HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-18, Page 84
SUNOAY soloot
lit,1443144 Repei pugs, vt
en:tivrfite4 Ouroh
04414014 *Me' Of Mr. ,ftrid: Envelopes.
I '
00 on *(0040 °I1Youloifie .041 •
at fl.30. Tbere were eleven
teriStIng,. *re *tent 10 cojOY the
ovuittio-itt..-14itatt: thein. The MO
Pefl. In 0,010
ed ti WlIIe It ,it; Watk 'heartily iiidUlged in; 'Aftera,
. ,:veto of thanks, to be teacher,, Urs.. *OW,
• st,happy evening w% brottilit to e clog;
thost present feeling it. is indeed an
1. 0..11. A. SOCIAL eveningwell .**Ott
The ,local L. O. 13.„L held * *0410 „
evening on TUesdaY but On acc�Unt oZ pRESENTATIOg TO TEACHER.,
• the Mcleinent *ether there were not 44. A very pleasant evening was spent o
maiy present as expe'ted. Vilevelteiltol:l'humdeY oening in tbe church parlors
bt.0,0 St*, l'ir.b:w.o '0! Xorth,•streetIlnited*-ohurcll• when the
1tuith waS ,served by the lot**. The members or the ,Oolitten Ltnite
prIs Dr the Cirds vierc' Won IV Waal ciao oathered, to present -Miss bevy
Moulin *Itd Mr. Harry Farrant. Robertson teacher, 'with an electric table -
1/Le. 14 U, Olteveland won the, prize for lamp. Mrs. 1,ridttle Made the 'presenta*
Playing the greatest number of lone tion and, !wit MaIr read the adtire.,1
hands. •
, , t• eEa$0not;ox,oerz resulted AfeloWa;
• 0. A. -01110E1 e10717" idontOs Oriddle* Woe president Mrsi
„rho elotic,n of °meets of the, 14.0)3,A. T. .Anderson; secretary -treasurer, Ur. W.
lied recently residted es follows; •PAL, Z. Mak, Short talks were,giVen by Wel.
• Mrs. . Bell; W. 4‘1,4 M. lAicOraliv.; 4.i.'sts, •Sailie;„ Watts; 'Pod; lik.t.e4dY 'W)1;4*.
• Drennan; 414411'4 ,11NOS. 'POuter;r0f, .ertion and Wed. A .41114 'lunch ;was
tee:, Doris Itlley; Dir. CeromoAtestr served at the close.
mrs. Sproul: treae„ yrs. itaitting; lin.
sec,. .34n44. tell; ist lect., Mrs. Riley; 2nd /mg OVERTURN clot
• •
bet,. Ws. Jock; 1st COM,, Atri; Carey:'i on saturday,,, ow4try 13th, deep rut •
2nd tom, "Mrs, ' Kneeshasn 3rd ‘411141 on the 131ile Water iligharaY, 'about twoLth4e .hvoert peasant evening
Mrs. =Oa; Pianist, A• troOrSiv; nilles-sonth-443-40,404, thtew'-*Imoter'olt. iliefitly when the 26t11weddingaunt-
lirockleliank; 0, 0.., Mrs. Clark,; driven by lames Grego*, of Petrol's, ul-i votary of Mr. and Mrs, J. ,Juck was
guartilitn, Bro. J. i'MeNevin, to the ditch, overturned it and injured
jtassl*e-nfligeer. -:c—esilettl:1:15-sdtha.ge'0-71,riwr'cl9eer:;rethse-grenotomel:tirvioseitthX.:r.itshii.e..
-9i-'°---1113,t'—cg /17* M. -i/ersir6lierrelf°7;613regallit°Ory
'Tbe. from- 0 ---w4re-t.7-ver- eahdiefelf-yrray;.-Those_iiresetit-weTe;
be *14 On Mo
10th„. In the
Our ituttit *Pe
AvO ..101Y.e..„'#.. so!**
4101900 ,t0,.
le's.. Baily erer
We are lucky. Ocu
,--- 002-0
luckythat we wee luck)
Cil0tIgh to gei, ilfte9a.
Large Lttter Pads'
(Enveippcs Free)
"fold over".
