HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-02-22, Page 3•VITURSTA PER
• Kineenlinek Reporter: :01',14tar$4,14
ehukh. WaSsWe/Isat14004 Sunday
mOrning'italar 45 ininiatera are concern-
44- Id, addition to *V. Walter B. Craw,
there .was Rev. lire Scutt* ,Ot
w4Q wasPreaohing fer the daTI.whlle In
lbo pews were two brothers,bah clergy-
men., in the persons of Ref. DtMean MP.
Valrish. of Port H.ope, and Bet Fred
1:1av1elt, of Orapbelitorct: Durtng t1740
OeUrSe Of Ilis addXeSS Utt Atrt Scott
-Made reference to the train service to
M$, soARllow NtomonX,
tt. • Listowe). StandardMr, °Xis Sear.
.row, for. nearly to years manager of
.the Listowel branch Of the *trite
?OS**. is leaving tor port Colborne
!there he vs,111 have charige of. one Of their
largest storea. Ms plate is being taken
by Mr. Leslie VVans of fitments). Mr.
and Mrs, &arrow have Made rnanY
s' friends, in Listowel during* their resi-
dence here, who will be aOrrY to hear of
.their removal. At one time Mr, Scar -
row vow manager of the Steele Store in
%HI PAM, SseallIng &
WIIh Mirk*
• •
0 ,net 0.‘ Hedional.fdaA 25.
.kbagardine,NeW.C. ASWedditig nmiqh,
1±0eiesv: tcrKAF• Plage' on Saturday 'morn.
IsOrtP4TY. '19.* $
home of 'the -Artde'a Parental when the
EignpSen 'united in 'Marriage
Kathleen, elder daughter of Mr. and
*tat 144, Johnston,',•.411•1d.0 Ernest
$0'eheeat ',son of W. and Mrs.' WM,'
Igvana#._ irdvi'Afkillff", The
bride was charming in a !rock ,.'014-
ese tone of blue,.trimmed. with trat4PO4--
ent velvet,:a$,:she entered On the arto,Of
her. father, rtliewina ethe ceremony
dirtner was served at the 'hOnse 'of the
'bride's parent's. Mr: and ..Urrs IOW
left on a short honeymoon to TbrOnto soaks-. from Which, *C4e •never - rallied,
and Other Points, the bridetravelling in ,sessit'in Hamilton, the deceased came
gown of nreflY red and & gOat-or'sltas. lesest illep Township as a young girl .and
,gonal WOOL °.sable •trimmed and 0114ek A large pat of her life was anent in
fur felt hat, to Match- with accestories that township. Vifty-six years ago she
In black and white. On their return Nab -united in ,marriage it St. Columban
•they will reside on the, groom's farm, to air_ paselek. Walsh and for many
North Line. Years re -sided orr•the farm in MexilloP•
DEPUTATION FAVORED TWehtysseven years ago they retlXid
." $1,75 $2,00
_saltiest leSeit 0 45e
LwlcheoR s • -504‘Imd,..„ 004
Dm., 60e, $5e, $1.00
• Latarra*
. Writ* for Fttlder.
. • „
r eaitil
(SUPPiled by liealth *OW 'gr. The
Vioaadia41 .W0* ',044iegiatiin, ands Life
- .4 4,,.panlas In Canada).
1d yeti Oita" Weeder *fill 't*:15gisen
Who as ad abaelterrhage eeralgain$
„et thlrat? One .1ropertant fulletien Of
the. Olged_, Is't9;.•,uPP14, tO the. tiss'atO
Of 'the betty'. After a haetnerrhalte;, .the
itIOod la 'diminished in velnMe• and Matt
la ISithdraWn trglit the *Sues to Make
111) thla cleceieno.yy' The tissues are thns
deprived Of fluids, so, the 'patient...gm"
plains, of Wrist. '
The sudden. leaS Of CoMParatively large
amounts Of blood causes' 'ales form of
anaemia; Other aneeintas WW1 '004Ur
are due, npt to loas of blood, but to
changes irs the bloods - of red
blood cells carry oxygen to the tissue*.
