HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-02-22, Page 6.•
ished 010Otr
Strtment Of. Agrietillitret
iabage issA, ver good meuey
,crop.-,40rervaine'',*et be ohtahed fr010
an Am of 1 t. than , front. :the,'sanie ;44,4*
devoteU to insult other i'or0p4; s Seed
s�wlng Itholtid be Ione 'eariY in Sfareb
and the plants .grown In fiats or thumb'
pots and later .put In ioUrsinsh .pot4.
Harden1n Off before Planting in the field
15 Vert important. '1'111$ will Make the
plants s greet hardy. Al " Soon as the
Plante eliew,iiigna of growthin the open
fleld,*PP1V *ide dreatirtg Ot nitrate Of
l'inte to taateate ?its
. The early Castration et ,niarket' riigs
as many advantages -Which *mild pot
be overlooked by breetlerS, • ,
Young- pigs are easily bandied. suffer
Very little' aid. heal codekty, With, * sznali
pe....entage of lessee, if the operatkm is
* properly perfOrmed and OteeSisty, pie -
cautions are taken to Prevent Weak,
At the Dontinkin Experhnental
Indian Head, pigs for Market pureses
are castrated previous to weaning tftne
. Pigs to be weaned at one month, of age
or if weaning is, done At 'eight weeks
they are castrated when about six weeks
Old. Experience at this /torth hes:shown
--tb-at-nursinit Pigs suffer, feseietslatek, and
heal. more rsPidly, -with a Sontlier per-
centage a loots, than. older pigs.
. Cola_ Mir saga. .„
While hogs have been cliMbing to the
best prices reached sinee t931, Clark
Inning of 1Vtilliken, Ontario, has ,been
busy establishing a world's productiofl.
ltesreportosssshundredspmmd,s gain _tor
•---- every - 281.' 'pounds -of- feed-wet:tit-which-is
-*flat .punds. better Than. the recotd of
the Indian State College previous' Polder
of the retard. Authorities at the
tarlo Agricultural College consider one
pound of pork 'gain for every fouritnd
One half -pounds of feed' deeldedly above
_ the -*Wrap. Mr. Young gives Ills total
cost per hundred pound e et pork
, fee the "entire:
poled as $4.78 which represents More
than 413.00 net pi -Wits -per 200 pound hog
at ...Present prices, 'Not only have Mr.
Young's hogs been fed cheaplY and
quickly (they were marketed .at six
inontlit) but the quality according to the
grading at Terortto and the bacon, re-
ports from Great ',Britain, where the
perk was marketed, has been the best.
Mr. Young figures his eests from wean -
Ing to six months as follows: 2,060
pounds of mixed home grown grain, sieo
pounds of shorts. 1.,060 pounds of special
toncentrated feed, total cost $89,57 for
one lot of eight pigs.
Ilatihing by Incubator
Before using the ineuhatete 'cheek it
for -leaks and breakesies and test the
thennometers. :Place the machine in a
well ventilated room ,or cellar which is
kept . at s,”,iiniform, temperature. The
• eggs used ..,should he Of normal Shape.
•and appearance and at least 24 t, ounces
to, the dozen. Control the 'moisture ac -
circling to the appearance of the eggs
after they are set. On'the seventh -day
, test the air cell 41-Ould be about one -
eighths the size of the egg and on the
eighteenth day about orte goner. The
reggi•ThOtild Willed testi* * day. Test
f• Or fettility on the seventh and eight-
eenth ,days, elosing the =whine on the
eighteenth. Above- all follow the instrue-
• tons given. with the machine when,pur-
chased, * •
Traper Firailang Wig •
1004 Ontairis
.'"The tattle feeder who slapi only pro,
•,perlyagnished tattle," said Garnet H.
thlutan* liteetOeit inVestigeter, 'Ontario
rketings Board, -"is __very __definite.),
helignil himself. -
• 41016 liquidation Ot• =finished tattle
will "Meet a poor sale, Under present eon -
dittoes. This is due, largely to the tact
that -paCkers-41aVe7suett-buguant
In storage. On; the Other hamt,,,Ontarto
has coneiderably less cattle feeding thin
• normal consumption demands, _
▪ "The rise het/Prices will reflect it,
Self on cattle WiceS, and AvilatLing cattle
- Properly y111'1.000 the feeder, and re.;
dute this cues* storage of beet. °
• 'The- result of ' nuulcitites. tmOhished
cattle at. present will be an increisse •in
the storage sines*. rarther than this.
