HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-04, Page 70,.
' • .40,4,4 .** •
tier AtIVX*
era hi
lata 0.46
• ihldee th
r to• her the'a
' attinP* ct Pell4 arae
ttii. -by: , xi
an" ,ot
Ze Steno*, litY,
I y, -
„,„Sorail3e00$ .(regioan n
t'..Paak Small
Peas *OV. d Malice ClOvert.
Tiraethz .(Weateta seett00) And
Ifirq Been*. „
In the Bard flea WheaClais t
ifl MO( 'Oho tenet11 naturafly •k %
MX; 'tntat•atSr..'Csnathai, i-entriee-
rieti the Ifir4 thirty -Moe prises.
tY-seven were mikfte tuia. went
clus tit which nuelber fifty Went te• 8z11)26 *Ins Pv°Clatinle4
dian tabibiters, . On Srea shoWn, bY Geo. natti*
!tor 'In
ile ltuchre , ad I
ilvitiee. , MO Iwo hOift on Winter lain fattest* the: yirart
lies4" se"41144 ' ' 4 141%* .1.414, *9 $04,4 *OW. Re . r
Tuti of gr. and Mu. Oii. rge 0. . they win; r oductiOn. 4
as, *len %telt returned 10 Ion *on,. and i
Tued*y „Where . she la . 44004 t Will :I' ult.. -The . h Y
teltebing, !tag, after ,apencling the
mu i'ratatto,w, with her tottllerp. . tts wee Ili
0.erkeitboya!1.1:tertAIP* a numb
Deo.' .
oho* eighteen out of
twehty-' Priael 'awarded Went to
nettlana,' Chonst4onahlP goltat to 4'
htautifiti • pie orodwed to. /oft*.
the _• for lion* ot any variety
other., t NAVY ,a04 '004 blOrtherrit
onitgeta ,sixteen. WOO opt of th°
woo. 'awarded. With, the eireep,,
1.10,, in sho.houat on tha-Aon tarn on ov,ont4go 0 lioita.,during the *to
COiThUUD1tY tot*
witiCaliniter Iteeka t
`. number . . one year
: had, the
'foot the: peak of protinoti(4.0ogit$ itolo
later when' no *Me Aril, Psed,' ,'•Fron
'Vireo fleck*, of 200 Istrlir 'arelt-olattirett
Barred , vyinauth Sok tailleta, 'hatoolied,'
during AprIt anti, May at the **linen -
441. Otatieg, at 'fferroV, the 0040-
Anotion for. tile month Or peeeoheebio,
, *to 'fp pe„r Vent for the .pait three Years.
, In this Onstage" ' i'.' *Morin 'Pelloct *0
fourteen Imre:. ',light was ',Maintained.
The Winner Of the nrst -,plare in :thi$ -gate tar"ti4,_,:04k;':414'", alilaer ' of /414 tliitt)* . ,110 -watt liMpe .Wera" necessary for
300 acigare U0,0 ,40Pr Midec, thth bFilit
citisa, Mr. r.:,faaokspn, Boot,. sok*, .04 ;tido in the lialtk tlask, : Ifre and Mile Milton Woods 'entertain,.
aptUred the 'brand Ohimplonship .for bm 130$4 Bean ..ohiss for regions 1, ett a number nt, their friends to a oew the siSe' of the pens allOtted to the ex -
best 1,,arroo ot *hest. in . tuff opir a , li the 4* oda Prit4 Winners Were ell years dinner. . . .Periment.
