HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-02-01, Page 4tt, Heir and11410 end Tiritier4 With teesdalt - !Ott pper nd.play * n Dung* linen United ellt1=11 y eVelling of, this week. SIse tetingel and little daughter, ere giteet$ with the forMer's -*rents, Mte and Mrs, John its Savage, OWPIS tO. MrsileVage's ilineSe. ' Bees end G 0 Treleaten are en- irditing the books oi the Code ericle "'Rural Fe1ephone Company, Which has its headquarters ond "Central" in Dungennon, • Mr. Fry* Sevage was called home „ froM Hidgeway-,on Sunday owing to the critical Iflness of his Mother, Mrs. John Oivage. Miss Alma Free, .R.N... Is ifs attendance. The joint meeting of the Junior Pax - men' Club and the Junior Institute, which was to have been held on Monday •evening of this week, Ilea been postpon- ed until Monday evening, Feb. 5th. Mr. Bert Bradford, butcher, Is having his supply of ice stored this week. The Ice. which is from 12 tste 14 inches thick, is of good quality' anti is taken from Petrie's mill dam on ifit) Nine -mile river. The annuallaegrega ional meeting of ' Erskine 'Presbyterian e "ureh, which was to have been held this week, has been postponed until next week, owing to In- clement weatha d4to the icy condi- - stionesifetheeroads. - mrs. Rebereca Caldwell was the hostess •sofeansenjoyableehouse-partyeateberievom an Friday evening when she- entertained, about 35_ of her 'friends andeneighbors. 'Me evening weS pleasantly •spent in dancing, =sip being supplied by Ivies - m& Gorden Andereellsend_k sErriteg's ton. A tasty lunch was served. - Stormy weather an road con- ditions ,made much difficulty foe any ear or truck which ventured out. ;Bradley's truck from Goderieh .contstin- ing nine tons of wheat was forced to leave' its load at Mr. A. B. Pentland's, and return to town. • The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper -----will-besconducted in Erskine Presbyter- -s,IthusevStindayebruary-4th. Mrs. D. edellevin, of Gederich, was called to Detroit on Saturday on se - count. el the •exitical illness of her.brO- ther, Mr. John Smenzer, who is also a brother -of Mrs. JE.Save ' A peauttfui •large pet Nit xrived at the 'home of Mrs. Plunkett, West Ws, Wisnesh. recently, and is comfortably" • domiciled there 'until- the owner turns un te).claim it, Which wili peasably be soon, at the cat evidently -one that hat been Well _Vend. Alid /.111,. had- a good The February Meeting of the Dune moon Junior Institute will be held at day Feb Feb. gth, at 2;30 p.m. Roll call. "My FaarOrite 'Author." - There Will be discussion on, "The use of simple' home kr1iijudthg 04441 e; Aile* her.:Nune for lie -2, regular 0.705rilk. the iWeMen's • Stitilte at whlch thot: re- ddent, ;Aitts:, charlea,,*,Afton'', PrO4104, Roll call WAS responded to by "A In.. chient of My 0440 Days"4.. MO, Zertle i've'rs and Me. Feanie Once Verored With a duet.. Itfis. 0,0tlea read 4 paPerernit;.: led "LivO4e.' and Ute, 'Urge 1vrsreed one: prepared by MlssEunice teacher in the junl�r room, on the sub- ject, "How 'Parente •lltay do -operate :With the Teacher." Mentleri was Made of the feet that 'the alstrlct anneal meeting of the Worneree ,Instttintes of West Huron is to besheieli.at I;eingeknrion In June, and for tuigirroon. )tAtias de- cided not to have the semeler speaker for the Dungannon "'bride& A letter from Mrs. Bissett; -the" district president, was read, in which she Irfpreesedslier re- gret at her inaiblity to attend the cele- bration of the 20th year of the organi- zation of this .branch, on Monday even- ing last, owing to the almest impassable ceridition of the „road*. She also ex- tended congratulations sand expressed good wishes for the continued ,suocess of the branch. A. meSeage from Uri. C. C. Brown, who has .been ift, Was sent through the pees., thanking the Dial - Lute for their kindness 18 presenting to her a flowering plant. Mrs. Stothers offered her home for the next meeting. The .meeting elated' With the „striking of she.