Seeders fine the, twelve*, wItit'no
cattle. to .ship alieb,irricess •advanee.
iny„.Opinion, the wise ahiPper will
feed to finish , his stock, and,. distribute
the supply over the next' few months."
'The. Mitten sheep'
The .production of Muttton -haS
,lainhe to the, markets. As - M. beet or
Pork. the' deniandsof' the Market kia
for you' meat *lad otnparitiVely light
Y Bite
- 0 CialoMel itee0ed.
100 Nue, deotecoefit $0tir Oil Oa
world. thMi 30,0"lithOT Vthleh ios t vowing it*
*rib* twa ptenaleof !maid hi,!.e into :yotw Nttve4
Nostiott and elloassooe ste t.etp;,, At4wtti•
ap.ieod setaivisAlatis' ite end dcwiing
yau and tasking YOU, feel souses,
ego borobtapvtisIiIc oite. j $utta
1164 114-ttlite CbitiO 'Or ti,,,exti,t4,1 VOtth.
tosiebsies, aseet Ote *sows „,
Vott #104041-20: tiVe cuivo ("„twe*OU'itth
'Atte 014 is il t Ito:0,44w, t.lt;"4,1;
tablet. 04#11‘ AO, CA' 1)...tta by ssise. itesis
amboototes Ss& at so oesse-sos,
Weights'in Tilepreins unt
for, ,habss beef haeOP. 1�gs *Pitlies
-OM:seven iftee force to
fleshy; but other Ailit :,10*t41, 'are What
the toek calls !or whether fOr. the home
table Or the restaurant ." The . tutee;
WO 4004E400er have •0004 ctitthrged. to
disertmloate insfaVOr ot the tatty, tett-.
der; Iamb Until. We And that frOM 20 to
$0 Per Ont. Of the sheep that reachthe
market are le.t41: than one:Year old.. The
age 01 heavy mutton is passed.,-. 004.
OM most favorable to the sheep raitter*
who Is thUe enabled to real) clltikk „res
turns from his fioekt— The. increasing
.demand tor iamb mutton tilt* slastill
augurs Well Or the future of ,the Indus-
try, prevtded care, IS taken to.t.lreep up
and iniproVe the grade of the PtodUet•
Winner* ln Bacon. Competition
In the 1033 Bacon 'Litter Conoietition
there were 136 =ries, and 68 coraPleted
and- qualifted. The 'Province is (thicket
into districts, - and the highest scoring
litter of the eompetition was owned by
• ' •
• Isolielting la the ststement, Pittaented
at tho *MU* Mite t,b,e, Company
by M. A. Aside secretary. "
Sge. Pres,ident, and members the me*
WWI) Mutual Fire Insurance COMPattY•
ICatarrhal ,Deafness.
• and Head Noise,
" 10114 Catarrh; ,ettki
caused bY e*tarh, .
if :PhietiPt..-firOastn*Ittlir throats
*104 (Worth' of th*otomach'br:
MI will be lagt to know Oust OW*, *
tossing Symptoms May be entirely over-
otne In AVOW 'thatfaitttee tt.f the f011eSug
treatment which:you, can euUy ,prePare
in your own hotoo,,at eest.,' Ovine
1 A
ir,1404.411170.N,: Jc Oar,
• 40#4 100r thugalet ounce .Varniint,
.mouble atength). 'Take this homs and
Add to it %, pint Of. hot water and
4title granulated sugar; 'stir =ill Ma-
in -Preteutin0 to You .11;17 report for the Solved, one tabiaspOonfut four
1114 galeas ateret,ElstreslUrer ,of volt times
toretty, An intproorsveinent spines
CoMpanY* X do' SO With .COnsktersible ,des, . seit4,r the dates reats
gree of satig"tivn.444 :-.1,gesupo,e,..• Even ., .,metdint,t 13,rostiesithinir .shuatsilali. beloasorotheee4Y,
after * eerie* of-llearq Are 10001.0 YOttr' aches stallnee$ cloudy thinking etc '
. . w e he eosins' , no ' bead-
and company are able:04,1)ms should „ , VI disteltPear under the
• . , ..,.. " .11
an IIPP/Velable 4 tart of approsiniately tonic actiori of the treatment. - toss of
97200,00 in liquid ealsh *Mets Over .4934 amell, taste, defective hearing '-and roueue
and $3241,11 *surplus, Your Company .411`,,,__01)Pluir 'ins thelmLek of the throat are
is sibto, able to ahOW an increase of 55 in otPer. sYroPtioral ry'rbielt atiggest the, ,pre*.,
' irt4Wilbe' jrourr ale.Pcle licrth t1160.r.ciele-.4741* 711130,0,3.1,01,r44"00.' 4e ."Callett romee , s_ .84:'41T:tliaby thth, n'earti111141*. ,coteiotio'W. 11:103rtesni4veltreatater'7:etentn..nbeoft.
