a c,oniraission
-got something of a de shaWhen a letter
-ewes received from Town Solicitor Doug-
las R. Nairn inform* the cote:tell that
it would ,be necessary; to turn, all parks,
except the Exhibition Park, •over to a
.Board of Park Management, in addition
to the cemetery, mid that each new body
, ,
would have the pow41ey requirements
to stibniit esti-
mates 9xtheir in
which. sum the emetic!' must provide.
through tax levy. •
• This statutory requirement places a
sotaewhat different cemplexion on the
Whole -matter. When the proposal was
originally put forward,- authorities were
of the opirilon that a -simple Cemetery
Board could be formed, responsible to
,the •Council and operating on grants
from the Counek.together with such
sums as are received from private grants
and from the Cemetery Perpetuation
eFund= The plebiseite which was passed
at the New 'Years election was a feeler
to get the opinion of the people. Most
voters were of the opinion that they
were voting for such a purely adminis-
trative! bodye 'What their reactions to
•-the new requirements ,will be are • not
ittiOWn. • -
It is likely, °eying to the earaestnes.s
of theie back -of the plan, that an effort
will be made to interest the people by
'means meetings and other publieity.
• The neceseary procedure for securing
-action on the eguection -is outlined in- th
solicitor's letter which we quote in full
herevelth. ,
L. L. Knox, Esq.,
Town Clerk, Ooderich, Ont.
Dear taeiree-I have gone into the ques-
tion oe placing the Maitland cemetery
under the control of a board separate
from the Town Council and find the
following to be -the necessary procedure:
iVlattland, Golf (tth 1 LITTLE SON Q.F. FORMER
. ' . . . GODERICH' BOY DitorvvNED-
Dinner and Dance ,„„,,., and *ex, Erie WilsOn, 'of Stayner,
ltereavc41 Or Tragic Event
Most Enjoyable- Affair at Hotel
, I
The felloWing frOXIX 'The OlObe refers
• ,
Bedftird—Nlany fillembers anto the death. by dreWaitig, of the little
,, tomato ..... .. son 0 Mr. and Mrs. • Eric 'Wilson, of
'''''''. atitynet,_ .forinerly of Qaderich,, and
\ - ' many friends Will extend eympathi:
Nearly, one ,,lpndred .M.,Olinhe)°8 or the 1, Edmund Wallace .(Teddy), 4-year-o1d
Maitland Golf -Club together eiith their' saItut,6!anErdic 'Wlmrlias. IL,* eidsloWrnp
friends' gathered at the Bedford Hotel
i Monday afternoon when he fen into the
for the Club's annual dinner and dance '
' creek in the neighborhood of hihome:
on Monday everting, April 2nd. - r The 4 -year-old son of J. C. Gartian, the
Teddy at the t
its long tablg
with adressed in. itne of the accident, -rein
The dining room looked unusually at- i little playmate who was playing with
white, with yellow daffodils and candles y_cIgave
to aohernhvoehmte
e oet
f r.:-
glow* in the softly shaded lights. ards
- • W. •A. Coulthurst, President of the 8edY. "Although. .neighbors hastened to
Club, together with Mrs. Coulthurst, Mr.
neathey athtehywetrime eu.n-
and Mrs. D. D. Mooney, Mr. and (Mrs. letoec
O. O. Lee, Mr...arid Mrs. G. L. Parsons,'
am% awl arlys, R. Patterson, oscuPied BEES SWARM IN, APRIL
seats at the head table, the president •_
acting as toastmaster for the evening.
A very enjoyable -dinner was serve ,
duririg the course of wiaich Mr. C. K.
Saunders led the party in group singing
Honey Bees -Take Possession of Post on
Waterloo St.
Amateur weather prognosticators may
make the most of the fat that a swarm
while Mr. Cha.s, taeleakinse just home
from a winter in the south, nd in par-
of honey bees has taken possession of a
ticularly fine voice, rendered a nember e
telephone post near the corner of Wet-
erlaa anti ,No4
of the newer songs, accompanied on the
piano by MrMunnmaking the area 'perilous to. passersby.
. .
