HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-02-01, Page 2#0•41.4.0•4•44440.41144,041004014, A,. V,44,11 • 4:1) adyantei , t are notie4 to cancel, Ve subectfiter le1ah00 the ser Otd, itsasfrrsilcitl should by rsorlstered letter. ,monty, uo p.yabelot Pat In Oode. c!‘ ••••••... ,the 01.1 "Thla *der,. * Ohattility& feW Weeks £s now oig1 discetinted In Meat W�U • , ,THIE 'I04IJEW4 b7 the onittY Cot weks Seitden, ities thelr d&lzlon, by a CleSe Vote- of to 14,, to Fequest the prov1ne to tiOie-,',OV* the '4,110Weter 1,400.110 ‘Iitot*topsoy 4**,414 't1O.Y1t$1),,,k7f$ _FEB, 18t, 1.98,,1 '•pros)084, goioinors *Niko,. loc., . et n4 others, live tarthest away from NO pENSioN',CUT—,... Thial POlaibl)r w** natural They We.. There 1* some groynd ,for hope, in tbc have On opportunity ot seeing the was et ex..aervikA men, that It may rounberO Ourigto who came Over the not be nOeSsail to adopt too militant 'Highway, even in Wo present condition, an attitude at the forthcoming conven. and So cannet estimate he prob&31e ,1n- 1.104 In <WAWA 64 the mattter of ben- eTease. in trafle -once business becomes *ion cuts. • norntel and once the rood is Maintain. Ottawa despatehes state that there 11e4 hi a proper alanneto •a- .sutplus from hist yes lo,ppropriation, •OolmelllOr MathieSon Put the reol for. Pertsion adinnistration of nearly' case for the HighwaY_.in lts best and three -million dollars. se that while'this broadest Ught MA ;id -bated out „that • Year's *Ppropriatiotl. is reduced in the ' teurlSt trafile has meant from two to estimates may not be necessary to three hundred million dollars., cash ex- ancuts. ./t is to be hoped that Penditure, to Canada yeat1y. tor tome It works out As forecast. Yens* All authorities agree that tbis The Cantiditin Legion and other Inter. SUM is inuiensely impertant to 'Canada. • A, • ,01.6.10 • a • W.1. O%t* Charles hiat century were, Y..',,Ilvesin . ' 1300,10 ( it. roe .ax 1y 0,0,_ciPt4oloto 'Aro, it , dlfferent froln vir we know , # New14*h ' • rjtli.ol.ct ,..4,i.. 1..m..,_. '•714t4ik,.,!sxsol:,ibor*otie._.,,,tt, i.t,,,$:- .444. 1.„0, ritein' even not aa ; . o .0 t)i„.„0,- ; ,-„., . - *VeT., #0-,er, th.li,r1 Ls _ , 0000; ,every, ' email4:toofo'ourvOr, 11 look, '4•,Ok a ‘:. ' -, , . . . .. , lair, ADVT*1'.' onr OYS a yeare Otwo da ,. . ,. , , , , '•flto',, not: gay! ' .. ingly. In. ....that, )0104'. ' „ 7 '"c "., at'. fr.4*, ,0.40 dayto ,04O,'wes*. every . , DO net ssy 4'411en. • *th. irleent ./100ceoof Pitl)'0Y, 0 TO thee fairs Whitt* Were. In erect i""',0 Soielui$ the eell*agf-41' J more like **riot dila, *o. we know. ' not .oay, ,oThe bay tot lahnSelt 1111 thorn in the larger towns snd cities in over the Mud." gLtY,`"11.1.0, IVY- Wel 00Y* 410040 the fasWees drove their 010# ere& with mud.".' tattle and zhee_p,__e_i carrled theirbutter •Dor not say, 'Telt OW quit "reliant( 04 new." SaY, 'You May 'stop working There were few, cattle *wet* as we 1201V." •know them.' The farmer sold his stock weirdo. tritest .1111opronoonceat '404 oit • the 'streetor ooromon. 