HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-11, Page 5AN. ne 'Itit'tilrit • „7 t.1:0404 e 0110111611 et the K TOM.' ireaLP 41.44 int t immt 1- cover. t his faeatat0ittaalt, Ira*, tY know; just Where It , its) the thnit Years. in It Is that it the 'Inirdeas'a ec�m1tte 44 failed to elian. Up the tuitioo, the, ettlirtrien would haNf ,00.14 ise 44 that 1* not tbe cue *4 there 13, naellneht* itrO4 tahdeng Vitti tha,V4,he Wit#40044 WOU.Wbe.°03 tittihit andsPre`90 /Ward 10 aittatap loom ship -ot loelberne Met in:the teWnehip. , Mrs A..E., IftriVin ifs ting trend has.il as Per attaute, t#0 folloWing.sighind 'tendon thisi wee'10:: the heeeSsarY- declaration Or ofiAtel.. VW ' nateld„ west,04,bt betvott,' is Vieftliik friendin ,the village at preset : M. AO, ,T. Tteld. and Oster, Iiiim Ida VI! ,""agl!tsr C14 t'lle 411:te,414. 414 Reed!, visited friends StS rosissoix cn %Vas., W.414.49.' isho-sattryiveis ,bint„ He ,,baa day, .,- , . ; • ' , practised Medleine trs Clintans:10/41,' the Mr Alex Sparica,, 4,,,fV ' caulau, was " a Past twebtPlive yea" lia Vas born at saner 14 the ,vulajie ail, mahoo ,sassts OtrathreY sixty years ago, 'where he re. noels. - - 'Mimi lXia earl,I e4neatiOnliefore attends? 'The local hunters host. a ,pjack rabbit Ing °liege. 11:0 funeral_ will .i* held at Clinton, Xowa; • on .WesinesdaY4 Of. this Week; The WidbVS and 'friends. haftre 00 sincere sympathy of the village and cOM-; Mnisity in their bereavement 'and loss, 011.4 tali 'TOE AXIOXLEY'S. AVEIra CHERRY PECTORAL PIONStaLlOt PUNLYPTUSs ,010.441$49HEIr8, ,Qouon COLD Rai 81.1114 uP/Ottr'Salitein. With W* Vatterhineit Cod Uver‘ Park Davis,'sad Mp4's o eric ol 1,41 • . «lam 'Aim*. 011 • 000;1* •.•11,•'. • •• • • ***A * • * • 7 7 , • A •40c aiid 7 KERS le*.Taisteleaa. Preparation, CelosVas 410441 teatedt, aqtiihhat 4*ete8ts s • „ reeve, A. 4, 001tItliOrPe; for councillors, 00o, lieeagaxis, J. Pitblati',.'M. dill and ,J., 43thiSh011it,;,: Jr. Minutes of December ,Meeting were read *na; aPPTOY,04., ' Reeve Goldthorpe addressed the Mem- ber; :of the ,00Uricil requesting each one to be as eeeriOnlie.el as pooible and that each one 13o -operate With., hiln. during *iniiit, on, Tuesday and secured -several in th'ef year. ...,'. ' ' . their travels. ii.i„ ihrlaw -was passe4Ung the Salaries ' Mrs. Gairdner and daughter • Betty, 0g of officials to be the same as last year, London, spent the week -and at their 'with the exeeption. of . auditors,' who this home here, year are to receive $8.00 elicit John Cameron was again eleetetiSta.US- ' CARLONV , , , Bylave-llo. 2, was passed apPointin for t171earS :Or the publie.;_ssesh s: -Lorne -McDonald and, son .10.S4 same as last year, last ''ileek' • ' • - --"-' ' • after having aPent, the heli-deigieaSert at have returned to their henna in Peterboro .norisSalalidsoffleiala,,these to remain the at a nomination meeting_ in the school Bylaw 'No. 4 (1932) relating to the Mr. and Mrs. aharles Weston have the home of .her Parentsa.Mr. and Ur* . appointment ,of Leonard Kent as town- purchased ,a cottage and lot from Mrs A. Eninf4tnr4 ship, clerk was repealed. • Wm. Sallows IVioorehouse and laaTt.e mired in and are '. was 'appointed to fill this position. now Settled in their own lupe. ; The annual: meeting of the Presbyter-, t"rtitrtlettis'-'7WEVS*4nritratte(1.