HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1934-01-04, Page 5• I, .1,W1,4,
1$ 4U'$*
....,,,,,mViVAor'iliq.$14 0110,0494) •
•A 0,
y wt*don, tk
Vtin ei?nfti)
i'etuAe4 oz truest.'
„11&AllIster is on
It ;with bier Sister, .Mrs. Dan
Fawer. Wt Waani)ch.. •
.ncl4; on, lirettnetdOY! of thi
wee svith hte1.01 OPrOon 48.„.Kdd!azii
*chi Xtinice M. Long Inv./jar
Ur, *nil 'Mrs: Williant Alton arid sin),
left for 'Toronto !Where Mr,
,rttroet his Otto as teacher; •
. !lets " **man and NOW itarnes Are
erkloring ,.the'.holiday•' witi. relatives! at
St. Catbzr1nes.
Sensln), $."entland Iia been.. engaged as
teache at ,Thornloe, Northern Ontario,
.left on Surfiuralar to assume
Savage, '. idkciaz left on•
day an b1 retarn ;learner,: ltoing as far
aa::Stratford, ,•IVII0re40 0014 ;the VOO*0-,
Mr. and rt. Parker Wigglrul retuned
OM visit with Mrs. WIS.,
rents, and ,Mrs. Wark,
• vernOlne, Oivett had the misfortune
o fall on the ity Atteets and as a result
requlred al, atitehis in her. e
atte44-' 4drzitsociletrr
Mary and Keith, London,
-A. Mckenzie: •
Brown, 'Albert and irthii
re recent guests with the for.
'a daughter, Mit Robert -bean and
an, Carlo.
Arriving ,their hone in tor-
iatS, hurglarieed during their
00. •^, afid- Mrs, .Raynunid B.
/on that ...-.1-teveral--•--gikaof
stiles, golf -01'
ragnot other artkIe
iss: Olive Alto t
ze lio hi attending NormI
Wht4it1t3i wlth
Mr aid Um' Jne Al
VbPir 't#4ri
er4 int hit tee on the bzarct. to the tirstx
ter en* 'time' *Wee litt,electian as trustee..
4411ri 401614.0ner
ellairifial) of silo p0A.o. and,
PiiividsOn re-engaged as Se:4144T.
Mr. Ieith Ree, reprom atiVe
May II*rris PalIrs
440C4 Ple.4801t on Tuesday
utlinber o his,rela.
tives at nohnon and loucknow.
Miss , 'Marx 'Sproul, • who .sPeat the'
hastmas season With relativ*In pcal.
gannsita, and the New Year With relatklo.
Oederieh, hat) resumed ,her' duties in.
Mr, „and *a.. i:fork Arnistroicenter,*"
,Ained for Cluistfillo Ili.h1)„ Armstrong's'
parents, Mr, and Mrs. WI, J. Thompson,
Anburn, and. her two brothers, ATohn and
Joseph Thompson, with their •whrea and
Mrs, Cecil SlOan. 020 hasbeen attend-
ing-lier mother, Mrs, Samuel Pentland,
W110 has been ill for no past fortnight
returned to her home in St, IshaMas,,
Nu*, ponand Is pciff under the are of
MiSi Pavia Roach, Rat, and is OrP06.4-
ingher daughter, Mrs, Norman, >Wait,
Of .004,Ster, to be With her Wen.
Occlat tilec.thlff of.the_ Oungannon
branch, of ' the Women's Instituto was
held at....-the-liame Of Mrs. Burton. ItOaeh
�n Tuesday•atternOn to 'fransa4t rtettMe
very important business in: connection MIss ,rolly Vinyard, a sister
with the Institute. Arrangements were31rnyardr-s.rik-the silver wed4
made for celebrating the 25th anniver, Whyard Ware a !est of biOwn
sarY of the organization 'of this branch which was 4orn by his grandtath
.when iv:R.114n, will_be•heid in th,Cpatt
Dungannon, on Monday 'Oen- • prince Edward Island over ,one
na.7-41innati---21411;---Twrhon-IfforYor, liefa. toy- wec- *747;
doing members old and lieW, etreal lace, wori„ptyestrsaio
tzt*" and also 25 ye
consisting of literary and MI -Steal num4, at her. own wOdingt Some -2s gu
bers 4111103 presented andlailOwing 'the' to appetizing dinner
program there .4111 be an old-time dance... table was attractive. .401g mentr
.40xilt,, To •Stir,flites., pt • the .‘ e
Meeting . v.ktre- re;.td, and rafiiiii6it'
4144,43110 intditart xorioit. t was tdee,ht7.1'
ed fa- renew the saboriPti.ort to the Can.
ada School Journal and to ask tor -ten...,
der for for Janitor's position, tenders to, be
'in- the hands of ithe setretatr 'not, lateri'
, than 4 ,In; Thursday. January
Tho ineettng then adjourned.
