The Goderich Star, 1934-02-15, Page 2• I, 'Jj•H100,47.*Af4r*S- a' '' Or reglitta*r letter* anon, ef , ,As left'',0Ciict - #4 . to be 0*.0.0.04 litab*t- , .rt ' 4 -014401, WV* lit 'Per. in-•.geOlit ., ...• . Ufa I ceitatant Vahie in relatten.tii. , 4 ,Were eft ' • ..4.4% !' S ,mt Omer's,, 1 9 'Or*, 4 • '. ' '104 *4 '.. 1'We', this -'121,0; two metals thosz1d e • , P51101111. 4, ,the'm Izt Hi .4iOnia- ..eltict •ratiO, 10 'as - each .0ther the ,0 was infetiOr to ttie; achoar*11 , - ha '01'044.‘14 'in .:,fat .0,:t404 : . I -the third , pSee t, - .. 00, J* lan iiii0Seed */Ohls A ,$0.40* ', ' • ' fliszee it is net 'In any iiens0:: Pt0b0.010,,,shd / Ars invit$ w had COMP00034infOri*Par* to tho 'woo** 00,1440 line,.that : . thit ,any atich ratioa 044' it' 4004,1i0t1 Xto not 500.'"liffI:lather..:1100 .tbe Cier . d'ilett WI , seenirprobs.ble that. Silver WOuld .10 nt$r ,hrether atici ,Zfi". 'Sat dles.*C •4400.444,,,,,O ' .t4 ' . ' a ' • another h prlc If then,. gOld atenia to he ,the one beat brother ek-eFl .flulf,,,°' ..,, ' , • - „ - ,, , ' ',,COMpOeition... till; 40004 to be cn . .,- „hts return tom, iturepe *out the het, and if there is not SAO* of It • P:t,,!, n404 .aajo "Sba Itaa bred 'and bernoi'. te16110:•,e'ropientuti '..ptcoibo n andInk.Int°, los* "thlitlait Weak* tiOn adoP1S li ...'PeOullat adtittide* ettPPIr a he'lle Pt' htilline‘,0 °rIteli.en. hph4,049-14 Kentucky,” ''''e 'he If" h"n' 't•h- 'three hour* he *414red forty part* more It will be remembered. that 'Oelieol 111 t410 modern *01144. ill there net 'rine -77 wsegs...orfseosits' isSommineed to' ida 04* IIP00Whiell the Pren011*1 Aratitae, Who 4 olio $ ,,seno,or, is 'reprt., . VW" * i'llitii tbequantitYoan be VOW'S . S ....,,,,• ' '' ' ', • - rnist. "Wore.. 111' treat ' eataSei. that, ' 40 ' • . .I''. rrQuennee, re -4 e el 14 rne. * . ;trot be either the 'OW or *7010ZT titt. ' - ed to have Advised Calnitilini.'Withdriswiww l increUedt As d1 Itein at tinatretied, and not rill. ' ' 'The story is Odd because it ate* so from the League of Nat'l:ma and went V4 On ' 11 4., geld tet "Irk0 -- --- a $2-."'", lolorid. • Pinney** the o 33 in, Of, not. aste*OticallY that, ,tlits hi , the •-origin ofT to s,ay that 'AO .01110m4au lite abetildt be per "nee? 134 ett' el Perila*Uent as truer, ' • • ' .. • .•- ' the .nsulte lised 10 designate the 714-gUol miejnoti .•eri-, the future hitttienoids of Then the prOposal toplace a, new VeraciOnA. Pronounce .v044-luto, . 0 taw*, ignoring,; 'the usUall, aecePted _ . price on gold is justifiable.. . By -tieing as in me, a as in ray, accent second syl.. theory that the lerlie .04011 IS .,...itv Th„ vie,* sun remark, in part:, • so the amount of gold in. the "World it Atble, : , • • • aMe to be trlibt4, "Our „ ittreement On • this point, tom; instantly increased by the lucre -Ai* in P.44'. . late.- Orotioimee 'the, i as in -ice. or. U Oat- 'APPeal, in, •literature • ,11: the, , the, pi"' , „„L..._, : , as in- tb48! 