The average life of a red blood, Cell is .a
month. The body Machinery is able to
replace red blood cells at this rate.
There is a rp:tcrve of red cells in the
spleeti and bone Marrow sufficient to
meet any sudden or unusnal demand.
If, however, the extra demand eontinues,
the reserve is soon exhausted and the
nutshinery for Making new:eells is able
,frontsthe 'farm and purchased the bomel to meet the demand, with the result that
in Seaforth, where Mt. 'Wit1811 bad, there is a deficiency in the quality or
since resided. She- was a unlet un- quantity, Or both.
asstiming woman, but one who always Chlorosis is the type of anaemia which
had a good or a kind word to 'say of oceure in young worms). ,There is no
everYone. In religion she was a anent- reduction in the number of red blood
ber Of the Etonian -Catholic church and tells; but there is a change in: the bite -
of the League of the Sacred Heart, the moglobin, with the result that the coin -
_Altar Soddy anL WL..of St.. James' .plexion takes on a yellow -green tinge,
church. Mr. Walsh passed away two hence its popular name, "green sick-
yearsF ago, but she Ls -survived by a-fam- nem" TIM condition, which used to be
ily of four daughters:. 'Mrs. J. J. Flan- common, is now comparatively rare in
nery, of Egmondville; Mrs. W4 3. Cas.! this country. The cause is unknown.
,sels, Toronto; Mrs. Jas. lannery, De" It, Is'readily cured by the administration
trait, and Mrs. J. J. Cleary, Seilorth. of iron prOperlY-Prescribed.
• Ohe daughter, Mrs.- P.sCurtin, prede- -Perniciesussanaemia..orsAddison's diz
ceased her. She is also survived by two" ease, La a type-of-anacmia In which there
brethers --and two Sisters, Mrs. Dan is -a tremendous decrease in the nUmber
Hughes, Wilide,-Sitek.;--Airs. Bessie May, -of redbloodcells. The onet of this clis-
• Chicago; Mrs. E. J. Roach, Kerrobert, ease Is 'slew and gradual. The Patient
Sask., and Mr. Jno. Hughes, Los Gatos, ..becoines aware of an increasing lack of
-California. , • energy.. He finds that he fatigues eas-
ily and: becorries breathless; he has no
SOME FAMILY appetite and Ls ,occasionally
Zurich Herald: Two cradles and two Numbness .and tingling in the extremi.
high chairs are • an essential. part of the ties are common. The skin is pale or
house furnishings of the home of .James yellow tinged, but there is no loss of fat.
-Masse-on a farm two miles south of St. A few years ago it was discovered that
Joseph, -which is on the Lake shore, a the addition of liver. to the diet 4:1 those
short run down from Goderich. In the suffering from pernicious anaemia
family of Jaines and Mabel Charrette brought about a startling .improvement
Masse, who are 43 and 42 years* of age, and the :blood became normal again.
there, ,are 19 chilcIten all alive, frOm 22 What...substance Is present in liver Which
years of age to 4 tnonths. They are as . does -this is not known; it is found in
, follows: Maurice, 22; Florence, 21; An- extracts from the liver tissue and the
DR. P. -J. 4.-FORSTER.•
_Late House Surgeon New Yora OrPh-
thalmic and Aural Hospital, essLstant at
Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden
Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng.
53 Waterloo cit. Stratford. Tele.-
' phone 467.
At Hotel' Bedford, Cloderich, second
Wedne.sday,-frOm 1 p.m. 40 ,4 P.m.
H8 & HAYS.
Barristers and Solicitors.
R. C. Hays, K.C., and R. C. Hays. B.A.
• Hamilton street, Goderich. ,
Telephone 88
Barrister and Solicitor
Office': Hamilton St. Phone 512.