It is claimed that the first of April is
The singing of "Oh Canada" opened
the evening and after the dinner and early for the. busy•little chaps to beebree
are full ot
the toast to the King had been drunk stfii gs. - Y inall -boys e a are .watching thein S
Goderich water, Mr. Coulthurst spoke•
briefly, commenting on the year's activi-
and say that they have had some fun
the first day or two watching tadiee get
ties, and predicting a, better year for
1934 With the opening of the Baiewater dtung when passing, ,They- did not
know the names of the afflicted persons
Highway as a Government road. Many
more visiting golfers should take the but the story looks possible.
A hole imthe post, about ten feet from
he of • coming to 'Ooderich. the ground, is the well known 'hive of
Greens charges remain the same and
are a potential source of considerably ndustry.
inereeeed revenue. The finaekee,s ef the
citib,. whilemodeiatei,amount were,
aster Doll Parade
Ladies!. Md Scity
In Monthly' Meeting
Splendi4 Program Enjoyed Ivy
Largest Gathering in Years
The regular niont* meeting or the
Ladles' Aid Society of Knox .:Chnych, Was
held on Friday, March 24th, at 3 p.m.
in the ehureh lecture room.
The president, Mrs. A. D. McLean,
was in the chair and conducted the busi-
ness part of the meeting, at which there
was the largest attendance of members
in Years. ‘After the tinsineas had been
dealt with, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, the. first '
vice president, tot* charge of the pro-
gram. The scripture lesson was read. by
Miss Belle MaeVicar and Mrs. (Rev.)
•Wardlaw-Taylor led in prayer.
Mrs. Dunlop's group then staged, Un-
der her capable management and lead-
ership a "BetsyaBobbitt" concert. The
Menibers tirriv,ed at a sewing meeting,
each displaying some very interesting
and up-to-date articles of clothing,, and
to pass the time while sewing, the group
rendered two choruses, and a toast to
the president, :Tre ain't goin to thange
„emor.e.a... WAS -also -sung. A solo Vas
bea.utifelly sung by Mrs. N. C. Lanaway
and a quartette consisting of Mesdames
Dunlop. Lane, A. smith and Miss U.
Sernerville was excellently•rendered--
Readings by Mrs: P. R. Redditt and
Mrs. (Rev). D. J. Lane were thoroughly
enjoyed by all present. Miss. Somerville
• and Mrs-,'- Forbes- R. Miller assisted mat-
erially as 'accompanists at the piano.-
Before the meeting was closed Mrs.
Dunlop's* group served a dainty Easter
lunch. wh 1 c h was muchppreditted by
all. Fifteen new members were ridded .
to the speiety at this meetieg r'and the
future meettngs- of tile oelety pie
_4 0
adeouate- for immedate reqeirementee 1"_romei_se_ being. verY entertaining aiid
The -chairman• celled on several of- interesting.
those present for a few Words, and a
number of. pleasantly reminiscent re-;
maaks were made by Mayor C. C. Lee'i Square Brightened byChildren
—ramons. Mr._ Meeirwy, Mr, Pater- , .
son, Father Lowry, Judge Costello. Mr.! e for Lions Clik Ev-ent.
S-aunders and Dr. Graham. Sheriff ,
Reynolds caused a lot ,of amusement by It is probable that ' the Square has
asking the men present to stand and re- never been more colorful.. than It Was
peat after him a toast to the ladies,
the evening. 6. K. Naftel received the dolls, and doll carriages and eritycles,
prizes for last, on .Saturday, the last day of March,
The presentation of
year's lelay-elosed-the--fOrmal part of when the little..girle eLtown with their
Lloyd trophy from the hands of the Pre-: all gaily • decked out in every pretty
Charming Pageant
The family of • the late W. 'Martin -
Knight wish to thank friends and neigh-
bors who extended such kindness to him
,ix1pg his and -those- -who- -sent
oral tributes and those Who loaned
ICorn' ing Events'''. 1
sident, Mr. Coulthurst. The Garrow color, took part in the Easter Dolls
There was little ceremony at the
oPenin.g of the spring session of toUntY
,court on Tuesday. The Lane -Purcell
case was proceeded with_ immediately_
Purcell had a Mortgage on Lane's farm.