1 ' ,14r. ArhiithnOtentitled, 'The HistOtY. of . . 0014e ef..3farlbOrOugh'S rtinie in A satire lade and Unqualified, Sues without ,s%f-l' Mg, But Is Senater.. McRae right in he. . That should mean, a tremendous thing '' SICtiveg* PX0A0UO4oe the or ,a5ln..../olm., , - John . Bull,' ar• .*rk .thasigned hy, the ' ' 'halinof f that 'vital:4'4174ally g. 1.yr°,211 tto nhit reeagtia• to 'Canalis be'"Ut".e we ' are 'new the 'sr ' i itsl°,i,n7dInout°14,4.'i us? al t4' I 1 a eunetreteda-.19°004:44 itt° • aut4lcu't: 'iiiiciale the able but...morally' eeeeu'rt iteeerett'en ef-r'ung. ,'''-atiadlik- na- ond. latgest. Producer of this mud: 4e3ir-1 beet 04' 4 oeent td ,4y, ilai;,,,e'i ..-a;t• i,,.4',1. Ineatoresiesr:44• ....-Uok%n' bePeimV.,th4oeutuvichotord_71Lainf- Ram- -ll",,,, .,_, ,sroat. being ooescripted for BlitOPean••• ett .ctunnieditY•in the world, • - I seeend., ' " ? cited Years after Qtteen. Elizabeth's time . , ltrinon-fodder? In .our belief. it wivilal • iiie gold is the thing. . ., • . ,„ . words Often "ispeued s, and .whilet ,,t,7,01,14, ziiii,r_iner.,iii:ve been in coinlizonir ieltillgutheett.oblinstf;gtieron. s C•darattontiaite;sy,,•,de0,1 -1,That, w;t4submii t, 44 *bent how' .th_ e '•,,. - A*4141.„..,,z0lilt_,I.4, ,.:Awfulty.; -, tww, --m- ,-1123Ittlic, iiiot4rr, -01,e-11,0,49-rge:t4e1,4:11114,45te.,tiA*7-th-theatireat5-it , age eis admitcu or- -. , v $10t gentOOt US tO mod men to fight in -* -- .' - • •• . ' rleigaribin,Y, (Web a t'ert), piccaninnY time the.accotmt in the Almonack May • '.;4‘,/tione. But Canada's relation to Great *rice • c'r the intriee4ies of the subject, (Standard)* Lewd; not leud *On 'feud. have some hi5i,t „or, 114.totioal raet *bleb! Britain Stili, presents dangerously 11"40ai arrived at a tonelualon. Weird; not leirtet ee, . ,. . hes- been last. sight cf in the last one lined. responsibilities, atid if tlie .14ague 'Vire feel that the 'Northern. Miner at IneroglpYhie. proneunced- hi-Or-olglif- 'hundred Stara. ' . t ' ' were -to 'collapse -now and Britain, to drift baelt.liita-titr eld-hiffilifT6tt4fieWer past- east-connot-quarrel-with:the-cceitluSion: licHZiraftfrit0C7tbifelire:.'-------- 7-4" • . ,. our story goes farther than that , As .:, • tarY,a1,1huleeSefour In, &Anita Doeperisl bUrden ,:ot--.6,:daV 'Wouid mtdonhtedly develop inti, a direct om- Mitment, of increasing, ,weight and Met.; _Ste,. thuler such .oriditions,, --wax - 14 --Zuro.Pis.wOuld very likely Mean for Can- ada the plunge of 1914 over again. NO,' It is not 'the., League of • Nations that threaten to entangle us once . more in the trity animosities of Europe, it is 'our Imperial COMMitments," , • , At That, ,Clotlerich, by con:0334ton with ' Whet is the eunts alternative to, our some adjacent towns, is in the batons •• infie4inite Imperial burden? - Complete belt.