-tO, insert an 1.,2114,12.3141 ,th,ot:#16 of the BayneD4 taSUrittp,} ;ICiii11.0r, .;a1.:}rsS taeld - 09,1747:414e halt, radveftiseMerit in each of the local papers Cemetery Company Will be held In the line,. An reports were read ara.,06.iit--:: for the _pbsition . of assessor, town hall on Monday, 3asivary 15th, at ed. and the annual report ,given -by .the It was agreed by coun.ell that all san- two o'clock to elect officers anddirectorssecretary, Mr. Harvey Errington was tray inspector-e-'iniist Co---aPerate Isidro: IC one of the best we lia.4.•ever heard; sh0ws ilifirthrigfe7"-----"`-'s's, Theselectionsofstrusteessforsthe village-- — * - ' • ss-sstgelths...gardners.ands3VMsssCilarts - i-frow )'Mrt-SMIdaysSehoolsiss slairrOr-4=7::-.1VreP'!..41-S,17.4r170.!11...,...w.s.?s".: re' appointed auditors. . . smith.* in -the'. eleetion-teltteMt "Their . kiss'121KeAsnsiN,LendaysoLslisst.'sveelsss.res , .. - . Heleeted as suPerintende...ht: s--- amilton Clutton and Tait ,plark ap. 33ayMurdoc , 'k Ross and am 'SH , , lleS' Aid ctt Smith's Hill Presby - the' before the eouncil on Tiehalf of for the year j934 • - - - terien . The Ladie-Congregation met on Tuesday, the , Young Canada. Movement. They The board. of management of the Bay- tiiottfthe-halr• sliosild be given free for field:public library intend, holding tv, pro- _jantiarY 94' , - . . at the , home, of the presi-,: - such v‘irposes. '. On motion: it was re- gressiVe ,euchre and dance in the town dentMrs. Jarvis MairideMrsVictor- opFridayJanuary19th-G Young had charge of ' the meeting: 50 yr +---.---. ---•--).- meoings held in the hall oz _, , '.-- , '6°d , Abosit :twenty ladies *tte,-preten,t, also SatereiFof the township be, granted frati music and. good prizes. - . ,. Some visitors." After -the devotional pro - use 'cif the hall. the anneal meeting ' of the Bayfield thes-e;tork 'conaniittee was asked to The 'if eaSiffer-f-stetveds$2:60. ier- other -Agricultural-Society wilL.,11-Jaelck._--iii-ithe- grarsi leave work reieffriaiii- tlie-Trehicilafrliieet-- meetings field -in. the bp. -Jr- tOwn• halt,: Sayfied;. on NiretitteMaY,' &mu- ing. At the cIoseirdantiritineh- was cotineil-decided to purchase. 100 ,'ass7 slitbs at one sitelotk p.m, for the , • feet of picket fence., • purpose of eleeting officers and directors served by the hostess ' • • ' . A well attended -meeting, 'under the - It was -agreed by council that all -out-- for 1934, Also receiving the annual re. . auspices of the ",§ standing taxes for 1932 must be paid. port Tor 1933, All members. are invited ave Agriculture -Sive -Is Canada, ! niOvement was held in the ,s The colleetoes-time..was-extended-one to..at.tend c .-__ teismallifishallsson Thursday afternoon, - - - - - - 'I'llie-Yot.mg-'People's Sticiety-of StAn '. . January 4th. The spokesman, Mr - - inonth. • . -- 'rhe road superintendent .vouchers and drew's United church held their meeting liamiltom glutton, presided and °after - ether_ accounts Were :examined,. and or in the ;basement of the church° on Wed- the.singing of "Q__Canada4S explained. the , tteres.:•folleWss-itestd---Superin nesday. eveTling-laie--i--topiti-efAhe. - . - . , tendent ,'. vouchers $31A5; Municipal evening, When should, 1. stand against object of the movement and,the-S ps World stipples, .V.1,71* Goderich Star ac 7 public bpinion/u- was very ably takenaby taken_by_tho head..t,eam,- of youngsiblefarm canditionsgrTHWilson gene- , mutt, $26.35; Gor mith, relief sup- Mr. Colin Campbell and Well receiVed by diens to stir upInterest in rural cam- munities to discul'S and improve, if pos- plies, $17.90; Cana. t• n Bank of Com- the audience assembled. The yonne , .i. . . . mexce, commission,. collection taxes, people decided. to practiee for a plat,. to. 3950; --'W-r4. SYmonds, relief ,supnlies, -be given Some time diaring-the Winter. :read an article ono -operation as it it 4140; Franklin IVIcIlwainsrelief supplies,. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cathie, mrand worked out stiocessfullY in Denmark ; this was followed by discu,ssion;*. For- 44,0„0.0a4A....,, yoting; relief supplies s: A. -S. Taylor, of Port Stanley; and dyce clerk read 'a ;paper on The train - .$1,04.,....!1'..,: -1 ;_,...._,.:1":: :11,1.-- • Mrs . pecowe, of St. Thomas, attended - 'During, the meeting Reeve. Ooliithorne ihe'l'iiiiiitl lif+IVflf. Weitle'kOre "bri "I'ileas `lug- epuue soLlthe-----Youngs-CanaCP4n- - • . . .. ____ Movement." V. _A, Robertson, M. L. A., again announced his intentions of offer- day. explained the difficulties exporters en- ing himself as warden of the county for The _ week 'of -prayer is being -held in ' _c urab- es his__ week,___ countered in finding a satisfactory eriar- "-11)84..._s ss. s.__- - - Tu Ile leS a Conservative- in politics and evening in he Presbyterian church tad.' ----Miss year -sones -of -his political stripe is dressed by Rev- Mr. oalessmi wesnes..., ' staiposed_. t* hold. the office, under the day evening in the 'United church, ac1;,. -arrangement which. has existed for so -dressed by Revs gr. Stigler, and on Fri- day evening in the Anglican clutters atts' VW WAR BORROW ErazionS' Writer Says World Voe4 "Choke of Pate lat Death , H. G. Weiii told milhl�os *I British' ,restodireo:!itrientehr:mrec,,eit'we 90ga recently 101th,ehryzitruouslnt nitreS"CshtrageotiSly than we ,have done htailttnther%hold . , the war nrOhle ..., :m much in a. grim mood like that of his early Stories., which 'predicted the terrors of the World War, Mr. Wells declared present-day humanity was faced With the ice of peace 'Or disaster and d s "How long do yaw :suOPose. it b. be asked, "before men Will be ableto pack pareel:sktaplaSioes cr poison gas or iheendiarY 'matter ta• any little thing many-years- Albert Goldthorpe has been reeVe Or Ave years, having previously served fof o four years as ascouncillor. 7.S.Theiturssaid-Itos-hesito-doubt-thatsh - has 'handled. toirnshiP affairs conipetent- tax rateswill-b-e-thre . Mills, in spite of a decrease of. More than 926,000 the -,township at-sessrrie-nt. • -L-rtitat--4"generay:',cpneeded. to_ argue a cm:did and econornical "adrainistration, s---s-Partielislarlisinsthesesstimessssef new and urgent -caliS .on bodies, ---SpetSibly's his thief oleihn to high- hon- - ors in. the countyi rests in his handlirtg Of the <lord= Young case last year., As 011,4h -than of the -warden' committee the Stirint 'of an unpleasant and "diffiCult effilatiiiicIeTTlifililm-s— • 'Ville he tiersonally 'loud' hi his praisia Ifit-st011eagnea-sair -that :e0121.. itifWe .113 elierOir cdticeded that the • vigor:Ms arid determined lettiterghip-h Salm to the ,Committee was -a -major-fae- ter. In bfhiging the situation to a head - the* iiiireStigatiOri,'brought to light a set of conditions which a leis determin- - ••• ,,`1, e st. 00 i Of St, John of Jerui*lCnh, whch' Was .bestowed by HitMaieaty the aPOn Rt HOlt. R. 13. fienaettkis One af the ohiot °Wet:230 the adt4h WOPIrt' Altiasaalt itit''Snigin is fionaeWhat oheenre# at Is knoWn that ita: -title k*Mle ir040. * *Vital of John.Stifounded atlertsealeal about the .year 1070 by ',certain .pne),`O‘f. oroaoized theasSe& 'ea 'spltallers. k " cr grew rpau&yr- ' into Ateraatiebtil, tailitatlkelig10, laY.. Cattic traternity fig' the ' relief of ,crusaders, and WO! later sovereign hi tahosies 414 after- wards in ,Malta, front' 130. ' to 1793. \ -where itsknights, kept :galley* and :gal.,: Icon* to ;attaelt the Barbary Corsairs and. to prevent the spread Of.Turkish rule in the Mediterranean. In the latter year the Order was driven from Malta by Napol eon, ,and, the inalsOritY, of the .Willita. being Of French orlgini returned to,- Etranee, While the Italian lolighta settled to Rome. . After the loss of Malta, the ordinary cOVItica Of the order, which represented the majority„of, theithen Pasting' knights.. assisted, by deed executed at Paris in 1827, in ' the reconstitution of. what is now the Grand Priory of the 'Ordett Of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. The Britiiii order is thus des• stefided from the original, orders and ita° chancery is at the Gatehouse in Clerken. well, London. „,_ In 1888, Queen Victoria granted a Royal Charter reconstituting the British order with -a- constitution- somewhat like that of the existing Bailiwick of Branden- burg in Germany,. and the first Grand Priors thereafter were Kings Edward VII - and George V, while Prince of Wales, 1 .The Eritish order devotes itself to organ- ' izing hospital and Red Cross work, itc&dirx.inthe---St.--rolna,Atub_WAIIRe Association and Brigade, which during the. GreatWarLwarked in collalpration with the British Red Cross Society. Charlottetown Guardian. OLD NEWSPAPER FolIND ant* of AMA, vh A* a te100,4111 b Copiof Montreal Gazette Printed- in Year IA Confederation While taking the .back from an old mirror that had hung. on the wall in .0, house since it Was taken over for use as a 'factory some years ago, G. Paquette, slf Woodstock, Ont., uncovered part of a copy of the Montreal Gazette, printed some time during the month of Decem- ber, 1867, but a few months after the - passing -of Confederation. _ One -4-111e principal itenis on the port page tells of an anti-Confede,ration meet - Ing in Halifax, at which_it was clainst_zi... that Confederation had been brought about by coercion. A resolution of pro- test which was to be placed before Queen Victciria was passed. This meetiog also - -recommended that-5-lhe Executive Cowl - ell advise an early meeting of the Legis- ,4_-_lature, in order that no time may be kst_ in disposing of Confederation, and roring--the-constitution-of-the-Province-- to its former efilcienty." - Demonstrating Evolution. i. "G. 'WELLS Soviet Scientists Hope to Produce Chain 'Of that sort aatl ,send It up into' the air From Apes to Man to travel •Just to any chosen spot in. thi- Scientists are -conducting an unusual. -world and drep Jloadl For. my .part. 1 experiment in Turkestan, which they don't think.it.it going bOtbc so very long hope will lead to the- creation of -an "ape- befere that 'is practicahlW. man," according to Df. Howell, S. Eng- -•-ttOur- :lie_ Mienkfinn... Academy of thel•carry. oily twenty miles or so, or Science, Arts and Letters of Detroit:He airplanes 'That must figbt, flier WAY inilie-laboratory -whictr -has-been- Id- siev't-nterinhres.-Mro•-whateve_r_ they .do drop. But no- the creation of ape men, to produce u - body Thelieves Ithese things- Marl the' materTi-coTht-iPlere-dhlT-1 Of-spetinieris extreme range of• offensive activities.. Air from the perfect anthropoid to the per - 'Man. L. Young spo'ke on the advantages s ont miss this oppOtonitt.