The Goderich Star, 1934-01-11, Page 2olloWing editorial, 'We% prhited
ITORIAL NOTES stiewed,*im_ta...ubk*t.zowne--414.4h
tgosS *vs:
vvor‘' Often litioretteltneed
Speakine of 044 names tor newspapers Addreas, 'Accent both veils timii noun she 44itte(141444' he' Put 6 Pitile fold
intO *her hand....4011. defired her ' to take
there la a; l'eligiena *Arne1 publithed rIn last,alrliablet not the Oat* It, e eiernint,„sorefied
Ai:1'1401*k ms,, coed dqate caeketa!, , Napoleon.. Fronoune. e here;aft%Ctionately,":the hand; -anii-47-d-e-
,4„1 .S4 in a* iMstredwied! ogl Mep an9, her good, night, ' •
iTho e,tr4ets,n7141h: b7ttielts.r0;t*'itti'"0—'13ecutedi--'1,- foti:ownesIllenh.lespro! nOtnounnott-elio.,1-)'n, ,,as She returfferW her hufband-4hewed.
fl 21 d bu Inert
o! buyng pOwer..
a. ommun1ty In the tatthi
'IPAor g.
In .pMiper
were ;fewer U,Y,erk
113041Per *14.
140404: Orr Want lees!.trade muat
ptr�nv lnduitrks �n the •bUIa of
fair Priere.,It is the Only WAY.tOwartt
%owl bu,Sineea ootidition. end a eine for
HATS price insanity."
!,-‘ Vriitie
P0 not
#,,4, al you Ote, the iroteyr ‘ 04 juttAVIO:ro'a,.;414,,,ont.44:1:0
'.74PIP,,, iln4,,,,!, .,
money toV'', 0,4 **** 44 *410 or ,011 th*„.00II.1 .
'Who 04 You VO' the
• '44kif4..intvit:Altilte-itl.
..sur mo , ..'. Pendia. dr Were elderly lasOpla, and sipper-
. _ 4, ._
rfii.Wrt -*IfiSIS-
or; you '15ay,' 'I'. haVe :several Oh*
DO not Soz 41..abould prefer Wing, $t MK". Poor. . lie entered into ototiverfa.
to. you than he." .ifiey,,thiax h44.0 - ' tion .iv.ith thetri;, in'idted thent to partake
, DO ,not ,03,..i 1, ounic the: ouid one of ly,e' *eaeremazaaew Maui' AtaeetiOns
,,,,,.; ,____ ,„. „, . ,,,,,.
very Well." flaY. '",t think the, Ohild did 4baUt: tilerntelvOi and. their' Atinik% via
very Well." . '' ' , ptirtleniarlY ot * X0,11,S,w40 had'gone,.to
. , .
W. -..h,---.., .------ ...-•,-, --=-----,...--.,- 1-.0 sio ** wait-41volt over ota dead; The larnilahly
Po. nutellairg'44X., 't POO gO,,' Bei, ,fe0"...'1;rheh ft boy, and Whont they . -had*
A n'an'A' nave T,49. PPIPMVUOVY IP 4 , q
thrsnielt •the Meansand year/
hen. Canada's dollar *a% below otirs,
'ealnetmles even' tWent3r eents or more
'.10otver.. COO* Met eVery Obl4ation to
AMerkan hivestera "with the equivalent
Of gold, With the eteeption of the Pity
OiliterY.1r' 410trtip 'neither the „Dom- auneresi to
-,initeVitoVernment or any of its.. Provirk. • "*"". * 4
vel nor * *Ingle .tewn or city eve asked .
