HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-25, Page 8•
• e • ,4**06 r
0 '1.10/40 P
Womot4 Institute lieltt a 1,-e
eard tarty' In UarItaY
I IA* eveuhlg, iklyant cight$
icipated, .)40,10* Orize
UM „ROO. Jeliaten, and. the
AWL It rey dainty
Orange ,Pdge ntMa1ne their
tri $4oralay'e1euing by holding
se party 1r t2wI 040 rozto -'4)4
oral strOr. !Ate ;winners, were. Wiles'
Wires; 3/14.' J. PluAlv Miss 1.40, $PrOld;
Mens PriaeS, Memos.'
..*Yamea 1.eanard% pooh was *e4 by
tho mem $
The regulir meeting a tile Women's
Ustituto win tie:held' in '1V.aeltay Ball,
Tueday, PcbillaTy 1St, at p.m. The
roll call will be answered by oldstime
recipes. Ms. O. litmtt, district presf.,
,o.delit, will We aLaddreSs, and the cur.
rent event i• win 4e told.by Mrs. J. JerrY.
'There Will also be a demonstration, al
* knitting by 1,fr2. J. 0. Stewart. 11o8eets,Mesdames W Cralgte* J. Stewart*
It McDonald, W. tawrence and D. MC-
The EVeriing Auxiliary pf North street
brined /church met at the home of the
. presidents 1Js Douglati ,.,Mooney, on
Tuesday evening. At the ineettng Mrs.
,1V1oas- recounted in „„a very interesting
• -Way some of lier exPerienees in the
Peace River *district. •Annuai repOrtS
were read -showing an* Average.. attends
oc...4wing ;the_ year -of,..110111
oiarT4ratnount to
which .4300 has been .forwarded to the
PresbYterial treasnreis .A bate valued at
*50 was sent :to Matheson, Ontario,
-...where Wass 1.84601atellat 1 stationed.
the yOung svpnien l'if,101roxi Presbyterial;
izt Whith..Mrs. ChildS,' Of London, was
• the knot Speaker; and taking charge of
the tea room at the annual o-litirch
-bazaar. --The officers e1ected•210rstli
year are: Ion:wary president, Mrs. W.
Naftel; president, Mlt D Mooney; first
-Vice. president, Mrs. Tliornloo. seond
• ite president. Isfrsi-J.--#.-litebeitsons re-
• cording secretarY, .41,1cDovvel1
scOrresponding secretary, Miss M. Canip-
-treasurer,' Miss E. 'Huguif-iiippli
-steeretary, Mrs. 14, Ct.-Chapman; literary
and 'Isfis$1onary %fortthtp-iseorotary,' Mrs,
E.0, atibeitton; ,cnristtan ptewaviistdiY
votntenor _Vearer 't omnilttee.
-Thithattane" visiting icomntitteei Vita. A.
IOU imcciinton, Mias saint;
44er5, Ulu O. Robertson; :planiats, Miss"
tOonalkiltrs, .1i-:--Snyderi -pre
Totary, Istrs.F Nir. White,
C. Jaekton. recently
Oi1t. hag. talterimOVer; the pootig
lgto Dr. A. alillitter. Dr. JAeks.
hfto hAril fti Vingflog,
'comes of. -an Old *HUM 001,10tY
hti3 grandfather and 'father lia*Virtg 11
lleAr Clinton' ler. Mat* Vara; He gra-
dtlated frOIL,the.VrilvertIO.MailltOlea
tOtilitettepi"OraeflO jt an
and settling In :i.ioution. Ont. iterwrac
Eon 'win nee ':Pr.,Ittinter'S Old ee but
iThmter and and flIcolitiritte -to
their heMes*
leo. In,• the churell - On
SlindaY. JanttarY 28, Will be: l•O
Bible Sobv); 1 41.M., gOSPOI tertice,
Pastor, Rev, W. T. Runt Will preach,
Subjeet,'"I*Ilke, 'the° Beloved 1hYalciall4"
7 pm.. gospel aertice; "The Unellariging,
Serviees In Knox ,Presbyterian church
�z Stinday, January 28th, win 'be:
arn., Morning wership, the paStor, Itev.
D. J. Lane, will preaeh subject; '400108
further with. Ohrist;" 3 p.m., Sunday
School arid Bible Class; 7 p.M., evening
service, subject, 'oNew Things Made from
Love," '
Servlces lii Victoria street 'Visited 1:
ahnrch on Sunday, January 28th, will PEAR ON
be: 11 ant., morning iworship, paitor,
Rev. r, W. chalk will Preach, subieet, A quiet: Ireddilli was' solemnized-at
oThi 2,4ted1tatithi My Heart;,, 3 cpan.,1 North street United, church parsOnage
d ehurch snilx After themceremony the haPPY.
