HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-11, Page 1,311,,••41 +10.4,
4 !t, 0,41 ir t3; • NAS, ,
• I i %Iv; .
Yen gOderieh Single UneMPloyed
Men left .Mernhes• is tale
0 It ter the GOVeriaMent Verie eemp
• Rondeau 'Perk. They were At/Olin,
Murrale Andrew 1,Airray, Harry- Jenner,
• -Owe ;OM Chafe Iarder Jno Graham
* and *Stanley 'Warnock; •
• Roridemf Is One of the next beautiful
Parka in the PrelfneeIt is,'situated on
Jake. Erle, 109.th Of Che,tham, in, 'ICent
The GOVernment 18 taking- advantage
of the •imemployMent situation to Widen
-roada,--,-Clear.outinideelbrueh" and geiler
aIy sPrUee up the district.
•Ist not itnow tow long the men will
be away from, hoine,, but it is likely', that
they will be 'required „fo-r several weeks.
.eeived by the-undereigned,„upAaMnirs.,-
day. February ,Ist, 1934, far- the position
.W1t SALLOW:, R. It. 6, •Goderich
WANTED. ---Farm wanted to work on
" shares or rent. 15 years' exper-
gnce. Apply Box 9, STAR, OFFICg.
flELP vitANTED.7-Wornen, warited to
sew for Ats_ at h.ome.. Sewing
machine_liecessary.___Ne seuteg._
partment 253,, Toronto 8.
THERE XS, a re.medy made for positive
•foot. relief. Use press :Corn Salve:
-Vag- -8.aL4.---Two coal oil' heaters
geed conditionA Apply --STAR OF -
FH - hood cover • for
• automobile, Pb-st-class condition.
Inquire at.STAR OPPIOE.
Fag. furcoat, buffalo .skin,
- lerge siZeili--giod condition. Ap-
ply Box '7, $TAR 011FICE,
R. 1911.1X.--7-04aaemal.
- .---Ahree-arid-four--„aPply to, CECIL_
JOHNSTONImeknoW.-. Phone Dungan-
non: '77 r 10• •
Fort SALE. -A purebred Shorthorn
ten-morith& old darleita-
-color- Apply to ROBERT' DA:VIDSON,
. Dungannon 'Ph -4e 84.
pArat Tort' SALE, -Forty acres, ,inow
or less, the ProPerty., ot the late
IL- W. 0. Nate. - situated at. the erd n
South Street on the southern boundary
of the town of geedway roam, . largo
house and barn, drive aka': workshop;_
hen-house;-artegiart- well - (135_ feet),- the.
-vett best- of .good- -fruit -.-trees".
---Ideal .location,-olose.0'to---sehocils: and.
enure*. For tnitther_piirtinvIsift :only
.--ori-tht-prentset or to-,PERA:riir orWILLNAPTIEL.: 3
• There has been"* regular ,epidenlio Of
thefts of glIaOhAe 'frOM, the tat* Of
Parked motor car $ dur'In* the pest few
." 04 TOesday night. of 'this 'week the
owner, of * ear parked on Sto Vincent
EX., came out of a how to find *nether
tar , standing alongside his and a, COUP1,6
Of Men working, teleriedly °Vet thefr ;es
When theysawhim tlipt,leped in
their own car and drOve-,011441Y away.
Relied no chanceto see . who they, were
and it was too dark to get ' thole license
They took the cap of his gas 'tank
along -with: them- In their haste and sev-
eral gallons of gas had been removed.
The Same thinghappeneda few nights
ago on Victoria St. In -this ease, tee,
the gas tank eap was missing.
Me weeks ago a. prondrient physi-
cian _dtstUrbed two men in a mud be-
spattered car at the same ocenPatiOn.-
, this latter ' Case the 'Matter is, a
much -thore,iserieue. one. * - •
It ii-a.geaVe"er_ffitinalptfenCttr-steal:
, gasoline from a doctor's motor car . as
sult of his inability to starthisear in
' It is a criminal offence in any drown -
stances, of course, but :the penalty is
Much More 'severe where_ a doctor's car
-A sharp look -out is being maintained
by the police and the perpetrators of
this Mean form of theft will be severely
dealt lvith.when--apprelended,
• will be skipper en the yacht PAnona" for
_her_newner, was in town Tuesday
looking the boat over. He left again for
Windsor almost immediately, Be will
e-rer,oeMbered;br wine as the skipper
of the yacht 4Hobo Ir. Which. was in
harbor a couple of times last summer.
