HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-11, Page 7In E3 1atrtets - 4.4 th-0
;ankh, atia‘aberrY Plantet4Otia- with ,ria
ittrit*L.Whteft*,'-tta itliwilierVeatett,- ear1y ,is
,Mi-Tfe44 seedz, a,
taht.':eitUre, *litre It is the
to tike 'Mitre 'OrtiPa IrOM the
1sntson.. If ure is toed*. • Care:
ahotAd ..eater0 :tied In °Pier , that niii:04
,01111.,' Seine 4,1S.VOntIOCWith the ,:crOWA. oZ
The plant. Mulek 4:Oen ,'i,i;theironnd,-
, As #0,en'llard ellOngh:‘'tnearrY a.**Son,:
or Mileh 'tleraage'May' he caused by
1,0,446, freeing antt
Order Tertinser Early-
• ' Plants ea Mneh as aniniats r.eqtAlre
Winterie, a ,good time to ilan the
autniner diet for craps. Manure .sample.
!molted . with. superphosphate Is 'a. :0151en-
did ration'for MOSt Crops,:,"' 'Twenty-two
• .
Years ;of experimental. Werk at Dominion
txpertmental ,r,axosshoe vls0vm. that
Yields MAY be mainteined by vane com-
nwrop,),: :fertilizers, alone, 7 manure IS
scarce,' therefore, nse 'WITE131:*ktl
Ilzers. picid,e On the kind and amount
needed, then order eltt!tv 'so 'as to have it
On 'hand When grOWth starts in the
Niiir.;ter Ileirsirtg of Sheep .
farina lacking An *40* an
wAtPri, MOW* cOld
wLtli lye *01104, anci left
'Sheep do riot require expensive and
warm,- buildings: - They do; howessrosp--
- preclate a <dry, roomy shed, Well prdtect-
ed againSt Winds, well ve.ntllated and
free, front draught Do not crowd them
-do best together, ssirthe..
rmore.sheepi„ ducer will be enabled to obtain is higher,
Teqtacs ..,lrotn„tWeiv,e to fifteen spare price. Experience has proved the value
Jeet Of floor spare act ane foot of feed- Of -this theory. The IaentifiCation -a top
Ing 'space: • Doors should be of good c'eslily heef ainder red and blue .ribbort
'width to alloW free socees So and from bands, the grading of peultry,. the sem-
the-p,ens. Narrow doors are often the getiota" eggs and fruit into quality'
cause cf abortion. Pregnant ewes need grades svIkch' are known to, practieally
-a -Yard to exorcise In, .- Force them to every ,Vanadian. consumer, and other
walk biftecling'hay- outside in good wets- grading activities have-. been a tremeh
ther.• dons !incentive to . quality . prodtiction
The roots as a poultry
`feed lies in the .te,4 that tlieY C*rL be
Stored ditring,this ,,winter Monti* and red
over the Perlott-during which fresh green-
reedS are net Sitniadile. Theiir •then14,
noll'heiconsidere. "War**.
s. cozn-
piete substitute for fresh:fgratit teeth*
ehteflY bteallse they are quitis "defident
in. vitamin. content. "rile antirtentitic
* seltleft Weritly
Orstareente' of bish ',Men
e time. of Queen fiarchepant.
.hz now disclosed.,that In 1914
fe,ssor Arehibidd 'firoyea and the late
Dr*. H. R. Hail of the 4.teensn
ideatihetretltain blue glazed bends - ass
„covered. -at Sitiriehen4e and elsewhere .:
'Wiltshire 411.hayrihog,..been. Mader In gftYllt
, about, the Xlme.'4,1-fatclieprait. according
Hetchepaat *at the IiiivPtian:Princ-e”
now believed...to have brought up. Mose'
about ,11.0Q 11C.
