HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-25, Page 2eery ot -ittotsoNt, . . ' • • Othi IOW cOUNIT, _ One More the town ot Ooderielt we)s mu the ComitrOlthrl4 CoMeit Under', haliPier AnaPiees. thin 0i tbe. ceelssion of its last cOrt*ening, Huron lsoPe$ that such an experience never be mita* ' • **rest centres in the new method of :selectings warden. Some difficulties of the neis arrangement whereby s chair- man •is to be Ousters in- open totincil, bliVe \been pointed out but, by the time this paper is in print the Oen Will hate been. tried., , It is our -belief that the hard headed rePreSentatives fa hard headed, sound PoePle will have overcome ell diffi- culties and har. chosen asatisfaCtory vsarden without undue trouble. • There b no major issue before \the . body which leads to thehopeor a short sets Ott and prompt disposal of nem*** business. Reorganized treaturers." Clerks' offices will doubtless be an aid to eXpedition of bitsiness stitholigh the 44$4. ,xibikLty womezt With eoeiSeale have tried to stake ne sort ot_suPattaoh eut 01 the bt)" he is, but bit about his Wirt tir'e that he ehts44 be tailed', h niUns ut. *Mune In, , StateMalit 9( 31411 100 oeturt*01 -h*ebirraeimue$401-- • nlY-ievilli OS* *it stit' elgt br the, rector. • poty -1114 /04% 40fle outaidethe reetOry, the .. 0 ' why 1, .izI 2 $91.0.g." ' PAY% hat . IS so ''', .n y; 7StisineSS: is it:<?oct. in our .ctt*' , cg.)1P1.t ,"' '-04074 *.. Pilf., of not ,.4.fr M." "La 11.* not oar), "The OPOU was snow" Tlae ari, with Aire 'tit if reltrettOie allerlfige Or funds Made fhb not saYg It was a . g necesiary but very .iireat credit ,is due OW, 4I was a dislual.'filithire," Rev; ,mr. unis.,,the,x0004 for the Ours 1..) 0 110t sot fini., toured the OM' trY *4, . „ ale and detenninatiott he displayed In 414)Orve the habits of th'e Say. • ,,,, ' ' ' . "4' Iii' t lt,14,” Ming the, Joh ,anct tor the hie* ealim "lie C °ens Pt the "1" * uJt atter as ft le moaner In Which 'it Was ;Wiest out "Ise. -11-0alin • * * ClovernMent.-Prontallice. *end ,ayls table ern, not ,gtIVser-Ment., It is to be regretted that the prortun,.. Protege. Pronounce Prosteseha, 0 a* dation or so maincradio almounosrs itt in no, both WS OS in day, prirlcipal le - so dePlorible. The Omit; to cent on .1ast syllable. a man. Pronounce -the letter u es though .1rrevocable. a Pronounce isrevso-kasbl, ft were 'co. This has Well OOmmented 1 aa ln it, e 'tut in let, it unstressed, ae- on kintiMerable' times and while it has nilt 4"nd Contractor, .4ecent seeend, syllable, an unpleasant 'sound. to Casuidlane aP- not the%ftrat. Pears' to be an accepted practice In the . Mausoleum. Pronounce mo-so71e-um, United States. But when One of oUr suss 40 sr sem second 0 as in gm 0 as own announcers pronounces Sir William in. inc. Principaraccent on third sYllable. Unlock% name to rhyme. with mullet; the , Palestine. Pronounce the 1 as In val. limit of patience has been reached. entitle. The Chief,Justice eertainlY 'sloes net nse Words Often Misspelled such a prommclation himself. Surely Twelfth; not twehrth. Opossum; opo there is Some way of securing greater untformtty in such matters. 0 * • 4. _ Someone ill ottawa is entitled to a etst....deaLOLArerItts-_-APP,a.„,M4.17.....1Ltt „.,..:,,Aer4,04i:goteslat_ilieect with eendirourarosuods issts, sussoiss. 