The Goderich Star, 1934-03-01, Page 1, "IV ,Itlet V ' • :404. • ql•ki.:A vor The, prOvineial re1ie departinent in • the person of Inspeeter „MOTO called a few days ago and commended the logal authoritietehlgbly, on the town' wood - lot echeme as an aid, in solving *16,10041 relief problein. Be • is: aping to tell .other municipalities about It, As a• *matter of fact, it does seem to be a good idea, and one which bids fair to zeturn an actual revenue to the town, Several hundred eardsc of wood .have been iciltf already, and 'more is. in sight No exact figures have beenecom,piledbut a month ago' it Was thought that all wood had been taken off, only to find that there was more .4411 to toine. When all is cut there will still be the land free for the town to sell or use in a. new deal. - The 'Welfare Board has not heard 'anything officially of last Week's meeting of the unemployed It is thought that It was mainly a one-man affeir, • . --Comrnencinge-Mareh---Istr-thee-Welfgre _33oarcts.willsepeyeeooe-ha1fe ,.the bilis for attendante on, these on, the doctore, tosupplyefeeded medicine. -This step .ie- generally conuneaded as the local physicians have been giying their services gratis while praceically all other •oomniimities have been paying thein on a regular scale. Free work and free medicine meant •en 'unreaeon- -able deairretoretheeeloctorsesieSource they, In common with- other classes, have been having difficulty in collecting even supposedly good accounts. , Net Alitele Neetit• Gathered eke* ReetA Frees tarred ' About a dozen of the 10eol unemployed gathered in lkiaOHOY Hallon SattirdttY,` elfetittig, ireerllarY 04. to discuss some of thOr''PrObleintis,clia,r10.4, TWatnleY, llrnee street, ik'Stild to:have been responsible for iiebett**: lthOwh or what trehelilred'es‘ the'first thing he'tfid"Whert, he appeared was to ask the representatives of the press to retire: , No representationa have . Yet been =Ade to the 'Welfare Board or. to eirlY other reepeneitee persons as a result ..of the meeting •Twataleer bee had some little diffieulty in ineeting realderiee regu- lations , in his dealings with the town authorities Which may have had somel thing to do With his calling the meet- ing. FRPME-IfELle WANTED e W• OMEN' WANTED.--Woinen wanted to sew for u at home. Sewing Machine necessary. No selling. ON- TARIO NECKWEAR COMPANY, De- partment 258, TerrOnto 8. CRIMINAL 4CTION TRIED /is Lordship Defends "Grant'l Jury • la Reply to A.diliess of Welcome A. Courtney Ic.ingstones .,,TuStice of the Stipreme Court Of Ontario, opened the regular session: Of the spring aSeizes on Monday morning, Vebrilary, 26th, in the Court Itemise, Goderich. was -welcomed. gracefully. On:his first visit- to 00deriell, by, Mr L E. Dancey, preeident'Of the eluron ,County Law Association. In congratulating the Justice on his- elavation_te_the Supreme Court, he spoke of the high standard -sat WANTED " by his predecessors and expressed eonfl- - eaesee--e-a-a•-- dence that- such standard would be fit. VACAN'T.-Reperter to tin gar upheld by the new incumbent. sentl-nevis--of-new- that Mr. stice StatItingstone iMtery and *Stage . ter- 'N'rala'-'bTI;paed-lftTt/IY' years- ttregrace ppi1EetgAleeee e _ new ehileieleeees and teesinees pT esting work for spare, time; Write new the bench for Particulars. evtaeLEAN 111/111DING In replying, his Lordship stated that REPORTS LTD„ 345 'Adelaide St W., he had heard many nice things about Toronto, Ont. Goderieh from his friend, Mr, Juetice Garrow, an old • Goderich boy, and that 10 the i'Dis", .'