HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-02-01, Page 8AMP
o chun'It
or Wednastlart
at Itte
11 ,s rn. iltOrninit
ev. P. W. orancovill Preagh..iubjeet
kte ue Vellortah107,"" $
e'venitiltservlego 'A ts, Ward WI de Prestde
of itti t‘toul frt11* 9rtk' the GOtterieh Scaling *100 lat ibelt
inlay eveulog'
e I
bsim they were 044F04 to
voin Odle fr0m
•:On Pride
. Orel. pa inerao the
Were, Sass 0 YeeMir,- arts, D...ligeThvoin.
Arnold*" ^Mestere, 0, 1VIODOna1d,
elt and 0. 11.11r4Y.,
lavvritso *commit
A genuineMisr' oretine befell a Gode*
:kb, citizen while hunting rabbits re*
cenTiy„A large eottorttall popped into
vlevi,. the hUnter took quiek *int and
fireIUnrorturfately at the tame mom,
ent hia beagle hound spotted the rabbit
and plUnged for it just in time to receive
.'a goid7 oioz o thg contents ;or the
*bell. The lumter as been oveiwhelbz,.
ed with regret At the accident and is
thee0b.1eet. o s lot of good, natural
Joking. Portainately the dog will recov,
er but its'iitture value as a hunting .c1og
is uncertain,
In the team of eurs niateli_playpf.1
-;NreridaY-Ter'Iast ektefails
__Patterson;„ Mr, and Mrs: B, Deont-a
!fats G. Ginn, Mr. »Yes. ItobertSere Dr.
'Jackson. Mr, a_Pield, tied tor first, Placea
Mr. Reber,tsen's- the- high-
est aggregate score was declared win*
• • itcr; The tollowing are the 'results;
•.-1. t1).1.1ss G., Ginn, Mr. Jas. Robertson
Dr. Jaekson, Mr E Zelda 15 matehe_
2. Mrs. L D. Eastman, asx. to It Pat-
tersort, Ur. and Mrs.' -.E. 'Dean, 15 mat-
ehes. - - - -
• 3. Mr. and. Mrs. E. 0, ileatoiri,-14rs-
ZntwayMra" 4. name. Avh Paints,
- P;---'Satanderi, t).
iOarey, •Mrs. Carey, Mrs. John:sten, 1324.
vitas. '
5, Ur, Z. a. 'Taylor; Mr. W. WhIpPle,
*Mrs TaYior•0 Mrs, Jenne* 11 Points. ,
6, Mr, R. Whatley; Mr; L D. East -
e s, • iver, 1124
y, wit; and ,MOoney.. Mrs.
'Edwards, Mrs., Wheeler, 11 pointe.
' Or, 4- Oraharil; Mr. It. J. m+-
Mehenti Mrs.. Carolina, Mrs. .1V1Olvfehen.
0, -Mt: Johnstori, Mr, A, t. 0010,
STS. 1.71404".. Mr& Walker, 014 points.
t 0"Q'
FebttaryeeS, 4fit4t will be: 10 ,
A Bible
lioci 11 4,,t44i.,' gospelservi4
ce Pastor;
R.W.: T. Bunt, Will .'pretteh,0alkbieet:
Christ glorified. in Uis own'
'Ordination of the taaat aupPer at ,the
*close of Serviee; ,,rneinbers, are urged to he
present.. 1 pan., gospelservice, stibjeet
„ . • .
The 4titiVere1itii1tY of Dod'
&t'vk�e at 0.0411 Street 'United "einirelt
•rebrklary 4th Will be ' ,I0
a, "s Club, "Is Man more cruel:
than tlie lower 11
morning *orsiliVie PILStor, Rev. G. T.
Watts, -will preach,„ subjeet, Discour-
ager." 3 P.ttei Sunday School, 7 PJ21,,
evening sorYke. •atibleel, '4A Deoislon
and the Result" Wednesday ,, evening
at 0, o'clock, prayer sertiee,
services at ItnoX Preabyterlan church
On Sunday. . Pebruvy 4th, will be!'11
sera,, morning worship, pastor, net D.
