HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-18, Page 84 .44g SUNOAY soloot lit,1443144 Repei pugs, vt en:tivrfite4 Ouroh 04414014 *Me' Of Mr. ,ftrid: Envelopes. , I ' 00 on *(0040 °I1Youloifie .041 • at fl.30. Tbere were eleven teriStIng,. *re *tent 10 cojOY the ovuittio-itt..-14itatt: thein. The MO Pefl. In 0,010 ed ti WlIIe It ,it; Watk 'heartily iiidUlged in; 'Aftera, . ,:veto of thanks, to be teacher,, Urs.. *OW, • st,happy evening w% brottilit to e clog; thost present feeling it. is indeed an 1. 0..11. A. SOCIAL eveningwell .**Ott The ,local L. O. 13.„L held * *0410 „ evening on TUesdaY but On acc�Unt oZ pRESENTATIOg TO TEACHER., • the Mcleinent *ether there were not 44. A very pleasant evening was spent o maiy present as expe'ted. Vilevelteiltol:l'humdeY oening in tbe church parlors bt.0,0 St*, l'ir.b:w.o '0! Xorth,•streetIlnited*-ohurcll• when the 1tuith waS ,served by the lot**. The members or the ,Oolitten Ltnite prIs Dr the Cirds vierc' Won IV Waal ciao oathered, to present -Miss bevy Moulin *Itd Mr. Harry Farrant. Robertson teacher, 'with an electric table - 1/Le. 14 U, Olteveland won the, prize for lamp. Mrs. 1,ridttle Made the 'presenta* I Playing the greatest number of lone tion and, !wit MaIr read the adtire.,1 hands. • , , t• eEa$0not;ox,oerz resulted AfeloWa; 1 t:;;2try,psidenr.vn.Caute;vrt • 0. A. -01110E1 e10717" idontOs Oriddle* Woe president Mrsi „rho elotic,n of °meets of the, 14.0)3,A. T. .Anderson; secretary -treasurer, Ur. W. lied recently residted es follows; •PAL, Z. Mak, Short talks were,giVen by Wel. • Mrs. . Bell; W. 4‘1,4 M. lAicOraliv.; 4.i.'sts, •Sailie;„ Watts; 'Pod; lik.t.e4dY 'W)1;4*. • Drennan; 414411'4 ,11NOS. 'POuter;r0f, .ertion and Wed. A .41114 'lunch ;was tee:, Doris Itlley; Dir. CeromoAtestr served at the close. mrs. Sproul: treae„ yrs. itaitting; lin. sec,. .34n44. tell; ist lect., Mrs. Riley; 2nd /mg OVERTURN clot WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ' • • bet,. Ws. Jock; 1st COM,, Atri; Carey:'i on saturday,,, ow4try 13th, deep rut • 2nd tom, "Mrs, ' Kneeshasn 3rd ‘411141 on the 131ile Water iligharaY, 'about twoLth4e .hvoert peasant evening aeh4den'ivothgs'.71FuransPI:nRtiliteyt Mrs. =Oa; Pianist, A• troOrSiv; nilles-sonth-443-40,404, thtew'-*Imoter'olt. iliefitly when the 26t11weddingaunt- lirockleliank; 0, 0.., Mrs. Clark,; driven by lames Grego*, of Petrol's, ul-i votary of Mr. and Mrs, J. ,Juck was guartilitn, Bro. J. i'MeNevin, to the ditch, overturned it and injured jtassl*e-nfligeer. -:c—esilettl:1:15-sdtha.ge'0-71,riwr'cl9eer:;rethse-grenotomel:tirvioseitthX.:r.itshii.e.. -9i-'°---1113,t'—cg /17* M. -i/ersir6lierrelf°7;613regallit°Ory „ 'Tbe. from- 0 ---w4re-t.7-ver- eahdiefelf-yrray;.-Those_iiresetit-weTe; be *14 On Mo 10th„. In the Our ituttit *Pe AvO ..101Y.e..„'#.. so!