'ss *um au; tarn,. triaibittation_ct: _ other titan & hishlY C0.111Pefent Mai.1 hay printed, lavishly illustrated book to straighten out. entitled "'Canada 1934." Just why the 1034_,Instead_ of 1933. is THE RADIO FIREBRAND not clear, as' it gives a somplete picture of the eountry up toDecember31, 1933. usuahy such a pitblicatiOn Might be, „expected :in thehands of the public about IVittreit, 1935, when it would be of U* einicelvable Value W1t:n:120e it is, re. ceived on the 19th 01 January; 1934. It is 'ft,most admirable piece of work of 18$ pages dealing with all phases of Cana- dian life and.. carefully indexed. • 4Ee ittai congratulates l�nyrn�us authors and,whoever was responsible for its extraordinary proraptstess. • 4 We have alWayShad. a deep espiU�r ltoaievelt as a man endowed with untbital ability, foroe and, \ love tor hg-telic4mien. We Should like to See win' for bis own sake hi his, battle. --Ur better llvineconditions tor the aver- age ;jut. `. a.tt It is dif5cult° to reconcile his use of rather Coughlin as arnbuth- p3ece with his avowed wish to -extend the .band-ot fellowship to all peoples. The -Detroit -Priest-is. tee itimlocierate- ;statements regarding the Anita and par- tkubutt oreat-Britain, The sooner- the .-Arnericen:peOphs eee- that there are two 4*to the war- debt question the better ft* *114.••'-IrOr that _Matter Great Britain • . has*not.reitudiatest'her debt tO the Unit- . OUR DUMB ANIMALS The ibise and the Ilard Time* (FrOm Our Dtimb' -Animals) 17. 11. Department of Conunerce •hat recentlY -PO/Wed iv carefulfy pre- §t4,0114,m414., Tztucr c9ugh2in pared booklet entitled, Ws"The Farm •ei uratrutrize a few of ite Putt it She) statements. *WM. with the Attitriettritt (rti a be* „ Defors tne taming of tractor, auto- WhiCh Atit12i410 feet "11Unrea'truck and 'automebile, it required aP- 11021sib2e and hatg itittbimted tier Wen- I proximately 18,000,000 acres of crop land ofileferrh,sg further 'paymentsuntil ts produce hay and 'grain for the horse, , • some Mere rational settlement can be arrang.4, If the: American record 'debt PaYnietit Were Perfect her -Ookess r- nesi. As it Is there does not seen, te • !WY desire to approach the question with , autplusea have meant decreased prices ,for- these fitriti_products,..greatly loitering -farm ,ptirehasing power, 'and the "redues tion itslhe latter has deeted)the entire_ country. _The.-...mininnun, figure of 18;00 atrei released by the decrease in horses and mules between 1920 and -1930 is tut. yearly 0,006,000 bales 'a. cotton; half thre usual crop, or 250,- 000,000 bushels of wheat, , About one- ha.14,1a.St ileVembeii .itassettles( third of the wheat clots or 4121,,000,000 down, to the tsaniusion 'of some In*etS, bushelsof stinoont-inntareot- t4 be Jud.a 4Ulet old' norniiii Wain Or is it Unavittl and we have become used to itf and About 3,000,000. acres of plowable land for his pasture. With the displace- Ments of the horse:by the inachine some- thing like 11,000;000 acres have, so re- eas -yes surp uses of v ous crops and livestock; in many crops the StOell Fther Ciughlirs appears -to be appeal - 1O tut emotion rather than to yes/ - non. Prebeisly there are Political fortes Worklomewhertirithe_b_ackgroundi: , EDITORIAI NOTES Thia_,Virtter4.411lleh Started. off' With It kit Over 12,500,000 hogs it year. In the three years abate tbfse figureti'were fur- hect-byt-it; 1038-oetuitsit is Ive surpluses hoe inereaaid 'In magnitude 4nd.' the,adverse effect* have *tan* eleefa j'inii0 Pties'!" 