HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-18, Page 24't • 6•4M1,4 • )* 'beta Clar Old b td, .:‘letter. :InOrtey, 144 .1,400:40 st Per :in 900e. , , 00-46,646, ITOR altarF A. aftel, owner and %tie Star, •clied. on Mondaythis wer?4, 1Vithitkt erten*: weli. defined lim. a newspaper is the public Ifeatation ,Of the .soul, the 147, • .being of. its editor. . -readers Absorb something of iifs nature and learn to love and retpeet hlin or to hold aloof as ble: QUO!** inerIL _ Thar* can be no doubt .that Walter•Naftel ,held a firm *See In #16 Mara of Ins. readers. Their loyalty and constancy, in good times and in ilittl'and ottarly during the period of *his illness, is ample proof ' that his. , passing: will be appraised, as Mane .190$7'te the town..- an count* he Served so well. Amagaiseasisainanoselia. leaders of iadustrY, the beadi 'Or our great banks and investment •bilUaeir .04 those -whe rifle Us fronLot.,, rtt-.1.0 votilitigat$ Ante or fatuous If lea. Prosperity is deilnitely sten° IWk f1:0111 iirOinid that eager, kiss 001410M, , ab 4' -We' but that 't1c ptopa�ndlsta ould be well, advised SO dirket .their eneriles i towardz dlieoflring Sonia Wit or re04 lnj countrles llke•,../apatt---„Whert all'alg 1-4., to .04 war 1.1*It boi*I'rlo . t'. , If we may esnitne the truthfulnesi. of tlesPat4hes. 0.0M, , authoritative „Ames agencies; articles in' papers and, Maga, Sines by aUthorittea on 440411. and re- ports Or ,SiteeOhasrel*Itgai by leMlnent 411Panese theMselves; that country lia$ the 4eltitorid Donifnlerr Complex" . Her statesmen aa.V.and all her reported •lettlitica * Indicate that she is imbued. frarn Emperor to **Sint; with: the silly 1 Old notion that she is. destined to rule i We cannot recall any 1=st:4=e of a nation acquiring' that atrocious Idea ' Without making an attempt to bring it to Ifulfilment. Some have suecteded, not- ably Rome, to make st shining example for :all War.minited peoples strice, to. reverence and to attempt to emulate. None have 'sUecaecled since her day al- though Several have attained to leader - 1 and may do ,so again, but ..Tapan appears Shin without mastery. GermanY tried it to have hitched ker Imperial wagon lin- alterably to the star' of -conquest. . • If shemeans to dominate, peace pro- Incitahairti'efaliiirelCiWilT,"- ',...TAL,•46...,propoeio •:04,1friiir.34ii7s7"aiai*1 ' "9 Virti that wer As what it is, Valosai stuPid- ity, EDITORIAL-NPTES r Pod toles are IrearrY on:, the way Wok, we May be able to discover -- lie moor car- cnipan1es DredlcL that' whI32 corner they,7have keen.: 111014 1)-.14100* during 1034 willbe as muci as around, after all.' • :451 het* then in 1935, They &1zI' • '4$ •* o that *tidied 'Orders now on _the, beet/ - -Wel.4te -seen- only -one 4r tWo • The year-encl bank tivotts_ittitc_uti. 1 ricere On motor 10 fat* thla year. , _ _ _ aOttli ,!attosttnent housetutfiti urthat ther's *; plan to alt,ernate with black on a;.:Pro00114044 Waite of buying Cali.' 413eu''S ,: stocks and bond. .. ,by .in. 7.1,110!--:eVerY other-year,-2,--TBetter-t-get *doBrlttsh woo .. • youra. on. the periodic warnings will 4!1.- OOP tioisr-bettor- busi • start soon. , • - .•..