Logr. -
---B,rown.,water spaniel' pup. Ra
-tail, fere-W -Showing. 'Reward.
Sneak Thief :or
In erielt Plants ASHFIIAD
Secures $041. Amount ikt Otoiin 00141304N, '00tdoorpo,
$Avr NvAliitAisTosi14eter Seott
1.90Etuou IrWri,hr*iimot ,:uoteitz,
• Tvva, OTHER ATTEivarrs
";1711,r001.' areat;te:oaptrt:e4-:da'syrob,011)4erYit011ai epoug:c;00:1n:uvri:vrirx-:::374;. La:bolepr*. emer-
'" • , •
sneak-thte, moused *bout nine dol-
lars from italilding place in: the 'office
Of the Dean Coal Co, on the night of
January Ord; ,.,
Mr. Dean,.regrets.very much ,that the
impression has get, abroad that 1,411,1
Might have been an inside job as only
the one drawer in a eabint was disturb-
ea: He points out thatchangehas been
kept in this particular spot for the (pit
five Years and . probably hUndreds„of 'PeOe
pie during that time had an opportun-
ity of learning its whereabouts, "
He-lrei.itilatieffiae no fainte/frittl*:
Mon rests on any of his permanent 'em-
p)oyees. Mr. Dean states that there was
no POSsibility of the .thief securing any.
_eonsiderable luwas._he never leaves any-
thing--but-charige-hi- the "Offtie'Tova
1101tRIS---L. E4ardiff.
1/. Eckert. -
STEPHEX-NY.! Swelizer, Chester
STANI1EY---14 Haiiie3n
TIMICEBSUITS--W, B. Archibald.
USBORNE-Jas, 1341antyne.
WEST --WA.WAROSIt-'-W. Stewatt.•
GOORRICIT-B. C. Munnings, Robt.
' Turner. " r
W,1144.3•#,A,M-/. :Ferguson.
EXETER -W. D. &Went.
HENSALI,:-J. Jones,.
CLINTON-Geo. Elliott.
SEAFORTU-N. W Orbsier.
BRUSSELS -R.- J. Bowman.
Possibly -the tame man rf° was ee
ces&ful-at.Aha_Deail- Officeiradde an at-
tempt-acthiiitaf the Goderich. Dairy
• Co. Here he was interrupted but escap-
• ea before being apprehended. •
*R.. J. Doak, the proprietor of the skat-
ing rink, ,also had an _ experience with,S,•'
prowler- in -his- hoirreini Picton St. He
took no action _against this man whom
heclaims to have 'recognized, as the
Man hahad a-lof .12'hata-Ina and In
any event ecured nothing from the
_police are working- on thecase and
eipectitrappreliend the Dean -Co.--mar-
auder. They do net know if the three
--attempts were all the work. of only -one
man but expect to clear the matter up
-in a short -time. •
• The aimual meeting -of the Dungannon
Agritultiiral Sotiety will be held in the
Parish -Ball; Dun -lemon, Tuesday, *Tan.
- 28rd„ at 2.30 van. ryone kite d in
-thea1rshould plato_atteniL____ _
CHAS. .6.LTON, Secretary,.
• Fire, -Accident arid Motor Car
Officer —
Masonic Teniple, Wait St.,_•Oode.Ach_ _
Phone 230 NELSON HILL, Mgr.
Insuranceand Real Estate
Boarerfox: P_ROVINCIAL,
T. hes annual meeting of the West Wa-
.wanoeh_Mutual Fire, Insuranbe Company
will be held -in the•Pariali Ilan, 'Dungan=
fioni-en Friday, February 9th, -1'934, at 2
p.m. to receive reports; elect directors,
atipoint; -auditors to° enact bylaws for the
remuneration of directors and • transact
general business-Directors-salkeld,--M
Quillin and Atkert retire bet are eligible
or re-election. .
