HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-03-01, Page 2•
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Tliti14.09AYi 4fAltat1934
144 ,ter
ON fin d
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10 coseft's ,'fau ter
thsy W
' flet
rernit fo ,,,ex ,ra.,
sTid Insirosrs over an extsnded per -
1, yst
Unleas we Ire tiOtilled to cancel,
tatiettMe Oe subscriber Wishes the Or"
too continuo, _Irgairri'ANCe9 ehotild•
so sde by, registered letter., 111011eY-
MdIr or W1 114Yab1a at Par in 004104,
W' ften in the' Put few .Yeare•
has been said that the Weather is clung -
Int. that Vie Shall never have the old
hard winters again; that the northern
ke cap must be affecting the climate.
The fact of the matter appears to be
that very little' is knoWn about such
There has been, however, in the last
few years, a genuine effort to study the
*hole question of climate. Professor
Huntington of Columbia University, haS
devoted much time to the subject.
For authentic information he " was
compelled to go to Iceland which he dis-
covered to be the only country in the
world which had made any-atteMPt- to
keep exact records. There he discover-
ed that cliniate had beenof extreme int.
•portance in the history of the country
• • ' -during the -Past-- 1900 Years. --
the geld in the country, other than..thst
400 In IndustrY, and. *eV it in Ate
etalta In the Ionia:4744 entiee 'VOL
Against .this bUlllen it Will
Otee, '
It wIU, Immediately it shegtil, to°1
tion, takeover all the ,4014 -044,
by the other baeka at the. prlee,ex fao,e
" ,...41744-144;itiathCf.-13,M4.,
bubg24•Ii,er-iiitttet-Thla 1' eit
latge, protit,
ocordins tothe terms 'et :the agree*
raffle:PIM:1104 PA the, eOtelentie Pettfer-
• • .
encelest,,,,Sninnier, there Win have tO
some provision Made to inelthie Slifer In
,the baekhig of the new notes, This' le.
lIkeIY to be & tehtrOVendal• point as
there Are many '.41itt"-Sliveriter- itn•cl
out of Parlialent,
attaWa will be,the heed effice Of ,the
mu* airith branch offiees in one Or tWO,
other Canadian eities As well as in tfeW
York and in London, in441.probability,
It will handle all the' businets of the
CiOvernment. Its principal business will
be the handling ef Canada's foreigi ex.
change probleme.,% It will also serve as
banker to the hanks.
briefly, is an outline of its elle:
characteristics but they may be some-
what modified' as debate progresses It
the House. .
The amazing thing is that a, tentral
bankis being created in Canada at all,
our years ago there did not seem to be
the most remote posssibility of such a
thing. Conditions change in %hese days,
with- astounding rapidity. .The need for
an institution by means of which Can-
ada could retain some control over her
foreign exchange became apparent two
years-agoi-buifieggeStions Oen at •that
-appeared to haVe been'a matter Of time, that a bank be created met with
• *lei, the-SiVerage-'diZratidri "Or-Whith 'VerrgefferatoPpositien. Now it is-"Sotire
bad been_ about thirty _years. For three to be a ,foet. It _constitutes one more
mit thplanting and harvest
?.1 -i Canada in the field of internatio- n.al
decades comparatively ' mild Weatherbit of evidence 'of the importancel of*
would per
Mg Of satisfactory - Crops. :417102 the commerce.
el/Mate turning colder.. in re few ',years
Winter would last through most of the
year. •
When that happened people had little
or nothing to eat save fish which the
wild storms would make very difficult tO
tate.h. In these periods the population
. would...decine lamest -to -the. =vanishing
, poInt,_ either through emigration • or
through lessened fecundity due ' to mal-
It is to be hoped that the tuisatisfee-
tory condition in the Collegiate* Insti-
tute will be quickly remedied. Those
parents whose children have been going
--tothe rink several times-a--week,-pro-
bably have not thought of the effect on
the others' who Wciuld like tO go 100. It
Is not to be thought of that the high
In'theching up -the -records of Iceland standing of our Collegiate should be 1111-
he studied the- great redwood "trees of Perilled.