'ranch 111°" gerl°Uss dos that I** 21,000,060.40res.releated haVe all been IOW, tO raise 'otteli, wheat end corn; the acreage has been *need iniong many Crops. The result rd the study, however you look at It, at least rah* the '4•140.0001,' Uow tar has_ tile abieldoninent et the hole and Placement by the Machine been respOri; 'OVA s' o• 21. In • • ro silt by "beer presumPtiOn, ea,e, PO'Wer in *0r14 '0040 1i4.4.,t1 04104 one 111* arititgonistio ,attitude toward Oimit thittirc int4es it difficult 10 un' deretend ho' any Oariadian. van' listen , -10 lihn With pimento, „ • • •f• • • total butt -her* ,,were* Ming 9/.50 per litmd:red weight for higs hat week, 'Tv& ivinaricedsisivarlecover the ittiv4rico 'Which 'Were 4h, ,veghe .eh-kv...elct,,:vifeeis ". it is good news for time farmers lat hoe hoga audit The exPect*. s is that price* will 'keep Up. The 'from .)itogland i'aid to be itnog with 110 -Sign .of 1a, letup 5. * tanyrwonder why ihe ton�. or editor* PaPera is not hither than. It US lite Iteat re000 that the Weeltly hmt ter Mcire tO do.than lltse Isb dutiet701 the iitteitti 0 enumerate but ne. to t .he *dike In h as they hi* .0* lob fltm wonder Vett the aa *' *, 0, t • P. two as, QUartel; two re, one I. pis - appoint; one s„ two p's. Compromise; Ise not • ize. Mucus (noun', %Sumas (adjective). Synonyms , -----Feasts-sfestivity„- • revelry, JolItflcatIon.. Pitiftsis-pitea 2ttspat-hetiep-abjeets era e, sorrow . • • — ' Example, sample, specimen, standard, model; pattern. • R.etrench, reduce, curtail, ,decrease, lessen, economize. • Plant (verb), seed, set, sow. ' Pov.ter, Ability, efficiency, energy, force, strength. Word Study u y great conceptkm re ected "Me a word_ __three times and it is. gennt.......• Wel • yours." ssuss. sUPerior talents, in 4i Let us increase etir vocabulary gave no security ofc°11tiC d t * • by mastering one word each day. Words - • • for this lesson: cuimmay..i peftainwg 0. the jatoen, The Irish long since earned a repUta- tion tor curious phrasing. , or cookery. "aly culinary knowledge is ted.„ _ story Here islrearr:samitahingge.-_,I.tpneted- an oici witit- PROSAIC.; dun; commbnplace; kirl. none teresting. He leads a very prestoz 044t:Aconlitirn4milit,,an.ftreYetitittdrinir o a 1frlend how PROPHST/C; pertaining to a prophet „Hie voids hard he had drank' the day.before, said: or propliecY; predictive. bore a prbOetie significance ." "Alit my dear bnr my drink better than half ol'em fora long time, SUPER,FICIAL: comprehending only butat loft tincllng 1 c,4aul4 nal what is apparent. ; shallow. "Her super- flier 4° nor stand .1 walked away and ran home flezzeial rilintrisdnitcot11;d tanovit ngrga!thep th_e_potetsr .1.'xit as. 4a,et, • as 1 !ouide, _ thle tor bit at ph110100Y, hie been 4e ed Oyer and over !won in the lives, .141 Ot US who are 10liger lit /the 'fir** flush' .or youth. 1.84 ts., it Oems, av 41-1,* Or' to ftich ateir eifte* 00'0 !OnInAt 414,11#7,_ therefore, faiiet.‘witdom,,,,and :lio:c41141 or, race Ws ,tetter guard itgairdit:groas abititlitr thanmthe7bri9litett talents * the Weed." • ftesillit the Most shining' egaMple to p the truth' or this Wile the late Pres by Want "voMPO.414 tO. fOrtivitn, ePtnieli that Wll*On POisiested the most Protennd intellect or any president, of 'the 'United 'Stites. . was said to have been 'prOrte to alOornees Iron his cabinet, having on- ly 'Orle,asiVisar, Col., House. The reason is liticribed to having been mentallY a0.,f$r advance of his colleagues that soon discovered that. he had nothing lit•common with,' them._ And yet he:. Made what was Possibly thes most antsaing; 'Certainly the most disitstreus, mititalos of any president of ' his country. He went Europe to par- ticipate In the Pettie Cortference at Versailles. There he aponsored the League ' He was tottti_ly,..out of Ilia element :and was made to look ridiculous :when he tried .to play the Iother' Man's game. He Was no match foroClemenceau and Lloyd. 'George., He also- lit:00104y Misread_ the minds AI- his, own people at home who. not only re - ,pride, tliey :tilat:4,r,!1, • A • • ' e ptomeqfu6ar, o pudiatc4 the League 01 Nations t*ut sent WIleon o an unthnely grave with a, bro- --- .