The Goderich Star, 1934-02-22, Page 1«Mfalillattlattking. ,I3c4its 'teltleittr SCIIIItee, aDifficult Job for r Elevator:41M Mill The S cold, weather sai*4;.etineeqnent's:lce f.tn the„harhqr.is 4 source of troubleahti expense to the Elevator and Flour Mill - Ing companies'. . Lastweek the Unloading of the Steamer,' 3/1ricoldoc was 'cotapleted and the Anna, V. Minch wei'Viith .etensider- - Able diffictlitY *Ought ,under the saute ,o the t,7ip,derlett Elevator and Transit Conipany , and her contents removed, This week the Burke will be emptied IV the Transit Company and the Prescot by the, Western-CanadaFleur -ICUS Co The operation of cutting the boats out of the ice is a daily one as each night 'the ice ferret anew and the work of the preceding day has to be repeated.. Cut - ling the ice' and disposing of it together with the mahouevring of the boats :under the schutis 'requires great labor and in - The ice has to be disposed of by means .and earriee them hundreds of feet, finee thunPing 'them over th.e breakwater into the river. The cleared spice left atound the boats is small but in tt the. huge 'freighters with their tons of grain must be manoevured by Means of long„ wire- cableseattathect to the plant mach-- inery. With the.se, men who have be- come expert, play checkers with thou- sands of tons of steel, there being no waver -of ecourseeen the boats, themselves, during the winter, •' • • Occasionally the services of the teg are required but the boats are finally brought under the schtites arsd their con- tents transferred either to the Elevator or to the storage bins of the Mill. The whole_ recedure, in a winter such' as thls 15qitte an expensive one. • Reni iS now on Canadian market for sale. 50 cents a bottle at *,Campbell's -Drug Store, Goderich. •- • The Executor of the Estate of Susanna Walter will sell by public auction at the premises, East Steeet, Goderieh„ on elATIIRDAY,-eozel. 24th, 1934 oiiqg 4'e noon; "the lolloveing chattels: Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room and Kitchen. Fat:entire, including. -rugs, curtaine-suid-pittares and Other articles too numerous to nientlon. -TERMS 9SALE-Cash. particalare apply to HAYS and likys,, Hamilton St., Goderich, Oa:glee _ T. GIINDEVY &SON; Auctioneers. Heckel.' OA r1411:4 'Oat*, Niittte at RLk A, grand. wind-up to the 'heekey , eta- eenIs Planned bes 010 00der4Ch Inter. Mediate HOCke,Y Ch1lt or Wednesday, alfeil14,1tebrilarY 28the A. eatetival night ittethe*.:Weet'St. rink with. 'NAM CePtigOkih COP* OW Other- wise,. ,esseeS , foe. eeldeeson& tssettnie, '•,,atid. souple of part time hockeY Iteettches!are planned, • . Sneeial teeters, Will be a breera ball Dune betTeen teams of old timers in the, leackey World, This is an event which is always Prednetive of a great deal Of fan as the idea is to, ptit a f eat - ball 'between the goal.pesta, using brooms place of lineltey SOSO. • Prizesewill be dietributeci for Various events. Many People enjoy these cared - Val events and are already ---Planning their costintes. for -the affair, It is felt by the e6ramittee an Charge, that a large erthed iS eertain. The affair will start nOt '14004n 8 eeeleele and .possibly earliere-Detailswilfsbe'-'annotnecedelater. , E. P. tiarling, *Consulting Engineer, of Bene1t:#:2, °Mark, a gentlemaneminent in his Prefesslon, appeared before the town council on Monday evening, Feb. lath, and explained in 'detail •the neceea sity for the laying of a new waternmin Goderlcii. ' -• PollOwing a long seseion diming *which many questions were asked and clearly -stnewered,-...the.....countal v�te& tos _vend four thousand dollars, approximately, to deepen and enlarge the pumping basins and clecidedtto put off the consideration of_ the 'new main to some future time. 871-1-tr4-iiaywere neet-Weens-i being evident that the majority of the The, Executors Of the Estate of the Sate We:a sswill-offer foresale by public.auction, on Saturday, the 3rd day of March; at 12 o'clock noon, at the of- fice ot Hays and Hays,. Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont., the "following :property: IFIAROXIi. NO, 1 -Being composed of' • Lot N.0. 871 ntheeTovne of.Goderich, on whiele'there-ls situates -substantial 'it'd, brick residence, witli all inodern con- , veniences, hardwackl 'ffoOra throughout, etc, • pARL081. NO..•2 composed of a • garden or building' lot on, St. Vincent Street, Goderieh. • " ThIS property will be sold subiect to a reserved bid. Inspection of' the resi- denceemay„be had on' application to the • undersigned. TEFEMS.-ren' per centof purchase price at the tithe of the sale and the balance Within '30° days. * For further particulars apply .to. effAYS , and HASYS„--HamiltOn St., Goderieh, Ont. T. OUNDRIt 8e Son, Auctioneers ' Cloderith, Ont, VICEMITORS' SALE or EtEsLOEN- WILL PHOPMTY. . ' f,,ions' Club Responsible for. En- tertainment in Capital • ' Theatre 114argjx, 8 , {Much interest is being„„mateifested„..in. the forthcoming, entertainment • beffig staged by the Lions' Club in the inter- ests of their crippled children's fund. The Lions Club is cldsely associated - with this most admirable welt in all parts of America and the.results to chil- dren, who might otherwise go through life without the blessing of sound limbs are such as to Merit the most . syMpa-- thatio co:anieration of everyone. In addition to the satisfaction of assisting .with this splendid work there -will be 'a. program of exceptional- merit. • Thursday, Mardi 8th, has been set aside • by the :managements of the Capital Theatre who ..are, contributing.' as their share the tilCatre and the fUxn. lit ad- dition tO 4,414 length, 1•egttlar picture performance there Will be 'a Comedy sketch with' monologiees by Geo., Jetuter and .Daig flexjiy:Of _Louden, Ont., piano, `314,04k,"at.,414t,t1iir nUtabers by Miss Gene CoritiOnS' 'an3,Z03,ineders and Mrs. Jack 1ober these capable artists, to- gether With greup dances, arranged b ' *tiy, jadiSa"---ItAtiry-4-Piti'sailei-:Inakelifis' ane - • ing's entertainment such as is not often offered to the people of Goderich. It is expected that there will, be A large attendance Such as the character of the entertainment and the nature of the cause to be benefited warrant. , ,T119P. Stark of itorki Hat _ ot Itraelticar was *elected. " President =alle0111 acting for Thos- Sturdy, of .the Goderleia braneh NO. /09 'Of the has issued a Wrtt for $1,000 against the Canadian 'Legion at 411,4fr annual election 'row* CiOderieh, 0/. 000Per and exwtati an.,,,connectiou with of Officers in the clubrooms oa Thure- the fax sale of FebruirY 14th. when the day. rehruarY 15t1:ee4to fUrniellings of the Royal Hotel' Were sold Major Herb. Jane,- iring president, to eatisfY.- the towyes claim for taxes, .• thanked the mem r and officers for Action Was first hiatitnted by the town the wholehearted support .which they more than is year ago to dispose of the had given him during his time° Years of furnishings, of the hostelry itsetion‘ciface. and asked the same unfaalkng sup - of its claim against Thos. Stpatly, Port ,for his successor. prietor„ ' At the instance oll,1;13104Y-MfartaThe, election was a simple affair, the ltaircr action was deferred in elitdesthat whole "slate of officers as recommended Sturdy might have ALL.chanee..4tArrittateyAtY__ the _nominating committee being re - a settlement. As More ths,4, liattytUrnest by the Meeting. This was parti- elap.sed and no settlement. at the'tnlarly pleasing to the members as being town felt that,,,,the,hAttne lid'etane to ladiesitiVe or a epirit of comradeship and close the ,case - out.