Barrister,' Solicitor, Etc. •
Phone 282. HAMILTON ST.. Goderieh.
%tuatara Advance -Times: On VridaY
afternoon a deputation from Winghatn,
Teeswater, • Blyth 'ahd Clinton, had a
conference" with, Hon. L. Maccaulay,
Minister of Highways, in his office re
work to be done otv.iiighwaY4ko. 4. !rem
Clinton to the Durham 'toad. They
requested that this road be kept open in
the wintit-i-thcl-that tlie iierk *or tali
ing the road up to government standard
• be done this year if possible: That the
deputatlen reteived. a good hearing is
evidenced by the fact that snow plows
Thave abeadl-cleared-the
so expected that work will be, done this
-year to bring this highway hp to Gov-
-ernment--standard. The deputation was
comprised oft Mayor- J. 'eV -Halmos
'Reeve F. L. Davidson, Reeve Ros.s
• 'I'eeswater,-Reeve McNeil of Blyth, -War-
den Ellicitt of 'Clinton, George Spotton,
M.P., C. A. Robertson, MLA., W. J.
Greer, T. J. McLean and E. S. Cope-
. •11;
Martilter, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc.
•Successor to J. L,KlIlaran. -
Phone 97. Office, The Square, Godetieh.
• Barrister and Solicitor
Sun Life Bldg., ,Adelaide and Victoria.
• Toronto' 2.
Listowel Banner: Listowel lost an,
esteemed and beloved citizen on Mon-
day, February 12th, in the death of Mrs.
Jan* Moorehead, at her 'home on El-
mo, street, • in her 63rd year. Although
not in good health for the past year she
'.was able to be about until a few months
ago, but since then has been confined to
bed. Mrs. Moorehead, formerly Eliza- thony, 20; Richard, 19;_ Feresa, 17;
• beth Catherine Cruickshank. •was born- Marie, .16; Yvonne,' 15; Alphonse, 13;
Winehate, a daughter of the late Joan, 12; Cecil, 10; Louis, 9'; Ivan, 8;
Thomas and Mrs. Cruickihank. Thir- Antoinette and Juliette, 7; Archie, 6;
ty-three yeara, ago she was united, in Leo, 5; Michael, 3; Priscille 2, and Peter.
marriage': to -Mr, Mobreiread,"-fdrarints '4` months. 'Mow do you like having so
been a resident Listowel since that great a family?" "It 15 not a question
time. Shb Was an active worker in var. of liking," sal a Mrs. Masse. "I- am
ions organizations in Knox Presbyterian thankftil to be Strong enough te "give life
church, of which she was a memUr, to tui th%se little ones." Mrs. Masse
• and, eonvenor of one of the, circles for bakes bread every day. Usually six to
several years. She was also a member nine loaves. She does a family washing
of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary, twice a week, churns once a week, 15
'Women's (patriotic League and the, Or- pounds of butter. A 100 -pound bag of
der of the Eastern. ,Star. Her death is ft -oar is bought. each Saturday. Of the
keenly felt by. a large circle of friends. herd of 31 cows owned by the Masses, 6
.Besides her husband, one son, Lorne, are reserved to provide milk and cream
sttrvives, and four brothers and two 51s. for the family. They have at the dom.
ters, Andrew, John and George OTTent 18 pigs. They -kill a 200.pound pig
Wingham; Robert of West Hamilton; every twit Weeks entirely - for hame, use.
_Mrs.slames-Elliott, of Sault Ste. Mar1efphey. have 12 horses and -a trector to
and Miss Nellie, of Winglia.m. Work 380 acres of rented farm required
!yesia rroni,
Equipped with electro -magnetic baths.
Electronic. *electric treatment and ciiiro-
Pl'actic. Chronic, organic and' nervous
-dbeases. Lady in attendance. Office
---houxas4-40-5sand tosi)- lindsIsstsall-- -
pointment. Closed Wednesday front 12
to 6 p.m.. • •
- if, ATKINSON',8 ,residence a,nd
cerner of SoUth street and Brl-
• tennis Road. Phone' 341.
