HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-04, Page 9•
..111411. 001010,1,1
, 0i
*ante .01 the
Oluk 'Merida), 1
ere Winners:
IV Ur& itIOneo. 14tAs'
ertsort and gr.'
ikdge lied „
laodoe:r 4•441)1111111414 44.01.4711", it °
•Of tozne sort.: At nuY 'rtut.
o pto
p bp,Izo.er,Oorlotir-4t•il.. o:
Eeven hen, t be 1x
It'4, tale, '4°)74141,',-.00.ght to „carry
04k, o
WS. Iltiehangu,„,.hurekt 1$trelet, T.1* nt.;"4 'tea his own gory,
E. eturned fro* TorOnto where the Vent
ler p urn
Vest4O, her
. „
.1i4 1611,
the zuIdcU 0? t witaft.- of tIie
hgd 4ttstbt
TJeu my /MO' waited
_4.1100th:the'e. She liatht
zeei y Yor thee
assiiredller that ail was well. 12)e
hens'*e'ril-'10 ga:rtg
al pii:teeSo of ;Moulting!: X, nAtt made
'49440, '1?rlY4t0 ,n44,11iries.,o1411:* 1144: fotInd
444 to be the oa41.7,
Som t114.4 ,'"wOuld he gawing into onr
kAtohen.'-in &'steady ,stream.
A Month Wo0,.b)t. 'We had bought
lot :of 'oak -„ShIed• ',the advoxit • of„ our,
,boarderS'And t had also L;ought",c,a lot oil
o41.4eu, ;04; ,. • " '
jsosam..-le#9,0$0.14 e .11011rISYS:'with. relatives; "X Vas' '64ered:400).e 11040 ,last, aUnI4
'•e ov**.ner .sold they . were 'Ibealt..,1 .
This .thing wasn't, Working out justi
i"etratford),-3. he funeral Othc iate.240$oph TholnP.' /Vfr 00 aid ihano of • spe - ids flaUt 'or eigh efrift OV r'y ay' I 'MT family seenied Ina ed. "to; blame
. TOrort0, tat t * , d n
rttlit--4p,, and
Mi'. 3 A allaro, Atr. n WaU 11014 en suntlaY nitonopn at.COhrletmas, with *his father Prin-tpal Said he 4441,11dre1 ItOaP them over the me for tna: hens' shortormags, We had!
. _
na. Mrs,-
W FHautt ersi and Mrs. .30 p.m; cralit P1'0341224, Ihnr.to and Mi * r.tther time inter ane would take them. Lots- of had Just seventeen •eggi• td November
IcUit.hen, (tied)* avexage. the funeral ' Sermon and stent a Veryi . •
roOnl• 00,40401 ilor hens; Inight let All laid the first week. "
Pg4,11tifu1 Ifar, and anprOplate sool744rs eld Voktng, and, son, of eXPI4inithat •tlidso wonder birds were in • X didn't like to figure out hd\V-moz.
' -11-M11Th']
0, ,it -text wcro-hz
two sons -.law* W. Kitehonter. fAtited over NOW VO4rs ?with' atotlyrvit
.• Y, feed had hoUght; and wire and things.