** 4101900 ,t0,. * 'meeting le's.. Baily erer We are lucky. Ocu ,--- 002-0 luckythat we wee luck) Cil0tIgh to gei, ilfte9a. Large Lttter Pads' (Enveippcs Free) aPad, "fold over". (ErivelcPe.3 Free Not. size Pact • Ertvi)opes Free) ' Lucky F'acia 8ns1 Envelopes are a gutrii quality Velluna, - • a 1934,1.4, sty. Society af .flje 1000 ,1,nstitutc ihold Ita 1),rst *stint euttia year 04 Monday, Januiry ,et the 'Owl,' " MIs •L 44(OlsoMitiieir-044 Atiterntona' Were.,chesen .fre. 'stag ,to , The ioltzwlng, from the Aren*o County Andependent., :(M0.ehittan). Wm-, W.the tieet4 , or , a leiMer ,:-00derieb, resident: Vitilliain •:II,enry, fiteepe,' born ' jiilk . 0, 16$71'Plased *WAY *t his home In Ste*, act: 1. an ,44.!'),-0.0.:„ .400.0 _'.1O. ' e ' '4,441411,..:4,,".!_z*e 4,esseogi„1,4, ittt#eo, .titSttotgo- .0 'Hattie Moore; In -,igeg. • t�r - 'ofn d 1Io 1t10141deittled.ls,i4".$0447)007`1011741vO , tG Te. a ieltool *Wing Party. On 'Fri* Ifa_rrie,and Clarencei.'both,,*ehenle: two illit ' 201h,, ., if :4141arigenients *liter*, Mrs. ; jame**•OretaWay,: and 'MrS.; , 'OotiKlie Inane ,ititb....the. ininsgatuent of ,,Vif*. Carey, ','Cle(le0ch.,:•04t4 One tiro - the . rink. , , • theri," Neleon, - Oederiohi; Ont.iand untn3f Three lit* are scheduled for the term, ' other relative* and . a 'heat . of Mends; One in, Oharge of each et, the three vice , The deceased was a•member. of the AO* RtelWenti$: „ '• ..cient Order oft Olean% Funeral Ser -4 ' 101'c,e4041vIenhere 0conductedsod,n'''beYv. 44112-7‘'!_llanilaY.IP1:47:1 1 People IV Know 2v, om, iuntecrh- aSteniol '0! West . NOS, Baker is visiting friends In Detreit. .Mr. Vasil 14 Kelly, of Philadelphia, "Its Visiting•With friends and relatives in tOwn. • ,Miss Mabel Strang is spending the via, ter withrelatives, at Newniarket and Tor.; onto,• , •r• T,D Emitiersen, of Peterboro, bro- ther of the late Dr, A T Enunerson; was Iri toWn _this Week, • Mit. R. Clark has returned taller hozne after vending a pleasant, holiday with her daughter, Mrs Mellott, Essex, , gr. Arthur .Porter has taken Over the 'Bennett i Bakery on the Square, „,.r. OfrierilfWOrPrayerwairlollairid-hY i ' i--::.'i,'Z.- 4“4.'"ed but All "" 4)441.3r ` 1411skeu" "-I Mr.* and Mrs. Shore, Mr. and -Mrs. 7.040-, some Anti, 1,„, ' *--- *----414,--t:-..4.14140-A.L.--1-4-#us.Ecksitc.PfarratmaotAect4wrifiltunzue- --totvmtiolotoeidebanaputeA).. .elmomointt-t.-- • -- .4.,,...1,..;.,...... ..ardFallnik;:tionistera,A,-.. - " - Vt't 'T'Oesda•AltfOrriootk• 740 4016'.. -Pres'- car with his horses and set tlip Party; miss mins. , ' - . ...._ '341.