California. Strangely enough, the growth • 0 0
rings o.nj10ie.t140 cerressiended- almost let_weelea_colunill under t1ie_1111
exactly to the variations of_ cliiriate ID of' "Your Health," will be' found an or.
Xteland. .ticle on piateuriaation of milk, sponsor-
. -period of wenn' Weather in the ed by the Canadran SocTar Itygiezie
I:leathern country was usually accompan. Council. It win be ,worth *while reading
10 sin-estris dried growth ring inlise for anyone. The pesteurheation er milk'
trees. -
le neoZt11osct1ijngwIeb-wiUultt
l .
These and other evidentes tended to ruttelY be Unlveritel. At that time We
;how that +climate is a matter of cycles
shall wonder why, .the long delay in
everrehere4 ne even found evidence
bringing in legiilittion which is so ob-
' that 14101elit 9iten much vlonslY for 011r own good.
'eolder than it ever gets now. ervations he •came --to the
eonclusion that the climate was,a much
More - fuipiartsint thing than had been
commonly • supposed, leaving indelible
-Inerki on the characteristics of the
'else concluded that this continent
-tries _sUbject to the same cyclic Changes
which, affected Iceland and thatVeriods
of cold laid Mild Areathei *era certain
and one-third, poUnds_cf_gold Is a trifle.
to follow eteli other. If he was correct
his-dethictitins WO shall- probably liave1341wle•idY` - •
VIVI %Intel% 'tenet /11 severity 40t1*
„i _A,
*ttenJ.,. UToro the ileXt WM% sll PeGERNI4N-. owl- TO -
_- - strikes us_ TilUR CURRIE
New Bank 01-Canade6ler wilrbe re-
deemable in gold.. That is ,11 and when
you acctimulate notes to the Value Of
.413;600, you may go into :;,110; banking
()Mee in Ottawa and ask for the gold.
They ;will, maybe, hand you out -a bar
weighing_ 400 ounces.- Certainly You
taut get less. If you are in a hum
better 'bring a truck.along. Thirty-three
THE BANK OE CANADA . 'the. Legioitary
It is not likely tlia.t any legislation,
.will be intrOduced during :the present
-*Won of Perliament comparable in
itnpottance to the 'bill providing for the
Creation of Inc new ental bank. '
vitt _how's bas „ieldatu_ljeett. insuclt
complete -agreement on any measure., •
Widle differences of opinion will
A- remarkable incident occurred at
the memorial' service' to 'Sir Arthur
", held in a Portland, Oregini,
thlarth Utiderthe 'auspices of the local
branch of the Cansdian .Legion, and at-
tended by the branch batnibA..rs," the
Ameritan Legion Post, representatives of
the UziltA States Apity end -Navy, and
the ,.Conauls of, Great, ailtalilk: Vallee+.
Helglinn, Japan. sand. otrittioY.
The bektititUl theist service had
Meet come t close when tletitenent
idoubtless 'art* as te the.certil,h,l_feetitres If. IL Roder, Conunander of the German
• et the Act, so far the tolliPeittlo* hits Legion at Portland, arose old aid':
been In claiming credit for tile Mese All •';''In itlerrnanY we litMOr 411 heroes -,no
parties are Certain that they thought of Matter what their nationality. In the
first„ . Pages of bermany's Aistory of the Great
War, Oeneral.Currie is mentioned as the
As a matter of fact it la mote 14441041.,greatest General the Wet._ Produced.
In some respecti than rtnY one expectedfled 14 noi been for you Canadiat and
The ow, foe*/ closely the gettios the far-seeing tactics of Sir Arthur Cttr7
little- heed to the modi-1 *wad:, been OM" writevi Herveyt'4itisut:
settiela ehdosted'bk the Oanadian Para Itoder's short, address wasi-pheartily 400
let that body.
