HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-03-29, Page 34,‘ MISS ,1W4f,ts 4441ge WOT, 4,31"Ra. igeee' Heigh )Leriehas now e0MPleteki' aI1 the requiretneate for the ,foliewing examinations of theToronto Certserva-, tory of Music and has a_ettlekrect '110rOr8 ,standing in aII A.TP.M:s ,rlitnef Solo Performer; libelafOrte Teather; Singing. Solo Per- former. KellefeleANDsItEID iWingsham Achausce-Times:' The mare rine of EvelYte, eldest daughter of 'Mr. - and Mrs. W. ea. Reid, Wingharai eetera ley D. -Kirkland, sen Of Mr, and Mrs D. Kirkland, Toronto,.. was reeeatlY agent- . nleed, at • Torontoe The -Rev. Mr. I'vece Dersislit Mihester of- St paill's Preebye. terian churche offfeiated. 'After April 1st Mi'. and, Mrs. Kirkland will make their home at- the Apartments; 63 Rock- ampton St., Toronto. OF.ORGIE DOUGLAS AS DRAMATIST The dramatic ability of 'George Doug- las Jr., son' of Mr. Geerge . Douglas and • the late Mrs, Douglass Weft for him a leading role, when the Thetversitye ef - Manitoba Glee :Club presented the popu- , lar Gilbert and Sullivan opera. "'I'he Mikado." • In a produttion that cost 11400 to stage ante was presented at four -Y. !- REQSTZft_ EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New Yore Mph - :battik and Aural Hos-pita,* 'asststant. at 'IdoorefieldSs Eye Hospital and Golden seqtrare. Throat -Hospitals' London; Eng, 5.3 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tele- phone 267.- , - At Hotel' Bedford, Goderich, second Wednesday, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. PROFESSIONAL CARD ' j -^c W. IVIONTEITH. 'CHAR/A.14M ACCOUNTANT. 269 Ontario St., 1510 Star Building, Stratford, Ont. Toronto. Ont. LEGAL CARDS AYS .ere HAYS. , Barristers and Solicitors. B,. C. Hays, K.C4 and R. C. Hays, B.A. Hamilton street, Goderich. Telephone 88 IrUGLA5 R. NAIRN. Barrister and hoticitor Office: Haithiton St. Phone 512. . FRANK DONNELLY, rs, A. Barrister, Solleit-or, -Etc. Phone 282. HAMILTON ST., Goderich. LA.*, F. R. DARROW. Bareister, solicitor, Notary Public, Etc. Successor to J. L Phone 97. Offices The. Square; cioderich. _ ERNEST Vt. Barrister and solicitor • Sun Life Bleiges Adelaide and Victoria. Telephone:- Elgin -53131 _Toronto 2. . eeehiliSe ierfOrManCes, and Ont)eititintes, the box Oiliest: 'receipts totallpd 004: $2509.,,,Oeerge played' the part of the Mikado of Japan and the VisiVereq paper pays the f011oWitsg tribute., to hie PerfOratenee, "tleerge, Deaelle *tracked every WACO O'QM hiS'eeMteagY Sinister part as the EmPerer.". 00340 *titre Alta appeared in the Usatv„ersitiiPaper. virREP.I4 DROPS orr MIGG16: etarert Expositor; When a wheel of the buggy in Which Mr, and Mrs. Mar- tin* Haney and young sen, of 'Pucker - torah, were driving down Main street on Tuesday afternoon, droPeedentii, sone:of the famous 'east,. the Young lad was thrown to the tett'ar but was fortunately not injured: Mrs. Haney was also thrown., out, but in falling her feet caught in the buggy and , she was drag- ged a /Shortdistance, and is suffering from bruises and shock. The accident oecurred .opposite Walker's store. TWO MOONS IN MARCH WinghaM Adiance-Tiro.es: Occurring nly once in every two or three years, March this year has two full iniviss, on the first day of the month and again on the 30th. This comparatively rare oc- currence is due to the fact that Feb- ruary, being the shortest month in the year, with 28 days,. had no full moon, the last being on the 30th of January. -Since ec-ftill-moon.thakes its appearance every 29% days, the first missed being in February, and conies on the first of March. That month. having 31 days, gets its second moon on the 30th. NIXON-HAINES Wiligharn Advance Tittles: A very PrettY wedding ,was solemnized