(ErivelcPe.3 Free
Not. size Pact
Ertvi)opes Free) '
Lucky F'acia 8ns1 Envelopes
are a gutrii quality Velluna,
• a 1934,1.4, sty. Society af .flje
1000 ,1,nstitutc ihold Ita 1),rst
*stint euttia year 04 Monday, Januiry
,et the 'Owl,' "
MIs •L 44(OlsoMitiieir-044
Atiterntona' Were.,chesen .fre. 'stag ,to
, The ioltzwlng, from the Aren*o County
Andependent., :(M0.ehittan). Wm-, W.the
tieet4 , or , a leiMer ,:-00derieb, resident:
Vitilliain •:II,enry, fiteepe,' born ' jiilk . 0,
16$71'Plased *WAY *t his home In Ste*,
act: 1. an ,44.!'),-0.0.:„ .400.0 _'.1O. ' e ' '4,441411,..:4,,".!_z*e 4,esseogi„1,4, ittt#eo,
.titSttotgo- .0 'Hattie Moore; In -,igeg.
• t�r - 'ofn d 1Io 1t10141deittled.ls,i4".$0447)007`1011741vO ,
tG Te. a ieltool *Wing Party. On 'Fri* Ifa_rrie,and Clarencei.'both,,*ehenle: two
illit ' 201h,, ., if :4141arigenients *liter*, Mrs. ; jame**•OretaWay,: and 'MrS.; ,
'OotiKlie Inane ,ititb....the. ininsgatuent of ,,Vif*. Carey, ','Cle(le0ch.,:•04t4 One tiro -
the . rink. , , • theri," Neleon, - Oederiohi; Ont.iand untn3f
Three lit* are scheduled for the term, ' other relative* and . a 'heat . of Mends;
One in, Oharge of each et, the three vice , The deceased was a•member. of the AO*
RtelWenti$: „ '• ..cient Order oft Olean% Funeral Ser -4
' 101'c,e4041vIenhere 0conductedsod,n'''beYv. 44112-7‘'!_llanilaY.IP1:47:1
People IV Know 2v, om, iuntecrh- aSteniol '0! West
NOS, Baker is visiting friends In
.Mr. Vasil 14 Kelly, of Philadelphia, "Its
Visiting•With friends and relatives in tOwn.
,Miss Mabel Strang is spending the via,
ter withrelatives, at Newniarket and Tor.;
onto,• , •r•
T,D Emitiersen, of Peterboro, bro-
ther of the late Dr, A T Enunerson; was
Iri toWn _this Week,
• Mit. R. Clark has returned taller hozne
after vending a pleasant, holiday with
her daughter, Mrs Mellott, Essex,
, gr. Arthur .Porter has taken Over the
'Bennett i Bakery on the Square, „,.r.
OfrierilfWOrPrayerwairlollairid-hY i ' i--::.'i,'Z.-
4“4.'"ed but All "" 4)441.3r ` 1411skeu" "-I Mr.* and Mrs. Shore, Mr. and -Mrs. 7.040-, some Anti, 1,„, '
*--- *----414,--t:-..4.14140-A.L.--1-4-#us.Ecksitc.PfarratmaotAect4wrifiltunzue- --totvmtiolotoeidebanaputeA).. .elmomointt-t.-- • -- .4.,,...1,..;.,...... ..ardFallnik;:tionistera,A,-..
- " - Vt't 'T'Oesda•AltfOrriootk• 740 4016'.. -Pres'- car with his horses and set tlip Party; miss mins. , ' - . ...._
'341.„ usnry martin,. who has heen,,v1s,Lit.; •Dlair, • Ooderich 'rowneltlin las. • W.
dent, Mrs„ -Albert Taylor, offered prayer,
, badk. on, the road. ' The' car Alias' little1 .. • , , . _ciirrey , and Mrs. •W. MoDonald,...Pargo,.
and Mrs. Line conducted ttut Servioe, • A damaged but Mrs, Gregory was forced to ieLAN wr.: roxiteK, sortsPren*and Barryin Tor -
CONCERT • . .ente,„ has retoned,10,..hie :home eh ..n_e; North Dakota and Ifrs, nobert" Maislial,
ing his ,
jileaSing feature wag -the presentation of.,;-
. _ , tall in On:martin :to attend ho., . The Vulgan, _Alta. -The:--,4ineral took place
* lift ' Menibership tertinCate tO' Mr& F. , arty,returned to Petrolia on Wecine-S:4 . T116:1;eliulAr-r"nthlr-- ineet1I4 ct th°"from the 14;110 -residence, 4th cOneession
nate street; - -.-", - - - - "
O. Weir in mognition, of her long- and, day of this week, .,, , Eureka Class of Victoria Street United
Goderich_ Township, _On...Wednesday, _at 2
. - Taitied-serviee in the work .of the eintreh- ---- 7.-. - - ".- ' ----- ' - . church: was held at .the .henie of .mrs.'L._ Mlia 'Edith Willia-mS;--St-Irirfee-rit-;St;
' and of thefact that 'het only son ,ea•asqromiutiv,r4A MASS ' MEETS Westbrook, Victoria St.. The. 'Meeting will return to t0Wn. this week .after a de- P.M" the foUr- sous be!liti 143U -bearers'
• opened with one . verse 9f est be tbe lightftd visit •with • friends in ••IVIontreal
. , . ........MM1.M:M,I,I,.....ow•o••••••••*.I..