0, Lane will preach u enbject, "The Glory
of the Xmas." 37,4eTTI;', flandiy 04hool
and Bible .Clasts. 7 pan,,, --evening Serl,
Vice, Members or the Senior St An-
drew's Soya' Cub - , Will be aikiciated
with- the minister . In eonducting the
worship. Aar, Wm. Weir, staulent for the
ministry at Knox. College, will- Preach.
A liberal -loose offering is requested.
':At -4t,George's;-Anglican-churelci-ort,
gesima), during Even -song," there will be
a •shert recital. of music by the' follow-
ing artists: Mrs' Ptaniste;
airs41USCJA:RoSbeEart,:liollUiNnstl-AMItr. Elea
violincellist; Master Geo. Parsons.
treble soloist, This will be In lieu of a
club proPertrand suggested severai jobs
OrganTRreludes-(a) P re lude in C for the 1834 'season, Ile felt • that foi-
IninOr • -itschinarrinPlx, lowing his suggestlens woutd-result in
• (b) °Pilgrims' Oluirus" ,the present . splendid condition of the
(Wagner) greens biting -maltitaMed.
(c) "Chanson" Vrimi
TO MOM -noir.
ford. Hotel Trid*
.Oro th4n:,44tY Menibere ,Ot the '01-Iit)' -
tended the ,h4Actuet which prcceded
the meeting..
140N/icor, retiring president of
.the cub, occupied the char for the Ini-
rt oZ ,the festivities. Seated artth
i1mst*the hod fah* were Rev. 01*.*
Lane and the Oilleera and eheilinen ef
A ••number of' ',ova And Instruinent
nuMbers; given iiikrin% 'sun* 4' Forbes
Miller and e, rater, enlivenedAlle Oral
and .encouraged the •nieroberi to Otte f,011:
voice in community singing. C.
SeUnders, led the group in this 'latter
isctivitY and proved an able master *. of
loolloWing the repast, the chairman
celled. on Re*. Mr. letha and 8. D .Croft,
both of whom .delivered addreases,
fgraututill:;:istliemine. Where rr the
' of a suecessful year and Predicting"
mmlttee Reports .
Andrew (Porte' r,, Oinh treasurer, pre-
sented a satisfactory ittlancial report for
the .year. Total income was reported to
be $1003.60, ft SUM Which mit all Malay
for the period. '
Te treasurer was generally congritti-
lated on his handling of the funds:
Ten open -tournaments had produced
a revenue of $710, reported the chair-
man of the • tournament committee, Robt.
Johnstoii. A. -4piiiin; reiponis-11-3le for lo-
,e--1--..tairmiliteztVireperticrtMit-tifese tad
°Twit In 3312.74.
A total membership Of 68 shoved a
healthy *Mantel:), and augurs' well for
F. Hunt, grounds committee chairman,
detailed -the various improventerifs•to the
To the Walden anct. .Cottnel1.
ith hop:report.
penditures mzde dnring .190
esPOIld tioftl.r• t4e,sestinAttes
PAtteft in June bot;,00 tArt AO, 101,1*
1140140...' 00 ion' ..„.;
51fatitananee-and Oe`pa
Ascu!hinerst And rep*
-County" Bridges....................
'1346 10 -
02001i ,44
• 12000 40
2407 00
3701 04
110 401
were sold - out early' lalst. Season, sc we are p.rniing tO'double"Onr
outpUt,thist spring. Hatebery appreetal.
Wanict not let 'her seep until ;exhaustion
ilhs1ij.7drugifed her.
rin•allY hee brother, Sauteed:by the
reportof Herb "M4420104 Mali'carrier,
imitituted a tteareh and finmd her,
....,•NoW, she iisresting, quietly In hospital
tI Vinghantrk And likethe.* genuine
-8-peirtSwoman7she-isr-is.--maising- -ligist--of--
e the whole, affair. •
Truly the :spirit o' our pioneewpmen
hot yet dead, •
T.raitaitrOU'ireilf Pio':
, Subscribers • •
• --”"
, $01106 29'
On 'Which, the Government
.* anbsidy,'Should* be...;,-;•, $451148 14'
-Maintenance items are:
Weeds , ... . ... ,, 3010 22
Ditching 307 es 6. Grey pa4 Howicli,. east, of ritrze,
0,1 /.."04...•••• ,, ,,, ...
