HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-12-16, Page 61G, 1880 1.T THIS . ALrI) THEN AT L.11AT'. w 1 1. H131;1 '(sltel4 irrllil IS a von. proper un; Indy. LIta`t,.week title caught her • itt•le brothereirh'liing, r Yell terrible thin',," she hisse(il"I tyro going to tell fat 1:101‘ on you,“ ' • "�ls [S nilly o•.n•11 silk," muttered trier' v penile')11,v. ' pnt,o-l.re what it. is. Lam t`obit( "t -/IT-''all, altd. RN-/ t -lint :1,1,11, don't. til that beastly, h;'rr!ti, degrading h I)it. I ivn111ttt't have ailythlug to ire 11'1 h smoker:l,,r k evenl'1g. 'Mks 'Merrell 18 '11 t1() 54 011 the front rinnp ,lith A1gnrnmt. It is moonlight, at (1 the rtldolr'ut spi.+ill of rthe Ilnrl°ys0olcies arid iyrintlly nr11f' blies to tllrir aiready intoxicated s"tits. t°Litt!° birdie object to my smol(i:lg a cigarette 9" "Not at all," melted 'Vice llllrtrlh ?J like cigarettes. They arra so fragrant ,tial romantic. I think they arc just t;.•o,l elicinns for anything." "'.Then I'll light ogle." • He lights (1 chgarnite, and 1lieey talk about the weather for two hours and a half. . TIIE OLD MAN ELOQUENT. Tho President stated thrd he wag rec tip, of Cnnl''ntU,ioatinn from -St.L ,nis aetking the cinb bow it stnnri on the Bob Ing-reol question of God or no God, I3o :mild ask sir Isaac Walpole to answer it for aild nil fellow members. TIo w:ts willing to abid,l by what the good old mon said, and he beliared all others who who wool.] be. The white headed man, old heti i by druggists. w''nkled, and b'lrlcpned with tl•e weight of 70 pare, rnt.e to hit; seat, looked about him and quietly 1)1. i 11. "If doe ails no God dent/ ar am no fuchur. When we clove our eve ir_ death de soul dies with nil n- an' we molder to du -t, de s•l.me as do b-utes. It has bin a long journey for me. In my heart stat de Tray's of wifa and children. My days lin-'e bin cloudy and full of woe 1I•y nine to hove hi11 (1)1` k an' f'i1 of :sorrow. I havebin robbed clPatpcl abus d made to fe'el my wretchedness, b; t rebber, not eben in b r darkest hour did I doubt dor was a God, nor did I Irmo faith in hint. Take away dot faith to night—make MP believe tsar am uo Iieaben--ti ll me slat I won't meet my poor ole Chloe and de hieeried chill'en 011 dar 'mong (1e angeli,and von would -crash mo down an' break my por ole 'heart.. I nm ole an' poor an' lowly,b,lt heap in my breast nm n feeli• ' dttt 1 wonlct not sell for all do gold in de world --dot all do arguments of a mil - lien rngersols could not change --a feel. ing dat pn'•r as I am, de grave will not de las' me. During his remarks the hall was as was gni t ns.a grave. When he had finished it was full a =nuts before any -one moved. Then Brother Gardner e tftly said :— 'As Sir Isaac eo Pay we 1)r. Pierce's Golden 1lediuti1 .Discovr tory, cores everykind of hnnlot•, fi.otn the worst. rerofuta to the common pim- ple or eruption. Four to six betties cure slut rheum or tetter. 