HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-18, Page 4...s...ssrsossesassosisseiSt'seWS44.*044,'S.:• '
it.tot/t. '
1.,ft 0,1thttitt.,0, t
Mrs. tn it is, With her mother, t:
' F1nIgan, wbo he0. bn
•tiWing. .to 111rteSi.
,James 3icWblnney *** ailed to
tbe'hen* 'or 'her parent; In As1000'
Where her Mother, 'SO* Slial/ood* as
been One 111.,
1.tsibert.l'Ileatt and two children,'
Carlow. have been wit* *ith, the for.
mother, Atm C. C. toovvn. who IS
00.1newhit intibnosed. '
The MallY 'friend* Of- Mrs. 'travid Girs
Yin are *awl t� know that she it Onich
ImproVed in health, her reek, Which. Was
• giving her same .trOUble, being almost
COMaSetely healed. " •
Ur. and Mrs. J. B. 'gonna visited in
Olttevale with Mrs. Young's mother, who
b Somewhat Indisposed. Mr, Wang' re-
turned on Thursday but Mrs. Young Is
remaining for * longer
Mrs. M. Menary had the misfortune to
1111...,while out Walking' Sunday afternoon
and u * result is nursing * svery sore
_feet. Willett doubled under, her. She is
under the Cares of the: PhYSiehtn.
• Mx*. Elgie hes returned to her borne
'"*sif 10*n ;ttriviiiiiirtirOrwattiKVig
Steltert Firtnigans who toe=
her *tont illness. Mrs. Bradford is no
assisting Mist. Ethel Finnigan in attend-
ing her mother.
William McLean 01WJnnipeg was &
-,e---vAPort.44th—lib4rot. .hoti—womtwayi, loth-Attio;:catit4ent,
'Clubs, and on
3nd, the:three.,
Uflte4 cbwCi
hire an
The. rentehle r011eYt' w
•Of JziOb RPM, were Wats) Teat in
gsnnon'4Ainetor1 IrbursdAy '
the Marla at, the holltestind' grave be
saer putos, &Y.
rnIted 0re 'wee• ell nresentS'Mre.
uapiceset the vemehocAesoolatte god; Ora sWillisuln • .0setter,,
sganisers sosstedsehateji, s 4410,014; Wary
" • ' , 9 -, ION OS4Ryan and'IMies• NatiCY Kier('
s'thee&t '00inettlYs 'Wit of the Osborne,' Her enl3r aurvlvIng sister, MIs.
Mies ,
•00rah 00110Y. whc resfdd With her...was
aIso present,. *AU sday • ,',toesdaty., and
A Came 'NOV", Woni- auctieftstully., pre.
liented° in the parish. 'Dungannon,
rridaY evening by group of...yotins
people from Blake United •church, under
the slaiPiCe4 Pungenron• 'hinter
'FterMere Club. Noahs bellhop Vbe
Ark Hotel; b hired to aastune the 'idea -
Wednesday; friends and former accusints
ante*, 04144 Urge 1,1113444r4 44 4 Anal
:tribide Ot 104 444 r04004 Or one whom
they' all Meted, ' 12001 -tris
butes eaPresating the Of MAY.
titY 01 Frans Arnold, a famous beautY, surrounded the eaoket, and silentlY be-
sPeeialist, role- SUCeeesfullY carried out spoke their' Message. •The pallbearerti
by hitis, tilthougislt,learla him WO manY Were Riehard iFitinigssi, A, B. Pentland,
situations eniek thinking Thom** 'Anderson, Jarvis McBride, Fred
and actfon. Many amusing pre**. ,Atiderson, and El. .1. Kilpatrick.
meats Pise but he plays the part well.