• Orading 1417 04 ha7trY. D'hpivuLlach:clifYlin*" 0, East and WestDragiatig 10356 30
many •,se'OtiOna of road that require
provement exist on ,the „eininty roads of
tfuron. Some of -the 'roggis that are in
need ct iMprovement, and"Might he nn,
dertaleen, are as follow:
1."P,4„bly.40-04. •
2. PPexit:elst.-
4. itl1i14*.g4Orly hOundary east . of
Walton. • • "" "
turnherry and "SeirtS, east of
, Blue -Vale.
• Bridges .... . . . .... 454 54
culverts 307 57 I.
454 54
Resurfalcing , • ,
Ashlield • 'and West liVawanosh
townline, north, of Pungarnion.
. 0. Along on, 2, Turnberry. •
10. Getrie Routh. • .
11. Base Line • Ifullett etc
Considerable work is needed on the
�Iue Water THighwaY, -1:114 no seetiOns
are mentioned in 4view of-thit' possibility
that the Department of Bighways will
assume this road in the ,near future.
I reemtunend that application for
assistanee under the relief measure be
authorized at this session, to permit pro-
ceedings to be started, and if it is de-
cided later, to cancel or curtail the
Work, ,it can be done.
•Goderich, January 24, 1934.
Silky/ Roads .... . .... , .... • 14• 17541/ 235784
2520 f
- 'Calcium .ditiri-4* 1602 50
Ouard Fences 417 24
,, Total ............ ,......
The Company„ insuring' the comity
against public liability on the roaas, has
Paid a ifew small claims during the
year and in connection with. inimrance,
Wish to point out that the County has
always' *ere- earrYing2lts-Oien- riskTre-;-
ardPgr."- compensation • -for- -Inj ured-wark
men and public liability property dam-
age, lire, theft, etc.; re• tricks; 'graders
and Other neachhiery.
The--anniiaLineeting,-ef th•e-niniseribers: The premium palable ta the.„Werkr
9f ti olbor12 mUniciPal Telephone
Men's Compensation Beard to protect
e C
systein was bold in theTownship: Hail. the : county from liability for ,!.injured
• .
- • workthen will be frorn $2,000 to
at ca4aw Thursday, 4.4144r7 25th' _dependent upon the amount' 01 work
.with--Alex.„-ClUtten in the choir.: 40oe,_: _Lean_einte,rage_on_. counti-truck
Wrn, Marsh, chairman of the, einn- and graders .,for public 'liability, property
Miss, Onersi-gaVe a report-, of conditions damage, fire theft ete.,' will pest ha the
rid ti'
*11 reports Were adopted by the maeet.. eivites of theSystem during
BYums-653, 516, 642, 34. Ing as a whole and a•Vote of thanks.•WaS
Passed to the various CoMmitteis. -
In his retiring Speech the mesictent, J.
W, MadVicarthanked-the- members- for
-their -support and invoke, equal loyalty
for the new ocers.
Psalliel-No, 23, Chant_ Stephens
Magnifica,- •. • Smart
Mac Poster
Plana, Organ,
"Serenade" . • • • Bragna
Plano, organ Dtiet-.0-"Adoiltion" Gaul ": Election Ofileers
Iona 8010-041a-Vatirta.' .
Violin cello Solo -"Lullaby"
-Gethin r3. Davies
Plano-Orgen,.DuefAPrelude In C. sharp
• Minor paciimaninoft
"Violin Solo;--,‘"Medliatiori" front
Plane, Organ, :V and
'4.14.-a..,Menastery -Oatden" Eetelbey
Geo'arsons and Choir (.
obligators. Itoberts.