*Studying for the. mintstry. The Incsen-
lation, which Was made ,by t,he ute: mem., roTllyheannreagulcal:s$moofitthlvIctoMaeaetient . voilotthede tie that binds." The 24th Psalm was . Persian Balm is Unrivalled- for Promot-
- lxrAllii) ,kieretarl, Mrs. J. II.,Barnett, woo-, a los ,l'earLfer the sitiPture•leston. 'The secre- °CI /.1:°"rit°'. . . ing felninine,lovelineSs.. Tones and re-
church- Was held.,at. the ,hetne Juvenates the skin, Makes It C*quisitely,
•• a 'eatiall#1,01•0 sUrprise "MrS. Weir, who taryishand- treasurer's--repOrts--were- given. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory and daughter, Of
Mabel Johnson, Cambria Road. on Piaui were made- to, .have their amnia' soft -textured. 1 Makes hands • flawlessly
aeknowleciged the honor in a few words4_,,rhureday,
white, ...,-Especially . recornmended, to.
Petrolia, spent the week end at the home January lith. • The election a st. _pitfideli tabert. There- were iiiteen-„or the'latter's parents, Mr. and IVfxs. 117 i.,...:
'-iisr t.ttattla• ''Prs'Yer4- d .11r4Uf• -th-e '"rvrt-ei.oillners for 1934 took place, resulting as ,
eifered by Mrs,: Lani„Virs, .0ortion4 members prelgeht. The hostess served a, Ross ,,,,...#.0,....,,, ,, . _. I $00Due. and relieve roughness or eluding
.- folloWs:' President,. Velma Brownlee' dainty lunch and a social evening was • ' -7"""•a7-',1 r caused by weather, ConditinnS. Inas-,
' set andHerald, .Seriptint Lest,. ,„.,,,,A
read'Maedonaltir.:—'-7 "nr--',114----Aa, ,
, tary, Ailabei.. ••Johnson; treasurer, Elsie ,
e ., hel-B_roxynle_e;----Ee_ _ere'ISPent--ty. -.la—. , . .. - : ---. _-,--• ‘: --illigelfeleti 'Et.ran-7,77-who has been visit•• 4)ensable-to every Aatirittiaii; Head
and refreshing.. Delicately fragrant
Mrs. William Sanderson. A.' Pleas- 1 - InK*hex sister 1ft *Iasi week for Toronto
• Smith-;--planist, Mary„McKlimpii:-- teach- REBEKAUW PART** WELLATTENDED-wher_e__shc- _w14., jot 4 .410.n wh,,e_berore Magical In. results... Neter leaves e.C-ires-_-•
. ,_.-lag 444- was -4u46 iil." *s• *.• ni3.1* ancliim,„„seirs ei....n„. .„4.4.44,,,..4 4 ,........„„, 4-- 1 . " ... .. . the , " tire ot-,stioldnose, - Persian Italm,is7the
---TlirfastavielL'cl:-Wardli* '` ' '"'''''''-'7:'a"`It -'""""IFr,- "Lthl A very rage crowd gatheredin .• returningrto-New Tork-c1ty.
I Xt. T. Phillips; press secretary. Ant e Mc- . , , - .. , ,.. one toilet ;requisite for the woman who
Tvlor delivered an inspirational address,<
1 Kinnon. Reports for ttie past year were .
• Ocid.fellows Hell on Friday to enjoy an • • , , • .......
cam for charm and . elegance. ,
evening of 'five bundred and dancing. . The many friends of ,1.1.rs. P, 1iibbert,
.Lliia **Jett being "Olessed Are the Peace -
Makers,$* 1 read. by- the secretary and 'treasurer.' • -
sponsored by 'the -Rebekah Lodge. The will learn withlregret of her )serious op- Plkeons prefer to 'nest in a • quiet,
ehoWing a very aliCesSfn; *year. Mrs. IX.
