The Goderich Star, 1934-03-22, Page 3oa•ar4•44,..... STRETTON-BRy • . contoo Iletvs.:ROOrel; At . Presbyterian' Xnatise..• On:Saturday after- , noon; *v. Wm. Wore perforMed, the ceremony Uniting' let -Iner'rlage James Herbert Steetto1)-4011 of the'late Jas. D, ;.anct Mrs. %paten, o alargnerite Fran-. els Bryan, tWin, daughter ofHarv' 4. and Mrs. Bryan, all Of BrUssels. '.Thts ,bolir was fiVe- O'clock and the cOtiPle weraelelleittendett• 1Vtr. and Mrs. tret- .eon 'will make their lionie i Bruseele, 111IIISER.4111LDEI,A.NDIf ' ' Zurich Herald: The wedding took pike on Thlirsday evening eaat ef two well known young . people, of lignsall, when ReV. Father Power Of Zurich, united in marriage Mary Truism', 'daugh- ter. of Mr. and Mrs, Conrad Huiser, a Alex. Hildebrandt, son of Mr. Will m Hildebrandt, all of HensaU: 'rhe bride was attended by ,her sister, Miss Annie 'Huiser, and the groom by James Davis of the Babylon line. After the cere. mony the young .couple returned to "Hensalli 'where they will make their home. LOBB-LYON Clinton News -Record: A quiet wed- ding took place in- Toronto March 14th, at the hozne of D. D. N. McLachlan, -103-Marion street, officiating clergyman, when Lily Maude, daughter of Mrs. Lyon -and- the- late Harrison_ Lyon- of --Londesbero, was married to Mr. Wilbert Roy Lobb, son of Mr. Wm.' Lobb, and the late Mrs. Lobb,- of Goderich town- ship. The Iride, a deaconess of the United church,_:selecbaeebeenen.gageciein . • , goeial terslice Woe*. in `044047), Oore-',00 travelllng costume of navy triple sheer, orepe with, coat of Midnight blate lapels loth and letA to Match. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Leble Will re- side On the groom's farm In Ooderiele" TOWnShin, 0.. 0.01.4.,tfo; the NE • DEATH 'ollile*AlloTS S ANDERSON NewS-Reeord: Walter S. Axle derson a nrceninent Xineaidirie bleelneSS inTorontoIronCito4no'neXT11744:tratayqtteVehriebat:Vinla4(1, the: hearing go e tck •the citY that InOrang on bus Mr, Anderaen . Was the ..leusban. ot Alice _Vithltehead„ adopted daug r of .the late Joseph. Whitehead Of • ton, anti Will. be .re.enebered by any in Clinton and Vicinity, He Is siliarived by two Sons and eiX daughteis. " SERIOUS ACCIDENT OCCURRED Huron Expositor: On Thursday .a.t- torztoon last Otte a serious aocid.ent de. curred on the Mill Road, east .ot Bruce - field, in which Andrew Ben, only. son Of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. BeU, sustained ser- ious injuries.' He is at present in the employ of' Mr. W. Bareey, and had gone to the home of avtr, A. Souter fpr a .load of hay. While returning, on Paieing a rather rough piece ',of road, In some way he was thrown from the top ik the Idad. •He -was rendered unconscious and was Lound by Mr. W. Elliott upon his .return "trip- on his --mail --route. Andrew was brought to Kipp, but' was immediately taken to Clinton hospital by Dr. Coll- yer, where. an X-ray Was -taker and -it was found he had stistained.injuries' to -his-back. --HeTisitt-present -in the hospi- ___. tal and at date of writing is progressing quite•favorably. P. E. RJ Fo smat. . EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT • Late House Surgeon New Yr ts Orph- elsalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at lifoorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tele- phone 267. At Hotel' Bedford, Goderich, second Wednesday, from 1 pare .to.4 p.m. • LEGAL CARDS HAYS-4.6HAYS, • . -Barristers and Solicitors.. R. C. Hays, X.C,, and R. C. Hays, B. Hamilton street, Goderich. Telephone. 88 DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. „„ • . Barrister and Solicitor Office; Hamilton St. • Phone 512. 