The home of Mr, and Mrs. N.
orclt PttniallitOn* w the gene.. Of ,
444OPY 84ther14on Saturday, in honor
Of the 2Sth wedding anniversary ot X.t.f
'and. Mrs. Whyard., 'IiheY. Were nutrriefl
at the) bOtne of the ,brida paten* Met
and MrS. jehll a,TOY, fieaforth, RV
David Rodgers performed the eeremonY
uniting In marriage Miss „Alice Daley and/
Nathaniel F, Whyard; of VungannPft,
There -were no • attendants ,'at the mar.;
.riage of 25 yearsLago.:and thc only guest•
present on Saturday who who was present
for the inarrie,go Was Miss Nettie Spr'aul
- .Onttgannon. •Xtev DaVid Rodgers,
taith,..1+4r4 -Rodgers, now -resides in
St Themes, 'wee many Years ago a pas-
tor o DungunnOn, Methodist inrohi
and Married John - 31c0Lean Jr.,and
itatx lioet 4%10 ; litga
JJaty Peet Sirloin Steak*
Steer' Dee,t 'S,irloin Steak
. Porterhowlel, 4. 11v. Or ai4o.
11, ',„psr".
iSteak;-11 fot'. 23e
(6 to 7 Ihe. ,av!exage),,
Per 4 * • * 012C
noroo "$1;1d.''' ,it'ire" need
Cheese, 3 lbs„, for...t #_* A5#
Home' "Maid" ,Ppra,_ *.P,O1*.
• Sausage, a lbs.
Baby /3eef Shoulder 04744 '
()range (p,,s;toxveoel'.0Te4a,ibl.b.)44,...
'per lb __„„ • , „ „lithe
Sanitary Meat Alaiker
We Deliver„
, Or
Nilaket, *
114 were , the guts Qf &IU Re
Seleetist dtit lett. Week.. •• •
John Wagner is visiting' his sztq
Ziss K. VIT4ner„ and other relatives
12 neighborhood.
Alex, p
Clara *rk 44Uoe$}144,"*..etitii Preston „
recent the super!)
301V+.14 • end, '4'01111 BO
#1rigtw sonoiopti .
o prograutis lajanced in Int,eetiotta 'Come'
t. Ht returned..hOnup:earlr: „week ;
Mr Robert -10U, Od. ef Stratford, ..spent
tha Week-end:and. New Years with his
mother, Mrs. iroli* igoi,4e6o,
1,414 Iktaiico returtleP.t
het'.$01fool An 'Acton On' •Tuesday . alter
s:ending her vacation, at the mane.
trhontas Anderson,, :or 'Kingston
iiiversity, spent the Obristmas vacation'
at the home- Of 'his ,pavents and MS.
'William 'Andersen, • '
Mrs.. Chesney. 'of ,Se4fortk, and twO
children Moll and t'The
c'ine 4.3,5
'OhriStmas week at the home of her par-
ents,. Mr, and Mrs. ,jamealfawatt.
. .
COMO to "the
itetion,,and on
flT T
pita apin with a thrilling *ysterf' story.
.xcellent east,starring•
mysTERiou.s RIDE $0
0 jug rloeig :Holmes” with Clive Brook.
Matinees. tom, Wed. and Sat. at.:3,00 pm.
'Net the w P. 0ppenhein
The White $ Woroester--F. L.
• 'Barclay
*. owing to the Severe Weather last 'week Th° ti'Pa4 Tr L. 314'.4.1.3Y
the $tullyty, sougoi. cbneert .orittox Zest Qir Temple Bailey
Frpsb*ytetia* rVing,011, Dtn*arnalin, she itect 'was; postpoied. from last Adve3it• efT'rei Parn°l.
was much beloved 'by .Who knew her. noroay. It maimed to it 00 Ntoney to Bur -Peter B. ICAO •
Taylor's funeral- Ivaia held from her 5th. • *
hone,. Concession- 'it yireat loweneSh,
gonored in death ;as in life, Mrs. Thomas sPoritideayn"eceeviiisaenix:r of t.,144, serowne40410,44:::: imaTwn,a, oMatktheew:reost..74Pateteerp.sre..yKyne
Sunday afternoon, when friends and.