, _„................„...........04,..„ .......„ -- ----------.... ja
ipIVE: OF 'MZETrIN', 04 • ' , ' lunch'. $ then 'Served by the hostess. I denting • mut carried on, music being -The
VIICE 4)74' 7-7^—^— -the 410 etilit- -Witli---Orgygit --A -dainty.
----"------.—. ......-.1.011..........
, "4"; ppiiiips closed' ine business part 44 _-,
, • , , . . .
,• t was4erved:by-the-membersOf -the-lacidge;-!--- - -----m• -aii±- -y-:-frien.-..,-_,-, -r-of_ ;I•t_cr.
prizes for life .-cards were won by iksr-, eratiim on Wednesday. , glhe is reported sweictlu:,setdrawsp:41,i,;, ane,dire,atth4iti ,. metuse.t be
anti Mrs Archie 1ViacPie.- ' -After lunch to be progressing satisfaccorily. • Y - ' ' borne in -mind When •• Making P49-
-prepare for trieniselveb„ hning them
. .
vision far. their' nests-Whierlhe will
The ft -it -41a. '.r MOfithlrineetifig Of- the $44.4:11, witith was donated tothe Relief to learn that he is-qidte 'Unproved'. ' •
, ' - . 11
supplied by'Tony Parr's ,OrcheStra. ' The; Strachan, West Atebt, -who has been ser o• , .
o.:amitial-niceting of the DiingannOrt VICTORIA IlEtimis MEET
- proeeeds,,--tot tho-Ovenitui-amounten--to 71011gist•-•ili-loi-flii-list 'e Weeks, are glad
Victoria Helpers of Victoriastreet 'United Fund. Receipts were, 01.15 ' aAa, ex- ,
ehureh was. he -4 on Tuesday, ,,rauarY penises #5*.i4., including :hall and tar ' Istr: and lwrilyWnt Foster arrived on;
*.that the home 01 Mrs. Itarv, Sandert_41.7„orobjeltm. 41.2, AL0erusing. Aind,_. nesdAY from _Abernathk, fitask.„_to_ visi
son. The meeting opined by all :singingil '- their liaughter,,Mliss Ruth post.er, nurse -
"Nearer My Oa to Thee," then the - <7. • , . ' , in-trah,ting let, : Alexandra hospital and
. . _ .. .
. "-.---- '
Lord's Prayer •1a. unison,'Tbs, InI4iltes Bitzmq or VICTORIA st vr. A. ogler 41.1ends; • - , •"'
The *nnual meeting ot the West Wit.. Of, ,the last,,. meeting- imp .reatt and , the JanUary meeting of the Vietnria _,-:. .
%vino* mutual .Pire_Uisurance Ciompaily tikopted. • Ther-zolf_salt was -answered hy . --,-, -- -- - . - , Aft. , and Mrs MalcOlm Smith and littl
.,,,.. , „
litt be beitRit-the-Periali-gstiONitig* i.n. ny.in .. . - .
'Ilea! Jaa-Oz,idaY:;4obrultty.oth4tia4;. at,,g, , :„,,=_ - ,.„r37 _ . SU(14S • was. !10118.Se , 110V10-0U24ift.,- 0. Eonley4'aimerstein 'Et., Itugbtt,r77:141t4,--lus,14-. retnrne4- to
0 i.eceive. reports; elect %dire, o,t4rsa, ,.PlatiS, Made for it to lie held at that
-iaPPaliit anditors to_ilototiyomok $er viol borne of Mr. and 14.1rs, IL Mew_en aufen,n;; bewirth.:ew:iiiggautt'llttendallea;. 4pue new /kern' 'Ran& 4 Mrland°ttei mithafter ., Vend=
added to the roll- gis. S 'ing a, pleasant liciliday_with_the, latter
nninerdigrj-of -direetera And-trans*Ot ',4.SY. - Ja.l_marr- 13111- street -7 her, Mrs Sznith,-Broeir t,- .--',7
irter-'11-ASIng 'WM-, Mitt "'pieddet over tile' de-vatioriat mot
4- ttoinest.---0,-recopir-aoketiii-moi; ,theii closed -with -prayer .by. Aim, lii-osiv-r.,1 1 - -,-,' o. - An mit-i '
, ,,,Atallin and Aelcert_retire btit, ire Ahab* A dainty'lunth•-'*as then- served b' - ' - 4 - - II bel -11 '..--- -- ' ' ' '
,gtn....... : - . - ..... ...• • -• lod the one na: min
Yalu-- the 'liuta-'4eStvrIg-wrie'r Th -Lord" ". - l‘iri'- James.