tka, 4on*Ideration. 0, for ,instahOe. Ooderieh has one hockey tam to
*. 'Cansuiton 1ty had $1,000,000 worth of cheer for in the "8ailors,4 our rePresell-
`heride-Mature in4bs country Aten --the--tatiVeS in the hitermediate-series--They
aaanatilen. twetity_eePte. 1eWer have won - their two - starts to date
$nan ours, it ciug) wltboat a whimper
or a word of Complaint $1.400,004) of AS
people% '7310110. and Paid like men/
Csanaitim honor tonsidered no other
couree. l'oday when CanatUan Irtaneit is
Worth more than Ours, ingetidetthroW-
Ing our dollars back in our faces, they
are -404141Y Paying • their coupons in
Onadiari-fundS,, 4,0 that beltieriC in, -the
States-airet,:getting -.ft- preinium
erriMentIs treatint,foreign-irriatini in
,our hondsi. Xt deliberately iliatita itt
Here's hoping the "lOrinea" do as well.
A good junior hockey team is, a splendid
advertisement -for any town,
a. * *
. _
There are stirrings and rumblings
around the County. Building these days.
'Nfostp1 the Reeves, have been in -since
,t'he .eleatiorio.....Tivat.or three zanies are
1,reni1tie ..1421r7tlent., _ITeciler.lhe,r4en*
ship, Oeldthorpe or Colbortie ElUott of
In ask Unetressed, t as in liseo Went
seeOnd 1$X1lable,' -
flelgbt *011,,iinnee hit, 1 as in light.
Apocalmse4 'Th'enoilnee
both as as in aak, unstressed, to as in of,
-as -lit-110,':aecent-Second-syllable.
ash Unitreased, 0 as in flo 1 as In kiss„
•40oent second syllable, "veryarrand WM gone a,ivayl rznpor-1 the fornmtion of New ,Canada Itnita, or
Werth Often 31001Pelled faid the incredUlmis' relations, it is grim* 10thhi tb.oee organizations. .
Froikr rid k Frolicked and trona- your owiion who b$13 lattlrletunied activitiei and training of the mita once
ingi observe the k Piccolo; two c's, one to rrante„ and is cOrne to make happy formed, are eo-Odinated• and directecl
EeStaay. ()Wave the two as Pay. the-eVening of your chip, Iinctlie re-; through the movementpages published
choloey, Observe the paych. Oscillate, foived to lodge With Yoh One night as al in The Weekly Sun: These aethrities
Observe the -rie anit,the. two re. van, .4traligerithat he Might fee-unknOwn, andTare -directed by the -movementstilatanv,T
. „
441; one I. TrarighilitY; two 1%Judge of Your•condmit toward wayfaring Mitten' Board.
,...Plapetinrin.retora,,,anc-...I44114rirrivIllagee:h.ow61119:07Zet,h- -10.0.111t0:1:- ,
_ . •
Pieture* print:painting; drawing, copy,
derers, when they found that they -had
dyed their hinds in tile blood of their
long -loft thild--They • confeffed their
er1m-4he body was found, and the
wreteh&jurderers expiated their of-
-fence by 4be1ng broken alive upon- the
* * *
There, is a curtous angle to this tale.
Last'. - Whiter. the Diunia tee_itteotj
LondonTOrit;- lin-asSeciation oranatburjThe--Radiniriton--rooms-on-West-iirect.
Ut highly compett' Woos; staged al were the-eceneTt.of-the-year% first -to
PlaY a' AUssian, playwright withen ment,of. the Goderich Badminton. Club
unpronounceable bathe. The Piet was on Saturday afternoon, January 6th:
• identicat-with .the-partleulars of • this E..t. Beacom -and -Miss Janet- Martin
Onth th a•
'ter Cana
HOW the
the Job of tbe inovementy'to WOO**
L1ie movement stars out w1tZ no pce.
cOtiteptiOne. "
The iittlied Of the Movement
le alm-
ply to study' .44, thelliots,,, and to,form
its opinions on the basis of those 4.40.
li•Or thbrrettion the 410Yelnent le strict*
non.,partlatin,, and tion‘religieuk
The New COO* MoVelnerit is not *
new organization, Ithi 4 inOve14414, It
ili_*ntaOhlnenr no
entirely dependent Upon' Vallintery.
contributions iii order to terry on.
alniply an attempt. by anemia of certain
methods, to co-ordinate and direct .the
*Ought and action of troupe of inter,
...ested farratte_-.1n..'existing oreattAltatiOnr
• ,
Acid rndigoation and
Heartbprti And their fre-
quent seqUele
Ileadadio,. Bait Breath,
.SieeplesS Nightocan
• easily be Pardo(' against
by takizg itt., little klifltr0,
ated Magnesia (.)3I0Muth,
in Merles/a)" after 'eat;
• irig.,,;,..TheoVer.;arid Con-
dition or the attomach ie
'improved by; this proter.