*t yor Nelnitert , • Wed, Veer' Plalmed in ' pace court last Week .that 114Oor *dispellearieS kept Seeierate 'record d the t Whereabouts of bottles Of Mow* '!ilicild" to customers by Means of the ip.4e1V numbers „ On the Iabels, , The argennent "'reel,- out of the dis- covery by the .POlice of al -bottle at e Regielea hafeteeliOThe rhich. he aecountingceleld ntit give a eatielleid magistrate told birteto eto out and prove his leant, ' • The liquor storese In London sae' that the numbers �n 'bottles mean nothing to thein, and that any one tail* to prove itTlYthing.bY there Is out of luck, Maybe Fled dia not .get his bottle in London. ••••••,, , EXECUTORS! SALE EXECUTORS" SALE OF • PROP5RTy. -the _of -the elate William Coats Will offer for sale. by Publie auction, on. Saturday, the 3rd tlay toff Marcits_gt12 Velock noon, at the of- fice of Hays emd• Hays, Hamilton Street, Goderleh, Ont e the following property: TARIM, ,NC). , composed of ' Lot No. 874 in the Teem of Goderich, on which there is situate a substantial red bekka reSidence;' Y-71traiiiii modern con- veniences, hardwood floors throughout, • ete. .PARCEL -NO: tompoeed of -a garden or building lot on St. Vificent Street, Goderich. „ This Pt-Opel:4' wlll be geld felhieet to ieserved bid. ieispection of the etei- tienteaneYeb.-hred Ort_applicatioreto the- undersigaed. , 'TERM.S.--Ten per cent e of purchase -- price at .the time of the sale and th.e balance' Within 30 days.. For futther partitulars apply to HAYS and HAYS, Hamilton iet., • AUCTION SALES he was very glad to have the opportun- ity vieitihg the taws Ildt1:1°14 SALE' OF LIVE! ST°C4C In addressing the Grand Jury, his RtAIN lordship spoke „ strongly in defence 0-f this aritient institotion as'a bulwark of liberty and • a safeehard against- disre- spect' for the law. He was very much opposed to its abblition as had been 'pro- posed recently in the interests of econ- omy, Through it's medium, the -public was enabled 6 taki Pert In r tion of justice and so to, gain respect through knowledge. It had many times saved_ innoeent men the anxiety,_humil- -iatiba and expense of a trhij,_ • The four civil actions slated for this UCTION REAL ESTATE sitting were quickly disposed of. SALE eealeree,weetspeemeermea , The action of the Teusts and Guaran- MR. W 5 RAYMOND will sell bypublic auction at his Prem- ises, lot 8, concession 8 (one-half mile north of Loyal), on MONDAY, MARCH 12th, 1934, - commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. , Threfeelttieeteefive coWee _eight ,ealyee, one yearling heifer, five two -Year-old cattle, one sow, 15 hogs, poultry, and a quantity of wain; • TERMeee-aC. ;ash_ We _Se ItAftWeND, T. GllNDRy, Proprietor, , Auctioneer, • T oinis yenlock Set Free By Jury 11Fillilitf Atrerof'Legtd''Talent-=- ManYrSOectetors, Only Fninr Witntaies Heard 'After deliberating. for forty minutes, the petit 'inry in the case of Thomas Ciovenlock, young Ravenswood , teacher ccusecteofelndeeent--assault-onere son of ;Muriel Fitmegan, Egmondville, filed intb the court and returned a ver- dict 'of "mat giallty." ' J. W. Moore was foreman of the. jury. - Thls dramatic. end of, a case which has held- the ateentioneof seme littadreels Of spectatorsfortwo days of 'hard gen- ling by eminent counsel, was Unexpected Eingstone's charge to the 'jury 011 Wednesday morning, had made it .sethe that another verdict was # It is considered. that the jury was iiifittented by the fact that there was no Middle course. Govenlock had to be. guilty or innocent... Guilt spelled the' possibility 'of three years in pent. tentiary- and apparently the jury could not -see that the ,offence warranted this, Hiso; lordship,. .fn.:Aininentirig tul the Yer*t,,efie,itt14-il,,don*'*kW,P.gtt are* With, ytiu..' you very lenient.' Turning to the. ;prisonerehe addressed him as follows:, "You are a very for. tunate young man. The jury has taken a very lenient view of 'your _case. Your behavior has been eetzch aa to ba Open to