Interest and principal due atacamteci to
$281 more than. Lane thought • it should
be. • Purcell dented his signature on a
receipt, for $140. A handwriting expert
said it was Purcell's -writing and' the
jadge. accepted the evidence. Lane also
got credit for the $60 which he cleimed
was paid to Purcell on the street. J. J.
guggard appeared forethe_plaint
HIM and Meir for the defendant_
Three other cases were listed for the
present Sitting. These"Were /Vfortlock
against The Holmesville Cooperative
LOST ,Cheese and Butter Co , MacPherson and
T OST -Back . •
kitten, latt week -end, It/Eakins for the Plaintiff and L. E, Dan -
Please return to ERN IE SALKEILD, cey for the defendant. Case was set
Montreal St.
The case of Churchill .against. Mickle
and Sons Was put over until April 10th.
Frei* Donnelly is acting for the plain
tiff and Carling and Morley for the de-
/n the !natter of Pfaff against Mc-
Clinchey .case was adjourned sine die.
F. R. Darrow for the plaintiff and Hays
d'ItaYe for the-.defendant.
tama-ree ren , w th or
without board. •Convenient to
-,, Square and Harbor. e Apply STAR
-' rent.
RENT. -Central warm house for
rent. Apply to m. W. HOWELL.
FAR114_,k0R- SALE- -or -RE/RT.-Good.
clay loam_ farm,. 180 -acres,.teere
Tiles from ehurch and sehoel, artesian
well, brick house with large -bank barn
ancleetraw -shed, cearent stables, in ;good
condition_ Per furtherepattieulars apply
to FRANK DONNELLY, Goderich, Ont.
Speci4I -for this week:
1931-Chev Coach and Coupe,
both like net:.
cial Roadster,
14 seat,,'very smart,
for medi te sale.
1929--,0hev . Sedan, Co a c
CoupetiRbadster and e-
el kille)7.
193&-FoWCoach. and many
other makes and models.
1931--:-bbev ton and half stake
body dual wheel Truck.
1930---4tugg1es ton ihassis,
cab and stake ,body ton
We will consider tiors4 ort
13-ftk1t Tareutirs,
specially) priced (Guarantee
for one year)
NIAtEVI nittOirl
• •
hundred eIe6toax preet*-for the estatel
lisliment of a board to control the ceme-
tery must be presented to the Cotinell,
-2. A by-law may their* be presented
to the ratepayers, and if the majority
be in favor of the bylaw it shall be fin-
ally passed ,at the next regular meeting
of he
3. A Board than then be appOinted
by the Courteir, being.10m0sed of the
head of the municipality and six othei
persons not being members 'of the Coun-
As -a. Mtardcl-pal Council can only dale --
gate the -06tvers vested In It In a man-
ner expressly provided by statute, I sub-,
mit that thee above procedure is the only
way the Town tan give up ,control of
the cemetery. The- necessary stetutory
authority for the above procedure is as
Sec on of the Cemetery Act stater
that the control of the cemetery rreay be
turned ever to a board of park manage-
ment inaltuted under Public Parks Act.
The Pa& Parks Aet referred to in this
section .sets forth the above • mentioned
procedure, and also the- following vale
ious points -winch are veirthy of consid-
eration: • .
1. Section 3 (1) of the Public Parke
Act_ makes it compulsory for the board
to take over all ,existing parks see well ae
the cemetery, save and except exhibition
2. Section 17 of the Act makes it
compulsory fer the cOunell to levy a
special rate for the estimates of the
board for their expenditures during the,
year, such rate to be called the Perk
Fund rate.
In order to Proceed with the necessary
by-law for • establishing a Cemetery
Board it is necessary that a Petition be
presented to the council so that pro-
ceedings may be started.
Yours very truly.
(Sgd.) D. R,
WOMEN WANTED.-Wonaen wanted
" to sew for as at ° home. Sewing
machine netessary.. No selling.
_ -
• —AltlICTGE-s 'Wilt SALE
FOR SALE -Eggs for hatching at
• reasonable Prices. O. A. C. bred -
to -lay strain, Baited Rocks, with good
laying records. MRS. R. DAVIDSON,
Dungannon. Phone 84.
PCYR 8ALE.-1500 bushels of grainery
filler seed oats, heavy Abiders,
76c per blishel. Apply to GM. A.
BEAN, Auburn. Phone Blyth 19 r 14.