• tiv,e neutralizer Try,
14. ,fewder orrableht,,
Protectivo ilotitratizerr
ta 114141$114trii1110 taxatiVe
10211'41w iteeurfed gold; for its fake .theY Thr011iqx thein 4.14"elte .0 Vitalize their 'lay, Januaryz, Alter all had .sub. -
agreed tOl.' murder the traveliegeneral' elmAhereh1l),..4414 'citlite' their. eii* scribed. to the necestary declaration of,
.fleep--Which ;they -kcoMpliShed . grid thusin and devetion;:ta, the Cause' of once brier 'Inaugural addresses were
buried ,••the 0°0. In the, morning ,early- the New •C/ansda, given by the =embers. All were agreed
tante, two or three relations, and aticpct: These methods are 'utterlY simp, 10011:0init; wl1 juirmour =rah may
exulting and loyful tone for Uie1 'rile groups are formed blr' the big .tesni,
we aceoraPaahea. Oestetner people wrote one of their duplicating
Machines. Tlie clerk was instructed to
write infOrming them that we do not in -
'tend purchasing at preSent, Ontario
(local Reads Association, soliciting, mere-
herehipr lvaa Med. T1ik1 War Illemorial
Children's. Hospital , wrote, asking for
,a4Sistance. ThIS *40-111e,cl. thr•D tell
gomPlained about a ditch in front of bis
proPerty. The eounai deoidedto attend
on 'Wednesday next to effect a setpe-
as last year was read, a third time, also
i3y1aw .11o. 2 appointing officials as fol-
hws R 0Tliompaori clerk, 11 L. Sal-
keld treasurer, Howard. Sturdy 'collector,
lktfeCartne$r assessor, E. A. Yee and
Austin -Sturdy auditors, T. M. Falconer
weed -,--inspector, -1);-:-G1itldori;--Sr4-Schoo
atteridarieti,oftlier, I V, Cox Member of
the Hoard of Health; Dr. J. B. Whitely
offieer--of-healtiv'end- indtgent-
otter ...Of heatb W.. 11 Lebb_and rteg.
r- sheep valuers; fence vieWers,
Jolmston, Geo. Laithwaite, Geo.
Sowerhy,, „Geo. o. Stardy,oyJbers
Ralat. *Lodges, T. :it( Woods; .-.f.-.metluie,
L..stephenson, L. Anderson, D. Glidden,
Robert Pearson; pound keepers, Hobt.
e;by D IfeDougall, J. 'McGuire,
Arnold 'Millar, H. 'McCartney and R. R
V4o14,1Ough,T...m._PaPtterson., engineer;..:P.
_having purchased some tiniber fronliMrs.
Plopkins. to be cut by those needhig
relief, So it is now 'cut' or 1reese W 1t..
