HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-11, Page 8.1,
1 , r
land, in *on
th.. The
..totes_ that i
. - =at, for several oar*
the 1.,f*Ptist church, in 0°4014
. •.-heen` ch0ail doctrinal. of
'IPtifilto *Olt* iCoMmisidon of Xitger.41.
old friends4,,in godedeli are not SUr-
t People or ilia**. home
Yf $10!
i* tbe YAiit.4144.119,4
*op* oloNott LODGE mtos
theThe Distiat grange. Poctite ,liton
--District-- held their inning ineethit
Tuesday night In the Orange tOdg
Eii MOM*, Path Stoat, with about fOrty,.re
pdsed Presenfotive. froin 'Winthrop, giegortii,
Ofirition aud Goderiell ,Town.140 in
zpma1Me post. tendaileeifter-the•-iwitiol
conducted, Bre, ey P. W. gOve
'r1atid of'mt.. 114100,4.00 *Wirt addies., The following otkera
." formerly WspEinnis %4-f•X were elected '4', District 0.1ost•er,'3.• M.
Of 004er1li ft hear Ivith regilt or the ti.hoeUr, osputy master,. R. •TOhnsten;
d Ofh. Of her at 04141t rate* 'Mane „thaploin, SlY; recording secrotorY,
Or« Wigle .Wika PrOm10,• Trewart4; 'finance :sieretary•
wartha; .treasurer;. T. Rooth; 14 feettix.
ers,Z roung,2nd lecturer, .1, liolineri
marahaU D Sproul. After Uie nstal**
tiOn of the:001°410r., the menibers 'of the
law ledge served
ent for •Many year* in -the Methodist
eliurch wed latterly In' The United
cbuzth 1r *IA tingle se ivell
known hi Alotterioli,
,• The Mosonie HOU was $1110OP4ef Ilt:W4
it'y on 'tlidel night When the Clins440 •
Order of Foresters held' a cord party I Zie ilonte- and Oehooi Club met on
and dance,Vie earlier part of .the 'guetidoiy. evening. Mr. Chas, K. (Satin -
evening was 'spent in playing euchre, thel dere ;Ave a Vert interesting addreaS on
first viusi bet)* woo by Mrs.IFrank the 'training of children; sPealthlg of the
Beirrei( anct Mr. P. Piesett and the eon., effect' that, .110rOe* Schiat and church
solation ,prizes by Um: Dotigifotitatiam training have on development of the
ind. Mr; Y. ClYambers. Lunch wasseiv4 hi1d. Iffss flotnertille gave a- vionder,
Tvii7 -and. _a ,dance followed; with fq•11114•Comprehensive report of "'current
„r_pAded by if; Virlfinefs, .'014 °ents'ci .4114.. it Battle reported that
10247. hattre17-Oriiiik were upp1ied to
- ;POP11*- 1a.lixteeh-14,Y4P.IturiPir7Deemb ;
'WEEK ..101r.PEA:11trt INSPIRING MrsF.."434-findert--401.ghtekt-7-010- graT,tert-er-
. The *eek of Prayer Which was held In ing with, s solo, accompanied- on ,the,
North" street and Victoria Street' 1;i:rifted, piano by Mr. Livens. A , nominating
• ofiurebes last *etif, provedtobe -very-tn.; .tamntit-tee;_wai. appointed- consisting of
/sting Old Were well 'attended.' Rev. Mrs. Graham, - Mrs. L. C. Chapman, Miss.