• SALE. -We have for sale a credit
note worth 8225.00 9n a new Ford car
Per further partletilars apply po HAVIEI
and'HAYS, Hamilton St., Goderich,
SALtE.-Alfalfae seed fier sale.
Apply to manic snos.kcaxiow.
Phone 1508.
FOR SALE -A quantity of good seed
oat, Banner and Granary
also mixed vain. Apply to GEO.
vomastarr, n, L Auburn, Lot 31, -
Con. 1, East Wa,wanosh., •
"Igt0Ft SALE. -Model A. lord coach,
41" late 1929, in splendidtondition.
Apply HAMILTON currrom n. i.
Godetich. Phone 1414, Carlow. '
FOR SALE.--e0ne jar of either Cress
.,997,1 (7- :• 0TigrnloittE.Salve. Apply
The W. C, T. U. will meet at the
home ef Mrs. J. H. 'Colborne, St. Patrick
street, on Thursday evening, April 12th,
51 7.30.
WANIIED.--4 reliable middle-aged
•v v lady to take- care of invalid and
assist with housework. Apply to MRS.
S. PENTLAND, Phone 52, Dungaprion.'
ANTED. -Experienced giT1 to do
general •housework. • Inquire at
ANTED. --25,000 Muskrdts. I haVe
a large older for Muskrats and
will pay $1.00 on average.for large, med-
.11111e and &Mall Muskrats free from Wiles;
daniaged ones at value. NORMAN
EAST, R. R. 1, Clinton, 2% miles north
on No. 4 highway.
Caretaker for Goderich Public Library.
Duties to commence April 16th.- Rooms
above library not available for living
quarters. Applieations, stating salary,
received up to and including April 12th.
List of duties may be had by applying
at my office, West St
H.- R. LONG, Secretary.
rillE O. F. CAitElt .CO.
Fire,t-Accident and,MOtor esti
— -114WRANCt
otnie :
Masonic Tenn*Vi/est St., Goderick
Phone 230 NELSON 1111.4 Xtr•
EXECeltoltgr SALE .;
.'" nAt, PROPERTY.
The Eaceatitoig of the Eetato Of George
Andrews will offer for sale by Public
• auction, on
at the premises, at 2 o'clock in the after-
noon, Part of Lot ,983 On Newgate St..
isi the Town of Goderiela, a/itch
there is a large well built hotise with all
modern conveniences.
TEittetae•-Ten per cent of Purchase
price at the time of the sale, and bal-
ance within 36 days.
Jr further particulars apply to
• HAYS and RAYS.
Ilamilton %reek
Ooderich, Ontario/ Or to
ottirbitie And 604.-.1.,-;
Oederich,. Ont.
itp-warvpresented to Mr. Hai old Wil- ' Parade. ------
limigchy Mayor C. C, Lee. The winner i Ihe inembers Of the Liops Club span -
of the rose bowl, Mrs. Donaldson,. was I gored the- affair and It 'proved to be an
present toreceive
eeive hertrophyy. • 'Inspiration: Fullyo, . twhundred young -
"di sters and their fathers and* mothcrs and
the ropm was quickly cleared for danc-1 friends ell= down •town en.rly, many
Ing. This was carried on with the old- I right after lunch, and parked themselves
est members of the Club showing the 1 in front of the Star windows where the
greatest stamina and enjoyment, an ex -
prizes had been on display for some
eellent advertisement of the benefits ter days.
The Lions •Club affiele,e eame
golf: the • party dispenetat at a late later and shoeed them ail to the earner
hour after having been voted a most en- of West street where the Goderica Town
joyable Affair. Those coming from out band had assembled and was making the
of towri for the gathering were Mr. and
Mrs. IC C. 'Lawson, Mr . and Mrs 0 day as.'big as poelble• with lts very best
Ford and Mr. and Mrs. McCuaen, all a • brand Tho f
e vamr nuasei e .
ma' rshalls formed the
Clinton, Miss Roaa tof Alma- College. St. Prnall entrants into single file, dens, tri -
Thomas, Wm. Telford of Owen Sound ewes and dee eaniaa", grouped to -
and J. Kelly of New York Ci.y.