A -crew of carpenters are busy making ';91.IntsTi°dlio ce-°s-elvii;1141711n:getinPdler
..neighbors. -paid their ring -tribute, bt yards and station at the 6. R. here 114114•bc4 6:1.°Y *
spia In the absinee of Rev. C. ff., . and, a, air '`of ould' g unN WhirP"He -17P-irra*"43' M. Bower
Donald, pastor ztoone Presbyprian loaded to rePalr the roads near the weigh -4/(°ehed earls-GT"e H41
church, the sOridoes were POnducted by1 v441 s •' • Xteetier of the Door -Ethel M. Dell
Request -7 -Ethel M. D711
alls--.-Ethel-Mr- Dell
hanc.e:-,stlas K. Hocking
pet ---Edgar Wallace
sr 9 stia,m-Edgar Wallace
able,i3etty,4effrey-Parna. ,-
Men -L. Alcott
t N. k-,., 'no. -T„, L. Burges of South 1 Itinlosa 7he . Yr P. .a. •idn. meet,L.4tik,,..32414,410 le.g8T It
" . Plush laid to ied In tontag'annen cemetery, the W. At S. will meet .on. the afternoon of 171•11,"t ''''4
unit Mr.. WeshAerhIrt church, The remehle• Were evening.!....next,---next, 9th;. , and ---the ' 4e__,.* -
or, auo,' ;pall -bearers being Herbert. Harrison and. January 9th In the basero.ent of Knox, On Ole
tried: -In, •ert.:4Ztylori.-Oli4Ord-Traeliett-Of Asbartratted-C-Tifirl"4:71C 2.30 Aii.",r1i0e wili -IVe-li
inindred 'held, Albert Ifarrlion, of ,seaforthi awell_teAtte, Itew:, xeliefs„Tmeetjtigo,44f-Alvtlwq...0_,:or-4
-"e-2-aWl:'7.ceell„,Oar.zqinT Of Kiritton, . James Har- societies. ' -!-', • , cAPta
ars Ago :son,',Nuitterk, wer-e, also Pre4ent for *T4e • the nnuett 'poll at. the POrestera' 'Hall on Little
4t*rr,..!',sP.P.::_-.6.ncl,,,-ktr-40.**,:-.,M*1-4E, ,,,..4104".,.:, ;.:!,.ar!,'-i..7,1.:.,._ ihere..-was,vz-V-02-4, ,122;211 Irote reastAn't. /fop,
"ste,Tusaet 1/07se?a4r1._.s,,P,±earrieosr. 411qoarv.110eivbeeibdiamxii4_1;.tliAririe..„ , ,,Mondayiast; toareely half , the naMeSron- -,,`-',7
the lid, This may have been due to the -
0.4- ivith-- i*---Pr4ee.v00-019r440, aria, one sister, - --ia-itacia--con-tfta-fioaday -iii..-04-,,b.ecaus.ei. ,-
enloyable-thiels anticipated, :There' :the Among 'the' giigsta'*
Will be a small admission fee, , • 'were Rev. D. A. and Mrs. :vfacui
startle)" °tetra team:, left. tied .thi-tilineinnon united -church
iron Past on Friday afternoon, Made a age. Mr. and Mrs. Whyard 'Noe_
dasitlar home 'and broke oft the post; elpients'pOnanY, letters and OlePt
7,eongratulationi-Thet-aW'-'received- mai*
Ing the Corner in the yillage they headed beautiful gifts,mostly of silver,.
. for borne and the sleigh caught the ear- The coirunnultY was greatly . shocked
ner 'past of a- verandah, breaking lioh,-,11arning of the sudden death of
-4.(ftiir gang a !bort dittatlee the7-1,416d Maria Matilda DraisY. beloVed, Wife of
for the ditch and. were brought to a amp; Thomas Taylor. concession a, -Tawnship.
dew etOP-When_t_hey collided -of West -Vita* ,ai:Tali,f5ahonf. 4-Pinl,
Ciro.' Pole -and broke flie tangue. of the ri me '25th .Tib t mos _1104.10,r
ay; _ _ e a e.