on. Wed- nesday, March 21st, at the Anglican rec- tory, tacknow, when Wirinffeedelialries, youngest daughter ..of the late Mr. and Mrs. ,Robt. Haines, be.came the bride Of Mr. Wellington Nixen eldest son of the late John Nixon and 1brs. Spackman, of London. The Rev. J1 H. Geoghegan performed the marria e ceremony. In the evening the Women's Institute of Donnybrook held a miscellaneous shower for them at the ,home of her sister. Mrs. Snowden, Thls. community extends best wishes to the happy couple for a long and happy wedded life. CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. CHIROPRACTOR A N D . DRUGLESS THERAPIST, GODERICH.______ Equipped with electro -magnetic baths. Electronic electric treatment and_ ehiro- -practiceseChronic;- -organic wad -nervous-- diseases. Lady • in attendance. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 8 p.m. and by ap- -pointmenteetlosed-Wedneeday /rem- 12 - to 6 pan: At. N. !MORISON-, e tesf.dence- arid office, corner of Borah street and Bee tannia Road. Phone 341. - •-• - AUCTIONEERING IrliOliAge-GUNDRY--&-f3ON. Live Steck and General -Auctioneers. Elgin Ave, Goderesh. • - Sales niiide everyWhere aud all efforts made -to -give -you -satisfaction. Farmer& Sale Notes discounted. ' Phone 119, IVIIGHT BE CALLED TACTFUL The rose is red, the violet blue, , This little bill is overdue, So pay it now—don't wait till when se_and violetebloomeagaine For- if you do delay it thus . No violet will bloomefor us. Unless you pay, the rose will rest •Upon a fair and manly chest; eebirds 4v111.sing.-blit.---what -of -that? — We will not heir where we are at— So- come across, we need the dough. Not in the Spring, but now, you know. The rose- s red, the violet blue -- Do we need cash?: I'll say we dol 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY e e—Exeter •Times -Advocate: •efi_e_numher of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jett'''. North- cott met at their' home on the evening, of St. Patrick's bay as a surprise to celebrate -with them the 25th anniver- say of their Wedding day, About lif- en-Persons-were present -and the -e ing was pleasantly spent in mimic arid games. Their son -In -.law and daughter; Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Marshall, of Kipperi, yeti several--eriolia selectiutee piano accompaniment. Following a so- cial hour lemch was servedehY the leek Mrs. Northcott's maiden namewas 'Miss Nellie O'Brien, daughter of • the ic#e •NOTARY roam, ETC. NVM. BAILIE. NOTAR,Y PUBLIC ,General Conveyancing done. Good Companie.s Represented. Phone 298. • Goderich, Ont. INSURANCE 11WeICILLOP MUTUAL !FIRE Insun- JUICE: COMPANY mu AND Wombat° Tqwn PRO - PEWIT vlstraigm. Value of property insured up to Jan- . nary, 1910, $3,648.975,00. " OPP/ONRS--A.i Broadfoot, Seaforth, Presideatl Jas. ContiellyeGoderich, Vice- Preeident: U. A. Reid, Seaforth, Score- tary-irreuurer. . DIREOVORS--Alex. Broadfoot. Sea - forth 1t. U. 3; Jas. Shouldicei Walton; Witi. /Thole Londesboit; Cleo. teonlittrdt, Bornholm. No. 1; John Pepper, Brace- ffeld; Jos; Connolly, Goderich; Robert Ferris, Blyth, Those Moylan,, Seiforth No. 5; Wm. Arohinakt. sevotth no. 4. AGENTS--W.J.-Veo, 11. 3, Clinton: Jase. 'Watt, Blyth; McKerlier, Seafortii; John 'Mari -AY; aforth PolityhOldcref can pay their assess masts at Calvin. Cutts store, Goderich ; The Royal Batik, Clinten, or J. 11. tayfield. FIRE INSURANCE Have it Attended to by this WEST' 'WAWANOS1E 11111111A14 FIRE INSURANCE CO. , tatiblished 187$ treisil °Meet Dangsassions;-Orit. Rooert Davldson, Dungannon. Preil dent; Ernest, Ackert, notytood, vite. a; in additkAi tai the President iee President, the tediowing ate Dittictetai WM. Watson. Auburn; W. ThisittpeOti, Auburn; Vit /AtdQUUh WHEN. YOU'RE HEALTHY *01.1110. HAPPYI *rpm bia'nu, for '"blue" days can be leiel Often to common constipation, It may bring lose of aPPetita and energy; sallow and 'Pimply skins, even serious ilinesi. 