Thitil believe is a very satisfactory
all ear troObles . are closed by' catarrh
144y/int 'When Mat** Companies have
been forced to &host a, deticit.
This should greativ. eneourage each
Grant Summers as on, Aylmer, winner mom. ber, and by careful to-operatiOn I
of distrieh rt.:Umber 2, Who Marketed 11 believe that this can be material* in-
fsigs grading 10 selects and 1" bacon, and Creased each .year until you will hive a
Weighed 2470 at 171 days. In. district. Company second to none in sectulty and
munber 1, W. it -Sonley, Port PerrY, was a material reduction in insurance cost.
first wltlt 11 sagsgrading _10 selects. oridl However X wOUld like to Point out that
1 bacon. 'Winner ot, number 3 dbitrict tbls can on* be achleVett btt a material
was Eesr Beltton, buhlin, who had. 9 reductieM In fire leases. In looking over
pige, all selects. Mr. Bolton has been al old toes 'statements, X find that your
--wimtess-lo-t1iespasts.-5--contint1tions...-- -The- largest-loseet -have-always-been Mid& the
45 litters in .the prize money graded 70,9 cause "imkilown." 1 wernier 11 There is
per centselects, and the average weight• ninon for thisl 1 believe there Os
was 2031.pounds, and the average age And I f or/tiler belleve that if each loss
per litter 183 day's. The previous high had been carefully analyzed and records
gradingsPercentage was 84. Per•cetits -settent-sthat.---Somesiiiteresting--facta- would
lects. - • tsrought to light.. Can these leases be
In awarding the prizes earcaSsessarefsavorded2..-Ites,„ sto..... a marked degree,
graded on the rail, the length back fat
character of belly and firmness -of fat
all being taken into consideration.
-rrevects Bright For „
• Outstrip Honey Trade,
"1 -034 -should -be -Iv -prosper°
for 'Ontario honey producers," says Dr.
E. J. Dyces head of the Department of
+Agriculture, at O.A.C. and secretary of
the Ontario Beekeepers' kasociation, and
he continues, -
"Canada is now a large exporter of
honeyssstanding second in amount sup-
plied to the British market. It is not
1nanY yeassssince Canada's honey expert
Was practically nil, but in recent years at least eighty per tent of the total value alivticeous . color, with red spots on
it has advanced to a- strong position and of your livestock, . as defined by the In- the sides and back. Its lower fins are
all dusky.
sigti's point ,to still further increase eurance Act, there is no limitation... I - preceded by a pale margin fol-
• •
io the trade... , would ,ask you to investigate the majors'
Ontario's honey export for the past ity of other Companies' policies., They
year amounted to about one quarter of -all have . a limitation clause. Then
her total production and her honey .is again In household contents you find
advancing JO popularity on the British limitation on radiopianoetc.," not so
market. The expert demand together with your polic,. if you instal a one
With, the high price, of Sugar climinated
congestion on the -home market and
there is at present In the -hands- of pros
ducters and .dealers' less than The normal
.amount for this season of the year.
With these -small stocks, on hand it- is
likely that all honey wig .be sold. before
the 1934 crop comes on to the Market
Then toe, recent reports of drywether
in New Zealand indicate that the hc•neY
crop att present being gathered by bees
In that country is likely to be- short. .