' G. 0. TRELEAVEN, See,-Treas.
TialAroTradtically pry flat Most of
'Thursday, Jan. 4th—Buffalo,
'N. Y.,. the Saftie
-- The Town-or-Ooderieh Trrid---the CI
of Buffalo, N.Y., were drawn somewhat
together last Thursday when in both
,cases needle ice blOckecl .their miter in -
'takes, leaving both places without an
_adequate water_ suppirfor - most of the
day: The cause aPPearsrto_, have been
• the sem' e in both eases.
The lakes froze out to about the point
of the Intakes.. A thaw came on aceem-
A A.. Reid MO mrATING ammuxER
Mayor Suggest* %mit For Town
Documents--Severel 4420
• Priendkv good felloWeldp marked the
proceedings Of th'e'inaulikral meeting of
the Town Council, which assembled for
lts firit.aession 1,934. at .111 Vetock_m
Monday morning, January Oth.
Iftgistrate Clime. •A, Reid *Dictated at
:,the...::npening ceremonies., administering
the! oath' Of -*Mee to Mayorj". C. Lee;
Reeve B. c. IV(Unnings, Deputy Iteeve
E. PraessztAaefeetletecalx couneillors.
The magistrate congratalated the
members on their election.
. "Your wor 18 Sianetiling With .whieh./
itave----itadr.,Seme 'eanerience;'-he----sald.!
." ygi- will -haver-,diffelenetafLat'.*Oninifin
but from what I can see you can one
and all be trusted to work for the ulti-
mute ,heriefit a the town. 1 nnt slirp
iyou, will exerpise,. sound -discretion in
carrying.ont yoututies."
•MayrLee thanked the migistrate en
behalf of the cotmeil Idof 'himself.
• Town Clerk L. L. Knox Was ibex). cal-
led upote ICIread. the minutes of the
meeting _ of December..22nd, after _which
6 officially declared-lhe- =feu& Mem,
bers elected to their -ibspective offices.
• Mayor Lee, he assuming charge of the
meeting, addressed the council' as -fel-
Denied by a strong wind. This broke up
the edges of the Ice which, being crush-
ed by the waves was driven in small par-
tiele.3 under the solid_ lee. This tendk to
• gatherT.along theedgee-tint heititien-
• stantly driven back It goes don ait
accumulates Until there ile'a belt of -fine
particles extending to the lake bottom..
This can happen at any distance from
the shore.
• The Buffalo intake Is about five miles
-oilt -in the lake, nereas-our,s is near the
enct_of the south bretawater.
Water and Light ofileiaLs worked all
day, reversing the flow of the engines
'which forced the waters back to the
aker-and--in im
It is intended hooking up the water
In the maims__ with the intake ppeJx
such a way that if the difficulty ever
:happens again ail the water -throughout
,teivn can be Instantly reverssothat lt
will flow back (into the lake -by gra-vity.,
The Retirement Income Bond
of the Sun Life will.guarAntes to pay yoii, when you reach the age
,1_,Ratirement Tnoomer-of---whate-ver-you-amay --determine-fo
the rest �f life; - •
To plitta./011Xq0titte,0 sholliptArtliorJtVe-tOzthe,..ate_br.Aa,...
mznnnum 'aniotinf of the wholf the deposits you have 'made. „
. 'Profits rutty be stipliea tro increase the benefits, ,or to reduce the
• ,
Males j=dziol: 5,ii; H. R. LONG, District Agent
---xpra7NG. 11 -111t -ON• ',COUNTY
The meeting Of the Buren County
Council will be.teld..iii the County Coun-
ci Chambers, Court Ileuse, Cioderich, at
2 o'block -on the afternoon of January
accounts,._noticiOf deputations Or
- ness requirirtg attention at this meeting
•Lef-the Council should be. in the him'
• of the Clerk not later than the MandaY
previous to the meeting of the Couneili
Dated It Goderiel this 4th %day' of
January, 19344,
3. M. rtmEarrs, County Clerk.
Fellow Councillors: -
'We have met• here today for tile- in-
auguratiOn* a-tm ceuneir-for 1934. -r
hope that every Member feels. the- re-
sponsibility of his 'position,entrusted to
him by the ratepayers to look after the
business of the town and that we will
all woek harmoniously together. By so
doing, we will accomplish more and save
a let of time.