renewing -took part in the, play : Death et Mee* Gaeltea
'Enter Jolmsten (1041%); decii John- 'Much arnPathY le eaPreseed for Mr.r
ston, 'rom Anderson; Harold Webster, G014011 Dail the hule he has euetatheit
Clifford s Margaret . through the death 'Or his wife, which. oes
Dorothy Curran, Alice Shackleton, olive 4urred AleXaluila Marine and' Oen-
kopatries„, caise Anderson, sterns sen. eral Hospital, - Cloacierkh, on Monday
Petrick, Anna Irvine, 'Whinifrecl. Blake, afternoon, January 15th, following a lin-
gering illness. The late Mra. Ball, Whose
18'011010ns the play there was a danee,
-the Plunkett Orehestrit furnishing. the Maiden name was' MarY Olifton, Was
mot, :Iwo. 0, vv. Alton, um-, s, %is -thittSsrour years age, and WW1 married
ItYansandsl‘frss-Its-Davist=ssustresseheps •,-Osskr---4.9w bereft hueheaCiss.at.,*el:dell,
erones. The presiseeds amounted $28. Manitoba, about ten years ago. Per two
United Chate-h* W. M. S. Meeting continued to reside in Manitoba, coming
The menthly „meeting of the W. S. to Ontario. about eight years ago, and
of Dungannon United erhurch, which was had since then lora continuous sresis,
Postponed from Friday of lest weeks MO dent of the Township or Ashtleld. She
-Leati-...onjatundia -40 lasdsistraitttgts.
.-eitercisesse--splendid; program was given
Sisters the Misses •Lillian and Fraritea Mrs Lillian Campbell' gave a synopsis of
•Merseats - the work done by the 'W.M,S. as out -
.The.. imnual tOngregatieruits.rtfeetingsof-
.Erskine Presbyterian church odil be held
'1n.the elturph'ort the ofkrnoon of Tues.
January 23rd,
--±-the Congregation for the year will be re-
viewed. 47 -
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Oster was the seine of -,delightful gath-
ering 'FridaY evening, When they • 'enter.
- tabled thirtY-five of their friends
and neighberCat ebonite party. dames
01 cards and -slanging Were the chiefaattuternints, and * • daintyltmelt *at
:orittasiidson, Soak. „hog
anive4 at the borne ot his mother, Mrs.
David Sproul,. after spending e few days
StrisAUsatforti sosith his sister, Miss Clara
sfasruts_isfe ,wast_L' aeconmenied to Dun-
gannon by Mr. and Mrs. Heasort,
Mist ' Clara Sproul and jack • Watson, 'all
01 whom returned to Stratford- the *Me'
te.risetsTtilinldaysat the, *Una 01 the
The school board Of Matt No, 8, Ash -
Secretary. Mr.: *Whitney,- -chairman,
1Protaided. The tendert for the -office of
janitor were opened anr'eCntddered, and
11. McDertaldst tender.' was accented at
Ors his ditties -to sztatunence on: January
„ 15th, Anil continUtit one year. The
secretary, was !airlifted pay ... bills
- "0941)this to neafi$ Various mats
ter* in connection, With the business ot
, the .seboot Were tilscUsseds after Which
:the Meeting Adjourned. , •
- A,liuntbervitioelat tunetterialirettslie
field in. Dungannon In the "neer future.
*Ott 'dodder evening next, January 22nd,
anniversary 9t_tbe
slaw ,tit the Women's,Inatitute ie to be
Milebritted With e concert and dense in
the perials hall. On Monday eVenitigs
- • Atisttary 4041,. a tight Intetilig at. 1.1114
, junior FsUtriertS-Oltili and 4tinici "butt,
tut*, Or Dungannon, Will be held to Cele-
testillisattOndstsrts_arY Ofeth
lined -sin -the, annuarrepert7 Whieh con-
taine,d .encouraging and hopeful Is&
eiliburg Steak:
Fresh, T.H,'41M0(1itIf. or
1 It-tlere034 lb„ Bacon
Sirtaln Steak
Pure Pork ',Headcheese, 3
'for . . .;
.Pure Park Sausage, lb.. 315c
Yaunfg. Chickens, Ib... 18c
Sunday- SehoOl• was held on Thureday
1 . *last and elected the new officers for /4134.