For ,theSe and other reasons, Ontario
beekeepers may look forward with rea-
sonable assurance of good prices for the
coming season's crop providing they give
elose attention to business and produce
high quallW honey
How? By the co-operation. of every
4nembe.r. This. Company is.. yours. and
should be your interest. .' If you know. of
any policyholder. who is overinsured or
some other- phase that makes his risk a
hazardous one, advise brie of :your • dimes
:tors. Ite is worthy of , Your confidence
rhoicL not • be a member Of' your
boards and assure you that any retora-
tnetidatioos received win be eerillsientially.
and carefully -considered by your Board.
Before. concluding. I Would like to ex-
plain briefly some phases ofyour
In the first place Your ConapaOy is one -
of the few who issues a- poliey withoutsa
limitation _ on livestock and. dwel-
ling -contents.' Provided. you 'figure' for
ou weary, • art thew languid,
then ,eore,
0 at
11 1 ask Iftt0
Not till earth, ante not till heaven,
Pass *Way,'
Itettr..AOrd,, grant The( we may. Vol
In the 'hght athen art ' in .the
and er# have ,feltowship.. with Thee and
wttlt all gOod Men. ' ikrich "OW'11veA,
With beavenh" gocel ..110nen. ,
,(The Oltriatian 'WOrk),,
tESSON FOR *Om 4th,, 1034
Lesson Teple--Yesue Teatinioni • Con-
- .11bneelt.
Leeson Pattlage—Matthew 11:2-e, 1.6-19,
Golden Ifext---matthew. 1128.
Jeans, haring. sent hts disciples out
two and tviowent out himself alone to
'Preach and to teaeh e did .not sit at
and there must, -therefore be Many bOnte waiting for there: to •return and
people Wbotte hearingsniarbe rePtored report to 14mBe did not say,- 'Fr have
Ma simple, harmless, home treatment. &legato ,.the klogdOM or healreA to
twelve men, and t wlU take MY ease Un-
til they return te tell. roe with what ane -
cess it Mesta In the World," Re Made
bitnAelf of no reputation, he toot upon
se "handaoritel dark in color and Inot..•
tied' on '00- hack with ollve and 4-4n form of 4 -4* -14 servant' 7and lie went
red vote lott the toes; and the. derma . out to preach the gavel- which he him
self had been potting charge of oth
and 4144' are MOttleci whilst the,
lower fins are precedeTbY an olive mer- ers`
in,!!but'There Was eerVaist el God In.priso
_, the writer - ist-careful:to- add, ire" izadliteen' irf Prison all the winter tin
'the 11s1. varies. greatly to coloratiott4ts 4+, s, issas
, The Speckled trout not one of the' '0°"4, "Ns mvepgirw"mit:i4WhI"o'atarive a seesitb$,Tare effect
larger Ash but there's fighting spirit in dungeon Walla for a' horizon? Havinh
every .6tniee of him, and that % what begun • to wonder if the one whom he
makss. .him favorite eaten.Z....411
*914111118*- 1)13)//6 ::W14etriniailtrry ±14:tP::thrstsT4essralit4-ihre"se
ti.outare taidoSel,22 th1111.12tec°,214erto-mrunt:11 -sritb:raine:sevare:'18•filliongreadu'etilil-s *07;7(IIC7. how Jesus Tilistescaute.bahrist treated. this
atterition to
Speckled trout of world record weight,. w°agarka'
in i:h4t.,:tninsaidgshewnceair ye do
=Soh, as six or seven minds. , The
by 'the way, was caught in the Ntplgon and See. -The - blind receive their 'sight,
River,:tontario a big fellow which and the lame walk , the .lepers _ are
weighed fourteen and a half pounds.
y a en rou
leaned -And the 'deaf bear, the -dead
i • IS
from California northward through 1fri- are raised and the ,,poor ,ha -re the gospel
.' , '
tish Columbia, and the 'Rocky Iklontitstin preached to themThat was Christs
foefaills of. Alberta' up . to the Arctic grallbk an6wer* 4 man's work should
ird; Man's life should be 'his
Ocean. Like its eastern praise h
cousin, the viiidicatloo. • It is not what men say
SPeekled trout, The Dolly Varden may
resort tthe sea about you, but what you do yourselves,
4 and it is the sett-itur
strain whiels tilually reaches thegreat-
thatmust speak for yciu.
est weight
,. , _ •res1•0 thew directed his. atteotion- to
John and spoke of him. in. noble terms.