„ usnry martin,. who has heen,,v1s,Lit.; •Dlair, • Ooderich 'rowneltlin las. • W. dent, Mrs„ -Albert Taylor, offered prayer, , badk. on, the road. ' The' car Alias' little1 .. • , , . _ciirrey , and Mrs. •W. MoDonald,...Pargo,. and Mrs. Line conducted ttut Servioe, • A damaged but Mrs, Gregory was forced to ieLAN wr.: roxiteK, sortsPren*and Barryin Tor - CONCERT • . .ente,„ has retoned,10,..hie :home eh ..n_e; North Dakota and Ifrs, nobert" Maislial, ing his , jileaSing feature wag -the presentation of.,;- . _ , tall in On:martin :to attend ho., . The Vulgan, _Alta. -The:--,4ineral took place * lift ' Menibership tertinCate tO' Mr& F. , arty,returned to Petrolia on Wecine-S:4 . T116:1;eliulAr-r"nthlr-- ineet1I4 ct th°"from the 14;110 -residence, 4th cOneession nate street; - -.-", - - - - " O. Weir in mognition, of her long- and, day of this week, .,, , Eureka Class of Victoria Street United . Goderich_ Township, _On...Wednesday, _at 2 . - Taitied-serviee in the work .of the eintreh- ---- 7.-. - - ".- ' ----- ' - . church: was held at .the .henie of .mrs.'L._ Mlia 'Edith Willia-mS;--St-Irirfee-rit-;St; ' and of thefact that 'het only son ,ea•asqromiutiv,r4A MASS ' MEETS Westbrook, Victoria St.. The. 'Meeting will return to t0Wn. this week .after a de- P.M" the foUr- sous be!liti 143U -bearers' • opened with one . verse 9f est be tbe lightftd visit •with • friends in ••IVIontreal . , . ........MM1.M:M,I,I,.....ow•o••••••••*.I.. *Studying for the. mintstry. The Incsen- lation, which Was made ,by t,he ute: mem., roTllyheannreagulcal:s$moofitthlvIctoMaeaetient . voilotthede tie that binds." The 24th Psalm was . Persian Balm is Unrivalled- for Promot- - lxrAllii) ,kieretarl, Mrs. J. II.,Barnett, woo-, a los ,l'earLfer the sitiPture•leston. 'The secre- °CI /.1:°"rit°'. . . ing felninine,lovelineSs.. Tones and re- church- Was held.,at. the ,hetne Juvenates the skin, Makes It C*quisitely, •• a 'eatiall#1,01•0 sUrprise "MrS. Weir, who taryishand- treasurer's--repOrts--were- given. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory and daughter, Of Mabel Johnson, Cambria Road. on Piaui were made- to, .have their amnia' soft -textured. 1 Makes hands • flawlessly aeknowleciged the honor in a few words4_,,rhureday, white, ...,-Especially . recornmended, to. Petrolia, spent the week end at the home January lith. • The election a st. _pitfideli tabert. There- were iiiteen-„or the'latter's parents, Mr. and IVfxs. 117 i.,...: '-iisr t.ttattla• ''Prs'Yer4- d .11r4Uf• -th-e '"rvrt-ei.oillners for 1934 took place, resulting as , eifered by Mrs,: Lani„Virs, .0ortion4 members prelgeht. The hostess served a, Ross ,,,,...#.0,....,,, ,, . _. I $00Due. and relieve roughness or eluding .- folloWs:' President,. Velma Brownlee' dainty lunch and a social evening was • ' -7"""•a7-',1 r caused by weather, ConditinnS. Inas-, ' set andHerald, .Seriptint Lest,. ,„.,,,,A read'Maedonaltir.:—'-7 "nr--',114----Aa, , , tary, Ailabei.. ••Johnson; treasurer, Elsie , e ., hel-B_roxynle_e;----Ee_ _ere'ISPent--ty. -.la—. , . .. - : ---. _-,--• ‘: --illigelfeleti 'Et.ran-7,77-who has been visit•• 4)ensable-to every Aatirittiaii; Head and refreshing.. Delicately fragrant Mrs. William Sanderson. A.' Pleas- 1 - InK*hex sister 1ft *Iasi week for Toronto • Smith-;--planist, Mary„McKlimpii:-- teach- REBEKAUW PART** WELLATTENDED-wher_e__shc- _w14., jot 4 .410.n wh,,e_berore Magical In. results... Neter leaves e.C-ires-_-• . ,_.