HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-02-15, Page 3varti,ni,,vigitoart, son or i40,0 latmt mi.. :•DavidSon. B..0'. COpeland and T.-,0. Me,' and Mrs,,,..7ames g... Mitrtin. Ot Tuoker- 'UP* were IPPointed to ' InterYtieir Hon. 'S004. ° , ' • Of IllghWaYe to urge that HighW lib; Irelt sutcteribr .',:to A.,1,1414. amt., Blake RESIONAIriON' Or W..*. TIIRNMILL, .4 l*Wee4 N‘rilighaln itud ' °Ik4611'. °e` v1,140w" of WW/Ert-'altarsil.,_;_Okii s:,!),' ..1'ner.(toi , plvtxtbuu, .10.to toe, this past twexity.two. also„ vitill request t. hatable liighWaY 'be' mori14,4-$ ikull ,0404ott taii4t. luts.' bee flea:, year$ has been -the effielent seczetity,, ,IcePt °Oen. Iltirinir 'the -Winter gook Ye*r Z4a. Marehall head "hOn *heat 4* lieUill mtitfug Ilro: .xnsurative compa4y. irigt. Reeve L 4. wognt, or Tonnerry, onfor4. beam*, ahe had, been out to teii on ed his aosition.on Monday Aar" iA&r, ii; Inan Of the CenntY Geed ROada' Ass0" 840CIIIY everting with hee daughter and F.,' BeaVele has been aPpOinted to 444°4 wae PreSnt *n4 "PlikineCt til her fienellet and lead *--.9c.vii out for *.'wollt 0101014 a44' Pal/1341E41g *Liant: W x..-.710".7va-' a5rdialv'eour' magorrlisiu7*'74“41n1rio-prOtH4ceevent tiVitsi)le.'b44;n7ealfd,l'itPtdurt„edul'i,'N;7.0411dVet"balin.in *ItratiollVetcon ti11•030,,abrr:irs.4 tTte41Z,peg4nct at' ..._and gave ',spinet,. interesting InforMatloo. stentalaeouts. Mrs, littrshall w,.. born * tor of intatinee iias always spoiew itery,.highly seamy were Introdueed to the nwtkis bY lejoiborne townehip, elle datighter of the ea, ReeVe Davidson, ,i'se hi$ efileierier arid dtiring all the Year& ,- . late John Blake. She resided. in, Col - 'that be ha$ been aestodatect With the 04Abicelg. OELEEIAATION IN EXETER berile all her, carlY,r-life-And wai mairjed con439A1V the anditers inwe 81waYs'l°1111,4 , ''''-ereegeter Tinttheeseeldeocaytetigo. rale ,c)ithrannutt reamesiatteatotkooroun:ovenr 38148 eyeedars4ftegoisaanurvid bavettd, ToPehull took over the Or -le the' net T.,odire was held in Exeter oh Tuesday at his w°rig in Perfect shaPe• W -hen 3ire' Meeting of Colliat to VITilliam Marshall 4r years ago. TheY ,. and_itt the eiose;c1:,1033 it vas 411.572 - .ntriet Was represented. , -Reeve Ws D. rises ,he fOree aMoUnting to $4/179.900 vilileh. PreeticallY everY lodge- In- the dis- ,Nb7ormi aiicthilmanhit:rr,:eafd r-t-clin4thriee; ,.";rriti:ani 3.1r4nsci' 4108 or almost. tWo and a half' tins:Os Sanders was preeent ande eitended en Gordon at home, and Chester, at Sand - 'greater. Mr. TUrribUfl ia coming tO tne invitetion to the Order to celebrate the , ;age where he feele that he would like te Twelfth of July' in' Exeter. The- invi- *lee relieved. Xn 1912 he succeeded Mr. talon was unanimeusly aocepted.- In - john '00•111Pleell AS `SecretarY. Mr. vitatiens were sent tes North Huron, . 13e4v6rs. the new seeretars, is no-stran*" Selith Perth and Middlesex to unite ger teethe :work as he wee secretary for -five yeare from 1904 to 1909. , .0evbeeri,i,14,04$0**eb;,3,40.:0, sittrok".".4'allgt,livskik tistsualt$4.:t..ch:::bilc. ,„atektiketee 'PI 68:111 1St 4.14004,' itY iti* Irani 1,04r tItal*Wet. 35aaso eon in tins,. Slis Late• Rouse Surgeon' New York orpb,.. elss,hnie and A 'utak Hospital, assistant at Moorefieldes Leje Hospital' and- Golden 53 Waterkoo ,. St., , Stratford. Tele - At *Hetel' Bedford, Goderich, second . LEGAL CARDS }JAYS HAT8. Barristers and Selicitors. Telephone 88 Barrister and Solicitor OfIce: Hamilton St. Phone 512. .10110 , -Phones 282. HAMILTON ST., Goderich. ot iERNEST WM. ,Barrister and Solicitor . Sun J.Afe Bldg.., Adelaide and Victoria XelephZno-:- mon saw. CHIROPRACTIC - ev/011; a sister, IkIrs. Wm. Maize,. resides At Dungan1100: Zink Angus Mcgastie of Edmonton, aftS, Harry Crabb- of Van- couver, Mrs. a O'Neil, Seattle, Anoth- er brother died two years ago er husband ,predecea.sed her by eight years. with the celebration. in Exeter. 