Durherthemiast "three years'„We have
.come threllgti-YerY..._etrenuees. and dis.
couraging times but by careful planning
m:g"Pit,pere.,t,ttitutite Wvioilits' b0.44114ervehin, sethneuser. hese , vile town
,busii iikh. together with
, .•
___.L. . , w • • !
91„/ 'T1/44114.4143r evening, liultuktY lt,thg Ikti the farm of *Welt It forma la Part lriest-
ii,8 ePei34-44244,1:13nusaear .rtuNte,1,4!*ussbleets1-144,; r :rhe.! ptitiree4t4hadesaedoilasit!it Isavil411.,fiLobru3.*:00,0,0.00d-it. neailt,
IleW Canada, Movement," wiiich: is UM-
pielitieel And nen-religions. 'Altiong thel. lerne* 310 cord* Of WOOd has -already
0, the eme prteis_vilatm products At pre*, and moat of It , sold. About 41i00;!
tdPies to be iiisotissedivill=be, "The cause, been cut and intad, Of It brought to town
sent, also "How te Ostrow the Marketing; cest of' the farm, has already' been res -
spread between , products and consam-1 Wed. In addition there ere still about l`r 4711,0 VrOftrant will be intersperiedi 20 cords Of WoOd, to cat arid some of that
with -musical - numbers-Botir: sexes aretiklreaCitinsuled is atilt lying,*-ther, ',town-- -
-cordially:. invited. These- •MeethiI
_gs,.are WOO.Oarst.„---‘4,---• ,-----,- - -
free to the public and everyone is 'urged A goodlunar cords 0! Colas and hratir;!
to attend to discuss matterswhich are eahdedistiweontoo
redistrelbaubtoevde.orrrelief prcter.s, in
Thie Weald epPear so far to have been
a Most profitable arrettgentent, by the
crecIturn4n*Itedi"thrnatYP;t6ehoOria' toher,41",elt-resliasPeebrtng''
labor have been given to Men Who would
otherwise have beenondirect relief:40T- -
the town stilt owns- theilatur either
Teli-OFiZt-dir:E.!Viiir isi-rireiriii ia:lil
.., . ,..., ' ... , ..,. . -.1.,.
property,. -- '
In the ineanthne the rent froin the
farm .1S *109 per -annum- Whereas'. the
taxes are only 425,00. " ,• .
' It does lOok like a- pretty 'shrewd deal
and Councillor Seabrook is partletilaily '
pleased at the results,. , _ •_ '
of vital 1Mportance to the country: M.
aecount of The New Canada Movement
appears elsenere in this issue,
minutes to enable them to bring ifilheir
•eport. • '
-On re-asseinbling :the eeminitttes were
'Crtilialnittear '-0.-Ifillislfer; '137
C. Munnings, D. Sproul, 0. „Gould, P.
Seabrook. ' • .0 -
Public 'Works: 13.- C. Mulnings, D.
Sproul„ -11Mitber, R. E. Turner, G.
Gould. •
Special and Relief: It., B. Turner,
-Humber, V.* Seabrook, Joiiit' Huckins;
0. mtinuings. • •
Water and Light: N. Colelough, F.
Sealireok, Clould,, 11. C. Munnings,
- -
Cemetery and 'Parke:. D. ---EfirOni. G.
Gould, B. C. Munninge, C. Humber, N.
Colelough. - •
Fire; ` ESeabrook; 'Jno. Huckins, '1);
Sproul, B. E Turner? N. Colcleugh.
Industrial; G. Gould,' N. %Coleleugh,
D. Sprotil, Jno. Huckins, R. E. Turner.
• Court. of Revisiont no. Uuoklns, 1t
urner, 0. FruiThen- r-, N. Cieelough, F.