Live Stock and General Auctioneers.
, Elgin Ave., GO-derieh.
, Sales made everywhere and all efforts
matte to give you satisfaction..
Farmers' Sale IsTotessdiscounted.
PhOtie 111).
Governments llold
Another Competition
Those Raising BUM Litters for
1934 May Get Application
Forms from Clinton
• tissues of other orgons. 'Ithis discovery
• marks one of the • great advances in
medical -treatment, for, through the use
of liver, 'patients are brought back to
:normal. They are not cured, but they
are kept normal by the continuous use
of liver. •, -
Up until recently, pernicious anaemia
was ustlally fatal, but now the disease
has been added to the list of those for
which we have a specific remedy..
The Federal and Provincial Live Stock
Branches are again. sponsoring a Spring
Series. Bacon Litter Competition for
sows farrowing between February 14th
and April 30th. Any bona, fide farmer
May make entry in this competition and
contestants, IA be classified as follows:
(a), 'Previous prize winners whose
• litters. have scored over 175 'points.
(b) All other contestants, including
those who' are entering for the
first time.
Each 'farmer entering a litter is ex,
peoted to keep an approximate record of
the- amounts; -kinds and orise of -feed
used but there are no restrictions on the
• use -of any. feeds- or feeding methods.
Littets maybe marketed at any oge but
all pigs in the litter must be nairketes1 of sleep is the _cause of a large percent- ---i ' cupbrown sagar, 2 cuPs MIlk# 2
we inquired in- tablespoena corn starch;s1 egg. Brovin
at lane, time. In order to qualify there *ago of rhal-nu.trition-so
motbe at leasteig.ht pigs in the litter to that and found that the. child was the sugar slowly' until nicely caramelis-
raised tO marketing age and at. least 30 not going early enough to bed. -He was ed. Heat the milk.- Mix the cornstarch '
per cent., of the litter must grade as very' muchinteteste5'in a radio mystery with enough water to moisten it ,and
select bacon. - story and iiiiiitee on staying* Up- each add this to the beaten egg, When the
The Ontario and Dominion: Depart-
ments of Agriculture aro offering $200.00 night to 'hear it. And his -mother let , caramel is browned suffloiently, pour a
in prize money in each ' him. This kept him out of bed too late little of the milk into the starch and
wine to ,be divid-
ed as. follows_ __ _ and 'it sent Min to- bed in an excited egg Filature, stirring While you, pour.
1St, $20.00; 2nd, $19.00; 3rd, .; state so that he did not fall asleep Return, tnis to the milk and stir again
$18 00
4th, $17.00; 5th, ,6.00; 6th, 7th , quickly, nor did he 'Sleep calnily when he as 3011po-ur, having -the. milk- at almost
$1 -- - --.-
$1560; 8th,, ,$1460; 9th. i $13.00; , did' get to sleep. The mother is co- boiling. Add the caramel and return to
$12.00; llth, $11.00; 1,2th, 810.00; lath, operating . and the boy is getting to bed the Sire stirring steadily until- 1118 thitk-
ened? then dock for ,two minutes more.
810.00; 14th, $10.0.0. - - . ' - early -and, starting to grain slowly.
Application ferins may be secured reto An under -weight child requires more Pour into serving dish !ChM thorough-
rest '-get-into- a condition to gain, .7! ly and serve with cream
from the Ontario Departnient of Agri- i
culture at glinton, or from. the Ontario the child is going to school this takes a
little management. Make the child rest Country Clnb, Diner -"This 7Spihach
Live Stock Branch, •Parliament Mild."
a halfdoes not taste right."
,ngs,. Toronto. Completed application -hour at noon -unless the 'distance
Waiter -HI suggeSt. sir, that,,y•O_up take
forms for entry must be mailed to 1 R. from School is too great to allow it.
if up w ith. the gree.na eemmittee.