0,1e to rive bottles cure the worst kind of piniples Two to forte b 'alert clear the system of b 11s, ciibnuekR and4or139. ir'unr to his bottles °tire the worst kind of ery ipelaea, Three to six bottles cure bloto'.les tll1t)U(, the hair. Six to ten bottles °ere miming at the Para,. five to eight bottles cure corrupt or. ranging ulcers. • Eight to twelve bottles cure the worst ,,or'1lfnla, Seltt by druggists, and by hnlf•dozen and dozen lots at great diao'nut. TT .It Bnrdocl: Blood Bitters is the only medicine that acts upon th9 I31uod, Liver, Iiidtneys, and the Dowels at the rain° time, while it allays n('rvoux irri- taii•,11, and, tones up the debilitated system. It cures all humors from an nrdintbr•,y pimple to the worst form of Scrofula. For sale by all dealers. Sample bottle 10 eta. regular sin $1, 1 tl COMPOUND r �+ o In combination wi ing slightly alkaline Its effects aromas, illation of the app( circulation ; it tones neither disturbs th be discontinued at In a word, it pos it, and merit of a FELLO 0 'VY s' r[ARE WARD. --The abr,ve rewax ti. will ho given to eny person nr velem' s +• to will Flim bitch itttnr)Inttictu till.,, will lc a.) to 1.l o eoniluti 41 of the party nr pariio who vol- umed lily Newfoundlaltd dog on t1 c' morning of the ihtit Hist. 0.:U0111v tIU). UND SYRUP OF Exeter, Nov25, 38(;'0., ' 1 STktAY • Cattle 0n the l+re:llisre f 3•1.i at tin+ stib,x+ril,er. lot, 20,enu 7 , '1'sl, n•ue, •41 gin• about the lbt ul' •It,ncl lila•, two tit o . ztu,1 two 'tcitel•s, .4' 550 t etvl ttllrl Thoth, 'lfl .. ou t:, r 1 t rt - 1. E Tao tu.i to prat (11+)1(0(1 1:115 rxpen;t+R uutl t,tlto •ti1Nu: D,W1t t.. T contains the elements essential to the animal organization, the oxidizing agents and tonics. ng agent phosphorus, possessing the merit of be. sad in the convenient and palatable form of a syrup. r u 1, thin twenty-four hours, amt are marked by a stint. estion and assimilation entering directly into the nd muscles ; exerts a healthy action of the secretions; r injures the system Lander prolonged use, and may hout inconvenience, umlauts to arouse the strength, the tonics to retain. (POUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES Sla£EDILY AND PERMANENTLY CURES Congestion. of tl 7,s Bronchitis, Consumption, hrotgone Prostration, Short- 1tetrtl or It, p,; talion of Tho Monet, Trembling -of tate Hands and Lim t" 1 and Unrt( 1) f)( :Rental Deplyssion, boss of Appetite, kc• ss of Enemy, Lost of itemory, And will rtnidl) im likened fnnetitm and organs of the hndy, Which denim,' f +r hralth upon voluntary, semi vp entpiy, rind involuntary nervous action. se 8E10- FORA PAMPHLET. PERRY DAAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, GENERAL .A0E/Mt MONTREAL, 0 .AC S; GIDILE:Ya X1.11(1 _'t LP' tnrE3 .0lan"t tlic'tu1'ea s l LT'lltr.1ci zl;.:'r.., DON•TDOUI3T IT, T()il.[I) SAT TO 'Fallen is not always followed by feilnre, and although you may hove hied reule(lie•( repeatedly nithotit bene- fit, don't doubt that you will find the ight thing yet, Piltilltill'9 P tlt1.1e)C t Corn Extractor is a positive remedy for corns, and once 118et1 at once cur- ed. This foot has 1ieen vnnoiled for by tllnngrinds who have used it. ITow ant the old saying, ''circtlnl- t tat (see alter oases" dooecome it snme- iimes. How vividly this is illustrated in the case of a plan w ho makes R cou- ettilt habit of running down the ire portance and inflnence of a local news- paper, for the main object, no doubt to ;afford an excuse for his. stinginess in, not subscribing for it ; but who when anything detrimental to his chnrnuter comes out in in its column!, flies into a terribly rage, and threatens to kick the unfortunate editor sky high, and who, nn the other band, when anything nprears giving a credible notice to hfm or his bel tngings, comes into the office with bland alniles and profnse praise begging a