Vever NO. Beethoven
Organ Postlude-;;Vriumphal, March lit
D" ..Leratnerts
lltrnard-A.71*Inn, tWah.rat Viut
.-„pitogt 2.06
-set& Insuranee of all .kinds. Ge
rates from hifin" before reneWing or,
planning new insurance.
!-J- .C411 TAKE con Or
lir THE 110NtIt
1%tisies C. A. and. S. Mclatinen have
returned from a bu,sineti trip, to Toron-
to. '
• IOUs. Oladys Saults, Chitra2 street, left
.on Saturday for a Visit 'With friends 111
'take, is the guest of his' atint, Mrs: *.
ate). - . • . •
The 'inanY -friends'..of
%Vs. Donald 1tat4 evin left „on Satur-
day for Detsit to be ...With her brother;
Mr. 4, Sreteltaeri whO is CritleillY 111
Mr-. Iteg..,94e0eft. of to attended
the motor' stitr* and sPecial.elinie of the
rkeTer' COrPoration iii toront/O bast
4,11,11t notet4 eartlig has returned to
lier-honie- in ,00.).atott* alter: .spending
pleasant lilaliday• with friends in tiode.
rich. ,
Atiss.Ailertrude %Vheler whO his 'WO
rouperating, at her.home, wlU return to
St. •Theenatto XiSinne, her Studies at
0nyi, tidies' College... • '
afits, Ifs.rgarCtl"titedditt Went tO -41tro•
Onto •fOr the 49fedbated sit Mit Houte
Saturday. ‘relawnirig, t Ooderich Men.
day tteningr. „
1 •
Itm . W. A. 'Z'owmend Mti oWn..
tenet and family, ..of I.Oridon, are. visiting
st the home ots the- former's aunt,' Um.
A. Oath Ur. tOwnsetid,la Oudot afi,most hien.' hot to Mention the average
the ,Ohureh ot.the Redeemer. Undon. I town bred Ionian.
Ulm *is Oil ,front thediaylott toi*
floor on the Urn co her fatitt 'Where
rr be lives Alone, breke her knee, and laid
three .nights.and part of three days
„Avittioui', covering exOpt, for 'a heavy
ost:vitout food And witheut water
vor*istoVered .
St• Vett* or
empt,..Vhig box,. she insisted
1rr,ftstuerg Seeding • and wateririirtt
tot* 11,efore, Ahe,,,, Would *Ilaiv them to
move her to a, piste of warmth 04
NtIO *1dcnt wasthe result
holder 'slipping fromunder her as he
deetindirig *en the loft
throwing hay Olen foe tbetai41e.
id the pro.write, of mind to cover
Self with; this betted tti.k
bitter told
Quite a _stretch of new Wire4, was put uP
in-- pia -Co' of 'Solite, that war 'Whim oat.
It hat .been the policy of the' officials of
the8Yetem to rePlace• some of the Oldest
wire- emelt year so that there will • never
be a great: t11 to replace at any one
tifte, , • --;" •
IVir. 1E, Iftrlison• e.nel..44fr. VIT. Burn
nelglii)orhodd off , $2,090.00.. .1 bring
these Matters to your attentien in order
that Yell may -understend the risk being
carried. •331..ving the fifteen.. Years that
haVe been asseciated with the county
ith a fleaye o
Bottle 0' Rum r0 .
If you -liave, catarrhal Deafness or are
libspitilltT,aU bai4s 4401:(1108*
$,InkIng !Tor 'lie& A :Jolly -Peod Fellow."
• With all holds, lull, tlie:crews" shitiedi
bertha to the Ib =IOTA, fOr .earda. •
tch' thirty, Cap r,011ornielit. report, A,
ed 'Weather bad bloWing hard,, Seibie.
enOW and the' glass. ping' Own, 410,
*Ali, orders fig 0,0 to )b#tfen ,down bet -
fore' leaving,
Aft01*l1, ,H.43tOod, by cell*. Atiurrair'
as. far,as ToUghies r3hoa1 and ,Cap'xk, ;Tett-
kins and Pred Robinson said -they WoUld
make a lea of it Can'n Marwick
thought •he could make a short leg Of
as far' as Dickson's Corners, then he
would give her ° a 'start of -sheets to
Lighthetise street and. make a lea to ,the
big 'anchor.