W. Wade, Live Stock Branch, Parlia- You be the judge' of that, not the child.
_ment Buiklings, Toronto; -within -14---slaya
. _see_ thaistheolaild starts, to_ 'bed
Have a 15 -minute rest before suPper and] '
in thilei harming yourself; or 'help anotii*etc w
, You , cannot harm' another- 'without
after the date of farrowing of the litter. .
.,. •...,_—..........—.... — to get there peacefully without a nerve , out helping yourself.•
• !CANADIAN LAMB BEST IN WORLD Strain. • You know •how much they are . .,
Canadian farmers are producing- the , inclined to dawdle and allow for that. HELP YOURSELF
-Ma• ke that period a pleasant time and Seaforth News: The cold anal) last'
best lamb' in the world *cording to tile not a nagging one. ' Do not allow excit- Taaesaay and Friday_ caused havoc.
Dominion Department of Agriculture Ing games, stories nor radio. just before among •water- pipes in town, like so
bed -time. Week -ends may be the. occa- many othet Places, but perhaps the most ,
yet we as a people are only recently
_pow's This Ear a,,Xonie „Back? , 'coming to. appreciate this fatt, our per sion far further rest. Breakfast -lir -bed harrowing story is that of:' a resident of .
"Why didn't you telt me . capita consumption, is just over seven on Saturday apd Sunday with a further the North Ward who ieft a_ tap running
When he kissed you?" Mother hissed pounds. In 1933 ' some , 80,000 more rest then up in time to get out in to keep it from freezingand next Morn- '
Stirhy, Arlother, I didn't know . lambs were slaughtered in Canada than the air long enough to work up an ati- Ing the kitchen was a sorry sight: .
You wanted to be kissed.petite for:- the noon meal. Entertain- Rumor says he despaired of lighting his
.• Our bam.
b crop is baby grass grown lamb - -
during P year. y % 0 ments or distractions which mean late .own fire and went over to a neighbor's
produced on luscious pastures frosa the h t b " allowed. _ , a _
kitchen,, started roaring tire In - the ',-.,- - ----,--
rookies -to -the -oceans -east and wept. .-- ,•
.,,› ._ . • Caramel stove • and was •thawing himself out
The ..surplus of grass grown lambs is Most people seem . to enjoy earamwhen the surprised occupants et el
put into store for consumption during flavored food. It is quite simple
came downstairs.
. , •
Written for The Stir • by Jeasle Allen Brown
If only the direetors of The Metropo-
litan Opera Company would supply their
Saturday afternoon audience with cough
drops, what a boon that would be to the
radio .audience. Why must the most
persistent coughers • sit near the Intent -
phone? Last year there was one man
who coughed his way through each andIna powder. Creard the butter and
sugar, add the well -beaten eggs, Sift
every opera, and he is at it again 'this
year. I would know that coh the dry ingredients and add alternately
matt's ug
with the milk and „flavoringe.-Bake in
any 'plate. Now there is a real problem
for scientists. How to Stop Coughing a moderateoven of 360 degrees torthirty minutes.
at Opera and Symphony Performances.
lInder-Nouriiihment From Fatigue °triune! leing----ssass-
2 tablespoons butter,' 2 tablespoons -
An eight-yeaf-old boy is under weight,
thick caramel AMP, t'es teaspoon vanilla.