"We thaa haVe,,,evidiectot COMInuni.4'•
:cancin both ways between -,Egypt and
Asia Minor on the Oct hand and the
British hies On the other, nearly 1,500
year before Caesar,' -‘Sir Chorles. told
newspaper corteepoadent Is though/
:that the route ihraVer3e4 Was up the Med-
iterranean from Egvpt or Asia Minor tro
the -mouth of. the Rhone, thence .across
ancient Gaul arid $0 iter014 the Enqlish
and antl-scerhtitle vitamins are peeteiee , Sir Flinders' Peterie annOtinced The dis‘
In 1 011IY the alighteit trateS, 111110 Om 'Fnvet'lr of OrimitiVe, la .tattingS,
. . . , .
a#titagehitte vltathlh Is eht4*1)14i144 •the unclent Gaza in P'alesti*e, on his
'eemparistin, fresh *Vet, one or the return to London. The earrings; 400 ISOM
most cox/m.011Y used green teens,' coo. sticks Of _paid, scildere4AOgeater re7.
tains. all three In *MU/dance. The7,chief semble 'a flattened letter X, ere ra'n Pas
tern Ott which g,old ornam n'tivreviotisly
'function Of Mangelii itnd tbbtslla 'genera( had fokaid' ireiande.,
4s the .sannlYIng. Of Subenlence to the Ills the site of ancient yroy., Thoy „doe from
tion. it has been !bund that by using. 1400 B.C., obeutlbe time of .the filI Of
mangeis and salnilettelitMg vigh a feik°' Jericho and.the'hetilaninivrof the Bronze
ular dose of "EnseM taltS, Ialling birds Age in .1r41n04. Ilatnoncr.1intchei'snt.
will come through the winter in 'fairly tith4nc' dagnu;Janht 1(41,1:rel„its.etihcrhtee,e'll.h.anaynEaqsYtnyr,
good shape. • .reioded. -with. i:Thotlintall- about .1S00
, Pluiakin
lea Y.
AlSa 'WO M.000..
tI n410-400 rot.
Th4ta; ottoutattort.wask osr
CON *X *nowt a P0,00001):ther
1Ir.u1atIon »as hAnni Carded on in y
DUS toolsosts In ,irOPO4 but fttSala'eOtt,,:
to bar t .-Oritrance:tO the'
'Et 0140
on 01 the _
elretilaftiii'lit 4,205,000 is
troaschtiii. and 0%014 thlak*
'ase ta4t **i, the.
iroinatitat'01 ,eorriPlete Bibisi th Ottin
*nee again- '`etatatitUtei a reeord. In
4141)40'.'nearlY 500,000 eOPlea Or the
Soriptltrea were distrIbUtet ; a ;Wird 14
that eOtintr.4 0,04 In *Ore* tOree 136,000
copies were dittithlAtett; an ethatneer
5.0-,000 over 1at year. In Sollerit Wide
the bat* ga3m cense ,for enotairifentent*
and there was evidence-tht s knowledge
of ,Chriet' is being ItfitEht In these lands;
Africa' as a'WhOle Showed an advance
,during the Year, as did South Anter,lea
. where 393,000 Conte* Were distributed, an
Increase of 39,000;
There was a considerable tale of the.
Sariptures among the Jews also, In ileb-
rem!, and Yiddish, and it is reported that
the Hebrew I,\TeW Testament was never
so Much read in Palestine as it 13 today.
The greater part of the circulation of
the ScriptureS is carried on- by some,
1,000 Men and 'women colPortenrs, some!
30 of them working in Canada, •I
The Principle e.lt Grading • -
$M011i, NVATCX-Ig1t8
Grading is based on the principle that
-it-is sound -business- to claSsifi-IlVe-st0014
live stock products, And other Canadian
commod1tie nStich 4 %Tar that the con..
sumer. will lat fIZIe rto:xeCognizeLaqa Ltr-
The -Ostinst Paetoey-Clittesters, 'Sot-
- 'Cigarettes *hie pipes
,Smoke waftiffxu), one .;Of ABritain's
strangest occup1tion/4%4s. declining
...ehaseLquality.iproducts.and-that the,,proe Imperfect-litinss-of4boilers, Makes,,,for
soot-ladete ;dr, and rrnany,-",lirms send -old
employees 10 the ?roofs :.of "possier. sta-
tions and-factOries. They ilt`with 'Piece
of mita iilanelin 'their 'hands, and whenthey earn set smoke through .the dark
vlasa limy signal 'the -baler -room and the
tuel. supply is cut down, •
" Scientists, however, have :'perfected a
device by *bleb; if smoke 'becomes too
.heavy- - warning Asa Is
sounded amt.! the boiler-roonr attendants
know they ,have been firing tbO' heavily.