-leational- -Anthem, after-which-litneh was served, the hostesses being Mrs. Alton, Mrs. Jones, and tees. Wee& Mrs. --Teireiiiieli-Preilded • at the 'Praire' for the inutical :part of the program. Mrs. Harvey Webster and little soh, Douglas, of Goderich, wereguests' for a leW days- with iiir'''..74Vegester's another, Mrs 0. C. Brown, whohasbeen--111-blit who is now making satisfactory progress .toward recovery. Miss Erma Finnigan, R.N., is, her' part-time attendant. (Intended for .last week) • A merry group Ofegolang"'PeoPli feorn Dungannon and vicinity enjoyed a drive • in a sleigh load to tucknow on Satur- day 'evening. gpon, reaehini there they • Indulged in sketing at the Arena, -- and -Mrs., 'thintuei 'Alton entertain- ed a number of their friends and neigh- bors at a delightful.parfy at their home on Friday evening; when.s most; enjoy- able time - Wes spents;-- Mr. and Mrs. 'William Altensand little' son Douglas„ motered. from Toronto for • a week-erld visit with relatives irk this vicinity, returning on Sunday. They were accompaniee by Palmer, A. rick; who was a„_guest with. b18. parents, tf.r. and Wirt 8, 'J. *le*atlick, of Ash- field. • Wellien'e Institute celebrate Anniversary Members of the Dungannon branch of the 'Women's fnstitute were hostesses of a .delightfulegathering -thesparlele hall Monday .evening, when they celebrated the 20th azmivers of the. orgenizatiort of the. tgaiseh.. 1)esp1te unfavorable weather and road eoncliticins, there was _ .attenciante sa'nd °en -enjoyable- and :Anna etta and Mary Mililon adppost-. "edthe begetiee. Other numbers.uposs the Dreitriell were duet; by tor* land led 'Y'rank,r4g0Dwitio; 04,1 *rif. 004ald ?Olivier *4d Artii"tnir „ .tireetidgi, Were read by MeDOiiald: trent, 141fri.: ',Andrew'. Olt, of Seaforth, who was ,the flr4 psuldent of this ,Thatitilie branch..'miesoit.ye, 'setecOrdlolis. _ „Plunkett on the v1olin, A ehorusi **PA* arranged for the 040004 was sung by the .,Present nipuhers:, of :t branch, %*he prOgram. *Vas, 'predefl over by` Mrs. -Vhiirlet, W. Alton, presi- dent, who in It peo, address, ,torde*ed the, wOrk Of the orgatittation Over a, per- iod Of 20 Years. 'MeOmparrists for the everting were Miss Dorothy Robertson,, Mrs. 0» 0. Treleaven, Mrs. Donald 'VOW" ler and Mr. 'Yoringblut. A hearty Vote of thanks was tendered to all Who assist;, ed in the ,program, in a Short address by Mrs. R. Davidson, past _district presi- dent, who spoke also of the Arst Worn- en'e Institute organized at Stoney Creek thirty-se:Veil Oars ago, Following the program, dancing was ,enjoyed, music for which was furnished by the Plunkett orchestra. — For a number of years it has been, a • pleasure to announee the anniversary of the marriage of two esteemed. citizens, Mr. and - Mrs. Joseph Tiger:, •' of the Township of Ashlield, who on Mondale reached -another milestone in their jour- ney thrOugh lge together, this being the 46th. In the little brick churgh„ St, Paul's Anglican, Dungannon, on January 221, 1868, was consweemated the mar- riage of Joseph Tigert,oZ Sheppardton, and Elizabeth Jane Maize, the eereniony being performed by Rev. William Daunt at that time rector of the church in whielisthe-inerriages-toek