HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-11, Page 4tr oti• the fel*" 'WOrth4w Ott for Win ZIgIlI ef 11$00,0 13*2 bCO ;I?in by .1,041111144 7110r: b*2 been 111 but 1* UOW, WI ES ••tVet/ nterestInc •114 1rAitrict1 : _1 There Wei dkscUUiOAOfl Italtmend Brown, * verses grOdee. 1x 1Iveitock" ed by Alti In the Interests -of the 1)rt 001' held At Oar. IoW on Ttiurld*Y .fLernoofl.10`Whont. ereon TusIdIy being,eelied from New Lbkurd inelree to the..deeth. of her znothr, the late lir* Ryan. 't 401m Arthur, ($0ticesiiiin 2. West WaW1flOIh, hu had the'lnisfortune Of 'losing. a horile-in *Peculiar Method. He 11/0 delving Uphill and Vie road being ,SIPPerl', the horse fell end broke One Of *legs Imd it waseneiessary, to shoot it. • cilartey ReId, a fanner of West Vint- wernosbi bit a fine, horse On Thar$4*.Y.' •The hOrSe WW1 out. in the Yard and fell • when 'walking over'isOme lce, end -died wllbin half an hour. It Is 'believed 01;4 'It wu injured lnternafly. • The ,viopeie meeting of the MUM. ' non .1Unior Institute, witleh Was to be . held, at the bootee of Mise Marjorie aic- DonId On Vhursda3/4 has been pottpon- ed tinta Monday 'afternoon, *Wing to the -Cnti,„„1,1?.frt; Treasurer, „rbatritday„.,, niat tan eieMa* I'Vemer; direevoe or Ceremon .te017 inners," on Tet lecturer, - -Pre -Pent- land; 2nd lecturer, Themes Culbert; -,,ecamnitteemen:„ -John B. 1401-144f, John Fumigate _Howard,_,StProni,...releOn.....sit* 24. *illlatr, earetaker,_,.*.nri •tr•=9,41#1.---- nennY Pa",YWAh�1d X.01" il0OUt twentY`SIX Years. home Mr. And ItIrs• EiTiugtcn • havirig-lhoved from the farm two miles south. of Dungannon soon after the death of her husband. She was. a de- vout rae.mher of, Dungannon United • 1U 4ffexebfl ot Nig OW - P*047 I Of The WaW*004h tiztrict te O. 1,0, Meet - the was held in the DonOorkon 0.rsn*e Hall oninteadaY afternoon with an et* teods.fiee .of 19. TIle following ,oiftera were elected:, D. Vt, George Pentland, L. 1952, Nile; DOM., *mon Tin- nigan, 324, Dungannon;' chaplain. Henry 'relsehinaiii, 324, rintliOnnon; roc, .see,, 110411.5n4 ar01P, 324, Dungannon; AO; ,see„ 3. Johnston, 1002, Nee; treas., Jas. Elliott, 1033, Nile; dle.' of ceremonfe*, David Olen, 324, INugglinion; lectinere, Hervey .81111b, Watler Viekason, :324, Dengstinere L. O. L No. 324, DiMiemnOn.. held 14 •annual meeting Thursday night, when the-fellowing el/leers were eleetid for the ensuing year:- Velor. Master, - Raymond Brown; Dep. Mester, Walter' Diekason; Chapieht, Seniors. *Minion; Ree, Seere- tery,Williarn A. Orser; Pioatieial Sec- •. anSWered lay the payment et fees, and -eleetion of officers will be held, ..,„,IteMeother the play, "Out of he Ark Came Noih' to be given In the parlah hall1yeven1ng,JanarY42th,4y; 4 7 Auspice* Of the Junior Farmers' Club of DunganxloIL 'Perewill be .* dance fol - •,bowing the play. Mitsla being provided by, during the holiday • season, there hcing, the Plunkett orchestra. ,• 'thirty present, bielueling- children -..and A sPeaal m0414 of the Dungannon grandchildren of hOst andhostess. The • brarelh-, of_ .the_. %moo UiStitute woks party included Mr. --and,Ides. Wallace- • cnitron, and was actively tissoelated with _ . the Annie ousitriCharleS-4111.0n Black and family,44--P47"tleFic11;1114'' and 'AS organizations as long-as-liealth-.-per7 on Saturday evening when ,Arrangrmenta nett.Badman and 'two -clitkiren; of. iu1ttedShe tad, many, fainiu as 4_ to., Wore completed for the celebration of the Windsor; Mr.' and Mts. sitoY Meek, of sult of her kindly disposition, and was be '20tlx sitnitersary Of ite inatiguration- on, Iiiicittovr-, and -Mrs. -- "fond by all-atheluneralls_heing heldJfonday,JaflUarY 22nd. . • ganneatf-Mr.jand4er. ,r-'-'feem.