'County , • 1V/ester, Faulder of Ailsa Craig, was In, DEATH OF,ALLAN „.. -Splenclid,-report4-9Veri—re+—tiuSsiils Post; There Pleased ouietle calved from :the. various ledges. • 72te eaafay at. the hoine Of.....111..t.:danghtert--1(fm. .celection.ounty ;Ovialif;oerffie, Eedre..ri,,reu$1.1141teder:z.,:o.c111.04wiga;:, et4-heae'ee-, 4.111,4134017s, oribiseturts8dtaby,710eaebrirettiorlsi Vino; choPlaba. E. Diemen, Exeter- Rec. Secretary', IL leteefirtuley„ _Clinton; 'Financial tecretary, 'M. J. SchoenhaIs, Clinton; Treasurer, George Davis,' Virood- ham; 1st lecturer, Asa Deeves, Clinton; 2ed lecturer 0 Cornish Clinton' Mar- shall, Jas. a Patton, (Minton. DEATH OF DR. IVIcCALLIJAI sliire,--Scetiand, and came with"his nitre ents, the late. Gilbert- and Janet Speir, '..to; the homestead, lot 14, concession- 4, Morris Toenail% when only' eight Years of age. The farm where they settleel is neat Occupied by his son, William. --in the year 1874,. he nutteried Miss Mar Clinton News -Record: it -Kingston, Robertson, and resided on, the hOmee on Thesday. as the result of pneumonia, stead unti1.1917,.when he moved to tho the death oectured of Dr. E..0. D. 'Mace 6th coneessiort of Morris, and in 1924 they retired- from the -farm and took up residence in Brussels whege his 'Wife passed away eight years ago. Since .that time Mr. Speir had made his 'Italie amongst his family. 'The late Mr. Speir 'WAS a resident of the corainunity for 80 in Clinton- for a short time, . thp„ es , years; , and was widely and well known there was a good opening' Londesboro throughout the entire district. Ile led a for a doctor, he settled there and built truet Chrtstien 'life, having been a mem- 1113 a good prattice. On his Marriage to ber, and a 'faithful exorshkpper in . the Mrs. Wisernan of' Clinton, they Went lee leaves to survive him tour daugh- eeleroad for a year. he taking some _post- ters• Mrs' IX penhwin (Agnes), of graduate work, and -On his return settled .in Kingston, taking a position bn the. staff of Queen's 13'niverititY. -He also had Callum,. well known in 'Clinton and, vie:e •Dr. MaeCallum., was the soh of the late. Rev. D. eVIakCallum; a well- known Congregational minister, and was treal. After his graduation he practised With, taste scheole in other Centre*. In putting Molle/ into the ...Penttiy Bank., leer the Months of NOVeMber eiolvri the average tor Ittietoria.'*‘011001 Was 36. per .eent 01 'pupils depositing something and tor Central 004001 t•lit. average Vas only 26 per ,cent. On the etmtrary„. three Scheel* hIfire 100 Per cent. shoVeing to 'their eeedit. Theee ate Governer Slaw* School in London, Beaverdima echeol neer Thor- old, Ont., and Onle Steeet 'Rhea in Tore 13,285.20 10 their credit, while a year ago tlue total was, 1320143. . Littleproud, oittario Penny Bank worthWkile remarks to the teachers Of in times when ISO mar*, strange and perplexing things are happening ass are happening these day% people *re often tempted to elisca.rd traditional,, methods and adopt radital ones ht their place. If the traditional methods have -not solved our problems, might not newer methods be more successful, we