Capt ,MacDonald ,thouglit lie woUld
make .Saltford Hill when he would be•
sheltered. Last' seen of Norman IVIke,,
Ivor and 'Jigs, they were. Making good'
-Weather o.f It Chas Stowe had
Wind and went up Bast Street wing and
Cap'n Morrison was lying In
shelter so Steward Bonny and Cambell
hove anchor and left after what was
eontidered a perfect night.
VICO for health. Drink your yer*
this way.
Winter ' Bop_na
_, . . hard of hearing or have head noises go
-IVIerri-;Stewara Bonny the
Host- -
MArineirs*" Make tinalo'Y't3uratdoruublegissttrallendgtgrilt,
tour times -a- day, - • •
raktepdintsfgahr.ot Take e r and e a liegr tablespoonfula...
lanoudncaeddof ti;ari-t
This will eften bring quick relief - from
the distressing head noises. , Clogged
nostrils should -open, breatlking become
easy and the raueus stop dropping into
the , throat. It is easy to prepare, cost,s '
little -and is pleasant to take. Anyone
who has ICatarrlial Deafness or head
noises should give thrs prescriptien a;
This is a- nautical tale for natitical
men. •
It begins with a banquet for IVIarine
'Club members only, put on in real ship
roads; *p have 1;414 oilt 001.1t-42,80_0_,hr-shapie by steward_ •Jaenny.._ _ . .
claims, while the prethiums 'would have . ' Chicken was the piece ,cle.' rj.sistanc'e,
been Much more, but. it may be your . arid not , salt horse as it ought to have
wish to insure. - , been, but' it was a dinner, to remember.
Elections, then proceeded ° with, ' re,. clutton, the other tonireiSsioners, also Only one fatal accident occurred on As 6 bells were Artiek.....at_the___elub
sulted4n -the-elevation -tie-office-of -the -' .
- following : OffWers and committees: • ,.., asPn6ykoe.e.,-,1,whi."6: rias_14t-,t4truenbreinttlintithisoutat'habert . lletirt-tuiteprctitt,45:a-
. inipra7tollvisemYenearts to Sa or
ed were
it,-; di trhooricTils, thwn e clia-l'indingau room doors
, . lion.. preSidents, win: Lii_al.eStewart . gill and at Anbari4 these i°PiSet'S must the hall and . d- their 'places at the
,aiiindirew ...Ptione'slionlkt'!et Central. knOW ,at once
be eonsidered- in conjunction with the table z ' et% and. 0; White played
ioHertnrey4 ,pgrest. d•MenctDe:utmcivioattci andAndrew
vice- :so that the' ilhnne t:in be *Pheed In gnbd1 reconstruction_ of the bridges adjacent, -
-Preildenti-ErnPridlianni----'-treaturef,- v",1:kf42.Lc.°4dt...L1"1,;-.414:4*ee.--,1. '...* 1 ht-h----WillThave td,boaindertakeTTliii:-trio ., , The president was assisted by wawa
a' .8ailorr _Hornp1P0 to blew -them down.
Ahdro, ,rofter; secretary; it 04 weir; .':po' ,toosuie..i.it--_...,40;p4i.,..r40,,,.:mi:4, r.rivrapeakeir. elyti ,,wc;_ur,_cs..; of a law Iva= .
*Jigs to the head, Ot• the .:.table, Norman'
e4TecntiVeconUnitteei oftlaials-,- of the eiub.
_ owner to liehoelfra subscriber by any one • On the Saltford Hilt • cutting tO .fal- McIvor drew u_p_alongside and authored
., - ,, , . 0 7 and P ' t thefoll Wing' thr .
ilso Dr. Et It -.*Hall Joe' Br h - net r prove the turn will !Tivoli -1'e exCavation to starboard while Bill Rose threw' out
Toden. ppm tomnaments cominittee j.. 0% ' .„,:‘,„.......P.,,,,,,,' ,,,.,!!„,Y82- and. conitrudion_or a_ retaining' %all. A his niudrunk to port.