severe' eritieista. As a -yoang man occii- pying _the. _Position of teather. of ehil- dren, your cOnduct has been, shocking You Are 23- years of age. I advise that yeu make a new start in life. In future r trust that you will. conduct yeurself better. ',You are free ;to go." . With sigh which was visible to the (gontinued on page 5) . . `tee Caemeaerly--ofeTorhler „ e A4oilzitstr4tor 9! the late_ John -'WOrsell wassettled" out of court. nd -GeOri(0430ette• eoffereag for sale- the divivce ca:se of !Webber vs. Web, treerehieee real- estate ber was traversed to the -non -jury sit - tinge of .the Supreme CoUrt on May 15th, • Tile action of the IWO. brother s met ..over--vbeirAugst.,:buStueq: etlerred back to the parties emecerned to see if some settlement could not be arrived at On „ Tuesday, the legal representa- tives,' Hays and Hays, for the plaintiff, and is. E. Dancey for the defence, ap- peered in court and reported that a partial settlement had been arrived, at but that certain features would be re- ferred to the sitting of the Supreme dealt In May. The action arising in Clinton between Levis and Hiefearct Over moneys involved in transfer of property and in certain motor car dealings, was declared to have ance---due March a.nd- Aprill one team. been- settled out of court. young hoses; one colt; a complete out- The one remaining case was that of fit of farm machinery. Thomas Govenlock, young Ravenseebod 'Few further Pereiculars* eft bill. . .sehael teacher ,who was accused by an TERMS 00' sAlimeattels, 10 per centday of citsh• Egmondyfile girl- of sera. and indecent Real Estate, , ott sale; -balance iter30 days thereafter... •• This caseehanded to ,the Grand Jury, • CARLING fee MORLE're' "a"toolcmost of their time for the day. SglietteaLkit--Admintstra.afW-rrin they brought in a mixeler. true verdict of assault but reported bele the graver charge. , - A petit jury was 4earekly impanneIed, there being five challenges by the Crown NITURE. • and four set aside by the defence. Hie Lordship allowed the jury to re- turn to their honies for the night after instructing them Carefully to refrain from discussing thieegaie with anyone while the trial was on,..... ' FOR SALE OR TO RENT -(eubjettete rre hids) and lathe -chat- tels, by auction on ')ot 111, Hayfield Reed Sooth, in the Townehlp of Stanley, Varna, en„., . ••,• -TUESDAY,- a/buten lithe 1-64 • commencing at one o'clock Real , Estatee-Lot No. 18, Baylield 'Road South, in the Township of Stan- eeey, containing 100 acres. On this ferret Is a veneered brick house in feir repair; f eh it d 7 ie.; Goderich Ont. acre o or ar an ac of bush, Lot 29, Hayfield Concession, in the T. GUNDRY Se Son, Auctioneers, Tovmstilp of Goderigh, containing 61,e Goderich, Ont.- acres grass laud and cedar ,bush. Lot- ereemeeepoRs, 8ALE op mis—r—Logss. No..13 in the village Of Verna, on which - TIAL PROP:ERTY. is situated a lee story frame house in , Ka .••••••••••••.0. TheeExecutoe of the estate of the late P- Carey 'WM offer for.sale by public Aoctions.-atr--the .premisess--on Saturday, 1VCarc1z 3rd, cominentitig at 1.30 o'clock In the afternoon, the following real estate: , - Lot -,-Part of. St. George's Block north of the Crescent in the Twin of Gode- rich,...beitig-moreapartioularly-deseribed in -a Certain deed 'which will be produced at the time of the sale. 