- - Only 23 befovt here. and twelve withdrawal: from the itropire? . . miles away in Clinton. over forty below. AtO V- 14 :4)4_1.2** Ind 440001.ates *- 4 _ 4,.., "*.* . only while theAtkita are clear *Old thei . ft was a bit .oddOoo,"lioiv'pracei-lire: -yours."' Let us increase our 17°"4"4a0-. . . . ' - be * Long 104' clue to 4' 11ddle ' . . , " EprrIDS ': SAY , It there is x•Protpeci of trouble? ' I saw *about st.;' people being PrOnd-of :cinklay. -.,14,nd discreetly closed' the 'door." • . , . ' ;31***et •Pleez.ent; 4)14 t° be Periiiitted'.. Walkerton,- actually boasted about their to retire Into our own-aPlendidAsolstion:ii 92-. bole*, 4 • It reminds one of ' ill7e old. ' The fault. as 'we See it, of So MAnil their -weaknesses . :, •ButovAcq; ,desoiation. by Violence; de* .14euten"t °11' the ' '11141--- eng,e' on gOlnel 'Peace- At any price 'people, is that they ., • , is • et. ,1!, * . by this. lesson; " .• -- by mastering :one word each day. WordS' int * ':' * * * msokrioni; -proantoiy.-2-. , ../in. N-'06'e'ffirthbniiie-wiierthili;e e'he:rinotig tritdotagtoimitthtacek:ste;,_ ,, , .11ritish ' snips under -Lord WHAT'S IN '•A NAME?' • • are prone to assuMe that all. other, vs- • •ti • , t__-_,;__ 41.44 Lataxe,._iymi_r.oui own _ai.,. hankering Here's ,.ii.up.ig,_ttutt___4t :t!oesivt, hit_pptii,Levasta7ft thtleir_nution.... .oktii..701 :7717_ Lot ,t..11ne.T:L...„,A17.4:. i,c1;40utuartels:1:0 ,,kmexygelien's...f.:Iiksitat,t ,s;allit, 14b.:ShaLmext: 11 brakeman mt.ta..t ,t, I it*, ,.1n,,.. ixineticii_earin bdirievy_th4eitra" - HetteLl,oVto:onewiiptiPointte4liti:.:a:atti , for,..*,.roubie,, The sun must *wane ..tbst. again in this generation. .' : . it =.1. ''''').'"Ij'"Ii one who `"!'"'' ac!'''' pen -,,A,..„ unusual.... attitude : -21.. ... ii,,77 ed 100' Yards to turn, a switch , which --, The - ann.., was the-aggrair.,,,,,,v, .-rr• ..,,, ,. 1.4.1,,,: ,16,4 -,. -4- - ed • ' ' , . ... . _ . y 0 man ,...,B.u. - ii,..,_.• . , ray a train. wreck Grit ' was i _.,_,_._•__,- ,:.r_:_Brlt4ihx-lstluteiY-: to- OG`. t°. 'war an any epartlizen n -t jo: -1:7treigEollt:its::1" .ed' :_, 'a.-frioit: ...ttinet*IVIVIJI21V24, ,rtul'on:ccaeP..-riti134Fatutr.d.,;1111.04n;•long. ,rar.11 if9---u11.1:0,s1-411,v,i4;r'.!ittr'erwilaneitilt:,; ,L,,21,.!:11148„„:'a.,kseu:P':-. ,r14eti4,4. *ntan:19u: , I :1;tEi,sthrLe tin; :::$1;.' ' (44.. IVIII:It jil:Onni'l%tit: '-- *---elvitte:; not he considered -in the. litter' tOitiat pretext And that Canada will, et The Hospitals Division of the Oilier/of 'The ,irirl's . c.._ I - • 1" 'tact*, as a source of (minim fodder, , commendable short history or ,.tIte. rto,spi... littIORR: 'poor; . batten. "Be awe .4 t• °Afraid," . (answered' the honest tar ' - ..,..., . .'• (-8_1111.- e-°e•Reformer) _ tate °tot pkcivitt4,0. -74 effect.i. is, too; 'inesier, echics,tion„*•, . .. . - • . , i with. 0,...colinten*neo,uptessive et: the- - Imo Pretrainng :war 'among' - gasoline , e venture to. believe. that Great 33,teurtivtormximiLE.; ine-tioato oil otp•urt, ' disdain) oNet x ivite :„Orliy i comPanies has the benefit from the :eon.