Mr. and Mra Wilber Thmn 'visited Mr,
and, Mrs. Harold Good on Sunday.
Mr. and Um It. Moore ente.rt,sitted a
number or young people et a birthday
party on Monday 'evening. ..-
. -The - cOngregatitalaVSmeeting- sa the
Itenrotilet United Church will ,he „tieldo'st
Tuesday, January-i6th. .
Tote- Ar.-- P. a ' Mets-Pridaysttightnder
the leadership or csurnan Stevens.
After the recreation hour '20for4 Dursi
ecmducted the worship service and Car-
man Stevens gave the tonic on ',Poverty
wlth• friend.•
.While•Playnig•hOckey One darreeently
K. ,ThrWae!$: hak the ratlertgae.:,•
bave his haatt,lleVeSeit 44'b the Plosit,
of the children
„erg: .the ,attack ctschielten pox and .rc
My.. and Mrs. 8lleUInL t3th OOns oj
;StiiihtttS gave *' PfertY. number 01
their friends in .04 evening
last week.
hooker Atesomurn, siseke' holding.
ssight(414°‘'tssili:otheiipplyr!"rnnted;s:ftlitar 3:11441n401a' %dant'
The social eltening and Old-thne dance
held in the Tore:dere Halt last rrobse
.'evenirw In aicl of the library proved to
be very enjoyable and netted,:$10.00 for
the •library beard.. '
Mr* 'Carl Ytmghint, whose eyes ,were S. was held on Wednesday afterno0n,
injured while be was working' with ,an the devotional exercises being under
emery wheel, is improving and as rats as .the leadership of Mts. B. Vincent.
k11°, 4$11 11° Yern11111ent` damage to ,/*',preThesidbiusistin,e17tsW. 44A8, transacted
117 The:
sighs has been sustained. -----s. •
- • 's sThtfolgetniierts of the • young people's
Now Payng-"MAID‘,Or THE MOUNTAINS" a Musical epic.
An sppealing; sout. lovable- story with:some' marvelous scenes alOng
.the coat of trip, Tperetgcu ,g99dr.deul of tommee andbedd there
t. deNext est *I
• .
'head tt. CASt Of musical' comedy talent in g screen (treat, . adti
1*ront °XX ABOI/1.014.11", A 'highly suoceSsfal play •
Coming -Jack Hulbert in "JAM'S THE BOY,"
Matinee's Mon., Wed. Sag ,sit 240 pans,
At present tog prices are at the high-- society.' held a social evening on
eat point in the last. lour Years:. A little Wednesday evening,
over seven cents f.o.b. Was paid this °Polling exercises the eAfventeitirg twhaes
week. The hog is one 'more. .gentle- spent in playing games, under the
man and regarded with more affection leadership of Mr. Graeme McDowell,
by those fortunate to hate some on after which inch was served by the
•M'arjorie Campbell were guests over
eeRke.ennudethat Cuiame phbeornile anodf
sentative, explained the habit of the and their grandmother, Mrs. Bark-
' theirMss
meeSetvingeraltiefmnthuisnsecdobtioonroatotennadartedua, he theM:
AftthssisMrsIsmeLeodssagrioltItural tePress aunt, Miss Wm. •Crozier,sorewe
told -iiii-best ley, of Dungannon. Miss Marjorie
rrtethods for prevention and cure of remaining with her grandmother for
these 'pests. The Hullett esti-anon intends a few days*
to help the fanners _stamp .outsthe damr Wh..d attini.eceglit havde p. rovewd eadnseeerdioaus
in our hand, along with a, 'break"
our partner's hand a =tile from Danis
Forturie Win enable sts to rem* Orts's
13cutt this Ls*not according- to 1; --or
Culbertson. When a person bids a'hesit.,"
it should tell the partner that he is good.
In clubs. If our hand is weak in dia-
monds, we should bid spades to 'keep the,
opponents from entering thiS suit. •
And so, instead Of .being a frigidly -.•
genie during whieh we can *discuss poll
tics or knighthood or beer by the glass,
bridge has become a science which de- *
the disturbance interfere with. the in.;
tense con.centration of the other players.