• plauded by the congregation who round
Briefly, the pun' may. be warmed , It ImPossible lo contain their
Slam, evz*.a churclii" •
linder a few heads.'
the . majority of the momman cont.• " rte.., victory would most ,tertainly have
The none ,Ilank 01 Canada, was used,
ID, Place ot National Sauk of Canada
hieh *Lanky. Ve01* expectedbecause. of
the present use of the letter title by the,
Itteneh ioatialdiart Baratne NatiOnade, du
It it 40 1* publicly' oWned tottead pf
Owned by, the government, There will
"be 'OA* 'therm* $1** eaeh and sky
**Ada subjeci feit" not
*tore thin SO •
/t take oVer the laaning 04
o4* 2W 1�M10 y'the go` Virnment
*it boa now., tu
tvittxtrom Mot
War*, ^ Oita*
nPVtil"; e apo
aa th()ngli
•Po flot ,say, lithe .hatt sang gerlietin
the ' evenitlit,=" Sty,' •"She,•" A'Ang•Q • 0r,
"She had sunir.
Do het: Say, "Flew, set ori the lleneb."
say, sitoon the bench."
Use brbag ealgesis, Makin tortrde
PeTten or thing, entre to egPress motion
aW& y, from.
Do not say, '"Witere' has the child
gene to?" Omit to .
Po not say, 'He Ilna _been pretty :Pc-
eessfid.' 66sy H� hese been Very (or
rather) suetteasful."-
Words Often Mispronounced
Obeisance..PrOnonnce o -ba -sans,"
as in no, drat a as in bay, second a as
in an unstressed, accent,,second syllable.
Nothing. Pronounce the 0 ai lil son,
not as in of. • ,
Impotence. Accent first syllable, not
the second.
Israel: Pronounce iz-ra-el, not is-ra,-
Prussic. Pronounce prus-ik, u' as in
art as in lick, accent first syllable. •
-time Pronounce the i as in in, not
sense. .
, Words Often rithwpdied
Earring; two es. Parterewati. Ob-
serve the vowels. Dyspeptic; _flys, not
clis. Embarrass; two. r's and two s's.
Underrate;, two r's.' Ma..squerade. Ob-
-serve the quer. •
Tile story it told' Or a pie -vendor be -
Ing putscouted, for adulterating bis. Pt.$$*
"You' advehise these as rabbit Pies."
said the Judge "end the cornPlaint, Is
that some $dfir eitttoiners hive found
horse -meat 'In the*. What .bot yon to
„yr, •
adMit:% Put Uttle horse -meat ID
them tour Wier; but It lat,ilte tiny-
ilfty as between the belie and the rib,
"What do you mettlio hItY.filtyt"
"lialt4indiduldt,„ our Itonor bns
hoot, one rabbit."
*10 14
' 041 * costar, 48
• We 4011$ 1104) 14.01i4ettlir 70flat *OU14
be result U,s modern . rieWepePer made
'entilletit'ebnPleT •
:the 26th or .4u*,. my, :WAS InaX,
rietVat Ofireneide,, Ur; Alwitrd. Scott, tar
eininent teller and ItOlt.nleiterr°0-f Kirk -
t0 MO Vett,' .,0048,- of
Lowhain. s Yonter• lady Whole Att.-fictive
accOMPliShntente are. 1.1*.P91$1010.
ipe*tidizeti by a large fella*. The ID -
equality of, the settee of thle couple °oat-
sioneo moniv
d the eoMPOsitien• of the
In thiscnew4:::01%44:11 '
Omen*/ of 180 *OPS4r0
The bridegreones' far ',Owed in years.
His partner young and fiIr.,
11 the Joint years of Man and wile,
Be multiplied by V",
ThZiscP111ActtheWlitelir Dn.- 1" life'
Or If. the taller's age you square,
And that by nine divide,
The quotient Will to you declare,
The square years of the bride.