-lag 444- was -4u46 iil." *s• *.• ni3.1* ancliim,„„seirs ei....n„. .„4.4.44,,,..4 4 ,........„„, 4-- 1 . " ... .. . the , " tire ot-,stioldnose, - Persian Italm,is7the ---TlirfastavielL'cl:-Wardli* '` ' '"'''''''-'7:'a"`It -'""""IFr,- "Lthl A very rage crowd gatheredin .• returningrto-New Tork-c1ty. I Xt. T. Phillips; press secretary. Ant e Mc- . , , - .. , ,.. one toilet ;requisite for the woman who Tvlor delivered an inspirational address,< 1 Kinnon. Reports for ttie past year were . • Ocid.fellows Hell on Friday to enjoy an • • , , • ....... cam for charm and . elegance. , evening of 'five bundred and dancing. . The many friends of ,1.1.rs. P, 1iibbert, .Lliia **Jett being "Olessed Are the Peace - Makers,$* 1 read. by- the secretary and 'treasurer.' • - sponsored by 'the -Rebekah Lodge. The will learn withlregret of her )serious op- Plkeons prefer to 'nest in a • quiet, ehoWing a very aliCesSfn; *year. Mrs. IX. , _„................„...........04,..„ .......„ -- ----------.... ja ipIVE: OF 'MZETrIN', 04 • ' , ' lunch'. $ then 'Served by the hostess. I denting • mut carried on, music being -The VIICE 4)74' 7-7^—^— -the 410 etilit- -Witli---Orgygit --A -dainty. ,,.,.., .............„ ----"------.—. ......-.1.011.......... P IWEETING , "4"; ppiiiips closed' ine business part 44 _-, , • , , . . . ,• t was4erved:by-the-membersOf -the-lacidge;-!--- - -----m• -aii±- -y-:-frien.-..,-_,-, -r-of_ ;I•t_cr. prizes for life .-cards were won by iksr-, eratiim on Wednesday. , glhe is reported sweictlu:,setdrawsp:41,i,;, ane,dire,atth4iti ,. metuse.t be anti Mrs Archie 1ViacPie.- ' -After lunch to be progressing satisfaccorily. • Y - ' ' borne in -mind When •• Making P49- ers 1, -prepare for trieniselveb„ hning them . . vision far. their' nests-Whierlhe will •..7 The ft -it -41a. '.r MOfithlrineetifig Of- the $44.4:11, witith was donated tothe Relief to learn that he is-qidte 'Unproved'. ' • , ' - . 11 supplied by'Tony Parr's ,OrcheStra. ' The; Strachan, West Atebt, -who has been ser o• , . o.:amitial-niceting of the DiingannOrt VICTORIA IlEtimis MEET - proeeeds,,--tot tho-Ovenitui-amounten--to 71011gist•-•ili-loi-flii-list 'e Weeks, are glad Victoria Helpers of Victoriastreet 'United Fund. Receipts were, 01.15 ' aAa, ex- , ehureh was. he -4 on Tuesday, ,,rauarY penises #5*.i4., including :hall and tar ' Istr: and lwrilyWnt Foster arrived on; *.that the home 01 Mrs. Itarv, Sandert_41.7„orobjeltm. 41.2, AL0erusing. Aind,_. nesdAY from _Abernathk, fitask.