---Thtfturrdslainge good fellowship which tendsto make the 'brought only 492.45 and Were 'purchased aranch the force for good which it is in by A. J. Cooper whet °wets thtanortgage. the community. The leadin is for wrongful -agitates- but It was decided to have an at home at no particulars have been filed. Mr.. which the members and their families t-Dlificey statfrthaTtliteit-will be eriteredHltifisrvetlebettesitireXeelerlike "merraild'ertz within ten days, F.'Do, !Telly. re.pre. Lltertain t,bera eards and possibly dano- eee, • One coun±cillor maintained. h_ie -Staricl! that the matter should go to the people,' in the form of a bylaw. - This diSpoees, for the time being et1 least, of A matter which might, at a, moment's notice, be of grave importance' 'to the people. • , 1 So far as it goes, the impeovement to • the pumping basin is a distinct gain.1 • Mr. Darling stated that this was neces-1 • tary, not that it will provide more Water' for the use of the citizens, but that it will render impossible the stoppage of e plunpsuckings through alr. If the engineer's plans are followed there Will be two basins feolii -each 'of which. will lead a pipe to both the service sup.' ply and the tire pumps. In Ithis ease there will always be an alternative basin to draw from in ease an accident occurs The Executor Of 'theate eatof' 'the 'Tate O. P. Carey will offer for sale by ambito auction, at the Premises,' On Saturday, 'March 3rd, Conemenclng at 1.30. o'clobk in the afternoon) ,,the, follciveing real estate: T, Let-aPart of -St. Georges Bloek.north, of the Crescent in the Town of Code - rich, being More particularly described . in a tertain deed *kith. will be prodttted •at the time of the Ode. Together with Living Room, Hall, Bed- room sea Miscellaneous, Pardus* 131theas,Beddlilg and- eaardets other articles too munerout to Mention, 'The Real *Estate will- be sold albjte eet e a reserved bkt. , eTERMS.-Ten per ont. df pura thase.price at the tirde Of Sale and the balanee within 30 daya trent the &fee, of sale. Tomos on household goods and effects, cash. For further particulars apply tO HAYS and , HAYS, Hamilton Ste elodeekla, Ont T. GtaNDRY St Son, Auctioneerk • ,Ooderitla, Ont. LCTSTe-A - brown Water Spaniel pup, Finder please notify THE STAR biereCE and revive reward. OST. -45-11 West' Street, -Thursday, a pet canary, all yellow. Reward offered, Leave information at STAR FOR. SALE' TO- - poB-sAix,,,,Twsuot-,pxreAtmg—Ap, ply to -P. o. Box 153. Von REHM-Ceritrat warmi house for jL rent. Apply to W. HOWELL.. VOW ItENT.-A small, comfortable, 5- -named cottage and garden. •Suit- able for young or aged couple. About live inilesi from Godericb.. Apply ' to STAReOFFICE. pARM FOR SALE.-Porty acres. more A. or less, 'the property of the late H. W. C. Nate, situated at the end ol South Street on the southern boundary of este Jowl; of good clay loath, large •lionteaand -barn, -drive sa,edt workshop; hen -house; artesian well, (135 feet), the very best of water; geod fiadt -trees. Ideal location, close to schools and churches. Fpr .further particulars apply On the, premises or to PERCY or WILL Rit.FTEti. , • TRE 0. F. CAREY. Fare, Accklent andMotor Cor INSURANCE og4: Masonic Temple, Went St., Goderich Mame 23.0 NELSON ' J. W. CRAIGIE Insurance and Real Estate roosumorr ritomcritNn?A1 BONDS z. , to the other. • Why the ,New Main The reasons fols the Installations of the of considering all of 'the drawback, from new main proper. are several. • The the government 'as. money saved to. the present main.* is a• ten -inch pipe which was •laid-emcire* than thirty years ag6. 1- town, because government expenditures had to be paid for -by the taxpayers any - At that time methods in use were not, as effielant. as those *developedtin the in- waY( It was pointed out that only a small tervening period. All joints between, portion of the taees• for, this psirticular pipe lengths were sealed with lead pack - job would be:paid-locally. In the mean - ed into the sleeve in the mean e. time, work. wouldI ..hglitroVicled' for num more penverful Pumps have been Instal - berg Or tthemPloYed. Taisini.the course Monday evening, ilebreary 19th. saw led capable of generating a force auffi- , of the work •about $6,000 would be put the :first of the meetings of an interdee cient to leWv. the lead out of these in circulation, .a sum much