'flagetherewette-LiaingeRoona-trall; Bede- koOnv ,anq Mietellaneous Furniture, Dishes, Bedding and. Garden Tools, and other-articlea-tesaellumetous to Mention, The Real &state will be sold subject to a reserved bid. • - TERMS. -Ten per cent. ef the pur- chase price at the time of sale and the balatee Within, 30 days • from the, date of sale. e . Tenths On household goods and effects, sash. For further particularsapply to 'ttria• HAYS, liamilltOn" St. Ooderieh, ont T.: GUNDRY ete Son, Atictioneers, • Gederich, Ontt. OWN OF CODERICH ES . • LIBERAL' DISCOUNTS for pre -payment of 1934 Taxes are available for March I It Pays to I pay early J. n. nonsitrsoN, Tax &fleeter fair repair. chateis---Consisting of regieetered Shorthorn cows and heifers and three bung; • gracle dews, ireshened, and bale . ' I:POTION SALE OF A SIVIALLRARM WTPH GOOD'ItUILDINCS S , -FARM eMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD yiurt.e Thele Will be sold by 'ohne auction at the premisee at the end elf South St., Goderich, .on WEDtrg.sbA", MARCH 214 - comMencing at 1.3Q o'clock sharp:. - The tarm of the late IL W. 0. Na,ftel "containing 40 acres, more pr less, of good clay loa,m. A large house and barn. -drive shecl,workshopi lnin house, .artesian well (135 feet), best or water, also spring wellelswio acres of geed trent. , The location is ideal: coneenient to town, churches And /wheals. Vele- phone and hydro avallple, I'bepeopettiewill sOld subject fel a reserve bid, • ring -10- per eentto ber paid-at•-tinsalerbalance-10-30-day • Or arrang.einents.- may be Made to leave half of ptuthase pridet on mortgage at a reasonable rate of interest. •Posse,165ion given at once ,arlien sale Is completed. At tame time there will be sold without reserve: • 1 McCormick Deering drill, I3 -hole; 1 cultivator; heavy wagon; 1 light Wagon; 1 buggy; .1 cutter; 1 light sleigh; 1----1leavy--s1eigh; .1 walking OW, 21 Fleury; 1 single torso plow; 1 fanning ensilage blower;,, 1 set' light hare ness; 2 lame mowers, 2 or 3 stoVes (1 range), (2 heaters), 2 bed sPleads; 1 drop leaf spindle leg 'table; 1 kitchen table; 1 chest of drawes; 1 stand; 1 what -hot; '1 safe. Ideal lecation, close to schoels and chtirches. For .further particitiarti apple 'T. GUMMY & EON', eti the preniffies Or to PERCY or WILL .Aactionters. • NAPTEL. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Norz0v '`ro pgaDritat,8. liOitos 18iiEREBY OrkimasT te‘ all, liersons having any elaint against the estate of .Ada lieroworth Halliday, late of tile Town cit Ooderith in the ColintY of lliiton's, Who died on or about the fiat claY of Oeltriuttl, ii„..3:ts 1934, tO Send Mune to the undersigned,. 4u11 Proven, on or! before Marelf 10th, 1934, as Olt and after that date the Executors of the said estate Will *Weed to Make distriblition therell, having regalia (WY tO the elatelS'' they then hie* notice; of. FOR:SALE.-a-Two,100eacre farms. Ape ply to P 0, Box 163. OR RENT. -Central warm house for , rent. Apply to M. W. HoVviaz. R,ENT.-House and garage to rent * on , Quebec St. Modern coliven- ntateandeegaiden-Amely....to_MRseeLe wurrmAn, Keays St. Tort "BENT.-7Avartmerit onground floor, Colborne apartments, heat- ed, and with conveniences. Three rooms Front room could be used. al store Ap- ply a 0. lelleDDIJETON, Court `House, Goderich., 'ARM -11.01V-SALE.,-Forty. acres, more 0' or less, the preperty of the lite II, W. O. N'oftel,situated at the end oT South Streeton the southern boundary sf the town; of -good clay loam, large house and barn,. drive ,sked; workshop; hen -house; ertesian well (135, feet), the very best of water; good fruit trees. Regarding lifeigattainiatite the loOkialit AIM* sayer, -4 eannot ,afto it; I do not tied it; It is too expensive; twilt takt it a littlo is,. The vise man sapt,-.4t i *de and profitable. It 'motes' nf And entiktee .estates. Xt preJezvei the hOtife ,.arid &Watts ehil • it cancels debts and iirovdes etteli'.for 4ftterigenel0. 