---- ati'Aes:hitif-iis'-r-Prisfoiiiiiisietivialist of his Own- surpassing ability he would have *Mined at borne and from the rare and lofty air of emoteWashington would Probablyjaavelsee.n able to clidate a far 'Alder:peace and-watild-have_sensed the bitter opposition Or his countrymen to the League of 'Nations* time to spiefll himself the hunsillation• of having this • . . Success Ban mg 0 eration 1.011M11 The Bank of Montreal places at the disposal of its Clients a nicidern, efficient service, in every (Jepartrnent of domestic and foreign banking. •Eatabilthed 1817 TOT4-1.- ASSET -S -.IN EXCESS 911 $75 0,000,000 . • • , Croderick Branch: R. C. WFIATELEY, Manager 44,44.04.4,50. „, 14.4 .14 driving out or away, 'Ite ixpuisive • * power or' a new affect1en,"-4haliners. are now considering the Alraanack ir(INGENT,', Valiant' * sherPs Onas. tor ism The orange in the use -of the tion, as of the tastesmell„ or feelinga. letter "1" for 15l 15 coming into effect. "A. pungent odor filled the room." The front page is printed with the s used , as we use it Oils the contents ' are as rioted- -111-1-the-foregoinfveatraotts-Th were- doubtTess rul-a of gratomar er speis ling, designed to cover the proper use of the letters„but they are riot obvious from perusal. 1114 ',instance the word "groM" its the first sto itt this column is lled with two. Vs." whereas most words-1%71th a double sibilant are spelled "fs." How- ever, it's a long time since this form of went out and if -would not - easy to find out the why of it now. • The, Mor,ningAlter _ In lionywoOd. they're telling p1 a star who, the morning after a .vikld drinking party, _woke in.a state of it physical and mental despair, bid • at .least own room. Ills pet kitten was meander- ing aeross the floor; "Great viicat cat" moaned th,e „stiti ferer, "don't stamp your feet so!" ,* _ . Christmas Hope ilefore -the Sire-cri-Christmas youngish ladies were chatting. "Mollie," said -the prettier Of the Wo, "would a stoeking hold.all you want for Christmas?" • • , -74o7*the itther, "it- wouldn't But a pair of socks would." _ • - • -* "As Itheri:See-Va!"- A young- islander, repatriated trent lonely St. Itllda, to the mainland ot Scots. raiwor---dropped4ro MOtor car. Looking MO it with: sur- prise, he several times exclaimed,' .44 picture e ra*- fatlierP! Still,..gitaing and. tuierintts-110-catried--IAttonus:sindAtiti it, but not before his wife had deteated Jilin. • ••• Secretly searehingsit Out the •tilsosget.ed Into it with equal attenishment and then said. '''9011. I needna. jealous, She's no beauty" ° ' „ •5,* • ot *Hy sible -tit the farmer's, qv,erpreductiori.and "How rild you coMplie' your great Att. 107# prices at Whith he lias had to- Sell tionary0" the lexicographer Wit* iisked. his ,PrOdUcts , and .4* ..contributed, to the difficult tinsel of the lad tiiirsitatss"?.• ArnOisg the many tains* Or tho dark diik*thr,ugh *liteli'lhe 'fernier* and all tiw'rest of. us hive been *sing, it ter. tazo- ttem as- it the tarnieftil int* hitthislg ttri .horaes urthuekattl..,:_the lattnees, stripping.oft the.harhesis Pinang off the :cellar and then Saying:AO him goodbye might not have beealtogether the Parter ecenomkt. Wisdom. tiltlatt 04* WA% and atiranlIktig the skin. rutitantoo flower. . Cool is . • 1 • ... 