• • .Ottawa and 1/1/asli. both deelaro that Year.en4 figures, not yet .publiehedii ProVo4 definite. uptrend: - me Cansdlan mittittotitrers 4utocitt t.gaWaii.ilirrityit On the . dot 444 with no . ..11-10POrtatro ::=ni re.0.1 -P40411°11, 41 toutis a sign 01 the 00 - * to iteatteiniire t their tblitir*Us'AdIrigico• sine° the da sf .4eFil 04%. report e; dtfirilte imprOVeMeittl' ° 4"°°1/1and Brown. What 13 in 11**(iiiiii0Ver thatcr 1 - 09 more tlinlikan•ti8 that'1!!v°1-1 V'S! papers!, the tatiof f many oases did' not .give the event — rant -1). age-spater--Irtie.titight „ • I .pected .to sticeessful.' To Make the New Vet: tint:fey 441045.1- f tbitougb04„t thit. world shoria ihit rant page disaster would have been . neceary. adit'sras. recovering at the fastest rats of ,p 4 .Irrorn: all the Welter ot_diacission on in ;Ooderleh PrePerilitfor the tjonlit 1St •Pnier$40...4144147. Most •scivent Or better times?, Canadiank. 4,0 net wat to' beSa•dilled. Abou ii4th, An herlditary,ar15traey.-At the late At any OominutiltY on the .401* eagle thne It seems .t0 us to be not in StandardBlitistiei Of New Yorki•Unthinlatble thing that 'few truly great * year ago said th.at Western .ontariel. Canadians ehotiAtt he merited out, for dis. of Zutern TCXZS had telt' e be- ths failingoffIn •Inudriesa lea* than any litve that it it the possibilitt ot Unweru • - '*lislelireia-tonUFrrptible-sons Of -great a littleinert ilOWly nien coxnlng inta tie -honors whkh the tbfr • *wilt;w101i whieli itiiists.e7,*.i.ns re,'" her* It_ **nee; Instooks ot goads sent; The Idea of hereditary titles is ob.' ottioukin4' sit 1A)o, 1-0.4,‘Y leatnew buying lectlenahle. The question- then salsas, b.st Ie.** tlin we trust our -1001* to noMinate * The night of" IL S. airiest iim groups of large cal.:4n planes, from California to , 1 IS, tea *44 ildren.".* sty. t 4* e .04 X Shell retiirn same pro p , t'und 41011 return it AremPt, po, not say, #11644' up roinPatiY his. *WO." Oay, Qqatitzed.* com- pany of his own." . Do not say, '"Ite is WOO to be Injured If he attentlits to do it.," Use liable tO eaPreSae risible event regarded as dbl. estrous. '• . 1:10- not say, 41 have an important On hand," pkY, 4"44, important transaco Wordf Orton ItilifPOolinced Cairo (111,inois)f pronounce ka.to, a as izi day, Cairo (IrgYPt.); ;Pronolinee aiirr,'thoine Isronouii' pre.,87ed.tosi, lust snil second ,eaas in me, accent sec- ond syllable. , • ° 'Mechanist. Pronininee mek-a-nist, as in met, a, unstressed, accent pat, syt..; , Effusive. Pronounce the as 1.1*.f 6e; 119Ca4tisarisett, rrenenhOe 194 syllable ralct accent first' syllable. _ Aeclintate. Pronounce 4-41,1nat. Art a, as In at uatreased, 1,04 #1'11O, second 1• a as in ate, and accent second syllable. An roberritan being asked ;he mean, Int of the *phrase niatliumous works, • readily ardWered, !why to be Sure they are a book, that a Mar Writes after he IS Certainly these may all be labelled ': raru,ritoWe'lTave. 