14,toro modLlte. prortoutioo 2no-dest, o os in ,the fair wars,belnit held, to the butcher, . . nd, e as in me, went, bat sYllable. * -*lie either butchered on the ,sPot mul Natatorium. !Onetime 'Ant .a. se in Carried the •eareitwInto hie 4OP4 leitVilig 40Y, o as In no, and Ocerit third eyT.; tb.e offal to 1* reMOVed at MO leislire, little, ,. or otrite the *tock into the yard to wait Pilm. 'Pronounce as one sYllahle, Mt it's daY Pt dPoln- rr• fil-fum. Mdsf towns were Sttpplied freM the • Des -Marto - omit), -- PrOZIOUrtee de.. surrounding district, only „sizable. !atlas moin e win herel as 1z toil.. accent like London needing to import from ' a lastdiStanCei„ syllable. Disaster. Pronounce /irst's as z. • LontiOn busters or Edinburgh hilYers, Xis/nettar01101.41,Ce first syllable kiss, frequented, the fairs,- picking ,up-steck• not lat. for their 'market but they took only a , teed bodies have, essured the Govern- It meens riot only improved trade tO., Words Often MisaPetied amail Part of the whole. ' d • segept spy- sacruites neces5ary to assure tourist houses and • Others, but it has a Stationary lanced irc 1r -certain place). Sea ,Sta has 'been the ease' for conSurieS, iterranean, Observe the six vowels and 'monthly list of all fairs in, Northern Ire - tint they have reason to believe that the Canadian dollar in_ _New Yorktw , ment that the pensioners are wining to individual storekeepers, garages; hoteis,1 Stationery (artfclei 'used In writing There was soixte trade across the 'Irish The Ainninsek gives a complete the lintinelsi stability of the country, . very important bearing on the Value of ' Ccdessal; two O'S. IWO rs, two es. Med- -PoWerfut inte.rests, financial in nature, thereby saving millions of dollars .,. per. the ,o vs. WM: observe the n. tliough land, , Scothuld and the north . of Eng- , s annuexcbange; 2,.......„,_ ___,,,..„. ln'el.PiT,P.d_P!Qn.Inmlatien 15.1411.. Anerw- 1444' -' . ' • ” • ,';:*ringiriginpressure to bear- on-ni.4,r* Mona: ;c5 eiv-e the -y.iiii---"<grii..anier,-SOMFOr-thent eeni,' 'IW O $414,,, Government, to ineee . widows-, and The falling. off loi this tree has been • but,old in .story and dear to the hearts one of the Important kauses ot the ad - ' ••• -7 -Sr1"--71111-L ' , 7iiiriblire.'”iiihe••lincs- `arlgiiiiiteiViii. orphares And disab'led veterans hear' the . price (noun), value, valuation.. charge their ‘ confines ' • " ' ' verse exchange rate in the past two or . , brunt of sacrifices which should' fall, at . '• 104 equalli, on the shoulders of the three years. , - tost, oatley, expenditure. - Arrest, apprehend, catch, eanture, town in Sectland the writei's moither rtir instance, r.colefeclutni near which owners of tax-exempt arid high interest 'Whin the Bluewater is in ,attractive hold, seize. . . . • •was born, - se.- iseepee-- ahrd -'0' - pro.. . .... ,- „.... .., 4. bearing-;ionds Retire exit, iveis lusi oli ril• - see ont notmee as condition, it will add to the tourist The veterans' organizations are pre-- streern-mid all Parts of Canada, inducttude,- loneliness. village. It lies' hard by Loekerbie and section of 'Huron, will Excellent. suPerior, choice, admirable, - pared to battle for common justice for ing the -brie path Bonnie' Prince•-Olarlie took their les.s fortunate eontrades, arid, for benefit' , • Precious, valuable. • on his 111 feted expedition to Carlisle., 