X-Ware-two-iterrInapiting ;•MettoweltAind-Misi E. Buchanan.
dresses it the. meetings.- which were held Meeting -closed With the National ,,iinth-
--)ii--"XOrtit- 'Street ttnitect tliureiv. and Rey. em.• - . — , • -
;,:,T. -Watts• spoke at tho meetliii-ti held • -*
In Victoria otreet. ontted--bhurch, _Rev, '*,,111A.,+,7‘441 YOVNG irgonE OlitchtNIZB
---priwt.40-ergave a very' 40041 -address
--1)1171Vedii-et-thir -even-trig in North urea town plan'A series_ ofaunited
preparatory service. . meetingeto discuss matters oj Interest
' - to. thetosolves rganie t
" w---7,11ekt-in. the church parlors,. Knox
* e g
At the WeeklY-dupllcate game,' held church t on Monday evening, ..xamoty,
Ativ_ _when-flys_ _ministers • of „tbe__21
Churches as well as the officers of the
YoungPeople's. Societies' assembled- to
cymons.lt inostwe programs for , these,
rioSeinalies.'-They Sit'''''held an five
Monday' evening, the followittg were whi-
ners • '
North and South-ist. Mr. 11, visty:
let and Graham Pins 20
Beao0r41, 1)114 10. '3rd-,-Atiss *Unita eonswitive MondaY evenings, coalmen-
zandittfr: 13". Iusfli4,- •
East and 18.,J H. TaYlor
latni-MrS., 0)4Y' Oraluurt- plus 23, 2114,--..
Mrs, 'W P. Saunders .and *Oa Zr 1).°
eing1Lbre the diffPrent-ttiim
churches: . Spe ers Will bat January
49th, n St °eerie's, •chnrch, -pr. A. T..
11-40-Orerrebruirrigth; Iti Vietoria: street
areh Ith,„.. tagist churoli„ Itev,
Crossley Hunter; ,akrareli 12th, in 119' rth
-illiiiit'tfratid-ilaTOW,','ite-147*.:Ii, Kano
ilaIttitg.)44taroli Pato int'ghot. thurchs,brs,
ucky; to piocre
t, andyou are
luckwe roto'.: lucky
ipoptioh to,get
Large Letter Pad*
(Envdopes 'Free);
"fold Ativ,ei"
(i.*v1,1opeo .17re0)
Note, Oize Pad
(En' volope*
Lucky Pada:and
nraliga6,4 quality Vellum,
APYJIA. Members
StageFine Pail
Ch*Perotiedf.by Rev.
Yotni# NotikS'Et40- 'Pitt
Tvientyr,seven of the young people -of
the, AX.P..A. of St. Oeorge•18 church, cri-
joyed a theatre ' party . and dance 011
. -
uosday night, Alaintery9th ' -
The perty!gathered at the Parish Hall
shartri-ifter -eight o'efriek,---Untler the
'enaperonage ot Xev t N, Milli, 'the...rec-
tor; theyproceeded to the theatre ..-int4
After the play they return.ed
parish Hall .'Where all onioYot a dainty'
Junth-provided.,,by the girls of the party.
IN-C-xicing was the der Of tie -e'venhag,
tA‘centhen on tintil a late. 'how\ ,
W. the ..eren1ng.....0„ hugs, success
and iropose to hold other 'entertain -
Monti _during- the- .wifiter' seasOn.
NiisS Awdry_Dowker had "charge of the
-refreshments and Nips -Phyllis Lawrence
was responsible -for the enterfaimnerits.:,.
P. StUrdY. Mr. 0. 16thstieley and SO. Defeat Clinton Colts -on Soft Ice
1 fl. Eastman (tied). W- '06-.110; -
34-11101Cay-AMI uni* ey
game - will-136-1104-44011tIfte• .Vertinfr -at score
840 '4)-12u toluirp. .
. ....
------N,--3%,13,--OF -NORTH ST. MEET
. -crifierieli- sailore---Won---their- third
—school roominthey trim
' , I'llEtt- straight igame Othe 1
f 041 --oiniing' when
W. 'Illt regular
z"ntil* meet -tat 43f -the
"At"tj4- INST- -.:- - med 101ffiUn colts hi the 414
. M. S. of. North street tinii,ed church The regular Meeting, 01 the °oder:telt they bt,ni, bailiwick Tuesday night.
held--- •-• the biliiilik -i- OmeMi-,-AnstitOte,--Avasheld in2--.---mattcar . im• was 3.4 which was hiA. •bad,
&tondo, January ,8th, _ with a good, at- Hall on -January 5t.h., With the presidente.sogro
tL 9"-'
:4110:- -1/**411elit:t°°14' 4ti..arge-:44*-' -16*4-alnea-1114.5eti Ote4ctinX; r4e.'*°°.t'• weather hid softened tile ke surface and
• cOnsiderior, the hard: going. - -The:.'nald
, c Ineetin*. As this was:10e first meet- i ' ..tuopert • .II1 MO" • , . . 7# it
• • 4
-r I both Aiwa ;were slowed up as a reinil .