The DellY Varden is a beautiful charr,
AfterWards he discoursed upon _himself
and' upon John. -"John came :neither
eating nor drinkin', and_the people say,
• hath devilhe-Son-of Man came
n " er °bating' 11.''unBe-
in I, eating and drinking,. and they say,
the 'ease Of The. SPeckled trout sea -
hold a mart gluttonous anda wine
. -bihs
Varden 'trout, are silvery in can I,'
ber, friend of publica:ris and sinners.'t
and the red spots are faint or lacittng.
TheVrls nothhig toss bad for the -bad
Dolly ,Varden. trout are' game fighters
and 'giVe The angler- plentyof ftm. They man to do This was Jesus Christ% de-
evil description Of the Speckled trout by
one Canadian Writer speaks of the lish
ndulgouce or giltg5k41.47
Ilse upset digestionand acid
stomach difoonifOrt. A -little
BisUroted Atagnesio isinuth in
Magnesia) Will •promptly relieve
the distressing condition.... Sim-.
PlYeeafely and surely this harm -
Preparation improves the
over -acid condition Of the stomach.
Your food then digests natur-
ss, effeetive powder form
(ar itt.Tabiets) at your Druggist's.
*110411711 MAGNESIA,
at Protective Neutralithr.
,itiOT kexatiye
„superstition suspicion, for inertia and
drunkennerh and wantonness, and, on
the Other` SW,- for tender solleitucte, for
reasonalete tondderte4 for progress in
VrIteo* sotirietY. aneptultY:• Thai,
think, we should not rebel% en =oh
against the annual statisties."1-,Prom
"'African fdyillim by Donald *1%SM
North Street
nti United Church
1 - ___... /____,
(.1D I tliarY.
/ ..
. .
4t., it. liA.VIDSON
Word has been received of: the- death
of a fortner resident of Gederieh, -in the
Person Of A. Hs Davidgen.-Mitple Creek,
Sasks, the ftineral Wog held Pebruary
tothorrow it is a total loss by fire. Your they' have af‘hati name AS destroyers of , - . , - - -
-----------fence of hts Servant. Ife is the =Se
are oreedv"SellottTsrand- in
hundred and fifty dollar radio today and - - - - . yesterday, to -day and forever. It we
sry so serve mm, though our dispensa-
Pellet. Calls for cash value, not $25.00 ,or saltwin , and trout .eggS. tion be inlef and small, he will redog-
$50.00 as stated In many policies. .
nize our efforts, and no eulogy shall be
Many - apPlicants to other companies
, Cattle shipments ' from Western to
so sweet and, so full of satisfaction as
sare not aware of conditions mid if E t C . for the. weekending
these as .ern .
In verses 25.30 Jesus rejoices in God's
.they were aditised they would prefer to
. . February 1t AO* a large Increase his will 'be- ,
on the corresponding week of fast
pay a higher premiuni and be fully pro- . ohs 1 845 head . • wisdom in, choosing not the' *wise and
. _ . year nom ,as against
the prudent, but. the babes, through whom
I would also like te explain the °nevi 662 in 1933. For the first five weeks
He would make Himself known. When
U4 this year the total was '4175 hese
application. This ha8 .been required bY as essamst 2,$37sart e -corresponding-
of ether business around him to 'occupy
the name and cibehatge-the-funetions
of disciples, he knew how humble were
in Italy. The appes which can be their intellectual 'capacities, how Small
used for this purpose at any time Of and contemptible their mental culture.
the year are 'washed, chopped, stove -I To his eyes they were little children,
dried, and ground, being miled into , babes that knew nothing, persons whose
.varying degereee of 'rnieness. This
apple, flour le stated to be equivalent
to 12-15 times US' weight in fresh
the Insurance Department. This aPPli'' ifive weeks Of 1933.
cation does not permit the accepting of .
insurance exceeding two-thirds of actual Apple flour is being 'manufactured
cash 'value on buildings, implements,
household contents, and tenants' product
and full value on owner's produce and
livestock.- Thts applitatiorL also asks tor
a stated amount on, :lam produce, and
thi;livestock and not jointly tof fatherly.
might say trot this is the only 'form
acemitable to the Is. isursuice Departnient
now and in this the form of every corn-
- patty, will Pe coneurrent.