'Priclei (noun) Vanity- conceit self- • the dependents et men killed overseas. Authorities agree that as * provincial Like most fazrdlies of that district • ft. known that the 0:vertu:len- t highway it wilt tot -„be -mom co7st oneeitz-self-esteette- -Purallad- leitendf-otthe-Princei -eta would weieeme any good reason to leave Hurorythan it is at present., but even if Cherish, foster,' nurture, 'nourish. Pre- dyke d au 0, the old family -home and un- tect, treasure, . -. ': It weresomewhat More so, there will be til _destroyed by Are wine forty-five years Pensions undistnrbed, but St. •aames -more money from tourist traffic with • Werit-iltudY • 'Ilit.°,. ilislia.eied, it, (tled. in which he was , Street is itill,poWerful in the councils qf "Use a word three times and it Ls said to „have alept. . , oe, _area: . The; 4,..._ _.,„ have to t,o. which to meet the increased Cost. , _._ , - --lofted soap& or litter but-tbere-is,lunte County Engineer Roy Patterson% re- "uxs:!. Ile, .t -thrt•421-erea-se---tire •-v--Pesh,- 1114.-- rY --Ho*ever.i.:. the linarket towns ot tb.e -11,°'''' sw"4.4"'• -- -- - that the veterans'Avill-have-attother year, port. hcilds out hen* _ that the Protince • - - - y-niestering --Otieword each -day. Words southwest ot-z-Sootimid- axe all---rich-in- rrinee. CherlieJegtaide-and_h_e„ probably,, In which to prepare their forces for the will 'act, They have. turned a deaf ear Deep' 310T to represent by a -pfle."turi•, beizig the diplomat he was, visited' the ' Irk*: to proposals, in the past but the destr- portray in words. "The story was rea- fairs to thew the quite unusital 'degree - ability of securing important outlets for li,stitailly depicted."' of democracy of which be was Possessed. _ AntifilVIENT IN SESSION .• -Tend moneys,- to•-ertsure--tliatr-sitcb: cas • r OlbittLinenta1..cl1squietudi4me40- -Pee be as' , widely distributed as possuge, woluided pride,„ failure, disappointment, bleat, Lochmaben, (Dturiferudfte Manch- ns IS -in ion agli4makes ,it• ;seem likely that they will con- et4. "114 chagrin, was notices. bite whenune, Meicleur, Rirkelwald ,and I4iritin- . - .. . . .._ _ _ _ ider the* re it a favora'bl ee ' - ' lie' discovered Ida mistake." - were 'Oni-3t -*Lie* of the' south the Iltelse 'settled down to busineeCounell-corrpleted-a go s. • miler intuitkel -led her to the conclu.sio The County -i 1) Se . titri, tullaek , - The_plifeantry LS over and on Monday 8 INTMITON; - instinctive knowledger; teSicerestttis. li,voto9wnsdarwheselqirrabfaimerianwderetoofun 1:;• b by instructin the want tn. t 111 3104,, iraztortant issues will tome be- I° g ----en -- get - that they thoukl not go" ' fore the legislators.. The recommends.- - + toUth with Bruce and Lelnbton Counties- can: cR.Z.Dboustentresd* ; „ivitmbeth. lian-niergeeptincrt.liz' otts.t- Carlisle blea•cl it5- fat"' bead:". ed by that at at once ivitb a view to bringing concert- — , - - - tier% -of the McMillin Conunisolon .that a As a matter of faet the le of ‘• e to d pressure bear on the 'Iv:edictal Mind." ' .1)Unifriea and , Cumberland were much trel 33ank be formed wfil Surely be • 04 AS both. Wes of . the Houie aev_etninent , ElfTOSTilLATE: tiY reason earnestly