.7411-_Temiltant_ benefit to _pmducers., smoke watchers, 'whose profession
Grading has- not only sefired to .erat, e.-43--!iithour Al-ftm---, day and night7raltvor
reateneit "by this • deVise, work -in
Virinter, hog feeding regies ' 'eren
methods from those ordinarily found
successful in summer. -Stunting and
crippling are dommon daring the winter
and rata largely' -from an over -supply
• of heavr feeds is well as from a lack of
some 'df the sirital elementS, Lack of
-----unshine-andLexercise _may also- be con-
• tributory Causes. Control measures to
forestall these winter feeding difficulties
are as -follows: -Use a variety of feeds its
the =Stir 'hieluding milk or tankage;
provide alfalfa, or clover hay or roots in
• artuill_quitzttities;.-do not feed tots heav-
• lly;-allow young animals to exercise out-
doors bl mild weather; all stook should
ha,ve comfOrtable sleepiag quarters which
dfit and.,-ffee tram draughts. -
betbsr prices for qualiffl products, but, '60
I sitaihine.
hivs also brought about a substantial In-
crease- in consumption. At the sante.
time, 'through grading Canadian productsi
'Mlle it is a favorite occupation anti
maintain their high level Of exeellence, itmusernent for motorists to rail against
in the marketS of the worldIn this',"the gasoline tax, few -when dritAne,4dem-
,enstrate that the additional money 'that
• way, the. new regulations which ate soon,
to be put in force with reference to this'
grading of bacon for export to the Bri-
tish market will solidify Canada's sareni-
ter-position as an Empire source of Toed!
Home Cleaning of Small ,
Vegetable -Seethe
Thresh out the seed by: placing the
plants in a strong, clos:ely woven cattail'
with sgeicwffij
liberate the seed frora pods or heads: •
.-iLettuee and carrot seeds.-shonld
'Simple' Methods for Treating - rubbed out by band, using a pair , of
, ong leathe-mitts.
The simplest and cheapest - method of A {wane Sieve will remoVe,,the strast
• controllingcontamination from
machine rubber parts consiSts in using a
weak lye solution (0.4 to 0.5 per cent) to
keep-tlic ttIbcs-ster
. ,
trsfor Children's
'Coughs...an olds
• As v—ide 1 As your 0-wri
:ugdhkrohptavorryj_chen the children have a
•!bad tones or cold. --Just gtve them !WC*
• Lars.MiXTURE mixed with entail parts of
-basso. One pleasant little dose will give hn-
mediate relief. Tivadoses are often allthat are
Aloft:noir safe for the *nuttiest
child, but ua euprernely good that it will battlih.
t •Inujoaghtst=adulr-cough--oc-cald_and
simply wintierinfloetitr or bronchitis.. Refuse
inhatitisess. ifikuddey's is sold everywhere.'
valid chaff. ;Place •the 'teed and chaff'.
on a fine sieve; a quick, downward, Side
nu:Ammer-it, repeated several times ifl
the 'large • plump seed should be irePt..