.Tileccouriell linhiediately waled down
to business after one or two expressions
of good, will. ,
Deputy Reeve Turner seemed to strike
the keynote when, he' remarked that
1933 1034
*e..11igh Low High Lew
4 —0----3Er, 28-17
„.. 37 • 26 48- 26 '6 42 30 37 3i
7 - 42-26 35 11-
36 24 26 -33- _
9 3Q 31 34' 32
" 10 . • • ..... 40 28 • 31 28
whensuch awenn set -otit in- a good
-frame of mad to- to- look -for cooperation Reserve -Tuesday, Pebrus.ri_i4th, for
- , . I
their iisuallY got" IC -They could ''get 're: -the-StTeteorges'church"annual--highjita ==.-
we have alt been taught how to 'econo- I sults and undoubtedly would. On ' Monday evening, January 15t,h, the
mize And live within our means. • At Several _necessary , statutory bylaws .members at the Arthur Chele,, of Knox
were quickly adopted. church, sili hold their awing, bawl_ 4et
present,.. it " is the general opinion
ohout_the_country_that business is Meetings will be aa Usual on -first and at 8.30. xi.in;, Atter. wiliol _elle,s, e4taee .,__•__
eeling among -our different factory -man :prireewitidinigng7ilmt bee_reheplorid, IVilTsiltstt-MoinextriLniervnie__tor.:,.--_
much. Improved area from the '015tliffia. hPridays of each month, except dur-
ing July and 'August when only one
figmentsthey &mild all be busy this of . •
meeting, that the_ first Friday, wifit
m -Se lal'which met at Clinton will he iiVeh b
coming spring,. therefore next fall we Misa Belle IVIaeVicar.
The Board of Health was appointed`
low arid H. J. A. Maegwan. 410iii_its_,TealiThe MillieekPhaepltr. D. 1:..wq___*:___,______ ...
and tam -Stets of A. D. IVieLean, Dr. -Gal-
• bring p
• t '
1 want You- to give serious consideration, Mr. J. W. Fraser was i-eaprxiintec.--to
it is...ttas_eur twin e.au was, tilint a the Collegiate Institute I3eard but the'
great number ot years ago before fire- eecond iwpointnient to this board, was
the recommendation -of a --
proof- -construction- war, given - inuelaT-Iett• •I'ver
should have very few unemployed.
4.00 p.m.
and tChiiiI-IMai
The Vletoria Horee ---
will meet at -4 o'clock on Jana** Milk. -
4. -Th" he -routical
tholight and the Town Of Cioderich has -EPeeial ael"weli,a:rtee e-W.1;pert a`tretathe, YnorrainGgilinlja.
• ito tsh:Isiren4airvee ianciihre-anasfsehr:foltil5:la7t1-1-1148anT -bteheeir-verrImtlincitizens of GoadtE:ri1:1"ve-h reaIl-Z 7thve:t11:3-6+ -A"--nelq-"224"--212 Linttie ing-eortun ttee. Rev. . o
had a fire In this *bnilding. Do you and to. the Library Board for the years 1934 -
the guest speaker.
The_Ahmeek-„Chapter,L=0,--Wro_ will -
,11W -regular C meeting -
on Monday afternoon, Jann_ary.lStli, at
4 o'clock.
The Goderieh Women' s Ittitititte*111 •
hold a (600) card party in -Waco HaE
on Friday, January 19th, in ald.of
Luni.'.1t wiirtie7seived;-.--Adntisstotz--17---
.'-'11hevanntiatineeeting- -thi:Gaderieti•-•-•
Industrial and Agriculture SeeletY Will
_hold_in the town halr
January 18th, 1933, at 2 o'clock.