-Leth presente-d an accountfor 'rent for a'
eapt StiPPOSOd to be on miler:: count
refused- to pay, .4Th.e tax collector% time
7,was - extended to 'Pebrtiary. atlt. The
price ta be paid for gravel was set at 120'
per yard, the ownera to keep their own
pits•in shape. . The pay tor men -was -set
Ii21kirOwn4X:aveller. -whit-hat. :arrive*thei
'higlit-liefOre:- -tie old 'PSOPle-ifieinia
OreittlY cOnfhted; but fititi he'd. rffen
group -or -prominent young-- la
ivnith-stionia-giVen-iounty, addressing
eidsVng organization's, and encoUreging
Clinton and 00,Mble Of Howitk, tire 1 ik eness, .delineation, representation,
laernise to .pay.1112 gold And doeinVt40,•04: ' heard of most often so far with. tile Srst sketch. .* • "'" ''
Canada did, gife" the equivalent Pr Seidl flamed apparently a, slight' favbrite, AnY Ri*Ile' 41)4)iudnlin' - Pi°.!geniP puzzle,
hilt instead blinds then" a 'dollar wrath -
'hitt il0 tentS We have heardiiinee child,- oz the three would make si good leader paradox, enigma
11 Id ' t o th Persuade, ..coax, convince, 'allure, en -
/IOW about the honor of the oinglo-Ssx. of . 91° °min° as wou .one or w o .
4 gCP, Incite, Induce, .influence. *
on. But it app.0-04 to aepen4 iii4-ifeetrts-who-.are likely •to bob up'before*ng. Disigacs, ,usrauge, disarrant-fd.b.
measure on *here tho, ,AngTo.isexon - Oeople in Goderith can't help feeling_ a inissoce.__
, OTOS, *niin
: ihould it be so otch :diffee- little bit kindly_ toward their rietghbor, pertness,. eanciness, smartness, bold,-..
On - one -sideL0f-the--#Ortier thaw" ini, itii-•-calartal---iteeve frOtn. C011iorne, neasvimpertinence,- impudence.- ..-.-zi. ____
/t..tert We take oftour-thaVto-..-ink r- - - -
Canadian' Cotten's. They have shown .1131. - Word Study
how bankscan be run without a 'depost- r
,470 111„. WOr4 three ..times and. it is
ter, loshig cent i and now. they are "WHAT_OTI-IER yours," Vet, ua increase our vocalwary
.showing Us at weraniiiti ,knew.-,••• *the t- by meaterincerie word each day. Words
- Value of national 'honor in money- trani-
"...Actions,' • • •ITORa.'SAY for this lexical:, • •
"MT, ISTRSOUS; characterized -by
.greatnese, nobleness, or the like, He is
T CHILthe sin" of in ilinstricas father.' •
It 13 flOt Iniusuat;- to have pleasant
things printed_abouLtanadain the
• llevesPaPera of thellnited States. There
L'--seezei „ editors over
l*e; thOe. who, know arit' have come
- ifiie and those 31,h0 *Ow 'Aot tof
be aware that anew *tee Canada
backeroiluit for MO
ties and dep. *rid 1 ties/a/him
Tibia In ,the',:wilderness.------ -
•In Wh�. know us We Say "the
Ow 'to .you for your Many likeable
thOel--Cthers-440-.44Y-4-toine-hP and
anr skmcinung
. (Antigonislt, NS., "Ciiiket")- • the. 1-?-eet..mii ,1.*. )71.-48...-a---iegend-of pioneer
. Amt-afi:_tdi&iies : worse -Jo deal, aerial
with than --the, childishneis--Of early -.1MaszTtifir; impulse; momentum. Our
Years, in that it is riot a Passing pliaSe.
the vbild is teachable.. 'I'he man is not:
41:11TE Ignifit
CE!ieter T-inex*-Adviocatei '
The jaWrithip 'Ind county fathers are
%%irk throtigfnmt_the year ;di that is regi'Phrueet. , . I von& : . ' _ . defeated $4tiris M. Itedditt arid_Tesilrield;
oft to a brand new nett. To do good line st,e4itillreci i:n4 6 few avastverin history and „always with such a hook- rairn. 1.1m. Graham and H. C. Wilhants
uiredift_that,_•___Vart_ziglit_ona jc,eW Alia0A1314-L-frierolW; peaceable. 'The ___1the 4,,,plait-mentioned_ab.--- On 40121t doing -right; -
ti ai__. „matter_ yttts jarmight „triCli- 'amicable -period-ivim_supposed_to be that_at_thei_ton defeated Mrs-a/aye Lend.----Mies-F.-
_Close." . ,. , " ' • . ' end of' the last century when tlie Rus- Orassick. Mss 4 - sounders and P
Ile"toll qe my flfst4houghevery&Ipeatont- class, especially In remote „Carey defeated Miss' J. Abell and D.' 11,
: t" . 'm
merning.„. .0.. • ,,, ,,,,„, . =. . 4. -districts was; in a poverty stricken con- ,Nairn. Miss J. Martin and E. Beacom
. . .