larger, than nominational character for young peo- faints When, in emergeney, full newer is it seemssaten It is considered that its ,ple. It was held in_ Kieb-i church, the turned on. -Tint iias happened in a circulation among the citizens would be speaker being Rev. D. 13. -Rogers, small way and. with only partial power responsible for the settlement, of -sever R.D, _secretareigiouseseducation_ on several times in the last few years times its original amount in outstanding for the Church of England in Canada. ,but the leaks caused shown on the bills. If there is one -thing the town and • A large audience, composed mainly of country needs above 'all others it is younge-People -from the various yhilprotest- -money-4n•cireulation. • ant. churches -in town, was -on hand to If a large -fire were to start in the The.e6hjection Is not valid anyway, give attentive" ear to the speaker. Rev. tewn would not, be possible to use full as otherwise the Government should be D. J. Lane, pastor of the church, was in • pressitre without danger of blowing out censured for spending money for relief eharge qf the meeting while Rev. J. N. one of -the _joints compretery, in which purposek H. Mills of St George's Anglican church case the town would be without water One. councillcir stated that he did not introduced the speaker. and the tire would have to burn itself believe the old pipe is a danger. J. B. A choir, made up of memlse,rs of the out. •• Prelibyterian Young People's Society, assisted in the• servicce. 'Wise Gerteude „Heist contribnted es solo. , Rev. Mrs Rtigers eiYose as his text surance for the town would be forced• . practically' all ,jth ointe on e hill section verses 13. and 14, from to the Epistle the erery-litiglt-euttilesidettuateepreetedione velseterreinforced-by -now so as liplans,---rlits one thing I do, for- a difficulty Which many pe e objected to strongly at the time. 'The proposartolay t main now was objected to on the geo nd that it would cost too much to 'di through three to 'five feet of fro ground, It was pointed out that t e work would not get started for a co le Of weeks at earliest and that only moderate amount would have been ac omplished before the frost would .have been Out of the ground. Cer- tainly, not as much extra money would have been spent o work On frozen ground as Woad have been saved by the drawback which could have been secur- ed from the government if thelob were done under the priNincial- relief scheme, 'Town. Costa Drawback Much objection yeeet voiced_ to_ the, idea ates---Theed .chtding the Itedeuerere left with the exe- cutive cOmmattee to -work out. They will be annothiced *later, Comrade F. 'Booth presented his trea- surer's report which showed the branch to be in a healthy state financially. He was ,directed to send another $25 to the Welfare Board for the particular use of ex -service men on relief. About thirty members were present and they elected their officers as follows. Past. President, Major A. II. Jane; presi- dent, J. W. MacViear; .vice-president, *Charles Barker, George Schaefer; secre- tary, Wm. Mood: treasurer, P.. Rooth; assistant treasurer and pension advoeiste. Major A. H. Jane; eerge.ant-at-arins, Roy McLean; members of exectitin, D. E. Campbell, B. Wark, J. Matevin, M. Clairmont, F. B. Riley, W. D. Saunders, Ilowierds Robertson. coppfg, wire low rtharge. Do- the Theft NoinY PeOPle hitt'Ne been puzzled 01 the eight or len; ,lSestvet, eelaPer" Wire. 1Y100 on the VOW' and Melting' it* VitY (0110c4 lY 50 the earth or Paltionient ot the down- tOWn eectione. , Anyeate Wold lMeitine that the metal wolact 4413, V014 the weather, which is Vtrt.:1111,4ti 14100 bahnst ., LeXplartation has been given by Ed. Nelson, Hydro SuPerintendent. It appear* that the wire is being used to the,* oat froien4staiterpipes. One end 15 attaehed to a tonvenlent hydrant. • hooked up to _it transformer. on the Hydro truck and the Jar end attached to the offending waterpipe. This. makes, a cOanpiete