0 11 ea - FRANK DONNKLLY, B. A. Barrister, Solleitor, Etc. Phone 282. HAMILTON ST., Goderie F. R. DARROW. • • Ifiarrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Etc. .Successor to J, L Killoran. Phone 97. Office, The square, Goderich. PRNEST 11-4, • Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Bldg.. Adelaide and Victoria TelephonP: Elgin 5301 • Toronto 2, ,• • -CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESg PRAarrriONER. -CHIROPRAGTOR----A-14-6- -DROGLES THERAPIST, GODETRIGH. Eituipped -with -electro-magrretic baths. -Electronic electric treatment and chiro- mraetic. Chronic, organic ..and.. nervous -diseases: -Lady --ixr attendance. Office' heats 2 to 5, and 7 to 8 p.m. and by oP- .pointmente Closed Wednesday from 12 to_le m • A. N.• • ATKINSON, Tellence and °Mee, torner_ of South street and Bri. • tatmia Road. Phone $41. AUC-TIONEERING THOMAS GUNDRY & E,39;,!, 1Gfire Stock and General Auctioneers. Elgin Ave., Goderieb. Sales made everywhere al.id all efforts =ale to give you satisfaction. ' Farmers' -Sale Noes discounted. • Phone. -119;-- NOTARY .11U1L16, ETC. WM. DATLIE, • NOTARY INCELIC General conveyancing. done. Good Companies Represented. • 'Phone 298. Goderich, Ont. •1141ulzykr.ri;ti. • illciaLtoP artrruAl, nay INSUR- ANCE COMPANY 40..440.441.10.4.4 eAmic AND zabriATtr) TOWN PRO- PERTY INSVRED. Value of property- fissured (tap to ;An - naps, 1910, $8,848,075.00. ItroadroOt, Seaforth, President; 'Jas. Connolly, Goderich, Vice- Preskienti M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Secre- tarprreasir, - DirtteePORAS-Alex. lerbadfoot, Sea. lort,11, R. R. 3; Jas. Shouldice, Walton; Wm. Knox, tondesbora: Geo. Taeconhardt, Bornholm No. I; John Pepper, Bruce - Jos. onnolIy,doderich; Robert Perris, Myth; Thos. Moylan, Seaforth No, 5; Wm. R. Archibald, Seaforth No. 4. AGENTS -W, J. Yeo, R. R. 3, Clinton; Jas. Watt, myth; Finlay Melferchet, Seaforth; John -Murray, liefeatefith. -PolicyhOldera ,tatr. pay • their ,AssesS- dielaii at taIiin Cat's etore, Goderich • tho Two. Bank, Clinton, or J. 11, Rehre, v -7- • • FIRE INSURAN Oa, Have n attended to by the 'WEST VitAWANOSO. lltitiVUAL VIRE INSURANCE CO. , EStablialted .1878 Head' (Meet patoraisimi, 'Oat; - It000rt Davidson, Dungannon, Pres.t4 Ont. Zratit Ackert, •ttolyrobd, VittPresideat; In addition to the President end Vice "President,the folleviintr are Direett: Wzfl, "Watt**, Auburn; LW. .1 Auburn; Wm. litoquillan, lteed,:flft. • DEATH OF Mag. E. C. BOSWELL Huron Expositor: The death occurred -in Scott Memorial Hospital on Thurs- day evening, March 8th,, of Phoebe Louisa Smith, wife of Mr. E. C. Boswell, manager of the Seaforth branch Of the Dominion Bank, afper anillness of three weeks. .Mrs. Boswell was the only daughter of Rev. Canon Austin Snlith and. Mrs. Smith, of Trenton, and a gra- duate nurse of Kingston General -Hospi- tal. Since coining to Seaforth two Year.s aZO, sinaeritY Of. her charac, ter, her kindliness, her charity and her activity had created for her an unusual place in the ,affections of old and young, and no announcement of death has caused deeper regret than that of hers • on Thursday. evening. Mrs. Boswell was an active worker in St. Thomas,' church; secretary•of the Women's Auxiliary, and a Member of the choir. She is survived by her husband and two small children, her parents, Rev. Canon Austin 'Smith and Mrs. Smith, and two brothers, Rev. -Arthur-Smith, of Trenton,. and Mr. Stanley Smith, of Winnipeg. The fun- eral was held from St.. Thomas! church on Saturday afternoon, when the rector, Rev. Canon Appleyard, paid an eloquent nd sympathetig, tribute to her memor to an assemblage that filled the church. 