HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-12-16, Page 5e 1 The Mlotsoni rticonronATellt`BY ACT Ok' 80 Otp itltd, $ Q, 000, 006. HEAD. OFFICEMONTR' =; 'l.'HOMAs Y'troantiost, Esq. • - ^ Biveuroutt r J.hi,11. &Ioi,so r,.1 5QQ - -:yice=,P`r'es.• DiIBL1UTO1BS, Aon D Ir Aracplzersou, 11 W Shepluertli • 1 1,, II .i Nelson, D1 P P, S R laaviul ,.. Dliles Williams,. A P. W T.i ft.t>, Esq.. GC'4't 3ffr'tagsr; S.Ls. Rrrrtor, Deo., Df c t:ayor Mtrntro:tb Branch. I; kirtvuox, L3q., , - Iriapoutor. :Exeter Brant: 1. • 1SNNEY 0, BREWER 311'ANAGElt. ]LOANS TO'IeAI Iflill1S. 11Toaey advanced to farmers otveasy terms, on t1iel:r own prohxriseory notes with pne or more good en- dorsers, No mortgage requires as•sc ntri y.. SAVINGS BANE DT+'PA1=111ENQ1 Ilttereat chewed on cleuo lts. 'Drafts on-Uhitcd Statessbought auaeold. Store- ' uillxcliaugobougbt mud sold, Colleetibue made'iit all' parts of the Dominion and'vetrtrns promptly remitted at:lowest rates of eaEhxeter Augustl5th 1878. 6-r1L• auk, x24.11155; Tin arp p tUn at fhnna nn. ■H tO L®�1 flltl at bun P.. Row1iLL Co', Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruces tieingstraeowheaoadvar. 9.E Y® *r using contracts may bye made fo.e. it. in. Eke re/.eq ► ��r1c►,�.. THURSDAY. DECI.'1IB�GR 11G', 1880i THE' STATE • AND' THD: SYN.DI• CATE. Some of the main consielerations i volved in the Pacific Rat#cvay afire resits now before Parliament and th country may be said to bo the amour cf motley paid by Canada to titer S,ynd este, the values inaotved in those po tions of the road to be banded' over to them when, completed,, and the retu•r to be nude by the eontl'actors•. L ns look into these poiuts for a few mo ]dents. That portion of the line from Fort Williatn to Sel-• kirk, already under con- tract, (406 miles,) will coat about ...$17,006,00 From Selkirk to Pembina, now completed, (branch,) 2,000,00 n- e• e • able 'apt! ' Rooky Moen lei Iamb eau Iwo they are made so of a new. popu'lati'on. `granted it]• alternate 1, .aores, twenty-four miles. deep .tido of the railway; the Syndicate . 'n• not benefit themselves by provic'Iln 'homes foe irnmigrants without tt th same time beuefitinesthe land 'still re- naming in the hands, of the Govo i:nent. Indeed, botch. the Syndioate a the State will find the recompense their outlays by the presence of.ate i em ning„population., The G'overnme will stilt have in possession 125,000,0 acres of the fertile belt west of Winui• peg, All the good lands east of Winni peg to Gross hake, where the rough country may be said to begin; and all the mineral lander between that dt'strict and the Lathe of'the Woods. So that though we are about' to give away 25,- 000,000 aures, there will be a' consider- able-patcil left Itis pretty evident that the Syndi• Date' are entering upon as very boli speculation, involving an uncovered outlay of $50,000,006, and also the efficient working of the railway it a contain( already populated but a'''far separated dots of people. It is poet ,bee .that they may make some !Honey •out 'of it, and so they ouglia, for their risk t4 great. It will be satisfaotoly to know, however, that if they enrich themselves they will benifit the State by tele ratio• of at least five to one. The special couditiona ander which the contract is to be oarri'ed out will de. mead our attention on a ftunre• meas. lou.—free Press. 'Ltlls•Aa3 elha f of tier congredatiou went to London Tuesday Morning ana Inge' ,proolired• warrants for Windsor,. his 111, 1'r aonx 13x11 E r heather,. one Rios, of questlonatb'e kALL uoz:r, , , ' charaoter heretofore, and a ono Irian LVhitb Whelk' Ir ••eztx; Thou, 1tYA:rI , 3' i4 Scott ei Dlt:.lieemeo named Rapp froth, Lumen, Constables srmiliul v ALO tbInt l.