„_to_ visi son. The meeting opined by all :singingil '- their liaughter,,Mliss Ruth post.er, nurse - "Nearer My Oa to Thee," then the - <7. • , . ' , in-trah,ting let, : Alexandra hospital and . . _ .. . . "-.---- ' Lord's Prayer •1a. unison,'Tbs, InI4iltes Bitzmq or VICTORIA st vr. A. ogler 41.1ends; • - , •"' The *nnual meeting ot the West Wit.. Of, ,the last,,. meeting- imp .reatt and , the JanUary meeting of the Vietnria _,-:. . %vino* mutual .Pire_Uisurance Ciompaily tikopted. • Ther-zolf_salt was -answered hy . --,-, -- -- - . - , Aft. , and Mrs MalcOlm Smith and littl .,,,.. , „ litt be beitRit-the-Periali-gstiONitig* i.n. ny.in .. . - . theit 'Ilea! Jaa-Oz,idaY:;4obrultty.oth4tia4;. at,,g, , :„,,=_ - ,.„r37 _ . SU(14S • was. !10118.Se , 110V10-0U24ift.,- 0. Eonley4'aimerstein 'Et., Itugbtt,r77:141t4,--lus,14-. retnrne4- to 0 i.eceive. reports; elect %dire, o,t4rsa, ,.PlatiS, Made for it to lie held at that -iaPPaliit anditors to_ilototiyomok $er viol borne of Mr. and 14.1rs, IL Mew_en aufen,n;; bewirth.:ew:iiiggautt'llttendallea;. 4pue new /kern' 'Ran& 4 Mrland°ttei mithafter ., Vend= added to the roll- gis. S 'ing a, pleasant liciliday_with_the, latter nninerdigrj-of -direetera And-trans*Ot ',4.SY. - Ja.l_marr- 13111- street -7 her, Mrs Sznith,-Broeir t,- .--',7 irter-'11-ASIng 'WM-, Mitt "'pieddet over tile' de-vatioriat mot peli; 4- ttoinest.---0,-recopir-aoketiii-moi; ,theii closed -with -prayer .by. Aim, lii-osiv-r.,1 1 - -,-,' o. - An mit-i ' , ,,,Atallin and Aelcert_retire btit, ire Ahab* A dainty'lunth•-'*as then- served b' - ' - 4 - - II bel -11 '..--- -- ' ' ' ' ,gtn....... : - . - ..... ...• • -• lod the one na: min Yalu-- the 'liuta-'4eStvrIg-wrie'r Th -Lord" ". - l‘iri'- James. 11443" s..'' '4)"“igitiaW -14_,____._1411": ill - -.for re4leetion.' . ' ' - '',,boktess-.and a' social hour spent around, • ' .. -e rs-sPendliig a, few days 'with /2; parrots, meettri,„gibeAteid; Prayer ' was „repeatect in unison., af, ..t,er 4t the iono ot, mr, ,and ,1,41,,,.,_,,,e,,:-, Reg. me,.!..*Wti,iO4,,hixt boo° .h,,,yinwasn, `44fit,t..Jesuitirsi doesu-Willb-t'ivr. zo .islutwentr.divetig, yhe41441eis „stn.' 'irrte41,17"../10.4 mg -0 -,iortistiAt, mitEr1110, ' - 00e *. 1 . - . _ - : • _ • ail -0-oderfeli. ' . ,i,..,..,..„, • , • ,,, ., • ' read the Scripture lesson, 1VIatthew. 18 * b -* --7---Cattfr'.441404.4110-4;1-va$4fietWaY . ., „The ,isninlai__Meetitig '•-et; •10000-114 G.O.DERIPIt trICIDGE-XLVII,' - '1 ---- - - - , - ‘ . *- , ,, R.' Phillip& The hyduz,' "The Solid be held iti the. Masonic IdadgeltOoin r„,,,,,•4' .„,k4, ti444.,`,, .. fft,,,i4 _uaart. -_,4,..,,,,,...:1 It04,!' *VA titbit. ' .., 'gm. Ja• WeStbrOOk..„- .:•1014010 4. .eSetattkni a °*(Mrkh' litrittecti At * tile week/Y.. SieUrnanient , ot , the* .2,__-.- - 4,. 4 • ihnut sr r. 22nd7:10-114,-*: 7"-tim;i":7"--ti.,--.7f7u0'whia,..7;ert;74,itt-n- ;.0"7"' rbe-PreSident, then. took the chair' and o4410•ck 'PA, for the' krattstiotiOn of itell .