,...„......;-....................--. ,
ty eothited was 'rewoird.„ Ontario, Tina Is an, inititation of ' 'Mere was no service at Grace church
'..,, ...,,,, , r , .. PrOgress Made by •this province in Sunday owing to the wet .,•day and bad Too ,1.1.11iNV INSPECTORS
# '"''' . , lie PtOdtiotion.of this crop. , , . condition of the roads, ' -
f the prizes in. the ilar4 poil .• Toe ,' exhibits of . Alfalfa liteeti were Mr, Alien Bettlea and ton 'Alvin, and ' The 1414a4Plal '''P.(4t talks a "Inlilting
Wheat ,i01404 Went to the.400tis' ,'',$boWn. in two. elasies boed on lenl‘4V4e. MC' arid. /4rs' rrbe• Betties, spent New .tellisPecabeYe Oing.te, tob?tilhilits,iiii:Tist'7nuctee'';•ttv4ext6..isbietepr-,,
'Vara day -with Mr. and Mrs, -Theron,
. lii,the former seetton in which Bettlea, Winthrop. ', : . - - --- Pe4----: !II° 4$ the 11°44)4 Pair xetit°- It
, might Well take up 'another *phase „Of the
ilVe,' Prizes Were *Warded, all of the eight The regular artnnal. meeting of the
winning eaniPlea-Oom Canada were from 01'01'4 Irelvn°h4) N4ete 434b will ' be '.traiwc-241Cind 14'inlITI;inesgs trx4Parersire. t7 PatrttYltdetall--
Ontario. ! Seven of these Were a.Mong the held in -the basenient, of Orate thumb, on trial: Inspectors." Was there ever such.
first thirteen prize winging lots and in- Anuary 9th. As this is the election' of an. army loose,,ow,striving industry? A
eluded the 2nd, 4th and 7th. .. offieers, all Members are .requested to be L-‘,..._
...week without a 'Visit from one, two, three
In the latter (*Western) section, • present, . - ,,,, • or eveirfoUr of these gentry might well
ada, toolytour7of the twenty-priees: --!-Ohrist-mas -and,- Nev4-Years over, and
,__, .. he. counted" an eXeeption. All mean
awarded„. including the .first.- - .,-;it'lle lat-on are tot for the winter. 'Thursday alio .3toro_or lem .tiloi,„,,,i ,,,,...t.i..,-„,_+, 4.,,,„ In-
ter, ..st4w.,by..,S. .15. .soreriain: seindia7 'Prides,: Wire Very etild;With-a .pinetrat.' omteck ttkil.e„,047:3700'i' "...071'". -*);4747;;;..
dr.opla-a- to near ' upkeep. Ogeh a • miiking ' cannot go' on
aii,"; liviti-Ifi.e'-011itinfirtrn,Tfitilbit-10t the ug 'whtiC. -SiturctaY It ..was iliThing '4'14 ti.yeat.,,i,a.,,tx-yanivennt the 08,arit
ontinued,- t,o, rain.: ali.::daY,f3t.Inct°,L .1k!.%94'.- : :-. -
diii'llie thermoniet.er
1.1f Canadian indliatrial life As ever. to re -
fox -_ zero --Sp- it la,rather -hard to be, i/rePared,
such sudden changes' . to'i° -to respeetwe - form of activity:
Mr. Puller,- Sr., has_beert Visiting for a OnCe more let It besaiii that the Attila-
eilPle of '. weeks- at: _..the h6nie, 'it - his ' Sion Is just' -s(i aerions that it opens a real
datighter, . Mrs. J. Meuabe. On Christ-- _ .1
. ,olirphoportvlirti,tny9-ttoru-estat4n.e_ityrticlopoalisticAial3nra., Ixasunne
Lincoln said he Wend& .4o. -.1n, respect to
slavery; °hit it. hard." ____
--1POrSr- AND CillgitSi. VAItlVI ,C):V.IlT3
BoYa": and 'girls' -farm- club Work has
i,been aptly- desCilbed as .a great extension
-ifehool_ot agriculture in which the sub-
jects for study are the club projects,, and
the pupire-are the etir011or.-blub,lmust carry On-tlie Ciiib prolecet on the
bers. 'nu? fact that each cion meth:Der
'important factors underlying the soccer's
that has been achieved. Prirnailly the
work of the Dominion:. and ProVigeleI
Departments. '.6ir Agriculture,:-• the club
movement - has ..lieert featured by a -
assistance troni agrioultigal societies,
„termeretclubs,. women's institutes,;banke;
,rallWaya and other insilititions. 'tine
general secretariat is located at -the Con-
federation; Building,,,Otte*a. •
Wednesday evening of lett Week. rre4
4111"AiiPPlied the musk', and everyone re.