From •what Is aaid, the public may,:
With ease their ages scan;
But, Ohl for mercy's sake I pray;
Pity the' poor Old man. _
• Here Is a nice problexn for the reathe.
matically: inclined. And, we fancy, it
was a problem tO know whit to do with
the 'eminent tailor', when he came in
looking kr the editor with his fowling
piece all primed and ready. We hope
that the pleasant things said 'about the
bride helped, somewhat, to mollify his
just anger.
* * ,* •
Absolve, acquit, free', Pardon, exoner-
ate, forgive, liberate, release.
• Caress, fondle; coddle, kiss, embrace,
pet, pairiper.
, Hide, cover, conceal, secrete, screen;
disguiser -veil,- suppress, •
Remark, comment, •,observatien, ,note,
Carousal, debauch, orgy, revelry, jol-
lification, .drinking -bout.
Pertness, sauciness, impertinence, im-
pudence, boldness, forarardness, flipane,Y.
Word Stay
-Word-threetImeS and
yours." ,Let us increase our vocabulary
by mastering one word each. day. Worth
for this lesson:
IMMISCIBLE; not capable of being
mixed. "A chaos • of immiscible and
conflicting particirdworth.
' -APITITUDE: "nitturatOr-aeldred"-eitir-
acity for a particular purpose. "He was
a, boy of remarkable aptitude."----ddsc,-
INCONSIS'rENT; -contradictory; lUo
Stories ozi the Scotch are not such a
'-ibeiing be any evidence. And it's nojtainilig- in the weekly field, due -to -cut ,•
, q1.4stiztetel• Standard/
I hu bern. announced already that
one and tlitO ,d0lisr bilis-4'8111110er able
may 10:14atied When ,the nevi central
bank is in operation. _P!Get litiOng;)llttle
dollar, get along,"
ptharitiec, agree that everything must follow.
Why not get your
-rgoor.atitar ,Hvos0Eurrit
(Tare Leader) .
abaci hist' ender the- NRA the
Ainerietin authorities have destreyed
0,000,000 hogs; Yet even then the Prices
are less than •holf that being Paid ("an!
Whin rfernters Odel.
• Wingham Advance-Tintes,i,
• Government is going to restore
all ex -soldier pensions,' which were dis.
ciaitinued without a hearing It was a
mistake to atoO'pensions ha such a high-
handed manner and the Government
now realises this.
and Empire)
'Those who 'believe that INTaziism and
Fasc,ism are virtually the same thing
oughtto note that the Pope has refused
to release the hold of the church upon
Catholid'young people in Germany. In
Italy, Fascism, and the church- dwell In
amity and mutuol respect. • '
Kincardine Review -Reporter: We
would suggest to the President and
VitneCiel of -the Canadian Ireekry Rews-
o naw it will c�st orla0c in cV
bought now
SEE' •
and get a deinonitratiOn.
one 586
1 --
A woman aske for divorce beca,use her
huslund pulled her over his knee and
spanked her., There ls nothing funny
about this" except that she alleges men-
tal cruelty on his part.
** • •
The wide difference in temperatures
recorded in the newspapers may be ac-
counted for in part by the impossibility
of having the same thermometer every-
where at the same time.
We suspect that thermometers some-
times,refiect local sentiment as well as
atmosphere. If a town wishes to outdo
Fwhikeitieer_a_thermemet_e_r can alwan
be found able and ,willing to, register lo -
papers' Assoglation that conditions per: aspirations and civic pride,
t 1 _ _
recent pleesan ry after all 1 the fol-
• f price houses from the cities canvassing_ •* * *
such a bad yarn at that. • It's entitled
NEGRO A'ITACiEVIENT. tion of the conimittee headed by. Hon. •• Senater tiara. Ilton-Letvis says the St.
. , _for work, might _be _drawn to the -atten-
Lawrence Waterways will ' never pay.