leleeee-TedaYe after 66 years of- wedded life Mr. and Mrs. Tigerare 'still residentes of the Township" of Ashfleid, where they have been continuous residents throughout --the intervening Years. Mr. Tigert, now 89 ears'of-age, is still wonderfully hale and hearty; but Mrs. Tigert, although two years his junior, is enfeebled and in a very weak condition . which compels vier to remain in bed. She is tenderly cared for by her only daughter, Mrs. William B.' Hawkins, of Port Albert, with Whom Me. and Mrs. Tigert reside. and who spares no pains in making • them both comfortable andloppy.. _Some eighty-four YeariCagess when but flee yeara of age,* ik-fr. Tigert" exteompane iedshis parents, Mr. and_Mrs. John !rig- ert, from London, settled with -thern on tire farm on Concession 1, Aehfteld, near.,Sheniardtn, TOrday the farm is the homers>fseir. anci Tigert and their little family of four ehildren, the latter beizag the lifth generation of the Tigert faintly to -have- resided on this tar24: - The -dainty 'bride ofi66 years. ago was; a daughter •of the late Mr. and Mrs. Janiea Maize, who then 'resided, on the farm On the lake road at present owned _by Percy Grahhiiishear Sheppardton, to Which the fatnily bad, eon:Le-some four years previously fyorn Cobourg. ,7fitutt Maize and Miss Henrietta Maim, resi- sdents--of--Dunganndni-are'-hrOthe sister, and the late Mrs,. James Craw- ford, 'of Pert, Albert, :VOTS--also sister Il . -essatterntanterens/the-terei-n-no years 1111-4 weS spent.' The rreting was hors- ago were Andree; Peacock of Sherpard- 'CALL are,d by the presence George Spottete t for - k.tIt48114/G- RON----111% AND •PITIINGS , Prom:lit ges#ifee 1XYW ST. PITON 475 fcir North Ijktron, atIti V414104 A I on and Miss Annie Whalen of Eincar- 41no,- both- of----whOnt- Steaslongs'ainCes-dee 11'nobertsori, MLA. lot North Thirem oeased. • The. tererezony was Perfonned both of whom delieored addresees in • Which they coniPlirdented the Women's Institue• upon' its unselfish devotion to JttJaboov4on-bome-.and- n�untry, Another 4eattire--01--thro-- gram wa,% a debate, Meavedthat-The plonee-r. Woman fib*, tontri$ited. more to- -wards • CiV1tit4it1Oil Than the modern welnan." Thaludges_gaVeibilt_decisio in, favor of the aillrMaVe. Which was upheld by the Mises 'Jean Johnston 15 tho_presence of as yery _large number of .frienclesand neighbors. frorellhepplird- ton, arid other .placee, whosexecirding_to e-prtirouttorirertirat-timerhad aeetnoatied the b.ridaLpair. The tazn- ily ceelsiste •of one_ daughter. M.--rs; B-..Havikiris; Port Albeit, arid- two sons, Jolm Tigert, •also. of Port -Albert, arid ames-gert. teache.r- •Of There are five grandchildren and .six great-grondchildren. ,Qwlitg to the weak easo es. Lovely shades to.brighten your wardrobe! Lovely' sty!es soft ,shoulders, fascina- ting necklines, steekefittino;hiplineti and smooth skirts with sharp-1)14-0bn [tarty with -gay itrinte4;-,'-t-rinuning„ totreart* black with touches of , white. DietiS8 ' for the youttiftd woman and. young Entire stock of I dies* Hats of felt and velvet -to clear itilit)nc4 Silk 14Qe:'. 