'The remains were conVeyed by the afternoort7C;N:R. trErixr to Cobourg tor interment, the pallbearers at Seaforth being' Mr. J. M. McMillan, Mr. G. D. Ferguson, Mr. Earl Bell, Dr. W. C. Sweat, Dr. J. A. Munn and Dr. F. J. Bechely. - - - - - ELDERLY LADIES CELEBRATE Lucknow Sentinel: On "fforiaay Mrs. Peter Torrande, who resides a mile east of the -village, -i.ttained her 83rd birth- day. Mrs. Torrance continues quite active and :bright -and enjoye good health. Her brother, Mr. William able ler, who Is ten years her senior; inakea, — issOrsissmaripmasiaimmism;,,Nr Jumpy Nerves teId to -the soothing Aktion of -this medicine. You will eat better ... sleep better ... feel ' better-.. look .better,„Life `--villf-i-eint-woitli Ming again. Don't delay -any longer. Begin taking -it today. • LY -DIA .E. VEGETABLE -COMPOUND 1.0 ornsmorknon moolim•m• JOHN PINDER PWIVIlliN0k,1411FING SHEET METAL WORK Phgne 127 P. O. Bo* 131 orememileemmousrmerwrionno4.4.44•••••.444.4.41mwrommiormatommorwees ' • 1 J. ft. Wheeler 1 FUNERAL DMECTOR AND EMBALMER ALSO AillEULANCE SERVICE GODERIUIL 'oNTAR/O .tlaaamegaserm• All 0,11/4 promptly, attended, to day pr Phones Store 335,- Muse 355. YeindO 011,At.V• Mettler MARcH ,ENPS.RECtioF 4=148 the.OW' etnentl0e, VOW' 'ISM" °theta, 'aoct .two 'sisttra". ;44 „,eurirt4: „i„ , . si; :cpiwctt„:,.'14t ve,400 hos.* ehe WO 'T'f.4b4;" 141°,414* 4°'.1)/SCIthtut" Al!' F 0104 Pfereb,ItY ; atzt:d .19)44; eAttleeledOring. et AltuntheeAtCpe4ate Fall, o = ber.,beet Year*, and ' MI Mary .1.7 Moore. „_, .„ _,... " ..„.. . ...._ ,' Or Toronto;"NreSSOt J. W. More, qeeeiee _eutkiforn! .AVvinAnge InttnieVal. vehinen , Aieht"A.eZelkooret.`Allkiitttbral 'Cilite R. 44t..11, Use loivnshilel,. 1/01'i '4i,ein*ii „all ' A. ; Mo6reeeVanaiOUVeit; .'9, '4414 reteci:01. ,e,„ : ,',,It e ' "°1./. LU'll. - 'Pt - °6). ' p. C11"7:1 eb4:1::°:e6t'7:::".1:41::7144:1.11:1:::40*11 :41- ----41:ftrellaccsoti"unrt: r:::eliPlnedot1"04:919t '47'°1417'':4114ligt'ed '‘.4/13'. Niekle Wila iiaWils r'lit*eOdat.'ES49r1;4‘441CfrOggStlte.'''‘jrOVQinnde lal9r4t1'074°,.1 -Iceee rend ,care Of friende. and was dwelt - 0017 l0Ved by her- faneller. The tetnerel 'WM resolved that All relief be diseen- How. many dor.:your life are , lost in feeling, under 1{0? How enearty „haute. whieh right he bright' are dnil and dispirited? Halfhearted days are frequently due to cOMmon constipation, It --"elfituld your waking hours, takes Aho -sunshine- Out of living. Yet -•it can he overcome 80 e,asily by_eat, • Ins It delicious cereal: - Ioahortztory tests ohow Kellogg's Au..BRAN proviaes "bulls" and vi• taniin B to aid elimination, Aue '111102.; is also a fine source Of Iron. • The "bulk" in At.t..13ssr; is much like that in leafy vegetables, Isn't this acereel way" pleasanter than ° Width% patent -medicines? Two tab1espoonfid4 .daily are .usually sufficient. With each meal, in chronic cases. If not relieved this way, see your doctor, Serve ALTARAN as a cereal or nse in muffins, breads, omelets, etc. In • the. rekandar_cerk- package. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in -• Ontario.. The Byrd South Pole expedition in- GODERICH TOWNSHIP eludes In its personnel twentyesie for- The Marchemeeting of the W. M. S. mer Boy Scouts. of Union' church is being held at the 547 Boy ScOut tamps attended by home ea or r& Robt. Mellwa41, Sr., on 13.131 boys were hold in various -parts Wednesday afternoon- this week. of the Dominion in 1933.. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Amy and Mrs. City Gam Regina Scouts a Campsite Jack McKenzie, of Burford, motored pp A 60 -acre campsite has been placed on Saturday to attend the funeral of at the dispositIoneof_ltegina_ Bey Scent aunt,the late eiefrae-Weiter Hick. -136-1W A large numberg of relatives and Accident Provides Scouts a First Aid friends from this district attended the Exain. Test, funeral of _the late yR. ewaieereemele 111:twith en dikieriCh on Saturday afternoon. The ag.1xwict,.../..forearm aear d heartfel_ext mreathyja_extenxied-to-t.hos demonstration subject„ Rfor .Welland, ereaved. •e • Ont,, Scouts on the way to a.St: of Nile, visited on Sunday at the home proviSeci splints and bandages were ap- and Miss Mary Bogie, Mr. Dave Bogi .4T0114 Ambulance Association Class. am of the former's daughter and son-in7 • proved -by thedoctor, and helped the - law, Mrs. Harvey Fuller, and Mr. v'uller. pass their examination. - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogie and Mad- • rOv'ttgl eleine, of Nile, visited on Sunday at the Deny British „Scout Leader to Visit home of the lady's parents, Mr. and A German neGermany • Mrs. ThosSovverby. statement that A week of preaching service is being . Lord- Hampton, Chief Commissioner of held in Union church beginning on the. Boy Scouts Association, would visit 'Monday evening,. March 26th, at eight Germany to inspect the Hitler Youth o'clock, when the Rev. „W. T. Bunt of Organization, was officially denied by the 13aptist church. Gocierich, will be the Imperial Scout --Headquarters, -Londbri. speaker. On l'''Tuesday evening Rev. Similar denial was made Of the an- Donald MoLeod will speak, Wednesday nounocrnent that Hitler Youth. Leaders evening Rev. D, Late of Tenok had been invited to attend a Scout camP church, •Goderich; Thursday evening. in England. Rev. P. W. Craik, and Friday evening Rev. Wardlaw TaYlor. There will be Well Over 2,000,000 Bey Scouts special music at each service. Every - At the close of 1933 the total number one is welcome to attend these services. Of Boy Scouts in countries where Scout- A most successful Irish concert was ing is recoinized by the International held in Union church las( Friday _even - Scout Bttreau was reported as -2,269,545. trig by the Sunday School. There was a This was a gain of 230,198, notwith- good attendance and the program was standifig removal of Germany from the of high order. Mr. Robert Davidson, superintendent, perforrned the duties of chairman in a capable matiner. The program commenced with the singing of the hymn, "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name,” followed with prayer by Rev, F. W. Craik, who also gave a talk on "The Life of St. Patrick." Qther numbers us were: - Choret, '"The Wearing of the Green" and "The Maple Leaf Forever" by the school children; _recital= "The Birth of St. Patrick," Elva Orr; duet, Reuben and itachel„" Maurice Harwood and Eric McAllister, encore, "Home on, the, Range:" recitatlon. "My Mother's Hand,' Eileen Ensign; choruses, "Mother Macree"_ and ePeggy-O'Nell:" the ehoir; selections and songs by the Harmonica and composed -of- Dave Davidson, Ever- ett Meliwain. Arnold Potter, Orval Powell-, -mouth:organ, and Lorne Porter, Jew's harp; solo, "0 Danny Boy,". Miss Stuth Evans; reading, Miss Marion Col- well. A kitchen orchestra composed qf Mrs. Robt. menvvain, who played the -banjo with tine erg beater and frying pan, Mrs. Mary Phillip, who played the thienes with a bell, Miss Ethel McIlwaite assist her. Eagerly they gathered up who- phyed t te 'violin on a griddle pan., w. e wood, reloaded it on the oldi /qrs. Robt. McAllister Playing the kazoo. oman's shouldersstepped back arid ' Mrs. Forest McClure the drummer, us - announced in chorus, "Cubs ,never ace,. infra huge can, Mrs. Geo. McIlwain the cept a reward" -and allowed the old Totidou - • eer'. •• ‘- his home with 'Mxi. Torranee and thinks nothing of walking to towentnd ;tele° Although there was no celebtating ned for Monday, Misc. Torrance'sebirth- day was remembered by many friends who called during the day to extend "many happy returns" and best veishes •to this respected and admirable old lady. ,Mrs. Joe Anderson and Mrs. John Sheriff, of Wawanosla are daughters. One eon, H. P. Torrance, lives at North Bay. - -On-Friday, surrounded -by members of - her family who could be present, Mrs.. John 3/10.Charles ha.dethe Pleasure .of ob- serving her 80th birthday. Mrs. Mc - Charles is a beloved 'resident of the vil- lage. This winter, her grandson, who is attending school here, made his home with her, but except in such instances, Mrs. McCharleg liVes alone, She enjoes good health, ie bright and active, and able to perform with apparent ease, all her -household duties, :even to planting and attending her garden in season. Mrs. MeCharles has two daughters, Mrs. Jack McIntosh and Mrs. Thomas Mc- Donald . 