-her--rlate home- on---Thursday- olUding all former members, Is ievited to ringten and family, and yr, and -Mre. . noon, at two. o'clock, with -interment in attend, Everett Yerrington and children. . The en- the family plot. in Dungannon cemetery. "Donald'ideroete_and -Bert :Ikfareb; aod-- tire family, with the exception of Md. Ito* -ter the West: Wax/9.404h MUttial Hughes(Cora), of Toronto, were present. rbeeHlesuranee 7 e)otripenY„... tentitititeed An_hrteresting meetieg of the Y. P. 15, .IVIAFEKING work on Monday In auditing the tom., of Oungatirefor:drilted- Cherchi was 13e141 Mr, Percy - Blundell. of Weir Wawa PariVe Wel% for the rear 1933„, `•: when the leeine Side in the reembership-noeb, :Anent. Sunday -with . Mafeking • Mri. Hiram. Moffatt. Ancaster,_-is her .tsfmteit, entertained the *inners at a 110t-Irient* :ores' Visit her mother, Mrsy-00.muelr-sepper--,-.10be-Stnida-Y-14oltoot • - •-• Pentliiid,-Who--hito been (maned bed- ille43upperLa-singvsong Waselteld- . - - - • _ -Miss lifelbaZowler gave_srLreMing on the 'The extremely -icy condition ' or the Subjett. "Prayer," 04 Mhz_ Margaret r°00* -*eke* 't,:treOlehelit011a'traVeling for Ryan favored with a Plano :sole.- Rev.•. -• trilArt and ears- A. lima: Sr:Wiener- W. 0.Elliot, of Nile; gave a very inter", -TW 'ater.100-trinisPort-Alppert 041,014 toad *ettnuaddresa- - MIss Deoth,_of the school, oteire-oLerete _the LOIS Sam a solo. Aeverel otatests were ;assisstatree of st-team of horses to get it, thin enjoyed, by ,theigathering, efter the-rof.4,..4-00-atreetseilot.the L,Wille.h themeetlng_0801,140; • ,Another of the ploneersof .Ashfield Townshtp passed 10 her reward late 04 Monday evening, in the `person Of ,Sarter: ,Penel** relict Of the 340 4000b Ryan, at .:theadvanced age of *6 yfiOars. Born On AnibetitefslArei, the late MO. 'ItYan, was the eideat. daughter 'of the late 24r, and Mra. Hush Polley, early 'Pioneers ot A**. field townahtp, and came with her par- ents to thie district yi *Years age, when nine years old.. Shdr•three years , *go she: r'waa married. to Jacob:Om, who predeceased her, by twenty -she /We, olew.eiti tsite. rhier,losoimieiarehyes.ho Polley, whrO reatr i:.: e Mrs. Jennie,Pentland,,,pre-degessed her, as did also a brother, "Thomas .PO110, Of a ,family of oven. three 30113 *id four daughters, One *On, Mr. IlarrY, Plan, Of Grodetieh, and three daughters, Afre; W1141 liath ...T. Elliott, of. New Liskeard:- Mrs. William Caesar," of Aehlielil,, and leliiii DOW Ryan; formerly a teacher at leirk- land Lake, but now, at ,home, survive. Two sons,,Sugh and George --Man,' and g4§4!Mi#; ;,s1411 M/n*Oetet RYear Pre- '• zsIdecarioy . /oil!: s'i•so'-'47--.44.4.1:4:141:fe'deh.;dle-ri, aISS ndthat't-haPietastahneteepvlantfit 4virdonte-istilthoulkt survive. ;Although in Wing health for -06011i more fliegnently, tome time, it was only about -three weeks- . ..,.......,....„..„-....„...........--_, • into-• that the- deceased . WOMari -.became :, 01S1 ICY131t0()K Yr:AC, . K1LLItt1. SPRINO LAMB • Leiria..., ... *. lb. Shoulders....,.10 • # .• 7100 11/. 611'**lbf (1441;Aen Loirtc49j'e Stew Ib. YOUNG )REEP' • Rib .• 11/. Rib ROASt* • ••!: • *15e lb* Boneless and lie. lied) • Shoulder Roaat.. 11,,1* Rib .Boil. .7C lb: Rib Boil .; ..19c 'Fresh Liver (Beef. :1;ainh ,lbs. for 25c Pure "Herne. Maid" 1084 Cheeselhe. for 25c .Maple Leaf )(ince Meat „ iha. for zae. VreshKilled young Chick- ens, . ..........17c lb. Saiitaty-- Meat; -Market- . Pleeie 485 . TRITUSDAY, 4AN h,• 193i Mrs. ,Lovett, Auto*, is visiting with: her ligteit. itts. Etta Jones, or Kitchener* is *pen g /4 l'ew;felayst with hie itepher' Mr, Chav. SOO; ' Mt, Arthur,runglAnt is viaiting at the home of ble parents Mr. and Mrs. i 're.Y,11Mnirettit-n at present asslit; log to core for her aunt, Mrs. Brown- lee, Who is Seriously ill. ;Err ,r`t5i4IitirigeWiillng oaondcleriltastetbrionewlhe‘ortic 'rimthr:st", eihin.dYoung end aothtrd, Marsu.d, Service, of riCe, . Loyal, spent the weft end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Russel Xing, . Mr; 'Bert Marsh was at Dungannon this Week auditing the %eke of the WeetWawanosh Vire 'co. for • 1038. . Miss Braanock, of Chicago, .who has been visiting her' 'sister, Mrs. W. Dobie, the Past week, returned, home last Friday. ' • We are eOrrY" to rePert that Mrs. Jae.' Mutch is confined to her. bed and Under the doctor's care; We hope soon to hear of 'her. recovery, (Miss Margaret Xing„ who Slipped on the icy 'street a short ..time ago is still - unabje to- to a sprained liattend '41e11°°1; owing Last Friday. when John'. Withilr, of West Wawanosh, was returning from the chopping mill, one of his team • slipped on the ice on the hill west of the river, and broke. its leg. The thad to het robot,. In these times of depression the loss of a horse is a big setback to a farmer.' The regular monthly _meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in- the Forester's TTi11 on Tuesday, :seelower--ill-akFte-restd Meets....9 • T2pr,-m."-- were almoSt too slippery to. italk The. January meeting- 4g, te1 W. M. 8. tteeM Priday foilowMg atrall-rtightvel of lersidne Priebyterian chureh was held rMn Charles Vilott 'slipped And fell on at the home -Of, Mr* Robert Davidson on lLp1p -..Thurstiestftern0en..1,_ Tile report ()Me Ileinganeen Junior 2/sermers. Club held ,secretary ehewed the 'living* to be pac- lts Januar* meeting in the pariah .1-24 *ally -the sameas ttie-previons-yetu« IrbetreclaY el/ening, with Allan Iteld Pee- Um. 1/14Whinney acted asleader oI- iktthg toll Cell was ernswered *by a los-ed the prograin teeially prepared for . . dez.---the lust meeting of4herYear-on40014-Anterecterseagteeltig- that * -theaub., it, • I • • • 0 • T . -11fAs_0live and Oorden Anderson, visited at the home di los. and Ms. Harvey,Weles;St Helens, On' Sattirday. The tennitunitY suPPerr, planned and arried out by_thei *Women's Missionary -Society-and . held in. Blake_ hafl...*day 'evening, was a decided success. Up - - wards ot.eighty people sat down to, the .tables„ arbith.,,,hadf)ieen ..cialntile _arrant - ed by the yotmg1adles and partook of the boitetiful supper provided' for them,- Altervrarcis,„..a good program, cotisisteignt ainging, shorttalks by .some of tile men and lmetical-seiectiene-by- the-404-0r-- thestra, were enjoyed. The reinainder of the evening' was anent in games and afternoon -of this week at the home EQ.; ho itc.,wi 1 UAPITAL '1L' PLAY1116-.4ANE GREY'S ,',AraFrolors itTER? wrfo. KENT %Knox .,ONDAYy ,A140 NSTEDN' DAY brit!rkmartIORETT,ti me !#L.,:.,,OLNOL11 GENE RAYMOND RA1:46140 • * enthralling myetery„ drama with Inor, aeti°11 than Y .een THURSDAY, FRIDAY AISTO SATURDAY' A .044, of light opera cornea to the screen 'Maid' of The,Mountains" *10114141C idyl- set to nasjy'. and featuring a talented Empire cast The plotUreetene;ontdOor back grounds are a treat to see" , eiseesiereeees • COMING -"Paddy the next best thing".4.1iVarner' Baxter alia Janet , Oaynor• t, ' matinees mon?, wee, aisd Sat. at 3.00 p.m. ./They,werer the recipients -of. many pretty 044 'Useful gifts. 'rite .anteoll meetine., ot the , trustees 04. he dispensed at Union ellumh On 470,44"." • are 214 All members and friends are, , Mr. charies Puller visited. with and ratepayers of S. O.No 6 was beld, Strilliam,-11,tiller last week.. Wednesda„*: afternoon,. December *2'it13. Sunday there was a family reunion ati, lite; retiring - trustee, Mr. W. A. OatriP- -the home' of mr. and Mrs. Reg. Puller, bell, was elected for anOther three-year cordially invited to attend this service. terms Mr, Walter Cook has the care- ....