'tile well .15tit?'wtt "tWeiclIefit , eolldition of MA. Tigert no celebration Vas held, , • The, .oame llt11e village ebureb stIU stands .and, Sabbath by • liabbatli, the Worshippers congregate there for ser- vice, the church.,having been re -modell- e -a end. kept ,In an excellent state of re- pair, .1 Pk•neer Days bt Canasta. • In 180, in the County or Tyrone, Ire- land, ;a hippy yding couple -embarked on the see Of matriraony. They were Wil - Ilam afloUgZi and 4nn 3118e.tidriary. Innnediately afterward they- set sail. for Vanacla, being aecoreptinied by Mrs: Mallougirs sister, Mrs. Lockhart, and her husband, Mr.", Matthew Lockhart, who settled on the farm east of Robert • Davidson's; now owned.. -by 13eownrs. .Their journey lasted • six weeks on the ocean. They made their WaY inland, al- • so by boat, and finally -found themselves at Hamilton. They traveled from •there rich,, and later made their• way, some thirteen- miles northeast, -through *hat was thins a _dense 'forest, and decided to settle in this place.. A elide shanty Was erettLerbristlie-spetcerszecupiterliy:the Canadian .Bank of Commerce ,and tfallough purchased the 200 weep. of bush land adjoining. The- shanty be:. came the, rendezvous of travellers in search of land and so, thee -firsts hotel came into seeistence..-siThefollowing year, "in 1844, Robert Dayidson, who had vent smile time en Amherst Island, and also in ,Cioderich Township, located on the farm, just ° nertli of the Mallougli farm, and epiltellite- shanty , on the pre- sent site of the: inenee. Lured by letters from Mr. and Mrs. Mallorigh of the bright, prOspecti 1n tenede, two sisters of Mit. Oltallougliliarise te Canada, Mar- tha axid Re cathe1tterbcaxne Mrs. Thoines Olieriaryt"and" (Martha 'mareled ,Robert Davidson.. A -1e*"years later Another sititer-ei *elvelet women,. Charlotte. 'ttellarY eieerfleytelsit° Canada .froin her home in Irelittliyastie becoming .i/rs: Hamiltonsernitjateiftmr,PeasedsawW only a few years IM 1* the, advanced age of 91 Years. .0sisingell38-40:-.#.1cliard Tree leavene Thomas. skidereon, ,Daelde Joseph and Valentine' Alten and Ileselgt Hackett settled In the vitinity. In: 1855 .the vil- *e ellrveYek 1nt leto and the table giVeri- to it, in 'or-ofe-thesboroughstownsisneCountY Tyronb of th „satire. nate°, /rein which many of tlieSe eeily settlers came. firstrstore-in-fmnigamion, was open- ed in' 1854 by 'Robert Cleederining. The first mill in the' Township of Ashfield waesereeted, 1874eysthes.Cloeernments at Port Albert:. the nekt, Omit 1854, by William Harris at Crarisfords on the 1. mile river,*2 ,T-2. miles wait • Of Dinigan- non- • These PlOheers have 'long" since Irassed-erzWase'sbiitethey-heiveteleften them azi- examPlerto-the' surseeeding" gen- -erations nejrz.Thwicren-d--- _• • determined effort, in ,fating the *vieisei- Ttudes of life hi• the forest 'Primeval. Ilemitiful„foren -homes-esitier take - place of the forests nwitis whish these lands were Once covered., Good" roads, with daily rural nual delivery, r adios; telephones, hydro.- the meter tar - and motor trutke-all these go to melte life on the farha to .,be anVied even by Our vtty -cousins, " CARLOW (firtended tor. last week) s --Mr, and Met. ,entertain,. ed number ortheir frientia to card party _on Tuesday; night Of last week, M.M r.; C. A, ,Fohertson,..L.A., left -for, Toronto Tzlesday tePrepare for ',hie duties at the'Qireeri's Parke:When EICSS1011 opens nett week. , this rainy 'frionds of the tato Mr. *esorry41)7iy tcrhilat away, •and extend the Sympathy to the *Mori, sister arid 'ether friends. Mhn R1-:„teing li-sPending a days troderith her Mint, Mrs. tho. `Inking, who had the,misfortune to fah and'hurt her leg, but buy latest, ae- otiztts she 1518.doig nlcely Mri and Mrs: ten bialsholra were at home to a large' party of l'riends and neighbors on ticiday. night. at oMosees hall, -Dunlop, whkii an enjoyed a good thule first 'meeting the, W.. b. for 1034 as held itt'' the Of tenses at Belle iniller On, ThuresiaY, Abu**, Ma, with Mon. The. ,Di*Sidetit4-`ftse presided, ,with Nfrs. 'Wilson at the piano. 