• •
('f the A1tiicandr X.0
ai osiitW 4 b0Pbewo Doll., of ,Saroia, a son, 6 , „ on4.10.04r. '''heY were for the idea. X .know anything more• unlovely than
'Inc Cook and . Fresh, of rontise; a Mr. And Mrs. 2hemos Wel* 1 talked. it 'ever with my„ wife MAI' 44 for boautY. well X don't think,
ta inn' Or petiwilt frletids 'aolues ,0;311m,va- Francis Overholt and • Miss Mary lititsey left on .po,tuttay, slwyt *Ile tat& We could eat them after a Pdit, of hone eltittoring up the
tr1lnited7 ra .Warntr---tousbas. - Those -.-preSont- from -Oect•nOar -Ilk (Or .t.t three'Weksr 4100Y 0.:, end,* tii,,t0eAtttUrie
0101 IfesPitalr Oarni; ,ChOstt• distance tor ,the funeral were sr. 'and, 4.1th triendS:at 8araota.rinrida. ' all the ea we wanted. No trouble •Then tr110 VIPter, :PA In , Some of ,
nAs n0,11 so, E. v./0411e. 4roves•:, um. W. Orok, and Mrs. W. Presli. And plenty -Of Prolit.' • 1 them were ,naked offid. thAse earlY1
and .rnagoainestgot, V. arrow, ,,ItiTtorte. of r"ontisee. Ur, and 1W.rs. T, Bell_ of Mrs. TheMPson left on Satilit14, T r arranged a truck dove to IWOvetriber blasts made me feel sorry, for
„ 7 ro,r ,rotaA0 17.4$1t,It,etr son, -gr. 0 1041; bring them uP to see inc some , time- , them. So 1 went in'4)14 a°eirt -a "Y.
haking POwlot Ur*, Gorden ttsrtila; mut #opleY, 0 PoAttac.
th6in: leito do, -114'0arcS '-.4tid (*nines ''.1iith'paper, tied
gropolruitt-, Curry's ',Bakery, ' if. Itenned), Moerehouse, former rest. Is*. Thenia :Pritohard left last *do: for fine birds, 'After ,Ta.tdOg, 4 few ,up a utoo• dvsting :bath, ah -001; about, a
-Christinas tiAlcerr* clPal, a. 4040104 died suddenly 4.00- fgr-Pu OA where be will Wide r'-ge tiee fr4ties as to cost of a chicken heaven I tOot of dry ntra,W,over the floor and
ad -
m cake: • Atitiieek'sAPter' field on Wednesday. Dec.'2111h 1-6.14; )ftent' at Westininster- ItoSPitat
0-1-4"41latPA;. 4.4:NtaW04* /111541PPn$ Una' MI'S' "401111101/1" "' I 41:11 1110 Meantin'M 'X decided to. buil;l making t ern enmgertahle.' overed
U. vou, masket turkey; mr*. 't K. 1" ""v8E
- • .
.,_Dioeised- was We' on of -the 4ate,
*and MrT. J..140oretpauser!io-.esidrJ
poderloh. ter, many, Yeam,„.. tie
ip elt-rvor:0711,;.. Frolor
,trO,"christines.,-niernip10--$40, where he resided -with Ms wife, the tor.,
and MI. Lane and Donald, Christ- mor.TI1M. lirlegglor,' whom he Tar.
ras-Pudding; trttirot., *Ted In 1911. 'Littery he has resided 'In
' 'Mrs, 13* lic'eaUlts, grapes; Mr,.4
MM -7000., raisin%
ocerY..."oliVes. hoppintek(*IWO'S:, Ur.
),tre, 'Milieeler,--ChOe0lateS1-1/1r.
1.deicie against i and' began"' to look -dressed tho.
; , _.• ,
-_.,.,.... .. , ot,,...-,-----“tiete---,g114:i. 'said"..-''y'rtra*-47-iot--.