&to, Chairnlatn. trope arid Hodge are now o» their track `10 ar'ee4t theme BEPLY. ear Friends, ---To say that r hankful for your truly generous vial, and fee' the very ffatterin s in which it has beau tenders fill try breast on this oceitsiotl of help feeling' very mnclh: su and I arts at a loss brow to e our affection and liinti-hearts nts towards me, inaamnoli as conscious of having in any wa their. Daring the twely or more r have labored in you hoop 'brit discharged the plai ditties of every assistan d t have done no work, rail ant whiolh might entitle m (ignition of my services ,your' sands., In disoliargingthe dnti .of the ministry a priest pros many di ffentt.ies to contend with, often time misgivings about the manner in whie he has pertormecl tIletn; but whatever doubts 1 may have had, or ditheteltiee 1' mn.v lravo enconn'tele•l, have been lis• A later aoeowt says the oonst'abies as they'passedf through the. streets of o Lucian with one of tire:pat•sies in -one d, tody, were been] ezelairning that their haernees had been eat at some hotel . on the way where they stopped for refresh-. le meats, x ered a Gs 9 lr' but feebly ezpress the feeliuer It Sremeethe eleotors iu this part of tlie• r- country have exercised their fetehcbiste{ u art an election an impertaut change has et been made in• regard to the mode of • marking the ballot. See. 4, chap. 24,. of the Municipal .Act of 1880 says "A voter may rnark his ballot paper t placing a cross either (as heretofore) on the right hand eit1e opposite the 0• name of toe candidate for whom he { desires to' vote, or at any other place within the divi'io'i that contains the linin.e of the candidate ; and section S.i miles.... Kamloops , section, looter contract, 1.27 miles...... 10,000,00 In all.. .420,000,009- To .420,000,000 'To which must be added the subsidy proposed....... 25;000,000. Grand total ...........:.51,000,000' palled; By yolrlr kind and approvin words, and your'presence hero to -da ie theenrest sign that my work amongs yon Imo not been treeless, nor m labors fruitless,.. Yoe yottrsetvos Lave oontributed'no sm•ill'share to light the burdens and' smoothen the way a eveTab "y'priest who More arno•ngft ryaI have always found you kind and gen erone'to hie, ever r'ttenttve and obeli ent to.the exhortations of your priest and earueet in on -operating with him for the sanctification and salvation of yours s n7'ls, and whenever an appeal testy been made to• you in the cease of religion• or charity, yon have nobly re spou.l'sd'. I cannot help nrLlcime a few retnarks on your very kind and flatter hitt ;anion to toy very bumble share yens catechising nr children, It is o the inmost importance that children should be thoronghly instructed' in the suvinn tenths of our lhnly religion. Too often, Brae ! the head has berm, ednca•t- el at the expense of the heart a"l with the meet lamentalrin termite. Linn - lion to b3 true and virtnoue teed. be 1)tsed on sound nrinciplei of religion. otherwise it would be nseless in pre- p+uring tea fur that eternal' Fhapoinsss rh which is e tr'ti•n tee eel and object of ear erealinn. Itis the bane:len ditty, therefore, of p'•ieet and parent to in. strict tiro yolet•Rfnl mind in the fe at- men tV - ni ntaltrtrth9 of the C'1"ielfen doetri' e. flue is the more neCesiary in a new ocun,try gneb,k'#Ahieermrr.)nneled rte we are by iu'flnencsit efteiltfr11es hnetiTe to ant' holy faith. We have not here the hallowed man wine andnseeeietione of that dear old land where Cati:nlioity ie racy of the soil, and whose very mine sneak more eingnently than !tourers lies o'ln n"tpr of than grand Faith which a Patrick planted and which a Midget f; .Y t Y A return presented to Parliament er I shows the amount of lands 'sold in the 1 —A singular Case of disease, arising out of the epizootic,, has oeoured in Virgil a few miles from. here. Nr. Geo. Wilsou tin& a small. sore on his hand and sorne•ef the froth from his horse's. nose gore rubbed' into it -The poison iufected"hi:s systern',and his body swelled to an a/arming, size, resuliiug in an. immense- abscess forming ie his side which whoa opened discharged large puentites• of &til matter. Un to within a few days, although suffering ver•}, { severely, he seemed to be reoove ing' t but silice then has had a relLp • s,atid it I is feared be may not recover. In des 1 -oribing bus symptor,; s,he says he Taft a lemming BPnaatiCn aie over hie body, as if he had been elope, to a rod hot stove. rifef .. Rod Chaff "' jf tiarloy y ..,• Oats Clovex Seo 1.. t ................ A* `ri'n otlxy i a 71 to Paas U SO.to Corn:.., ....•. ... .. 40 00 to 0 70,.: Eggs .., .' 0 17 to C 1.7 +outte2' ... l: 0 1e'tto 0 24. Plone terbbl. ... 0IRs to 5 n0 r Potashes, pe •Im„ . 