"-onday, Jan.
Sunday Stool; 7 Am, evening serv1ce,1 ) 7
3y Rev' 04 .‘ Watts on 16c
subject, "Steadfast and Sure.", ,Monday 22nd, at 11 gm., when Ella Cluistine
evening at 8 o'Clock,'Young People's so- Horton, was united in marriage to
Services in -North street Unite
on Sunday, January 28th, will he. *10 left•on a short motor trip.
If u aro havingtre
*Year Vett,. live their* exsnuutid
*With the latest tqltIiPuteritc, Ancl
if *otr'need Olass,es, our prices
White or . ellow VraineS,
fitted, with uric
bite -,yelloW,;$014 Frarnei.
• with riin .or rinflese "
with toric
" toMplote
rnsed-Invisible Bifocals, for
distanceand, resdirig wear in
one .lens, with white orlollow
gold Framea. ,„ 0 0
Complete..„, ,.. • a
These prleelinclUde a thorough
eXatnitration of your eyes.
ea.*, 404:0•#.4646•60•44
'Arthur pearsoarboth op -Colborne Town-
a.m., Men's *CIO; -Weans Morning way- •
112.t...t119 P,14ters,...ger..q...t. Wattas.
r0T,teh. _4411,,Int„, .vskine _
Questions -t. , ,A qulet. wedding of :muorisinterest..ta,
iiiii119`'40t7i5-irlitiWigh70.74.7TflTGd4er1eh 'peeili''taanitTinrikrtiliaiy
evening service, subject, Martin Luther, evening, January 22nd, at the North
another of the Torch -bearers of the Re- 4treet United 'church parsonage,. when
formation.- Wednesday evening, prayer- Rev. 0. T. Watts united in marriage
service at 8 o'oloelt: - .. •Miss Ethel Stolite, daughter of Mrs.
Stokes,JSrOok...S.Ireet,lu“.4.•. Walter_ Belt,
Fraiiiiis 4/trek-holt i
, than. The orange were unattended.
. • The bride looked lovely in a navy blue
Pairs. Fine and Costs,
. suit. After a short honeymoon trip Ititr.
. ..,_ and Mrs. 'Heitman will reside in Oode-
aye ..ii-StW -Dry i—m-r-"teb-where-the-bridegroom carries- on a
Ii --Rodgers- in , ._
• minding snowstorm. 1 ouWher business.
t ,
--A fine of 810.00 and the costs of the
case, svere levied -against Vrancis Over -
i4 magistratecourt on, Saturday-morn-4-
JanuarY 20- •
oun y 'lances -
ow e(11:1 -p
136sIdes-court costs both vehicles were Ratepayers Know How They
dantagekpalievihat to the total *cost of I
Stand for first* Time
calliding with Orval Rodgers ' on the, ‘.
_In-lrestrg - -
night' ,of -Dectiriber --27 *---hrs---a. *blinding' -- • • --- - - - -
sndwstorrii 1011 be substantial. . , ' I•
e--.a --r--......,
It waishown.that Overholt was driv., On this Page Will be found a Age-
ing blind on the night in question/'.-telii ment of Receipts and Expenditures of
is,olie more lilt' of eVidenee to show that
talln0CgiSIble-10 t00-CaArtil *hire the-athint1-4)LAIUrall 1 -the -year -3-93
the wheel of an autondbile vi7hiti; this has not yet been, didited
. • there is little doubt that it gives an al-
most exaet-picture--ot- the -state- of sth
ZOC3111:::=1=C:X=0=' MC::,C*C• county flnances at. the **present. time.
- • 4 / ThiS IS a pleasing cergrast .ta former
--years as,this la iindouletedly-thesolearest
,suntraary-of jcounty-,Ariances--that,an
*treasurer his presented fOr a long time
'The items.apeair for theinselves„
e a000unts of the County Roads and
Provincial Highways. 'are also in good
, defi'cit -being_s_anticipated- in-
-either account. •
lag Rates ofT
Sae Yoi money
• The new treasurer being generally
e Goderich Star ..gralwated oti as report
I --
The' list;
TORONTO DAILY STAR 'and The Goiliiieh Stai. 47.00
THE MAIL and EMPIRE The..Gedetich Star 6.00
THE-LONDON-ADVERTI$Eitioitt-The Godeikh $tar. . 6.00.