Conclusion I ;would like to. state
tliat 7 endeavor .t,o keep records and
mailing list complete and in the event
of you receiving a notice'. or aby saber'
letter not properly addressed2 would
consider it, a favor tt" you would advise
3rd., II/heti' in Goderith he was in the
mploy-of who owneA"
the hardware storel-now oecupled by Mr.
Carriet, later MrbavIdson con-
ducted a hardwares business of his own
,,before be went to Saskatchewan 2 years
ago. Ife is survived by two sonsone in
WiriniPeg and one in 'Piot Auron. One
daughter, Mr. RobertPeters, resides in
Peate RiverDistriet.
• _-,A very'latereisting hurting was held
In the ihtirch on Friday afternoon, Feb.
1eth, with the president, Mrs. Wm. Wat,
son, in .the ebair and Miss Anne 'AO*
- the Vlach" ,Carlow- and .teeburn
alkii Ouild, met
With Nile W.11,1.8. and helped to mike
the event al great atiocets,,The,..program,
feilhii-Werld's Day of Prayer was .fol-
low0 throughout, interePeived wlth
duets by Mrs.. Cordon 'McPhee and MA*
Werner Walters, Miss Hilda Pinnigah
' and Mita Anne Tabb, Also si solo by Uri;
W. &flows, 'Prayer was ated by Miss
Clarke or Carkivt., Mi. tfluivt was
"Iced to *PSIt& teir wait% Which he
did In his usual plessiriVinatmer„ .the
A*criirt Vivi followed by a tasty' limah
served by the Site ladle*. Miss Carte/ 0
thanked the ladles on behalf Of the ViS,11
tors, for *. **sea and profitable 'hieetol
Ing 'together. Mrs. **WM, replied and
expressed her Stature • at seeing so
Many present hopeit *mkt hive
raspy )nore auoh *tiering*, •
*Ise taintint,zt
iany ;town deit for spider, os' In-
tection COW* test,' Itulawaiie
siso In
RN" apalrins„ and apUnts.
me_by return mallsof this error .so that
it cosi be immediately rectified; This
also applies in regard to change of ad-
.- .
.1 would also like to take this oppor-
tunity or 'thanking .. the policy holders,
agents anti ditectera for their kind cos
operation, Which haeinade' possible thiSI
report and all of which is respectfully
Popular Trout Pair
of Gameness
DolOVirden and, Specid4Trout
Aniiers. in -tom& Akan.-
, dant- Opisortimitia
*last few words about two of tan-
*dal's' wear Milne Ash.
The scientists tag- one Salvelintts!
parkel quid, the other, Golvelituni • fontlii-
lells ix* roost Peelle know them bost as
the Dany-viirden":teout 04118 thieck••
led trout, ° And', no matter by whatEnt. MaY be tilled tb*.t US Sit.
treat sport to.nusny.,ark,ongler.,
fiteckled trout iii htindigerious'i4
the eastern half of North America.;
'though it has been 41,100000414 Intred41041
ed into British Columbia and.sortie ot.ber
Westernarea* but the:Dolli Varden 18
longs to the West. Iffitilebp,th fish are
redimonly Spoken of as *Ma their are,
reality. charts:
IlietPeekle4 tiout, widely distributed
by Nature of Canada's eastenz
provinces and oecuxring also in -parts
the PralrIe hat this distfrit-
ahem '414 it shoe* 001,4
than any other itione
these trout 18*
lake, and
IstliNtitlins anti H0111 tiell011
Sutfered For 'ivy° Years
Winnipeg. am,
duty to let
Wornen nd Asthma. Woinen are
nuinbered aniong the sufferers from
atthiria,by the countless thousands...- In
etery eThnateThwiij -be found help-
less in, the grip of this relentless disease
tiniest they have availed -themselves -of
the proper remedy. 13r. J. D. leellogg'S
Asthma- Remedy has ,brought new hope
and life to many such , Testimonials,
sent- entirely „without solicitation, show
the enorinottS beneftt 11 has 'Wrought
among,ivemeti everywhere.. .