A Scotch merchant, in the island of IL H. Sevens. ,Nearly everything else He must admit, however, that they • are
Jamaica,' had among his - slaVeS, - one -has been drawn 'to the attention Of this in a strong liquid position. .
whom he very Much disliked, and treat- committee so the . weekly newspapers instead of stabilizing the French franc
ed him with the greatest severity; a 'Might as well be investigated..
-Mutual dislike soon_grew_on_the_pa - the people of France should pay some
Quashy;. nbt only .40 his , master but. to
all Scotchnien. Sunday being his holi-
day, he bought at the waterside sonie Simcoe Reformer: Haileybury public
fry (a small -fish like sluimps) ,and cal- school trustees evidently think highly of
led past his master's doer, "Fine Scotch- their teloing staff as a report from that
men, they're love!. Seotollmeill buy my town states that the Board has taken
,Scotchinen a• -rage, -gig- -11114§-44. .1. inCY-Pas-.4ng.
tailed to him, "What. have you there?" teachers' salaries for the current term.
-"Scoteliman; ..).(02sa." "Let Me .look. The principal was given an axiditional
"Why, you reseal, these are shrimps'; $100 to- bring his salary to $2,000 per
how dare you call them Scolehmen ?" ann• beenunte,ngwahengaged
ile oonthaminimumer-teacher
who $90h7,1.
se y- an earlier ,Troardrizave -been
granted an additional 450 ...each. These
inereases were znade while economics -in
other directions were put inte effect to
Ir(tet the larger pay checks. '
"Oh, Massa, look here,dera stick .togeth-e
eat "Ms' exPlaluttl°n was' In41(318ist- like Scotchmeih-Oome--one, einie
COVETOUSLY: very desirously:- avari-
ciously. "He he4 been covetously long-
• or -the --money."
APPERTAIN; to belong or pertain, es
by right, nature, Or • custord. "1211r4S
Oat appertain -to this li4e."-t4looker.
INVOIATNTARY; not uncter the In-
fluence or control of the will. "It was
an involtUttal, &Ct."
A Scotsman holding an important job
ID the City Was always being twitted by
an English friend about his nationality.
By a curious chance the two met on a
"Hallo," chaffed the Englishman,
"liow-o-n earth 1S -your office managing
to get on without you?" • .
"Fairly well," answered the Scot Cas-
ually. "You see, I left two _Englishmen
and a Welehinen in my plece." -
e ,* * *
old Lady: "You don't chew tobacco
do you, little boy?" ••
Little Boy: "No, Ma'am but I .could -
let you have a cigarette.",
* * .0 5
They are being -zraade by someone
eVery day. Recentlya regrettable but
rather -humorous, error .crept lnto tlits
cOl_tunn. when It Said- Stud • the annual
-banquet of the leitsiball Club was "hell"
at Caesaeit. .Needless to say, this was a
typographical -slip and the world should
have 'been "held." --Port Hope Otilde,
• • * . '
The defendant in a damage case cal-
led. on his Solicitor the day after' he had
won lila elitim IDtourt.
The Solleiter handed. him a cheque.
"But What deei this mean?" exclaim,*
ed thiscilent *-4Thts is Milk mite -
fifth of the nitaittyl. yeei'Ve rttAined fOur..
fiftlur for yourself."'
"Well, what about !tr.._ said the soli-
citor Cooly. "I furnished the, skill, the
eloquence, and the necessary legal learn-
ing 'Which Won the case."
Sal& the client, ,"but Z furnish-
ed the ease!" . .
Sal the other but anybody
eintid break 'lib
* •
"Allow Me to intinduce the •inan who
itu written lnore nonsense than any
Other man .1 knelt.", "
; "What is he,,'S: Journalist?"
• "No, thOrthand Writer to the Monet
of Conunons." '
* * *
"All Veit lingers botnid up! What
have you done'?"