porta . very flne. time. '
Toursirs 'HILL
i'llOrnpon Imontilng an tlidpn-n,
Ite thne Ur. Oakland TiebbOrne.'
tork of 2nd prilte the tot nine prizes kfr..Tohles Fisher and family:4010 the
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. V. Fisher,
Mi. and Mrs. Peter Young and Until)"
ipent; New 'Vara with friends at viln4
fludis.11444"Varle.t..knowri,as*eward, and were designated- "East" and ,alget4L"'
'was developed by the 0 411
IraperiMental Farm, Ottwa Ont
Ws Variety . originated:, 1' a 0004
*Oen afotiuts and an early rlpening,
h 0414 but rather prodUctive
Yariety known Ai Prelude. rice it*, 1110
u4ion in the .sprino_ot :42.8 Reword
has won:first Place Its clan
each :year and has, also been avre.rded
- the Grand ChaxnIonth1p over larvatile.
our years -except in -1231, when A, Durtri,
xt,witaito award itoii„oiptoled the
44moat .eotiele4 /glees at -last • summer'
Othrs *rain Show at lteglrik-bask.-
It wa• s, a„ 'fortunate coincidence , far „Rotes.
nada, that not only is Reward. an cut- '
variety hat.. ihat.3
404 baking -quality, for which
reaseir It la no w° need . *very A.11140.13'
tOnier limit eh* ct
'Stich as high yield or. res1 ncc to
Canada does "apt Predn.
VViriter-2titileat .CX .nt and
clau at Chleas0 this rievert
onsidered to.. be • •entitled
satni4 Val ..itracinee by
op, yorenihrty. 4,1ta,
the ut
' In the .class fort'Alsike seed .Ontario
op:Avers. Again „denionstrated the Pyce of
this. Province as leading producer of
-high -thialk,-Alaiko-. -seek 14 out of the 20
red being won last. Ontario,.
CluimpiOnship in this class 4ent_ to
exhibit shown by 1ft-slam-Richert,. Mat he enjoyed the .clak at the -home of
dayuga,, opt,
As PrOdtteer of timothy se`aii. of qua-
lity Cn.ada again made an ..eTxcellent.
Out of the twenty-shr. awarded, „ including
the 1st, 3rd and 5th. The champleniihip
went ta;i A. M. ..lifortgeon, pirieher Creek
Alberta, '
--,Tiwipleaditt-showing made --by Cana-
grain and small seed at the tater-
national, **We Very briefly reviewed..
trietter Of_More_thanilassIn
Iver it proves,' among other things, that, can-
0 high eraSS ThirtiM , ior quality which Is able JO fate the keen -
is sought Chiefly for est ampetition front any*CotmtrY the.,
ef au6111•*. nett '„W0t141.414€1*AA the. ;:rt4i6r- 10.rar4s with
eon* relive 7,esee. •
.—r0.7* -V -1,11-$,I1 IP
hoot -re.openeti -Union 44-B4-14-0.---• 6
Wednesday after the .holidays - Yttb,
the t4iiiriamt, Iasi Ruth *ens,: of Milo
ton, Ixx gee.
C*n*da basacteo- Willie _TOM
forefront during the past few
114_11•Atear _tit Chicago won_
11 prim out of twenty-two award-
ciUd1g *11
"if the *St ilfteen
4%0014- the 5th, which latter Went tO
Montan* grower. ,
Clialtinienaldp in this chits Went
wain..returried to_Tor-
0,-* --titiET#Ortth 0-4to on y .after having-TePeritille.
- thogilajlgitgit_cikte. - - ,:holltiayelit-theonlet,her-Parent-----40
4 talia. ' Oat ,c_iesses (early_ Anatit And_ Mrs-Cleorge Mellwaiii.' '
iim Ate), -7001- - --iianefiat;.,arort, " - Miss Marlon. Pedal arid her brothers
-16-the edi .. -ente *Med-the- o -. ,pleOf,thrf cOni-
0 late a (region 1) ln whieh. muiiity- tO:Ti-parti:Itiat ViretTneadiry. ---A.
nty_-tight,„:Pflto......*#,Itt.....givett. ;J01'11144 imost enjoyable evening was .hacl. by all
Uan . .
t twenty -tine, Including. all preserik,'• '--: -,.. --'-'-'- --- ' ,
if A '''-iVith:TVwzoteeptio-or- '.-JOyfIng46,'Ine--, . * her and
. . . .
e contlitiOn. he il wail i
teisi thc-'
Irni *onto Roll .oiller 1 evening. "*.rh
he ho wexe ' int -repo .A.,.