circuit, through which a low voltage shot of power is passed. Only 100 volts are used with 200 amperes, but this is sufficient to heat the wire and the waterpipe With the result that the latter is freed of ice. It is then necessary to keep the water mining in the pipe, otherwise the sur- rounding frost in the grannd will re - freeze the pipe. It is seicrthat there is no danger to pedestrians as the attrac-, tion of the water astern is much greater Piecll'icitIethart prllig si;ges Open ere. Monday Mr. 4iistiir-si'insitorte toPreiide ' Over Outs fCiiniirosi and Four Ctvil Actions Kingston° Presiding, Will ''oPen in the Court. House, Ooderichoo en Monday, February 20th. One criminal and four elvil cases will occupy the attention of the eminent . - jurist who it making his first 'vita to this cmmty. The criminal -Os* will be that of Thomaa 'fleatforth, charged with two serkais offeneses against a young Egumsdville woman. The accused in this ease is Out on ball, application for same having been grant- ed by ,Supreme Court. Maurice L. -Webber of Zurien..isp...spa,.. plying fora divorce front wit-ior, . Webber, formerly of Guelph and Gode- 'rich, and now of London. This couple Were married in' Guelph, in 1918, soon ,.atter -Webberss--eseturn-front-overeeas----. They came to Goderich• to live in 1930. It is elleged, that Aetelesi rich and induced plaintiff to agree to a separation fr.= his wife who then, ac - carting to the charge, went to London 3,nd lived with Walsh as his wife., De- fendants deny the truth of these allega- tions. L. E. laancey for the plaintiff. Winnett Moreland for the defendant, • The Trusts and Guarantee Company of Toronto are suing May L Worsen for an adjustment of the estate of her mother, who died in 1932, leaving Mrs. - Worsen the house in which 'they both lived together with certain parcels of land. Mrs. Cornell, the mother, also left certain moneys to others of her children and grandchildrone $6,500 in all. to be paid if the value of the estate warranted same or to 'abate rateably' if for any reaeon the estate shout have. shrunk in the meantime. 'The Trtlst Company wants the cash- which was hi the bank at the time of Mrs. Cornell's death considered as ,part of the estate. L. E. Dalicey for the 'plaititift'S'Hays and Hays for ther.defenclant, • Jne. E. Howard, plaintiff, Clinton. le suing J. B. Levis and John, Mceecialey, also of Clinton, for $6,468.1-9, weld -to be owing, and also asks that a. transfee. , property to the value of 13,000, from Levis to his father -its -law, be declared as fraudulent._ Defendant -counterelaime with a long .account �r gasoline, pas- tura,ge„ occupancy of the garage prem- ises from whech plaintiff carried on a business as car dealer and for other items to a total of $5572,27, claims that he borrowed the money with which he paid for the Lavis property from Howard and /hat the latter knows all the details of the deal. Hays and • Hays are solicitors ,for the plaintiff and D. a-Holmes-4cm the defendants: Frank and Ben Allen are horse deal- ers and are in dispute over considerable • slims of money invehred traesactIons • extending evee the pail' five yeari. Frank claims $3364.85 while Ben coune terclaims ' with' S6256.43. principally loans and advances. The case is a very involved one. • Hays and Hays for the plaintiff. .L. E. Daneey for ,the defen- - dant. Interdenominational Gathering in Knox Church Success—Rev. D. B. Rogers Speaker .surface sin lime to be repaired without great inconvenience. • Kelly, Hydrk manager, stated at the Many times the *cost of the new main meeting that the breeka.inthe pine were could be lost in a few hours: of almosteerearly pecurx•ente. eThe. 'Pollee/Mg stiCh a 115therates of An- dike- poltated oat that if this were so, provided. Such a fire may never occur. to be no knger a danger. 