'I bought my wife, a potato mitt for
her bitihdaY,' and when ,she •staid 'she
Cedidn't Mike it Work I had te,sb�W
her Ito* Simple -it, ya;s:'
Dottor (after lard day's witit)4
"What's the Metter with you, MY MAW'
Patient (holding right leg): "A pain,
"Where's the pain?"
sltiglat *ere,' doctor."
.44:Right ear?' Then Why 44
Intir lett?'
whlch *a
411 haVe tair
ndy °IVO Ulisesst
OW& k tot
u hold-
twenty, every time." • The master did
not forget • the first opportunity , to
scratch Quashy's back. After some time
the master was laid -on his death becL
Touched with remorse at the reftection
°Ube severity he had- trotted the popr
tle.a.ttre ;with, he sent for him to Ids
bedside. "Well, Quashy, rm going to
die.""Oh, Massie no itickeraboo Yet"
must. r now fed I base been 13irminghani University, says that as the
tOo Waal evIth 'Yot" "Oh. mass& you taint of 40 years' Observation, he hes)
• (Brussels Post)- -
Sir Charles Robertsen, orinolPal -01
like thcome to the 'conclusion that 'the per"
flog me e de ff." "To make you
some amends, Ill give • you your free-
centage of really first class brains in any
class or all classes of the nation is very
small -perhaps four or -at most 5 pet
cent. 0! the whole." This coincides with,
the remark, not lotig ago, of a U. S.
Professor who said that 'he -believed that
there might be 20o unusually hitelligent
individeals in the States but he
"thought, perhaps that the figure was a
bit too high." 'Carlyle also is credited
with the remark that the population of
fthe British Isles mostly consisted of
ools. It would thus seem that the rest
Art Irishman having bought a sheepe.. of- us will have to do the best we can
head, had been to ci friend for a dine-
tkon tb dresss it. As he wee returning:
repeating the method,. and holding his
purchase under his Ann, a dog snitched
it and ran away, 4NO1V, my dear joy,'
said libel Irishman, '4What a fool
l -osf ttyou
rayorselfWhat te Wll it b
to You as you de no. knew hosit s o
• With all the to do about the value of
the pound ,stirling, and dollars and
francs, it -is interesting .to know What
was the Ivsilues Of foeeign mOnles ,ilt
terms of 'Stirling in the early- part of
last century,
1Ierels a list, and see if you knoW all
the 'coins. None of them are in com-
mon use today hithe'esemtrieS niention7
ed. -
dom." "Bless your heart, Massa"Any
thing else you can ask of me?" "Yes,
Massa, one little favor. When Quashy
dead, let him bury close alongside of
you." +Affectionate creature! But why
so?'" "Because when the devil come, he
be so busy about you, he forget Quashy."
* * *
After -one -on-the-Scotch it is only fair
a give another on the List'. It's in the
Usual Irish • vein.
Crittede (Portugal) ... ..... . lb 0 3 8
D'Oriat littpanishY ' " 6 4 Of ,
thicat Witte). .. . .. .... .....,..... ' I) 0 -9 '
Ducat (PlanderS) "0 9 • 8
_Florin tditto) . " 0 *6
'Florin (tlerMany) ' '" 0 I 10
Livte (Prance) - " 0 0 10 •
Moidore (PertUg) • *" I 1 0
Pagoda (Asia)
0 , 8 9
Piastre (tPardsh/ • --- - "0 ' 8 7
Piet:ale . (ditto) ", ',.0 1-e_. 9_
Alai (ditto) " 9 o 5
_ ,
Who ever heard of a Crusade or of a.
Pagoda? tit they would buy things and
actually 104 a value in the internation-
AI Money. market, - -?robabl-t4ie--0o111
coliedtdrs bite slittimens of all et :Mae
long disused coinsbut to the average
man they are Just as unknown as the
variety of 'stays, if any. which Ceasar's
Wife wore. .
with what we have.
a. •
M * tO
1tere*s an interesting bit of infOriatte
Ove" -CfreL The Free Press London
4315 to 6.-341-p.ra,
March 5 -National Secialisni in Ger-
many arid Austria (Socialist Phase).