« ..
,, , , , .„.„.
Craik -ctinducte Alit ,lervice.
. Ii.lunditrAild,delivtet
«if only the Air 110—F)r'ir-'047irearrtne
id, 'Zth.=__. .---_ _ thellublett,ToThe Ohiireli with
ward Look." -Vile was bort ow-
g 441- mt. -ia.-bolp . Aile - a
the fun ., the late Mr. Joseuh
-le ti.''ItoW rieSt ' ' ...on.. Sunday afternoon.,
tt CCM , 4,nto At* iv*
• -104-for-earlr 1101
4 *the- t ot thc
rs to the south -plonthip-ii Qat Oats wen
. 'toe, 'Notre, Pante de Lourdes,
his granddaughter, Mrs, sr 1b Bennillo
ler, where thirtY4wo of the family en.
OYed. Christmas dinner logethet.
hn-11310--to enjoy inalilL;surli haPPY-Katik_-
the ,cooidiati rieitio muiwo
"Po jiurau.lyYttear- Iiir:v.,-olidnt:-0,orr:ttittlimuspe:anerrtsitipxyr404.114:0Alf1:1:::,
al 'class at the Itoyit- Winter
Fair oni
recently held 111,t Termite.
baditha best Solstein cow in. the
11-±barvb held , announce..
The ''b7libcal.111414e-frn'eva410' fwill ' ,bei"otte!:;.ple°41.nvirde"tie4,,
elder toe of
esCillbeing t sport.
The problem truck -rail -cont.,
Petition. was declared I, national
- by,..„&llayes.--M.A.,-.1n.....a_re-
cent address before t the -Bien,
tion and restriction in areas
.where . the truck does not be-
long as the only 'solutions;
Efficiency in service, financial strength, mature'
'experience and unwavering adherence to sound ptin-
ciplesi7these are the factors that measure the usefulnesi
of A bAilk.„Atia the stability it affords to the community.
• The Bank Montreal'provides Complete and effickat
service in every' department of domestic and foreign
. • -
Its strength is !manifested in assets exceeding by
$76,000,000 its liabilities to the public -;-its experience
and. 4adition by over i16 years of successful opera.tion.
_A$SETS EX -(.14.64 OV $750,000,000
dic. mit:LION-Dr .C.*1:- C C 0 S-- E C 0-N F I DE C E
- -- - (Experimental -Para 'Note)
• there IS, na one' grain that Is indispen-,.'
;able in the 'feeding Of 4)01017, though
generally ---speaking„ a--- ration. hi which
there is a. variety or _grabv will prove
most, satisfactory. . - ' '
Canada Is a:iv/heat vowing-m="0Y
and-,even-hi--yeara- -of crop shortage ther9,
is available for feeding' a' stirplus of
Wheat ' cof the lower 'grades, consequently
the grain tha.t,should-form- the basis of
Milt---34401,411RY -
poultry ratIons is wheat, and to .this
eYt. 4)4" Nir a -
. In the heYdeY of good times a . few
.M0aattan'YdaY°ItTgth.inetYnlir4Qn.l.gthenetr'elsaftd6Wh-:-.41:1' lifSiltlreSSelleSt,niOti*tilbiY111 igfe'ead11ink 'Pet:411trY.' '. C°1.4
t . r re -c1 available,1—±1—.'r.itide
years ago the 13.1re: Of big iiikea -are* There is in Canada a belief that corn •
whean the depression tle?ent95Pmrded uponthe
• ,--,, „it .