_ Mimi, nearly analagous to that -of the -defeated Mrs, Moone and tafiss,Ct. Wat-
e.t- "Your brothe7Aold-nie-th
French after Naiioleotes wars had juiti _sem Mrs._ .33eacom, and Vic Elliott de,
11e'; "Blit I get tip an hair before lie.
At the tnrie _the gruesome thing was
put on Peola SaTtf "XiCav sordid. -
Russian." _
, Vihich gives -rise to Ithe speculetion,
-are the Russiana just one hundred years
proved to be the eVentual *inners '..over
Phil, Carey and, Miss :Taste Saunders. .
Play' in the vatIons sets was fast and
exiting and some. Splendid tadinintori
resulted. „ - -
IT -the afternomr-tes -was-served.,
cornmittee-in- alMICe7-4;onsisted-
Cultural development, • Visa Evelyn Dean, Mts. spr) Graham,
The fashion. is. *.ed--tneni is, Miss Josie Saunders, E C. 'Beacom and
sicVori. itirpetus to the „comple- still shrouded the:, barbarism of -the Chas. Naftet
tion of the' -talk."
.LACItItioriit.-,aliedding :given to
shedding tears: "Her- lacrimose. Cern-
plaining became iitiOlerable to her hus-
band." • 7". I
• .41
ZVASIVE; tending to escape; eluilVe.
Middle; :Age& •. .TU0 results: rE.. Beacom and 'Miss
,The murder,oti'-o -guest .in an -.1nn.ior'-aVtartin--defeated Baker "and Miss
his stery connnonly a.siociated•-beati. Miss Watson and
Avitivthe.extremezpoyerty-and- squalor .of Mooney defeated.4).liss-E-,Cooper-and
e., dark period M. country's history. It. NOW.. Mrs, Beacon" 'arid Vic ElliOtt
is a story that Croix AIP again and again t. defeated °Miss A. Wlirtele and a). it.
vine, Ont., recently' pliblished an editor-
_ _
of Special-interest: todur
readers.any there It, is:
InNt ,t*sin .1,grafinieara teriin_e_ao_Tioa _ to_nim-ali ,oi..spircelrierojitse, m.bil nyt:itil_odyLt4),.4t 104 a sm.._
ing Or-inerchti- ark -7j----7- ."---"
nis from
senator is one ',Worthy of eonsiders
for theTcoulitty taken froM- him an a
Iiing the other day.
about ruined the land.. . s, . feated Mrs. Gkahara.andIt C. Williams.
oisr- - in short -It -seems to be a perkid,story; :labs- J...:Sauriders_ and_r...:Cardefeated.
. . ' . •
' deffnitety consistent -with the time and Miss AL Watson and Atita- M. •Ifether..,
-Pintineler; °"1.44-oney? Isitit- r--ilme-diffillIelV 'bill'es'iht0-..-W-Infell'ew.:1-Allidum ' * , -..' •_..
• . --- - . . - •'-
'- .10Y ,P,froll--euePtlthe lora -,-----------,... ,,..
, . _ .
-- I il
,11,04!,1,sta-t.VM 1004 1 - vyllit,. . ..,•-
i..ii*Or'spread: thiagos- kr,011iiiew&T,C,!_nterprise:241etit4 ---.