alike, not only habits of thought but woe_toar_i!, of _001er/a and all other • �4tThe-nuthrquestiorflwill-be'the- Mode of control and the individual head:„ water- Should- act at the same tiine. interested 'numieipalities ,on- the ,_-,L.2itany4eel_that4s----101,usanker--irWels every they shetlitt be *Wanted as governor while _CoUCIUors %tannings and Turner. who _Abe beat In fOrmed ephikez Seems "•tc, ' ed tbeineere •ete county_em -tre•---4-nean • favor tritiart 4)31•0•6!'0 leas Until -on may be trusted to hack Mayor Lee's Same Canadian has gained .eiperlebeein: long not bore •_ *_,As •OrIrprsinine'rit i3Ocele_husinesa, Man put it, the county's' action is the most hopefnl single *Mit that, turred recently to _tRe bust, isqiiiteieets of this sectien • of the a • i with a- person 04 180416" traPrePrie?" of 'in their mode- of- living, -in their man,. fils---o-Ti/luct-.7.--1.1Wen expostulate. with er^ nens and "appearance as well as :fri" theU ring friends" farming and marketing practices. I PJr. a manr: and a *onion. . „."Their -liaison T°11teir1411147", Iraglarn16/"Itir was carefully guarded, for expoure something to Selt4 came hawkers jug- rglets,_tuniblets ,and play' actors. red- t-tubta--4(proztouzic, ,e le a-isong, e -While admit - Wit We liitVe a, zatliber of men 'of iritt elms ability in our banks, intematkristl 'said to-be"--euite-differeforftotti that In svhfolt 1124hlavo ben trained. tildrseent-olleeneble6tveeetire - the abrikez reeogni,sed antherity. • 7. . then thertatikAreet prove* of Pub- lieLisierks..4esigned...truipmid relief lamds: at sildtly as possible...* new ComPantis Aet ,or 0646* Interest t* the texn. int omnutmfty, goine .aetion -to!he taken asilluk: Arid credit, and- regulated msrketlng* ,hist what fora these. latter two will tole la not krOdvd, bdt- the,/ are Under- stood to have-Tattridisettiiied it the* re C:61to c°hterenee af Prelintlel premiers. the olibleulty of :arriving at SOMO term ot tedlt'system and., some method ot *bleb ',suitable 10r all 'porta Ot our wideotiung land, is lipPer- ent• 'to all. With 'thetn 15 ,wrapped tip the oltiestiv.30 itt wider • foreign markets for our itoriciatural, ,PredUct.s, !The Pire ,agreement* hoVe already Mir 'markets it "Ortict AU' tertsin ot our Preduet,- 'notably lot - but atiy finitirtan-rukine:* !attn.'. he -wants to .stell at a ipiont bt kith arena yet mortag. there to, no doubt that Ms session will to I:inductive. si very strong eitOrt to flM 04:let% or theSe+ tAtterepto by 'the $tate 10 eentrol PriCet.haVe not orottd oattisfatterytap tAti date" as tloveno-, vent* costly tenure with wheat, the Isratittin Iwo 14 the toffee world OS the Ctthart eitort with muter, not tomen- tlqn our oat riper*** 'With Wheat. t have teen • kb Odur$e 1* to to h itt --EINTaRIAI. -NOTES: quite apart Item polltIcal affiliations. the people .of,Verth Heron congratulate , C. A. Itobertsen, M.L.A.,*on his appoint - Ment, Ing orsonanty and well known ability make him po.rtictilarly well suited for this erdinius teak., , • I • . lam as in me, a as -iii• daY, 0 as in dog sc.', cent last syllable). „ ' sold cheap JeWellere to gullible • rustles, *as ,well as bright e silieos arid ••• 10,1k -shoals-. when prices were good- Alt FAMILY tO'.