I, erotind-artaruntvy- --noshpprvf.or :-1,--.$ , - -, _ ,...,.. . - -.- , -
yoi,GeoTge,,Ouvw,..'-,0E-,344.4r-Out0. .qtattre atede''ttra''''teiripoiii'O''''nitnier.'4''-' ' 'IliWVitifiC.11-61.1*- attittit.'dlit*dair 'it -
;tying , 'with 114,,_ daughter, ra,, , W. As. 'a7mettei 'Id lid I. like hietten, do say so myse f„ ,., you .,tutyle ,t oe Viln
' ' ' ' ... , „.. ,,.....,,
* k41.11.444t''63StvOlvi47.#e r* - tlitedi roasted -or 'Wired.7-4214 4:` ,Iiiicl:,‘ mr 4074MbolfOrrtWil* fir the. tneit. grain• '
wgEs .10.601„k404410,,,,, ouperi t.,., ,. I PrIVEtte4ritna iracIO' nik.that-thiSe Partt'..i I 04n imY. 14.0% itfs-Tlitk' tO, Yon, to get:
•(*d°14t °tA tnYtr &WI, *Mild And their' way Int& th1 busy. Shake a it3a. Axtd *3r• ine', a...few
ctoderlch ,lios.Wtit. iPenSe
Bayfield, Where he watc.vite4 known', ..sis, ; relatives at Guelph -arld...mr,pt.4:f.'loo'ar.' With• •1-t);0'4:6n
,Ib„ ilidn' I: : 'rohici -1111poi 'log' - .On • ''Sonle I e:g°T71;:e; .0,41el*ted -.• about 'anY feet .00nterkt,
.lt '
widow 44)W -two .sisTerariVits.- '0» A. iver. ...T.,: .' „,;',...,... -,Z,':' ' ,. - •-, - f ood=-Thatured2iteight-or. -Well-r .--fOilii4"-lat widelyu•odnot!;1117=-Warl-tWrust that?' .0 -Mean (:)
/ •
auto and Mrs. W. R. otaiv.94, still told° , lnais #1suenn. e, Lp.ilek 0. „'Otxtario -001- 7p -tax ----*6 ilort, no.ti ; door. rine 4tti ceep,,4 , • .- ' • • ' -
.•• --, --- , • • - - --- -,1-1: lego---ot,.-Zduiation- -.is - ithig, l'ivitii her.-- The - - - - : -. • • '
In -Say-lieldtNitille another 'sister,- ,ears, ', ,':' .,•-•, , ", :. - , ' - ,.__• Iiglitiand dry.' '- ---.0' ' 4141%3- 1: - ' '. 2-tg -1- • * ' — ' *
MitUt;I: ggray., ,to living in, .patreit •. PArent4* 44v* 4. j* allic ' 14t°'.* 1:44°' * ' 1 rpt_14.5,Je, A .f4y9r;0. I tixrdeur-p, a nt'eelkroe-otaPti 1;e;10,k;:t''3asnudre'tt my
-...AASPII:,-IgkVIVL‘..$ .. ,-;-::.-..- :.,110a-,Xlite 'ttnitert,.-c!j',,I.,4:1,t6hener-sPipi2,-rIc-l41P'',.,.:319.t±:-T-14 .bought, 4°41°' wire.. bilr any more -n-t0P-egg* ,c8_11.0Olgit.„.a._slihiOUS:
,, _ . - ":"' - street • . ,, ,..„.;.. . •
Wednesday at bis tome tit utimiit em,s, 04.,.., 4444 WIT4.) . 't':.VV,_ Hunter, Market; 4, ,,,,, . " .;,i 'of . ..,; '
,,70$1;04 s, , Bowman -pasted ftWaY ' 041 th4, 'w,,,e***-4,,i1 at t,4/.11e.,,,,,.„'".11"l'e '4, her. Pa'r-41,1,0bLeauttillattrIst;ortit4,' clovessrr, '.,4inboug.u1ita:aari'te'e% 'tio-r-gfirholo;h6perlii.:asorderedt- -
x erwlosed ,a, .. sixty-foeta sluacte.0„ppef ,, o, g and my- roe,. 104,citiod2:Fliftroziltdzi the
