HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-02-15, Page 4r' nn' lb � of e � ��yteril►o; chit ». ^whlai� had Y.i• a _AY . f , y postponed #, ortnigiat ago, a 1te14 Wednesday ter r6'on. Ow • the extrem ely eojd Weather there tt not so sq attend;nee ' as there t t�rould A berwts+e. ' have been,- hut a .• 'spirit ouf. optimum, reigned. � n. the'**nee . t► �a'btie �e tri. the ;rioter, Robert Davidson presided. The c ndnux Sy 4t,. 'the previous - Mhu►tAi' .meeting were read ` to y, DiViiisorii -, ra. e e eted es otecre. tarry The report one; the treasurer was 'a ` r ►tlf is : one. "�X" ea ,.oegrcgation had been able to :meet all ,its financial obligations and begin the new `. t Year with ° � w � ,� Yus r $z •o 0even in the face of present.ecenamis condi- thins The missionary Owings for the year were over 1140. 'Thomas Wiggins and Richard McWhinney, the, retiring Members of the Board of l�la7aagers; Were ree-elected, and Radcliffe Murra y was elected to the Board of Managers to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of O. M. McKKenzie, . James Hat+lc?a a • was re-elected as c;ongregational..'mie• Sion= seereta and' _ s. tam ry, 1'uIr Rr Davidson as , gregational secretary. Mrs. F. 'os was as appolzated as church a ` aliist, with the. usual honorarium, onor i m•um -and ra: S. R. > h tot era was made assistant to a 'tont r p s�;n�. I let- M Irene -Carr and. Mrs, ' S. 11. Mothers -. were aotttted gas Sunda y ..-._.e' n 1- .or artists,- and -P. Hiss- ers-- tr " ''"'"r, James Davidson and Charles El- liott . were appointed auditors. It was' s decided to have the annual financial :af- t relents printed. A •Y.P.S, ° was or- t - • •-,..:.l ni ems: �t , . ,pasteyear I Y m=.�h%hr ...r. h_interest--is- being= -manifested. - Ro ( ntatn ` " h aro artillery b y cry swords curved?" , Recruit:, <, e use the sheathes' are curved and otherwise the swords -would not ,go in." c Meet Iftittcd. chhur .h IV he ,P' - held On s't'd#y '�� ing," Vele, 14th, in the Sunday . Bebop, re001# n. ! . ' the'Very' l� with h $ Of to *:the '�': Mr. ' tedifitthe eerlpture kms, !lfebrew 13,, ga r !fallen, Ford Offered 'VP ';pitye>r the minutei of last year 'were read, ibYby Mr. o n�lyt '1y�14�i!"��ilt�gygh►�.�+ t..h,.yE`!' }'1C�@tl�r/�y ` " 1✓'••,'�r signations of. I. r. •.. Arxn tro and . 78. Oraham Ogg to illnes were ree gretful]y' ao0Pted, • Themed- �rt of the rucirriin�ttftig COM .° was ,read, by Mr, I. R. .Cart; Ur, ;Were,, 'Mr. Barnwell and .ne- house were' nominated as znember's of Session, and to the Boards 4f Stewa'rdn Mr. W, " . 1'ellovr, Mr. F. Kershaw,'�Mr, ',. W, Moore, Mr, A, ,l. Cooper, Mr, J. Howard, lit'. Was decided to held. the annual meeting each year the, third Wedn erad1►y in /February and to have the annual re-, port ready for that 'meeting. Mr. A. M. Robertson' reported for the Session and the Maintenance and Mis- stonary rand and Mrs. J. Straughan for the Woman's Missionary Society, '41300 having been sent to Presbyterial the Presb a3 treasure r, Mie McDowell reporting for the Bi en n A ill g ux ,stated that a ba had e. �' i been. sent `ta Mathieson and $300 to the Presbyterian asur. erian tre r. e 'l "s E. Driver showed that the Mss- cion Circle had eighteen members and exit J$26.79 to the. treasurer. The 'Mission Band had sent $100 to heProvi i nc al treasurer. The report of w _ A +C, �: I, T: �•vsas•�.