;* itt''•:''ree.13.1rre•gs• :S"i1;:"-...,.iicasT ; i thebli reoixtplete job would irrvolve• the replace,.
,..---*-.,114, elTlear, Geo. Matheson : and 'fitr.'
and CaP'n Marwick
-4441T: 1001 tournattlentr totttmitted, I.J. • "" '"''' .'7.'-'"'""2"..". ft"C" -16;ir' Tot -ii;
_yawn,: 1,,7, vritet,...i ,,T 46‘,:„............ • ai,,,,, tiOrt to the regidar niaintenancs- meat et. the old post retaining wall, and 'Caltn 'Tenkins
hove to abreast of the anchor while
-6.-- ...- '4 ,"1"1411- 4"1"),Ur %..f years. • w, ' -. - -- . - --,,,,x,,,,rwidening---or---the:-'-gmde:-frorn- top-ta-bot-
. ,ittil and WoOlg. quisset, membership . By
signolt a eenoaet to 'pay the' tom, .To complete this. . will Coit about
committee, R. Johnston, P. Toole; A. Si/ 000
Y Or, . '' . ev• '1). 3* 'Lane; r.:,tirg"tue'T)wi-solj0"Prtbors "to_te-'4'w'-'41r-te,P4oaarTsg• .
ttoildir;_;„:4‘, iraloit-anct .p. ---z--0010:1--- -. is
,.... ....:
•grainiciaLoareinittee„ 10., Mint, P. Bi----tiii-inentienitirMetiied new tosset,, thiveysterrn auctsfres.---wayone thinktp
tors It Ilifetterinett A, Goldthorpe; •ealdi-.6f becoming-a*silbScriber a chance to do
, L. L, Knox an.., D. L RM.
/toward-14We% assuming -the -chair;
banked -members -tor -their confidence in
Wirt an1. proeeeded to the completion of
the- evening's business.It was decided
to keep tees at last -year'S figures. The
aitecess ot the.present: -Method-, Of hold;
members to agree,' unanimously- te.....te-
at the affair Trieid yeiiihin a date to
_ sdt. by_ the ekeetitiVe,
were _,veted-- to two ACV:Ye niemberi un-
able to be .present Otiing to 'illness.
These Were W 1., spnotios- 61-litaltfprd-
104.±0M Oritehaid if present -a -patient
•-14:-WeS-Whie-fil-*--IrosP1tal,- 'London
. -
an closing *hat Was Voted a Meat en•
oYable evening, the thanks' of the 1010
were extended ta Ur, Iatt of the lied.;
ford 10...te1.
so at very. smAlLexpense: _
The auditore' ret was given b
surplus3 R Long The at the end of
1933 was, $1131.88, 1,1.ds good showing' 2. The possfbility that the road will•
will 'probably allow the laic,' rates charged -he-. '*assulnect -PmvinFirgjigliwar In
. -
-for-4he last year or so7io be maintain -
the near future
, ,
- - • .eiglitacgt
•abinfe the durface.Of. the river, and it is
The telloWing *ere elected commis-.
••sioners: Arthur riskier, Wm. Marsh nat*Ix'asible to construct a road. in we -
and Vt. iltime Cltitton. 2.1r. Clutton cordanCe with modern. standards on the
the ohairrnan
existing. location._ There are two P047
7.vote was.. passed to con_ ibie_rolitet
a curve at the turn
of 225 degrees radius. Work at tile
curve above might be !United to $11,090.
or Whick...have a bearbag_on
Item are: --
1. The =certainty that • the bridge
when rebuilt wilt be located at the
wild -life site. ,
tral Operator for- the 'splendid service
given_ during the year. ,
'A vote rif thank s was also pasted to
Me. 71ies..11:Vilsort.tor the eftitient
vices' given the 'Syst-em during his term
as commissioner.