-noresestt roin 'pis, •*10,rit ye4r..... telle*I4g- ill -01- ': ..- . ' • - i iileae- Alta I ge*:-.1AP,I;gat•P --,t,',,,t--111q•----140st ' - "*Ieel' -. 'Armtlf6r-- -e-efuble 4.:.4 I
well known as a painter- here. He was; day •morning for 'Portland, Oregon, ,:to*.,-, 010* adeird#,....' „.,', ' .. , ,
I two .mootbo: ,N4r. Bowman was los . 3. Green. 4 8.4100,4; lot, ,,,,,, ri.x..- .441,1-detsic .115n and sat, ba,,ok. • t,. awai.t_i;, twoepelica.. hens, passedociann,dt .n.gbeeni.,egg!to:..,Thuaocisere tdaa2itt i
bortrin Car11Ie,:,:Huglati4i4188'L?.•--18ine,e-i'-iittend'Aheitunera1Alt iiersister-Mr.i-",1-i4: .....:-VMS-• , MAY'-iiess--•-iwr ,new ---that' I'itati-7-0110.511- 1 ' . --2 -• • *
000014, to Canada„ he had lived In 1.4111-,._1V1uidolc • . ...-. ,. t, ':,••,•'• " , i ntvet kept 1100 .0a,for9, • . T _ , f.* ,-. 1 ' X i)lad* V,01116 , inquiries_ of:rthe- ()tavern -
don Etiet Itir the vote 22 leas In,Oode- ''.,- ' " , ' ',...:., • " ' I I talked ilariely.'and":learnedly to ittyL•rnent--:'elliticen. expert In Clinton Ile
Itch.: rfe was a member of .t,. George's' _ Miss Dolly' --Charober5; of TOr.onto, V1-. ,triends _Libitiut:, the,00ming„Jiwasiori andvira.s, roost. obliging and,..'ye,e0
- ., , , , _ .
'Atmlloan elinola:•• also of the docterieb ..tte4 duting. the ChriStufas season 'with . didn't netted-. the queer, looks -Some of . °IaYmg nut.s.h,..; .) : -
13cWIMg` 00= 104, the Homing Pion hef . t .Utet*---MIST-M;,--tbrittnliStoi' el' the 'them gave me- . - . '' '''''' -'''' - -1----1 7'8e- T ---00-t - sonie: -dame -,-pretty high
glut_ ,:tie_lsz.SMtiVed-!_ by • his Wittow. Or.: hespitat Stott.. . ' • ...
t, reniemhere4 tbo&a:biooka.. afterwards. About four. tapiespbonfulS.for. -a- Aiiarter.
Merly ,.',..list '":,r,Cargeriet' ' Mur
'ray, km/ ., " I . . ' . One', . night' , about ,' 0004 . - ..,:1gelt..,Ilitt. the •ohle1censit. ate it all: Fight. ' N,sow-
and Mr.":11. Sali:444# chocolates; W.
gortr; c4*0_41,cdaYit :Mari
Dr, and„ Mrs. Hunter, • Mayfair
gatine; tr. Oraham, 'CIOOd: House.
_ 14); ,t4odericia. irow4tilp
nt•-ltet''''-oottetiCh tar*. 'Teo*
• t'us fcr nitOeW dining X0O-nal
•-.71tiepie.,Ay*:„•• Water
0,09iiif *en lip..
.4:Amts,' 04:41*, 2)000 *it to -the hos-nr'
40414034-thronah. the;--;kindne%
v.04' dexie -Viette4- Oath° c
Ilion' Webb, son
-)91r' - 101
arJer stutiihatik, daughter uttof Mr. and
Ed.ward. otrausitim, All of i . .
tcreni0q ' was Pertrnea by Rcv.
4loather Up, Lawry, Of At-. petoi4
All OntrhY --thr'''*Ohe '2and 4-4aughter ' neY. afid. Mi'S. 'W.. A. Moso and Chil. round the tirst or 'September, 'a, knock. all 'Would be well..