'neardthern and read themInSome form -lor. a. long as -we. , earti remember. Pro- bably they Will be serving the jokesraiths Examine, explore, inspect,Anvettigate, of Many future generations, and they scrutinize, search. ' , *111 alwayi'draW__a_snalle..' Perverse, Petulant, 'contrary, obstinate,. `.1iteidentally, the reference to Bedlam stobborr,4,_ ungovernable, wiltul. may rouse' curiosity' in the „inindt of Revolt,' revolution, riot, .rebellion, mut-; some. It. 15 Probable that many people ny, insurrection, .disorder; • ImagineBecilam to have been a place -e- Ca11, cryz -outi--.-exclehnTejaestilate.NOt neve-nate( Veneration, worship, hoin. corri*ion, of -the word Bethlehere orie; age, honor; *We, adoration. f4.01Y., $110'nime of a religIOU3 hose In 141,Yeleal. • bodily,, corporal; nutterial. London. langiblei-vlslbie. . When HenryVIII dispossessed the, • - an Wora gsair .4_ 7 _1_,Oasyhetir7ituntaCheu,t.a0the tgari ,b1,3misarie• vre.turrin,tedt.i josea.in:.teda, with • S SP, A - ri.r�4 I ears '11110 otdd „t th4 e ne 'Mort Of theM will e by,Moat re rh 034-.1.svou . 'Won't 4,e in the eli4ot Chi tfet.fer* but Will 141uni, ,to W stinati, • erase, sr * , . • A, lunette in Bedlam NO Asked bw be eitMe there, lie'eliSwered,'4bY pute,...,"What disnUtierii the *Omit. replied: "The world said 1 Wes mad; -1 zald the WOrld, Wes MO; and they .out- it* .461,6106, —,., ,ICS*611;666 • Mr , ..'-'00 OflC of'his 004arterialOr bor- rowing nenell met With a. good natured Jew, -,who told: hirn he'might take bis own time for :,pa*ent« - "pen," .014. Vhar,;I: les, "Well Make It dar of•Odgeinent; or a$ that ioit be * Who 1$110, 'Oar. VIP- Pt4e 4e'ssor4the dor Oter."- ‘, . ' . * . rip** . .Dr..0liyireeiWrote a'::%ite4011)t.:104 for 0.1;41' en , 'Celebratid;),eiltNeali was 111 - • • ,.....,_„,„ - . . The, next day the' Woo*, teMing to, (fee hit'Stient, engulfed' itill,eAtiad followed lits-Presor1, ptipi' 110,4. i0lath. doctor," saktilesh, **MAO I sheik* hare broken ,my Ii7ok for utshriteraw ItoutOputenO1,!,tivo Pair of i windows."ttair-' - . . -• V ' .,',.-t. - 1 .... • * 1 -4 • Words Often Miespelled --gonlfulr one I -in - Antsyllable 4iou1. obserte the two Is _pm:0y, though file Li preziOnneed as a. *OM sone 1,- :,-4,46.411=4/0444•011.I, ' Crystal; one 2 crystallise; two is . Synonyms *--wo t . ea en yours," •• Let tis increase our .v.xabtilary unbelievable cruelty. Chaining to stone by mitering ofie word each daY. Word, wal1s1n,daunp dark hats, lashing and 'tor thisiessen:- - rtation----tvere-•on miW-iorins CHAOS; a disordered gate. ISOArtatgnent_ haiide&*n bthor0110Y brought .order out of ellaos," brutalized iteepbrs and with- the know- 1IS,(40117 (verb); to deprive "Of peace ledge and consent Of the Pubific. Or rest; 10 Make 004. 111111 ?x,triduet. • The reul riattir'allY, was at. Units. a disquieted ber' pandemonlum Incleserlbable, from which , utiVitaCENP)INTi superior or Sup- came the' teint, bedlam to describeany reMes .stene-of-wnd-ConfultiOrt.•- ing river 'Presented is vievt,02. tranacen. . conditions at. the *mt. 