He is nqt doing well at *hoot, and he is
1 Is -cups icing sugar. Cream the ,butter,
very irritable all the time. When try -
add the caramel syrup and the vanilla, •
hag -tee lind___the „rest5On for the • under
ttien--stir -in-the- sugar -and- beat until -- -
weight, we found. that he was apparent.
ghly ,- •
ly getting- the right kind of ' food and thoroublended.
was eating a sufficient quantity,. Lack Caramel Puddinte•
until the caramel is disselvett and the
Syrup thiekened. Bottle and use as
necessary. •
Carainel Cake
11.3 cup butter, 1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs, 1.2 cup milk,' 1-8 teaspoon Salt,
3 tablespoons caramel esyrup, 1 teisspoon
vanilla, 2 eups flour, 2% teiapootts balc-
To assure yourself that you will enjoy
a ma-fazine, first pick up the preceding
issue and .read the announcements of the
to suppert the _family _ of 21 souls.-
DEATH OF SEAFORTH PIONEER contents of the coming number. - -
Maurice, the oldest . son, and 'Florence, -
Huron ',Expesitor-S-. • ,One of Seaforth's the oldest girl, were both married last , Father (to; his daughter) --"It's a good
most esteemed residentpassed away at .November. They live -within_shotaing plan, my dear, always to think ,before
her horns • on Goderich street, east, oft distance of the modest frame farmhouse oy u apeak." . •
Wednesday, Feb. iath, in the_TeraOla Of ,oxi theAlat level lields along Lake gown. Dotighter-"But.._iitisidy..dear, when_ 1
Mary Hughes, widow of the late Patrick They do all their shopping in Zurich, do that the girls- have' thangedsthe sub -
Walsh, in her elst year. Considering and the boot and shoe trade of Zurich
her advahced years Mrs. Walsh hatt en- is kept busy, Dr. A.. J. MacKinnon of
joyed remarkably good health' until Fri- Zurioh, has officiated at all but one of
week, when she suffered a the- births in the Masse family; - They
"(lit' not have--31triloWis -for-much' else
They have a cars A 21 -passenger sedan,
or toinse thesidest Irwiltholdsisselevern
Mr. Masse. said he would not have the
car except. to go to church. • it is three -
and is. half miles uP to church, and
where there are two Masses on, Sunday
we can all go. But usually there is only
one. .So eleven get. in the car. The
older boys do not drive the car at all.
Vtr,nat motoring they want they get , on
thetractor. The family are the ..descen.
dents of Pierre Masse, who came from
France and was married in Quebec City
In the year 1844, to Marie Pinel de la
Chenaie. And Mrs.' Masse comes down
from the _line •of -Etienne Chexette, born
in Poictiers, France, and married, in the
city of Quebec. in 1670 to Catherine Bis-
set; their little son became Stet= de
Lauren, one of the siegneurs of that new
world that was- old Quebec.
PhOtte 127 P. 0. Box 131 I
At these three critical periods
waman needs a medicine
she can depend eso. That's
why so many take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound. 98 out of 100 say, "It
•helps me!" Let it help you', to'b.
whir. BAILM simmeeimiiiiiiiemisommems
°literal Conveyancing done.
Good Cetaptinies Represented.
Phone 298. • Goderich, Ont.
411" mon • comPA.,Nr
po,Errst 3NSUEIRD. "
Value *Of. prOpertY, insured 'Up to Jan-
Uary. 1918, a3,848,915.00. •
" OPPICEMs--.A. Broadfoo At' Sea:forth,
ftesitlent; 'Jas. Connolly, 40odtrich, VW -
President; 4At• Reid, Seaforth, Sate.
DtarscTORS-Alex. Broadfook Sea -
forth Its R. *3; as, Eihouldice, Walton;
Knox, Londeabero; I Gee. Leohbardt,
Bornholm NO. 1; John Pepper, Bruce -
field; Jas. GennellY, Goderichr-Robert
Ferris, Blyth; Thos. MoYlan, &earth
No; 5; WM.' A. Archiballif Sestforth No, 4.
AGENTS -W. J. Yeo, * ft, R. 3, Clinton:
Jas. Watt, Myth:- Ed. Ilincltley, -Sea-
_forth! John Murray, i3eatorth,. .
Policyhokiers can pay their Assets,
merits at Wein Cutt's store, 'ClOderich
The Mold Bank, Clinton, or J. H.
geeid's, tayfieV.,
J. ft. Wheeler
• rodowohoottatoto
All Wald -DrotiVtlY fti day
• or night.