'Correct it by eating a. delicious cereal. lIesearth shows Kellogg's Atte Snell providei "bulk" and vitamin B to relieve common censtipation. Also iron for ithe The "bulk" in Atuellitax is much Like that in leafy vegetables. In this better than taking patent mod- icines—ao often harmful? Two tablespoOnfuls if Auellawa relievis–moat types of constips- tion,Vith eftelmcal, ins:brook eaSes• • If not relieved "his Way, see your doctor. Get the red -and - green package at your grocer's. Made "by KOMI-Ogg in Londom–Outari amtqt4 !OS SUNNY.SDE Or LIN Wm. O'Brien, of Hay. Mr. and ,Mrs. Northcott were residents of. Sexsmith before moving to Exeter. BOYD-MoEWEN •. • Clinton News -Record: The wedding was solemnized on Saturday, March 17, at the Presbyterian manse, Clinton,, gee Rev. Dr. C. E. Dougan officiating, of- Eli- zabeth (Bessie) Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexan.cier M. McEwen, Stan- ley township, to Mr. Charles James Boyd, .only son -of I4r =and Mrs. David Boid*„. town.Ship: Thesbrides wore a swagger sult of browntweed., brpwn straw hat and brown accessories. She carried a bouquet of Barclay roses, The only attendants were 1VI1ss Marjorte K. McEwen, stater of the beide, and Mr. Wm. !Torrance Dundas, Seaforth, cousin of the bridegroom,. Immediately after the eeremony the couple repaired to the home' of thp bride's parents for nner. They left early in the afternoon on a motor trip. Theon thulr rettini they will reside. in 1VIcKillob. Peter Opugles,' or tenleyi Vilterit sle .bOrnand spent her iirlbood„, , live $Ors '41t0 00-rwee, United :mar - ad /to01 Qr4404,:Y.Weet Wesley and nil hr SII4htisi'laellehrnfelihet byt"14r8tatba14":4atitd ctiWtYos tt ,143?...11V0.10.00,0, tnd two isistiO4Jf Mr. Peter Douglas. Ors Saeleekto Mr, Wililam Oteiglae, Iiitleelielti;'*e. 1500r3e PrihiiiaS,oef Ilensall; Mr.' Robert 00404; of rsalilleliceei.nie Northern On"' tarlese-gle Usirte Douglas, Of North, Star, Alberta: --Mrs. 1404811; of ,Toronto,, and Mrs. Sparks.; of 144044en, The mumins were brought to ,her hente in Detroit for interment, the funeral 'being , held on Saturday, and was attendedaby her bro- thers, Messrs. *Milani and Gorge s Editor and Politician -OF'-SAM'UEL RAINEY Kincardine Review -Reporter: A death vehich deprives Kincardipe, of another of its well-known, valued and respected citizens; occurred on Monday, March 19, when Samuel Rainey passed to his.re- ward, at the age of 63 years The late Mr. Rainey had been in poor health for the ptist four years and although his health had failed, his passing came as a great shock to his many friends and the community at large. • Born in Belfast, Ireland, he married in 1905 Prnily Coughlin, of Warrington, England. The young couple came -to Canada in 1946 and after a brief stay in Tottaito settled fn WinglUtin. In 1908, Mr. Rainey,. who hrid-iearn-d the trade of a bricklay r in England, was brought to ICincardine as foreman of the brick construction of the office. lie -has -resided here since that time. He •was a member of the Masonic and 'Odtifellows' Lodges and a nienibee "-Of leaves to mourn his loss his wife, two daughters, Grace and Gladys, and three -Jehne Malcolm end Robert, The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon at 2.30 from his late residence. Private telviee was conducted at the house -by Rev. W. H. Hartley, pastor of the Church of the Messiah. Interment was made in Kincardine cemetery. The 'pall -bearers 'etiere George 'Conley, J. .T.L. li,re:IcNri, "Earl HalL 3. itipualaS and J. J. Anderson. t RercF Uniess-youraresinmested ar- medicine which his helped 's • over 700,000 women and girls. Take it before and after childbirth, at the Change or _ ,,,,_Neteetteve.r yout. are _nervousanct - rundown. 