'of the 19th dent beauty." century Were only slightly improved:. It c0f.,ZABORATOR: one who . labors was to take the Work of MeV noble Souls faintly with another. "His 'friend was to rouse the, World to ibt Present .under. his collaborator 1 the •preparatie of the Standing of and •sympathy for, the in- ' - 4 4 - irregular change, as ot .fortune. "Ife Met the vicissitudes 0, life With grint courage' • EXUUrATION lIvel3r SOY at "success or -victori;.delight., "Hit boSom swelled with extiltationprestOtt; •*AY get need it at 1 lo not auggsatthst �yone shoutd o a. ipending os'gy b.id, but 11l004004* , COunt Oa ii?greater looms ir and With e ostfiter Income will 7 be buying mors * IntY vaLtio are low and help geed timel.tO 4 *6•6016•60001•066.661006016.6.066:61....6 EACE-VO-PEACEABLE ppears 'to tis to, 'be *rest 14 42* pewit treintrulanS" In ibe lqterr# ot **see thikt, td n*Inty tOWisrds the tatter,: tOnVerterl. Intiglars that ther 1* dfflre fee Ter talon*. tho the ed t t •* * NOV atnOnif Us* Ping Or Old, does not virIAtiott-'41"10*-titOa,--, And 'Oitnett Batson oZ Xmintiord. These two pone chaos, foot leCee and, WeltOpe, fancy :rec. inive *ot, themselves * ig.tort "Eltifoner, the ."Ossippee..14. Tit her they Intend *ailing the tow* usin,••• . • , int Mid fislib* ao. We hope„ looking for .'pirate Maybe they. wotild"net turn a'tald eye on some tate 'slr.irined fhtairli islt demises shoul4lhey peel:tent* he*. Da on 4401 411 Aunt palin fringed, White and heith, It they would* well, they have )10 right to the OssiPee„Lend her salls ikiid her 140-ltersePetver titgailm* motet *rut they dont belong In the sure. ,Zto WOnlil'even hope That their: thb rtrnalni last in the lee at Lunenburg, the now h. • A* 14ettehOr...."'WhEA a*141 atis tslkhe to,lirruntit" • ntot tom.* t tiktes foe- you*, Ho born edit • It - 1. , We have puzzled over this -story a good deal and remain as Much in the dark as was the iriahroati bb4self See what you ean make 91 It -It is. entitled • TIMP.,..+PLACE TUNE ' • yott think I Might sing -ixi,*pitb, lie now?" • est," ansviered. the 'fang/rig misster. "I don't see why you shouldn't joln in singing the National- Antlient.) • , atiairr.A.itsut _ SaY'imy roan, an I on he x1ght a&uilierniees-Aarrn -Vt.-asked-the-0o - • • The yokel looked at hitt ti; few mom- ents and then nodded hie head. "Yes, •yen be tit the tight, wed," he'relgted, liut7PrbtqliilVirthewr�n *Sy' own an Certain 1 siaU break m • aielc," The gentlemen bUrat into i nt #1 huiching and explalned •th Watoh.rinskeit An kit& servant was ;sent to an ie.., quahrtance of his master's: who lived at -watch-makers-In-Dame-43L-,11t1ien.-he- came to the shop he asked 11 the gentle- man -were at-toME theAratohmaker art- . . , awerett In the. .aftirrnative° and directed .blintOge_n_P-hreenig,14 Mods, After & journey.* half an tent and astonishing the mai* .410P -s; witr 1.111 ,11,01se4hs arrived--at.the...daorand.MVUV -(1-• The-gentlerean gave "Long life to your good-nattlred heart said to mine, and 1-thould:be:obligettO you, to tell inc a, better *0 ,down. for the Mtn told inc 1 was to COMe 1.10 backward% 6•6666,arr,...t „OM: BIS SIZE alorert,vernart-went,into-A--a bilY4 401tar•lor her 'husban4.... oWlist shies" Asked the clerk; 41 One forget.' the eget"' .kePlieit' the 'Annan, ;'''but- Alt kin' „lee', nisnsge' to map!. IOWA bia Iltreatiwith bet bandS,!.! Mrs. Brown was vialtg the house of Mend where the baby wit a feet. utillt old. She. was nemilghted and * • * 4 * PAY.. that kStOrY na labelled Riddle, are'rsome.