'and three -sons, Donald and Jack, all Of Ashfield and Huron town - &hips, and Frank. in Vancouver. CHILD INJURED IN FALL twelve -year-old ton of Mr. and Mrs. Horace ,Mably, while entertaining some of hie -young --friends-at a -toboggan party - on Saturday evening met with an un- fortunate eccident. It seem e that he with his young friends left his home on Trafalgar street for some sport on the embankment behind Mr. William Elliot's home. They lirst- planned- to play - "Hounds lend Monkey" for there are e fine trees In whin to .-play the game there, Jinn* Wag takiiige the part of the:Monkey and'had climbed in- to a tree, only to lose his footing to be precipitateei-eo the grounder', distance ef seine fifteen- feet. ',Fortunately for the young lad, he first stryck_a _retire that 'lightened the fall, but he hit the ground with -111s head, whieh caused a slight tenctieSion, the accident oceurririg only a ou -fifteen minutes a er e a. e hen:ie.` •Dr. W. E. Pridham was called and on Tuesday his young patient was able to be out of bed and is now getting along nicely. ' •vaettthotelectsdaygravaLteartie0beoni,ngth.oe Irdrelucteeeds . , . took place frout.the bonia of -um cioe tinned lifter ivIereli Slet, the tie& tee 'Ifama:t.aeridy7.eobell4e:ellotoariltet°trortience:::::: or w:::::„. ek e t that ft extended to *nits chureh, With which Mt% Nlekle ' by the'ReVe C. W. D. Cosen.Vot:-WeSleYe ;27: al:loird* toirt thweastawnt": hall The W7:11,-) had been connected tinting ber rest. donee here: assisted by the Rev.. F. 0, :;04t4tetr oc ' asliPtIeurnintstenwelexenet'aexamvouttlecaherasnd and The pallbearers Were: Messrs. ,. tFarrill of the Ontario street churl!: dered ' paid: Rte ead SUperintendent vo, ,eA. chers„, $42,35; •Wm. Hardy, 15 coras of Cluineere, W. Glen Cook, Garnet Cor - wood at $2.00 a cord, $301 /Ws. Rebecca 11_1811 ail& Will, lerelker. , _Among those riresent tram a distance were: Mr. and Morrie, desk tot clerk's ()face. $25; Mrs. Prank EColeman ante son and Fairview Chernical Co., 260 tapsulet, . ; daughter, and Mrs. Bridg$60.50County of Huron, maintenance e, Stratford, of. and Lt. -Col. -Moore and Miss M. J. indigent patient, $18.35; Wm. CI. Moore, Toronto.Watson, insurance for township hall, _ • $6.50; relief accounts for February, A$8p4r.16111.10-taTereat cpilana,cijourned to meet The Boy. ScOuts e2°.00 list. lecty Scout Rhodes Scholars, Si, of the ten Canadian Rhodes scholarships at Oxford have this year fallen to active or former Boy Scouts. They are P. D. (McT. Cowan, North Van- ere--8:0e-(Ree-Theeeee, e--Penerty; Cal- garY, Alta.; Wilbur Jackett, Kamsack, Sask.:, John R. Baldwin, Totonto; Nor- -Trtan-Laidieurefereint-John, and ney P. Wheelock, Nova Scotia. A large percentage of American Rhodes men each year are Scouts or former Scouts. They Got Half of the Idea -A - certain Ontario -Wbtf-- -Clib Pack teas this on itself: :FerJa Parents' Night program the junior Scouts were asked to provide 'playlets demonstrating feat- ures or Cub train -hit: To on•e groep was 'assigned the "Daily Good Turn.' -In dile edurse this number was announ- ced. A bowed "old woman"-eheithed up- on the stage- a, heavY , lead of wood on her back. Suddenly the load fell to the ground. Out rushed the dew Cubs' to DEATH OF MRS. ANNIE