ro Store
COOK :Willi
4:114cirt Clots, Economical
eyes were tilled with wonder and mYs-
steryandexpeetation, and Twius could
giVe no full reply to any I:pia-trots that
was put to theist, but could turn their
eyes of expectancy to. their Master and
Lord, -
!rile next %Vordai do not breaks the
thread- of t,he witted discoursetheY
rather give it a Practical aspect "tome
ilitJo lehOrsansEaresji
-laden, and I will •give ' you, rest, Take
my yoke upon youand. learn of sissessfor
'11" am Meek and lawly Inheartand Ye
;shall Sind rest unto your &lois. Foe My
yoke is easy my burden Is lig'ht."
There is no rest to be had except
through jests thrift'. The restftd .alone
„can. give rest, pease -Vide ems give
peace, '
A gentleman visited' 'a deaf and dUiiib
asylturs and having looked upon 'ail the
silent Inmates he *14 requested ItA)ask
them- a <Math* by writing it on ,t,he
bia0kbOard$e dk not .know' What
,Ouestion, to ask, but, at last • he Ventured
to write this •higuiry, "Why did 'acid
make you deaf and duinband make inc
So -that 2. cOuld hear and speak?' TIte
-eyes of -the 'silent, ones Were filled with
'tears ;It was a great mystery, One 'of
thet, lIttle ellents_went up to the bard,
and taking the chalk, wrote under the
question this answer—'Even so, Pather.
for so it seemed „ good in.. thY *tight".
,4*Out01 th.e mouths a babes *td /Ina -
ling* thou haat perfeoted praise.'"
'Condensed from 'the /brier Idfe of
theist« •
o 4,aioaiolosOo.
Ust4os No Mealitre 01 the Resorts of
Chrtition 10101Wits
It, is almost inert/Able-that In any at-
tempt to tatimate the resultof Chris, -
thin Sessions We 13:414, deal, with dials.
ties,. though all must lee/ how Wade..
quote they , are, We atp reminded of the
*Ord* nt Dr. Donald *met 01Aftleat
"Xi** I hive been filling.11P; with e-
Ltielings, schedules or nattreittor
the 'Animal ,ItePort; 4
italues here *re sO, difere4 from
thiterthe, reader at home Wilt Ptit on
Them , ons hundwt •tent* 15 not the
14W** Ot brit dollar itt a land where
labOrit$ tarn iOirtta a 4ay *nil its°
tici* one &Mar anti IC 11104011
*tad ttlittotit Witt YoU.St Ott one hull*
hen Okla Sold has its
**oh ts beyond 1&
1st there itt
er ttlf"
Report Successful' Tear-rotal of
$9610 Raike_d Among. /op
—"i;;rs Adhere
--Mem and.-- ntor
The 'annual Meeting of, Noith. Street',
United church was heti ost Friday even -
Ing ,Xiseobpen. led4thsiz' ithin -thee ;Singililing(lact" 1644114aroyi
r�*xnto the World." Mr. Watts read' the
scripture- lesson, Hebrew- 12, after which
e • • o e e up praYer-an-
the Minutes 41 last, year were read by
Ur. Stonehouse, the secretary. The re-
signations of Mr. W. Armstrong and Mr.
J. B. Graham, owing t� illness were re-
gretfully accepted.
The report • of the nominating com-
mittee was read by Mr. II. R. Long. Mr.
Rivers, Mx. Barnwell and -Stone-
house were nominated as . members- of
Session, and to the Boards of Stewards
MrW-T Periow, Mr. F. Kershaw, Mr,
J. W. Moore, Mr. A. J. Cooper, Mr.
It Vas" decided to hold the annual
Meeting ekh year the third Wednesday
in February and to have the, weal re-
port- ready for that Meeting. -
• Mr. A. M. 'Robertson reported for the
Session- and. -the Maintenance and Mis-
Sionary 'Mind and Mrs. J. Stratighan for
the Woman's Missionary Society, $060
having, been sent to the Presbyterial
:Miss IVIcDowell'renOrting for the Even -
Ing Auxiliaiy, stated that a bale lied
been sent to Matilieutn and t 300 to the
Presbyterian treasurer.
- Miss E. Driver showed 'that the Mir,.
sion Circle bad eighteen members and
sent $20.10 to the treasurer.