- , Britain' is more anxious, if ' anything, 'S. directory, with' date: giving a Wealtii''. or •inforn.uttion oh the zatbiect: -icany bong „overoOttit, - -**The ototiketts seemed, praying the' t the eneinWs shot MO. befisttn4er'4 darldP*It °t "41/Cilifr' Plc° tc4 I 1nCge satisfactorY and reasonable leVel. twhan, tis_ofazzadst. to. niiii..,, ntain pea. ee. Sh.e ,,hotertinhis or . buodinm, and int,tin, to be insUrnieUttable." - .`paistribrite iledri.eyHtthtbe! greatest .tPruptiPrtrti,tin .. as Ontario niototbits ' Ink. ve been 4°21g**5*".' i r tO the last war than .we...were 4- ' • r " -"--....-- •••• •...,-,• •,. ' .................,ik.o.;............ a-nd,406t, tnudi rthoS ..tiuti - 11)6 444,,Z7,41,-._ tOPPiellt *44: interest :And- the lianlettf-..„., .-„Nor %runt- UP-TOiri*-:-. the otneere- , . • • . . • , . anti goVerninents izave. proved iiiii3otent among tering izi regard OA the price of , gasoline of suPerintendents. ',Uuttrona' an& 16113411,;[ 4."The • best thin' for tiv. • said:, th ' The referenee to prize numeY in this to remedy the. situation, ‘ A temporary -106* ioxfotts ter ii-eace., ii tit 43/41"in.. tont officials tr• iv.fr it -it -tisefOlness. Which doctor, ' "14 to giVe • .UP :...drinkb* ' and -aneedote -retails azz old Prectite .ili 4W:reduction of live tents' e gall°n•-own"..ee MIofher hopes Ct -recovering her world iiiikes it a very osiiniiie additton to say E2700Illi,lo..0.,..0.041:_tarly.,every: night, and thenaviesof the world. It Was -4'.,-vicl a decided ,relief, , • troe.., ...of reduerng -her ,trementious debt, itbrisx"cmi°eitl-sr--411„, _ Tinst...itutimc. - irt* 4%00-11P-toearilr-r." -.431.re- Pit'llied.elrel44".tie:t.1780-17e)rm- ' - ' Wilauztlual-P641ct ""44-' I 41":14'41 '.11. enr 46' ' ",':,'' '-----ti- i,(-4-1.Kia,,,,,,rdir ;e:t5iii: _, short, .....,,.,_ „,,,„. ,__ .„.. .,,,,,,------omer--..vnan tnoSe .-tvider . k, -4"----'sv";"4-g- "'"i** "' '"Yweiriuus. Dominion supervition, art: treated, .-with, the best; what's: tin!, SeCond best?), - - - y, "1 don't /eel. somehow that I deserve .'' Vtlh* -',a' Man o!lvar .01 Ptivateersniatv -..., 4 iiite her 1014, Pro:S.00.14' rests ell the 'inf.'. _Bort Elgin has a ladyintdity School . - 4 desoriPtiou 4f ettelii- The Velutee.".' ' 7 '. 411' * • ' _ . ___ to -get it 11;00 Port, it was sold, with --411. Capttred an enetny ship' And managed tin4tgo!..i_han.:11::_yel_*,et!tetritlrairbityti; WHAT IS THE AlitRiA,T1114,01 it's editorial Comment* on the re - it Valor General. A D. Idfaat Made - • U that's what cold - weather means out West; we, • for. one, , intend staying where it happens only on In a Ufe time, - 4 - Caletilate, count, compute, estimate, enumerate, number, reckon; BUM