• :hut it remains oontindrinta ta ,Tliere does nOttetni- toSMY -point at arctliongh at One time. • -* They Were 'Capable a wit ,iattv but to it in tttott deist. . reeding this _ story it should be reitternkre401tt stooped to. tate Orilala. *hero 44e .16""1*nt eoriforintSts 9 woe dlitInotiv ' imPoPhlo ost • lo ;Ad *iisleoPwhile The bali)y was *hoover the Itstablislied. Church held absent, She •exclaini0: 4 What way ither4:.ixilsailiek...*..:wholly7._arthrt. be*utltul e tcture of fibes at 'Roman., Clattol1es. and oneontormis,s *]1ef.tus s; the 1 , thrtnt at, the Methodist* D18IIONESTY IN MOH fLACES ethoclist • tot # chandler*' '1r,OifierverY inOreated, in that stuffed shop Was: heard bitai-day Olin*, to. lib 4141 the rorthirt,ologitt • ehopman* o1in, histe you Watered the the atiation exPerk, runtV oflave YOU sanded the think OA 'tittering too •Intrituitt On, one htown, ingot* *yea* live you wetted Of' MY WOW* the .tObactor Tea* 'Then tame in to. Irate Itra See right throngh that ttit*t* tOrtelek not know', ditit but Uiey 11 dreg tbat,Wat istrinsdaYe 11, tiortmir • * ; • ,,•0/ 'Which i'enilnits It% *gain * has imptirted vastly In 100 all too tom - it WM often s. • '6vr • • AY, OAT'itir - • e•Nr 6ihsk • •ote 4.:3* • o4 ;.4.4 e • IfOlv many slaysof your life are lost in the ntiste of . ' half -health? 'Half-hearted flays . are ifriNrgAtlY due to 44 41 e6m1320,intouni e9nioinuo tiPat4)u.t:_itcudovinud; ylrourwaking hours, - et it can be over Cpine 843f easily by eating a delicious cereal. • . • Tests sin* thatEellogg's,,A.WatAlvgoroi'id' es bilk" and vitamin $ to aid elimination. ALL -BRAN is also a richstsuce•of - leafy vegetable)). H�w innek better than -taking patent '***To tablespoonfuls- daily are usually sufficient. !f not relleitc.41 ihis way, see your doctor. • "Pet the red.and-greenpackage at your grocer's. Madc byKellogg iii:Lotsdon *7Ontario.- -- acOp 011 , thtth selling side- ei .life imPoitrANri Relloges alus nothi4ng h444:itto con. t brut* with ut Pore a swa centage ot finper.avodog. it reeonnnended room ass, mod . etBeient int cohi ireiiev- mmon constipation th,an Part -bran PrOducts which cann.,Lot contakaa_. 111'1401 4,1) / / • smaporivackliri46401,0labsoo, „,,,,A•00.114.14y. • 3, .36, • e. FO R CONSTIPATION • 6.,t6 Kni6.• b two, OA , ___... ..__. ..... least, ant that deing business on other people's money , Without the consent of WHAT „ OTHER , .the other people was * form of robberY• ,Carrying' mi at the etienso of other peo- EDITORSSAY , WO labor when that labor was net_ade. Iquately remunerated 15 but another form -41-slav'ery; liaiiiiii artfully' the offence nlaY" be•di&glitsed. ' A KNOPE A xioorr , • llworancLWorthruadam HbeZli thie_ Afakiime_salta that.ale Is_ not hag of . entering upon the statet mat* manna She ' declares .she b toe , hUSY, looking after the Youngsters.. or the Mar,- rled. folk who have not tuffitient vm 1.0 • attend' to that ,dtity themselves. • wirf9 NOT *Vit.: OCHER/CHI• ColIbigwoOd,Inntetirlse Bullethi • In • Nteaford interested eitizent are .00nverting the walls of the corridor of the intinicipal building into., a museum .