The Mission Band had Sent $100 to
the rrotTiocialstreasurer. Thereport of
the Cs43.. I. T. was given bY am(rs. c.
Robertson, Mrs. Rivers that of the
Woman's Association: Fifty-three mem-
bers and $.198.38 had been raised "durilig
the year. ,
Me. J. W."Moore ipoke for the Men's
Club,s.which, has an IMMO' attendabee
or eighteen. 'Mr. A. M. Robertson and
1Yer. Player spoke of thechoir's very
successful year, total raised In.ixtg $92.97.
,Mr. C. M. Robertson reported on the
synday School, Slowing 242 on the reit
-witli-aay-average .attendance orm: ,
• Tito treasurer,Mr W. pridham, an-
111--MW-rW4P,301',FT-1147-- teen
raised, Mr. 'Watts, the pastor, reported
-total, _numberof, members- andadher,eints
700. The total ' airaitint raised by all ,
Societies was $9,810. Re told of the
Meeting tO be held by the Y. P. S. dur-
ing Lent, the first meeting to be held I
next Monday night in the Pesbyterian:
chl4rch. .
The-I:see** closed with the -Doxology
arid the' Benediettott, after " Which a
, dainty lunch was eerved"by the ladies of
„ the AsSOciatiott.
St, Valentine's Tea
At Knox Church
Arthur Circle Arranges Much En.
joyed Affair in Lecture -
• Room
The lecture room of the Knox Pres-
byterian chtirch was the scene of a , very
much enjoyed Valentine tea on Wedzu
day* afternoon,. February. --NM l'he
Arthur Circle under the leadership of
.2414-brva. fkunerville and Mr& Harold
-Rivers,--had---the:affstir.. in. _charge,. 4.04
munerousituests twit -advantage -of th—
Mrs. D. J. Lane and Mrs. W. G. ..tptc...
Ewan presided Over the tea table whicii
was charmingly decorated in silver with
rose colored tulips over a late clOtti.
Assisting in the tea room were 1./irS.V.
Black M. Rivers Mrs: Stratton, Mrs.
.us. Thomson, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Tut.
lord, Mrs. Girvin Young, Mrs. Wm. Bis-
set, Misses M. maawan, E. Somervilk)
and E. MadEwan, Mrs. Ainslie, Mrs. Rod
Johnston and Mrs. J. Donaldson. .
A program which was greatly enjoyed
was presented as follows: 9uartette,by
Mrs. Lane, ,IVIrs, Wm. Bisset, Mrs. 'Dun-
lop and Mrs. A. Smith; piano. solo by
:Mi.ss *Constance Kennedy; and a isieal
solo by Mrs. -W. F. Saunders; violin solo,
Mrs. J. Roberts; piano solo, Miss' Helen
Archer; children's duet by Claire Bisset
and -Danny Walters, and a niusical
ntunber by • the Fisher solo; piano- sole,
Miss, Margaret Barnett,
Sods and barnyard manure, coins
posted and allowed to rot, make splea-'
did soil for Plants. To this May be
added a small amount of rotted leaves
or other organic material. Wilma
7,44.4 -too- "ns, add a larger asneunt of '
leaf mould.
111 MEV
nib in MinarePs
There's mothing ,to equal thit fine -
old liniment for rubbing out pain
and soreness,
Ift is equally good,talcen internally,
for. a Cold or a cough or stomach
p. --Made for 50 years- by
Minard'a Linintent Co., Ltd.; Yar•• -' . •
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e -a Agan—tar
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vic. i YOU Caualit-k
tom{ soewit wow'
mutts stos. mush
Repsatmei& Watt%
trietstet *Ss a witty
ram' iknd gargle Email* to
*ethos lit Os%
Mmost. Instant *lief* This Way
is."*"titr,::?'"nittminiied°1141net"recattililt'adt'smifitt7i13:640 01:11#Mttlab6"the1/4:tltilYiltri.talikint71:11:Atnistrk'lltdwnettadutti6"dfrt
cold, For It lar
work almost
EST* 'West, soca way 10 treat when you take
cbeek alt 01d1- A,ra gargle
de*, 4e6intigaZ
no, iniAspit:in:sbthey