forner,L,nniFriage..-.-,,,TheY are kith. ,. - dren--spent- the Obrittinas holidays With . canoe:0 the 'donr_rand_thcre„Was...411_g!..g v_v_t_dflo....iftnt this time dedided that
' d, Thomas, loseph and John 13.awmaniti1io -forTer's Parents* VI!. and lvirs,„ moss Liruok man ,and4ie had reiy hona; , ,IT'lhe -experiment was a dud. She eipres-
r. -..'..t„ anfoi'Vtiaij-or'Detroit;---rithogifdale„:„_ -"•-, ' ' - , "WO "*A-r--4A-Ainfeci- Tor -the-- tl- ' -sed7:-some--dbutatIss-to----air abilli-ai-e-
0 .funeral Will be, held Friday'af,tir- i ' 1 ' - ,4.,,.. • : , being '4tincl'' all. :ex my itimIly. 'the were " ..clilraterk, grower., , %„,
'noon *OM St ;(1. el4r,ge* '41111'4 at .tbreet IVIiSmS, Oral aria' PhYllis 0000' have Wake tametniit, rtezNireleorte ,the.,:f4rad.:-._ So X deacledto smooth things out p '
0'41OP1;.., Interinent :will be' . glade In returned to Pert' 'Hien atterspending the birtlgi. . : I .. . ',' '' .1 "bit by having ,ollicken Pot plc for Sun-
vataand d,eittlery-,. , • - ••c_hostro413.oe --sen----vh. fi, trire 041,enfot, Mr. . 'therie- o,r4w4soniel, title' . ;trouble' getting tt1 i l;xi out, 11.ortoia...b1.9pae.ae!te:_:
d ay , . -', e - i i - i . -1„1-17. .alii
. • - and Mrs. A. or too . ' them O ihe''''..e Op and properly sts6d
es . itrlYM-,Wrk; • u gur, . .. . : , . .. -' . -pen-aver. E . .
- .-.. ' Nr.) - .
branded bed biriamall oulC:ai.
t: ____,1' i44,,,104,14r&_tixderolv4itketrandllyp.rtheyouut,,iitpwy,,_,Itm ,iitsreiztit severe.soin, ,, ., . . ,w_. , ..
. . .
(Eons, of. London, spentNew-Years with-- Rex-, morningornint X letliaem out., . Tlley,' - Alter e .slight Elusion -I -cornered'
the former's parents Ur. and, Mrs 4, were oity -birds used' to a sinall dust t a t lookingfaOne...And grabbed h
Aitken,omarkef.street. ' ..
corner lastelt '43i, a garage. , when they ' "MI6 leap,,,wh..7rt/sy,01 oiris g...,fiet a YOU &Wt.'
Mrs.71t. It. cutra.-three sons spent Part long look tileu. Went .4 it,
i same 'time running my- finger tenderly'
the holiday season with their mother, ' -It '-was - a pleasure to -watch thent!, 4°11); Where she should he Plump. I
t ' i ,
TivinAti E '
os -efitchl. VIITAtok-thet4CiiiertO,46iLVOPIVali-dflike 'a Vet Potato:- I `all -nest
Mid IvIeldrum, br iiiii4iii.
in*-0--t-daterr, in' a given length of' time i '92t my 'fihger °it -her hrest bone.' '' - 1
' ' than any oilier Cock -of.equal weight it I *teo00- g°812;'.5- '--th----°.liglit. "After an ,
., my weetornpa , y mostencei _
- — — ii* -d--5 -
-.--,............... l't'k61•141if #:; - - . feetlf,:llie like,
daughter,Audrey r.i,,tte,, _of botroiti:' Lo1a&liter,0$031,gin,' „la to '
that." , .. . _ .,-.. _ . „._ _ ..- .
n ' e 4--eirdiq---With. her7Oarentai-:- :It was Its ni -Stunt to Thera an -they t. ealWiniithe'r and another. ' - sante
Synionds. , Awent to bed tberet*Wjtred-ouirthii;*e.,4y tilt;,--*U-Ight2havO-treen-teeding-fhea/4'
' '' ' - • - ' I on....34igh.L.giavelL.:........;-..........•
. .. _. ..,
4 iv.u* Me oprf,t�s v
You dr NeYear's t
250, .400, 8
t • * •
. . .3 boxes for $1.00
ampole's Coll Liver Ext., an ally•year-ropilid,mediefitte: $1.00
Chalte* Kidney and Liver Pills. . • • • • • • • .• • •, • •-• • -200
Hellebore* Pound•.". , • . • ••• • . . • '• • • • 50c
; .19c.