THE.EBEEIRESSinKILTIRCGoderich:Star. 6.,40
• Cadet -14 Star « 0*.44S4, 2.50 f
, AMERICAN MAGAZINE and 'The Goderith Star- 4.00 I
CANADIAN GEOGRAPHICAL -and The Goderich..Stsr: ; 4.50
-ANADIftOMJOUR-*-Theoder,ch--Star 250
14N HOME ..and GARDENS and The GoderiCh
-4-4-CANADIANMAGAIINE G-Totle41‘ch Star4 440
THE CIMITELAINE sittl The .GocleTich Star. 2,50
0 IER'S WEEKLY-and,The-Gotletieli-Star. . 3,50
C�MOPOUTA$ lita The Gatleriek'Staii:4,00
ENTLEIVIAN ant The :Goderieh;Stat,,;-.2.50
E DELINEATOR and, The Gotiletich Sw 4 4 4 4 250
ETUDE and The Goderieh' Star
OOD HOUSEKEEPING 0,041 "rho coderiati4 stay: 4., . too
4.ADIES". HOME JOURNAL' and The Gaderieh Star. 3.00
101601..EAWS MAGAZINE and The 'Oollerich Star.... ... 350
MAYThIRandTheGodericlstar. • „4.50
McCAWS_MAGAZINE)and The GodericI2 S* , 2.50
NATIONAL HOME MONTHLY and The .Goderiela Star. °. 2.50
NATIONAL czoonAnacona The Getlerich Stat. .. 8.00
ONTARIO vARNIER and The Gothrkla Star.. ZOO
PICTORIAL REVIEW and. The G�d�ich Star..+ ZSO
POPULAR MECHANICS and The od.rch Star . 4.
:sciME, and The Goderscb Star.
• 3.00
RED Eta The
OD, MO OM and tat...: 350
TUMMY EVENING POST and The Goderic,h Star. 0.00
tJRDAYNKIrrandTheGodrjcstar,...,,,, 5,50
. S.
Zerti:fie:i.:(71:114t0: cg4fr401°'
itgallen big X.° ,far. WithOlit
Ue tgated that he and & M'114bert*
'on and:, Oould earefullY
.?icaullated, mimitea '-ottii; document*
r1L4ath71144111-to4'..14;t444,1114,4n$4411.„4.b.14.14t :C7:141411.141' 421A4P
je Intikate.so0ershlkieletiqy.*.
It'.1e*entett aUtieer thing 40 hint that
Lb e Temperance $0eliely ,Shotild` elogin a
310,006 bnildlnir InerelY Peeattse Or their
oWnership, of the 411000 iot on which' it
Walt bid% Where It WAs***Olearly. evident
that Mr. Mae1tay,13031 ineint to make ak,
begoeSt to thetown.
"Arleta Sn8gett1ons had been Made for
tin*sottlement among them. one -that
,,./ustice cbirrow be asked.to adJudfl
Cate the clairn n his, Private OaPaeitY".
Vhis was felt, to be %statical and--WaS
passed. pp, • 1Vir. MaeAvan felt, 'bows
ever, *that the TOrento Oeneral TruStS
'might reasonably be elgpected to assure
.theintielvel Of the legality. 01 payments
I made by thenEout of (the, trust tin& in
their postession,
Re and ors. Oallow, both felt that a
special effort *should be made to estab-;,
correet title- it Once and if the
tOwn's Clalin.s -could not be verified the
Whole matter should be droPPOd as it
;Rai 'More trouble • than it was Worth.
• WaPt- Truckini rrIvilege
. „ .
A delegation of track owners asked
that they be given the ,privilege of drww-
ing one cord of municipat wood per day
.the tame as, 'teamsters now .enjoys
-Councillors Hirai= and • Colclough
spoke in favor: of the move which was
referred to the special COmmittee with
prospect of the privilege being :granted.
13onie-78people---weres. burieds-iris-Mait-
the report of the -sexton. „ , ,
J. H. Robertson, .tax collector, asked'
that ie be allowed tor retain possession-
ef -the tax -rolls* for another month .11,4 he
was having difficulty in making oollees
tions; reported -receipts -of -67965.53;
nf which *6888,%.*Was for 1934 taxes pald.
in advance.
J. A. Chisholm" wrote 'asking- a 'share
of the taxes to be usedto beautify the
Reiman illathedic "betnete:tr. This_ -WaS re-
rred to ceMetery; and Parks corarnittee.