. Od-o;_followed by the Lord's .Prayer. _ A _sacra .accured. 4 two -goal 14c -hi the
those Propht re*Poku.1161(*til Iklax6i'ltf 'letter • was read from Airs:: ik Raines, A.
-.*Strse 01 ieriPtUre, The ' tteseutr re- fernier- Preiment now .residing in 1;0W= Itrat Ped9d and notched 21:43telled anathet. lit "Ille
_ :.ported.,0006-hati---heen efortriirded. to *the Aviiittnit----640----mt-i, ech-t- ,----11-4': _ , .,.....______ 1.,.... „ _
'SbYwriii-: treasurer for the year 1833, -rdo; also -tiiiii-khigToiooi .-toi, fhii notok"
i,„ - - -- - - - • ._ , :each-.'"' 'periiiarlind7liturneylmcke if.- the ..:borucelielti: '...
.k., ._; ..,... 4,. 4 ! -, ...,' . - '... . -4 4 4-44 .4 ..'t
included e„."..gitt-oL*150-__Itcatv-the ' • -iiIi-fmavp-,0arctr,cent.:her,---.The_itiatit .,....101°A.,- . ,
1 xitio, X. ,, tutu. The report* from has 4,ntrihttwa • ,,,,,i.,,,,,, ..,,,,A 0 „.„.. ....,,,, On the whole the second. period be,
,„,-Ihit-defPartinentitt4cretariWwer$4eeliv. ._ or.,.6;71:4-r7".'st, ti74-e7ttili7_:7_ titt;' ,•longecc_td . Clintoik as......they_.40red, , both
f their' 04i then,* one by McEwen and .
ed. Rev. Os watts ',installed the‘ 0106 *$1_0 'Raltrord, live aiiiellii,selection.'s
r„.1034,...,___Ths. litoung, was .00aed,...wit • A tia _ . . .“.„,.:,.__oix„,t,t,Ictiiiinisi— - , , - _-
UM it Of -the relief question was The •' could ' "
the'4/tispaksenfdloto&,L, , . litii- a ii, . .airii4- . . ' - .-:-ganie-4:WA)C-4411.4A-4Wittil
-1111 -.., . W , ftide4 t(01,1%Ve 11-500' - - --- - - - - - --- S 0 '
Wililam Hogan
Orb of"
onie In ALahneld. TownPlp on Iruorpitay,-
osiritukti.gth," Mr„,Ifogan was in his got'
Yelir and had ,;lieen...a life.leng,,xesident
on the forM *here he, died, ,liteaidel bla
sister in Ckderlch lie is survived by his
wife, formerly ,Olorenee, _Kennedy, .of
Whitechurch, one -adopted son, William,
and two brothers. Philip „of Ashifild, And
Pottle*: 'Of Hanover,and one ;deter,
Margo, et Kingsbridge.
signed,t0 assure -ft fair -distribution
death occurred 111: *TaVOUt° -Q11' flitklia,
tSfia tni+Unn+, reference
SattzrdaA VA 41.4.15,iat Tweedie,. 114#4, Her-
class, creed
routinet:iled"4i.1ii4)triers were dealt With
and the Meeting.cloaed shortly alter ten
,°t•Iniwitadditio' u to' the chitirMan members
were Co
plats trom• the home of her brOther,
Go. Johnston, Mr. a, Taylor and Me sfrAl,
.tkeiller Seabrook, Mrs.
Weir, O'Brien. and Higginson.