tindustrial-worldi-gratzt -lest-theiri-Jons .r)a-tions- in/ 4.0anada, however, corn is
Star -
and were tweed to accept relief -front ortiparativelk little groin anif_irt some, Club, birg Rates of
_ oderie
-itiveitlei hi- Which they -decklett, --Dur t districts it Is'Very diffielilt:io procure-. and
tug their absence the farMir4, loans*, often- itt!-:LIV -Prite--110fr---JWgn0--Whe4 its . a_ve att.mont 6
struggled _Itiiht 77ttiti-loinvlAttliclelt-lv \value. Is compare
de l'ivila.' ;:litedg;*etie4t :itlEt in4o*wri:ne:rfar. .leid•'ing,„ti 8. triwg_,L114082;4-13tin- perj.tnentagnicitl4rar-ratinite4 blit:-., ,,..4.-311:6"T°E-4-Z17-:'11Vtlr....STAR-74-.111.,Vr.,--amir 4,4ita-7.iittlailiiii-Sli-11-1:- -::::::"...iiI,.,, ,6
•0 carry on There are etill-thouSands that-is-gxind -reOlts,--caliAeAfact *raitha 'JOE' MAIL and 12"1411(
or scree of fertile , oil in Canada that ta,,tions containing _no o?rn._ oeyltli, ..:_,_.„..THE,L,0$, i",=:?,11._:,:_li/ERTISE(totT4.-anittt. 41,?.,;_,ode„,:,rii7lii, ..._!;47„.,...„ .6,,,f1t;r_,.. . ,,,,,
- - - -. :irtit--,_.:bebetiitivat'ect-:iiii4:-..„,trieke-tu*,A-tott---,,,-- ae-t---use-i-,--- ---ic---._ . . . .. ,,-, _
HERALD and STAR.' end. The
t stiMatea /tor
Oanada,_ as, in 'lune of this kear Com-
pared; With the (=responding period: of
last year; &haired decreases in all pro.
vincei__ocePtr; British 991unibia where, a
4,,srght increase is shown. ,cattle
British c olurabia Where a idight increase
,shown. Total cattle have increased
proirinces,-except Quebee_and On--
tario where decreases are indicated.
•Sheep show decreases In all provinces;
except in. Manitoba 'and Saskatchewan
where ronibers have increased. Swine .
have, -decreased all the provinCes. De;
teakes,are_shoiv_n__.1n... total-poultry_for_-
all_ provinces exeept Ontario. ,
moo . oit ea in • year
all he ,enuietied - by Japanese --
°routes' of TwItith 38,400—boxes
, arrived= at • Victoria recently
for .distribution to number of
Oanailian _cities, :5.000.:boxes--Wete-',,.
" lett 40., Victoria : SafriT7010 Irom-• •
will doubtless feature in the
_8luce -October Xf
i930, a total -
v. &-OtfOX;4*--
tled 04 :Canadian ,farre.$ or .tiven
• $ Of the DOthig1011, ..Depiart- ,
ent --- ItriliAgnwon_.sna--06
two greet tntnscontinenial
way companies;. accordinir
e_Dti eut_.
atton. litrAt 9 0110
people were settled without .ti-
Preeidon-Lbt-40.411401100-itt _
btiOtet bueineise •Outlook in
Omuta** coupled with ." derinite,
improvemerit to ootidittortil
ibtioitithOtit DOMIiiibiti. Weis •
_wad* „reostitiy tor ttunt.,
yareY. 'general. manager, Can..
adieu Pacitio *Warn
114414'. Itt'. an inter -dew tinting hit
trip, Ot Inapeotiou to the Medi, ,
title* ,prior to the °polio* or
"the winter tietivition ,soison.
vatOrtikhithetlo not touched,
et • by World tatuites riagang,
Otralts tenutrang...
Java; Itoetigeag and SAlaitt.Bart"
Bali; and -Zamboanga * the.,
ZuIa 1041atte have. been
ett(teit to the 1244 Moe •
the Clittadiait litter
trete Em -
of lititaba, With* from
Ns* Veit Amu*** 4. The. trute*,;.
will eoaer daye' and, 30,111gy.
entt *Ill return to lie*
:tett Wor 14.
nntts ; fir--
ratepeyers;,'ot onion 'Sell* S. S. No.