1411$ wont worry , and converts tif)uht into certsinty. TO Which CUSS, ‘40'3tOn 1)4641 1.91M(4,Distrit CA, DATED AT OODERIVII ill% 19th daV of loebriar, A. *X 1934.,, autt 1V1173, ),Goderiell Ontario, 4 fOr the litteolithits e tiOnt44 a :Ise 'eeeeeeese, ' FOUND VOUNDe,--(en. February 20tir, a sum of entmeys. DWrier. _ca,n-have.same-by 'proving property and paying. expenses. Apply STAR OFFICE. • „, esee PUBLIC NOTICE • OTICE. TAE NOTICE thatall persons in arrears of taxes must make arrange- ments to paer the same 'tome on or be- fore March 10th, at 2 o'elock, in the afternoon, otherwise I tun compelled by law to seize ,arly chattelsseaaed I will seize said chattels hi consideration of the said taxes. No further notice will be given the delinquents. Dated at Gioderich this 1st day of March, A. 13.- 1934, , r" J. H. ROBERTSON, Tax C011ector. , ARTICLES FOR SALE e0H MY FOOR, leeeerieee-hot if you use Cress Corn Salve. Sold by Dunlop's DRUG STORE. illeiREDEP-NOTIO-ON-FORD-CARe-FOR `-et 8ALE.eaWe have for sale a credit note worth e226.00 on a new Ford car For further, particulars apply to*HAYS and HAYS, Hamilton at., floderich, W001) PPR SALE. The Teem has a quahtity of good body hardwood direct' from the town bush for sale at 0.00 per tingle Ord of one -foot wood, delivert , Also a linli d quantity of good body hardwood it -$8.00 per full eord of foot wood. wood. Cash With order. Orders left at the Town Hall will be attended to. L, L KNOX, Town Clerk REAL ESTATE' AND INSUILADICE THE 0. F. CARtY CO. Fire, Accident :and Motor Car INSURANCE, Offiee Masonic Teta*, *tat St., Goderich Phone 238 '•14 NELSON 111/4 Mgr. !..enothy I of ,Well Known Prominent ,C lti*At 000440 and she Charge 'Will lie WitholzaWtt - ,Attempts, to .reitett a settlement in the Case ,Of. eaten% Wall Which *oh Stoddart Wei eineteged SOMA' elleitkel' atiO twere fine Slieeeeerni, 'When 'AttI014 actele sp *red ."befOret Magistrate Retd and WithdreWttliecherge, Beturday morning, aok kOleeddtert. . will ,pay the coat* and everyone 'halt decided to forget the Whelp Metter. ' Thus ends an -unfortunate .situation whieli' had been the source Of genuine regret to many °PeOPles It will be re-- meMberett that Stoddart struck young' Doak an the „laW as a result of a flare up diving a Pntetice hockey genie in the last -week of January. An inforination was laid against hiniand both parties appeared aeverse tinea in coilet Differ - nit attempts Vete Made to Patch up the differences as both, boyie "we' well thought of bat no progress could be Made. This latest *ellen settles the Matter and it is generallyhoped that there Wit) be no permanent effect on the hockey situation. figlire fainilleV ta kaost P00010 ot 00derleh and .vicinity dleappeared On Friday, Feleraary 23rd, when Alertliiir WeirdlaW Carson, tirst cou.1n Ofetile. late Baron Clureon, 'of leeddleston, English stateeneen, died la Alexendra Hospital. Deceased had lived on a beautiful tarn or tha 1/11,1rOn Road just east of ()ode - ride, 'for many' years, after having re- sided In Manitoba for a s,hort time when he first came to Canada. He had &ISO resided, for a ehorter period in Galt, Ontario. • .' . Arthur Curzon received •the usual edu- cation of an English -gentleman and "en- tered the army. Traces of hie MilitarY experience were visible in his bearing d_attitside_toward. 1Le ins education and personal acquaintance with people. of note made leine a Splendid liostrand most entertaining companions,. =taco- larly in the early years of his residence theselistriot- Latterla_ hesehealthe fall- eds.. somewhat, and: raonetary reverses had 'their* effeeteon alemperamenfemore suited to English country life/ About thirty-five, yearago- hewas married to Miss Charlotte Radcliffe, daughter of Mr. and 1Virs, Richard Rad- cliffe. They had only one a, daughter, Adeline. who died in .1929 four years after her Mother. Ile is survered by a sister, Mrs. Whitfield, and a bro- ther, Peon Curzon, both residents of Reading, England. -.A nephOW, A7 • F. Lithgow, lives in Mbietteal. Mr. Curzon was a Conservative in politics and a member of St. George's Anglican church. He had been ill for some months, being finally removed from. hie home to the hospital where he died: A beautiful portrait of Queen Alex- andra, which hangs in the hospital was his gift to. _the institution. Re also in- stalled ' a memorial mindow -in- St. Georges church in memory of his wife and daughter. Interment took place'from St. George's church ii Monday,- We- 26thTto Maltz 'land cemetery. Some hundreds of his friends gathered at the chureh for the service, which was conducted by the rector, RevaJ. N. The pall -bearers were Roy Rundle, Herbert Lamphrey, Jas. Curwen, Jas. johnstoes VfiilIam Driver, and Gee. Laithwaite. A. F. Lithgow, of Montreal, nephew of the deceased, came to Cioderich for the funeral. Fishing Through A liole In the Ice Loci& Boys --Get--Few --Fiat- But EnjOy a Lot of Comfort Five little dots of brown Out on the ice between the ends of the breakwater mark the houses of the 'fishermen who „ .are trying to lure the elusive perch to their bait. Billy Bell and Bill Roth have one can- vas home and Morrie Lennington, Bud Weil -arid, 'Bert Medd and aughle- Mac- Donald- own- the others. . mese little canvas structures do not look very sub- stantial but when warmed with small stoves, even the middle of an ice field which has been truly arctic in appear- ance and in temperature, is said to be quite comfortable. • The , trouble so far has been no fish. The boys say it is too cold. On 'Tints - day morning they were getting, a few bites and with the temperature, rieing there are real hopes that the rein- will start. Only a feer Metal lieh have been caught to date. Biny Bell says that when the thaw comes and the river water .eomes down in volumes the perch will be plentiful. Minnows are used for bait. Tluough a' hole in the . lee lines are dropped. The canvas houses ctiver errelleleaTheiftretelerefiglielesem comfort in arm chairs before little stoves blazing with cheery warmth. Let the Wind howl as it will, this seems like better fishing than sitting on a hot pier in summer time. That is, if you get any fish. vamovirmoravvismillikapv Immovisounomovvolowo MeDONALDS' NEW BOAT Fine Thirty -Foot Craft Soon to se • Launched The MacDonald boys, Bert, Red. and Mack, are working on a new boat which will be off , the ways in about re month and which will be a splendid addition to the harbor craft: - It will be thitte feet in length,- with a nine -feet beam and will be fitted with a thirty -horsepower :Chrysler marine ,eng1ne It shoU)4 do better than twelve milo per hour. It will be flat decked with a pilot house arid when painted will be mak of the smartest eraft, seen in the harbor in a long. time. Bert "IirtierkSiitild expeets to use ft for general harbor Work and for hire. The method of Wilding WAS scone - Whit uthiSeals Steel Tit% of. two.inch stale iron were ftrst set up to outline the frame and -the iheath114 was tat- e4td to these. Atter the trait Was out - the oak ribs were insetted. the teel ribs tea* lett .in plot to add are/n*0444 hull IS of iiinch and al. srtet net, P. Macey Carnival. Gorgeous Affair Small Kids im&Grown,ttpulrlave .Splendid Time _Asesomea.graimoo. _ _MANY FINE COSTUMES Young Goderich had a gorgeous time , • at the -West -Street skating rink on. Wed. nesday evening when the Intermediate HOOkey Chib staged its final gesture of the season, a, grand fancy dress earni- vel. • •• There were downs and devils and Robin Hoods, colored, -inch, Dutchmen and bog Irishmen and in fact all that goes to make a Mardi Gras of the ice. ThVL Intareriediatee-'11iiolteY PUY: ed ceuple of periods •of hockey with the Junior Marines as their opponents and won the game by the score of 6 