up. AbhOr* abominatedislike, detest,- de- -sp15/4; loathe, -hate; Portitude, courage, . endurance, her* ietoitztion. Govern, control, planagedirect,' rule: carnmand. reciproda , terchartgeable. Capital, metropolis, chief city, seat of 'government. ' , Word Shull 'Ilse a -word three times and it iS seUre to us now but apparently ottite Well understood' at the time. No • other .explanation." of the story's alluding -lo• John Hull as bei JOHN BIILL-seeerns-,: Won1C make It "appear that the -term Poatibly had currency long , Were Elizabeth's ea; of coursek • one *mild eaPect tan reference to it in Shakespeare, as the Bard was CiOSe to , world Of' his 3' a -Phases' 411101111111.11.1111111101111111.1111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1.101111111W' , • • and phrase eottnnonIv` current hi the - lower walks of life would not necessarilyi be beyond lth ken: However We donot recall any moll reference. . The storY- is -interesting as -it :nay -welt discovering that business recovery in the Republic is -a :natter ot -moralsquite-As much as an affair of, finance. ,Xn this connection ;The, tondon News-Ohronicle 'pekes the following remarks: '‘'Presi* 'dent Roosevelt's 'words arebravewords which will be echoed' .with approval itt Millions of American homes and embody a message equally, applicable on this side zof theTAtlantle. 'Net The devil of doubt „prompts the questlon whether the de- claratfon- the reformer may not, 'defeat the more immediate Proieets of Roosevelt the recovery ,worker. "Can Alnertik, With Its tradition, of highly indiViditaAStie, net to 'sir" law - 'less, prliate enterprise in%,iridastr)., and ;its great lank 'ot a trained ; and 'pitiyeet, teionalclvil•se..-Vicei be Indzfeed to accept 'the degree of State control over the so - dal and economic structure which Pre* dent Roosevelt clearly proposes, without the risk of ,paraiyzingits capacity to achieve' recovery on tp,e_e?!-Isting capita* listfc • . IVIAREKINTG .anteodect.Ior. last -week4-- - ,.....elitIrm_d_Illeztanr has engaged to watt or Mr. Will •Cranston this year. ' Etneat Blake has been confined to hed for several, days ivith lumbago., Mrs. „icichara Jetuuttbn Pt Pweli _ Lhana__*ith..-4he, ---ramert-miaary-itufm-tti4 itarrearke and• -the'• Preiteeds 'were ,t0.11:01)034 -1404 tatak,,,,, ter, dwrs. '-iilbe.rt Alton, Belted', IrridaY. Nast Iderie.11cOresty, of 74elfast. Was, • the 'guest or Att.., friend, Nutty': ‘-‘-jronstout veek7thd, , - -an , Mrs,- . ,-on were, recent- visitors with their danittet, Urs* t 8eeMS 41no: NE Rob • b, Kb: • Mother; "XtabY, •saY ream! NO* Mani t° be' diirided•uP ainong the members, ush 0, record jar the !Wile thunlialon of If she is *Phi caught in the horrid , +0: a 'major war, "it. becoust , • SitalliOS or. tar. 'mut ' BOY; '4'1)-4 dmani*' ' vessels. , eiarrp-,,* . - _ , of the orew or. creWs, of the vittorieust•Oonada. Also in the movie church they. • ' • • -, , • have bad the Same Sunday School sill)- , '' ,., ' . •!'" *,-....