'This hill sec- getting those things which are behind, tion admittedthe part -where -excess- end feiIiMglertlr -sed-o- -those *-thm pressure is rriost strongly -felts Mr. Thal- which are before, I press toward the ing ieated that -the pipe is a danger. Little interest was shown when it was demonstrated that less power would be used in forcing_water through a. pipe of adequate size. It was achnitted that this would not be a saving to the Water and Light Comntission which could be ap- plied to lower fates, but it would ulti- rriately be' a' saving to the citizens as a whole front lower 'consumption. 'gr. Darling stated that the -proper -and ideal plan would be new intake basins, a new main and a new water tower pro- perly placed, into Which water could be pumped in the off hours, to take the 'ally agreed that this the first of the load soff the daylight work Of the ptunps meetings was an augury of succeSs for and to make sufficient supply certain in the balance. all.*C`-*cturtttances. Failing that the new . main with the pumps 'working all the (People We Know 1 . • time would do, provided that the new eese intake'basins were installed Withold fail. Fire insurance is sold because fires- 0 occur. ' Can't Use Full Pressure With the present main, and using the pumps at full pressure, if that were pos- sible, only poor pressure can be -secttred at the far ends of tqwn because, the pipe is too *smalls to -tarry-all-the-pressure-pos- sible to generate. This is an engineer- ing fact which is not susceptible .of easy explanation. However, Mr. Darling as- sured the council that the twelve -inch pipe woUld be large-e-ri-Ough to carry this pressure: • The drbaght of last summer with the annoyancecauied by the consequent 7Shortage of water, it the reason, Un- doubtedly, for bringingforward the pro- posal to lay a main now. The repair 'to the intake basin will not supply extra water. There may not be another Such dry season \ for many years,- as pointed • Itogarding 1if a3suiatace*tli6,fooliala vital siya,.:4 canna afford it; / do not ttel it; it is too expensive; r Will take it a Iittle later. The we Matt eitaafeasIt is tate and 'profitable. It raves money orift.Oreatt's *states. It. preserves thie ;ben* and ,.edtteittetv children. 15 towels debts and provides cash for emergencies. It kills want and Worry and tOtroerta doubt into eertaintY. To'Whielt class 'do you belong? •QffJI I 115 -I -14 R. LONG. District Aent out by the opponents of the plan. But the plan does represent the Water and Commiesion's willingness to solve • HELP'WANTED es. , 40 set se* for Us at home. Sewing' ,machine necessary. No selling: ON- TARIO NECKWEAR COMPANY; De- partment 268, Toronto 8. • .ses WANTED •QALESMAV WAKIro -Local agent with ear, to gd into the Motor Oil and 'Speelalty Business .for himself. Selling direct from Refiners% Write for protetWd territory. Box 12, STAR, OF"- _FICK 4.1* NOTliCE TO CREDITORS For Knox Presbyterian Church, • Splendid_ Reports Submitted by All Branches and Groups • Knox churchi_Goderich, will be one hundred years old next year and cere- monies befitting the occasion will be ob- serVed. The year is alSo the diamond jubilee of the establishment of the Pres- byterian Chureh in Canada, a fact which adds to, the interest of the event. These announccements were made by the pastor, -Rey. IX J. Utile, at the an- nual meeting of the chunh, held on Wednesday, February 1450. ' A cemmittee was appointed to make necessary preparations during the year for the- obtervtinee Of the event. This eeommtttee was =noosed of Atte follow- • ing: A. D. MoLean, A. MatEwan, • W. H. Robertsen, K. Saunders, P. J. tWeeEWa,n, Gordon Bissett, F. O. Weir, mark for the „prize of the high veiling of God in Jesus Christ." • • In developing his theme the speaker pointed out that .progress is the keywOrd of the nusdern world. As there are laws geverning this progress so • there are rules for spiritual advance. l3od .15 the centre of all things, a spiritual founda- tion. The future of our land isin the hands bf the young. As they are full of the Writ. 