• annoillpr:
at the4ear'a Atat',
Welfare Board Tt
• t
*rt. Tweede toikM1'10 DrIver repre-
senting Rebecca '1.*Odile; and WO* larer4
and sera TQUInA representing the
en's ,T3t4titlAt**`*ere present, and. were ti-
idted to pre.Mat 'OnY Problem, and. as
any desired questioAs.,
A full 'explenstion, ot the methods ‘ o
the Board were given, and he varlous
The system ' hi vogue is ,Onite in line
with Government regidatione and„..1.
bert Tvieedie. asfrs. Tweedie Was, the
daugbfer o tbe late Mr, and 2g1rs. 'Fred
14Olfet Of GoderliCh. The filneral 'took
allUalsMonth of Resolution
-. Have You Made One?
lay we siiggest y�u read 'our advertisemen
each w,ee
Noteour iteductfon or this' week:
WAMPOWS COD JAM EXTRACT, ihe to!lio *you need, ,00
irreft Love, !Mara, street, - On '„Tuesday,
January 9th, at 2 P.m. Rev., F. W.
Orli* conducted the funeral service, the
-Pallbearers being "Mom* Ber,V;McDon-
ald,., 11.*4 0140, *10bn tfoKaynd
llam -popben, .Intotinent vit,ags made in
Maitland ',cemetery, '
*Iii;funeral of Miss Harriet .Young
. N
took Otte Q111004*.. Pite,rnittgfrom. at.
Kier*: outich• for :interment -in kings;
bridge--* C. cemetery. 'WS 3fotini was
",,born714-'*011eTeraiiiiian W1881 .ftifif
Yeors-;73dierill*lather Was hatel4ceep-.
. _ , - •
er. Rer father and mother both had
predeceased her and in, later . years • she
had arlierelier-detitii-ba;
,AiiirAvoistos ttitouivAATisivi Q4,,P8vms,
25o and 50o pkg.
3i4b, tin.. ; ..., .13e
Alao freSh SOPPIY`'
0 Ho ard'.$ in bulk
Patnenes, Diamond,
' Sunset,. Rit
2: p4gs, for, 24
Biologically tested,
:1.q -oz .• bottle. '; ' ..89e
_ - .
call+55 Daergorot Campbell -has left for a
holiday_ with her parents in, Black -Rock;
loghls parents, -Mr. and
iwarin, a hon713;46-viLt
•The' many fripiida 'of Mes.' Davidson,
her very
sestrreioaut,s !ruminate: sorry hear:04
mass Was sung by Uev. rather- Uwe*. The many miss7-meanor;
ind"--tlie---Paik-bearers:wOrelames Tonnig; •-
Clilton Austen, scri-ptot ,..tOolig, prank .Washington 7 are --sorry to hear that she
youht, is, at present, 111 in the hospital, ,
; The -death Declined on Wedite-
morning of one of the town'a *4dest ea -
zero' in. the person Tof_Miss _Katharine
Templeton, in her 87th'Year, Although
n faihing health,„ she had not been ser-
ed.' was born lii Canipbehltozx, Scotland,
and with het."--inOther=4-ind.: father, *Mr.
deceased )ioa•ts ago., "m4 to lot, last week for Denver, Colorado, to
,±treghpietortri„who___pred ea-Writt4--27 Mrs- c TiPliet*--wgatet"-
actisr ,I..0,1,„#,adawirpith_ofeterrettiescipein -st-soertfor;teroi-41shiparptl. -visit•the ISIrmers- brother; who In poor
'of her life In Detroit and'fburteen years
ago came to ttoderielt Or Eve. with her 3. E. C Eill" ott,- son of Mrs. Eleanor. E.