-Robert.licAllister. has been busy this. - taking, .for a75, The contract for the week fe1Utg four huge eira trees on the Wood went to izikr. R. Vincent for $3.00 school ground. Twelve -cords of „wood a cord. has been cut frofn these trees. ; Next SUnday services in union cherch (40DERICH. . TOWNSHIP win • be conducted as usual. Sunday ' Thpastor will e be irreharge, hold -their regular ;fleeting at the home 6:fit School at 2 p.m., preaching seryiee at 3 S. of Vition-chureh-will Dan 'Sieling leaves for London on sat - of the president, Ms. George McIlwaiu, urday, where he will enter the War n 'Wednegday afternoon this week. 1VIemorial• Hospital for treatment on -his Mrs. Williamson ret leg which was broken eighteen months. urned_ te her home • inrGeorgetowm,on,,,SatUr4aY.-after,,,-ba Me -4 country" .1 be . taken' by-MissAll.'1Sittalt- Curren The Yeung People's 'Society will meet events by Mrs, Lawson. 'Roll eall: on °Ftda5r. evening. -the topic will be .4PgYh°ilulirps,}1431,e'litoltzilac;Isdtesilrea's4 Alien. - giViVilenS371tgisserna`jeleitalnlin:byinsir s'pendin-The Auburn unit of the Nev.- Ca - few g, her 13ther, Herman,; itai$71.11° Godei'" at tile home °I' 'in the Foresters' Hall, on Wedrinada. Movement will held te meetines- 0t- Lt.* 100 ora • 00* ur-eustornert-at is time an outstanding ming o onour entire stock of Ladies' and Whstie Coats and and Young Men's Al costs ott tliti *owes" st)4es aid e of the Itighott quoklity material*. Do not neglect*lit. uii aur store *ha see for iou*etf thct ssvngs ikt Ms time* 11. .1111,11t t • wrillerrom • day. Jan, --1,7, at s pork. The meeting will be addressed-by-C-&-Robert- PORTERS HILL son, M.P.P. and Wm. Young. Every- , . • one is invited to attend and. hear Two skatintjartiee were held by the these sddreases, and are requested to young- people on McDougall's pond last dome prepared to take part in the d. discussion, Ladies--partiqnlarly_in, wee _ 99 boys' harmer:14 band helci their vited. Special music. - nrit practice for the 'year, at the home of Davi DavidiOn. • WES91,11XLD The Yollniti3e*C., ark *alc:1110 arrange- mesere-.W. -P..' Xampbell, Douglas omitstoe- anotbaoSkating_parby on Wed- bempben and Will Carter were Gotierith nesday evening,: after Yvihich, they, Will, be. visitors on Monday. entertaineUat thec-honte, offr;-,-alut E. nn- West -'Waw Mrs. Reid Terrance,' • nest, vent over the week -end with her Was Dora litariisees-sang-Terir -sweet daughter, Mrs. lioward Cainpbell. - " during the-egiuldil Sellobrbn-stin and Mr's, W. A. Cal:Obeli and. It 45 erlcddraginir to those- tirbh -have ter Donald Campbell Artsited 'charge to know teat the young 7POOPle urday at. the -horfie-cif-44rs. Ca,rapheles telling to- do -their part arid_ belR mother, lire, -le .-Zarkley,_of,Thangaltion. each SinedaY with -sPeetal•-nunde• - A large nuinber /tint thia-vicinity-met mknowelen pranks: are leating_ weiLitt- on Pridwy-evening: at-the-heme of Mr.- „ to. thev(inteT aqe clot Young man and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger and present,. iil distrieflonted badly-obu the nt Neittelo. liiiseellatieous-shoWer; • - teorainktit' of the Wet -supper -will • F.: • home of lier sister; IVIrs:-.Thlin SbWerby.1 meeting_oLths Y. P. S. will -take sPentt a- pleasant twe. weeks! VIStt AP the 1 'The of Unien.' chitreh on Sunday and deli- v - Rev._ ,F. 'ma* occupied the pulpit evening at the honfe of Tyra-. and Mrs, . the ferm of -a- iociai affair en 7Pride,f-'"7-. erect:an inspiring 'address en the subject, "The 'Circle et-Prieedship,” from the text, the First Psalm. - Mr. and Itas.--R,eginald Job,nston and - Harold and M. and. itirs. Thos. sowerhy 'visited off Sunday at 'the borne of the latter's son,in--lawand--daughter, andll‘tra: ltreestitegie, -of -Nne. - • • The regular meeting and elec_tion of officers for the'Y. P. S. of Union church will .