'of •Chriet se: elan the Wald prosper. _ The Church was well filled with the youthful congregation And I5 was goner - He stated the case very simply'. and Without undue emphasis, leaving the council to make whatever decision it felt Mrs. Rod. Johnston is visiting rola- proper. It is to be hoped that they will tives in Toronto this week. have no reason to regret their decision. Mi. A. Burt, of Toronto, is visiting A fulLellsetieelen„ of the matter ,seemsj. her :lister, Mrs. W. R. Pinder. to be not unlike flailing a dead horsed Mese Mary Mu:Vicar is In Toronte at, as the proposal has been shelved define tending the millinery spring opening. - Rely for an indefinite period, but it is • NM, Douglas BroWn, Elgin Avenue, is. one which evil lha,Ve to be given serious Visiting in Toronto for is few weeks. consideration sooner or later. Mrs. Beavers and son, Fred, Mee Julia Beavers tind Misg Evans, motored • .ARTICLES FOR SALE to Toronto last week. .•l - - Mr. Ross Young, Of North Bay, spent WREN WALKeNG ramoReiruitE use • Cress Corn Salve, It eure does the the Week -end '015111113parente, Mr, and work Scald by buniop's "Drug, Sto.re. Mrs, Thos. Young, South St. aai Miss Mary Acheson, Alma College, et. FOR SALE -1030 Ford Coaeh. New Thomas, .was a week -end visitor with tires, •upholstering like' new and her parents. Mt. and Mrs. R. J. Acheson. motor In Al condition. Will sacrifice for miss Florence mooney, of the staff of ,cash sale if told at once. Phone or Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, spent Mrs. AIS. MCIAtin; Ms, A. Taylor, Miss .W1E:gins and Mrs. P. R. Red:Litt. P,. G. Weir. financial secretary of the -church, reported a total revenue of $10.700, Of which $6,700 was for the general fund of the church' and $4,000 for foreign missions. E. 0. C. Beacon -1 was appointed trustee In Vete; of the late Dr. 4. C. Hunter, Dr. J. M. Field and J. WI Fraser were reappented- auditor s7 Church managers will again be J. W. Craigie,A. D. Mc- Lean, Geo, 'Schaefer and W. -I -Seem, dere„ R. .7. MeMehan and J. H. Taylor were appointed to the budget committee. The pastor, Rev. D. J. Lane, read the report of the session, expressing' am:we- -elation of the -cooperation and support of the meinbers. -There are 734 theni- hers on the communion roll. Total at- tendance at Sunday School 'during the past year was 0,960, an average of 195 for each Sunday. Offerings here. were .sertfeseThat Indreaseds " • • Many children will receive diplomas and seals tor faithful attendance during ethe year. • Heme is n Piave where we unbend s Mrs. W. IL Doak., as secret:stye:et the lax our smiles and be our hateful selves_ NOTICE TO,CREDITOttee, owroidteerin. GTD°N. °VEIL' 1:t" 158't the wok -end -with her Sister, Mr$, Geo. .• Johnston, Stanley Street, and her brie - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all riREDIT isiOTt ON FORD =V IVR ther, Mr. D. D. 'gooney, North St. pergola; having any claim againSt, the ‘--1 SALE. -We "aye for sale 'a •tredit Miss Peggy Parsons of Alma College, estate Of Ada Hepworth Hailiday, . sate' tete worth 4225.00 oei is how -ftra ear Ms T11,01214t, and Mr. W. 11. Telford, of 1 of the ToWle Of God ch in the COlantY For further, particulars apeota' to HAYS °woe found, %Ore week -end visitors with of Uttron, who died' on or about the Ilrgt arid OATS, Hamilton St„ Goderielt, day of February, A.D. 1934, to send Marne' the inulersigned, duly *Oen, on or W0015 lidlt.'61111V- lefere• March loth, 19340 as On and after, ' .114 date the rate:Mors 0! the said', The Town has A quantity of good body *tate' vifil proceed 50 'make distribution hardwood (Witt from the town bush for :hereof, hating regard only to the claims Male at $3.00" per single 'Ord Of one -feet hey then hoe notice of,woodo delivered, DA,TitO Al 0400101101 this19th Also IV llmited quantity of good •body film of adult bible class, reported a splendicit year for this body cif vvrtich Mr. Lane is the teacher. The Senior St. Andrews club under the capable leadership of Geo. Schaefer has steadily increaeed its Meltberthip: 