14$,:helehl&NUanesdair month*
Austin roller occupied the
Ctlias In *delta* eSt,'
414•11 tb3deth Ws* eletted for anothet.thtee-yeat
ot etiiitskpoi4,714.-1 Mr, Robert MeMilitet like the tatetaltlhit
xnplonihtp, while let $41; The-vintriot $4:ritte„-iiliod. -Went, '
wan etti,. • to wiiiitorimieo, *2.frr a cord,
Ijirley ow (0004 'the regular meting ot the*. P. of
Union thUrch Waslield-on *May- even*
Ing in the chtitch thirteen. toomieri
Present • and WO Porter in thaw
The Meeting opened With a hymn,
101 -
lowed With prayer reed by moo' Phillip.
The ectiptUre.lessbn was read by tOe'
Oktidatin« tOPIo Wika read' 'MISS
Lhet *MOJA. A letter Which had
-rieStred.-froin -
Welter:* in China. was teed by the
'lit The eleetion. ot AtiOtere will
heH at Ow, 000 AnOtitnt. hyinn
& sung and the *netting tiotett ,with
opeelakt low row *tit ofti
oo* time lining for tbe ritUrrt
11011 he **Noble en
'PAM tailroade lot tkut,
4, Orefiimvfensweirfasurecitise:itou?vtotoofc;*toork;::.b.ara.theye:.7anadian:7_,,..own,,gr, al4nisinestsiectte:010::::.. kp. .
th_ t Government spenithig So mUcli'.-_1Y: iipproxiniatinft.--eorh-An- 'ecarklr ' Goderi h Star _
* 1 but as barley compared with eern .-rAlisillEERF-1CAMIANLYM'AGAZIN • na e P' *. 2 5°
. logical InOVe to start. a hAelt40-the- *,..cieficient vufai.,;.?..7 Thit, best, cANADIAN.GEOORAplUCt and Tlie'aederich .tar • -4.50
"ti alfAcrici Star 4.00
IICIME-'alitt GARI)14S -1"n't.l' • 4
int_.ti, ah. 1 le 4M„ , •'• I n :4 0 1541 ;1: 4 i 1/1 At .4 i i .1 1 I 1 I `i. 1 i I :01: 114 t n 1:: td el 11 II: .4:tetosi:ili:C4.„..,VOin'tWIn--':. °461:t'eniI:'-bari.l'iish14--::(tist:Irbetoim—eol'grotbd:1,:; 'Olt' ' ./:,..,}! CD1171::::41:1E- :11.1.1111:4:r46::: er71:icehGSdtisiar.c. h. .Sta:....; ,*, 22.:151
tent' t° give """eat...‘4 a 8 a ' -f:'-7iis, 8eit''' tiler fortified bY. the use ' ---tril -.arairiat• "---i•ALLI.leR'S WEEKLY and ' - star...77--------------4 '
H'exPell'Arnided"141 liee'Plancl "(II: tti be"apittr111,;:tt- e‘ctrzfal:d o;aly.e-r'pn,ring, theati5eala°1.130be. '‘)f ilir.-1(166 CACAN,""IANN,-.4,,..*"""GAZINE - NdE!-Irh-an104-11(;:tde_rie' 0°4164.---1.,*-si'..."1-` ':' ' ' ' 237t05°...
money to* tile --6-ntart, fres *hen ava r. as -01t - • 4 tiORTICULTUR/° I ad •
it the 2110n ble or as - star— - a The
• ,„ ybilf CANAP * oN' " * ' • Star $2 10 fr
1 Ing melt t� f/e leivetrand blbxto NAD
enlVeitirkt .ft,k110.-..twinuto et. thir *mid when It :is „.n,e‘e.essii"Ot, c.,,ackk hse a a*.