I, 'Whitely., Q. R.
medical he Ittiziiirteer to sueeseesistheslate.
Dr. A. C., Hunter and E. R. Wigle was
aPPorated to the • Collegiate Board in
piece .1: E. Vord, resigned'. ,
The finance committee 'Was asked to
consider *and. :el:tort on . the request' of
the-rary- Board-lor- 4200, and :the
proposal. to join the- Ontario Iltualcipal,
Atsociatioir, •' • - •
.The annual graniittolthe4tOspitai for
Sick 'Children In London and to the Sat• ;
vatierr-Arnir ;tali ,referred tr;-tlie
Vozninittee; F. Woolltombe's
ric' lima for. a &are '01' the tOWn fire in--
p. Kidd, ety4 'engineer, proposed to
make a compreheralVernap of the town'
•-sewage iystein pointed -out- the in-
efftelenei-Ofs-the-present- planiv'antt-the
cost ta the town If they„were lo.st or • de-
Stroyed. Works' conungtee were o Oted-
iti-deal with it. -
The mayeirs aS'it" niernber of„the water
rid.-,likht :scorn
ber of questions put by „Deputy, Reevei
Turner regarding difficulties 'vritla the
water system since the blocking of the
Egskeriditures-fot the_ Yeat
Jan . 1at, 1933, to Dec. 31, 1933 "**.
County- Rates . ....._
. , . ..$158,085,09'
Land Tax .. . .. . ..... - . ....... . . .•..
Licenses . . . . ... ; .. .-
'• Schools . . , ,
r :• • 26,103.05
Regietry 0010e . . •-...- ..•....... 6 a -520,96 •
* Old_Aget Pension........._._.*........ -o-+-6.-# • * • • • 0 * * • 0 * * 8,140.00
• .• AdmilliStratiOn- • of Iiistice .. . . .% ...... 4,244.21
lilagistrate s Pines. . . . . ..`....;...... „ .. 342.19
" Banit Loans ....4.„ „.. .. . .‘. '.. - .... 148,000.00
--DlilaiOrt-Court runa........ • 6 0 ; * 4 • • 4 4 • • 6 71.27
MitieellaneOlis• . . .w ..`,......:.* . 2293 -
Proyineint Government' re Corn 'Borer.... 10540
, Provincial Government re Wolf Bouhty... p.00
Interest on. Dominion of Canada ,--13olids
(ailtIroves SheltRr).: . . .. 6 **AS.. I r r 50.00
,C1., ti]ad* ,Siircity CO. 're *Gordon, Yourig..,„ „,, , 4,150,60
x Jiro ,i,L.uss Aoustment-.4ao1 • • • 4( 6 Cit • • • • 14 80
City a TOrOnt-tnaintenanee of boy in .. , .
- Cliildren's Shelter . . . . - . -,. - ...... 21.00 •
Mothera' AllOttraiieo - ...$ 10,$37.50 ,
• Ildren!*-Slielter 3,068.10
Administration of • .. '15,3604T '
OId Age' P0nsion" " , ; 14,928.71
Municipal GoVernrnent ......, - 7,00452
"Soh0013 w*".4.1; • *41-• .0 4 6 • * • lk • • * • * * * • • 02A5185
Registry Oft.0iTico 4**,44466464* " 11421,450
Otioi # 4,4;0 ;4 * .4 • * 4 0%* • 4, 0 • 44 01 0 * • 44 • *4 3,1582.26
Printing, Advertising Advortiaing and , 1,865,24
Ititerest0,104.76. .
County Property. 0 10 6•,;*iiv**4,44.6.*
Itisurance, Heat, Light and Telephone.. .1,082.91
Miscellaneous... 111.99
Ifospitala and Wetly ashoott.....,....."," 21052.87
TIOUSO Of Refuge. ,46,246(1
(tant$66 6 6 r 66.4 44%61* .61i#4itibis‘tale#4:4#4,*11#4.4, ;439.55
triinter to County Ilome Bank Aett.****9500.00,
.PaitriOtIO )30041, P*14„ „ „ lax,00,00
$sink tiolutt .«, 14100001
G. Young, utisaithorited. }gam()
Leirst # $* 1.4 40 16 1,4 W #44 4 lb *4 441,20,156
Tax Refund. , 10.91
Ileand to 1401til1op Tp., overpaid ta*xes... 101.10
rsteto Townships for taxes eollettea. - 833.00
y oVetot Oink LOan at ilatt. 1.13t.
it Lofla dab*14
6-661116,. ,4,6, 66,
take some 4$0. He . Wa AkUtired
• 014 the ir0:410, had', been t too-Ool,f'
, .