NICKLE 'Cantina- -Nows-lecede'de Elizabeth Nickle died Sunday evening, at the home of her sister, Mrs, J. Go - vett, William street. She was in her 78th year arid for over thirty years had been an, invalid, unable to walk. For some weeks prior to her death her ton- dition had beeh critical. Mrs. Nickle was born 'a Carlton Place, Nov. .5th, 1855, being a daughter of the late Ede ward Creighton Moore, coming to Can - ten as a young girl with he? parentse In "aril, 1886, she was united in men:lege to John Henry Nickle of Walkerton, there her early married life wan later moving to Kincardine and, still litter to Seaforth, where Mr. Nickle plied in 19113. • The family then crepe to Clin- ton. She is survived by tab sons and two daughters, W. H. and E. C. Nickle of Clinton, Pearl (Mrs., Frank Coleman) iof Stratford, and Miss Mae Nickle Woman to stagger on her way. And they wondered why the audience roared with laughtere., • IMPROVE - BREEDING HERDS It cannot be too 'strongly emphasized, and the events of 1933 cohfIrm this feet, wetitee_the .Canadian Trade.COmmission- er in Scotland, that Canadian farmers should bend every effort to eontinue to improve their. breeding herds, 'they should endeavor to send an increasing 4-terititity of their prime quality, light, Young store animals to this 'market, and, In aildltiori pibhibit the export of rough unsuitable ahlmals which 'are some- times loaded to the detriment of the Dominion's trade in Scotland. Keep your stOck tree from blemish with `Douglas' Egyptian Liniment. Re- moves. inflammation. , quickly relieves bruises, sprains" strains, swellings, con- raction of cords, stiffness of joints, and pre muscles. ofL s THE GODERICH HEAT FOLKS MAY HAD ALITTL,e, COLD sHe. Almost HAD THE .q Lu" SHE GOT HEAT FOISS To prze.scrtitiri NOW -SHE'S' 0000 AS NEW! 4. • GODEIIICH TUE Ltanttla F'UN RAL DIRECTORS arid EMBALMERS * 480 num', .41 Att mos 100111,011,DAlt. .4., Day IS Any doctor will tell you that get- ting plertty of waren, fresh air in the house, • Arid plenty' of eold, fresh air out- side the home. ' •Helps to keep away colds, in- fluenza and priettinorda, leut we .;an tell yotr thet the best way to eccure that wants air in the bouee is to use our D.L.&W 'blue ecal.' Why not order h load todaye" WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE CALL THE ts:';i4rtlitnig cYmbals from three tumblers. Mrs. Gor- don Orr the sa)raphone, using a kazoo and teapot, Mrs Harwood the trombone with -a- mem, gibe d er,-iinder :ale -direction of Professor l?ave Davidson. The or- chestra played "It Meet- Going to Rain Any More" and "Tipperary," Mrs. Geo. 6meaciein l-woainiig84141-gd- ththee "MI8oetint, aanitin:S1 choen- 13- eluded the scene. This was followed by a 'reading by Everett MeIlwain, duet, "The 'rumbled Ddivii Shack of Athlone" by (Helen ised Dave Davidson; choruses, "The . Minstrel Boy" and "The Dear Little Shamrock" by the choir. Mee Robt., Davidson, and evaa. G. Harwood were the riccompanists. The collection was well responded to, $10 being realiz- ed. The evening was brought toa close with the singing .of "God Save the King" 3 (Prom another corresponant) • Mr. Earl (McAllister spent the week- end in Clinton. Little Lillie Elliott returned from Lon- don on Tuesday of this week. • Mr. Reg. Hamilton, of Auburn, visited at the home oc Mr. and Mr'. Wm. Puller dila 'week. Wary friends and neighbors of the late here. 