• Phones Store 335, Muse 355.
Hate It attended to by the
Patablialied let
*out Onteet' ointannati. Ont.
dent;, Ernest Atkert, HelYrood,
' 11,3tesident;' in addition to the Vrealdent
and Vitt President, tile tollowthit are
Ofrettlitai Win. Watatit), Auburn:
1.41*,:,. Wm. Winilkor
tattaktioat; W. P. Rod, R.R. td usticuoir:
doderich: Dan Mac
B. .010-.L S.
aro isou Bro
• TSB t1IaDDT0--
• 101110311AL DIRECTO
am* EMBALM 8
A VIA,AN(lit ItvIOn
Thd trdriitter. was paying an •apparent,
ly never-ending Visit tO the home of one
of the members of his flock.. The little
daughter, of the house 'Went up to her
mothers and, in a stage whisper, said:
"Hasn't he brought, his Amen • with
hitn7" , •
alder Weakness --
eheved Overnight
. •
Writer Tells of •Great. Remedy That'
Gives Quick, Certain Relief- •
• Invites An To Try It
'While- serious, '11- neglected. it is now
ordinarily an easy matter to quicklY re-
lieve Bladder Weakness and Irritation,
Pains in the back and down through
grohis, freqUent daily annoyance and
troublesome nights -by the pleasant
home use • of pr. Southworth's "URA -
TABS," which any goad- druggist cari
furnish in sealed packages containing a
ten-day supply on guarantee of money
back on 'first box purchased, .if not welt
pleased with reeults. .
No matter how stubborn; troubleadme
or how long stariding your ease may be,
yOu can easily prove the value. of Dr.
Southworth's "Uratabs" in a few days'
time -and you are Invited to do so, with- .
out plighteSt risk ofr cost unless pleated:
with results. Start the test of
tabs" today. and look for improvement
inside of 24 houra--ask your druggist.
the winter and early spring months.
This supply is now being augmented
from weekly slaughterings of ,grain fed
lambs produced mainly on the prairie'
and foot hills country and finished in
Ontario., The sheep Industry is being
gradually but steadily organized So that
a regular and steady supply of choke
product is available to the housewife at
all times. More lamb is being eaten
'earl year, unclsassconsmnPtion Ihereas-e
there will be a corresponding increase in
production.to meet the demand.
•-The present is an opportune time to
-suggest-the-ativisability of a slight ati.
lustment in the family, budget so as to
Include more lamb from week to week.
It is one of the healthiest meats for a
growing family and may be served hot
or cold. Legs, roasts and ehops provide
a variety of tuts from which to select.
Being a choice Canadian product that
haslittle, eXport outlet. Increased pur-
chases of lamb will tend to release -More
bacon for export as provided for under
the Ottawa Conference Agreement.
Canadian Black
Marble Found
make' and 'yet is so often poorly dotie.
The -chief- mistake is mat the cook has
eot sufficient patience to do it slowly,
and when it is done too quickly the re-
sulting flavor is' a bitter one. So re-
member, slow cooking for caramel.- Re-
cipes*usually call for caramel made with
white sugar but personally I much pre-
fer it made with brown. That, however,
If Miller's Worm 'Powders needed the'
support of testimony they- tould be got
by the thoesands from • mothers. who
know the great virtue of this excellent
medicine. But the powders, will speak
for themselves 'end in such a way -that
there can be no question of them. They
'act speedily and thoroughly- and the
• child to whom they are administered
Is a matter of'Dersonal choice. A heavy wilishow
frying- pan ailiy -te• uted isS--multes-th lzin!r°Yernent fr°m• nrg -
dose. • - -
caramel in, but. I usually keep an old •••R
t. a, u cepan for no other purpose than for
the various forms of caramel cOoking, AIL_ Have a COOD 6,4kAOIN
"carramelimay be•_used „as a and
It is frequently added to soups or gravies
to give them a darker color. • I will give ha •
you a recipe for caramel syrup and then
one for a Cake and long, using it as a &sr
flavor. It is a specially nice cater and- Overwe Pddets
the caramel icing is good on a spice MC FAYDEll
cake toe. SEEDS
caramel Syrup 0 n1y 4'
,Cook one cup of sugar in a heavy fry- PER PACKET
Ing pan piir an old saucepan over very
slow heat erstii it browns, stirring 1 re -
quently. -Add one Op of water and boil
irpiatt•Eof assesses** ts
lilt broth-41nd for wiattel
141citayden.'e Seeds coat or
• little *nil !tow eo much -
3(1, to se per pocket. Old
Overate* Packets. Now
Crop. PereshrTiasteti Seeds.