-fraud pickhig will improve the .sansPle.;
,uniay 4TiePnoon.
mattes StastiLTON. riederich, Om,
the ie Of 404101 thatZ hear,
°Ws - are the handa ett*Ohed.OUt to
rtie uteri, . ,
And Bis the blOod that eari 10i all atOne;
And set inc' faultless:there before the
throne, '
'Taus He Who found me an the deatfhlY
.And, matte ,me heir • Of Heaven, the
„Father's eltild;
And ,day by day, whereby my soul May
*ive Ate Alla grace of pardon, and- will
S. J. Steno.
Grant, we pray Thee, ohr }leant*
,Pather* lhat*e_ntay see, Tby. ,great• love
to fallen, than in the minietry of "Thy
fion, our klioateur, *Aiwa"
1/4butesIstartstivillifteonetry*IS ;1*
In this *taw,
ground on ths Psolas COSA,
• Tielesteeteelle1eet410,111001449
Ittoeturis lhantota, Azt•ii 13400
• 0,
• TOW/U.
Celiadi tdityrNrilatsiori'ajniu
Te aphs
mid press
pepper_ grasa_was discoVeredxlast winter
by the 'Dominion Seed Branch Labora-
tery at. Toronto, In_one or tem? samples
of Ontario -grown clover seed. It Is, not
--new to- tiorth Americaois it Is distribut-
s,: s. LESSON „FOR JAN. 21st, •I Preliminary studies, published in the
4 * ' ed from coast to coast. 'U
in the nited
NovenabeV- mUnber of Scientific Agricul-
Lesson Tople--„Ieses Begins His Minisfil. ture, the ofncial organ of the Canadian . It is also prevalent in New zea..
land.' The Plant Is Perennial Kt.th. cord.-
EdeietYnot-2-Teelirtieal Agriculturists, -on like root stalks which make, it very AM-
thcarrered ti"out 741bylitlitthe"/Vfantbitaroblea,YBIlaarve.leybelie:1- ccoulat usto4eriatrd.iwitattexi. 4- Coatst7pepal opobserveoratiss,..znwhilgeEth
seatelt -Labbrittory on barittY grown bY
the direction of :Mr. T. J. Harrison, gris ofwaingirly acroemmninmo
as common Western
e ofthe cler
the direction of Mr. L. H. Newman, Do- field peppergrass is biennial and there -
:ore much less objectionable. The seeds
of the two are very much alike.
teon- -Passages-Mattliew 4:12-25.
Chr1st(those'lls, the earliest 'centre of
ills miniStri -a -bright,: arid busy- city,
whose marble buildings were mirrored in
a limpid sea. That little city was Cap7
,oenaum. on the .shore of the sea of Gall- minion Cerealist, by the different Mai -
lee, It was under the gentle declivities versities under their *plant brtedersit a,nd
of hills that eneircled an earthly para --
-ale.' _there wereate wads -trees and no
such gardens anywhere in Palestine ds
15 the land of Gennesareth. The Very
name Means "garden -of-abundance
:And ;the :nulaberle$8' flowers. blossomed
-over; 'a -little- plain -which Wasli
like unto an emerald.", It was doubtlets
.apart Of. Christ's divine plan that his
thinistrY "should begin amid scenes so
beatitlful, and that the _void Eidtri
which revealed to mankind their littlest
by indlyidual farmers in Manitoba under
-the . direeetiott of -lir. M. -J. Harrison,
Assistant Grain Conimissioner foiTMani-
Jobe. With regard to the, effect nf_lecas,
tion): taking.Catia-Tda-hs a-Whe1e,-'t,4:.
-clications are that Prince Edward. Island
-woad -produte-the beet barley in the
Dominion, and that a fair quality can
be produced in other eastern provinces.
In British Columbia the quality is var-
iable, depending -on the soil and climatic
conditions 'of:the different valleys. • On
• From the annual report of the Veter-
DireetorAtf Canada.someideamaY
be -gleaned d -the utmost-initiate/tee:to
the wel1_-being__oLthe-M_mtnkm_gt far
that exists la the unheralded, incessant
• warfare, waged by the- Health of Animals
Branch, Dominion •Department of Agri-
culture, against the introduction of ani-
mal diseases into Canada, and hi the
prevention of the prevelenee at the or-
dinary -scheduled ditease. 0.-Shigie
instant°, during 'the Year under revieW*
foot and Mciath WAS 'Stlecessrully- fought- -
off from the Old, Country on the 'One
hand, and from The 'United States On the
other. " This disease is a constent men-
-ace to non-infeeted countries like Vin-
titan oftieers, even to the prohibition of
Previonely '.used c cheesecloth:, or other
fabrics, which had been cum:awed in the
covering of meats, unless the shiptnent
is accompanied by the sworn decitixation
of. the shipper that The fabrics hive been
• boiled in a solution a caustic potash or
caustic soda. - lici--sehedulect--diseaSe' has
been allowed to gain a foothold in Can-
ada, but no relaxation of protrtive
eisitres can lie
-permitted. -
_ _
Protect the thild from the ravages Of.