to L Hob *Stoddart, Woods, Hobinson- and McKay scored the goals for the Sailors avhile Robinscei, junior, clicked for the •Marines. eaTheatowhaffremetelandethe hien of th Western Canada Flour Mills staged a battle reel' aOrbota ball and everyone is still 'trying-ito:figure out who 'won. Possibly, the smoke from the cigars,„wit which, all of, the _players were presented got in their eyes and blinded the spec- tators. Anyway, -it doesn't matter be. eausele was enjoyed •by all, even' by the players. A couple of races were run off be- tween hockey and broom ball periods, and Pete Zimmerman did a clowning act which was above the average in cleverness and brought wild shouts from the small kids together with ap- plause from the grownups. Striking Costumes se limed that probainy the most effective„ostume on the ice was that worn by tMisseleftle Jewell, who as. Robin Hood took first prize in her class. The costume was particulate), well set off by her charming figure. A somewhat dif- ferent but also splendid effect was ob- tained by, eleisi Freda Schoenhals as Mephistopheles. She was awarded sec- ond prize in the same class. Several other excellent representations af-well-known -charatteree won -prites ft, their wearers. (Continued on page 4) OLD TIME RUNAWAY STIRS UP MEMORIES 11. Brimacombe's Team of Horses Pets on Very Fine show Numbers of .10ocierich people witnessed, an event on Monday which brought back memories of childhood when the big bay team of horses belonging to Harry Brimacoirthe ,of Goderich township took fright in frOnt of eecEweres grocery store on the Square and ran away in the best old time manner. Farm horses have s become unac- customed to the sight and sound of motor tars of late, and when one back- fired close to their tails the big animals tfiought-tt-time to go somewhere where their peace, and quiet would not be dis- turbed. They were hitched to a sleigh and not caring for the encumbrance they left it stending „where it was, knocked down a hitching post immedia- tely in their path, plunged dotvn' the sidewalkharness flying, and made off. The electric light standard at the cor- ner of Kingstenisstreet beitig in the way they, passed on either siae of it rand [Mapped it 0e1fe61eanly about a foot above the ground. „ A pedestrian narrowly missed serious injury when he leaped from their path, to be knocked.down by a flying. tug. The pair, free as the Wind, passed up St, Darnel's street to be finally captured at the salt block. leteantime a lot of people got an un- secuiterried thrill and a number of din - or fr e e 18 w something they had never seen Geeleelleireeene 'ROW% COntteinte0114 COdetich to he T „ A start will be hisule an the X.Iltiewstet Highway Under provincial a topiew at an early date aecOrdipa to an announce, . merit made by on leopOld MaelVig.e1t at the '000d Heati.s. Convention in Tor- onto last' week, ' „ The section from Thedforcl to Ciode- rich will be the first taken ovet While the minister did not say so, it is confi- dently expectedr_that further stretches of the 'oad will come under governmerit,, control as fast as eimumitancas will Permit. No details of the government's Plaits are available but it is stated on good authority that all new roads- froro.,.ziaw,- on are -to -be--forty-feet---widis-al.