- (Mt, Ecrace 11°r -inn and Me...3. Long
were appointed Auditorstor.. this ...year;
it.,1 MOORE, Sec.'.y.
Kinloss Woman 'pie :•,wevalenee of gragees and
. r .
'r- ' •Has • '-
,. , , _ Sedgeft m ihe Artie regions of Can-
ii(la la' doubtless due to the better
Tertible tede t `.fatilitlea.' tor- \ wind pollination as
cornpared. With pollination by . the i about *moo (Inelnding. a. new (brIdge).
Lays 'Three Ni*hts 004 t)iiral '41°net.• 4 "Seqs,', ' *4
on Bon floor with victi for loiithi milk your, yeast be rboer, Par tim/blee, .atiletahvee bthautencperesotenttheb!rile
, Should this route be selected, It would
Broken .itioe 4 this *ay. . ''''''
, ;-,:, • would Cost about 06,0004
temporary relief could be provided' by
Misa Kitty °ROSS. VIleartold itinlast improving the street through the nOttli
irovir:gahamil* 1$ hr4rAtt:ri4latfteltist** 1441.:111:0e. a side of the. Village, which Is the route
followed when the road was originally
eralts:taruztoesd ,by the county stnab seventy
1. To build Oh the original road. al-
loviatee • a high bridge in a 'direct line
with -the 'main- street ef the
This scheme' 'will cost at present prices
about' al667:1; '4'-
2, 'To -Witte tile present bridge Site
eoristruct ealrithin
the existing bridge along the _b_aek
-'sireet"7in the ViDage.- and Continuing
easterly across the corner of the. farM
owned by George flitaililtedi 'to :conned
- - •
'with the present tounty toad. The eest
'or tins route, including the improvement
to the hill west, of tho wili be
whirl); would have ended ' tatilry to
SOME dP w�cit ARE" AS
" -rot:Lows
1.60 inch': buffet in hireh
reg. 432.00, 1or $24O0
phinik Cabinet in- Oak,. old
toglish itnisti, reg. ;300
4 14 4 4 It ti$24400
frifla XAtL*rits
"r had 'wick* trouble with bo
Mr Omsk
body' With
Vhitik'Cabinet' Istrel- *41
regular $34.00: for. $23.N
dozen 'Foot Steel*, reguist
*LK „.... 4, 4 is $14
(OLEM ages
liant 3 piece
Suite in tapestry at
jr atut look these over.
'Emptily has been ins:de regarding
:proposed bominioit and Provincial
assistance toward unemployment relief
arid it la 'My belief that the regulations
will he aMended from tittle to. tlhie
Attention of provincial authorities was
drawn to the 'fact that the rural
cipilities Were' ying indiwtly .their
Share Of all pigment* Wide by the DO-
atinien%':and Oraithatial twethments
and that it Would he tidair # they were
prevented from patiltipating lrt the*tx-
vouditurk rurther; 15 Wite Clalined thti
work en' cifiantY reads, in ,partteihnv *ss
terhaps thc Mott heeded puhlie intProve.
hied WO; *4000 in Urban
itiet f5'was at times. attestor*16
.01*out WOriet that Inieht, be deli ed
titOe'der ti6 take advsattogeof *MOO*
tottribt final but baoheY ortiendo4.
41* tOittnicipol, roads Wo104 assist
tion esin$, && much m thoot
-dintn;',Wetionald - Sat to leeward.-
Chas. Stowe and Fred Rebinsozi broke
Pur-thete'--sPinnakers-and-dre,vr e'
-wind'ard. .• - . •
Caten M. lercDonahl made a great hit
torY-teller.-- • •
• The entbailalstie appretiatian- of the
club Ivaa_ extended_ tJamtaitionny 'for
_that. assutes you of a
well dressed appear.
tuch- Dry Cleaning' Wo
Spedit„forIEBRUARN anfiltt
GOLDEN 'BANTAM No. 2' tin TIN IV‘.."'„