worms by using Mother Graves' 'Worm
Exterminator. It is a standard remedy.
and years of use hare enhanced its repu-
• the tax costa them, on all average:trip. hopesand purest pleasures, ' snould be the prairies, 'Manitoba prodticea the best
as sword) any- consideration. After 'ea- :tot proclaimed in a region of thrusual quality although fair quality can be
haustive tests,--and-itwestigation it hlw-lovelines.s. Josephus' in iv Passage br grown in the northern sections of both
been Proved that fast driving is three•to ; '
fourmes 0., expulsive, 1ngas and pu. giowiag admiration, after describing the Saskatchewan and be rtaAl . In Mani-
ceesumpticin and wear and tear on. the .sweetness of .its waters and the de'lleate to a , the 'eastern and northern parts rds
car, as whea the speedometer registers temperature--; of its air, Its polus,... and
'from thirty to forty miles an hour. That
• !increased speed does increase -the Cost -of vanes, and oranges, and fisays gs,. and el-
•that the
•--,r.unning-the car was,Proved-conclusively- monds, and war•m springs,
. ---,
.at the recent tests, at various Speeds. sea*nas. seemed to compete Tar Otte honor,
!made by the Chicago. Motor Club, which :df its possession, and nature to have
Cited the results as follo:ws:. -Oil con- created. it as a kind of emulative chal-
sumptiontfiftlive_miles_an„ hour is . ,
;seven times greater than it is at thirty,. • leage,---whereizi-she -had all A
'Tire wear antrtear at fifty miles is twice elements of her strength.
,as inucti-sti-st -forty. Gasolrne consin-iip; --- '119%-llawever-. 1°r1bs-beititrmilYlbut-
lion at fifty -Ave miles an hour is one- ' becanse of its centrality and its populous
---fourtls:more-thats-at-thirtys--There-isr-olso-samwris-wais „,siraisgsts-isisspssts-for
the very marked wear and tear. and addi- .-
tional risk involved at the higher rate. Of Ina.• t tainistry which fulffiled the old pro -
speeds to be 'taken into consideratiesn.*-- . phecy of Isaiah„ that "the *LIMO:if-Zebu,-
From The British Columbian, New -inn mid the landd! 'Nrcpltall, beyond, '
i ' Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles," should
the best results.
The Dominion Seed Branch azniouncea
the latest noxious weed ,seed to 'appear
in Canada, nameiY, the honorary pep-
per, 'lira' in. -co:‘-aperaffoii pro-
vincial Departments of Agyleulture is
pursuing -.investigations as to its 'source
and the 'preveation of its attaining wide-
spread distribution. • The seed of this
See the display of various
*Ohs iinst makes at
The 'Hydro Store.
Home Grown ra
Official Thinks No Two Act
----The'maybar feer,,V, When is a man drunk?