burden,.+t,„°Itsr-''.:,71t'to-bee'r"f hich. they are buy them ';,)r ' 3'434'm' ' "*" ,00ttfiesults at
iiith"dtte4 They d 0 Id no roilger. be a * an hie* to Pilidhade grata& CO'SMOPO an ' d llie Gnatrich - ' ' ' so ,
iiii.:-Iii4ii-th' ete- pOpi.."0..,40).14. rellef..ie"fi:leVet.'Cost ,trilaff:%,P,It,tt . . ,....,-- Eruo aato Epittland..nie otxier
retain --------'—besn- cowptixit. choity, lituti A. tho *fir- gfre aks go,,,,,,,, , .,, ., _, _,,,,. __TI -IE, DEL117.1:"`",fl'et-•-.7:0a,itrih„tt,,,,i;;,' . . le,..:h. et.4.04t. .: .4 . . :.•,:•:4..43(0)
ratsed on farms and, it would not _ 'very ' • ' tiC ' '
.,, • ?liL-
couti:rRY,,,GENTheiviAN,,„1, ,A th," . saisiiir,,.„..,,..,, wk.. , . 2.
•diftlehlt. for theta to Again be. tillers of 'citio.vititsiitt) oottis TRUC , 0.0300impsEKE. _ ., , .....„ ,.. _ . _ ,. ,, . . . .. ...1._
tit6 .611ft"44 1)e the' 'llegitIllitlit Itst 4 ' EvirY*16'cii 'tee°421tie it. ' . - MAGAZINE ina nt coairich sts........k. 3.50
.' cattle train LADIES' H JOURNAL' and 1119 "mer" Star.' - 4 9"
..neW! yeomanry lir Canada and 10.*14 11°1.0 'et , aght • . by its digifigiiiihhig White:.,. ' 41106,11:A.,a.., te,s ' ,1i4,1k, ,,,,...._' . . star- , ' 4 SO
met to lielp therafielVes, ' • , washed wells, but oVe17600 does *I' -IV/ArrAIK 'Jinn ..Ane . .....,_ . , , a ii,,, ,,..— .,
__.,: :: -''''-'":e!'""""'"4.., , know that„thiti onitart Iiiiiewasitieg. li ' MeCALL% MAGAZINE and The , , Pout' - * "- * .
Pot he lint my -Seven week* et 1030;.:1 tie Work Of . the Health of Ardinals 250
,hOtta _traded . In odAtaciAtunbtrett. 2„..l.,B,,,,,,o,±).0,6,,..Deoirtakto.,,,or„Atd. .14.4AR3trartIggp,07,Tpizei„,T*43.....2 till!,
601,531 as lsgainst 2,161.,0108 hi . the cor4,1 otottire, rti the exetwoon or iii),1** ONTARIO FARMER and The •Codarieh
respoUding Period Of li?gt,, ' ' I ate*** trot' Cinsda. no preventive ,de... , , -
' ' . 1 til Is missed Stock car 'Inspeetorir are
' maintained' at tliirtk - railway. tentres
throughout the bortiltdon.. All stook
GROWING DEAF WITH OM arriving at oi passing thronkh these
points attrtleanatil anti duittesttkliti:i..
dp,x, tuivrtoion- unless they show„tvii,-
denet Of halting, been eo ire/aid'.
(lards are aitted-tO Mt* tars shoilng
the date 'et maiettkm and the time of
as **I New, Year bolidey pet- 11 you aretrowlost fletd- 0 the tispeetor who sitperibiett the work.
It 141_,_,Iiimitiosotel by C. P. h rakta lot .tlaterrluei NO Railliiii tarli *Ilia bay* otOl'elett te*
41 '9"4 11 eas 44ttitsfelib" ie:.1:41411111:111i4-70:triti eater;k1:etecttlittfinut,lets, aueltas ,x.taii,
4*, ( similar
15 Oi**i ph,t of bot water and 4 little tokno...:, MI itoeloutS;
a I tableaP041741. fecied 104 mita
' ditieti. . -,tet42i1n!eeunj *ock cars and
olds« leasowselt .
Inteetaat itv
RED ROOK end Tha Goderielt Star.
ROD AND GUN arid The 0.041e&14 Si
• Star * * .4 :01..
4. 'V # 4, '4 4 • 4.00.
derichStar. 6.00.
*44*4W 5.50
Str4,4„ 4. 4