'Welter Hick, attended her funeral In Goderieh on Saturday The many friends of Mrs. Miry El- liott, will be sorry to learn (hat sere_ is riot enjoying the best of health. Miss, Ruth Evans spent the week -end at the 'home of her parents. °ler. and Mrs. Evans, Clinton. The Porter boys entertaincd the Har- monica Band on Tuesday evening for their regular practice. Jean McAllister has been confined to her bed for over two weeks We hope to MC Jean around egain mon ilefr. Reg. Puller held a wood -cuffing bee on Wednesday afternoon, in the Vasil belonging to 'Mr. Fred Naftel, to eecure his Summer's eupply of wood. The neighbors of Mrand hers. John Johnston held a "bee" on two afternoons recently to gee out Or pupeete of Wood for them. Mr. and leira. Johneton certainly appretiate thkt kindness, Next Sunday, Per/Ices will be onduct- iis usual. Sunday elehOOI (With titre. aunt .(:!4.4ite) i2:oct machine service. with the pastor in that*, at 8:08 Mr. and Mem ltilwyn Aadersort, ,of tondos*, visited .tvith The *tot ;Area% ETWE POi 14 "NADA, 'Stio 10'.43Entoksti 1.)Nrratt) STAT141$ titsirstitskitioNig. Wieek-eft . SINGLE PARE FOR ROUND *MOP 00041 going from t A.M. Saturday March 3Isti, to lOidohtliii.$04, day, April lst. Return Hinit leaving u to midnight, Monday iVrt1 2nd. Long Week -end FARE AND ONE QUARTER FOR ROUND, TRIP' Cowl going from 5 A.M. ThutsdaY, March 29th, to Midnight, Sun' day, April let Return Emit leaving up to midnight, Tuesday, April 3rd. For fares and further information apply to Railway ',11Ckel Agents. - t, SAFETY -P.. SPEED — COMFORT T29_ CANADIAN NATIONAL Mr. :and Mrs. Robert bevidson, last week, while attending the funeral of Mr, Anderson's uncle, Mr. George An- derson,' Dunkanrian. There was. a good turn -out at Union on Sunday. The pastor was in charge, and delihred an appropriate pre -Easter sermon, on the subject, "The Crowd at the Foot of the Cross," from- the text, "And they that passed by reviled him, wagging- elleireeeheade" .(St. Matthew 27:39). During the service, Mr. Craik sang aesoloe -eHees--the--Gneee-whieh--was -much appreciated. HAYFIELD I' TDAte-Lonoilleg.entee abooks-have- -teen , placed in the Bay -field library: The Fountain--Chttrles -Morgan . Red Pepper Returns-Cirace Richmond Vanessa -Hugh Walpole The Yellow Briar-Tetrick SlaterOVer ,the Rlyer-John Galsworthy Little Women --Louisa Alcott Light of the -Western Stars -Zane Grey Mrs. Biehop-Bess Streeter The Way of the Scarlet Pimpernel - Baroness Orezy . The Great Awakening -E. P.Oppenheim The Secret Cargo -J. 8. Fletcher Non -Fiction: In- Seetlaxid" Agaln-41. V. Martin - The Great Offensive-Matte:ice Hindus For -Sinners Only -A. 3. Russet ' These Disturbing Miracles -Lloyd Doug- las Whither Manklnd-Charles A. Beard Poems of Science -William Pallister, M. D. A Thatched Roof -Beverly Nichols Tracks of Dielcult Times -E. H. Oliver Personality arid. Science -L. H. Hough Junior Action,: Why the Chimes Rang -R., M. Allen The author of Poems of Science, Dr. William Pallister, was a practicing phy- eictau here over thirti years ago. ,NILE • Mr.. Herb- Fisher has been visiting his •sister, Mtss -Pearl Tisher, for the past two weeks. There was no service on Sunday lest on aecattnt ot the funerai ote the lite Mrs. Gallagher. Corigratulajions to Mr. add Mrs. Tait Clark on the -birth of a son,. on March 15th. ‘The Rev. Mr. Patton ad Mrs._ Patten motored to Toronto to 'attend" the meet- ings of the Oxford Group, member.' which had .Just come over from England to make a tour of Canada, .„ leranY of the friends and former neighbors of the late Mrs. Jahn Gallag- her attended the funeral- In Goderich on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Gallagher had been 1!a. lifeelong _mident- of- this district, epming from Goderich township when very young with her parents to the hunt now occupiei! breaer_zenese- ibune and vl as married -about 54 years ago to Mr. John Gallagher. who prede'. ceased her ntneteen_ ,months •ago. Mrs- llagher .was ofa quiet retiring nature and was an ideal mother and; home- maker and had the happy faculty of making and ekeeping friends. Theefune r. _ _ at evreseee was -herd at the home .on Brock street. and