1lYttin ,"Ptanding at the Portal of the ppetiinglirear,”. sung, and' the Inver bi Ntemnger ',041 read in ention, The 65th isaiin elle* few verses trent the 81)i thtener Rota- • tee Vast striOttito lesson. The nein. uttt of the betember inettiel *as -read Uri. Eitel Ivo agreed ta'hote the reit tat and Ohritt at the wateli. voit for next meeting. AtiO that,,Mrs, W. *Alter and Mls., Iliendersori give e..synopels ef,-:the Iktotittil,t Messenger, The- atUdt, bent "Wing /Ones in Ida takett at riint inettInt, , Mt tkat from the**, Malltirtyto ion the 041t0d* IX, ft*dM4 the aotretry Noted to, Write our Meeptanee. Two papens. one en Week .and opportunities itt , -gild the ether the, everletkotta udaiirforaiss 18.40bexta*,WeFe, tead, The alleoe*tiefl $er applies 18 and. clothlng. 7410 ",i1,14** ,,N01.41 'With fintiolAand POYer by WY., W. J. rat.. ott, ilpgto, 'got, (Ry,) rat' wilted: by itios Irindigandt'llitta:' Ser'fi3d,-,,ske-dairitY,1Wwh,, .if4144,4 Aifed ehtir051: was 'held ,* the c1 on Wednesday, January, 1304 404; a 4004 itte4 ,dazigli, of .40,niters. 're paste; no,. %vm J #atton) Opened with devotional exercise*. :oks. the lerk,-M4 Clark, was .14,414 'um, Stoll *AC Os Pointed '411 her 'Ogee, - 4ePorts tom_ the different organizations Were gileeszeethe session, by Str.L 'Pattoni lte simday thelitt. and zs. 1".414 by Mrs, Henderson: senooi the- steretary,, rordYee Cak At A. by Mrs MollWain: the Manager's by Mr- John Treble: the tree - Zurek .by Mr. J. 'Mellwaire and the .P. S. by the president. ' Fordyce Clarki and considered satisfactory. These on the managing board., whose term eaPires were. re -appointed eareePt Mr W RaYelond„ Whe, resigned, and Mis WA Clark was appointed trl llis Place. A cordial invitation to the Rev, W. J. • Patton to, rennin another Year, wefts ex- tended by Mr. J. A. Young and 'secerided by W. W. Walter, elders,. who. poke of the leadersldp _given x**t_04,_ especially in 'the gathering And of cars *or To-cid4ttifr'and the bales of clothing end Christmas cheer to -the needy tricte in tile western Provinces. Mr. Patton expressed his sincere apprecia- tion to the supporters in the different organizationesaiet llepect that. 1934 would be ,blessed abundantly in the fuOhering of tiodAs xingdem and cloeed,the meet- ing with the Benediction. - Mr. Carl Yungblut is home from Tor- onto. • Miss Alma ,Yungblut' Is visiting friends in Clinton at present.' • Mis_Jas. Lansing, of Duluth, la -spend. Ing a few weeks in this vicinity visiting relatives. .Miss Dorothy Richertson is at the home of her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) B. C; Weir, at present. I Mr. Clarence Bair: of Senurfeierill, is of his cousin, Mr. a Sturdy. We are pleased tcl date that_Mrs. Jas. Mutchste improNdzig in health. • The t. P. S. of Ir..nox United chtueli caneelled the social evening which, was to have been held onuesdaof4h week. . ' Mae andsMis. J. Hallam are rejoicing in the, safe arrieillsafsesyouneson. -Mrs. TIan15 ,ai.tlie-heme of her parents, Mr. arid Mee. Pitblacio, of Colborne. ' mr, Archie" Robinson, ,Jr .e 'receiired • word on MOnday that his- taller'. Was. UAPITAL, ''''''sv 111'14"ilitAg":4"' -'. 4' : r'9' ''',, ,..14i, ",i. 1*iiti ' VACK;S ni";" ril-r-,,, %sic ' ..„...„ , . , . , , . 01$0,,AY; :11,101kitY,:ANTA*EPNRSDAY • ., ' . -' ' , -')11"':411#4761:,t41:*litli 4tlig0 ouccoss 0,34,0•VO 10.'1;i0.:nrdl,, C Y NA. -RA er- ,,be dflappojnted. -. ,,,,,,..,,,,Fir.,104,:::,0w,:tirati,tre:nanc4ismoei4:171.0taltAir7...d-,tiiiii;1217.:re',-11,win'117 not ' 'IC4 , • * 141014.E14' NIVII.J...