98 out ot,100 say, "It helps me!" 1,Y0111,E. VEGETABLE COMPOUND —masaismaiiiietwommuir ' JOHN PINDER PLUIVIBING, HEATING • SHEET METAL W:ORK Phone 127 P. O. Box 131 Robert Ho 'es, Dies Fortner Clinton Mayor—Liberal M.P.P. From 1899 to 1907 CUSTOMS. SURVEYOR and- Empire) Robert Holmes, 472 Pahnerston Boule- vard, Toronto, retired civil servant, for- mer newspaper man, member of parlie- meat. for 'West Huron and ter 18 years siuseeyors-Of • customs in Toronto, died Wednesday, March 21st, in his Mit year. • • He was born at St. Catharines, Sept. 14, 1853, a son of Edmund Holmes, who founded the "Clinton New Era" in -1865: 115k lave terfias lie *as-rnayor Clinton. He also represented West Hur- on -for thesLiberals from -1899 to 1907. His father -sold the newspaper to the Conservativeee-party in • 1874, which changed the title to The Clinton mall - tor, Scene years • later Robert Holmes 'purchased the paper and plant and re- named it The Clinton New Era. . In • 1907 he was appointed surveyor of 'Jus - toms at Toronto, retiring on •pension after 18 years' service. It is interesting to' recall t1a he printIng press used for many to print the Clinton New Era, was e inc need. by William Lyon Mackenzie, first mayor of Toronto, and which was thrown into the Bay at the time the latter -in- curred the wrath of Toronto citizens. -The late- Mr. Holmes. filled -many -pub-- -lie and church offices in Clinton before and aftee he became mayor of the town; In Toronto, he was a member of Trin- ity United church and for 25- years a membee of the management. board and chairman of the finance cemmittee. In addition he was a memner and past pre- ent "Of _Huron Old, Boys' Asseciation, and when he Attained his 80th birthday, receivideaegold_mounted_cane__ He marriedeJune 27, 1877, Miss Evva Lavinia Leavenworth of St. Catharines, Ont who survives, and they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1927. Other survivers are five daugh- ters, Mrs. C. F. Wheaton, Toronto; E. Louise Holmes, secretary of the Exhibi- tion ASsociation, Edmonton, Alberta; 'Mrs. 0. F. ;Adams; Gravenhurst, Ont.: Uri. G. W. Kaiser, Turtleford, SBA._ and Mrs, O. 'V, McKelvey, Weston', Ont.; two Sons, Walter 0. Holmes, London, Ont., and Harris B. Holmes, of the Mail and Empire advertising staff. ',Two bro- and Howard B. Holmes, Winnipeg; five) • sisters, lers. B0. Emerson. Winnipeg; Mrs. H. B. Chant, Mrs. C. J. Farr, Mis- ses Annie and Hester Holmes. all of St. Catharines, and 12 grandchildren also ve. His funeral took- place Friday after- noon, with a •public service at Triritty United church, Bloor street west, at 4.30 after which the 'remains Were fore, -warded-to-Clinton,- -where -the-funeral Proper was from Wesley -Willis United chufch to Clinton 'cemetery. Ottawa, Marell 20,i; -...The banking auct eminnerce coleethitte4 attile the .spotlight trom the House4sf Commons last week. :Several times, While it Wais SetelOn. there Were eensidenably more Members of perlisorient •in the •allsvae committee reOrri, where the banking foul commerce comMittee Was holding its, deliberatione, tr the CoMalons chamber. And no wonder, when one considers the gaIe alty netahilities who paraded throtl$11 the witness hex. All in one Week we •had E. W. Beatty, ;Prettier Bennett, John L lefacFarlando the 'Tsar' of the Winni- peg' wheat pit, and just about- the leading bankers orthe couritri: And what did these great men tell us? Not a -great deal, to be honest, that we didn't know before. Premier Bennett, Mr. Beatty and the bankers told us all about the $60,000,000 loan which the