11443" s..'' '4)"“igitiaW -14_,____._1411": ill
- -.for re4leetion.' . ' ' - '',,boktess-.and a' social hour spent around, • ' .. -e rs-sPendliig a, few days 'with /2; parrots,
meettri,„gibeAteid; Prayer ' was „repeatect in unison., af, ..t,er
4t the iono ot, mr, ,and ,1,41,,,.,_,,,e,,:-, Reg. me,.!..*Wti,iO4,,hixt boo° .h,,,yinwasn, `44fit,t..Jesuitirsi doesu-Willb-t'ivr. zo .islutwentr.divetig, yhe41441eis „stn.' 'irrte41,17"../10.4
mg -0 -,iortistiAt, mitEr1110, ' - 00e *. 1 . - . _ - : • _ • ail -0-oderfeli. ' .
,i,..,..,..„, • , • ,,, ., • ' read the Scripture lesson, 1VIatthew. 18
* b -* --7---Cattfr'.441404.4110-4;1-va$4fietWaY .
., „The ,isninlai__Meetitig '•-et; •10000-114 G.O.DERIPIt trICIDGE-XLVII,' - '1 ---- - - - , - ‘ . *- ,
,, R.' Phillip& The hyduz,' "The Solid
be held iti the. Masonic IdadgeltOoin r„,,,,,•4' .„,k4, ti444.,`,, .. fft,,,i4 _uaart. -_,4,..,,,,,...:1 It04,!' *VA titbit. ' .., 'gm. Ja• WeStbrOOk..„-
.:•1014010 4. .eSetattkni a °*(Mrkh' litrittecti At * tile week/Y.. SieUrnanient , ot , the* .2,__-.- - 4,. 4
ihnut sr r. 22nd7:10-114,-*: 7"-tim;i":7"--ti.,--.7f7u0'whia,..7;ert;74,itt-n- ;.0"7"' rbe-PreSident, then. took the chair' and
o4410•ck 'PA, for the' krattstiotiOn of itell .--- -..._ ' n - - - the bUSinesi 'part 'of tile Meeting was
till bilthiesl, the election Of 'affirm* art ' ;40rth,.antf; Satoh-4st Mr: an4 um.. ..,
1,..., opened. The secretary give lii: report,
directort ter -the, tatting ..etit liar', a it 'C'' **t(lin,L" .,,,,___Plut_2,1; '24. id,,__, il*r‘. ''',"''.1 aS did the...tnt
her-,-Matters7that-Tmay-pr 'opt ,,• ,,,
before the Meeting., . W-1A3x--4""41" P4.9iLutirl; ri."15 , jeport on ' :the "yokes worle.' Arrange-
- - - -.0z6.,1*:, gotytaz . ak.- whH514pl-p' tri,":014hier." 5J--4.14. si Ill,. /°r*. ‘ an4 °lir. 'tittiatieentist;:eivrei ilectetfoor,bethheticdott*.greeogietioxyl. -
....... .
... ,,
, •
' The death occurred on Monday, jan'„,
15th, 1034, et -Richard Alexander Porter,
fOurth concession ot OoderiCh Township,
, The deceased had been tilling for some.
time although be was doing his work as
usual , until ;sit. week. On Saturday he
was removed to the ooneriou hospita1.
where he :underwent an operation which
Was quite successful and the family were
hopeful tor his recovery, but On Monday
he passed away. The late Richard Pint-
er,.: who was in his 6501 year, Was born
on the homestead on the _fourth • conces-
sion, where ho has always reSidecl, He
was -predeteat*d-tir.his-• wife in 1027;
She was. Hannah Johnston; formerly of
Winghain. Deceased was a ineMber of
mourzt his loss one daughter, Marion,
sing'. 'moan; xottio.
eWs every week, to malie a saVill
heir drug'requirements:
16 oz ttie, Te*••
16c to
ray Travurrox$ RHEUMATISM * CATSIIptS, WONPERtotrt;
RESULTS. „ 4.• '15(); mid $1.09
Small.. .... . ,0 294o . /eggviiNT,
Urge.' %, . •• 50 • ,
. .