-The okt- issue over this -much-disputed
- The foffewrag-rattor-1 forlaYmg-Pur-7---------squestiozi was raised again at'Iond-on,
lets, compoied mostly of home grown, (Ont., during the progress Of a case in
grains, is rnimenceiltrY'' - -
Defence counsel was endeavoring io
Division of the Dominion Experimental •
•sow •that a man accused -of intoxication
Farms: mash -2 pints of ground' wheat; not-show:_the cnatureetetiaticall
ley or corn, SS 'part of ground be•ef ann. ._ •And 'here Was the reolv he received
fish scrap, per Cent, bin/W Meal„ -ft 'pet- from a veteran-police-oilleet Who -was
sent cog :Amer :oil, and 1 per be!t.irg ieaxamtnneevdeart the time:
inet two drunks Who
scratch grain 2 parts of wheat, 1 parC have anke in their. actions. Each
I . I
"Who sat in the region of the -Shadow of
death" should "light spring sup." ,For
Child was to be, even in his oatn life-
time, "a light to lighten the Gentiles,"
as well -as "the . glory ofothis people
• "Trithe' tinze tirCfarirtit
population and activity the manufacttir-
ingdistriet i5r Palestine, and the ---wa
of its lake were ploughed byt 4,000 ves-
sels of every description.
• thediksTiafZdellgiitfitrse..clnfltin7jn the
happy valley of Nazareth were past; a
lof Incessant WI, of ffei1niclety. o
trolible, and wandering, and opposftion,
of preaching, healing, and- doing' gOod,
was now to begin. At this earliest daWn
f hln 'entratieciump-his....Minkt
our Lord's first .stay in Capernatun was
uti• days. Vet these. ..0V
woakthe a type cff.:-till the. reMainin
life Ile there Called_hls_fir_st Mae' .1.;
to hint anti then went about teaching,
preaching and healing'.
it would be clear to all that the new
prophet who had arisen was wholly un-
like his great forerunner. The hairy
mantle, the ascetic seen/sten, the un-
&Oen locks, would -have been impossible
arid ottt a Place aratiria the Inhabitants
'of those crowded and busy • ShOres.
Christ came not to revolutionize, 'Webs
ennoble and to sanetify. Re came to
teach that God was no dim abstractiOn,
infinitely separated from them in the
likr.off blue, but that he was the rather
in't*herit they hied; Inernoved, and had'
their being; and that the service Which
he loved was not ritual and sacrihee,
but mercy' and. Justiee, bunility and
love. He came, not to hush the 'natural
Music of men's lives, 'nor to fill it with
•Storm and agitation, but ta re -hate
every • gayer cord in that 'tarp of `it
thouSand. strings," and t� make it -echo
-Coukt Plot Steep -at Night
Tired -Out -During the Day__
Mrs. N. W. Lukowey; Oakburn, Man., writes:--
"After 1th operation I was left in a very weak and
run down condition. I could not sleep at night, and
would be all tired out.during the day.
I tried all kinds of medicine, but none of them
helped_me Until I used Milburn's IL & N. Pills. I
wua two -boxes eaull'itniitYllanicfnr forthe help
theyfilm me. I would strongly advise all thoee
"*. beinrul*A PM down condition to give these•Pilla
thorough trial'?
•or-sale-an-dems. r
Out. ut up 0*. ,
The T. Milburn Co.. Litytite Tor, •
oast, 1 part corn or buckwheat, 1 Part. is somewfiat different from the other."
ar1eY-----12111-t4tion_mearied 'ac-, •
• cording to what grains the farmer has' AN'ADA. S ACIIICIILTURAL
' Canada's gross. agricultural wealth is
---'-"Y"-- "''''''', 1,67610953300°, acckiidfiig-te‘Ta statement
- 'canaalan Grahls- -W'm--:---- -liexied by the Sonnulo,i-Bureau-of
The superior. developnlent _attained by tbaks,.._ .
nortnera-growii grain „hi' :nowhere dem. •
' i
onstrated more cenVincingly than at he RICHES IN A BATHROOM
International Hay and, Grain Show held ' A jab4nnesbuto Man has struck it rich
in Chicago. At the Show last right ia his own bathroom. For twenty
years,he has been a worker in Rand gold
,ber, Canadian ealithila Itiain. Oarrletl„Oft_raktes,,artit,caai might, returning from the
the ilen's share the Chartiplorisilli) ' diggings. he "todk a -bath. But he did not
awards in the following classes, namely: ' let the +waste water run down the drain.