*std OAT WItAr * , - vita * thrilling treat done .in' fuJi TechrileOlOr, Wax..worke `and *mg; of crooks: eoMbined in 4 mysterious and amazing:: tale. • "The'Miitteiry of The Wax' Museum" colaini—umsist favnoS ATI CLARK GABLE, i)r1 "THE, WHITE . ' .SIST. °IfttiPan'iets--HViriallescl;ti i'l:nd 8a;tiiiilday at, 100.. p;m. seriously Ill 1 Detroit. The former left ori Tuesday for Detroit; • •. Mies Josephine :Weir Went. to Toronte last week and seliWitilerell"Will attend the opening of parliament as the guest of her unele, Mr. Ches." Robertson,. Mr." A. J. Fer_gusee had the misfor- • tune to have the end of three 'fingers on his left hand severely cut in one of his •'red -working.: 'machines •on •Saturday last. Ro R. J. Ross, of Round Lake, Sask., 's expected to corne to Auburn, to visit t 'qrs. Ross this week -end. Mr. Ross -rune east to attend a meeting of the Mission Board in Ibronto. Little "Miss Jessie Watt, whoihas been the care of Wise S. Carter or over two months during the: serious. ijitiess of he little one's mother, returned to the horaceof her father and -smother, Mr•. asid-letts."'"Le-cr. Witt• - Owing to the severe storm there was nOsscheol at U. S. Re. 5, or No. 9, HUI- • lett,. on Monday and, Tuesday of this week, The A. C. S. was open both days though several ecciiippupil's were not in attendance. • , • • 6urveyors were at work recently lay- ing out a new road from the top of the hill west of the river straight east to a pant- on the gravel somewhere near the west edge of Frank Raithby's farm. This would eutout some bad turns on the hill from bridge to village but would entail h great deal of work and large • expenditure as welt as missing the main street_of the Village. Gavin• Greene, well-known. eurio shop proprietor, fell on the icy walk in. the Court House Park and sprained his ser'ist on Sunday last. He will be con - lined' -to the house -for a few days. A survey trite indicated -that pink rot -of-Potatoes -in' the Britieh Isles is more .widespreadsthan -was ggnerally believed, The dlt;:ease cgter.k conies heeeryi loss. dur:. Mg' sterage ' under cOnditiOrei "of high HURON COUNTY • GAT; REPORT' The Warden and Members of . ., ..11uroir iz,bunty Connell. • G9111titginellto :submit for your informa- tion the following report for the past: year. There have been. 136' prisonerg ' LntrolAct ' Theomeinititted as follows: iquor Co • Trilaagfrit.laenAt .. --ct . .....• .-............ 14 . 41 . 15-• 10 •Insane 9 BreakingFraud5 Assault and entering; .... ....... 8 • , .Conspiracy. . - 7 4 ' Chicken theft FCaor„gt.ehrey2ft 3 4 Assaulting officer 3 -Pegiury -- -2- , Hotel Act, Iniandlle..,v,p...rte Act , , - 9 .-.: " S....1.J, S. .1,,,,......al ' Default of appearance . . . Havingweaponsto apons' dangerous pub- liesafety .. 1 Digging outfur-bearing animals1 • Children's Protection Act 136- „ Rations per prisoner per day 10 1-4e. There has been a _deity average of. nine prisoners. 'Your obedient servants_ • JAS. B. REYNOLDS, ; Gaoler-, 44,000 Ill'UNDEitS'rORMS A DAY Thunderstorm statistics conipiled by - the 'British Air ministry indierete that the averogenumber of thunderstorms,ine progress . at • any one instant in an parts of the world reaches a total of 1,a00. The number of separate lightning • flashes Ls as;tlinat.ed at about one -htM- dred a .second.. Professor Brooks in. .1025-carne-tosthe -conclusion that iitooe- • thunderstorms: break out on the earth during the average day. -Ontario Hydro- -Eleotric Wife (t� husband," driving a naile-, "1:10'*ever do you expect to drive in the 'wall svith" it clothe* briethe Fee ••••^41.0v: cralre, ne vOtir head-",, . , .