was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Watts, of North str6et, Gode- rich, assested bY,the Rev. W. J. Patton .ef Carlow_Unitedeethareheeof-evetrietredelr ceased was a member • Nene Gallagher leaves to mourn, one son, Jetties, and two daughters. „Mrs. A.' C, Clark and Matildia, all of Ciodericle The pall- beefere were Messrs Alex, Young, John Young. Herbert- Fisher, Alfred Tebbutt, Jarvis McBride and Amos Stoll. Inter- ment was in the family plot in Colborne,. cemetery,. ••••••••••••0001,00.. LOYAL -Mr. Edgar shepperd has been award- ed an initructor's certificate for mech- anical drafting. Congratulations Edgar! Don't forget the date and plan of the Union Y.P.S. It is to be oh Friday. •IViarch. _20thr_ the--.Leeburn-eliterch, - in - Com e!isno small undertaking toeprepare - a play like 'The .toysneofeBetblee _ _ eight scenes and a cast ,tef qeeeeetxeaty-eharaeteraeebut-it-e*-devere aping splendidly and it is expected to be ready for the Easter season, The ' story of the play belongs t� the timeeof Christ end Involves three olvillzaeron&" Hebrew:eft-Mau and Greek:- There is also .a love story and a. remarkable one. The • local Y. P. S. -had a splendid meeting on Friday, evening. The .devne trona' topic was taken by Harold Squire. the extensive by Mrs. Free. and current events by Mies"Velma Finnigan. A vio- lin. solo was contributed by. Edgar Shen- perd The meeting was also favored by a visit from the reeM4911.111._ chairman - Of the Ptesbttery organization.- Mr. Oli- ver Anderson of Auburn. He gave a e. thought provoking :address and hare- duced some new gamea. Light refresh- - ments'I.vere served at the close. FARM TRUCKS AND -AUTOS- The introauetion of the tractor. some twenty odd years ago marked the begin- ning of the period Of most reeved expan- sion in size of -farm, particularly oh. the ,plains of the West where such power could be used to advantage. In 1921 - there were 47,455 tractors on farms and 105,269 in tan Along with this in - •crease in use of tractors ame increased dependence upon trucks and agtomo- biles. In 1921 there were 157,022 such vehicles on the 711,090 farms or about one to every four farms.- In I931with trucks recorded separately at -48,402, and automobiles' numbering 321,276, there was a motor vehicle for,tamey tw-oefearens; Aetually 303,364 farms reported cars and 46,366 reported thick% • • The economic welfare of Canada has for many years been affected mere by her wheat _draft than -by. -any other single - factor. The 1933 •season's wool clip In Can - including pulled Wool' -from Iamb pelts, has been well absorbed by _the. trade. Hogarth says:-- • SUPER•SIZE CHICKS MAKE BIG ,CROWTHY PULLETS - RgR,E ARE .THE CHICKS -You have been • looking for SUPER -SIZE chicks hatched from extra large eggs. Flocks and hatcheries Uovernment Approved. Breeders selected for size and vigor. Seven breeds. Moderate pries, SUPEU-SIZE Leghorn!' 814.75 per hundred; Barred Rocks, Mintreas, 20 per chick' more; White Rocks 3c more; other breeds 40 more. ; llegarth "Just -Rite" Chicks 30 per chick off these prices, all round. • .1 Write for our catalogue and special prices on early orders. I Hogarth Chick Hatchery e • .1' BOX 101 EXETER. ONT. um Broke Out ON Her Face and Arms 0. V*, th. Pettt 5$ vtart MANUFAVirtunto ONLY Y MILlitiltH CO., LIrnite Twos* OM* Mires Mar -3,1 'Ens, Hague, Sask., writes: -"Met blood was in a terrible conditionand my face and anns broke out with eczema. I started using blood cleansers of varion) kinds, but it was of no avail. One day I read about llurdoek Blood Bitters, but being 60 dis- courageAl, beeause all other methods hafic/ailtd, '1 .NIS rather *cow.- abi;hrtrYing it, but after having. taken ok bOtles / was perieetly tatisflot tot ow tikin Was left dealt *Old healthy. Iookiag."