An* 04Siblr 44114Pre*. '
dratned14. the opening of I, , tii , and 1 '
which Might have tat in, e tiZ'
• to flow *way.' VillOrine.' In. somewhat
tY'''' ..brilifev'eirienta-: tri-' .44,- eet4e-In-e14.1-:
MIAOW, quantities, •Itad *en 4nIded.,.** '
an ielgra.kafegOard::andsPlatts were afoot,
4 41#0/1, danger there' might pes4IblY haVe
'been, me" longer rated. •Engineer Dail-)
ing is .coMpleting 'plaus tor ' the ,,neW l •
water main and. when thla.work 'was in-
stituted: a lot Oc work wouild be available'
for the Ut,i,employerl.'.
Three spectators presto were given
cordial'Weleome by a' tUrprised Teo I,'
They, were iriviteil, to ocono *gggin luicV
brills their frierula. ' .•
• ItetPort4 Of 4.1.10,- finallee. and public
works coMmittees were as 'fellows:
The flounce. coMplittee recommends:
That the Royal Bank be scnt.a coPY et
the town by.,law showing the appoint.:
meneof the town treasurer.. The Baech,
ler "Sinking Vund In the MOO Bank luta,
been 'Closed out ar4 we recommend that,
the statement Of thia accetint, be referred'
to the auditors, and ,when..* verified,. a
copy be forwarded to the laoderich Man.
ufacturing Co. "Ltd.; that arrangements
for 4 treCUP $6530,0,, 10 Made with the
• Bank, for the year's -requirements, and
•that a bylaw'be pissed -accordingly; ,
have examined a 1St aceounte d'rem
'People Know
the Welfare tioard...4ncauiting to $055.03,
01 . I
and we recommend that they* be paid.
PublicArerks Miss Mae Craig U.:visiting her brother
0th, 104
,(12risti:e Qtigiity has niade
christie's Soda Wafets tbe
• best-IiitedSodasinCanadi.
Tastier, crisper, fresher
the best you eve*; tasted,.
• • 4614•0444•00t•
The public *works comraitt,ee report : Edward, of Detroit....
We have purchased and installed two
More chemical "closets In the Skating Mrs. George Little, 01 Hayfield, Is viss
rink, •'• iting relatiVe.s: in Goderich this week.
, onthlend..12at-r.,Arg
ed. a. member of the Ooderieh: Collegiate
Institute Board for the years I834-35 In
the place of Reis Vora, viaia, has re-
• signed; we. recosmnentl 13rf
at the_Lhome c'of her fatheri OhTer,
Cambria Road. •
Miss Addison, of Vaneou7.-er, B. C., is
visiting at present ,with -relatives"' and
.Whitely be appointed medical' <deer ef s.
r.islends" 0.oderich;_._-_. :
health -In --o1the- lates-Dr; fitinteryt " •
seven single unemployed Inen have been lt.fe.ssrs. James and Archie Janes, of
g .
1)etroit, spent the week -end at the home
the camp Rondeau Park and.. we have dr cVieir parents, Mr and Mrs. D. L.
selected seven 'and paid their expenses'Jon s, North .
fur transportation.- Word has been re-
ceived that the men are quite Pleased.
with their, work and ' acconunods.tionst
that aseplication be made to the Work -3
-men's Compensation Board ha.ves-thr
past. time_relief.....tworkers---placed-iinder; •• •
authorized by the 'Government to t
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hern, North St.—,
sant lioildaY at the home of her -
Mrs. J. C. Oreig, of Sea -forth is visit-
ing at the home of Mr. and s. R.
Acheson, Nelson street,.....
Mr. and Mrs. Scott McNally, of De-
troit, spent the -week -end at the home of
M.r: and aVrrs A L Cole Britannia Rd.
• .