-*-- 1!.., • _ % ,'" '111'4 :inade---1`0 iszeithirr ineldenW and erlislen. tileAt'..forIii_. lea* l'Iter- 115 -,an...--!: - -.- -- _ _ „ „ • -----,NOTILE--LINEACift-T------------- -lielfzed,t4-nn---titi.the-,c-tersaebeshipis•IFlien, Ofb--C-r record -I -ha -We think Port Elgin , 'rhe- newly elected, member *I PS.r. there • wats••••prositect of _...actiork,_.on....._the tnutd claim and that is for having more 4 J.1, 4 • Mt was 41.41/1r1477014". an I* ' high '-oics.. --__ _ _.,._,! .: c Tis-and--diiiiient- ItitidS-of-congre- on't seasoned-Tnember. -iliny_prorrilnerit - 41,he. itainige of the thin-i-ipijenteavto.vationg- that any other , town of 1226 4 I 4, $ "Yes," ' min in your fainii,Vt''' he hiquired '''." Many men z who vroul_d_. tilt 'tit : itt.in„banitetsik_iit..luitt-nolirrA.he . Y- Cittm0910,11' t'arliantentarian regards lit, hiS — her' particular funetion. fit society to waste We belLeJe d 1st 11,1,-bst. het?lie, !4)--• * do nothin*"--41erirard--1018*, tust. more than Ski -per I , '-thelenglisir-sPealtinir Pi.:1131e-.411 044, • ft. *Per euee-eild-faittkr-thes "'414--the-°Ider-nlerribere°ne4° have been induced to enlist, for ,a'aervice tail recently_ lime churches. • and nine thaimada AVilt say No. , ar,e'great igs lite; -,Vhtcugh--- my ancestors was at -admiral, and at one, whitti was tar from deraige itt.0,41et .different tteoomirstioos. • =the, ,world"gold Sitiiition, or flange 'their' *.*NO cotintri hi Pe, that - Vent billY•4°01.40* -- nplIca largest 10 -the WeLbelleve that -the Miner loitione:iwartIttlyirewairoistoxottuppants‘tti_abt?ut ;tothullhughinn, thitImiir,"-tiodo,H.a Vcitt.ithi visitor happenCd tO Orludent 11,11.00 0* own the line until the I*. COLO in 7'1°14' f°P-lexi ▪ Sedittarr fltate.el‘ &Line t1LPlirrliileatt "enect 44.6*.btthe':- tient*. We gain exPerien444 out: ezPer• ime Wee in eelninand a the eeinVne!I 'reslietts. Many .a, small fortune was * -*. 41,V4at Was his ;lamer asked Ate. t t * * " • friend for a rou`nd on hie th;:n..**,,hut • . nierchititiiiet lit the way of a jirivatter nnes o war put .aeeries J3etctieto, liminess :next hi the United States are • (Xseter 'Tintes4AdvOcatel tenet gives int" taith."-Henry fleets or the World:. ivoia-by ,Common seamen when the for- -bellevet.7-41Mr.-110-- - 'coming when othe---- • The Northern ',Miner states t.hat Aniong capital: and labor will cometogeth ' 4110-4144.0'-nea'sPOPers'.0L- the bOuntrt "not Peaceftilllt ht- Atte d- Hithe"t d llestti" rentat'4%6`K the member. ar • line Prisenion one out,. of un toot grasp . other"-.th*lierno Tfi • '• eaely *7*- 41cogn.6"'" the facti of `. • tv") * A menmer or it Oh* med. a 0._ .11 *as divided Among. the crew iv 4intieretiniateg 01 the .the intention tie . - ' . ''.. * - * , .* . , , ,, _ 410reSt7SPOrtOr ithOlfe, ininewn'tteetf$,4184`id ' : eqU*1'41111Vit„,.- ,avIlhaongl-ir4t,LweaSee.--4-2.6-unv.