-"DPER;AVIOW' the-gew-gawi--that-bave--aiwayg- 'delight-- . . Professor: ' ',why aren't • you toting ed the hearts , .of viatneti„normally llv. netes in my course?" -Ing all.isolated life, were_there_fer their, Preshie: l‘IY father took this same -delectatIML- ''- ' ' . ' `• • _rot' the men, otter the business 0f - e * * * , ' niarketin'g . Tire catili—E"---or s eep vetir-over . , ' -3411Miellt-------.t..-hell_W- ere tents. and -booths *4 Plenty A tourist stoPPed his tar oft •the road ,Of---ele----and-stronger- Oink and -many - add asked a little country boy hew far hangers on to helP theln drink jt: taltUunkviller-Inte-iittle-1ey're--•-••-Besicksahere were:Wits and l cocking Plied, "It's 00.06 miles ft the way you 111a/n3,* and bull baiting, add ratting are going; hilt if yen, turn 'round it tint ,,bees Old Arany other exalting and inter - but four.", . . estink event,s. •• * ; .1^ S.S".4.0,14.1*,144 • . • kiAT T ed whn dollars.; Were Plentiful ehea*: ' t aloaI debt. becomei: dollar* *re:deflated! •'S;;44" 8r.40Olf 000g (Sirueoe Wenner) rieverat 'United. Otsitei senator* have warned', that Oreat BrItain te Pressitt.X for (rstilleatierra--ot:--tho-Deeo. *ate pact with. 0044* SO she can *end her gunboats all the WO t?_, OhleagO* In OertillA 4e.Ct19116 or the , ,S. this might be advanced as a primeiettoon for rati. #cation. • • 'THEItE.,AIA MORE MINGO, » . -(OollingViood Enterprise -Bulletin) The London Observer, which UttuallY vieves thinga cahni]y', says t eems an aPPrOPriate. reoPleAt te r1.the 0 . 1st, 'loaf OUND TRIP' BARGAIN F FEBRUARY 10th `14.00E/OCH, to TORONTO; Onelik $tratford,.,741t4bener,,.• Pothnetetont'01010 Sound, CTOderleb, Wow, ' :.,Soutbampton,F410*, Wietton Durbin a, o011gokon, P°1* lik;"Pe, ,Cobeurg, Trenton: Beltillie„; NaPeneei Porg'' VamiltOni.1•1100,mo V Pit DEA= OF 4iI,Exii..*rorg,lc, gincardine itePorteri -i4r4 Aleitander. rt. itla !Aline, eked 96,., aformer Vellm knoin LtleknoW and Wateeburelt resi- dent and pioneer .Kinloss farnler and , echo) teacher, pooled 44/64 in OttelPh° at the home of his daughter, Mr& R. J. BeU, on OundaY., - HIS 'Wife, fOrinerlY 'Mary Gaynor, an atint. of Mrie raindaay,• of: tOwn. Predeceased' hinr,'tivan'', t'Y' years ago, Born in •,'Seetigniditt107, Mr. Milne * was t`4490te4' In Porter and Edinburgh and came te Canada as a young Mate „where he is beileved to have taught the Arst school. at Port. Albert, ten, o0a-serPent" se it appeared 14 and in the first, edhodis In Brace et' tile the original •"chambees tgetiooarre foerth and sixth coneesSions w.inioss. 50 7001. Ago,- 411.4 still (appears today-: tor tqurteen rare or school" teaching, An enemata( Marine aninial"or Serpent,, -tie remOVed to -Strati robs, where he lflce forin, frequently eeen and: distrthed .foMidett and edited:the Smith rails Re - by .credulous sailors, linaginative VieW* and asa stalO•ch l'1he?7,1' he men, and common lims., RIZEATisES THERE SUCH A MAIO Inc Nows)' , We an never understand the :mental _ 'brake-uP of, anyone Who will wept Me thought eccasumally -expressed t -t can; distilct, becoming Promineet, farmers„ waiitans' " "first live ' btedie**'-destersmalleWeedelt through. his, Paper, strongly