--- gether and started them off a.round the
-Square, the band hi the lead. 'The sun
"Nick" Alkn Dies came out to smile his approval of the
•V _Part _and_hundreds of ettlyens num the
• way to smile their approval and to ad-
• By His Own Hand mire the really adintrable decoration,.
and dresses of bothentrant and exhi-
Rushed to Hospital After Being
Discovered in' Unconsjous
• Condition • -
Big Crowd • on Hand for Jolty Social
Event of Monday Night
The -last &zee and card party of the
current season under the auspices of the
Canadian Order of Foresters, Cdurt
Goderich Ne. 32, was held in the
Masonic Hall on Monday evening, April
The usual splendid turnout Was ,pre-..
gent and every effort was _made to make
It an event to be remembered. paella!
Warted -early ari'd the festivities 'were
earried on until the early hours of the
morning. Winners Of the card part of
the Affair were announced nd Mns, OM
Bowra cald Mr. J. U. teethe for the 500
while Miss May Buell and Mi. Jos. Jef-
fries proVed successful among the
eubhre players.
Everyone having enjoyed a splendid
repast dancing cominented and no one
wanted to go liome until the 'party broke
up at about three o'clock in the morn-
The committee 'responsible for the ar-
rangements was composed of 11. Witmer.
A. E. 13/rIter, Clerdon 'telt E 13reeken-
ridge. W. Barker, W. Price and Percy
Coopers Warble Vir VaiVdet, itierris."
taw COOper'S D111..
CAUX113$11413 brditt fftltr.
Dr. J. le Whttely, coroner for Gode-
rich and district, handed in a statement.
to The Star regarding the ease of
Nicholas Alien, which read as follows:
After investigating all the circum-
stances in the case of the sudden death;
of Nicholas Allen, of Gocierith, who died
.in Alexandra hospital at 11.45 p.m.
Wednesday, April 4th. it is not consid-
ered necessary to hold an inquest"
Nick Allen died of arsenical poisoning.;
self administered. He had been, knownr
to be in very low spirits for some days'
and while friends had tried and hoped
that they had 's.ucceeded in turning his';
mind into more cheerful channels they ,
were not successful. Allen left a letter
addressed to his sister, Mrs. Fred Sere. I.
brook, wife of Couneillor Seabrook, stat- I
ing his intention of doing- away with
He was found at his home In an un-
eonsciouh condition with evidences of his
having taken Paris Green. Dr. Whitely
was caller in but it was evident that he
had administered the poison Tuesday
evening. Every effort was maCe to re-
vive him. He was rushed to hoepital
and all poasible equipthent used to rid
him •of , the foreign matter. All efforts
failed and he passed away' Wednesday
Deceased Was Well knOwn to most,
people in Godefich and was liked by'
everyone. Great regret is teeing "eepteg-
ti at WS rash action. No funeral as-
rangernents have been made as we go
to preps.
(672e Weather
March 29
.. 30
" 4 42 . 31 ,--
MItlf.Milt. Mas.
1933 1034
44 26 33 23
53 38,. 37 30
54 .34 47 32
:04 34 5022' •
46. 35 54 at
Once around the Square and the judg-
ing took place. Mrs..D J. Lane, Regent
of the Ahmeek Chapter, 10 DE, Miss
Claire Reynolds, Regent of the Maple
Leaf chapter arid Maa. Geo 411mItoii of
the Public School Board were given this
diffl-tilt task. .
The band •played some more on the
corner while the 'children were lined up
c11 • e e• et 'street and- -had- their pletures
• ,
"Mike"- the big friendly brindle bull
dog, added his quota of music .tb that of
.the band as he tood in the Middle of
the players and howled a deeptoned ace
eompaniment, to the amusement of the
young. He was impartial,Inhis fav6rs.
first assisting one instrument and then
passing on to the n.eirt.
The serious air of the little girls
eaused not a little !amusement. They
were on their very best behaviour .and it
was a splendid best. When the picture
was finished the Lions Chi e gave out
some two hundred Easter 'eggs to those
who had not been awarded any of the
niain prizes and The Star caught sight
of little June Carrick who was most
original in decrating her don buggy
with copies of 'The Star. very tastefully
arranged. So she got a special prize
procured on the gpui of the moment.
The regular prizes were then • handed
out by the Lions committee eompoged
of Messrs. Harry Oriff. Harney Edward.