-be--..held at- tile home of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Robert Davidson' 'On. Friday even- ing.' All young people are cordially in- vited Attend. (Prom another coriespondentY • annual-congregatiOlial-ineetirig.,o Union church will be held'-abotit January The Siichre chib met on Tuesday evening of .this week at the home. onvIr. and Mri, Forest Zetcalure. DaveMliott atid 'Lillie went to London, on Monday, where Lillie receiv- ed further treatment at,.. the W oriel Hospital. ' tstrected when he leturned home! one • intirning; ittook both work and, patience ,:t41..a1te.r.._,AWar the, debris era, he_ reached t-thayert'ot-tes 0, • It was ,very encoura many out to the .Service the first, Sunday of the new yeat. Rev. 'A. M. dale give a-iplendid tieik on StewardshiP: 'God the Wnerrtaith-the-isteWartr-which-coul help ,but bring none to each of uz how little Nye do 'in return for aI that ii 'done for us M, atewartia. of -the. Ilteeenly - ther.' " In to see 30 4!: • dttfti haft' 'tituirleite44- TM:on &hod- has opened again -for-another ..tentt. • * f Vanstones ohfliinday- m.irs, Axed= +luta taLto-voront0- *extended visit• • • and Wye. ifaskell Visited at the parsonage on •Sunday. WindlOr ter' se.few day*. , --Mer-Leste.t.Welter-raturried-homerafter._ spendlog Christraas. In /Detroit • mr. and Mrs'. Ilitrold Walter, of Tor- onto,- spent theithiLdiItlli1S parm We, 1,,tean4 Mrs E 11 WolteF, amid to reportfr 0.Iterr is luniatet again from tuffalo, where he underwent an operation and is feeling Muth, bitter. 'The -annual e01,001- tieil1ilit""3 1144 on ii4ednesdaflait With a small attend?' Ante. Mrs. Westlekeis caretaker for 1934 And tfr. Will Hill the nevi trustee•. 14114...g ee ourNew Stoc 044 Is stet• are f,.good gUalitY faneY woven crept syith • • choice of long or short slee'Yes, Surtahle for •afternoon o t unday‘nite , Wow. Min/ 014 oote from. 46444 priced au assativs in MA 4111 a St Robert Davidion. The elotion of ofil- brs for 1934 will be- conducted -by the liastor, Rev. P. W. Craik.' All young people are requested to attend this meet - Ing. Experiments in Wyoming showed t t mTxd sUuida of crested wheat grass and'a`lfalfa produetd larger -hay _yield -than -either_seedecle. 011•111101111.1■000.10 OP . iloYAL-moTEL,--zooEtudi SATURDAY Nei . • 8.30 p. tn. -- MODERN and OLD TIME DANCES • Mimic lay • 'ROYAL REVELLERS Added -Attractions e Business Come Your a TIsweek of,prayer is being ahiertied In . the ,churches *of :this cominuni,- ty "thia Nile Sunday, School, held its annuall tatineas Meeting bit al.tOndaY eleening he parsonage. Iticouregtag tendril:, were received, ' from: the secretw. the treasurer, *id the superintendent ot the Cradle rofl departMentytte average tendarice tor 190 was 58. Edgar shell - Pea was It -tleetcet superintendent ot the schoOl for lanother yew with 'Harold. Squire as VS saiittant,„ There were verst few changes Int* ,tmlog tite otfters and teachers. 'tthe twit of Me t,aetting a*Mitd, Among °the things it m qiecided . that on tolisionars, and da,lea 'the StlPahlter14ehts stiou14, be In Oast brainnhtg of the ks th" pimilarity *ecOunt of tbo aaild4oviri t ,plants, *toatid eqi f Canada, thin* i ow tat Laka Ontario * LNIa allay habitat 'CO of 441 — • theerchants' friend _ IIAT WE intan.is-tire you ma attract the buying public . Perhaps, bughtess" rg an or r a esman ? 06'8 a good reas0for your ot perhaps, . the put* doe0 even LOW WJ4T YOU IIAVE TO SELL., at you need, is that noyor-failing, "profit Oiag ne WRAPER ADVERTISING. 'Broadcast noysof your waos aoit burg,* prices in theca- iimp$ o The .Goderich Star -Thant- draw; the Thepublishei time to reah the b evel Thu rug t"blie n ample or week -end ' .•••—