--- -..._ ' n - - - the bUSinesi 'part 'of tile Meeting was till bilthiesl, the election Of 'affirm* art ' ;40rth,.antf; Satoh-4st Mr: an4 um.. .., 1,..., opened. The secretary give lii: report, directort ter -the, tatting ..etit liar', a it 'C'' **t(lin,L" .,,,,___Plut_2,1; '24. id,,__, il*r‘. ''',"''.1 aS did the...tnt her-,-Matters7that-Tmay-pr 'opt ,,• ,,, before the Meeting., . W-1A3x--4""41" P4.9iLutirl; ri."15 , jeport on ' :the "yokes worle.' Arrange- - - - -.0z6.,1*:, gotytaz . ak.- whH514pl-p' tri,":014hier." 5J--4.14. si Ill,. /°r*. ‘ an4 °lir. 'tittiatieentist;:eivrei ilectetfoor,bethheticdott*.greeogietioxyl. - ....... . ... ,, RICIIARD PORTER , , • ' The death occurred on Monday, jan'„, 15th, 1034, et -Richard Alexander Porter, fOurth concession ot OoderiCh Township, , The deceased had been tilling for some. time although be was doing his work as usual , until ;sit. week. On Saturday he was removed to the ooneriou hospita1. where he :underwent an operation which Was quite successful and the family were hopeful tor his recovery, but On Monday he passed away. The late Richard Pint- er,.: who was in his 6501 year, Was born on the homestead on the _fourth • conces- sion, where ho has always reSidecl, He was -predeteat*d-tir.his-• wife in 1027; She was. Hannah Johnston; formerly of Winghain. Deceased was a ineMber of Ife---Teavei9O-1 mourzt his loss one daughter, Marion, cifiterfire'ionsrziginrofilthrilerrown::. sing'. 'moan; xottio. OU eWs every week, to malie a saVill heir drug'requirements: • TESTED COO 16 oz ttie, Te*•• 16c to ray Travurrox$ RHEUMATISM * CATSIIptS, WONPERtotrt; RESULTS. „ 4.• '15(); mid $1.09 ••1• •AVOREW'S •. LIVER 8,414TS MEN,ARD's Small.. .... . ,0 294o . /eggviiNT, Urge.' %, . •• 50 • , . . COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPO PHOSPHITES, FOE' -8 TS • 'NERVOUS WORRY 16 oz BOTTLE ....89c „ , AROM4IC,' CASPAR.A. we: have 25; 35c, 50c betties, • BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUG •STORE Etude'. Dunlop Cathpbell Wig1e GODERICH DRUGGISTS lireene.-Marion — ,9.111cmehogeltallt7..:#11k7,,Co1 AW. -- .11,03r EFFinkionr•garikkl-Xa31,ri,--PF-egq4:.; . - WO 011V0 to be elected), -11 Nomination -s for th 634 0. C. I. Lit- Berrilee Ilogarth,- Y a , 141111- • • . tom_ gaymond Dean, _Jean Houston,' 1, erary Society Were conducted on Tuesday of last week and the students voted the ists (four to be elected) *Margaret Bar- following day. The president and vice- nett, Alma, Howell, Barbara Thomash. -presidents-'were--nominated by tliA. and -. Union* .NAlteli; .Ponelda - _McA..4t_r_Lu.;_:_-..., se iatives: IV., form: and Were Meitibers of those Mona ilar-116911; tcwin ree a and treasurer were students of the 1A, Helen Archer; IB, Verna - Plante; ic, K. murison; IIA,. Alma Dougherty; classes. The cancttdates 'for secretary. Mc - second ,year commercial form, 11,..