0)0 to 0 03, Pooches par bees 0-80 to 1 UO'. Apples, per br,; SI to Dried Apples pr b 0 01'00 0 01 - flogs, dross od per 100 5 00 to 0 15• Beef_4 00 -m o 0'' titdos, yong... 8 00 to 8 r3• ', " c1'iu,seed .. 8 00 to 0 (0• allaoppa�khs,eitch .. ... 111 to 1 40" �.. '. Calf 11iue'.' bl't) 04 t'' Ray per ton. ,.. at,0u to 84a.,/ 1,.. Onions per Mum . 0 F0 to 0 , i• !lams ... .. 01'? to 0 1;11 Tallon*•per lb• €Ln0 0 0.1 t. )Vnol..per 10 Turkeys liar 1b Geese .... ........ ... ............. ........ys.� Pnelcs caruatr to030' a to007' to 0 03. ton 50• ,.• Cl1iI/6ens Oto 0`30' 1. ST. S1A11'f'S 'Pall wheat, per bushel. .' 10eo 1 ('1» Sprtng wheat`................................:.....1 01 to 1 10• arloy 4 to 0 50 • [[3'ens 5r5 to u 001 flirt+ 1(3 to 0 5:1': Ffiay........................................• 8 5n to 0 00 1 ggs.per dozou 0 l0 to.0 1i liitt'er 21 Elides Per 0) ............. 00.1;441.00.0 '.nd Dressod hogs ..................... ........ ....,8 7'u to 5 nu Butato es jpug bag...............• .............. 50 to a 5U• 0llnoO ell "' ' �VoodpPr cord .....,. .. 350 ) Ducks per pairto 1 00 • it 35 t.008051) Chickens G 25 tc 30 ' Province of 111auitoba and the Nerth- Buffalo nog Market. f west territories up till the .91st of llee • • last, to have been as follows :—In belt A, 34,082 acres ; in belt 13, 291,573 ; in belt 0 6,332: in belt D, 12.085; in ' . belt L. 47 631. Teel, 180,663 acres, for which was $86,064.77. There were disposed of for eerie, 451,163 acres; as free grants, 220,761 aures ; for tree culture, 355,840; as pre.snlpti-n,590,240 - as homesteads, 1,142,400: Granct.totasl, 2,580,037 taores. f Varna - 0 0• one hundred' and forty one of the 11Iuuicipal Ant is hereby amended ie accordance with this eecti,Iu.." Of witioh all those intereasted should lake not1Ce and act aceordiugly. This represents the money and the money's worth to be handed over to the Syadieats iii enusideration of the completion and equipment of the line The railway to be constructed is to be gin at its eastern terminus, at a point near Lake Nipissing, and travel a die - tames of 2,550 miles to the Pacific Oeean. It thus appears that the cash to be paid and sections of railway hand red over to the Syndicate will ba equal abont $21,Of)0 per guile. When it is recollected that ,the Grand Trunk and Great Western cost over $65,000 per mile, and that the recently; -constructed Iutercolonial cost $37 emir mile, it can scarcely be thought tett the mere money view of the ngeeemeut is a die- edvantageons one for C.Lnada. It should be borne in mind that a great portion of the work to be dune is of an unusually heavy description. Thee, the section betvreen Jasper to L'Llce KLmloops (33.5 miles) will c•'st at the rate of $43,060 per mile ; that frotn K,trnloops to Yale. (125 miles) will cost even more, the rook cntungs and trestle -work being of so heavy a na• tare me to necessitate an'antlay of $80.- 000 per mile. Even the Beotton be- tween Like Nippissiug And Fort SVi!. tiara, (600 miles) is eytinl'tted to cost upwards of $33,000 per mile. It may he built, aceardirig to the esti,nate. of Asir. Sandford Fleming, for $20,000,- •000', but may oast a. large ensu snore, it will thus be aeon that theugll the moneys and completed work to be handed over to the Syndicate are ecu- sitttable, the risks will be undertaken by that body of a pitalists which are of a very m )menu 11'1 Distracter. Mr. Mackenzie used to _affirm that the rail. way would cost $00,000,000 (two h.uudred millions). It ie true that he was only, about yi00,000,000 out in the'caloblatiou. But it should, be reool- lested that Mr. bieekenzie is of a highly ineginative tarn of, mind—when it Fuits burs. if his estimate is anyway near. the truth he most now be ieamaz• rd" to, feud what. A good bargain ti1e Gesese iylent teneeie tci'tyittce n bargain ..'- al3'V E 1'1d' f:,r• the !cin plete construe - tion of the rood.. But this ie not all the Synd'ioate ore 1' beve appropriated to them 25•,. 