{,iverr-b � a� bertson, . drs.; - Rivers that. of the Woman's Association, Fif -thr e Mein- ers � e mm ers and °8498.38 had betn'ittised during the year. ar. r g ye •Mr. J. W. Moore spoke for the : Men's --flub,--which-has- an average 'attendant of . eighteen. ilVLIK A. M. 'Robertson'and sand • for PLUMBING•TAISMITHING ReiNGE 11011 010.1t$' � l+P. Nov MAVINC - ' B1U'', "'Thief' XX* th Eiw " Roliineen OND,l Y. TusfiirkAY AND WFDNESI)ADovolkt mom= 'X An3"':trM*A .,MM p•#.R.�, � iTi•r,(�y .fM rick-: oilty' ht. fu. ftlie' Presb 1'' eh►lurehe The eve' clete4 with the tax to and th,a Benedt.,tIo n atter r wine #G 4inta t; a 3r lunch w Served b the to11 4440014t1004 fallowin greport Of "the seer room for the ' !tenth of `Januaoq, Tested; in Comp., 'Dist.; JeatineandeSpele ling--Queenie LoItee77 P: k cat,: Dorothy McCabe, 72; Oraca, Phaedraer 72; l71; w ' oimlc 1llhfn, •?,blt#�► >?7a1>wer,' "f0, !Br, IV,' --•Tested hi Hygiene Comp., Hist,,' Oram. and 'Suing—yank Pett,, 64; *Phyllis Jewell, 58; •Helen Feat, tea -front aloe point of shipment p ht to �2tia�. ' ' �ieaar+e�, station. 'n, : For windbreak planting', White Sprue tal`VirSb � t3 �' ... - aa4i# . White Cedar available e The tollOWing nisi" be edfor refereetation p r sea , Whi Pine, Red' Pine, JackPScotcleePin e .Euopeay° Larch, White $roue, Whit o► ,hMFye+4rrt►h1Wu► . tb a a , .,. W. it atid dh i.number ol Abe '' ;. 'visitor* eet *nett With :' prestdent cc^* - ^& - g -'.10;#31,10A. 'with 11, tun anmer and er,; M4uthe previous meetin readand .adoptecby Wit ,fir, biter several Thoiluesa eusaions taking P, was decidd.toholdthe next • *netting ,at^ kPs., ", Fsteta, The Meeting, 40404 With, A and the Benediction' tho#ashort teprogr� took' with areadin.,Mrs. John Foster, a talk on' the, Caia-;,,dn West byMrs, George Poster, g _.i a duct'''. b Mrs;, Itarrtliawkires and MrA. Walk, er 04urray after which `a •delicious' a' was ,served by the 'hostess* :assisted . bee Miss E. Fester. Cedar, Walnut, Butte " 11n, White 'Ash, soft M iple, .hard Maple, ted Oak, Diutswood, Carolina ?Poplar Vutttngs, Carolhia ropier (rooted) and White 5l ,Kenneth 'Fisher, 4is.r Willow Cutting*, :F Hutton ?Couny ft 1a _ enters in 1.033 okltain, ed: 200e4 trees fol' ovindbreak Der_.. and. 80163-1 dtr�ees xaces tin to Ing a 'total of 'over'or 126,ref000 treeso: xor the: seaon. Many farmers are rs reforesting rough, ,hilly Or stony land. Which., returns little or no revenue in the ways of ei'opa or pasture, Windbreak planting adds, MuC hto ; the a pl>eaxan e of the h e farm, as Well as protecting' • tliG. f . _grin buildings rom' the: cold winter' winds.' Application forms for these trees may be sec'ur'ed• by writing to the Ontario Department" of Agriculture --at `Clinton; and • all applications must be in thn hands of the Ontario Forestry `.Bran Parliament "DtiIldings Toronto c:Y- o s, tarso, .not later.than "Mare 31st. in It _.. ne, Yt�, �lQ�a Hist. strain„ And