„ancl .12:tn;GfilliBIlYriiii'd°a_sirassiu.coktt4; niAna', jAlnah'ila Etai,lvic" Were nominated by their classmates; lows, IV, Albert Webb- _ • Each form noraMated and elected their ..... . respective 'form 'representative - but the • whole student body voted, for the re- MRS: 11._B...11,E7V1STOL,DS HONORED. .foncmintg•-,-o: ificers._._-_vb_e_,resn#5 ....were a.s The clericaretaff of the Court House combined on Tuesday night last to do Honorary president, Mrs; luniligan,, M. boner to 'Ntra.q',1,..I3. Reynolds. The affair •Hiox, MisS- ---Shepley; ' president, Effie- took the forin/Of A delightful dinn.br,rand • .. 'Jewell, Marjorie getherington; first vice , bridge it the,: Park" House.. The large president, Margaret Masonr-Mildred- An- table seating ; guest of limuir and demon; second viee-Pitsident, Helen Ins. seven hostesses Was tastefully dticorated set, ^Tiahelle Tyndall; third vice-presi- with candles -exid; tower.- After the". dent,:liancye Clarke; Laura Wambold; thorniigtilY Plea*** -repait, brid.ge was :madam Ruth Worn% l'helmit Allen, indulged ia"art. a late. hour.. 'Miss N • 1 Viarjard ikitesoli: treasurer, .-Aurde Mc- Colborne' and .. • 4.. Sheppard enjoyed 'chimp, Bert - McCreath; Jeurnalf, editors the. evening ea, iiiVited.guestS. ..,,,,,„ . - . Agrletilturil 23rd, Bet Dungannon.'_ Tuesday. Jan. the -41t1-14tieuld: plan aarettidte"ed In liNUAL • -.4.4 •cistittoist, Mrs, P. F. CareY 4saiti -440 • j'. M. JobrettoitirPit , . . Mrs....0en, '..• «fernier sine 10e--- O. Ginn, joittio -0LASq, ELECTS onIciaa ' 10,143104:...3r44.,:gre *nit ivrrs,E,:pe*no' '#101, ;The., nittunti meeting , of the 488reisePite , . , Bible Otos ia 14atmia t§t.toutted Church Next.tgoriday ' evening, the' Club is, was hew.- on ,,toeasir• esiehhig. , the, holding it teinn..Of tenra *Itch. Stue'.. opeAnt netotonto 'ooze's's Were cort. 404 .1;1,00.11TIV -Aellizr,nal**11W-*Aiie. ,boOr., 11)10011*.(1-*b*„. dttottrli'•iiy. Mr Mew, ',After 411104:11a Organize- their' ictrieettre"te*04 104 *., *Inns Mr, R. T. 'Phillip* led hi ISILYeri elietal *be will be 1064'.' 16 4* *1"hut follow -ell by the .teidout O. the ser-lotuie, teluil: of 1°14** ' Play to *tart at 835 ,. leation, Paalut id, by ,grs, Anent , ., The,Freiich Dry 0,4, ,,P• : -: ' i '' :. : . . • :'%. ._ ' ' • • ,I . presiden t. .Nr,. Mew, presidedne/ethe, f*m. , business404100, 'The seretary* repot'iA4CC*Ett* itiil- vs givenby Nre;t. T. Philit4 and vheexcuttveo.*iron,pobytto., treasurer's report given by 'Mit, E. „Adat; Vo.uhlt-'4)eePleli• ' Union -Inet Inoi,,,,,,''',4„...„44x1I,-iiiiiiing: 'that- ilie- alma had *Oen...don-144, * '' street olittreb„ Clinton. Ott ,,,,,,,,,.......,y, f,tkinsfo $i, number of weithwhoe pcojeot, eve0,01i; jeauer$ 1,1;ttu 1141ee,i414. With_ .t.1,40.i,:. 