reaaon. Individuals, corporations arid nations are all ernerimentilig with new and un- eAroiren nietbods. „ --Eldent, Dr. H. J. Hodgins, and Mrs. Hod - Fresh from the Gardens Iluron Old Boys At Toronto 'Party Splendid- 'Gathering for -Annual .Winter At Home in Arcadian Court The 34th annual At Home ef the Huron Old Boys"' Association of Toronto WaS held in ,.the Arcadian Court, On Fri- cees from eiery point of view. Although the weather was very severe, the attenciauce was, away in -advance of last year. The guests were received by the pre - Whiles these experiments are a matted gins* of . terest and. concern to ale'and while hopWeentreIn one and anothei_Of these scheme% it is significant to ,note that theeenasse,s_are- resorting to the 'old and provenemethod of personal savings as a conatructive recovery prograM.- -Appro- ximately 180.000 children in the schools of Ontario have 'school saving accOunts With the eoeoperation and • encourage - Ment of the teachers, many of these .chlIcieen make regular deposit% tints Ac- quiring very desirable habits of thrift, as well as building balances for future In• - twenty schools of theerkevin-ie, 80 per' -cent-Or over of the pupils made de- positsseach week during the snenths of (Intended for last week) eVirs. Pett was called away throtfgh the. Illness of her_ brother. , , 1--„Thee-Y. P. ---EL will beide-their re meeting on Friday evening. The Woman's Association -of Benmil- ler church will meet at the home of Alt, Mrs. J. Work, Elsie and,1VIrs.- G., mi.s. Long .ori Wednesday at 2 p.m. Twe' tended the Stratfard Normal At Home daughters, Mrs. Wm. BOwntan (J net ; "'Meted .IvassitiM.- /MP aegreet shook es, his -ondelVirs. Harry Durscart-tAnnie) prede- Pridar evening' antt :rePert '11.°6c1 only ill a f ar *days. Dr, lefacCallum Was salt -also 14 grandihildren and 8 great' The W. A. will hold a soeial evening on Feb, .14th, at which a play will be Presented, `Mrs. Briggs' Poultry Farm," The Benntiller orehestra will also be in attendance to play between ;acts, also other local talent. 1A. good time is promised. Everybody welcome Lunch wife and rrstives and friends as he was ceased him several' years ago. There' t4ne* grandchildren. surviving. OLD RESIDENT PASSES AWAY . Huron- Expositor: In the passing of Mary Ann Dale, RICIDIV of the late nesda,f at the tionte of her daughter, .Mrs-Ilervey -Jenkins, elintoresett the -ad- vanced age -of -Oa -years, -Clinton -has -lost its oldest citizen. Her demise was the' result of a gradual -breakdown of the system, culminating in a slight stroke. The mew deceased Mrs. -Carter was ban in Yorkshire, England„ in March, 1844. Her parents were the late Christopher Dale and his wife,. Harriet Rithards. very highly esteemed by all who knew him in this 'vicinity, a marl of refinement and IntegritY, whoni to know was to esteem. -Very sincere regret is expres- sed at his comparatively early demise •and sincere- syinpathy-U-feit for his ber- eaved wife .by their many friends. • _Clinton....-Vewi-R;eoordt"---Zeatlir cense -'-r.4ililf.pe4,7**o...tieettormagnetie baths, - Electronic „electric treatntent and chiro- practic. -Chronic, organie and nervous (diseases. Lady In attendance. Oillce zhours 2 to 6, and 7 to 8 p.m. and 'bY aP- When you are just -on edge • When but six years of age she came to POintinalt, -Closed. Wednesday _from -12 d the children's -ha ' - - taimia Boat', „pone of 100 wOmen report benefit. • , give you just -the eectra en- ergyyou'lieed. Life will scan worth living again. " Don't endure another