' Dr. it A. Allen
March 6 -National Socialism In Ger-
' many and Ausitria (Nationalist Phase)
' Dr. R. A. Allen
March 7 -The BaCkground of Britteh
Politics since 1918.
Dr. A. 0. Dorland
March 8 -British 'Political Leaders Since
, 1016.
• . Dr. A. 0. Dorland
March 9--Britiah Political. Issues since
I9/0. -
Or. A, 0. Dorland
.rmir sronigtsrr vuvitaAns
March 12 -An Arts WoMan views Her
University. Miss ,IViargery Ream
*arch 13 -An Art& Man Views His Ifni -
•treaty. Mr. John Symons.
March,14-A. Medical Student Views Ills
University. Pahner McCermick.
March 15e -Ari Athlete 'iette
veraity. Mr. Stewart Ward.
Mirth 10-A Student in Publie Health
shit AtieWs.---.11er-University„--• ••
lass Mary Rutherford,
IN' ITV WORLD or scIrsot
,Morch, 19 -Chemistry Surmounts the be.
pressDr. J. A. Gunton.
Mar1x20-The Infinite universe.
Dr. R. 0.Dearle:
March 21 ---The Itifleitesitital Universe.
tion,, about the nuirtherl of newsP.0,01$ • 1)r 14 DeArli"
printed. in Great 13i1tain a century ago.' ittardi 22 The 'Itathematical-ttniver&e.
ne number Of' newspapers PuVished March 23t --The Metaphysical Itniverse.
In the.thIltetl Iting-dom it this, time Js, Ito 1.1;- Pe,arle.
2110,, of whielt 1 issue from the rnetro-
pilis, *rem thet 'Provinces of ogland 0114 Out
and. Wslelci *1 OM "Afe.tland, 54 rom. "I, thought you wet* secretary of the
Stager 0114#t letlertilkY
Irelehtt watt freSitt the Wand* of $er- booiety. raid you
sC7, Olietheet. 04. Uwe than one& '
fifth (if the Whole emanate 1rottt London gtt nred?"
"Yes, I was tea efficient?"
The tritittasionds' Were well Served ovinott loll mat, too .ettoicatr,
troth nosposer. ptika a irk*. It *Teo frieurny00
Viotild,be interesting to'inlow *hat their
‘ehletil 4141t4;1414 ItAe'llteh44144 vdth the iitsith' tionot be looked.' VA 't
rather `454
lot rate Of' Merv,' at that time chili that la alibied to WOritS,- beia
attention- to -the---stabilization
French goveniment,: ,
• .5 * 5
None but the supreme authority in
any -country 'should be allowed to organ-
ize and drill an army. A private army,
such- as -Sir -Crwald,- Mosely-is-alleged to•
have organized, is a menace even in such
a- law-abiding -country as England.
* *
"tong live the Nine" shbuted the
'Paris rioters.- Fortunately for him there
is no such person in France.
* • 5
It Would be safer to be PreSident of
Mexico or of Cuba than th be King 0!France, yet there are -claimants willing
to take the throne. But the Bourbons
learned nothing and forget noPing.
One would have thought they would
have learned by this thne that e cham-
pagne, etete will 'not stand for a -Bciubon
tl*t 14ecittitut°41itiot$340e. 444.001* " " WOrres (WW1 health b* 'ereatint Inter-
** IM dittutbantes tut ret*r4 ueveioprutel
eseuse $ittiousi weilmess, *meet
voitott* oriel Worts end Ma
41 bMteflc4*t ita the* Attion that the
4 tem* 04 t10 little sutterent are
4 40 .441inftlteectkort' °I"ntan8er* 04 ere
cloth *
* *
The man whojias charge of the U.S.
government's grain Operations is Dr.