Colgatei'Shavisig Cream and five Gillette Razor Blades ; 50e
Horehound Candy, per pound .190
tinlop CaiipbeIL. .Laud'r
Goi)Egicii paurs GISTS
'Llu4geomIsi4L-Mrs.. I', M. Costello
Open Home on Nelson St.
to Daughter's rriends •
open their spacious home "Cliseongo," on
New Year's pay to 'entertain the-. "net -
our, • friends . cf their daughter, M1s
Norarb., at a delightful tea -dance...
sTime-fifty of the younger' Teopir:of
the town assembled for Ws smart affiat
at 4.30 in the afternoon.
Open hearth Ares glowing In every,
;elite a_gricdeuesie. and .color
to t111
' batwing was the order of the day, Int.
ternipted by tea served in the charming
614Thltlo-elcilIedr4:a4itt.wixlir rOng lle'QmgrIlhd-*- been clear-
ed for the Occasion and the bright c(*,
-ors,of diesses-Matohed-41ie-fresheo
.plexions of- the youthful gitests.
• Red in. it'S vlois shadeswas s; falter-
e_color_withLthe YOUng_2girls....aua,mani,
charming frocks were worn.
Mister liliesand poinsettias . were
.uf....ed for floral -decorations,. carrying out
the holiday Motif of rid and 'White and
Thestrain's of famous orthestras.-torn-
thltinn.ovic4eitthe radiot_tise trraiyrOvideutrpclwthl.iii4onalitise
Aintil, o!elo:&,,:,•illen .;thaluests_trooped
a home in Ohattering grquiss,
. Assisting the hintess in the tea mom_
Were 41Vixa:0 L arsons, Sus. (1».)
ci••rahain and Mrs. cheries Reid.
The sales .of branded beef in all tan-
ada for the month of Oeteber totalled*,
2,320,90 pounds.' •
_lv,'st f,the.-i933 hno2l pod
_23) been bought by vholoaleVs.
0 nip rrActorts -05'• 13(41V/tics..
-1 ransh to thanieallthoie vzho gave me
their support on 1ecttori 4y
YO -urs respectfully,
"Mg gtEoiroa$ ipa," GOO'Bnlog.
this oPpertiOlty tkanking ypu ,Iok the,
grand suPport' you gave nie at, thepolls
on Monday. Wisblug you *Ill' very _heart- '
27 a nappy_andIProsperous'INiew_Year..
-Ladies and Geritleinen-It is
my greet, privilege- 4xtencl •
to "- you my mosi grateful
thanks fer the. • splendid._ elc, •
‘PreasiOn o confidence. which
01dry,4017,inc b
at my
tleav,er to give the, town; the.
best service which 1 unteap- "le during the comingyirnr.
; ' ilifihrie 'on Hobert ortv*,i,-*,yory,4teg„,dathty, eadly
of -otkit- •¶rhr,mas M.,- of . Chicago, and four " egimi' 1/4 . - . ' ' ',Alloy - Avonidn't ' lay in spite of .my med ,
. Xteleivitn), •lit Termite,: vent. part - ot -the . , -reat An4 '4.1--a-theSt le k M'etty, all tiiinesy -a'clmonitions and they were Wo:
, . . •
ht0413i.-15"sen' vFlOrtiltdr imother.'; 7 ' white ilatTs1 the '.green baekgreu 4 ' r' ii hin .to eat. ' I - - - ----
, . . , _ .,, felt sinnething like a lord of flock And', ' Alla AO fok:Pills•Ot6r-Ing' t13:i'bI•dai'd
. MIS's' Marierle'' Stewart:ha* ittumea 'herds and. many' Acres, Patrierehm ' as' ". And theweather, teluer and stormier '
ii.vi...de.e...-.-... , .1
Vitti morning -in the out :gray •,dawn*: f.