day without the help this medicine can give- Get-. rect to the Huron Tract and:later set- tled on* conceselon 1, flullete Township-, and--fr-one that time- lived contliminiAly in-thiS community: -In June. 1869, •she predeceased_ her by -almost, 40 years. Po th'e past 25 ybars she made her home in Clintoh, bet for tw.o years past has been with her daughter, Mrs. Jenkine, failing eyesight and .the infirmities of age ren- dering it inexpedient 'for -her to 'remain faonse heJler. home- Afters her marriage to Mr. Carter they ,farmed in the town- ship of Teckersmith' until his death on the- farm new occepled by their son, Norman 'Carter. her younger days 'she- was active iri-,chtuth and Stinday Sehool work in the Alma Methodist clitirele_and since colniteg to Clinton was gatien and later";Mesley-Willis 'United altifeh: She is surideed by lone brother, three daughters, Mr% John JamiesOn, TA; 1408. 'William Jamieson, McKillop, and One sons Nernian Carter, on the old homeetectd: Five grandchildren and three great grandchildren also survive. Live Stock .and General Auctioneers. SaleS made everywhere aud all efforts ;Made •te- giVesyoa satisfaction. • Partners' Sale troces discounted, poen INSURE:I?. Value Of proPerty' insured up to Jane . President; 'Jas. Connolly. Ooderich, Vice - President; U. A. Reid, Seatdrth, &ere - Wm. knot., Londesbore; Leonhattlt; • BernholM 1; John Pepper,, Bruce - held; Jas. Connolly, Goderich; Robert No. 5; Wm. RV Archibald, ,Seatertlt No. 4. forth; John Murray, Statort, . r011eYholders ten., pay their assess - The, neral 'Sank, Clinton, or 4. H.. "Wawa. tutyheld., INSIMAN VEGETABLE COMPOUND' JOIN PINDER PLOWING, •HF..ATIN.G- SHEET-METAE. WORK Amite 127 P. 0. Box. 131 will -be served at the close. " Persiasen Balm is irresistible, fragrant as summer flowers. Cool as a Mountain spring. WOnderfully invigorating. Sof- tens and whitens the hands. Makes isy women as a powder base and as a peerless aid to lovely complexians. Used by. men as an effective hair fixative or skin like the delic,atelyeecoca Persian *OcCipleil the main -floor, diiferent galleries. Tete following is a list, of some of those taking part: Ters. and 'him sH. are -Hedgins_ and Mrs. D. Wilson; lyfr. and Zine. Geo. E. Fer- guson, Miss Sadie Walker, Ur. and /Ars. Mr. and Mrse We A. Campbell and Miss -Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. H. lgartireeeer. and Mrs. Geo. Tt. Dane; Mr. and Mrs, John Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powell?, -H. Morrish and the Misses Morrish,. Thompson, Mr. and -Mrs, He.W. Brown, Mr% John Hartley, Mr. and Airs. IL J. Reba Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.San- telon, Mr. and Mrs. D, Robertson, Mr. OrawfordLand the, Misses Crawford", Mr. -and Mrs. W. H. Pearson, Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Sprinkel and Miss Hamilton, pr. Brown, Mrs. A:Becker and Miss Becket, H. Langton and Mrs. E. Langton, kr. -Benson - Case, -Mr. and --Mrs. J. Leckie, Mr -and Mrs, -Geo. D. MeTaggart aCline and Mrs. J. Weotheerd, Mr. and Mrs. H. D: Morris and the Misse:s Morris_ , Miss. A. E. Forbes and the Misses Forbes, Mr. der, Dr. and 1V1rs: Harold Hoag, Mr._.eno. music, a,nci gave_general satisfaction._ _ and Mrs. Athol McQuarrie, Mr. arid 'Mrs. Everybody waS pleased to we Mrs, Henr.y C. Sloan, Mr. and Mr.q. 403. Beck present, She is-ame of Henderson. Mr. ind Mrs. 13„ .M9Lean, good old timers of the Assoeiatfon. Mrs. Geo. Thomson, Mr, and- Mrs, H. J. Reynolds, Mr. aod. Mrs. F. 