*:...purich40::.t. new skating outfit you are ueding. P Before Jailing inventory we have decide to reduce our stock of, the following garments iNoolleti Skirts -- Assorted style's- and -colors, lar $2.95 for Siik-BIouses through hostile planes and gunfire to established the scientists hope. through Of co-operation and' also of letting those- torpe&-see for an • yw ere, bombs -and gas -feet man-. , who are leaders know what the farmer flame delivered wherever you like or According to Dr. England, a Soviet don t like at any time -this is one of the scientist, Dr. Ivanoff, is directing the ars, ••••••••• 1/4i Lien rs 'Siii-13.7to:44ii-r-e-gitlar:$2:95. Phone F 86 OP . - HIBB Ora the Sqtrare- THE CASH TORE 6iir Cash Coupon System Saves you Money AMONG THE CHURCHES A group of 'young people of She Bap- tist church met on Moaday evening in the basement of ,the church to attend their regular- meetings. Mr.sEwart_Cor- -nish-sgaves_a_splendisi ony Call -for Personal Consecration?' ___,Sendceissatan church on Sunday, January 14th, will be: .11 IMPROVEMENT NEEDED (Listowel Banner) , ITaieteen thirty-three .ended better' than it began, ln business and emplOr- ment, 'in confidence and respect. R.e- .Po_risiroin_ all,Parts. ef the cOP•ntrY Veris fy that statement. . We always celebrate _ _ the arrival of the new year with-rejoie-: Ing for the turn of the year is motnen- his. re a great eYctent the nsessyearswill be what we make it as we pass alongsso ' it is up to us. Babson, the economist and statistician. forecasts for Canada a most encouraging wedictib Hi*--,SaY4: forieast! un--- _ hesitatingly that when Canada balances * her books at the end of 1934, the results be m.,we encouraging than,beyen the ._ most optimistic observers now believe. possible. IThe economic situation is sliaw's „ ly and steadily becoming better and the fact that Canada utilized no artificial stimulus in her recoverY program:4%0h, DS has been the" -ease ther_United. States, Iso! portiettllar significance." wants, and gave 13ome of his own ex- eriments with eine adult female chim- manifest possibilities toward which all inprovemen .leading. Wells -proposed 'whole -faculties and departments of foresight- in the • orlcrsersities-to-flght-41e--dangee - it hinny created by the abolition of distance hi That so many the modern world. - Bu • ss men - - DrssDengarn "of Clinton; --13W4.1 exp F. WOOLLCOMBE witourozi, STREIT , PHONE 296 Sella ,Insurance of all kinds. Get rates from, Via :ham ;renewing or Planning new insurance. 0•••••••••••* ' Men's Grev Flannelette WORK SHIRTS' -of goOd sturdy material, Well *madeand roomy, sizes 14 to YT etteh -9c-- 0 , 5 ,o, two for ROBINS Top TAlietes • • • • • , The Grim Reapers, death, visited our The annual meeting of the Colborne village Satayevening last, taking Townshig. Assisultm'aFcaocietY-ssas-herd tur •widew of the late A. E 4, • • • Weigle. Deceased had been -laid up for January .9th. Mrs. A-rc e o n, pre - the past--twelvweels- -13he -had. been el sideht, 'ties in the chair. The secretary - 1 . • i . • subject, `Thy Kingdom Come;" 3 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., subject, "The ist " reported to be financing the scheme. Services at Victoria street Unitid 44. • • 1-ehureh-on-Sundayr-Januar_vdil be: in the 'hall on Tuesday afternoon, PECULIAR BUT TRUE 11 a.rn., morning worship, Rev. F. W. .Craik will pre-- su ec , These . Timet;" 3 pm., Sunday School; her sister's at Poit Stanley; titan three treasurer ---gave nsreport of the work an- . Will get tip iii-iFF morning, - - --7-11:nr.7 evening- subject.."Worship that, Refresh themselves with a dose of Inspires." Monday evening at 8 o'clock '-edimitlire-d--frit.0 Set: - Clean their teeth with' an advertieed young ile°P e . - • tooth brush and advertised tooth paste, services in the Baptist church- on_ Shave with.an a vestised razor. . ..., Sunday, January 14th, will be: 10-a.m., Wash and shave with adyer,lisied 'Bible -Moot -11- a.m..