4. • - • .v• 1 -WHAT OTHER 'EDITORS' SAy Hanover Post: One of the transients who stopped over -night at the Cobourg lock -up -recently, wrote the following verse in an inconspicuons place on the - Bound -for the Harbor of Ztowhere, Headed for Port Forgot; • • Feared and hated -an outcast • Craving a resting spot.' Gleams' there no welcome beacon, • Looms. there no friendly land, For the soul that wes mine died- in me, • For want of a guiding hand. Greatest Snap in the World (Bowmansille Statesman) „ Every oncein a while -some clseerful individual. reiiiarks to us, "Well, now that the Paper is out,, I suppose you. can, bake it easy for three or four days."' try editor has -nothing betiteeit press days. Business rims alongis auto- Matically. 'whert paper bills. come due, money drops off the tree with which. to • -them...___BAbseribera vie with e other to 'see who can pay the farthest in advanee. .Advertisers ittat beg for addi- tional sPace, and the way news hunts up ..the editor aist? Pieasarit-W. content - plate: , • There 15 snioethintatrangeabout-th . • , the, organization" of the the driv- ing orce which brought.the farmers to - &her in: 'a spirit Cf co-operation un- equaled anywhere else. • All his -life aft ardent advocate of co- operative selling of farm -products, Mr, WoodswassiesponSiblestor the-tormation of the first y,theat pool in Canada, the, Southern L- Alberta 'Wheat Producers' Association. spite of the opposition • ,the -premier of the day -Herbert. Greenland, .-the--first-ALF.A.-prinse--min- ister-Mr. • Wood successfully organized an Alberta wheat, Pool. The 'inoVernent spread throughout the "West until the d three Prairie Pr pvin s ere te , and Mr. Wood became the wheat pool's first President. It is no secret that Mr. Wood could hays ,been Premier of Alberta when lite Liberal Government was overthrown .In sesz 1921, but he always disliked public life.. Be preferred to be the power:beh1nd-111e throne, as Ise has been ever since, and still is today. . •-s • Woniss in children. work havoc. These' - ,pests attack "the tender lining .of the in. testines and. If lett to pursue their rav-- ' age,.s undislurbed, will ultimately perfor- 'ate- the Wall,.because these, worms are or the hook 'variety, that cling to (Ind feed upon. Interfor_surfaees„ IVEiller's-WOrns Powders. Win -tint only- exterintnate theie • worms, of whatever variety, but will- -Serve -to--repair the_ injury the' have - done.* • -• The potato production of the - United Otates as estimated on Dec._ 1st, is 31.74„ Minion Ibusbela- as corn - pared with. 357.6 million bushels int: In 11119, it' is noted that there were two,. way news Heins act.- When. the paper b nut the -editor slmplf geed to •Icds'Ilest-- and ions baCk. in_ists.olutirs *king ViSe and _Waiting forsnext-weeles press dar. ---The-daysbefore-press-days„-Peopl 'Wore the Office door, and then file in eclitwes of- the sun itrid-fivo of the moon all inviiible in the British Isles. „Ilte Royal family teiriaina, thirteen.* number and 'the table of sttarsstetsbillirand re- ceipts were as in. 1817. Later on, as the lull burden of the •Nitpelsofik Wars begalij past the. 'sleek and tell hint all the news, to-be-4dt, thehe grew- #ew.--tO- coine 14, btatien'on trade and. tonusi no parrallei ,With oth owls -times is marked,. our own 'younger generation the -week.. -41e-writes in -fifteen; or twenty *nits% takes it beck and hangs it on the hook, -The compositor takes the Copy and shakes, it over th Dr. Wood's wt, -Dry,-Hacking COugIi Nearly Choked Nor • Mr*. 0.11 haat a _terrible dry, hacking cough which would nearly • choke me. • I tried -all kinds of medicine to get rid of it, but : they nester helped me and nay _cough still ihung on. Norway I then tot a bottle of Dr.; Woisra Norway Pme-Synips and in a few days Iny-tough was all gone, thanks 10- Pine this medicine. of 'Dr. Wood's' on hand.' oyrup ' Price-, 35e a bottle; large family size 65c, at all. - drug and general stores; put up only by The T. Mil,- burn-C-o..