• 'NERVOUS WORRY 16 oz BOTTLE ....89c
„ ,
we: have
25; 35c, 50c betties,
Etude'. Dunlop Cathpbell Wig1e
lireene.-Marion —
,9.111cmehogeltallt7..:#11k7,,Co1 AW. -- .11,03r EFFinkionr•garikkl-Xa31,ri,--PF-egq4:.;
. -
WO 011V0 to be elected), -11
Nomination -s for th 634 0. C. I. Lit-
Berrilee Ilogarth,- Y a , 141111-
• • . tom_ gaymond Dean, _Jean Houston,'
1, erary Society Were conducted on Tuesday
of last week and the students voted the ists (four to be elected) *Margaret Bar-
following day. The president and vice- nett, Alma, Howell, Barbara Thomash.
-presidents-'were--nominated by tliA. and -.
Union* .NAlteli; .Ponelda - _McA..4t_r_Lu.;_:_-...,
se iatives:
IV., form: and Were Meitibers of those Mona ilar-116911; tcwin ree a
and treasurer were students of the
1A, Helen Archer; IB, Verna - Plante;
ic, K. murison; IIA,. Alma Dougherty;
classes. The cancttdates 'for secretary.
Mc -
second ,year commercial form, 11,..„ancl .12:tn;GfilliBIlYriiii'd°a_sirassiu.coktt4; niAna', jAlnah'ila Etai,lvic"
Were nominated by their classmates; lows, IV, Albert Webb- _ •
Each form noraMated and elected their ..... .
respective 'form 'representative - but the •
whole student body voted, for the re- MRS: 11._B...11,E7V1STOL,DS HONORED.
.foncmintg•-,-o: ificers._._-_vb_e_,resn#5 ....were a.s The clericaretaff of the Court House
combined on Tuesday night last to do
Honorary president, Mrs; luniligan,, M. boner to 'Ntra.q',1,..I3. Reynolds. The affair
•Hiox, MisS- ---Shepley; ' president, Effie- took the forin/Of A delightful dinn.br,rand • ..
'Jewell, Marjorie getherington; first vice , bridge it the,: Park" House.. The large
president, Margaret Masonr-Mildred- An- table seating ; guest of limuir and
demon; second viee-Pitsident, Helen Ins. seven hostesses Was tastefully dticorated
set, ^Tiahelle Tyndall; third vice-presi- with candles -exid; tower.- After the".
dent,:liancye Clarke; Laura Wambold; thorniigtilY Plea*** -repait, brid.ge was
:madam Ruth Worn% l'helmit Allen, indulged ia"art. a late. hour.. 'Miss N •
Viarjard ikitesoli: treasurer, .-Aurde Mc- Colborne' and .. • 4.. Sheppard enjoyed
'chimp, Bert - McCreath; Jeurnalf, editors the. evening ea, iiiVited.guestS. ..,,,,,„ .
. Agrletilturil
Bet Dungannon.'_ Tuesday. Jan.
the -41t1-14tieuld: plan aarettidte"ed In
• -.4.4 •cistittoist, Mrs, P. F. CareY 4saiti -440 •
j'. M. JobrettoitirPit , . .
Mrs....0en, '..• «fernier sine 10e--- O. Ginn, joittio -0LASq, ELECTS onIciaa '
10,143104:...3r44.,:gre *nit ivrrs,E,:pe*no' '#101, ;The., nittunti meeting , of the 488reisePite
, . ,
Bible Otos ia 14atmia t§t.toutted Church
Next.tgoriday ' evening, the' Club is, was hew.- on ,,toeasir• esiehhig. , the,
holding it teinn..Of tenra *Itch. Stue'.. opeAnt netotonto 'ooze's's Were cort.