banks made to the Canadian Pacific railway, when the 'latter found it ins - possible to float an issue of securitiea in London. Neav York, or in Canada. But then we had already heard most of the facts from Premier Bennett in, the House. There was no question at all as to whether the Premier's action' sva,s ethical. The "peace, circlet. and good government" clause gave him the right, and the power, if he thought it in the best interests of Canada to guarantee the loan, to ee so, The whole question Was whether it was Wise. The prime mTnister admitted -that the -fiansaetion had given hlin considerable food for thought and that he wasn't .very an- xious to have to do as he did. It did amp. ,a bike:gauge the.A. the. alter having let the railway borrow money on its own security back in 1931 for four per cent, should have been Permitted to raise the rate to five per tent' when the eVhole credit of •the Canadian govern- ment was back of the transaction. • Our Poeition in Wheat Much more , illuminating, thought, was the brief frank • statement as to -Canada's interest in the Istebilization' of the Winnipeg wheat market conducted -at intervals of the past three years by John I. Mactilarland, made et the close of -several hours -of tesimony, -and -just belere Mr: MaoFarland- toter the' boat for Rotne, ivliere he will represent Can- ada in further deliberations on world export of wheat. These • were the highlights of 'his claims: 1. As the • result of the support he gave the market, supported by the fe.d- thers st,V Percy Holmes St. Catharines, DEATH Or MRS. W. SHELLIG Huron Expositor: A great Many friends iri this township will sincerely regret the death of Agnes Douglas, wife of Mr. Wesleyv Shellig, of Detroit, which etid event occurred at Miazni, Florida, on Wednesday, Match 1th. Mrs, Shenig and her sister, Mrs. iMcAash, of Toronto, • had been spending the winter hi Flerida with the hope that the change weuld prove beneficial to' her health, which had been failieg for the past year, and which had necessitated an operafion. While in the south a second operation became immediately necessary and Mrs. Shell* was on her- way to tbe hospital,' when she collapsed and passed away. The deceased was a daughter of the late pure, wholesome, , sod 'economical table 'Syrup. Children love its delicious flavor Int CANADA Iteti co. minis. 4ate March . and Early April Best Time At 'Jack Miner's (By Jack Miner in London Adeertisere _ I think the greatest gift the Creator has given me is the gift of appreciation. and I want you to know 1- do appreciate the kind co-operation, as a writer and editor. which yeti have given this place in the columns of your paper, - This place costs me annually between ten and twenty thousand dollars; be- sides, .my sons and I giving our own time. This money has been raised chiefly by my lectures and donations from wealthy friends,, as well as a grant from the government the last Jew yeers, dee MLA .poor_man linancially.:, 1 have given my all for this pause which, through the eolepens see, your paper has attracted the attention of the outetand- ing men and women and conservation officials- of not only Canada and the United States, but of the world. As age has crept on me -1 am now entering my seventieth year—there has been created what is known as, The ...hack Miner Migratory Foundation, Inc., with the hopes that the wealth of .Arnerica will Perpetuate this place by contribu- tions to the Trust Fund of the Founda- Iiore and yemembering it in thelr- wills. As proof of my sincerity will give the sanctuary, free of debt, to the Founda- tion if the men and the women of wealth will peretuate it. The contribu- tor's name ,would go down in history with the." sanctuary. What •more cane/ do pr say? The sole 'purpose of this letter to you • _ in our countries but China has papu- latioh of about 450 1.n.illio`n people and nothing is wasted there. eral government's bank guarentee, _nee The napkins are then brOu4ht: narrow enabled western farmers, in the past 'Strips of clampish and watm sponge three years, to market 'upwards of a bil- tissues -abont-firti of -thorn -4n- a--Pile-o a plate. They are sterilized. which, however, isnot the rule tti till Chinese restaurants Anyway, a Chineee napkin is 'used °lily once and then thrown awey. Wine is served in long -necked and long-speuted Jugs, but the drinking cups are very small. The Wine is _taken al - would otherwise have been th,?, case, and. hundred, million dollars more than enost warm. No bread is 'served with all -Canada had benefitted .a result. meals. ,Rice, cooked to perfection, a masterpiece of culinary art. is served above present levels, and the present because it would mean that you are still last, but it is impolite to partake of it 4. -If wheat prices went ten per tent stores could' lee got rid of, the govern- hungry and wish to so inform your host. ment would suffer no loss. at this time is to tell you that the last few days of March and during ,the early part of April, is the best time to visit the sanctuary to see -the birds, and.there is not a thing that would please me more than to ECe your face -among the erowds that visit the place et that time because, as I have said befdre, you have proven yourself a friend, long ere this. You are getting older at, the same rate as I AM 'so why put off and delay" coin- ing another year? pickeput a party. of your old friends. Smile one Who hal as, comfortable &sees motor here and stay „ over night in our little town, and get up early the next -morning. and giee Ole 'earlit morning flight. want you to know you are welcome. • There is only one- other request,- and that is, "try to come durig the weekdays, because, with as high as 13,000 people visiting ,my home in a aingle _day. We have to keep- the --place' closed On Sun, days" to give us one day's privacy: but., if you come from a distance and stay over night in the little town, an appoint-, ment can be made with my eldest son. -where you can visit the place real early on a_Sunday morning, betters, the huge' crowd starts to drive by. You liave ale ways wanted to make this trip, so why let another year slip by and miss It? • • • -Again let me- say hove I do appreciate otir -kind edlOpeffitTOn with -you paper - In the past. and I do want to know gnu and your friends -will be made weleetile• lion bushels of wheat. 2. If he hadn't supported the- market from time -to- time,--the-priee-of-wheat would probably -have fallen to ten cents a bushel. • • — 3. As a result of the support, the western farmer had taken in at least a kited with Vinegar and Smelling alSo_ garlic The sevenfh course wee a eake. Cakes in China, are served in the middle' of a .meal, like sherbets. 'Then. oak hose filled with mulberryedjelliklye:aa„nrotutther---L-siee together -unpleasant- sensation.- • -- , renth course was a cauliflower, the tenth a mandarine-fish which, to Judge. from' the 'nicotine fla,vor .of its fl must be a smoking fish. ,The eleven course is another fan -wilt' chinese sPe chitty: a varnished duck, And so on for endless- .enurses: „. - CHAMPION_ E,66. EATrins Although, compared with some other countries, the per capita ,consumption 1 The meal is really over when the rice is poultry in Canada is relatively low:" What These Figures Mean , iserved, but as a rule your host orders Canada retains the egg -eating chain- •, three or four more courses, which are pione,hip, with 28.36 dozen,eggs consum- Putting two and two, together, and ! on