'According' tO tests carried out at
the Dominion Expeinientat x
Ranch at Surnmersidg, P. E. I., the
feeding of cod liver oil,. fat meat
-similars--similar •should- -be-- -
rigidy avoided during the summers'
and fall months. ••
The amounts of moisture and )
street ye,ast-fri-,.stored -honey are- important
Mr. J: Beattie, of the C. P. R. express
office; has returned front a pleasant trip
to winnipet •Mrs. Beattie •ha.s been,
visiting relatives in -Toronto.
factors affecting fermentation. -•
-schedu1e:2 of the Board. • 1 Mrs-HerbertDawson-and-little thiugh-
• • [ter, Ann, af Toronto, is spending- a plea -
Old Order Changes,
ruck IIeIps Iforse
Dobbin in a Jam on Heibor *MI
•SO 9 -..as liuggir- Helps -Out
Wilfrid Prouse' was'. hauling a load of
stumps up the Harbor Hill on Tuesday.
afternoon abolit 4 'O'cloe.li when the
whole load ,slipped on tht icy stirface
• and headed down into the C.P.A. road -
The horses were nhitched i_a_sashitchs_
ed up again and tried valiantly ,to get
the load out of the mess but Just could.;
nmake-sit-on-the-ie .
• Bradley's trnok came along and offer-
• ed a little asSistance, thus,reversing_thel.
-usual orti
horse looked pretty peeved abont it tzut
the 'truck hooked, on. After huffing and ,
Chains they got the load started. '
Hauling ,it to safety they disengaged.
'The disgruntled horses took over tha
job and all w41,t _nierrik.oLtheirs_waY.
• IN:410!„
.that assures you of a
well dressed.. apiiear-
French -DO
1. 60 inch Buffet in birch.wal,
•reg.. $32.00, for...... 424.00
1 -China -Cabinet- in Oak -sold --
English finish, reg. $34.00 *
China Cabinet, birch wal
- regular $33.00, .
1 dozen- root Stools, regular
•$1.05i. for. - • $1.66.
•-have_a second hand .3 piece
Doyen° Suite in tapestry 'at
- bargaii. -
ome in and look these over.
oroiture Peeler •.Funrral Director
. S. S..1%To. 2. Colborne -
. The follOwing is the report of the;
. Junior Rooms*
.. Jr. 111.--.ALOrl12 Moore, 89 per cent.;
• Pearl•Weatlalte,17; Torii Patton, 76; jack
Westlake, 74; ,Dorothy Moore, 72; Nor...
Mini Hoy, '10;_ EvelYn Jenkin, es; -.4ipart
puha, 68;„*.cor14ne„f4.ltotoite-.(abSent)
JX.---irds. Pisheit 84; torraine Allin, le;
Jean Hill, Illy:Esther Patten, 68; Vihnie,
IfOoshe; 64; VetOniea La ItoNtie; 63; :
• 1
Opal iviy,„ .58; Gallen-, 1i,Iskier*7 88; _ r;44
Fesigatir 86,- .,1-4-i+Torene-Vanstepe, Eldal
000d,• BillY Alai 'Donald Pfrinimer.
Priniers--DOrjs. ,Allin," Oeorge Westlake,
Falter, Rita /4
"s, ireagan' sES.IY!.
Hotque-.(itbsent). --Thote Marked. With an
itstlyisk Et*ellt fOr one or more mtamiti-
' .
stions., Number on ',roll It " '
D.......0. •1111:Nmat..8614,--Toacher, .
miNtitA4s. r011! 4,0trixit• i.„,,
Witii,,,regard to minerti; !Pods for 'Doni-
s „stry as A, considerable bercentago of dry
matter in both egg Alia fowl 3.s, composed:
Of mineral .clemento it' ii evident the
deroand for food containing thtte I elern-
•APidly growing.bird or on‘ produting t
' ents ' will. be: urgent particularly With a
•rdinary, 1 : lily olarge niutLet: of eggs. 'Oudot free rane,
• 0
conditions; tlite 'mineral demerits wilt
' bo ol)tained argthrough the
- feeds, Wt. the green- ifood, iniects;sla
grit that are ipleked up on the roixige,
Vien' roWli,' are i'l-iiiiii. Cr'lesi ClOiteik gan;
nnett, it'beopmes nete$411 to eupplilthe
mineral ;0ous and the tinestion et' tbe
most toitshie trot in WhICh the Y can be
obtained. *cornea iniportant, zit
tointal tomtit. smt 41.. ethedure. eh
Ing the average content eli mineral
IA t Anita are Vibe roma.
bufletln en Venibl". reed* 4ind '
the *heationec, Adkvininth01
United St* sa etlrated en
1st* is Seta rnUllon bashes as
pat..4 with UM Wilton ,bttshe
Royal York Coffee -lb tinL.35c
Pearl NapthaSoap,
I Ib.
tins tins •
owan s Cocoa
Hire chick.rwitt vice
Li! Vegetable, Tomato°.
3 tins 2
VIN cvir
116, 21