--tilhntiesitteti r„,..in. e ,editerhos er the. „news„,„„,„;,,i- ___ en-. , a average, Azderko member,. ..entings,e9,.,f,eally,„...' , ,,, , : , - ' ---e -.,,7 et- the system- were- by hind*th ;' - ' - - • • * 'III the d• th-, .---- •1".."T /41' 0.4.4 le, .: 101iXt 'J t says of the dailies is 4;741' :H.wsP_,Per editor ° teas tis readers what "les," atitil;the Visitor, breathing hard; ' Iii- the .th'et - place the, highorke-ri true or the 46,c4iies . , they,4"4 041 to know.'- 'Meilen Oen OW' a *dist '''islice 'Plate forwere tic't ' elloklit strktlt h er ' Or r•mitt Pub it et. ea - too.' , ivAluationt they . .ritsr14 e • , But We believe 4W.*editor Ed te • 1 h g- t-4; ' ' - ' ° the ' - . ir;--, Pieced . On ti* ,,dino*,5, • 1 bed, throtigh illness, since Chriatanas.- We hope. for -their speedrrecoverY. 'Pero*. Blundell, who has been eniploy- ed with kr. Cranston for a year, is spending a few days at Mr. Will Irvin's. before going to PrieeVille, where be Is. engaged to work this year. 7or treatrnent of caked bags in cows, �r garget, use Douglas' Egyptian. Ltd- ment-taieluick, sure remedy,Saves time and ' expanse. 1Prevents .blemished stOck. :Canada Was the most important- . 84i:oiler of *heat flour to Norviar last yeaz,vith'.1¢,370 tom as 4Ukaithelt. 13,686 OM tr9thl,th0 United States. —4.61-AialibtaiCa..asaastr-T.F.111 sessa• - • .--Robert littir4i-has-been-contba to the house, .and part of the time tlY ****11.11111, * * * and ther Itiviuot yoa itioiicca: tut s'vw" 17 • 110 :$0144134* ',I'M 41**,04 not REMO 4- • • to 4e dishonest th y found gold; Ihnt, t "A liberal .enneation; alvotitt deVelOP a " 14- **11•1 IA "the Admitaltieourts. who tor a re1141404.,.. tAtiro. 144tat5t :tut" ,• gegt .44**'• Min of Open rabid otie WhO bi.1 rnettrance- znan Ontting qttestinn% - to otinsideratkiii *were willing to ald said Yon. tee.1 Yottr near " - ttd4 variety;`mater Tia:,,tratatii to mow, think sui- cowboy); "ver " 'had alkv• Illeeldentir' *bet them in their lendable wish 'id fea*; 'ori) tlie'zie happy aap. et.s. to tinwucti; interPreV'!"-Mettolso Mot*? Butler* lrion'otriirtn,06 estt,se'azi:41 „sailtheittellst4 youfv_olain At* riot; foggy, Ctutril. and likily *Mused At the wide and Of..1 . : • ".' . 4 4::ever h*d an *oeldent itt- your life". , „ ... tattler .bit Inc. , Onee, 'often tild"riot even sustinct duplitity * iii . health 141164.16thi,....a'relt: Irecii*" " - **ditto*, 'opinidrti teieed with srt-** "."'-'-"*.' that, holleve this' Is the though." , 4,, 1, the pot of thew ow 'itrlandinit attleetlre.. the sunny sloe 9,6 it!ei ,, . - ... ' under the preent totem, 'Toll haven't dear - *11 the fett.e lit ttulliotiatulta a.othorai iolt; „.„,„,.. 7: „..1„-,kia he. futnre' etie 'Well,. , don't you cau that *11- aout* They ',took 'what was. given them iitid ' The sootto tiiem„, of loath, .,,'ItY4, 00 .the *Old 'taiisSuon; ' 4 ' " ° ' - L 1 ' °Utlitect th°211eivet.' 