' ' T 1
per* did, --and in liddi, , :- It-, iti- rePOrted-that there: Wert 10,00til-
to tarry advertise.' toarrIstiteL In Canada in tot8 a 4
are- thousands Or- ways oftT-inalcin tUF-a--44-tht-st,atS;Onthe-toiintry
* 4 • -4+ -
Otediter4VIes,_biwy one honest
. , .
Itthe peOfT3 e of the early 1.0th century
• '
:yikouldketzthey- might tave ihhied to Vie -foiiiiarig
knovritt"' that Bonaparte loet tire -rubber -in'api
*Ay but, local, cotoens: They, three notible bachelors, Prezril* erti Wit! - • • * -
Ms trumps, • *
hi4 good bruin nett no 101 Willie: sUother,-,If baby ate tadpol !OinaParte has tirtairaY h t d
0+ + ettelitde Xing and xtould he croak fivett his cards well, for though at one time
was bee All Id 11 W Beatt -of th 0.14 -
et Mit e
and Knaves hi the pack lie has got notlt;
he abOut Ws; far 4714.411
_I Ito° .(ta pao: nel;er, uses ai mfr.; . This is a tialuil play.on 'words. pro.
11:001447 MAKE SENSE.
' (Sliti0Oelleforrrier) dirtY!" lthoW11+. 'There are' taranlet or it- 14 'the
thing y hive *tked. the
eispararta bo light to; the. years
rt *
_ton -terns send
or 'adverSe tinnitgli the
on: letterheads, enve.
Io nts, etc," The pricea itrit
ow), uie lecsti prititees..a
thaii**Mi. send tither Mist-
oUt td town, yet expect, the Iceal
Orirde tO4bUY their
s theh--saleabftta *11
OWS' the Or *t * tost ii4tica-4.,
the Iola printer to :buil
ruisketaarie lopk-se-mestea Pablyolc___1„„al_i ides. a. wit Is
Ancient Cuneiforin writings of the *lab.
The arousing thing ihOnt these 00m, * and Sumerians.
munt they. loathe ton. 'Oh, joules, dear'," said ' *
ditions4mder which they are "Xialced to •tinit understand why you lavish, your . iiete .)tontiettitio, 10 Ihim._thai. the
live In' Canada * _Sat at the same time 'affections on inc above all The other-giris Alulanack you's pritipied, in Ire1nd. 11
show Medal at toeing Sent back' to the in the World. Do tell me why -,:it is.••,
looks like a aly dlg at the complacency
4.1. the English Who haveloasted so long
the :village
country that they Went US to be like. ,As "Hanged if I know" replied, "and
OhnoloPhfts "'It *oftall nv 1a14. fia3t tn°Y'ire, blbwed 11 ,t/IfIr that •their Wandhas never been eon,
inalt' senseVi"
so Stilt HE DIDN'T
Theycan soy what they like about
dem, facilitka„ graripap`never hid
t Iva,,,,,:tieter in bobbin's mouth
It3w m4,1h below *too he tested.,"
printer to tarry *ft *c. 4" — Th4nnt4)14 "41°'
tan make It eitheri"
4, • t
Where are yo21 hurrying tr;7,!"..„
4e asylum"
Whit -de i'€iin,'-i0inictSeri
want :to see- It they have missed
atatfonerY out Of town., Yet' "SUmeig* has eloped with iny wife."
flueband: "Darling, what has ha
atter extracting' the, moneyheld it up Pthed,WII3P lliote You that plaster over
for the Clatt-co-stit. Yourlett eye?
.11 tat, Freddy Wilsotoo she • Wifet "Plastert That% My reit
,asittdA by wwy of * general know**. hat,
air, tit didn't. Arai swop.* tia; , .
to. poy It* nOte. tit l'ilape tti paw boiling wato tioatn 'WOW retelved her pay triVeiope
Is the '1010r1tit 01 ft* Th4brO1ret thrOitt 121 tbo litiliter MOrttingit
ot *IL „WbOe 1e than' "t, hoe to 1* Cranked either,
f IOWA *Inch call. And it ecat ix let *A tO Shull
I *Wind has. been conquered by five
different nations; the Britons,
pie.. rd. poi., 2,,By the:, .Zottons under
attar3, b the ..SolOroxiS,. "under
Itengist. • 4, fiy"the Normans, under Wit.