'nitre are now 38 on the roll, The same is true of the Junior St, Andrews Club under the leadership- of - F. G. Weir. • Mrs. S. McPhail, secretary of the Women's Mieelonary Society, reported an eleVenepee cent. increase in member- ship under the presidency' of Mrs. R. J. Walter, Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs. Horton, • Mtss Gordon and leers. Weir were given life memberships. The society was able to send bales for western relief and 0: outfit an indian boy at Itenora., The sum of $427F50 was sent to the Presby• - terial treasurer. The Arthur Circle under t4e leader- ship of ervies, W. G. MacEwan, and the Canadian Girls in Training under var- ious leaders or groups gave a splendid account of themselves, as did the Mis- sion Band under Miss A. B. MacDonald. 'Favorable, reports were prennted by Mrs. Girvin Youhg of the Ladies' Aid Societyand by Miss IiIary McItay of the Westminster Guild. The choir, too. un- der Mr, IL Livens, with a total member- ship of 37 showed a satisfactory year of progrese. - The fact that no special appeal was necessary in order to it -Cure Tends ,as a pleasing feature of the report. During the year no new eapital expenditures were necessary. ROBERT ClISTTte, Studio,'Montreal St, Mr. Cutt 'atinOunces that he will eccept a few more pupils in voice Or piano. -Paella prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory Exams. and Musical Competitions. AND BUSINESS BRIKIES he regularjnt_meees of the Women'S Hospital* Attxthary will be held on fermi - day, -February' 26th, at 4 p.m. in the public library. • A -full attendance is re- quested as important business will be - discussed. , Reserve March 155h for St. Patrick's concert at Victoria. street church. Come and see the beauties of Ireland. The monthly nteeting ef the North Street Evening Auxiliary. will be held at the home of Mrs. F. Hunt on Tuesday. February 27th. at 8 p.m. 'The chapter of the Study Book will be given by ellise E. Buchenan. Par -Ru, a blood purifier and tx;r1iic made by the makers of Masson's -49 Cough Syrup. Both at Campbell's Drug Store. The young people of leentniller church v.111 present their Wale ,"Wild Ginger," in Victoria St. ehurch schoolroom on,. *Friday, March 2nd, at 8 p.m. Ad 25c; students, 15c; children, 10c. Span- , sored by -the Christian Service Grow). BOital StRAUGHAN.-At Alexandra tiospl- ; tal, Goderich, on Saturday, Feb. 17, 1934. to Mr and Mrs. Cal. Stratighan. Ndson St.. a daughter. DIED STRAtIGHAN.--At Alemandra Itospi-, tal, Goderich, on Monday, Feb. 19th, 1934, Ileene. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs Cal, Straughan Nelson St. • TIGERT,-eAt Port Albert, on Mon- day, February 1950, 1934, Elizabeth Jane •, Maize, wife of Joseph Tigert, in her 87tii '1934. • ill, hat410604 At 0.00 !Pe fell eeted fiefara flAY4 and HAYS, foot Weed. Oath With Wet. " 10# 4 Order* left at the Town Hall Will be the *motors, attended to. atoned. t Xj, Town Mak. Mt .and is 0, L. Parsons, West Street.), Mrs. W. J. Andrew, Brook street, at- tended the rexecittiVe Meeting e the 110021 Presbyterial of the W. tot, S. of She Vnlifed ehurcli, held in Clint& on Monday of this week. Mr. Zeslie C Evan* of Teresa°, sou Of MM. J. A. Harrison, Victoria Street, ha$ been appointed local taatiager of the telrite StoreetAt.tdetowel. In* rasast Wends here will be glad 50 heir t his a 21 . 32 , 20 OrtonlOtkel. •et indicates belOw IN MEMORIAM e at. er W, e WALICER.-In sad and loving memory of our dear eon, George Carlton Welker, who entered int() eternal rest February 4 (Ma.X.1.4.itt. Max. Min. 2 1024 is It • 11 0 31 15 17 a . 30 20 23 5 . 23 18 20 1/ . 42 21 19 0 .41 32 10 15 , 5 25th, 1025. Deep in our heart liesa picture, Of a loved one gene before; In memory's frame we will keep it, Because he was orte of the beat. Lips cannot speak hot VI 141foil Our hearts eannet think Whsit ta *Ng God only knows how we irdSS WM. As we journey along liffes tooth way. lotftgly renterebered PATinat and MotittiStt.