We, Henry-. Ciardl.jar; .Lake tlot of voters are 'of' the bPInfou that: ftl 'the
hrZW,ra:asylihore-Ittre ;‘42..'3.14r.,exter'dedit ;'vll-atear.7i4Arst4-etr-tt;titocr:ado .014:11,00704.ne3rtecta-rhitfr-4 • Po give us
B. clattr:ilan_Trtresalp-.-47;v$.1. Stevenson'
The funeraltjtou vaiet' late.17-it a- Jamesa,eti v ]atu gniflcent bie.,_s.siontfT:10.stsd, c.:
Doug -
Friday, December 29th; to Blyth •
cemetery. In Spite . of oitt• and bad
roads a great matti914_41elPhOre, 11:-!.lci?uri.:%et:i0fWteste"--be CtWon.d2or.17°Wiul. sE. 'JOhns
Ttwriiiienhist'4gailtl,hroed llickeidsh:re --tcrhepae-ret?'Immro Icyllyert_v; E., Johns
Black Bearded Kejth
cllow Briar—P. Slater
dj,rfst--aud--- - Sufferings -p, S.
Vry,-,-57-ffesav.oe--,Nieho. las*
mr4- Robert ArinitrOtigt•S' tea* who was -born 55 Years' ago at" Wards -
lett Atatidling for a short time, started
r• he
ememnt WO stoppedyoung and -was married_Ao her. now bereft
re-44iing far. .The. tslelgh-------centaitled husband ti:venty-seven-.yeely ago. She
three:days' mail, which was llnmoiested. had-beedlin poor health ettee
--The -three-act comedy,. -"Gut or the nier,..whe'n shespent several weeks .44
Ark CameNoah," will be, preeinted. patient. in AlexandraMarineand Gen-''
the 1.r. P. 6. of 'Slake ell,Urch..Urld'erAhe -joat_lievittd,_Cioderierfter-_,retnitid
itUtPices--6T-Ibii—D'Ungifinon ZunIor
ranne're. Club In the -parish -1hg :1°41 the hospital
In ear* laitshe
clay, 6nitery:iith, Noah, * bell blip at
zthe *Aft--Ootel, ; hired aig4110' the
ldentlty of'Franz- Arnold, "-a lamella
-beaUtY and thereby -hangs A'
'falai -.There-ire many en:Liming iitilatiOna.
children under--12*-45N-ALinsi,ctiuP,
appeared to to make some recovery and was
able to he aboUt the house Until Thum.
ilay, She remIned in bed' 4111
day Friday and passed peacefully away
as a result of a heart attaelr. Surviving,
In addltlon to her sorrowing-huslan
are three' sons, Herbert, Harrison and
tniliber of, IlreriZte
1Vf., Alcott
1 :min Glerigarry-.Ralph donnor
Jraty-Tbachery -
•aViisS Mal -at -gingen, .0T OttaWa; Ylatecl
her nicee, Ms„. Tait Cis*, and family;
lot week
'The students cti4trict Attert4ing.
04 C. L are bacX to their classes, also h„0.1,
• ,
Ulivirs3 liohre7r4 E14:0-Sttob:trtalta:ad-:°34arni"opotind:I. '1'1'217-iBILPeWIV$111# talVieSSM :"11:11-MPriletell-r 910; Villif4011240n14 1!all,,
Ottelpb. 0...A..
and, Tlennet, .Goderich,•,and W. hnd
The school meeting _
Nieholtan et.:Auburn and a
•etrednesda,y.and Mr. -Walter ',Ivett,Iiiiiii-
eleeted trustee -in- Plac! .1wr.-- - stall;
'retired. 'Bean and Mr. W. nay -
:mond are the other two; Mr, *riniam
Watson is.secr_etary4reasurer. •
:.',.•-"Wle.--..--are•-:-.:Iladz*:statel that Mr .Joe
Cummings, -what while chopping _wded
had'a Picea fly up 0-04.'etrAike'liim in the
eye, is back front. the. hospital, and, the
-tight it "uninjuredi but the ere' IS Still
The_ _ _ ••_
Dhee are Eorry to learn that he Is not
The many' friends of Mr. Charlese g very. good health at -present.
He nd Mrs; 'VW are spending -the
winter With`thelr',4aughter, .14s. George
Mil1ian on the Oth ,concession. -
taliferntit'lid-PerAt -
• I -recitar'given-A-t-the.-Vraramount
-Sehool - '- ':nne
oertah .PlaYid... violin Solo, tvinnln
inething..---•:-4-an. ova QM anne-
Ali 'three years old,. a daughter af 'Mrs,
granddaughter of. Atr24 'tout* and Tthe
ts Lt.Co1. WliJiani TOting,-toriner
zens ot.this community.