14el•cl ‘v:hiltever It' As counters tonstipsittt. it Mal • . , „ 1 K•ett the holt di it; Yet.'"i•-‘,./blan, StreeheY, ''NeW--,hcl did' it Mt (pkitkpete„") 6 Wee la 'trite of books.; fro* 'Which ; British Writer. , * is *, * ' littlien the Nike* were *meat. the 'tilt" 1"s" 4 illtditi anit elitit' tri‘ ni*,13$ and curious 'opinion* were Viotett,' • , i - '1 beliete hi isdrettiting Z think 1 5$I -Brown have you go that urn.- 'lla I loaned ioult" ' en . Were lucks,* soniOinies 'winning e6ttak"* It 'kill* Nitit°411"i' Vet- ' t° tel)Ve lo'n*thing et" °tit"' ` - ' 1,1t, would be .in well *pew nt to ' enotigh to ustutslu them for the bal. it tot ,bo banisW.. by tiding a ' Zhe Ovets$:6 ethuir wai it lira ifzi..i tore the petert,titil trittinsa Just whiz wentinit tit" ' .. "I‘lb. X toaried It a friend. AteyOU aoltee of thew two. ta Ivy welt that (midis)* trod. . . Poem*, then -dubious and thenaroused. is getting himself into."..41tredE .'"Not iota:titbut theichati Who loan oti teats shair'Thla Is Xelliclet ..t*.$1 'dig as the praetice Wei one of the trat, .0 tutod readers, ai wee. tsmith, fornter gelfereknir of NV, 'York it t) Me miy$ the"onstr outs le' . ""648 ;1:1'14.-13.1°04,410)446"410211o4ellttlietiHe"tot' tb6itterusortit .AttAbuitivolOplhall *lit- me- amage edtto was 4. • • „it,01 t *11**`11 no *OW 102410 . sailor no Matter What bill **Vice And itzln, A Lit relit,* * tv * * or titant ticif 'Mk -4,0' *I, Itthittft What' his physical ,ctintlition loeal church was twat* s'anvig *row, diloariteds , , Ha_ It, jot ,,,tittnott .04. *41",040'1,1441,0;0.' "14, tvf0 io100.4 14404 VOA hearinlr Wu hard:On Untie IRMO*. ' into tit* wagld to exist as and it to, could llito tbat ,ist. laity the soil bit *buy or tont tat* ugly 'fit ,c ant hothiM, .4t.ite in. ilea* IOC of Stud: a thistkier at 10 Mak* ist*cit pIems.aisr t� est IM. dell. bin% veil *Will In the ordinary -,Irot4 Walt 'the atellitallte or the lottottgo toixtsiblint on the Pert tot the State What hariPtised. 10 ettlasna In the lietirkite ot the ststoi the old Ws* 40106 two : Pald Turned o Bronchi• 'tis • ' Mies Vera Schaefer, V,Craterleey was bothered with a bad cold which turzied to bronchitis. I tried set different kinds of medicine, but none seemed tO be int until I took Dr. Wood% Nowa" -ztaking* seven doses foundp • 4" was brotwrit up easily aritheutany bard r• • • 'ng, and after, taking two and a half bottles was gone, and the lfzrOnclutis completely cinigr,rieetidat,c bottle; !arie fanulyyt 3c,4, ,rehrtec ;Teatid;Itl.: , buni Co., tett Torontou,tilikol!I tuetorapreg=mortioarmoiroxla Try.our Alberta Coal froth the Foothills in Alberta which 'has, proven. Itself to be a most wonderful eoal. Order some and .test it and you wilt burn no other.- atso eari:Y a fa line ofir Anthracite, Poeittoritas; Steam Coal and Coke. r- Pitiintong, Wahl% Tinsitnithhiti, ,.Shelf and Heavy Hardware - GIVE US A CALL ALL WORK 'PROMPTLY ATTENDEDIO , AND FULLY CUARANTE