R. Stonehouse, I. D Eastman and Dr
J A Graham, with several • ethers
The awards were as follows: ..,D01.1
and carriage, Catherine Cute Elarence
Jewell. Mary ,Pridham; best rag doll
, -
Betty Snell. Eleanor Donaldson; tri-
cycles. Mary -- Graltaui, laire Martin,
Sean flrihdley: 'best dreased &Al. 'Helen
Muir. Phyllis Carrick. Pauline Patterson
and youngest mother, Marie Johnston.
:aged two.
Merchants voted the affair an (.3wel-
lept idea as many peopIe were induced
to come down town for the event who
!e! e t t '.' •
:LA-• and S. 'McKINNON.
Don't forget the Arthur Circle • play,
-Green_ Stockings," in Knox church -
-ture room on April 19 and 20. • A treat
for these who attend.
CC & B Tonic • Tablets at Campbell's
Drug Store, Goderich. •
North street A:halted thureh anniver- _
supper beelmial Wadley,- April
9ih Supper served from 5.30 to 8 p.m.,
after which there win be ah 'excellent'
program•admissidie adults 40c, chil-
dren 2-$c.1
The Central Home and Sell -eel Cline -
will • hold its regular in the
school Tuesday afternoon. April 10th. at
4 p.m. Mr. H Griff wilt give the ad-
dress and .there will be a musical pro-
Tie ne_w___MarthaWashington-_howie-
dresses are in. Jt as smart as they can
be. Good style and fast colors. an
sizes from 14 to 50. •A large range to
chooze from at SCHAEFER'S.
The IvlacOilliyrary Misslon Band of
Knox Presbyterian church will meet
-Saturday afternoon at th.ree.e.yeleee
.• Swagger Suits are very Parietal'. .see
our showing of Spring Coats in line tail-
ored tweeds and crepe clothe. All sizes
Including half sizes. Prices D•re always,
reasonable at SCHAEFER'S.
otherWite would have had no occasion
to do So. It to expected that it will be
made an a_nnu.s4 affair 'The future.
Mr. Willis Prater will be confined to
the hospital for some days as a result of
aft operation performed bra him on
IktesdaY Morning, April 3rd. He is re -
,..40 34 42 82 ported 4$ progressing aatLsfactorily, the
operAtIork tokiir beem. a complete sue,
Kayser Crepe Hose in the new spring
shades at $1.00 pair is remarkable value,
Buy Kayser Hose at SCHAEFlaft'SL
'The W. A. of St. George's church will
heed an exhibition of curios and to*
tumes from mission fields in India.
Africa, China. Japan and -Canada. 18 the•
parish hall on Saturday, Apr e 14th.
from 3 to 7. o'clock. Tea will 13C served.
Admieeion. including tea, 20 cents .
Your stomach may not be digesting
your food preperly. PARKE'S Livim-
TONE is a great tonic that aids in
digestion and 'stimulates a; lazy Liver.
For expert optical work. and up -t0 -date
glhsses, nim or rimless styles, in shell.
white or Pink mountings, at lowest pos-
sible prices. Consult our Optical spe-
cialist, M. H. Hughson, former optecian
in charge for Kents, Toronto, and Henry
Morgan ez.,Co , Montreal. with 35 years
experien1•3e. .,who has been corning to
Ooderieh for over 20 years. You may
comer, here with the utmost confidence
that you will procure' proper glasses and
will not bc overeharged. Two, days on-
ly. Thursday and _Eddy, April 12th and
13th. •SMITH'S- Atti# STORE, bode-
BOTZ -At Alekandrra, Hospital, on
March 28th. 1934, to Mr. and Mrs.Jas.
notz, a son
OMAN -At_ Alexandra Hospital, on
April 2nd, 1934, to Mr. and Mr. Geo.
Oman, St Oeorge's Crescent, a son,
(George Keith).
SCHAe.Pme, -At Goderich. on April
1st, 1034, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, W.
Seliaefer, a son.
WHIIELER.-At Alexandra Hospital.
on April 4th, 1034. to Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Wheeler, COderich Township, a
WIIIIWELL.-Itt_ptontl.), Mon
day, 2nd, 1934; Margaret Xlitiabettt
VanEVtly, Wife Of the rate, at„.is. noth-,