p..11ing• Joe . ''atton, ,81 Alfred Hoy, 57; • tvoune L sB ue,; 51 Sr. 1i', ---Teat , cit flet Comp., ,dist,, Zit. and S' pGlli�i6' Helen McCabe, 74;,Betty .;Straw he72; 'ug' p, Joe LaRocque, 70; Robert .Jewell 68 , *, •Westlake, 62; •. Uarold F,. ate absent. Those * ikiarked t } mfs one or more exams f a of Or. I� O. Still x _,��mm"�ta 17 Forestry Department Has Plenty of Trees for DtrY �batlon,. No. .:a . �- to,p... , � 1' sib xi`� C -• The Ontario Forestry ar '��i �- T_ tinue in•. 1934 the policy of supplying, free of 'charge,. a - maxiinuin of ..500 trees .1v for , windbreak planting'.and 3,500'trees ,a0 for reforestation.- u ..i ., p rl�oses� ;tq• tiny farmer 'in the Province of Ontario: The only 1 east to the tarter 1s the_ express 1- .O . -" LBERTL- veral , opre• are suffering 'front' olds and frost bites owing to the severe eather' •pt • last week. _ Mrs. Joseph Tigert has not' been f e "- _e1 ng as - f; well a�; her Ii�CiTyr ir�encts waulii Ike, owing' to her ,advanced years., - Mr. and 'Mrs:" `Jelin Green, of Detroit, CAR * 1V401V ' i~�tda MQtnt.'. Meeting `s1; Carlo..*-rTh ,ti wr a regular Meeting . of the 17ew. Canada 'Movement" ement was held: in the Township Ball Thursday tirsday evening, February 1st, with a very good at , _- 'an . ce, constfond Bering the condition of the roads; Mr, Hamilt +nn Cltitton, spokesmaat. of Colborne bo a unit, monpied the ehair. .The meeting0� nedwith , o Canada,'ada► The chairman, in a few words- oUtlin`ed the purpose of the movement, , for. -the -benefit-of ecflt •o>* those who hnad. net �ztttended .,previously, Items of business were then dis'custed: Mks Nellie elark,'In her us- nal .capable Manner, gave a' very inter. esting - and histrtretiVe .talk on "Milk Products." She then° ld -�- x .:,...g n, fission of the stibleet, which-. "ivied . ''.a • h 1 f •, � tQ • be�irer-y� e p ul. ale present, was asfollow- . by an mnstruynental ` trio byMrs, Oraee Bogiei . , 06 and Messrs.: Ken and_.7'isri Parrish, which" received a very. hearty applause.:.. :Dis..ilssi - - e - e ens._..: yore- .iznportant ,foplcs''of' In erect" to' all farmers then dealt with. Atheer were At previous ince-;,, ing the spokesman asked the questions) a:_iOEI ACV . and ..E.R. a t deteetty ' tl�xillin vekitar great � '� a 1-10 LME ito ... i �� . 7�4�iIG,. tr�Ait"Y' >�>� s>�' alar iza� i flow, >hght-hesrted"Pkture' heaped hp l with Itilarit�,1 and beautse4usga • i REHEARSAL" T '� RSDAY VRI~DAX ANAy.,' SAlTURDAy_..,. a�ACK O fi Aftold favor_ ite e . .uedb , ��pa b P. cast i,fie great outdoors, 1)!,uti. 11.4 'pa'nmt'amasr an ; and epic'''stork f , ' ""64;AEi;TER OF MEN". COM*'Y • Gt-,x�uG1c a'�, :$and let -say it With• Mysic,". a` M tmnees--Wednesda arid $a a.. at 3. P. ..�' d . tua�d 3r oQ n m_. 41V1I1r ..1 . became a member of the ' Nevr .4Unada t'.tovement"', and t+ ow can I as a. ember, make this a better land 1., w�� hi'c it to live,. These questions were to be answered at the next meeting, Many l e elle t answers were given, The meet.: >�ng cloeed •With' *fid° 'save 'the ',King." 