copy to send away todist9,ut friends. Some men seem to think that ohIy when articles in praise or in depreciation of themis the organ poss. Carved of any influence, surely such men are vanity. . cic Blood Bitters cures Scrofula the Blood, Iiidneys, e seine tine, and It the le by cents ,,9 nil Iii w tone; 1 - curie all hum worst forin of Scrofula, all dealers. Sample bott . regular size :1.00. Clamping out in the pine woods Lt.a been recommended' to consumptive patients, and the Rev. Dr. a array, in his book on the A.ciirontlacks mentions , a • remarkable cure horn ire 1.n, ent of this nature. Every on llfdiciipd with pulinonary disease catlnot Inake it con•. venient to camp out,nnr is it neg088a1'y ,when all the ten(`fits of the tt•enttnpnt are trocnrabte' by/Iusing Gray's rSyrup of Red. Sauce Gum, eciel p tion, which presents in a concentrated, form, all the virtue of this naiivemes dicinal gem, • Art a core for Cnnklhs, Oeia', S ire Throat and II.-ntrsCI1e,04.\ it js i.nvldti tbl((. 8...id by all chemists. ,'rice 25 to 150 con 8s ',ler bottle. Sold Bsw.uni or Cnr'xTi:nFi:I•rs An) Is1Ir �Txn\R: The high reputation gained byllf,,TAtul's Pict!. •i•uu.0 I3AZR.tiz for• the elm of Coughs, Cold and till 0isease5 of the Throat and Lungs hits given rine to s"nrions iutitatto's. The geli:l- inti PIw'rOa.u, BALSAM has the name of 1.''. C. I•Iagynrd blown in the bottle wt.ietl ie. of the largo size anti sells at 25 Pts. lite -think it proper to warn the unsuspecting against B.tI.- e,ois bearing other names, or remedies oll'ert+cl as a snbstitnte. Look carefully to this anti tatce no other than HAor.t:tn's PEC•rouat; LBat.- QiT11AYED.--On the premises of the subscriber, lot 15, amt 3. Stephen, on or a''ont the loth of November, a one year oict steer. The owner is requested 1.0 enlnetnitl prove pro. party, pay charges and take it away, BAUM PS111ONS. Stephen, Nov. 10,18811. • Allan Line! LIVERPOOL, LONDONDI•II,RY, GLASGOW SIIORTES'T SEA PASSAGE. CABIN, INTERMEDIATE AND STEERAGE TICS ETS. f Persons wishing to send for their friends eon obtain passage eeltiaeates at lowest rates from Englund. Ireland an 3 Scotland to any city m• 01111- nay town in Canada. Full particulars by apply- ing pplying to CAPT. G. IiEi•IP. Exeter. 'l'anr:c wllo intend purohur,;I,1 10 an so ti t,. 1118 us:et1.lti4teturer. Tho ;teider who t,uys to Sola 't still 111.11St O')ott44ariIy have a perlttt. We alpha to give tate , c.re,lituscrs ItIto 1>oneiit, Wilit : ta;auu)i f(11] be itt,.et td.c trove 0f t11e 0111.1(ge31R, (lar ex rlletrtoex are hiss than tteme of oitt 1101.1111 .1.014)1 (1 dons, ,I,.lilt We 011], 8 elleltnanti. �`rE WOULD f ; y rr n.>, tall RpecieLttteut;ci. �k�,r^ Yap° � r, to nnruncicrtaltrrtgtlepl.ri [a a ef, .r ` 'f 111011t,wbieh is more cOnt- . il.C�'(, ,., �, ' ':rF`1 ^-..•�'^,Pe1'. plotethaa,eves,;ta 1.v Trach F_. i,, ' .'R� fi...,`., � .�. tbyll *.. ,tddetl s0rent ] new tleni m r .,,., •1,of lute The best °mt11ns. ' •. I'nnw.ul r("<ttlisile Itttili lowest prices. Our new n " q Hears!. is ,Tni)(`t1t1CCt1 1.,t :\,''i `1/4.,� oniapeteut 111d(Res to be :- ?\ second to no_ e in the ......_.4,..\:0.........