-speslal-pspelszers_ Put on advertised underwear, adver- vice in the -interest of the Young Wor- *caps, shippers' League; presentation of eerti- tised hose, garters. shirt, collar and shoes. Seat themselves at the table and eat elites. and seals for church attendance. advertised breakfast food and bread, Pastor, Rev. W. T. Bunt, will preach, Drink advertised. tea, coffee or cocoa. 'subject, "The Captive Maid's Noble Twi- ny:" 7_p.m., gessiel-terVice. _suktect "Naaman, the Leperai Miraculous Cure." i weeks-agoi-whh etv-twasiorought,-_to her - olnPlished duringthe year,of e , MAPPING BY PHOTOGRAPHIC ' a. ans suppily the Since 1922 a total area of 402, 0 mother's `homessIVIrs; Sturgeon, where -she shrnhs - pasaaa away of.,__EaturAticrast._ ...shaawa9Ther8, 0:1 -420 exwnded on -three schools square miles of Canadian territory has united in . -marriage to Mr_A.,B. Wails and arouna the -hall: s Another school been, covered with aerial -1-25000-squirephotography,_Os by overtical photo -- a..u, years. ago, iae- being-ans, taw-i't -a _ itefk-for- He ,g7thlr-Year -and- it gmhs an277,500 square miles by Printing staff , of ---the_ Londn.Advertiam ewas agreed to give each of those four. otographs. Vertical photo - at -that time. Ire predeetlisett her eight schooTs *14.011 'mirth; titessztembers -a were -cs)srigsaftgs, used for •rnal313ing on fairly years ago, She is- survived by her mothasked to make out their list of seeds, large scales or where the country is er, one sister and SIX brothers, Mrs., AD. shrubs, etc., and send to the secretary as Tough oil mountainous, while" oblique best Catlling, of Port Stanley; Wilm liasoon as possible!. The officers for 1934 photographs are specially well adapted ilitrufewr4rsare,:_____Presidenttslirrs .tvins schishialm„for the exploratory mapping of those o A WU I M. • i extetssivts-aireas--of-forest---and-lake-o bavid. . The funeral was lheld on Tuesist vice Presidscht. Mrs. li. Horton ; 2nd fairly, -uniform elevation which consti- day afternoon .from -the Anglimtc'elmrich-- vices -Mr. Z. -V- -Lawson, secretary-trea- lute suck a large proportion of Northern. at 2 30 sertlice being eonducted bY the surer, Miss Amelia zifenwain; new dir- Canada. . • , -Row Mt7,-Jzstigler; --The_ pallbett_erg ecters-Roward Young, Mrs. W. W. Wel- CANADIAt41S-F LOCK TO COIF& 'JehnsW....MeLeod, Charles Toms ?Charles ,ter, Mrs. is Kent, Miss J. Chisholm,Mr. Ferguson, ' tt,r1- Joints, .jolin Cameror Wm. L. troung. Another meeting win cent. are rural dwellers and 53.7 per Of 'the population of Canada 46.3 per . cent. teside in urban centres. Ten years and Hugh:MCICay, -The v,orrowing rela- be held later. ; Lives have the sincere sympathy of bh6 The first meeting of the 1934 cotmeil ago the proportions were 50.5 per tent. community, . .. was held On IVIondasa, January 8th. gt. rural and 49.5 per cent. urban. The !erg - The_ annual s#eealssi of Ile ...membera, A. J. Goldthorpe, reeve, and Messrs. Thi., est proportion of rural population is of 'the awileld Public 'Library Agsocia- .Tyrtdal, J. - Pitblado, deo, isaation .arid--. found in Prince Edward island, Where the country residents represent 76,8 per tion was held in the library room. Mott- Jas.' Chisholm, Jr., councillors wets. . . day, .Yanuiry, fith. tatisfactod reports sworn into office by the as.sistitht delta, 'cent' ' were presented to. the Members by the . Mr. Wm. T. Salto* There. were quite FISH. FROM PRAIRIE PROVINCES secretary-trettatirer and librarian. The a muriber of