J. IL ROBERTSON, Secretary.
obstructioiout of -thetway in short near& erel_at the_merCY o_firii,'Yeti
der..- , - , bto-To no 17-a-Turatid.....turit_mrottr 6inm186--Diantieleeeattd
orr-th,e-Housing- -
•-.Hydro -officials state, - however, that, will- ppbably few that we have a safe. coname. to represent -the council on the
Me or „ 0 , 0 Lee - will
. f .4e_ -
there might not be a recurrence of the -;,-• is is very true, we have a 'safe. in, • licisPital Board.— •
trouble for years. - -. the first place; this is a very oid sate' 41' H. Robertson- was • re -appointed
The town was in no danger of 'a ems; and as to fire resistenee it is practically assessor and tax collector.. for 1934 and
flagration while the shortage was on, as nil as the life of a safe for that purpose a bylaw providing for the payrrient of
isere-s-enough water in_the st
nale any fire IOW lo 0-ecurT"--- , r_Ln • _ ...earsartisalhe ' 5Ck-interest'al“he-banda-a-then
old make -oVeafes, Seeondly, if it, were tall° itittPWesttldinwEritailruadrwas-P83*-25
21,3rdro- ofileials-are- -Indignant --at !•-the trepitbf;" it- ig-tilfaleilliate-10 'held' --rattlieLlad----,----'--------- , - - -- -,- -- .- ------ ---,:-
the effect_ that, water for drinking pur- Town's valuable records, to say nothing The appointment of a new Medicas
rurriors •Nvhich .have been cireulating to
poses is being taken out of the Harbor he reeor-da of jeskiadue_Health Officer to take place ot the late
.sinee-the blecking of the intake. ' • ' We carry insurance on our town build- Dr , A . 0-.`Ifi iiWr was Taft to the-recenr
I& 3. lat, 1CellY eni,PliatleallY states do- not protect these- valuable records- mehdation of the special totnnrittee.
Ing,s and•on our ovian twines 'end yet we
that this is untrue: No water has been ' Councillor Humber objected to the old
whith would
taken . from any place Other. than the ifcost a large sum of money metheag of-rookulg- kk,
..intake; ' , to replace , they could -he -replaced at --1-0' felt t itt mme action shiu1d be taken
all. The loss would be large to the town.. to bring the matter to a final 'conclusion
There is plenty of water new. some
additiOn has been raade to the amoinat What / want' this ebitneil to do is -to ret so the spetial eetzfirrittee was detailed to
Of chlorine added to the water as thii-model our, clerk's. oitice and • build a make a special study of the problem and,
vault. "This can be easily done by, using bring in a report
Wet insisted on bthe Governinent in . .1
!the. Interests -of safety; ' the present archway which WAS used Councillor Cknild upheld Councillor
fter MacKay Hail.
Fel/. 1 tO 15 Mat. 1 ta Mar!. 15 April 1 to April 15 /Kay 1 46,15
S. 9.80. 9.84 9.89°
49.00 41.20 49.43
Prepayment Receipts ,trinSt lie presented alodk iitti 1.934 Tax t3iils during' the first
instaltrnent period, ,411
Batik iritere.# is only 214, per cent Purettas yOur Prepayment Receipts early and
bay your money earnint* .54; per cent. ;Merest.
„lune DISCotints allowed hi ddftionb
When We had heats rot our 'fire lighting number in. his stand. • ,
apparatus but today it if; 01 no value,for •After the reading of the minutes of
that purpose • and, eould be utilised for. the meeting of Deeember° 22nd Deputy
enlarging the office and installing, is ` Reeve Turned asked tor Information as
• By, Welfare It •o4rd Vault.
In my address on nomination night, 1
, --, to the celiac of the water shortage on
Many Things ,Neetlea Which Can. .
to spend. Thig is a vet+ small sum Thursday. Janeary 4th.
taken by the Water and Light Commis -
The presence of ice and the action
pointed- out that we have about $25,000
f ~ •
tvhen you take MU) consideration -the .sten to handle the difficulty were eat..
not Now Be Supplied , size of our town and the great
bzineage plained by the mayor.