Iri'ar own crowd, we get along not s'o-
badly, but when we play bridge san4ng
strangers the trouble starts, and sesin. -
age mui loss. to the far!lers from theas's:,,whe so_x_r,..Dougiaexamphi „andafisasjite.ins:thesmidA, ofsphyschisisidsstorcess_
itthopoip 1movitoitimarelevztaiiiitiet,,,,effiriakuw4tr:;--,r444vdtg
nerd remedies. . . ,1014A1b9Yrr,t, IPX7.1.191 "plalf&fint-aziatorstritminsaiterAt
'she had been a, patior°' sbrinontbs in -charge; mrss Sewart will speak onl • , , young people'smeeting, .the horse
es' • I WO *ate -driving became frighten- -4°.ubles. We spend hall the time wort- •
piled_enst, hessid* e a the toad oppesite the other half in wishing we ' were at
wtacs4=siths.ssszsiesnesssmeetirigssv iringasse
Previous to her death. • Besides he sOr-
rowing huattand She leaves to • Mourn the
loss of A kind mother, one little daugh-
'ter, not six years old. Site is also sun. .
,,, • When the horse• was opposite the
Yearits niessege. Itccr„. _(Rev.)P. A. mac" vived by her father, 'Mr. Clifton, of . the
minim gave a talk on temperanee, and gravel roed eouth. of Lucknow, rums
Mrs. JAMS MeWhinneY gave a mission- whose home the funeral 'is being heid on
ary reading. • The Misses Celia, Pentland
and ItIargaret Ryan favored with a vocal
duet, Atter ,disonsaing the supply work
for the Yearites, Waa• ;served,
New Catniubt lifavement 31eethig
PORTERS MIL ed at sgome wood a neighbor -had dering what the heck our cue and
sBorns--To Th-or.na• s—,, great hollow on the. other side, . hoAmfeterreaidiunu
urirste 07114,0a:the,
heads in a whirl and our shins bruised,
n't know you wanted hearts." with oilr
--we are more than ready for the coffee
hour --without Eddie Cantor.
And all because a group of "experts"
-in-New York-flAulT-they can make -a -shuns,
dred thousand dollars per annum' to
writing books and newspaper articles 121 -
clueing us to turn a pleasant evening of ,
Cards into a hand-to-hand 'battle of'
terl streasurers--G erts-Loc arts- - - -2 - --"systems" -
ehorman sports. committee; Nome,. person =hung 13 spaaes was Ns -tilled •
East, a son. 'Congratulations.
Miss 11. Smith, of Saskatoon, is visit- The' sympathy of the tommunity
-Ards edwetional 'meeting of the
Dtuigannon Unit or the New Canada
ementsswes held--la--Dtmganno
day attentions: Aithoot h e
not, a large attendance thee was sortie
irtteresting discussion... /Wan Reed was
spokesman, and ' conducted the meeting
which lie exploited, is in the interests
Orlicnittires the SIOICatisitli llitssnoves
ment being "Save Agriculture -Save
Canada." Handltort. Clutton sgave s a.
synopsis .of 'the origin and principles cd
the moveMent, and extracts from papers`
were read, 'following whieli diocussion
took *Kee Open the Ways and Meal% 'Ot
scliTing the - Cocoon& problenis of the
* ,
;Sado! inotitate Meeting ,
.,The January sneethig of the Dungan-
non Junior Institute was held NearidsY
et the borne of Milo Marjorie McDonald
With the • president, loss Helen Ander-
son, in the chair. Real oan as respond*
ed to by payment of tees for the year.
Elettkm-OS offitsert for the ensuing year
was held, Mts. R. McDonald being asked
to *Induct thet pert; of- the meeting.
'rhe 'following officers were eleotedi.