Mr. MacFeirland's evidence plus a net, eaten but will be sent up to your ed .per bead -0/ popuMon Irt 1932 otherwise employing a little arithmetic „ house by the restaurant oweee if you while the average consumptIon of pout- - take the trouble • of leaving name and try by each inhabitant of the United little delisted from other sources, I think I address. ' Steles in that year was about 18 pounds it can now be said: 1-• -Each-course comes on the table -in -a4 -tee --Canadian figure wall 10:7- 15•51111114, (a) That MacFarlane'', for the wes- . kind of silver amphora filled with hot, which 77 pounds were hens and chick - tern wheat pc:Tols, or the federal govern - water. The food ie -placed in the lid ens Altogether 112,241 206 _pounds _of_ ment just- as you like, tralds abolit 180 which is turned upside down, so that poultry were'accounted for in Canada, million bushels of wheat at the moment. tlets Xt cosi ' him about _ 71!4. cents a everything stays hot. ' • Land for the past five year the denia.nd .for pourtry and eggs has been relatively bushel. The auoti ation, on the day he Every traditional Chinese dinner be - well maintained. In 'June last year, iic- testified, was about 65, or 66 cents. for I gns with a soup of shark. folio% ed by niall -------- feous__the_lilue Ittrpr 3tfl eordine to the bulletirr -The 4-gifealturL--- crustaceans cash wheat. from the Yellow at Sittfastlien.- Bsbe ued t the _Domfnion (c) If it had to sell out now, and -- could sell out at prices as of that day. River... Next comes the most famous af Department of Agriculture. the nturtbar mallows' nests, of hens and chickens on farms in Can - the federal government would have to all 'Chinese delicacies; cough up sortie 811,000,000. As agalnstl manufactured by tlee industrious. Chin- lida was 54--043,000-- - , - _ IF YOUR EARS RING WITti HEAD NOISES 't.f: you liaset s: roaring, 'buzzing noises in your ears, are getting hard of hearing and fear Catarrh- al Deafness, go to your drtiggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint -(dou- ble strength), and add to it '4 pint of hot water and a little' granulated sugar. Take a table- spoonfer four times a day. 'This will often bring quick re- lief from the distressing head noises. 'Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easV and the mucus atop dropping into the throat. Is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take.- • Anyone who has Catarrhal trou- ble of the ears, is hard of hearing or has heed noises ehould give this prescription , atrial. S. It. Wheeler PiteNERAt DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. • ALSO 'AMBULANCB SERVICE • GODERICH, ONTARIO All 0.11,5.ProMPtlY.attended to day or night Phones Store 23 Haase 355. . THE GODERICH HEAT FOLKS LET THE HEAT PoLKS FIGHT YOUR BATTLES AGAINST. COLD AND ' it$c010Ftre Broutiou Bros GOOgRICH LtSiiittd 111.1NERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS 040 AlailThAblpt SEAV1 ALL Qtr OW_618 DAY i24 00,00, 0 „az Remember the tanks during the World' war, that went up one trench. and down another, througlio No Man's Land into the enemy's country, never • stopping until they reached their objective? You'll find -that -the Heat lks • have the Same' 'pefeis method of combating the cold. Their objective is a warm house „ and a busy kitchen range; and they reach it with prompt deliveries of good coal. WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH 'ANTHRACITE CALL THE worms 1 ese swallows f rom seawoods and alive - that we have the contention of Mae - Farland that the experiment has been fore strongly frav.ored with iodine; truly, worth a hundred million dollars at least an aseptic and antiseptic dish. JO Canada. . tWe then pa rtook for Ph e r ti me in • . • The lies: of the Newu our lives, of the famous large Yang Tse on banning the export of nickel for use I rice brandy. frogs, previously saturated with Besides these thingi: we heel a debate' Kiang in armaments, notice' of a de -bate to 'bel The fifth course consieWd of a young held in the Senate urging Canada to °Pig served on a canape of mut tur- nips and sweet artichokes. The sixth of a chicken cut up into pieces, scented with sage, atreetened with honey, acidu- e -withdraw from the League of Nations, beginnings of Il -debate on the Unemploy, merit and Relief Act for the coming year, some evidence on stock marketing (not. I think, very. sensational) en the mass buying inquiry,. recommendation of a permanent 'LlvestOck Marketing Com- mission of three tnen for the Dominion, • a mild session or two of the radio com- mission. •and a couple of tariff board hearings. The fate of the latter body still awaits the action of the cabinet and the Supreme Court. Fine Fare of Chinese (Star Weekly) -- A dinner at a restaurant in China is described by Mario Appelius in Pepolo d'Italia of Milan: • Our hast, Doctor Kuong, -disciple -of Sun Yet. Sen and 13,c-interhe of the hos- pitals .of Parts, ,i5 waiting for us. He is a thoroughly westernized but fundamen- tally Chinese Chinaman. ' The entrance and stairs of the lre- . . staurent remind us of konie luxuriouse private nursing home. All Ls white , --marblechina-, glees; with here and there! '. a few Magnificent old' . vasei aridthe everspreeent dragon. . Chinese restaurants conceit not, of a few late Monis but ht mans tiny cells in which the groups of diness May iso- late themselves The table is laid e,5 we arrive. There are cups anc plat of all sizes -and shapes bus instead of our forks and knives there are the tra- • alitional Chinesse eticks„ made of ebony • i,iiiii allirei iliyA. Tt takes about 4 'Week to leern to handle these sticks proper- ly and once you luive mastered this art you much prefer them to atir western eating' tools. 1 ii tOo sooner are wb 44teditlian,9the 'twat-, ter brings several little plates With Mela 181VW""Al.rettit' '4Yse,2-'rfaisalirtvedsier, Official or private. rith or poor, start with niekni, .setds. 11*Se_ ate thrnsith Atiway Hogarth says: says:— BIG PULLETS LAY BIG EGGS Excellent for Croupy Children.—When a ceed is suffering with croup it is a gut mon to ute Dr. Their:11e Relectric. oil. It reduces the inflammation arid loosens the phlegm giving speedy relief to the little sufferer. It is equally re- liable for ,sore "throat and. thests'earache rheumatic pains, cuts, bruises and sprains Dr. 'Thomas' Fklectric Oil is regarded by many thousands as an in- dispensable --of the, family medicine chest. BUY HOGARTH GOVERNMENT APPROVED CHICKS ' llogarth offers SUPER -SIZE chicks from egga averaging 26-21 ounces to the dozen. Extra size,—extra vigor—extra- growth. Ottawa Egg -Laying, Contests prove that BIG pullets lay MORE and BIGGER eggs. Seven breeds. Prices reasonable. SUPER- S= Leelorns .$14.75 per hundred; Barred Rocks, -Minorcas 2c per chick more; White 'Rocks 3c more; other breeds 4e more. Ho- garth "JustRite" chicks 3c per chick less, all round. Special priees on early orders. ' Write for complete information. Hogarth Baby Chick HatcheryExEN Wa;:::-Seriously,- Troubled:.• 'With Bolis Alt Over Body Mr. D. Stein, Leduc, Alia., writee: 'I had serious trouble with boilse My arms, legs, neck, in feet, my whoie body broke out with them. • I tried salves, oiptments, poultices and many different medicines, but =they did not help me. #rtacn t tried Burdock Blood Bitters atia Wits surprised at the results. (IA* took two bottles end the grightiztkeiya k-sOgir riza-zzod=st, „ C Ot. • tkolitsi been troubled with theta sins.'