'McLaughlin,' Mayor and Mrs-. -A. D. Sutherland fSea- forth), Mayor John Hanna (Wingham), COntroller Jas. Simpson, Ald. W. and Mrs. Duckworth, Miss 'Eva Bryans, Miss t. F. Glen, Miss Alice Lamprey, .Miss Ella Beck, MISS Freda Pole, Misa M. Mc- LaUchlin, Miss E. Downing. Miss .1-1 la.ret Grieve, 1,Miss Ac., Turnbull', Miss IL Matseen, Mese Eleanor Owen (Agin- court), 'Miss IViargttret Pringle, etiss Thelma &AIM, Miss Mildred Turnbull. tivris OF THE FRAY The annual ehureb service of the Association will be held at St. Paull's Prabyterian church, corner of Bathurst 81„ and Barton Ave„ thii"reitY, on Sun- day evening, Feb. 18th, at 7 p.m. The sermon will be preached by the Rev. R. 0, ZiePc Meld, chaplain of the Aseocia- Onites are invited to attend His Worship, Mayor John Hanna, of Wingham. was a welcome gitest. and he took in all of the dances. His father, the late Jahn Hanna, was mayor o/ *Ingham years ago, and Setretary sFloedy -thinks-the-junior is --ea- chip -off 'Huron, and chief Liberal Nithip in the friends .and supporter's. * * Mr. and Airs: 'Cleo. D. MeTaggart. of Clinton, were present' and enjoyed ,the proceeciings very much. The name of MoTaggart stands ace high in the County of Huron, and in Western On- tario. and the crowd were •cortainly pleased to greet them. Eva Brya,ns, vice president, head- ed a big list of Brusselites and they all enjoyed themselves.' As an organizer, Miss- Bryans takes first place. Ald, and Mrs. W. Duckworth were late in arriving -but they. stayed until the last _shot was fired. 'Association a visit for the first time, and was mord than surprised at the big gathering: "The City Hall has got to go some to beat this," he saicL masa% H. Fisher. Seaforth old boy. and Parliamentary correspandent and feat- ure writer of the Toronto Evening Tele- gram, IFas present -with Mrs. Fisher, and took' an *active interest in the proceed - The doctors and dentistseame next witty 20, and .the laWyers numbered 15. Ur. John S. '14•IeKirtnert, (Meth old boy. and one of the founders of the As$0014- ilen, ,was in the midst of the tray, from start to tliktnish. The old time dances 'cut a big figure during the evening and were very popu-, ler. Just watch than came back again. and the sooner the better. Mr. John Moon supendsed the dancing and did his work well. Mrs. W. A. Catnpbell, honorary •vice president, formerly of Winghard; attper- vised the bridge and euchre and handled the job with milital7 precision. She was ably ;assisted by the genial Robert -Mr. as. Saul won the men% prize in euchre and he was a'very heppy man. the proudest rnan tele eveningreand well he might he. Mayor Sutherland and Mre. Sutherland of Seaforth. were very welcome visitor and we hope they will come again next year. It is reported. that three big Liberal' played euchre with one lone Conserva- tive. and the Consereative beat them out For particulars ask Hon., President 4. A Mr, • and Mrs. 'H. B. Stowe Were un- avoidably detained at home through r recovery. The `annual picnic of the Assaciatior will be held at Area No. 2.. Canadian _ National Exhibition Grounds, on Satur- D, Whyte. Ttunberry old boys ane principal cf the Normal School, sent bit regrets. RefreshMents were served at 11 p.m and they were both tasty and dainty. Proceedings closed at i man. With the National Antnem. A night long to be Mr. W. Powell, treasurer, _was a_ very xememberett, _ - - man 'ail evening. He sold 125 tickets at the door. For ,Sprains Itr.d Bruises, -There ir • othinashetter tor sprains- and centre - "We always lead. others may follow," spans than Dr. Thomas' Eciectric 011. 