IforitititrY Stekident, NV& R. Davidson;
president, Miss' Helen Anderson; id
vkespres., Margaret,ROO: 2ild vices
press Marjorie McDonald; Sec,•treaS.,
,Anna Reed; asst. 'sem. -Jean -Jolmstors;
branch direct** %Nem tuthert, Mari
Mililon Bernice, Roach, Ilikza Steads;
distritt direetor, "largos* Ryan; fan
4I'hursday at 2:00 P.M., with interment In
Greenhill cemeterY.
Mr. John !Currant of Crewe, visited his
brother -SAW. Herb Curran, Sunday. -
Mimi etude Kilpatrick WU the guest
of W. And MOO-
• - •
rs._Eiarals._Saundems. ofs_Criwes ts
spending 4 few days with her daughter,
Mrs. Herb Curran,
lMrCeill Johnston 'Ia.-visiting his siss
ter, Mrs. 'Hirint Moffat, and Mr. Moffat,
Sarnia, this week.
Mr. and Tboreas viiggins.„ of
Dania:mon, visite'd Mr:. and MO. God-
frey Ball, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blake and Miss
;Olive Blake, visited Ur. and Mrs. Will
Par -hie, Won, on Sunday.
Ur, s.nd Mrs John . Kilpatrick and
Keith, of Crewe,' were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. litemass Anderson Monday.
Mr. Erie 'Gardner visited at Lucknow
on Sunday. * -
Mts. S. J. Brown pent: the week -end
at Lucknow,
Mr.,Cluts. Kerr, we are glad to 'report,
is. slowly introvhsis-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jewell visited at
Auburn on Stride -Y.
-71,f1.-anil Mrs, la %instate end family
Visited at. Nile on sundaY.
th eitiittr-a.-Benup
Durinfg.the time o stock -taking we are °fir-
, ,
mg to the people of Goderich and vrcinity
"rhe bargaint ttre exceptional and now is the
• time for the thrifty buyers to purchase.
Space will not permit listing the many re.
dixtions we are prepared to offer, so do not
miss this opportunity of visiting our store and
seeing for yourself the great savings you may
I artictes ofparticular interest toyou
• Ing here with lier grandfather, wood it took a plunge into the ditch,
Mr Wit; goes to the familY-sof Richard -Porter
throwing Misd.Winnifred out of the
ham sisals isha 'sassed awayi in Goderich hospit-
al follOwing an operation. Interment buggy, the rear wheel passing over
spending a few weeks with her son Her- taking place wednesday afternoon in bet body, though not • eriously hur,
she suffered from shock and bruises
Mrs 0141. Pentland has 'returned after
Maitland cemetery. • •
veY, Iondort. --- • - annual meeting of the Men's for .several days. -
"The' *now the beautiful snow has club was held - Tuesday., last and
been "filling the sky and the earth be- election of ' officers* resulted as fol- WE VOTE l'EJIS A GRAND SLAM
tbit,week. EUrelY everyone should lows: Mr. -Fred' Elliott was unani- 1, • (The Hanover Post)
e • MOUSIY-* elected:, president.-Ilerls.-- C. I- -
Wewereamazed to read the Other day
The kvai suhdasi, 84001 hi Cox,vice preitident;-43"retarY; Jim in one of the lessons on bridge," that a
cing a' steadily increasing- attendanee.
Tho:Aumsal-Pr*otiona Are- to--be--made
next Sunday'.
Miss Mary Jane -Shepperd, who has
.been very illior_some time. is hoProVing
slowly, and Samuel seems to :bk. ve
swish better than he was litet susruner.
Mr. and Mix; 0::•SteWart have reteived ?telling* r ueuree a ell"'
Ilarmer; music committee, P. Young, Imagine! Here is a perfect hand -a Don't, be without Douglas' Egyptian.
deivotional • committee, Mr. Patterson, , thing that may happen about once in a Liniment. Keep it always handy. • 'Re -
Clinton; .prograni. 'committee, Will lifetime,- and yet it is quite proper to deves toothache neuralgia, sore throat
Perdue, Clinton. 'Mr. Frank Powell sopmstvith bidsof two. • ' uipsyt and croup. Invaluable for burns.
verYS-krtrdlY ehatr -frr- the- The reason, of course, is that under sores, Barber's Itch and Ringworra.