- - -- lows for the usual twenty feet at Paeee ment with a ten -foot Shoulder on, either aide for pedestrians and ;arm horse drawn vehicles, II iil1owErfor-flurivala194-ttra1ns- so that there will be no more 'Oen dies tor -motor- ears-to-tall-into-oncer they slip off themain part of the road. It le understood -alto ehy ereederich delegates to the eonvention that •no cement poseraerit will be lald knit rath- er the surface' will be treated; the •shoulders widened and all necessary culverts installed An preparation for the time when thesproithicestia.se_theemone_y witts which, to go ahead with the-ithal surfacing. In all about forty miles from Tiled - ford to Goderich will be cared for now The meaning of the despatch from Tor- onto is not altogether clear. The Bluewater Highway does not 'pass throcigh- -TiredfOrtie lteelf, lillempfeeies some miles north el it. It May be that it le the intention to alter the course somewhat. In any event it Will be pos- eiblesfrom a point slos&te Thedford 46 turneon tte 11o1,highway which -passes through Arkona and on to the Sarnia pavement:- _Local_merehante eand......farmees ate jubilant as 'it all means improved busi- ness. The farmers are especially helix- ful ,betause the government WM insist a fair wage clause being Insertedin each contract or sub -contract as a rer , stilt of* which . decent vases will. result 'for all work done. !Mawr C. C. Lee, neeve lVflintlinge.and Councillor Humberwere delegates to the Good Roads convention in Toronto. , They were present he Mr. McCauley spoke and were very favorably impres-, sed with the possibility of an early start on the highway. 4 Weather Matt:gin. 1933 Feb. 22 k, 19 " 23 . 48 34 ' 24. 42 29 " 25 2. ... ' . . t36 31 " 26 .... 33 21 " 21 31 19 indicates belt* atifttl, Max. Mn, 1934 32 Llt 15 1 0' 1 • 16 1' 10 3 11 1' 24 2 CominA Events . AND. BUSINESS BRIEFS, Krushen Salte, giant package, 69c limited supply. Campbell's Deng Store. Crazy Water Crystals. Paru, Masson's 49, Rein, all radio -advertised for sale at CAMPBELL'S DIVeCt STORE.' The MaeCtillivray Mission Band of Knox Triebyterian eTnirch will- Meet - Saturday at three o'clock. . Foyer . wanted -Any persons reveng fowl to sell kindly call at J. J. Mc- EVITEN'S STORE. Highest pricee paid. 'Coming --March 20th, the noted Can- adian novelist and poet, Dr. Charles G. D. Roberts. Keep the date free. Watch for further anneuneements. The members of North street Evening adilary will hold_ossewing meeting On Tuesday, March eth, at 7.30 pan. at the home of Miss Hume, Britannia Road. 6a,le of home-made baking and coun- try produce „under, the auspices of the Ooderich Township Hospital Auxiliary In ateLean Bros' Store on SeturdaY, March 10th. from 2 to 5 p.m. , • A sewing meeting Will be held in the lecture room of Knox church under- the auspices, of the Woinen's Missionary So- ciety, on Wednesday, March 7th. at 3 o'clock. ' A good attendance of members and, their frienes is hoped for. e The young people of tienmiller church will present their play. "Wild Ginger," hi Victoria' St church schoolroom on Friday, March 2nd, tit 8 p.m. 'Admission 25c; students, 166; children, 106. Green- sored by the ,Christian Service Group. , °The Central Home and School 010 Will hold its regnlar meeting 'ire the sehool on Tuesday evening. Mareh 0th. at 8 pen. Rev. Mr. McLeod will hive the addrese. A special invitatieet 18 eeterid- ea to the fathers to attendthis meet- ing. "Mary Made Some Marmalade," a three -act comedy, t'/ill be presented lay the rbramatle Club of Ontario St United church, Clinton, in IviacitaY flafl Thurs- day. ilaren 16th. under the auspices oT the North street Woman's Association. AdrnisSion, aduts 35; students and chit- dr,e;he2 5cE.ureka Oiass of Victoria street - Sunday School will hold their St. Pat.. rick's concert on Tuesday, March 13th, instead of March 15th, as previously att. nouneced. Illtistrated lectures, On, ' the lite wad work of St. Patrick, MO51short play and miseeltaneouS, OtOgratos will be given commeneing at 8 P.m. Adults 250.. children 10c. 11.01101tT CVT, Steil% Montreal! *44 Mr. cutt, announces that he Will Wept a OW Mort. pupils in *Oki' or Vane. POtolls 1Wepare4 for Toron, to t.lonsts eer0 Vbtlia* aid Muskat Oo.tapetitiO*,