/1*, is' an', odd erfor tO list only, to
Conquests and.oloiro 113ere were
141y, ,cld bobbin than it does to thoo no
tratsPortidlon and he was * lot :
the r0a4 Woe 'Ow lila' tett
• Mid the-Vtather nater *04, .40 _
. thst the 011 Iltaain Dabbin's
-shovedMdtb b. bowe4 or
IMYpentelotoe4, *te," **I4 the bort
odittet what did it tontaint"she went
oust" Tour Salto:
'AnY ,arthftildestkaurts'
*id 4 lit% boy It
enteldipe 10'411*
ot vat* *Mem
**at you, doing, dear?'
she Shouted Atha,' tO her *deaf hut.
* '
'Toot just let the tat ado" be
goodnies' 11140* let *13 tall
OUt t4$o.-4a stinekly eA, possible
* *
"rte. 1104- *4 old Ito. biggina lately
Ito* is *bet'
"bead, ale
• joined the
Metiglas' EgyPtiati Linrtnent
a ,riVel....:StoPs.„ bleeding. :instantly.,
tcrlzea _Wounds_ and prevents 'blood pots-
onivg„ ' *
at 20c per .hour and. teams at 400,„ per',
hour The council accepted J, ‘•
land's offer to rent the hall for $60.00
for all council purposes.. Messrs. Olen
and urooer waited on council suggeSt-
Mg that the Department of IlighwaYa
do not remove all the snow frOM the
Pavement, in order that sleighs 'might
have some chance to travel.' Tile clerk
was instructed to write their request` to
.the., .Department. The clerk was.
tructed to write W. Stirling to remove
stones dumped' on the roadside witliout
permission, and that he will be held re.-
sponsible for any damage that may
pen. The The accounts passed for payment
were: Mrs. Hopkins, wood, $17.50; re- •
lief accounts, $61.93;- signal printing,
60c• Star printing, $33; T. T. 1Vturphy_,
Division Court clerk, -$14; O. Oirm, DIV++
Won Court,,'4ailiff, IN; R. 'G. •Ilhomp-
Pig _arid 7po11254,-,--
. Mulholland, dog tax errors
Salkeld, postage and tax, $18; supt. pay
voucher No. 1; $71.69. Council then ad-
journed to meet....en_mor_asisat,--February
5th, at 1 p.m. -
- -The-potato production of the -United,
States as estimaUd- on December 1, Jr
317.1 million bushels, conipared with
7367.6 -minim -bushels in 1 -932: -
Nine forms of oat -stem rust were isq.-
lated by the Dominion itust Research
Laboratory at Winnipeg during the six
year period 1925 -to 1930. Six of those
fomls are rare. in Canada.
1.• Most :infants are -infested by worms,. cause great ,suffering; and if- n
promptly dealt' with hitly Cause constitli:
titmal weaknesses difficult to remedy.
Miller's Worm Powders 'win clear •
stomach and bowels of worms and • will
so .act upon the system that there will
be no recurrence -of the trouble. Arid
nSot only this, but they will repair the
Injuries to the _organs_ that worms -cause
-and-restore them to sowadness.
'Perennial -fyetrais, the- ea rli t"* -
grass, successfully checked incursions
of Canada thisle in experiments
carried out in England.
Xtukaitt,.,Bradtvell,, wzites:--0'Por a .
suffered -Item -terrible-eough-iihiely -
ivedViuttrotr-4 zuwewu-s-raiMidliitmillook.
was told about_ .-- ,RtlioryrarlineSimup, so
started taking it right away. I Wok two bottles and
iny confhg was gone,. New I always keep_ricing
366 bottler -large sue, 66e, at all
drug and •r general stores; -put hp only by The T. Mil -
,burn Co., •- Toronto; Ont.