--Liinitled„----TorontovOnt. /*- ....ors* Wit. NO—RAlS d0c* net reineinher When there Were no , type flies. Into -place and .after a be* taicei an theatre tit*eti, no stanipa on tye filet hit* place and after a few cheques, rio tax on tkkett to baseball br Thumps by the, foreman, the forme are hoCke* or not any .such ready tor ,the press,againL thing 4544 income tax or 'talet tax, Out to goo, down and dePOsitt some more there, wits such 4 thrie.: Ult. not easY to .nioney h.), the•banke " ,have4faltli. the_hinhan we _it Is the sgreateet snap in. the cattalo", . . . that there are dill *hat .raight gue. ' • 'calltd vita pationi In the World, 'so • • ' blhaSthat they matt -rot War in sOite Athereies Giand` did man 'ar bekre their eyes of • • . „ What wOH, ha4 c4:36Fi.ileteh,ersPeaPle.s: th. tole lod*oupictPrettreme- Pre -13116:1u' Pilitors yien.artha eonoeano_f 111;,.......011 • • 4 political scene Henry° Wise Wood "Whlift, We live let. its vvell for • former President of the United Farmers erb: I * "Cih, it was something' 4ke having.prov * • . A • of Albertitcls englled.itt wissoas Ice lives les us .h.ve. wen _or quiver vdth. Ones wif woe, led° •be- pretecting the interest* of the era (if to 'Another. , 313tt *Vet' so Arlieri he lights „ _ hudeath .11 1.ills his province et the age of 74 years. -At * --•* Rtietrktea "Do yen now where little boys go ho %Witt. On tilintlaV !shed. StiudaYI tic3*01 teacher Of :,Iter class: "lres'Ill,4 rePliedronts little Weal. ")rt, the side et the‘iiike *that's got a IWO: .treeS. But you csn't got, girls' ain't al.' lotted.' , ' . Ali • 6 , • door befO*re it be burnt out" the.-le°71t eenlretit14)1i "j'e '11.1P.A* _.* * • 7 , the vt'Oraii foxtrots' leader An *orient iruttm, but one whichin a aerY Silteeh 811-°Nceti .thst wht14 we never heard: before. . •is no longer president,lie is still Nho chief" 'to .50.000 laimets. Mr. Woad was barn in Yfissoari,, but inOved with his tionq tt). "qui, *bort. I ly after -the turn of the 'century. in, ' 1911 te became A nittUrislixed pritish ' etihject- and -during the nett few yew:* laid the ftaltiOa4Pa ot a Skilikal. Party ' whioit ha* been .in. power in -Alberta Mal 101., Istr., 'Wood Was the, ge,niutilteffhld morning dew. Safeguard* Mid beantitite , the - ' Moat ,aettealk..tottutia. akin. 14 had eheked 'lieraite Wat• dead-- *tato; cOrn;ileatona!tit elquisite .chrerrn there cottid, be no.dotibt about that. Adds 4i, -Sitirtie *deli to the lidthed to her tying gasp., ItOir she wetrien, Inva1u.b. tee sOrteldrilt cold --cold as 'ow .una , a ,a04th, titoor. and .whlt.. Tet itt his ,00tt,.ibt..100.14.00t, 0,411.004,. Otiet • he, ltleted 'hit. .. Ottith tint,. * at.* 41 cuitimion. sal* itt Not 'fist *hid. that mysterioui stranitertli "tome kind of Investigator:" 'allrorkkhig for the.. goiterntitentY" "i doubt It, He keeps pretty busy.," merit *lie Seeped, sPhttered and *eh to UM *44. "lust little Patithee 04,11 111*1 John," reviiiked hie Wife from the * 5. Pe,4 1 -4, N. .10 • , TS LONGER" ASITARV SW11E-SS COAL FROM COALSPUR AREA THE LOWESt PRICE IN HisTollY rin, 1 er tOn 0:..pER-TONIOn'4;(11,...CASO for K,..IfEATER or OAK, .4 :TherreP�r Distina etas* of - Albeitet-Dothestic 'Croat, FOOithilia Coal is the Leader 111 tile' -"cities Field as Listed and ii.corninend'erf by, tite. Standards Board: Atk for it by natneand ,b6 assured of satisfaction - • EtUY' CANADIAN COAL lye ErniAnyment tiztCanatlian Miners antritiiilivoyreere, Ordir*Tod. Ciinada** .Clinikerleas tool, VOR, SALE BY7' Illhossost 4 . Antittiditia, Poca A H�*i Store r3, 9 77 .34 I ,r tf 74