ratepayers at this. first • Mention the Prairie Provinces bf Can - library had A -membership during the meeting. Ur. Wm. T. Bellows was ap-. ada-Manitoba, Saskatchewan and past year At 11311...the number of kooks in Painted clerk for - the year and tenders Alberta -and the average person visual- etilation'daring the. year was 3435. blew next ,meetim. would hardly believe thalant'alind'abPitrricidb'Panbc1Ye of fish comes from these provinces. It the library at present is 1130, „total eir- for assessor win be Askea .fer,, -before -izes-wovino fields of gr books are being added Iromtime to The Ladles' Aid met at the home of Is a fact. nevertheless, that the fisheries time. The Board had esinall tintplus on Mrt. Jarvis McBride on Tuesdiy after.: of these three provinces ' are substantial, hand ,,and no liabilities. the following noon, January 9th, with sixteen present. for withintheir'boundaries are numerous directors were elected: Rev. W. M. The president was in charge. After the Obandant fish. The total ounntity of fish large and small lakes in which there are Cii&, t'l. E. Greenslade, Rect. W. T. Bug- opening estertiies, the secretary, Dor,. of all kinds caught 413 the three provinces ler, Cir. Burris, Mts. It Matay, Mts. A. ethy Robertson, read the minutes of the and Yukon Territory in the last fiscal R. Seeds, Mrs, R. PAotchnier, Miss Lucy last ineeting, ,It WAS agreed to make Year was 291,147,000 pounds. Woods, Miss M. (litves and 'Miss Fran- another quilt. At the close of the meet - c1 powlie. inunediately at the Close oY hug' Ja-dainty lunch was sereed anda the meeting a short board meeting was social hour spent. ---, . held, when the . following Officers Were electedChainnan, Rev, R. li: dale; tieretarsistreattirer, kal.. E. Greenslade, who was for fa twentieth con - se -Millie- ' 'keit; - libiliflah,MIS li'aIidls key/lie; took seeding, committee, entire• boar& fleath of .Dr.,. grown ,. The village and oininunity Were shocked on Monday evening to hear of the sudden pasting' of Dr. BraWrit at is home in 'Clint -art, TOWS, .Deteased ad spent, the sittrirtter with his Wife in t it beautiful cottage on the Jake trent. ,$1, : in tiecentber they 'let for their He Wag Intending to take hospitaltre t Ment. lifOriitg 'suIterOd twin 13eIrt s Vf befeire ISO* heret. tion halls end ark I 'petted its he looked' well and u X 1 , 41 r A ,----- D 01) D S ' fix i....... ce,,,,,,kie„v, n, urger.' ,... I I L S .., t/ ,.. , 1 - ..,,.. K fp ta It - `44,,u 4 i it ,..t3fS HF.!:' 4t, Is • .4 i'''', ' '' • •• •-•, ti (1 - tp ,iiji t -t r: Rr-r° I., ' . , _Ent_tin_an_tised hat ancialoves. Llght an advertised cigarette, ith:an advertised match, Drive to •busthess haatti_advertised, car. • Give letters to a typist .who types on an adverdled machine_ usthgadver "trsed paper and carbons, Sigh. their -letters-with an advertised pen captain's's) advertised ink. • And Turn down a proposal to advertise on the ground that iltdvertising, Doesn't Pasii-Prom "Printer's Ink' IRON ftt ENGLAND ,fridge Field is, Northamptonshire to be • Developed . • THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE Twenty persons doomed to die of a disease called incurable by rnedicat sciencie have volunteered the test of their Jives so scientists may chart their "steps to death", and po.ssibly benefit others similarly afflicted. To • fettle& their ton- , tributions may mewl a cure or a pre- ventive fOrs-Bright's ,disease. Announce- ment that the 20 volunteers, all in the tarty' stages of One disease, had been obtained and The experiment was Abut to Start hos