°Ma& tYclelPh-, --an-47T
Thomas *tem present ai the. funeral ser-
vicet. The .pall -hearers wereby, It. p. itimro, John UcKnigbt,. James
Howatt„ James Woods and G. Beadle. •
st-rbf -.140W-•,b.00kairrAe,_
Auburn public hhtary:
A. Lost- Leader -0; !.-OPPenhelril
Miss Winnie Marsh is home after -her
visit ni London. ' .
school re -opened on Wednesday' after
the Christmas holidays.
Mr. and 'Mrs. A. W. Young are 'visiting
in Hensall at the hope of Mr. 4. love.
Mrs. Lorne Ms.Donald and son Ross,
of Peterboro, are visiting at the home of•
Mr. and Mrs. A. Errington. • ,
Rev,. Mr. Mills took the services hrther
hall last Sabbath. The "rcia.ds were ,in a
very icy condition. Autos, buggies, 'cut-
ters and sleighs were means of transpor- -
The annual meeting a the Eiresbytep7
ian Sunday School will be held, in the
hall on Friday evening, January 5th,
This-Srurriuy- Schrzil-ts -in- rc• fiauris.htnr -------7 ---"7"'''
„Condition. under ,the supprintondentsVp.,.c_F,. _...,.
• 0 MY:. ifelv_in -iryndall',. : - '
.. .4 very succiessful_Chrisimas trea, an4..„,,,,,,„ _ ,_
concert Vas held,in the hall on ''riclayto •
Dec. 2ndunder the auspices of the
1 Presbyterian Sunday School. The hall'
was . packed, and the -entertainment was-
good.. Banta Claus was on time and dis-
tributed the gifts from a well laden tree._
Friends in this neighborhood were
• sorry to hear. of ile passing of Jennie'
:45reeni- (Mrs; HiflYfurdoek13._atheriamicel.-... -
in Portlamd, Oregon. Miss Jessie Green Q
• left last Friday, to attend the fUneral,
Mrs. IvIurdoelr was a daughter of the:
late Mr. and 1Virs. Andrew Green, of 001' -
from-dar.ida tt1iizT
market totalled .48,012 .head 1'15 to'
24th of November.
All motherg can put away, anxiety _ 4.
garding their sUffering children when
_they 2ia4 mother Graves? Worm
minator 'to' give relief. Its effects are
srAympHroo4 .52TR96 EET
Sells Insurance of 'all kIndsi.'04
ratefrom litmr. before renewing or
•_planning new insurance:
-Mlss Jean AndersOn spent pirt at last
'week .With her siiter, Mrs.:Harvey Webb,
and Mr. Webb, St. Itelanaf;
Mr. -William: Blake, who;:h4i!Lbeela ,the
est of -her datigliterl'Mrs.-".Alted...41to
Mtss Give and Mr. „Richard Kilpatrick
spent .wednesdai evening id ne._ toil*
0 mt. and Mrs: "Lathe* . Shackleton,
Crewe, when 'they entertained the young
folk ct the community to delightftil
. ,
-lie-lite -party, -
Gordon Ander$On. IS ,reedivhig.'
tillitiOnS on being the 'recipient Of 0
-handleirie blcycle donatid--by the Nye'
Drug tompany. at Patterson'a StOrei
LneknoW, to the boy t*ceiviog the WO.
tit number of ..v.Otea. in the contest Just,
Thek` teSehers. *Ad -students who sPent
the holidays at their homes her* retiar*,
Shackleton, 46 Pr1cevifle ,PaInter
patrick, to TOronte, Mist Oracii ;Blake
.Arketa, nithird Itibetricit to $heppord
tan, itial Jean ".1AAtletten '10 ‹ifOderich
MIS Alma, Alma :Outfit,
Olifforct and Muriel Blake, Hurrey X11--
atrlek and timilon Andersen to TAiek-1
no* OonthinatiMi &hoot.
this its style* and are of the
qnhy material*. Do not neglect visit -
d see for yourself the uvngs
ter, Ottblio *tool princi
to, Vto *Alt Mrs. Cuter and;
Pending the thriettriat .isteat
h the forint' Parerds, Mr. and •Jifrar*
Cater *. „40tet1i street,'" reeetted
k Nfilschiesday morning- *hot
rtee tall ftttri pollee hesaktiat*
to, Informed thent the their
*1St intOken into diming thelr
M tiaitIthInt alorriomi:
tttiteriot.' �n reql** ti*