supported the late Bon. Oeorge Brovvia. Later he returned- to Queen's Bush, and with his brettiers; David and Charles, took up , land in what -was, then virgin foreat on the 4th of Kinloss, where they becalm& =Ong thb-betritiieVaa' "fainifies ire the when, =steering 000narit • of tht Milne was 'an ardent horticulturist and 'werld. It IS oinw leountry in• wilteh- hive our hiene. -Living in Camada has inanY -advantages-and some--dra*Nbacka. _ea -every „•country has, but WhyLhave an inferior complex about cenada and Canadians. 'pansda IS alright. Cana- dians are alright and Canadian prOducts (*hen not saciliced every' few years by Politicians)--•-are'ltirighA-steadY-tent market gives regular eniPleyinent and creates better and cheaper merchandise. • APPRECIATION . _ L (Kincardine -Riview-RePorter)- .In. the pashig. !Olaf: Mittelfor many' Yeara-seditor ar the Gaprich, Star, that town and the newspaper fraternity have lost One who Was held „in high. Band wielded his pen for Worthwhile causes, and While sonic, could •• not agree, with bon political -matters, -yet respected his judgment and counsel. Barrie. Examiner: Walter P. A. I•sisrf- . tle; :editor and publisher of The 'Glade - tel, editor and_ pnblisher, of, The Gadd long Mness, was one of the most etteetn.: ed newspapermen ha Western Ontario. A suce'essful publisher, be alSO Was a fine -citizen of Goderieh and al*aYs- lent bla ' infitteriee to those things 'which stood for the best in the community. • •or . • •ri • i 6 t • ded,old-':.4dIdlemOr wherever' his -abode, his flower- garden became „ noted. WhUe _ in Luckatow,i- here -he,-retirea-!-irr his daelining. years ' he owned: the prverty where Mr. E.Phil- .Stewart now lives. Later he moved 10 Whitechuoti and in advancing years, made his home with his daughter in Ottelph, wherein spite of his. age, -Mr. Milne Ines 'eontinued excePtismallY titight MentallY, Of the original welver-Only, fetir chlidrere'now survive, It is Usual* sate to say that viten a, child is pale, Sickly, peevish and rest- less, the CAM& is: %VMS. These Pdfa":•• sites range the etomach. and intestbies:•,, eallaing iterteus;diserders of the .diges,, gen and Preventing the infant from de,,, • riiring sustenance *or* finoct., tuner's - Worm powders, by destroying the worms corrects' thesb faults of the digestion. and s.erves o restore the organ to heal- thy action. GREATEST VALUE IN TORONTO fl ATTRACTIVE i ROOMS WITH BATH •$2.50 $3.00 --WIT14-RUNNING WATER $1459 ,S1.75 S2.00 g!„ • OD j3rook:s1LXICrelEmi-LE-•NT. FO- 315c117 Luncheon - 50cond 60e Diener 6fic85e, $1.00 ; -LWAVERLLIJEDHOTEL _ TdRONTO , Write far Folder * Terrible Backaches For Years Could Not Sleep at Night DOAN'S v!!ILY PUS Mrs:- -Fred-- Forth, Wetaskisviu,1 Alta; w-ribesT--_!T wish to thank you for, your medicine, Doan's Kidney • Pille. - For several years T had teirible backaches that were • so bad I could not sleep 'at night. I tried altlinds or ,medicine without getting any. relief. . e-day-a-friend--asked•-me-to-try-Doandriey- - Mils and after using one box I felt much better; after ustrie two boxes I was completely relieved and could, enjoy *full night's sleep. - For sire at a -drug -and ocieral stores put' up only by - The T. _Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. $ DEPEEOSIoN EXPLAINED! or believe it's my --duty to state zn,y -views,' wriWs-Mike Clarke to his home .