.sister,, who passed- away twclve years Elliott, Cobourg §t*, has returned; to
t itie111, mother;
'r .--re -
Etga, tWe'ieare NO' she hall lived Montreal, after a three .weeks' visit iiith
*Ione herhome Wentrig:torr
Where-glieL-4Ook-a-- --great -deal- of-I:pleasure - • „
In 04,111e1Uneitni'd Oathng tiir her flowers.. • 'oar. •and Mrs. Hlnchey 'and. daughter,
-Sittce-ishen-actiiFI&T.--Stilkera-her- ece, .Margret, Of Whicir,Ot'itpant the holiday
10147 lived-. --witklier-- and 'eared for her, season with Mr. and Mrs. Wililam Doyle,
She liaveS, to Mourn her less tour 'nlece_S-- Quebec St:
Miss 4-Vf, E. Salkeld, G041101'14 Mrs. R.
mr. -returne-
. ronr-Toronto 'where- he has 2tieen7visi,
nig; o'er the holiday seaion.
• .• "
Mr. and Mrs. 3. *M. Service_artd,
of' London,. visited' at the iveelc,end,
Ti,..lit-'Truriter,,"--, park
, -
/rouse. •
ifinerl,)401...'. X-pirrOiro-.11:440,-15t. and -T *4. Cronk, tighthouse-
Irele;s: Ws. 4, Shapland; or Roeheater, have leturned horde after spending.
Alberta, aud4orio .:*,,sance14,-,Christinas at Detroit', and New Years at
4.• PoderiCh
pbell Lauder . Dunlop
-GbDEgicti' RU GGinS
.over..41k air C acile.n listeners rel.'.
cWel111:01h7'2gi:veltuskrqtite°7-ant- Innic‘enixpectNewect 'gthroi.11.1k'-
o'f,,. national pride and gratification.
Tile 'voice from the mg- 13". foto:,
Vas rixdroine the summary of re -
.stilts of an analYtkcal
•trada.: recovery,- by -the nations---of---th
wor d, IS Made .bir a him of econonirea
. experts 'after a thorough review Of sta-
tistics for 1933 up until ,Ded; 1st;
The ilgures coiotedLshowed that Clan -
:ado has led the woht In trade recovery
:a4a. has led the World.in-trade xedovers-
her:lost-trade. 4,Irea ante- sec.-
orid the race and the tfnited States
• about:fifth ,place -in the list.
-Ttheannotmeer-eaid-e remarkable -thing-
' 'about this Outstandirig fact of, ieTadership
Ava,,t_that cana:da sicompitshed "this
without fuss or feathers;
She goes .about, her - business, quietly
and stea '-Her 4great - progress and
-irtiptventent „in world .trade-wili betper--
.marient, - doubtfull4f-4f-same
hing catr-In said -for -the 11-153...gali, We
...Must-tak0-77451f7auf7.1-tarTaTeni god
nelghbor to • the Noith,-....itCanatla.tialii
reatst nation of traders in the -World,
' per eitiilta,"
That's a bit chearlag,ait. any rate,_for_
1934 and a graceful salute frOm Uncle
• (coilingwoidoterprise-Thilletin) -
A scat on any of the benches, magis-
terial or, Judicial,andthe office of Crown -
Attorney should in no sense be a politi-
:cal-1411M- such crown, officers should
be appointed oonuniision as -far re-
tract as 1-)es.siblet from political in-
ftiente;-.10:say-this-bccause-we -great- --
ly fear that the signs of the times indi-
cate the need of such heroic action.
magisterial _ and, crown .and judicial
positions mist- be kept away above re-
proach,_ Ontario win flare Into rebellion
minute -Oe believes that these sacred
offi6es are tamPered with, .directly or in- -
-directly. •At any cost we must have a
e res es and rejuvenates. .Adds a
youthful charm to the -complexion. Sof!.
• tens and beautifies the: skin., Makes
handsliawiessly rittlispetisable t�
the womana,whe apprecia.tes• sibtle dis-
Delight= 'Jo. DelleatelY
requisite for eirery discerning woman.' A\
troe-eld to ..Watity,
er a resi- '
denee, Street, • and Mr; and Mrs. GreeilivaY* •ROacl,
Conducted by-Itev."-1), .3", tu.tr,..; and Mrs.. Wm. Carrie, Solith. St" left On 13". • S. 6.. No. Waivanoal?.