11,. Bandereen favored, the Ineetinft. .fltikus‘ fellowship i:oortzetter. „opened., thitiotattt A: 1,014114.. lihn pastor', 'W ''Crallt, mettlinrwith avorshinipetiadi talizoriat i :took the ontr for the'eleetton of ,officers, watch The "Pree4eat,. mies marierr 40Aa'1.)1jh5 4mowittg. , were ' appointed: .tl'Ist. 1040110, ef ilreol ' nead ttilltett thnrelitl'dent, Ur,: ni tf. MON , viee president, Mt, presie& *Pcirte were 'he. -td: ttont thel.,H,, .+, V. Philips. teetetut -1805. R. T. ouvoitt% ,or the different' dettattntentol .' Philips;tru*s+**Ad 3n:.$nA:anti ohm* were lekfor theiinteeelvonofdevotional nittie.Ws,t ot, Ali Meinheitir Of . the 'ftet4tivet H. %col, etimitor 1:4,, intrabersuip joom„. 'ere it4leht. but ' Otto: U:14 'expected l mitts. 'Mts. 11. Alien: ,entio'ettot of SOCial that tifteen deiatateS *tit '. atteml*he ',' •niin1ttee, Nibi. VOW, Uri.; lotsbeennd 4aterenee WMtea &boa tet, be held, *V t)(t tteltOrd Oita iorielo;, Rev. 0,, ;LAI:Ober*, risbet: ; . .1, ,iiL 3Atitett, R. Ie*dership , trotting ,snoenet, gave r' :it Iteve. . l3reckow. Mrs. Pb1I11a.: The WO *aline Of The *won -to Thep. tooting' . toio wlth pray.- by 1,0044titt:trestrytery vtatutot *boil:calk, Mr. And. Melt will be held in Park** 'Clotted And *64.4 — thlitek -ettatford, daring the *toad vote ,ot thou' was tenda'ed them. a 'Ci. '4100140#4 40 the tall ooaivsaition Wits* In *.1.14)0St at ' Jana: ' Ain "Intlitaatitot fittat* . btho ,Wii,I is OW toort'thot, rWry Sottinaro *a het ttott ' ting or' the Huron iClotinty 400uncil will .1ii,held ;in 'the '00UtitY thsmbersi. Court House, Oodericb; at '3 1o1ock on the etterneon or StinOiSr't • 131+1, IOW Alt accountsnoilets or deputations Or • Ooze &nd other iniportatit bust; eel requiring attention it thie ineetbut - the Cotateil.should be In the hand* of the 'Clerk. net Weer than tlie )gonday ***tug to the Meeting or ise couata. Dated at ilotterieb. that 4t.h. da.nt „ 1034 Nr. County tier CLEANING PRESSING thbt atitu'rett you of . * well diestia appear- ance. Pia nis Taylor; • SPECIAL NICE ,t),$ ALL ODD LINES IOMEOF WHICH' ARE AS $'014LOWS I 60 huh Buffet In 'birth wati 1eg.-V3.00 I Chin* Cabinet in oak Old finigh, yet. '$34.00 -1 Chinn Cabinet, birch:" wal zetulatt .44,14ft tor.. ..833.410 anitn root StoolsTooter VA* 'or4 44I4b4 SPECIAL MOM ON ON GOLISIIIM WOO he aeosol tiotn4 ti piece flssio Sielte, in tapeetry at la ,,*rrotu-ina attract the buying public . Mr. Tradesman? erhaps, there's a good reason for youtlack of usmeseperhaps, the publicdoesn't even know WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL. •youlteedis thane ailing, profit ma- - net" -NEWSPAPER AflVERTISING. Broadcast neirvg of your wares and bargain prices hit the co1. umns of The Goderich Star -That'll draw the Buying Public. The r is published ,every Thursdayn ample thne to reach the buying public for weekend .H.er . ,411.