Nearly all children are subject to
WOYMS, and many are born with then.
Spare' them suffering by using Mother '
Graves' Worm Ei.cterminator, an
lent remedy; '
• - ed • trat f mesnuide cand .thls certain' "sYstem" an opening bid of
• twos Was -front -.FesdertonS Bast; taint
of gratitude for ititat was received titan
the car of go0cOlthigs that went West
last fell.
Represeritativeesor the Ladies' Aid. and
Glad Girls, guild' held a meeting. on-
-Wednesday' of last' -week and formed a
new .aotiety to -he known as. the Nile
Ladies' ouild, -with Miss Vehrta*Firmigan
as president, The new society is to hold'
itsnteeungson the third Tqesday • of
each month. ' •
The lted union, meeting Of the •ctulitg
People's Societies, of the Nile circuit for
this, season is to be held in Nile, church
on Friday, January 2eth, at 8 o'CloCk.
.A. good time is intioinated-S 'The leave
program is to begiven by Iseeburn, the
games to he;ditected by Port Albert and
Nile is -to be thest'. -Comet
. The Nile V. Iss.6. 'met in tlut church
last Sunday evening Addresses were
givenby Gordon stnitif on -"Josephs"
and Ralph -*Thaw on "Christian. Fellow;
ship." . A poem of Edgar Clued on-
son, and a letter Irotn Dr. E. C. Wilford,
obengtu,-Clilicsadthessedsto the 'Young
People's -Societies and Sunday Schools
of Burgin County, was read by Beth ,t/ic-
Plitt. Dr. Wilford is supported by the
and 'Orangett. . --The next meeting till°. is a force bid -the Partner must bld,
will be hem Tuesday, January 23rd. and in thii3 -manee't it keeps the bidding
This will be an open -meeting for all, open and enables him to work up to the
,the program is being Prepared by s climax Of, sk, grancl
Sour ,Scotch brothers- -inUW111- be, & littat-114,fair example.vf ;ghat the ex -
Bobby Burns night. tofiA gaine that is 'ordin-
The result of the vote for elders
arilY one of the finest of games.
for Grace 'United church for the next; ,
three years was *as follows: Thos.
' If we held 13 spades in one hand, you
McDonad, John McClure, Albert Cox; can bet 'your sweet life we would bid a
prtti ,pichard, on Friday evening,: grand slim right off the bat -that is, as
January ,26th, preparatory service , scon as our Pulse got back to normal.will be held ,when ordination Service . Tliere would be no opening force bids .01
will be, fled for Mr. Fred 'Pi -chard,- the two to see what other players held in
newly elected eider. On Thursday their hands. With' a couple of whoops
the Ladies' Aid held their first meet -1 we would 'lose little time in spreading
ing of the year.. There was a splen- such a hind on the table with a- st--
did tutn-ont, of all • the ladies: On ! a ea
API/Id:at einveeneitnigg.' ja°raittraceliv9itillYAm_iiiltellade ? .b"riBurdku-ete7t4:16,seniethisdive.: .n11454::::11°nrtlY. dufferrattung. vaet _
.1e3heelliracpvwieLbvtis tobelwd.hich
an members play the game for the "kick". we get out
and.those-interested in the work areofit. We have a hard time keeping
invited. Lunch will be served.. A track of an tiie trump as they are play -
;meeting was held on MoidaY, even- ed, without trying to place every other
Ina"' to Consider instilling - hYdro- in, slot
Grace church..
*ss - I I rinse the "experts," • we do not at -
On Friday evening Mr. and _Kra.