*PaPer-- -i--,-. ---.--- ,'and help to analyzethe situation as far as possible, ' se's. We can make (lip <az ,minds we had Auto change our ways of, living and so forth. , 'I have taken my own -ase, 10.r. ' isitutt-T'IefilliyilimikKanitzi* others have acted likewise; ' ' / bought ' ratead of.-irmar an • worn, out: but the farm. I figured ori IS still O.K. / invested in a radio- instead of a cow, and the radio gives static Instead of inillt.' f am feeding five hounds, which answer to the names of Red, Red Wing, Slobber, Jake, and ,RaY, Rum. in" 1re-id-a Thee iihts::::r had our Plano tun- ed Instead of the well lcleaned out, I _spent an my caile_,in 1028._ used, /nycre- dit . irr • 1929,. 'and. traded ' up' My future -vtegets . on initelmentic la *4032,-SP-ligra times taught. Me in A 'bad shape. If 1 had Spent my lest, ten -dollars for flour and meat indeed et go* and Oil, I'd have been.D.X. .. ., . I'm on:* 0,5h.basiS.p.O.W.1. but ain't got no caah * • *. 1.141 WM' I ried -plumb to the bone, and My wife's ','•' ithisfolle art coming over next Tuesday , to spend' two weeks,"--txchange. -• - •ir * * Just, atter ,Ive 1*4-400.1004 that .thie Iva% * pretty normal winter, after all, the. ..blkssr4 . sweat t-.4.04._ou us_ o$ of .tht,nanh. thartged. eim 'Mind ahoitt it's boil* normal when the show filled Our eyelashes with Snow so that, we were thOWblitd * * * :orkilltift'W-0110iM1nerriCS"Ri many.rn other !Mks of rife in wettern owed% heard witirailliti senot-ot per- 50ns1 lose ot the death of major Oeut. oat a Armstrong likat !eek„ nit tors in overwind , Ullitary District e. 1 'vnlit,zoll•iie kludllr, genial 'Per -1 With WhOnt b ome In taiitSet. .1Arbile. hi* 0101140.114 0 lilt. dirtstrkt was rum there Was nothing of the martinet in hit reattinerHe was at viva the othotr and the gentleman In the truest...sense of theae terns. Ottnil' Ine ,s'InVat.bY~ tat* Mit t.0 Mr& Aft - strong, whose chum; matthed, sulinlvt that 0 brv- lOzobormi. bsnn 11 tc' nt , u daintinces, In 115ef- Mr* like itj Moro; * ' .„ SOT A CEN'bandied about between men mid *eaten, T The lady at the 'window of the train `VOA bread and coarie, as we view ,Such (to the porter) :-"Are ou vire' all ggage ,,comparbnent and „„theolnimals". werese. ALIht-solLand thtrea nothing Whttevet left to mother nature, and nature, in -Sr* Porter'.' „ "Sure , -tent*.m, nothing-. of itti Inanifestatkins' wse,'Ineet and pro- . _ not a copperinune." _ per subject tor r. • I* * OrOnt, .2111elk, 000 their fame at the • -AMMO :Mr IciaPtiOttlitt feint.' either iit. thoWing-their'. oiPonents, ' 'e*1r Who tan'irime scene things *1 wrestling Or ft carrying Whole car, that exist Ilfty Year* .ago?'''' easses ot, beet orowd.a valid gather te Little pupil: 41Aeroplanes and vie- sei,"the'buteher slaughter an Ott • -1' ' the hide, remeye the entrailo, then thlek Teacher !".rrectl, and what more?' tip the envois and stagger off ilth 10P#1,! * tie „ aceeinpattimeht • of :304 • Whebe teiled th e theets turn* d, to ri .:14o1sX MOO', , 'laughter:And jeer& Zit ,1101)YwoOd they're telling of star yeds.' .and 'in dile course tors,* Who, 'the morning after a Wild, drinking cowl td our enotettres ,fsereteed Party, woke in 4State of 'Utter PhYalical „many 'extraordinary thing*, One , won - and. Mental deoptir, but Si )611.1gt 111 1113 deo how imply peeple the World 'Would Own MOO, iris Ott kitten was meander.. nolo. contain if the toribie.visottoo fl,*005t the flOor. . the 01.4 bed :not carried,om *large per. "Great Scott eat," Moaned the SO. ow* 'pe the people year atter year% faint "don't stabil) Your • ASK FOR OUR CATALOG Azip TIOW TO GFT 11 METER F cARTFITletaCKS- - were sold Out early: last season se we are Pharming' to 'double our tput-tthrepring. illateliery--;pproyat-- Early Brardx- WRITE TODAY GARTH- CHICII IIATCHERY-Box- 01 ExeterrOnt. • -94 --__J_N�RA-iSE 1NFPIUCE .14exte,to Itialt1. 14 Inststoitto, the easie.st, hingthethe-wollit i& 10 critleizi The mis. takes of Others. ' • • -A Word, t�. the -41se -may.,be4stilticient • bul It might be Wise 10SaY; it over the 'radio to tziake -Mire arid' etrtain4 /t's net loilat • you'd de With a million ihoura.- oin,*,t,o, your, lot. Ent whet you are doing tit present with4he 41,A6 Y tea sol”OU'Ve got; • • • • ny otleokflown& •Stilltold their . Titost HAtcilmoitts.0stockANdts, 4thowilt..tht.tteta two.' . • pAins- Imo% pleading were* Aroublta between Xnglorut and Ireland gistratei WM endeavoring `to deetribe .th; teriidlIf vilPhiot Out the age -04 bar. differenie betWeen Iltat 01001404 and 4,121-66 *411retil the. tare eeubttlea. 10:00: -.11040#00.*. ,sokt. lathet titts7 one *Olt .lrieli are totem hit me in, tba, 40e. -04 my eye h-ferishtt .selvez and the Irittiolt Inarket •is, left to Maa heir'54In e awl 0) imports Iront r Oust total** * talltd art. sett. t '•0644S ... tient? ' i 1)tittastric and from the *vents; bora- ' trerha$ not ly, "but, 'that to probably bow ou wouldj Thtt. try to oxptitit It to , ' 4 lit rg d Mtn. dfrct r&ions in *Ifots two* rM it 4loie -the "One wife' too many!" exclaimed the wife, aa she glanced at the head- lines in the paper, expect that's about some :bigamist*" "Not necessarily, my dear," said the littsband,.• Without doing to look • OFF'COLOUR'. HO YOUR LIVER? 4, Wilke ap yovA'" titer —Without V*IonieI eft timos *yet/ Iowa ort$0..bot, .*$# pat ottlor lasoriti* sect ehreleetive estptgakulittolib,404.v refesadogintt pros, 18,64000'fit, NittOtt awh * Kit*I**tkt,hit.riti* nr rt,SithattO. W thoy Sar „ own ihreew.sati ate hrerattmts!nt ?Awl, Pali *ill ilea Weebik kt:mste*Lx-ote,Astiot,144.Totite‘teuvootrtur, 4c.,41, oit 40,4404o, 41 1 . •Irp- t - T LASTS, LONdEV ERTA'S' SOOTLESS COAL. ••••••=•• FROM ,c0ALSPUR AREA AT- THE:LOWEST ?RICEIN HISTORY ;Per -ton o PER TON OFF FOR, CASH" or FURNACE, 1IE/41ER or RANGE There are 0;34 bisitina Classes of Alberta Domestic Coal. Poothills Ciial is the Leaaer in the "Class One' Field as Liste(tand Recommended hy the Coal sp. 'Standards iloaid. Ask for it .b)i name and 'beassitOd of satiftjot utrY Cii.NAL)I.AN COAL 'lye Etriployinent toCattadiati Miners and itailwaytheri rait'Tedity- Comides ',plink -041644 cL 'MR SALE BY H*rdw*re, Plumbinaana H*ting Store tthe1Irbotxt Anthracite, Poothontu, idways in stock.