'14urper 'llitteilVtilleeetit,t:°11tAtitcr:iike .1 nitittle4 to ,•111° 11114 -111,1 -e -"114 -x,4•4° 1
, .- i , this' •Ai .. T 4 t ,
.' lali$'.4411-:!*t-44-1-tiOne "
giow. 4006 *op south Nii.,,nd . , 4i,... Ittuuth Aartath food, gortiabtio4d, long tramp: et
.„ - , „
Three 'egilPf Aul 1,,hir-4. -401 axid coni14 ' through .oriaw- or ram to play houseinew
ted, ea #reg 't : ,
The ittitittrii day t!io. eggs. , 'irtimoY'll7g..14nrorrits'Inte 1 lo'olteti' ho'rie*fuily' .into
-isimiS,46:-41471iOt._ stela, Ytty, .tighihieiriPtl.,:. nOto, ..Thtea•• china ..egft
b ' viOtigcl. soon. setde- down' to *reit' iii.ittk. at me, ,Elevonfiriendy boarders
work. ', Oudot at 'me. ,X tett ‘ thein, I famed,
thor by asY`they lirtkd Thai' .elover in to tient, implored them- The dumb
,i. way! that Was both high, wide and, . Writs ifiet couldn't get the idei.
handsome. - , They were S11.14110 feather now and
rtilen, one 1111, atter ono ten avs, in, teer4d to enjoy helo*,seit ,-reethor.
They ,seenied to eat "We can iight ti*,,,
tIlllig- ,titit.if It titl(ta ,0.,11, winter, .
"..'.. t,011:tu1tOd 'IrldOs ..,044
'AdifIce. , .
One - said, wE'relk , Yankee to theft
ON ALTI They're Plymouth Apoite*".. . .
AnOther Sias., ,P116. TO, fittinith.
erre, hilt teglietn,t0
What 1:':eal4 need not be retitAted.
"mfeortatr, 10, ignored the euVert of
convhsAend4itonug lisoeineenik11,ot count of tat end
1.cure**. Mt *or efforts*ita ay
',la hit bUisno Of tut rota** fcod
WU at UN; 11114 Justified.. *Ms *awn* ,
1 we• into the pen* TAtudiouely• avold-
g At the nest* X didn't *int
(fl? to httt Atoself urtuoramettly. ,
that _ 'assures you of a -
- well dressed : appear..
to .,thank 441-foryour
will try my best to 'endeavor to
serve -4)W -town' -and county-;
with the best interests of ,alt
her dutes ,Ot the, Zinn, Commercial
cn•'eaMstrter-a'EPO-ntlhit 4 verypleisant
holiday at -her :*liwae- In /..endOn. "
Ur. and MI,: Keith U:i)Vell, Oft 'Todd.
,f4e Ii0iho 0r -
$ Nnlrn. Mr. Revell returned
Vvoodstoolc but ItIrs. Revellwill
oAtin. tor24otee tizne'
M idttra.� Vetkeith. and San.
Wilson, motored, on Saturday to Cleve,
hod to spend the :New Veers yath telt*.
• ..threo. iktid *Olt continue 'their trip, down
to chAtanbook,,Hlienni. And Stetet,ot
Mrs.. Nr.r. Lieltinvalte find ehildrert
etnine4 to the1i lonje M WhiihrOli on
*.rueetto Otte *pendia& the Cluittipate
41114 VOW tem% holUtott it the ti)me et
r 4W. 1.
kige St.
and, *re. Itrn
ter. Mee Wen* of
tss Owendottn courne,
Da And Mrs. Colborne* of
pent Clirletnies *al their
,tift filet 'Buffet in hitch *Al,
reg. 32.O0, 424,01i
thint!,-Cabinet In oak, Old
ULU* 1nbrh, reg.' 4$4.00
for4=.-4 • ..4,,
Csll:bhtstt, ))1r0t
tote* $$2.00. for
4ostett.,Foot Stools} tagtito
• for.. 4 .4611
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trict stands ready to help, Star Want Ads
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