—......,....r- -- 1,—,`�' lrrorine es Emblems of all the Different Socletiuss. OLD ESTA.LLIST EDI :0: -- LQLD E STABU. SHT,.D PICKAAD P :0: Extra value in OCTOBER, 18b0, Xa©k eX: l r 01, Cashmeres :0: --- Extra value. in DRESS GOODS VELVETi ENS --Ali the Novelties in Spots, tic, Ravin and Blue Black \'elreta—Cheap. MANLES FOR THE MILLION. Millinery Stock never more complete. Ladies, don't forgot our Show Room befrre. "«ing. Sell our Canadian, Scotch. Biel! and Worsted Sittings. Our cutter is equal to the 1e •}..tter of Ontario." All are weleo_ue to dAi4TES 1'ICI�.a�tx,'S John Drew's Fctr'ilture & Undertaking Wreroon7 8 NORTH STuRE, FANSON'S BLOCK, 'EXETER. This great nousenold Aledicine ranks anion the loading necessaries of life. Those fuln(u Pills purify the lar ono, and Wet most powerhtlly yetsootlifngly on the Liver, Stomach, Ituhleys, and Bowels, giving tone, energy, and vigor to these great main springs of life. They aro con - tldeutty recommended its a never failing rernetly in alt cases whore rho constitn tion,trom whatever cause, has because unpaired or weakened. Tiley arewoutiortully eilidacious ittn11 aliments Mei. dental to females of all age; and as ageneta 'Family medicine erenusnroassecl rchili' and hintlu,g proportion are:knowlt Its Rea throughout >ie World. • bad breasts, gid wounds the crave 0fttn•tllcg. Sores ItTidt)leot•R, it is an infn.nible remedy, if effectually 15(bnea on the neck and chest, as saltt Into meat it1)41101Rnretlttont,l3rnnchitin, % r; ('obis, and even: Asthma U'or Ole nil elite 14‘0131- lines, (wc1• and eve00 Mud of Skin Disease, t It t)lieve 0tism 1,0011 known to fail .• The Pills .tudt)intro' out are 111 an. ufacturecronly ISA 5811'tllte'OBD ST111I T. LONDON, And ore sold bail Vendors of MoilieinPR through- out the eiv(lisrct world, With directions til nlltaost every 111 ogit tee, The n. ttawa,llt1(0Ice,anylonet(1 the British 1.r rod 1.n t 'mel :cull (out• 'Spnme4i nli4,\Vltn �t8,.c1ts fur Dal' will he 1'1 >seruti rl 1 r, r f el, ti ;) (m "1'1treh'+arl s slint11r11en11 to the Poteentid Heves, ''the p.,l,lnu net 1,i»r)T frt,' iitte,:t 1 widen they a' ww-miti COFFINS, CASKETS, and BURIAL ROBES and :ALL ;KINDS OF EMBLEM`'. J srBALAIIN.Cr FLUID used for proeerving the body in warm weather or for shipping. Auy person wanting Parlor, Bedroom, or Dining Room Furniture'will save at least 20 per Dent. by calling at JOHN DREW'S FUIRNITURE ROOMS, North Store Fauson's Block; Exet(r. %TOD N DBE W. • THE EXETER TIN AND STOVE DEPOT i _A_IN ST 0 TD1I{E thin npportnnitr oftht.rkinn my nunleroas oustoipors for past ravers. and F'iRlito notify them and the public gcnornlly that I have Purchased 1Ir, D. Johns' stock of Q.TAVES. TINWARE LAMPS, &c. &c and have moved uty owe �... . Office Block, Where I now have one o....., bntsly otcnpied by Mr. Johns, in_ the NB,©O�lrl� parlor and: Otf:�)e9,(D°1.8 ,thacwunty. J., TIIE BES''' IN.THE i1iAIlI%l+jT., Also variety of Trte.Lamps. Lamp Chimneys, Coal Cl nd Cutlery. Eastiunres given for "nsetouglirg, Carriage Plating 0 Speciality. Depend uponot it will give you good value for your money. n- The very highest p •1.r t p t'ioe i11 Cash pp id for Hides raidSheep sl:in ; rl Tauber the place11 I�iXtter 11)1 and Stovei'cntit, Poet (("remfhiilnclt 'nth) Street, t.� emu - E H. SPARC ,NI j.:.Ca:tDt,.f.. 17110x? :• x•3 thiliorint, Nur. 25111 11*0 It at tlttwt:Ls. - .. `l iA..'ED,—oil 11,1, c )1, G, 1'y• 1 7 borne about the 1 t ni is 111.11 1.t ,l ovawits, yearling calf Phe /evil+ r in rct ilc s1., d to proveprnpertv,ticl e11)et11(s and take It 11.1 hr. lt,;boinie', :vo1.30.111S0. )IICILAIIlr Q(INT)N. I,4-10 it ;SALE OR 11 + N'1'-- OPENING A ter ere-. eie,F baker. The t..re on M•1.111 ;1.r 1.e., L set r. r. c •nth' nee:oiled 1,y \ Fr. . 