'he next meeting will be held in the Township 'Ball, 'Carlow, -on Thursday evening, Xl'e' riia' 15th► a t 8 P.m, an , Come one, , wine all, . A. apPOisi_ discussion. will take ,regarding ding the probability of importing seedBrain for use, by farmers in this locality t . y with a view to seeking Government .acid in this matter, A number in this community are sof- #erfi g fr M edicts and 'flu. ` ..n .. Mrd:-'Si'dii- C . li'a�� y�Children of. Auburn, are • visions; at the home of 'her parent's, Mr.' and 'Mrs.:Wni. Walden. We' are, glad to hear that'Mr. who .George Bentley, ho has,.;' lien. coniine.t to his bed with double pleurisy, is lniproVii ,Mrs. 'Mary' Taylor- was called home from 'Toronto on account of the illness of her daughter; Mrs. 'tanners Rodger We . are pleased to be able to report that. Mrs. prtmerson, Rodger, who was very ill last week with pneumonia, is ;lm� proving, • • •.Mr..Eserett Hoover/ :of ,Bt russels „P . Via, t ed few days. last week at the home of his cousin, Mr: W. F. Campbell, and other friends.-' ` Mrs. Wm.Walden and Irs. Alva ,' Dowell and babe spent a few days last . eek. �. ' �v at the homeof the fa emcee At - ter, 'Mrs. ' Phoebe Taylor, of Blyth. A number from 'Westfield attended the debate held e1d at Auburn last Wednesday en, "Resolved that farming conditions twenty-five years ago were better than they are today. The annual meeting of Westfield Unit- ed church - was held .-. ..— on. Thursday aft er- hoon,wth Ret,_ w. Mortimore presid:._. lig. After the devotional exercises' Mr. Marvin McDowell read the minutes of - the • loeste annual -;meeting and, on motion these_ were approved. The reports. eports • of the .. several , ” departments . -were iv • .... _. .._ Missionary ._ -. -z � ,+its Although the . missionary givtngs w ere below last year, the other organizations of the church were tit good standing Snanelally ' g Y yitems, spectacularly yv— :eked l � �? , also Brand eGoods for W r moats of .ex e1ieti# t th and -fine - urs, star -s° -at;- - rpc ssatrr,7 santhem fox, ,;and muskrat,: made In good : style ' and having two year guarantee linings, sizes 38 to 44, also half sizes. Reg. up to 28.50.. MID -WINTER SALE. cart . Creta,.,} incltyldliell Styles, ode cloth. and good furs. Sties i6 to 20., Reg, $24.50.. MID WINTER SALE 6 Only .Chats of great value, black, navy and greed' cldtli; :fur. -riinimed, and smartly made, sizes IS to lg. Reg, • $ 16.50. MID. I,�1gi�CF.R. - SAID 'Cl+earing all-, Hats In repand. VV1vet One group at '98c _Orre. g u --- LADIES CLOVES Fine caperskin: gloves i1t' black-, -. brown and grey,- neat fitting. MID'''WINTER •SAID Chainois suede -g o es, - d aeon — timed lanes, .,.fine Aualities.. MID. WINTER SALE 49c pair l»isl"c Gloves, r._ Special- M 1 D. WINTER SALE • 25c pair ..� Entire _siocli<—.f:. -Girls'- Winter Coats at greatly reduced price. wedsiline • clothsTailored ndtfuer trmmed... Sizes . 8 to .:14. MID,.WINTER SALE Girls' jerse`.. °: Dresses sizes 2 to 6,. Reg. 61.25, JMID WINTER SALE- _ .Pirie Wool Pullovers in sand, blue and red, sizes 26 'to 34. Regular. 1.75. MID=WINTER SALE_ Fine wool knit, • fancy designs, long sleeves, _eg, 1.95. MID WINTERSALE' lad es' Wooltex Vests; cut style: Reg, up to MIDWINTER. SALEE curdy. \ Rayon Bloomers, large sizes in - 1.00.