of wide streets, walks, parks, cemetery,
It was decided to advertise the dis-
ete.,,thel We have'the UpkeeP to initirk• -coUtit which •is available to taxpayer4,on
• tab.'. I want each committee to start at taxes Paid ill advallee' ' '
once t-� 'figure out how much money it Ls ' The Meeting was adjourned .at MO/
going to require to that we ran' strike P311.. it being sild that this was last
our estimates ,at an early date. And al"tit r'ebild fot. breVitit ill hialigural
pit„thei,--Irre-i, the eurtiatig ar.6 taf_trtz. i . meetings. Mayor Lee, congratulated the
-want-leacircenunittee-to keep---within-the new-g914w4 ." -Pe- ani9114t---'9t'-"riC--%--d1s'''
,itittount ottnika. and by „biz tits Iva posed of and the bUsiii .e,ls-like handling
; , *
will be able at the end of, the year to ot same
There -Were 110 epettatees pest
partly Owing 10 the hour at Whictt the
meeting iwt held, and PartlY to the cen-
tred lipAtliy with whith to marl Pit00-t
'regard the transmittal of their PUblie
At the genvrtil trieeting of the Welfare
Boarct at the Town Hall cin Monday
night, OtunfarY 8th, it developed that
there, was a pressing need for clothing,
children. whiett the 'Board
IS .net autliorited-to-suPPIY;r':-.- '-
Rubbers, shoes, 'Stookhlo'for thildren,
underwear and *arta watl are- Among
the - things Most utgotly rieeded.
• Pew people lista beye Or girls* Warm
atockinga *Welt AI* lit to! Patsort biit it
Was telt that Sonia might, be available.
Ooine.eitizerts might be willing to donate
th osh for the pUrthase of the§e. •
Aiiyone hiving -*nide* Ot
iticit they are willing to rdonste sre re..
sted w phone the toWahII t* be,*
idiots tA,/ the bail tot hoped
*up**, teottotl roponikito
thlaroi tot motounot. '
bilante our budget.
X,wish you all Vert Happy and Pros.
perous 4eW"gear.
• tteeve Sfunningt thanked the Mayor
on behalf of the tountil. 'potty ttetvo
rt*rner ,‘!*.tpesttct V*, Oor tro401.,
I:44*It1 on th4 table -that the add
oil might WS the benefit; at the eate14
lent auaiteitiOne tototoot iheent
A striking tehrmtitike Wait then Monad
10 httattthorstiAniunt tOtrollattteei. fog
104 Md the ,e0itoen **timed let *
Istiosuo, M.*eal
Mr Cut skOotintft itto
more icwpi)*Ittvo
Pulps tirtPhrot,‘toi Aot'it* 000
to Ulm* *nd• tattillood toiowoot
I• tut]) or TuANKII.
The -family et-thr lato=l-riti•liowmart- -
take this opporttinity of expressing their
sincere appreciation of Many kindriesies
tendered in their recent bereaVeinent.-
They ate wish to thank theae
kindly loaned theirtars and those iv
sent; floral tributes.
PRITZLIiir?I'.4ArV114titin,.- -on !-'41insuary-‘
gth, 1934, to Mr. and, Mrs.! //ed. Pritilet
Ooderieh, a son (Doneld lorederiek).
11AMM.-At .Alexandra Hspitsl
riph, on January 1th, ,1034., to, Mr. And
Mrs. George 1-14M10-0 ,Iiruee 'street, ra -
TE1v1PIZTO. Ooderioll, ea Wed,
nesday. January 10th, 1934, tathatine "
Templeton, in hef g/th year,
ItOLMF.43.-At Sault Ste. *f-ar.
Holmes, beloved husband of Alice
Tittertherit Araiilt ate:,
I$ *1040ot
dear mother, and beletted wife
PltbladO, whO 1;xikased *way *
*go, 44‘.ougy 14, lin,
rare*ell.dear mOtherl rest itt*aeel
thy tares smt 4t4tter1ng o'er.
And thou art 'treat fru** trOnhitea hOW,
1113t tare ott earth% 00! *ate.
hard io 14y, thy ttear,„ *it UM
Within tilt tow, ota,
Our betkit* aro Ad and, sr* wit4 810tin;
Sloe Mott:ow virafrok
41*.ieltr rafted 1*
itnat PAI1Ntit.
, 44