FuJI Course .
n (plain)*
Sndwche '(CotriNnation)
ot pot of ie,,es* .05c
We serve everything in the
line of eats at moststioriable
tigf-verizetarr4 • -triP- to ---V.,-Tested.--M-Alf- t"-His4-AgriTianct--Lit:
' •-lrfattley'--Sproul, 10; Leisliman; 47,
A - - •rit,;,--_,Testectin. Sublectsbaidd
awr, and mrs, tofu& E. pancey return- sprotti, 78; Jack 4$8. •Tr,
it_the latter_part. the_week from_.4.
e ,„ fiolidai xt4 NOW York and other. .Elaie'lqitins; 66; ShirleY l‘fctidratten,-57.;
;easterrt-Tpoints.----- - itarvieir pirvin, ..o.i.04%.:,,4ix_a.told,
nod,58 Jr
--Itingsbritigty-lett-IW4- :Margaret- -Dickliont-771- 'Helen -Stothotir;
Sclast.-.-lanuary--4 rain_ ougiii-Elliot, • Dick -
lug -prpperty 'Tellico, yrearreong Lao in sca--i;08Ljoe Sproul 50 rY livini; 1
IstorthWesterti Ontario, " Charlie, Girt/1110 Pr.-41arold DicksOn,
•T-parb, „poi -/tiw4 ana prises, litotity. -aoeount-er:Ahe-•oremk-4-lhe, ice but- tesurtir Woo
Mtn tor PirldaYi;3_anuartrittat, 11144, ood- wnosic:
--hers„.are asked to, donater-hinen-sin(-help Robinson; centre, a,--stod.
dot wino, D, Meltsky, CI; =beg
TtObingOnt W 1!.40POttalttoR. Srli4e10
make t 14'8w:cent, the.nianity all to go
for re1iet Mrs . 0...SteWort aUctiolied•
'off? the articles:made from _otton• by the
me rs and a ,niteswn Was reslised.
Mrs Murdock Menenitlaillikv_oint In
on.._old' 4itOesh,.,110.11
dent*her 'childhood 4&y& Tie rofl
•ca was ,oinswvregrby, how to , rernove
itelos. Atter the Meeting len& we*
served, hy the hoettare* for the
1:0014/iTIONif ,TO ThEMEM*.
The 011044 cionaktkOrk*.io'.thet4heiter
trOin Ottober. to 4itutiry *re atter*
-lir 0srntitti flayden, aliPles;• NV
bia; oige4; 8t
Mrs,„Win. auk, pikr.
"*pp1ei a MMIUaA, Pert ,A.1*
rt. apples; Awning Auxiliary et. Nerth
thuteli cake and sanditichei4 Was
rdon, ;Arab, opples* 100Sei Mit 14'.
bbett, ter., top., gifts; *mews
tit s Itintois* 410; Mrs. ' Oct) Watts,
tIfldS irattnent: Sheriff )441dieton. *P.
.)zikto Lest' ,IrOnt Park
House 400 aOndirithea, tootles:,Mrs
tries oar** loortdeohOro Worn..
e tristititte, eft* n4 feta, for thildren:
Mr. 100rden Telibutt,, two and ilani0411
Um. Adam 'Foster, thlchen )01y; WO
11, 4enber.
eandy• nuta, osns;
nsoa •A
defence, 3.
Nediger, teat*, 0. .Rath;
Dr4-ennedy. R. Mdtwell; 1.0.1bM-X.
treeisi sub gotile, Nr LiitemF
Referee -Speedy Oalt,
ePge of 'thest thot they liadithe
Ooder16.11, Band to inspire them and
lutayor ,Lee to shirt 'the game Off, Our
,741riler 1100key" leant* 101t 844 gime
of the sebeilule to Se*forth by the score
-TheY Were1 much 44tift, nun
for man", thanthe visitors, and their ,
tPeed wal n4tinoUgh t� 40Verceine th,
treater MaYing -Powers of their 'appOnN
• #nts.
etatortit notched a **Ole 't)t. itoia*In
Mita atiocessiOn in the *it petted*Our
ImumPtert held theni well untii the thlrei
fronie when both '.0recl. One.