• eluded. Regw '$1.50 , per • pair. � SALE D .WT+ 'SIN -79c . per. �paz `Panties, MID;WINThR-SALE-496 per �_ .... large stock df new' .:dresses,, featuring 'many spring styles; ne materials printed 'trimmings; g +Dl g sleeves, short sleeves,. *tailor - .ed and party frocks; a` dress for . any and , every. oe'casionw .• All sizes ,14 , to * 44." M1D*WJN',l Special 'groups at' '. _,.Flannel 54ine eg wide tinequality, plaids `ad9ue�stri� reg. �2.5�yard..too. SALE. 1.,,,..,.,„," 'Velvet in brown shade only, ,13 6 laches .wide: M1+IID .-. . WlivTER, SALE— w . .. , w , ,.. , ......,ii 6 ' 7°c per yarn Checked : yrd if.solannet and i Santoy, 36 inches wide, reg. 49c ii y■y`, yy�� D ' �ress Goods ng Rayon,' assorted pittr`ns,.m, tl : 0 dndsfu i silk in many,colors,.: D•WINTEIt W,W" � per yard . ro * tri g ' designsi fast colors. SAID R *Stanfield' Red .Label, rdk. $5.50 eruit. MSD WI ,! ,. Pen tai'sAlt dol, reg.' SALE.;..�` .., per 'suit. MID.WitftER 5 Pentnan's Pleeet.lined Combina- tions obina-irons and tw piece, `wiwifirrrat SAI nitary Psannel" Shirts, !E'oottt DJES►' HOSIERY _ -Silk rose, . 4 scorittnued' shades, Regular $ 1.50` per pair Silk and _u_.... wool Hose, all slides;. _reg;. _ 75c :.heti: IILDAVINTER SALE - 49c per pair .r . WeIdrest Service ana Chiffon al n wr" spring siiiades.._ .... MIDWINTER SALE 69c per pair Weldrest heavy service weight Hose, . reg$1.00 per pair. MW. WINTER SALE 85c per pair M FLANNELETTE White and striped,36 inches widen •MID-WINTER117. SALE; .-.-, .Y.. Per. 1 Yarn Heavy Flannelette, white ©nly, ' 36• inches wide. M^w,,`,•.N ER-•..sALE1..`, „' Y Y �.. i Y .. 440 per J arei 36 inches wide;dine clear ,qnality , iNlML'1 % ■■ A. . {t tSALE.,.Mfa s "1■5 rV* J. - , BROADCLOTH , Pine, 'everrt quality, fast Colorsy .36 inches wide. Shades blue, yellow, .''green, mauve,` rose , MID W N ER Ste... , ... Y Y 7c Per .and . J. P. 'C A Tei 'SE WING - Men's -and• young' men's suits in•' new cloths: and' well-thilored.;.l IS no rumor, the. rice of cloth, -has gone up. ow. is the time to 'buy a . good suit at a , low cost;. . s.0 it_ witti-_extra: -pair • of trousers. MIDAYINTER- , ' Silver -tone cloth ..overcoats in. black -and -Vomit ,n_:.outstanding special and one you shouldAot —miss. MID WI»TER SA,L vircoats . - ri Grey,, and brown herringbone ' twee"d�s'; sizes 34 to 36. MID. WINTER SALE Mack, and white. MID -WINTER S► for 25 cents Blue ;with red back. MAD. 1 WI „ WORIC SOVICS Wool Socks, colony,. ood uiality.10410..W1I EI j■ ,, �l�� :.Wa♦ • w•r- 44444,406w '11T tanfieldis Rlue Label mks, petpa extra 'heav. ar+,eOK� aw * prnt pair. Only limited 'quantity, w..'. . size 28 to 34. MIil-WIIR SALE BOYS' FJN , ,JJJ T r r'oadcloth Shirts, assorted pat- terns at terns and Colors,. .. sizes. ,13X, 14. Rog., 85c.MID. P A, WW'otos/km...49 c 3oys'Golf'Socks, assorted pat- terns, teg. .5c per-pair.'0.1111). worm sox, Pee ` MEN'S FAR WOOL SOCKS feat designs, clocks and cheeks, fres, 75c pafrw11910"' WIN'ER:, tr ,► r � , � �: r► � �Y .f! : Yea r!E' Sweater Coag Jumbo k •. , hit, blue with 'white trimming. , $1'es3 O' and 32. Reg. $,3.50 *WINTER g