Oyer 1541,400 'satisfied cus-
tomer, last seem**. levee- ..14
CLIrT108•AD and'
ast""" Lsrse
--ot mad 25o tot 14
Hia Packets tetillat vege-
tables with Special Coupes
dOod tot tost din order. 7(Cot* otefetted„.
stamps accepted), Mcraydea Sew Co.. 237
privet St. 154,,yottiato. Oat.
, .
Deposit Negerittait lt.y
'• of Excel-
Its high quality attested by its use 1111
the • British E'mpire 'Building, Radio
City, New York, and in the ne w hydro-
electric, building, in Toronto, a black
marble obtained from a ,recently opened
qna. rry near St. Albert, Ontario, 30 miles
southeast of Ottawa, is arousing tonsid-
erable 'attention ainong architects and
contractors, Its use having been specified
for several buildings to be "constructed
shortly, states a conimunlcation from
the Department of Mines, Ottawa
Sound, very fine-grained, easily worked,
and taking a brilliant, and lasting pol-
ish, the niarbles4aavailable in such
quantities :wile, meet any •possible de-
mand, With conditions partigjarly fav -
'Drably or large, solo operations, at low,
output costs.
Forming a lacy network through most
of the deposit and impartieg life and
character tics the polished marble, are
veinlets of grey caleite. so faint that
they take away very little from ' the
blackness of the marble when viewed
frond a distance of a few feet. Th13 cal -
tette network bast prompted the trade
name "silvertone Black” to be given, to
the marble.
,Wi4c. %wing, and regularity of slat,:
• ural Mete, intersecting each other at
right angles, a distinguishing feature ef
the deposit, makes for a inbalmtun
Waste in quarry (*stations. Available
Itt fiat beds 6 -ver ati sere of 230 acres,
the beds have it thickties,s of frect one
to Mut feet, and the depth Of the 'de-
ilosit ortragei tfi feet Wks lip 40 24
Jotbt letaths 6 t.0 10 feet In %Wt. and
Ilrfeet t thiektitil are obtainable.
Even, the stormy
happy ones for
When the , Heat
your hoine.
days can be
the children,
Folks are in
Build up a good fire with Heat
- Folks Coal.
Make a plate of candy.
I/4A up a rainy day game or two;
And the children will play hap-
pily, Inside the h.ouse.
No wet feeti No sore throats
No croon! It's worth trying.
CALL TIM imortflutt
• ,economical
and delicious
table syrup
sweet for the
whole family
Eczema 13roke Out
On Her Face and Arms
far •01
ssataiwaelnatini OILY mr,
THE T. WHISIJISIN Catt-Liinitatt
' Tema* Ortt.
Miss Mary Vns, Hague, Sask,
writes: -"My blood *as Inti terrible
condition tali" my face and artns
broke out with eczema.
/ started using blood eleansets of •
yatiou.s kinds, but it was of no wait
One day 1 read about ThnilitCk •
)3loo4 Ditters, but being BO alto
courage& because all other Methods
had failed, I was rather ekeptical
about trying it, but after bald%
taken six 'bottle; II was pettedly
satisfied as toy Ado, wat lett clean ar4
'healthy looking."