been made. ft will be the first major attempt to study. the Malady and will • he carried on by the' Lasiger foundation for medical research at .the University of Citicaao. The fotmdation has heel making studies of "middle age diseases`' for four vearsp A £3,300,000 plan to mine iron, ore deposits in Northamptonshire, which ...otal no less than 500,000,000 tons, Is announc- ed by the- Banker's' Industrial Develop, ment Conipany ';!..nd 'Messrs. Stewarts and Lloyds. ironmasters arid tube manu- facturers. It is believed that these deposits, which are contained. in_ an area of 26.000 acres near Corby, in the ne1gIbuod CT Wel- lingborough, repre•ent the great- est 'fields of iron -re in f',- wcrld, and that they are cap ° e :. exploi- tation. The scheme is described by its spon- sors as the most important development In the steel Ind -try for a generation, and a great conr...ructive'eff,,rt to revive British trade.--• The great value otbese deposits is that the pig -iron which cnn be made from them is most suitable for the manufac, 'tine of baste Bessemer steel, an essential ingredient in the dianufacture of tubes. Bessemer steel has not been made in England on a large scale for many years and makers of tubes have been compeld led to import' tarot quantities. In the navy hoot eittta at the Inter- national flay and Grain Me* at phitigo, eighteen out, Of twenteSibt prizes- **ittledcirkeitt to ;Ctkotiditins, the' ehauipion'thlp going to ,* tiotkuti, toi ample fetiftel In Al • ' -Seryieea at NSotTJnitedChUrC151 on Sunday', January 14th, will be: 10 sisins-Mers's -Club; subject; "Would -more Leisure :for J4ap be a Blessing to Man- kind?" 11 a.m., the pastor, H,ev. 0, T. Watts, will preach, subject, "A Good Time to Pray." 3 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., evening subject, "John Hum," the seeond character in the series of Refor- . - - SO/en inspection districts of the Dom- itilon seed Branch ,cover all Canada. with the various headquarters located 1st Sackville, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto Winnipeg, 8aska6on and Calgary. CATARRHAL DEAF- NESS MAY BE J.Lyint_havratatthal_lliftteas or are even Just a little hard ot hearing or have head noises go to 'your druggist and -get -I -Taunt Parmint (double strength), and add to- it 14 pint of hot,/ water and a little granulated. sugar, Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick re- lief from the distressing head rioises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become „easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat.' it is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleaearit to take.. Anyone losing hearing or who has Catarrhal Deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. Stratford IleacOn.lierald: We admit 11 may,be a Morbid taste which prompts I on Monday titorning to look in the Toronto papert. to See who hinted a Milk ,bOttle at a bandit and who threw up his . . _ handl. `<1, The lirgeit turkey farnCin' New Zea land his been hulit up from loundatiort af,,Ock AttUred to* turkey hteedeiti -..40.044 P�Uage.- Anthracite, Bituminous Coal NACoke We carry a full line of coal and can make prompt delivery. The Alberta Coal we have is proving 'very popular and we are gettinti-a number of rep -eat orders for same. When you burn Alberta coal "sou are furnishing 'work for Cana& - For Plumbing, Heating, Tin niithing, Eaues, troughing and Roofing, w give prompt , service and all wor isllymn. guaranteed. have sorne good values in Second.hand • Cook Stoll sts, , . Stare 22 hoo‘la Moue 112 •,•