Hard Red Spring Wheat, Durum Wheat, He sluiced it into a tank and lei' the sedi-
Medium. Late Wpitopats (region 1)ment settle. Retently he panned the earth
, , ,,. e
h had washed off himself in twenty •
Early Oats (region .1). Trebi narleY, years of daily bathing and he got $500
Two -rowed BarleY. Bye, . ilex, -Soya worth of line gold. Assuming that he took
Bering (region 1 and 2), Large Field 7,000 baths, that :means 'that he brought
Peas, . Small. Fleid. _Nu; As _0... V. Field . home each day on his person about seven
.,,, Cents -pay' ',diet, Whit% bur -for his-
Peas, Alsike 'Clover, Timothy, Alf. —.14thouoht. would have gone ,down his sink.
(Western section) and Nally Beans. In ' - . •
the ,Hard Red Spring Wheat class, Can- INDIA'S DEFENCE •
ediati entries • were Warded the ;first 39 Without the British, ; India must have
prizes. ' . ' . , great conscript armies. Without such
. .
In the Soya Bean class for . ogien ,i. armies she could not hold ha& the 'Inl-
and ; the first six prize winners *ere lion and a half Aletan fighting men on
all 'rout °Marie, an indfcation a the fier frontiers and beyond. It must not be
; '-;
forgotten that the flood of intra$1611 19
progress made by 'tb, Is. .'1"12,44* 131 Lhe not held !OP , by the esig,uotis British -
production of this crop. ,In the exhibits Indian array: On equally important factor with the 'harmonies of beaten.
' et Alfalfa Seed for the -not,. the eight is the knowledge that behitict that army' ° Condensed frotn Farrar's Life
whining. asinplexfront catitak were is tile whole weight of the British' Em- Christ.
'.., . pire, 'The.position will be clifferent,whea - , ,......
from °I'lltarfri. ' e'Clrel,t '.1-?‘ ,Inese Were that weight is removed from the scale. WORLD MISSIONS
among the first, At ,PrIre-Wilndrit. .1Ota Irl -......ere can be no doubt that the 45setence .
and illellltiOd The 2nd, '4th and ith„ iii the British exercises a restraining in. . , A. Dow of Vogt ,
In the elaSs for Alsike teed Ontario' liaellce on tile °th" Otent101' enclAY -10,617,4/0 Copies Circulated
‘ ftrid tho
e Alharr frontier an eneeev - - - - , - , were .
growers again demonstrated the ox -Plate ,- -AA ' ' - ' • - DUrIng the teat .15,617,470 op
, • in itely more ,t, more resduree-
this Pr -trdn, ee SA ii, leading ftedileer of-fo' 1 thAn thsowerfule Afghan and. ectthoity. more eir'ettiated, an ineteese of 65,186 oiler the
, high.,clatat Alaikeo'seed, 14 of the 20 ruthless -Soviet Russla.-Sir , Willitl-, Drevknisi year, surely one of .0..ct,d'a Ways
Mlles Offered -being lien lo'Ontario. putt Barton in the "Con'teuiperary Reviitv ": ' of opening the "Poore!" Faith, unto the
.t.p.ampionship lit tlifit thelts went to SAO * Gentiles." The circulation in English in
, exhibit shown by triton Richert of F'ish'. ' the liritisis isles was 00,000, 'comprising
The owner • of a cheap Watch brought' 411°6° 'll l'° '
, • Ides, 145, 00 Testaments. atith
erville, Oat, '
Ivild splendid, showing niade by Oarift '' " d -to the jewen---"ersa shop tA) see what 217,000. ,Pottions. 664,000 coPlei of the
* a° fn
to gain Aut Email' *eta at the Int . ' could be done loritil it.
'national $httit Orove0., that Canada
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. The 11ritish *noire is,,praetiesily e6mt.
, ),
. . .61b'4ate4St4tli'c:ts*oil 401sPs r;°6id11e1P041st0n!islenr;e11nsrtainean
thop /hi jeweler remarked.
ust41iii, lncreaeed in New, 241stol,