11. .3atltct usa!nt 1[ture t u tl,n,1 hitro .13v,•.111! attlahod. 1 col 0.1100 !dirt, stable, Itn11 nal ;,tifr• a tit; r. Every e,n venieue for 111. 01,n -a bolter—nett l'1 iult oven, .f. 11. PANE 11, Ilkni.tt 1 �`t:YIII'1 ESTRAY -- AB0C T TI1E lit wee!: 111 Norrntber, nn hit .21, rei e si:.n 8,Stepli •u, • we're heifer appa.)yutly 0.11 g two yours ill. The otv•mr unty 1+ruve propel ty. pay ir expenses an+l t,t1tolwarray. S. II.BOE ':,tiit1ILE QTP' A SPEER.--"C,nnio on lot 10, 1 _I ('en.2I Ntaphon.a' o'tt the lltii Nn •e:ni;er, a +dark red 1.10. r, coon 1R twit years ma. Tho ew•alt•1 May lucre 0l•)1)0. 10. )err eVp0,1404 mill take itttwtty. Jrt-lrui 401/1.111.48.. Dye . ElO1JND about two of throe irealis n 12 , on nil 111.1111. tis, a new `i riss.e't AMC, 1'11, ow 100 May • na ., lt on moving \• WILLIAM proper, ttu,t pacingan:ow.s. ILLIA i1.I(11+4 pee, 2, LSTIZAi:.--CDT 11e (,n lot 14.Cor cos. J Rinu 1.2, Taw/ 1•i. Shrplpna. a whit/ 1 eifor 01)111 int?, tht•e: v,•tl rt 11. '.I'r:e o\ I'0 u1 iy pro eo p,operty, pat' exlN I't'n:;NrM0(1Olt:4 and tultr. it away. UI)lAt'K. Ileo.3, T0'1'.1OE—My ,fife having left my Bed awl Delict without jrutt• cause or•• .a - soli, illi per-' t t; ar_ 1oi 1.,l giving her ant tido,; on m;• acro:tut, as 1 will vet be• rearensi' 1.• f•,: he sante. NICHOLAS SIT'rP:it. Da slow, itd \n v. ,2;0,1581, ])ICr 1:'a`1'1�A.—Cclillf+] (.N LOT r'onrnhni,111;n, ragtime, about the lest of August, 11 wlate pig, The owner luny have *ho Rimet 11D/11r n uxp(211.oR and provi 114 pror+crty(' T .lAtti UCCULLtt0}1. 10 PIG BREEDERS.- The mitt, n.•,lba4:,till rot Lis tvell•Icur,t,t 1-•k- 8111, e• bear. "lathe or II oilment;' and \111; ket p llttu this ,,em0,111 for Ile improvement of stock nn h,9 3131'141 11013' liorl„,lvi1i Terms—till, parable at the time of service vri:iz tit{ privilege or retnrn- ing it noccss,u'y. 1\'1.LLIAII 1:Lnt;ht. Dee. 2 •I FAR M --ANP— (TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALi1 C1't,11Ar AND ON EAST 1'i'Iials OF PAYMENT, IN THE • COUNT'S: of U .ONS' NO.1 N # of N # Lot number le, 0011.13 in tlto Township of Stephen, 23 tures /tore 0r less. 1i acres .ire cleared, 20 acres timbered with bene1l, maple, honilnok and white ash. The soil Is t clay loam and (natant from the Village of Dashwood half a mile. NO 2 Alto intim Village of Exeter, Lot number 4 in the subeivisitu of Gnt number 10 This valuable property- is Rltuttted 0u the prinelpal or Main street in the said vilhlee, 01id is in too best imaiuess locality in Exeter. Th•'re i4 a brick attire and rISIQeuce on the lot (nearly 3 ow): ,1.erye high, :0I40feet and in good state of repairs. For Further particulars 'a+tply to iNDBEW MAKE, 1"sq., at Exeter, or to W. F. MILr,EN, Lat t1gor Ontario Loan tun/ Debenture, Company London. Ontario Olt Net Fruits AND Choice Family Groceries fir of all kinds, AND EVERYTHING Suitable for the d� O L T,)2 .hi Y` ,c C a S O .lr y, Try C 1 ,. 1'' 4 . Faitsou's Block,Maiut st., Exeter Medical Hall, EXETER. W. B;SELLEY CI'IEMIST & DRUGGIST, always beeps 11. buil alto rttnout of ; Pure Drugs aid Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, ' Perfumery, Brushes, Corxibs, Sponges, Soaps, &o. V /�^'herry Cordial ! is tlto Plerca00feat tir(f?e!.,.f ''int 1 ('1171111 MtdicInd )err? Sold. .i.,... :1 reeie \Y. 1.:l. ..,LEY„ 1