1 IP -the elogin -*toPted"-- SeeretarY will reduce 'the swelling .that Mows r 'Moody. sprain. will cool the infiammed fiesh and drawl the It will 'take the aCht- Stan Long's Orchestra supplled the out of a bruise by counteracting the in - Whir daiifif its power. AniumittimainturiaillitmintrAme GREATEST VALUE IN TORONTO ATTRACTIVE - ROOMS WITH BATH WITH RUNNING WATER EXCELLENT FOOD Breakfast /tons - 35c Cum:brio 50c sad 60c WAVERLEY HOTEL LIMITED Writs for Folder • • Downing, Miss 0, L. Curren. 1Vliss Eli- zabeth Outsell, Miss L. E. Farrow, Miss A. McBurney, Miss M.- Stinion, Miss Ait. brawfcirci, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pridnam, Wilkinson, Mr. and Mri. E. Thampson, 1 Mr. and Mrs L. Curnmings. Mr, and Mrs. A. Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. M. sear - lett, Mr. and (Mrs. 112' Guy, Mt. and Water, Mr. and, mrs. Gordon Kerr, Mr. ., Mrs. Jos, Heck, Mrs, H. Sbeare, mrs. W. I Boss, Mrs. Alice Ilatvitsbaw, Mrs. A..R. - rey, mrd. A. t. Myers. :Mrs: J. if. Tra- Mr, Nesbitt Woods, Mr. ft. 0. McEin- mIngway, Mr. G. Penbale, Mr. Doug. ICenzie. Mr. E. Meltenzie, Miss Jean. Robertson, Wks Isabel Brown. Miss D. /littarson, 'Miss P. Johnaton, Mks A. Crit- 4,•,nderi, Mies Jettu , pergatOric Mi4 it aiming, kits Ain Mddleton, lit.ti in Wenuort, mks ti. MoUlltan, ?Miss J. Moore, sem tt,i Sittnetoit, ' tat its It Mint 011,1% WU tot - S. IL Ineeler 'FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND ' EMBALMER ,GODEIIICIL; ONTARIO • IOW THE GODERICH HEAT FOLKS A VALENTINE 'THOUGHT: 'Fort THE."1.1traat OP, HEAT C We don'vt deal in thetre tick - We don't run a cabaret. We don't sell anything tbat take., the family away from, Mar WhIch will go a long way .toward making the home so pleasant and comfortable that nobody- will want to leave it. Our phone nuthber is 98. Try us %tali ati order. WE NOW CAREW GENUINE All esills Proraptly attended to* day Phones Store 335E House 355., Ir'ave ;t /Atenaed tee by the 'WEST. WAW OSU 'whirorAL *IR P 1t AN Obi. , Establielled 187 1144 OM e; ` thrtkettuteere Ont. Itooett. ThAtidtiOtte OUttgantrens Itteede de►t;*neati VAG(pk.. fn Atker fiolyrood, additiett tO the l'Gd'e1+creit .4114 yieey'ftetiderik the bo+{Wlrting- "Wrti, Waw, Auburn; W.ItateltnOW: r . l'. Reed, , R.R. 2, ,Luck *: ban Ittias,. Malta bilitcrotts 0114 ithlEtALMER Aguvroocoa Stteel ti: Bert meCreatie was the life at the big party; as he usually is, sxcept when he is beaten at euchre. Girl, and teacher in Peeth Avenue Schaal; headed a list cif tCn teachers and they were a jolly bunch. The learned profession were very well represented. There was, about 50 'tea - Pleat", %I ovitythiog to moo mid grOM 40 minh- 34 to 41c pet Packet. Xl* Overtax* Packets. New Crop. Frei ,Is Tested Seeds. Ores' IMAM satisfied cue - tomer' fast eestion. laves- tliate. CUP -TIM AD and Ileistifil Dews ,--FREE —or send 25o ter Ireckete.tegMlat vete. tables ielth Special Coupon Alond tor tic on Om ordet,l(Goln preferred. stomps accepted). McFliffden SOW Co„ 237 Front St. E., Toronto. Orit. FAYDE 14,1 SEEDS PER PACKET RAND N SYRUP pure, wholesome, and economical table 5 Syrup. Children love its delicious flavor. Pimples Not Dangerous But Very Embarrassing' Pimples are caused, by the blood being in itti impure condition, lint there is a simple way to.get rid of them by giving the blood a thorough ,eletusiug by the :use of Burdock' trriteci--."X was *gat* twoolilea Isrith pimple* on my tnoni tool *talents Wad 00.1Tt* but Any, 44 13. EC At nit thole