-hvontiihutk*int-ot-early-,pitturecOt lot PeoPle. and 'Plates.: In Coningwood, the repository is the Huron. Institute, in. the public Ubrary, hut, havint no library the procedure in ltfeaford Is bjgbr com. mendable.-- i4s--Well-thatIonie,are mirk' ficiently . interested- to take • eying togetheeof the story of the lake. alde town. As the years gO:bytheYalue. -nt-ttnr-wculrwill-becormA-m*.,, appreciated. • • ..''• • 1 6 . • let Am FOLit,ovvEps -.-.4Simeaet:Reformery There will be no "exparisionpin.aziy de -partartent of national defence noran -program of naval conetruetion -in titnada ' ment from. Ottawa. Thus Canada has given lead, Whieh j fdlOwed by other_ nitins, would,ensure against the 'pre, war* ••••••••.m. IN TIIE DARK , • Motheri`-"Whit are iliYOtnig intentions?": batighter.:. 'Vell,. he been • keeping !Inc prettY much in the dark." A--QUICCA THINKER "Mrs. Briggs," said the new boarder- , at breakfast, "who owns those ferrybeits -1 tripped over towing down, the -stairs Just now?" . t, • The landlady shot him a fierte look. _ , • have you understand they. are mY shoes." The boarder gulped uneasily. faityboati," he -hastily-re- plied., said _ It is a popular fallacy that rabbits do- : not require water. A supply of clean 'water should be available to them -*cit. times, vere Pains in His Back o Badtould Hardly Move E) OAN'S KIM( PILLS 3.06 66,66.;06.6•6.6 .4).1"7Inr (r9vontoTetegrin Jim) the loot v"e!Wo men were- aitt7ic on _Seat. of a St. Clair Ave. ene-unan Car, When a eetnile - of *Wenger's .ectglith7100,114thtdoy mgioe:001.01i, ,ftiditt:tintetiery•oythop.stniitieti. ler two -seat bench that had been Vadat.. to, ride faelng the' way the tar: IS le asked the ,nrit•Mant' cerniainion re- plled: "It's heti** In this position Uie clirardiesveketit'Y 4tni:?re.:ItsyronleithmlictriclAb4"ti.Atilltthel, , montentwn of the, care thereby indliehig a feeling of contort! ' 'Wen,' genie& the fimtierianow netb but I belleie you're right. " -Toronto ,uieviok_._ Katigt itga.E1 _ ttlreter.Tinies*.Ailvocate) No mait-can: barrow himself into pros- perity. Preilderit Roosevelt did 'ivelt litsad- dress to tonirrem to intileati that the day of predatory blisiriess 104 lintmcing. 'passtott 0ver. and over again lie inted out thst'dointt busitte On otiler avatoug to s*Y the 61.066,. 4ldre; Errol Hamilton, R. R. 1, Cataraqui, writes: -"My husband had been suffering, for a whole • year, from severe pains'in his back and they were no bad at times he could hardly move. _ • He tried. Many different remedies, but got no.relier. • T did; and lie has never been bothered since, and his kidneys work fine." - For Rale at an drug and general stores; put up MO by The T. hlilharnl-Co, LindteLit Toronto,' Ont. 9 *RAIS,E, RI 'ITLASTS 1.0i4GEg" RTA44.11ARDIOOMESS TOA FROM C4LSPLIR AREA ArilatowEirPiace-IN HISTORY • ..4.11..00PER.T014,,OFF. fOlt *CASH or ...PURNACE, HEATER or RANGE There are Four Ditinct Misesof t.'040143.......coat the Ladot-'...itt. the. One" FieId Idit.te4 and Et.tooiturnended..by the .Ctiai Stanclards Board, Atk for it by .naine and be asured of:048646A .001(1.)41,4- 40com., ,Give,Einooyinetit to Cana4an.Mina.t.i.41i4ttai1idottytnert ..,Wer. Tot* • FOR $41(,E,01( 6 • 2 Aatt rat to, Plumbing *TA .410,14,1,46‘..44, ***•• 1.41, ,#s4iv# irottap,i -•00.0.