Tlie Marine* sire,vtardte01 40'1'40'
thg into * $Peedt *iirregation *t the sea
n develops. the Ine-upaz
atorth**-0$1,It steeie; ,derenee.
Rennie; wnp, *taunt.**
hlut• A,' Willard; mitre. H4 Foater; 41.ttt*
Bfl4br*nd w1
Meavy beams 'rising and crashing on
oot. it-th
irge Of; a donkey engine on it t00% freed
the steamer BritoldOe And permittedher
to „move •up tO the 'conveyor --of 7,-th
The Work a wooing60m0 bushels
ot *404 for 400100!..**,$egint.,lrid
tarried' on 4alf
„this hi the 'itrit Of the Watt in tidnier
44 totem to .be unloaded.-- Vas. Ed. Rob -
Inion* 'With tug .afut scow*" handled the
40e breaking igteratfoni.- the Ice was
smashed wftil tate by the great ;beim
13tit the: Operationtook many *tura to
complete as hundreds 01 agnate yards 01
the harhet, itleface"iia4 16 be Shattera
before'the btg'grain carrier could. be re-
or *mon AIM At
40 in& tuffet irt bitch **I,
reg. ; 0240, *414;4 42444
*In* .0ibinet n oalc, old '
English Anitch, rem 1$84.00
for.. .*
Chin* Ci4bintit, itt4t wZ
totour 03.00,
<Iowa Poot Stook, tvelar
WO hat* 8000101 1104 $Stleft,
Thor** hit* up*sto st *
• .• • •• '• :Donald Sproul. Isrtunber , cot
perationAn4heAlospital=here.Lvecentl , .
bas xetntied to hik at the Circle rOU20
• Mr , Lome Clarks who underittent. an, Average *attendance. 18.31.
kfisaligiinteith, *he has
izi the county ,treasurers Ofike. %is t -in
Stratford attetiiiirte the .flineral of her
•iJncleth_ e late D. 10ontietli: '
Mr Wm $erimgeours Oueligi„
returned_ to hit home ,atter a holtda$1,
114$4 With' his daughter and
Win ',and MM. 3 E1 :Taylor, victbriak: at
Mr I Whipple,.of Domlnloit P444Machinery.
,ticepeitifLepiiny:thr,7the *-eer461:714e41-'75:4' trO,
Ma t and. *gain staying at the park
Mist. 'Ethel 'El, takes, Who has 'acted as
stisistaht tO to, L. RnMt, town clerk, to
.some leas,18 whi4:1812ft het du'ties on
January 13th. Her successor has no
yetpbeert appeinted.
,The engagement is Antidilitted 01
!Orion lientle 1.400. On* 4411tet 'of
).Wor P, Lee and Mrs. Lee,. or (lode.
rtoh, to tr verdict curtia wilhams, ton
of .10. Snit. WS, (Writ Willtilinti;
G,*(leilcXtle -ifteatiote Will tote
ear lityruary.
Selir'10art Vaitotw at the home 'Of Ur,
-.A, were Sitri arid
14 Ulu bora
Copine, Otitario.;
01 *relleod, Sind
44Mithter* 140140000,
few words into the telephone, andyou
can tell thousands of your heeds. A few,
minutes in telling The Goilerieh Star what
you want to. buy or sell', and the whole 'dis-
tHet Stands ready to help. Star Want Ms
are powerful—they are read with interest
by .hundreds of people—Teople Who *431-t
to buy, what you have, to .sell—people who
:have for Sale what you want to buy. If you
irok to turn odds and ends into task or if
you are trying, to make some usual or, un-
usual 011Vharegi the effteletit, ineipenSive
inedium is a Star Ad. Pick up your phone
call 71, and let am Star Want AA do the rest.
Phone 71