Jack Terrance entertained at their ---- -smnt,when we bid a heart, or a spade, we spacious home 'Rev. ' and Mrs. Gide
and Miss iiiiadys Oslo; the eavratts-do-soin-theitener-tbat-tbeetntswhoTti-,-
of Grace °church and their wives, and '
auditor, Mr. Alien Betties and wife
to- a. banquet. . After 4 all had done
neMt1letterwsihattdeh svet,gratifmintko:at
01 the doctors having to operate on P.M
4.. A. walker,. turtotrit, or Dungannon, evenwithwheitahvydepression still hanging
over our, heads, CX
for appendicitis, and. Of his Coining pease* Were all met and it small'bil.'
threugh the .operition nice*, A pro- since on hand. •After . the business,
gram Of mut& and Manes 'is being aro, WAS 411 settled Mr. Fred Elliott, on
binged for the society's bard-timesoolel behalf of those ..pretent, moved a
oh!ridity,oti. Jatensut;y4rtioths; arewhen some of vote °f thank8 to the t117:11"telatla sh°5tP8
to, be, dia.. for the rdyiti way they -entertaine
heir guests. r..IIerb ox neon&
carded. , ,
, ed the motion to which all respond-
ed witha hearty clap'. A happy
evening wasspent by all. '
• Misses Isabel MacDonald and Mar-
garet Simpson, of Stretford Normal
were how) for the week -end. ,
-*Miss- --Elizabeth.. Mactionalit„,..".. of
14110, spent the week -end with her
parents at Lethal**. .
The regularmeeting of the Y.P.S.
on Friday evening of 'this week will
be addressed by leaders of the Young
Canada Movement*
On Sunday 'Morning the services
of Aslifield 'Presbyterian church was
conducted by Bev. Allan Stuart Reid,
D. D. secretary of the budget tOm-
mittee of the Presbyterian -church in
The, sparrow huntIng contest stag -
last week was won by Eugene
Keel's teem. ' The look . whose
lea.dets ,were 'tot /TaCkett, gave
d*nee to the 'winners 144t'rria4/
night°. in Xintill
The week of y- *so obearvea
1. Astilkla Presbyterian hurch by
boniest On. IV
and ititi&ty troirn
Reit Mrs MeOpistary
, WES" till ELF)
Mr. Win. Mcl)owell attended the
funeral on Monday_ of Mr, Will Tar •"
tor, 01 •
Messrs, Mengel Cook and\:Zrtimer-,
son' Rodger held a -successfulwciod,
bee on Wednesday afternoon,
Miss Margaret GoVier eturiied
home' on Friday, ,after spendin °
couple of weeks with her sister,
Charles Annestay, of Goderich.
tY40/41,Y rotting Of tte.
1.f you have • roaring, buzzing
noises in your ears, are getting..
-hard of hearing and fear Catarrh,
al Deafness, go to your drugglift
and get 1 ounce of Parraint (dOU-
-ble strength), and add to it 24,
graisulated, sugar. Take 1 tables
spoonful four trines a day.
will often bring quick res
lief from-sthe-sdis,tressing -bead-
noises. Clogged nostrils .should •
open, breathing ;become easy and
the mucus stop dropping into the
throat. ,It is easy to ,prepare, costs
little and is pleasanto take. Any-
one' *110; bits Catarrhal trotthies:or,
head noises should give this pre-
-siciintionsa_ trial
flezi eal* in, to 2114,wt*
HE sensational 19-4 Studebaker "Dictator,". with
its dramatic Skyway lines, is on view in our show rooms*.
• ,
These Cari, built intanada by Canadians, are, the, bet .
huilt at well as the best -looking cars in Sttiaehaket .his -
The real marvel of these neW Studebakers is the
'price at which they are selling --$1265 fo*r the model on
display, f.o.b. Goderic!1-,--and'iroporlionately low prices
'for other ModeiS.
The :Studibaket iseconOmicario oil and,gasoline,
almost entirely autatatic, roomy and Coinfo'rtabie., Its
appoititmentvleing'vith fild most costly automobiles.
Come in Eitsd see it-,betteritill* drive, it
SluitteHyciof Glass ihrouilioute:
*0 )
',V.+ *01, vt •••