Mordecai Ezekiel. If his parents- could
only have foreseen his destiny they
would surely have called himoseph.
* * *
A dairyman, Clifford Robinson, who
installed radio in his stables and who
keeps it going- during milking time is
attthority for the statement that cows
grow restless and give intik reluctantly
arrdd, jazz and blare but give freely and
abundantly when soft soothing, senti-
mental music is in the air. He does not
'say • Whether crooning is included in the
latter-category,Abut-we-suspect-it is and
that his cows liave not tired•of it yet.
proves to us that cows are 'fond of music
co -.4„6
and we suggest that some enterPrislog
dealer in milk products_ sponsor a dairy
hour with a program designed to draw
' milk from contented cows.
* *
Censuring Douglas Fairbanks for his
marital inadelities, a writer says that
'for his success in filmdom he is owing
much- to Mary Pickford. Perhaps. But
her former husband was Owen More.
* * *
The Speaker of the House of Com-
mons has put a stop to ladies knitting in
the galleries and all -will be well if the
members b_elew will get down to theirs.
* * *
- -
Dallfuss threatened to report to the
League of Nations that perman -Nazis--
were interfering in the internal affairs
of Austria. 'Hitler can plead that as he
has left school he is no longer subject
to teachers ,discipline.
* *
The ex -Kaiser resents the Story that
in the
-he is one -o
teorld. It is enough to make him mad
especially if it is true and more espe-
cially if it is not true.
•• •• rM's
Meteorologists cannot explain what
caused this winter's cold weather. They
can, hardly be bianied 'for that; "seeing
thee/doctors cannot 'say what starts the
coramon cold. • ••
* * ' *
There is no use 18 asking the Naziatce___ _
:confine- their, ,activities----to-their -Men
country. Like ' the Frensh Revolution-
ists and the Russian', Ilolsheviki, they •
leen' it their duty th preach their gos-
pel in every country: If it creates _trou-
ble and mischief elsewhere so much the
- better. Their new-fsund freedom be-,
comes a religion and they become ,evan-
gelists. for they think other ' countries
are living in darkness' and serfdom.
If you have Catarrhal Deafness or
head and ear noises or are growing bard
-of hearing go to your druggist anii get 1
ounce of Parmint (double strength). and
add to it % pint of ,hot water and a
little granulated sugar. Take -1- table- -
spoonful four times a day.
This will eften bring quick relief from.
the --distressing head noises. Clogged
nostrils should open, breathing become
easy and the mucus stop Cirepping into
the throat. It ;/.3,,fetisy to prepare, costs
little „and ls pleasant to take. Anyone
who has catarrhal deafness or head
-noises- should-- give .-„this • prescription a
Itrial. '
WikYour Poultryfrobleins._
Have you any poultry problems that are bother-
ing you? How to get better egg production -
How to fix up your brooder house-JHow to
keep cbickil from crowding, etc., etc.?
If so, we invite you to call on Mr M K. Fenstron ofgray
Chick liatchery. Mr. Funstcin IS a practical poultryman, and
his services are 'MEE to all Bray customers. Simply phone the
manager or our neal'est Branch Hatchery, or write direct to
St. Catharmea office. Ask for a copy of our FREE boolatet--
‘BMillAeYgellnWaCirlilrATPC"IlitYRYS,I11c0elesCslainyblu9r3n4.A"ve., St, Catharines,
• Ontario. '
,13rooder mitt Office, W. Charlesworth, Clinton.
Eight Breeds-:.Eightli Year of Blood -Testing -Sixth Year
Government Approval.
trY our Alberta Coal from the Foothills in
Alberta 'which hae proven itself to be A
most wonderful coal: Order some and test it
and you will. burn .no other,
• We also carry a full lint- of
Anthratite, Pocahontas, Steam Coal
. '06kec.
,Por Plumbing, Watling, Tinsmtithing,
ShOf luta Heal/ Hardware
. faiVE Us A CALL "