404 .1;1,00.11TIV -Aellizr,nal**11W-*Aiie. ,boOr., 11)10011*.(1-*b*„. dttottrli'•iiy. Mr Mew, ',After 411104:11a
Organize- their' ictrieettre"te*04 104 *., *Inns Mr, R. T. 'Phillip* led hi ISILYeri
elietal *be will be 1064'.' 16 4* *1"hut follow -ell by the .teidout O. the ser-lotuie,
teluil: of 1°14** ' Play to *tart at 835
,. leation, Paalut id, by ,grs, Anent , ., The,Freiich Dry
0,4, ,,P• : -: ' i '' :. : . . • :'%. ._ ' ' • • ,I .
t. .Nr,. Mew, presidedne/ethe,
f*m. , business404100, 'The seretary* repot'iA4CC*Ett* itiil- vs givenby Nre;t. T. Philit4 and
treasurer's report given by 'Mit, E. „Adat;
Vo.uhlt-'4)eePleli• ' Union -Inet Inoi,,,,,,''',4„...„44x1I,-iiiiiiing: 'that- ilie- alma had *Oen...don-144, * ''
street olittreb„ Clinton. Ott ,,,,,,,,,.......,y, f,tkinsfo $i, number of weithwhoe pcojeot,
eve0,01i; jeauer$ 1,1;ttu 1141ee,i414. With_ .t.1,40.i,:. 11,. Bandereen favored, the Ineetinft.
.fltikus‘ fellowship i:oortzetter. „opened., thitiotattt A: 1,014114.. lihn pastor', 'W ''Crallt,
mettlinrwith avorshinipetiadi talizoriat i :took the ontr for the'eleetton of ,officers,
watch The "Pree4eat,. mies marierr 40Aa'1.)1jh5 4mowittg. , were ' appointed: .tl'Ist.
1040110, ef ilreol ' nead ttilltett thnrelitl'dent, Ur,: ni tf. MON , viee president, Mt,
presie& *Pcirte were 'he. -td: ttont thel.,H,, .+, V. Philips. teetetut -1805. R. T.
ouvoitt% ,or the different' dettattntentol
.' Philips;tru*s+**Ad 3n:.$nA:anti ohm* were lekfor theiinteeelvonofdevotional nittie.Ws,t
ot, Ali Meinheitir Of . the 'ftet4tivet H. %col, etimitor 1:4,, intrabersuip joom„.
'ere it4leht. but ' Otto: U:14 'expected l mitts. 'Mts. 11. Alien: ,entio'ettot of SOCial
that tifteen deiatateS *tit '. atteml*he ',' •niin1ttee, Nibi. VOW, Uri.; lotsbeennd
4aterenee WMtea &boa tet, be held, *V
tteltOrd Oita iorielo;, Rev. 0,, ;LAI:Ober*, risbet: ; . .1, ,iiL 3Atitett, R.
Ie*dership , trotting ,snoenet, gave r' :it Iteve. . l3reckow. Mrs. Pb1I11a.: The
WO *aline Of The *won -to Thep. tooting' . toio wlth pray.- by
1,0044titt:trestrytery vtatutot *boil:calk, Mr. And.
Melt will be held in Park** 'Clotted And *64.4 —
thlitek -ettatford, daring the *toad vote ,ot thou' was tenda'ed them.
a 'Ci.
'4100140#4 40
the tall ooaivsaition Wits*
In *.1.14)0St at ' Jana: '
Ain "Intlitaatitot fittat* .
btho ,Wii,I is OW toort'thot,
rWry Sottinaro *a het ttott '
ting or' the Huron iClotinty
400uncil will .1ii,held ;in 'the '00UtitY
thsmbersi. Court House, Oodericb; at
'3 1o1ock on the etterneon or StinOiSr't
• 131+1, IOW
Alt accountsnoilets or deputations Or
• Ooze &nd other iniportatit bust;
eel requiring attention it thie ineetbut
- the Cotateil.should be In the hand*
of the 'Clerk. net Weer than tlie )gonday
***tug to the Meeting or ise couata.
Dated at ilotterieb. that 4t.h. da.nt
„ 1034
Nr. County tier
thbt atitu'rett you of .
* well diestia
Pia nis Taylor;
,t),$ ALL
I 60 huh Buffet In 'birth wati
I Chin* Cabinet in oak Old
finigh, yet. '$34.00
-1 Chinn Cabinet, birch:" wal
zetulatt .44,14ft tor.. ..833.410
anitn root StoolsTooter
VA* 'or4 44I4b4
he aeosol tiotn4 ti piece
flssio Sielte, in tapeetry at la
attract the buying public . Mr. Tradesman?
erhaps, there's a good reason for youtlack of
usmeseperhaps, the publicdoesn't even
•youlteedis thane ailing, profit ma- -
neirvg of your wares and bargain prices hit the co1.
umns of The Goderich Star -That'll draw the
Buying Public.
The r is published ,every Thursdayn ample
thne to reach the buying public for weekend
.H.er .