000:000' Of loges of Lind.. it seems. a barge tree', yet it is blit iL email truant) Of the whale, for to nf,l 0t' tolls u'r a8.th0 result of his r, oeut ex b nlm•ptlnry SI)1•11erfIts 1 thr.rn •awn 150,. !t f?1t0,000 acres t,f age icultllral end profit, A. DESERVED TE..11IZONIA.L. 01 Satire lav, Nev. 27, a debts'ion eoneisting of T. Coughlin, ill. P., Dr. • Rourke, Reaatd McDonald, 8011001 - teacher, John Breen, Henry Dteyle. P'., Arthur O;L.eary and 'Thomas Ryan, in behalf of the c:eturreg•Ltinn of ',tiered Carmel, waited on Rev. R. O'Keeffe and presented' hitt with the following ad- dress and testimonial. Tho address was read by Dr. R /urke arid: the purse of a hnielred dollars was presented by PI.'nald itIeD lnald. the energetic; pain• taking and ace lmplished teacher of the separate school: ADDU11SS. Rev. Father O'Keeffe t — We, the, undersigned member; of the cengrega- tions of Mount Cermet and illu(rillivray duly sensible of the ard'loui ditties sit tending the administration of the hely ministry, avail ourselves of this onpar tnnity of expressing to you onr lova,. respect and appreciation of ills zeal you have ever exhibited for tine glory of God and our spirituel good. The numerous admonitions and instructions we have received, we oven aesnre y 'u, ate remembered and treasured in our hearts; your untiring energy to exmte io our breasts the sicuoere love of God and of his mother ;'yottr indomitable 'P14 perseverance and fervent zed 1u teaoh- ing onr ohildren the 'ctrines of our d d'e religion, and preparing them. for the! d worthy .reooptioiitl,of the -holy saerii• dol meuts,'ivil1 'ne'ver bai'atiaabod fr6m our i h ani and continue to exert a beneficial in - finance. We well know that any ex- pression of ours• will fall far short of adequately thanking, you for these arduous .Lebera. However, when we knees before the throne of God to thank Hite far this many favor we have res• esived, will not. forget; Itis earuest, zealous and good pried, •• Ray. and Dear Sir,-...Aooept' from u9 this smell donation as a slight token of love and esteem from grntefal he .rte' And wo wilt p,ra +, dtilty, 'div. -�r•�u le,, t8 faithfnt ohihiren lLere,at)d be an ornament to Ilia0hireeli. Ia conn t." wit .Niis feculent' tie otnnot refrain.from expressing onr tsp. preciatlo.3 of the emitient, servi30q rendered by our gond a:nd= belnvlld pastor, Rey. Pettier I •.illy,and ottr films! p,ttttolllnont and levee for Mill. trust; that I?iavicleiibe ie.' Hie b,+u.nty. will extend to Its )ter•2an:f,• wan hue so• saloons etn. ly lAibtrn;ed tit hi, yitiey}L1'c ,tete les r , sr lga of health and hltppineSa and sense of tneev va tt g,:pf 000rti)lt 91.4P. i n11,1084 to his b.:i.ry;..1 itia ►ici, C')a11.91ied an.l adorned'. 1 cn'lnnt butt fool proms of those noble hearted men, whn, with nothing bet brave hearts rend sinewy grins, fiscr'rl the fruitless forest and hnwYA? out a lining f`rr therm selves and m,de hers 'L local leatitatin,t au•l a nn,'ne. Bit I feel pie -pelts- rrtilP to know that thr'y hive nrr'ssrvr•(T tTrt f;tith of their forefetliers..and that it ie their anxious care and earnest de- sire to•trnnsmit to their children, pnfe and•unentlied..the priceless gift of the true faith. T 1 en:npernco with vote' in finch a sacred ltndi'rt,ticin)7, Iefeem' rent only a duty but a pleesnre and a pridn. Accept once mere my !heartfelt gr•ati- tntliefbr•yene kind wnrds and genernns gift ,.and'believi me•wlien I say' that, wherever my future int arty be. asst. rsl4all'Dot be unmind'fni of yon', Bat will' remember you iii the holy'eaeriEe of tlhe mase and pray the giver of arr Id gifts to shower His ahoioest'grao- and'blessings noon yon; • that yon ay oentinn as in the past --firmly and votedly attached to•' the fatt11,.. flip natrines• and pi-sotions of that grated d Church whose- ehibiren it is your appinees and proundest boast to., Ba. Baa, but will be klpcily reniemheret Temen !:rem IllezeINet—A. very ertu= cossfnl temperance meeting was held is this piece on 1Sntirtay even.ine, when a very exeellent ad.trees was delivered by Mrs. Yeom•Lte, wirao•le was listened- to istenedto by it very ep;,reeintive tieelience. P,rarrriray.—The poop,Lo• of Stanley !who voted against the line Bram Chil- tern eppe'ur to accept with, f,Lvor the' proposed breech of the Gnen:i 'Prank from St. 1l Lrys via. Fesitter,. and would iceprob.tleility'vote to god bones. SP 111T.- -Mt.. holm Joliet. of Ll.io place intends having to grand shooting. tnatcleete 0llristmete Dty.. The lovers of thie• Rind of sport shouid attend ae J. Tt t9.4 very See lot of birtl:.s. Errcayrite nrDelncvas.—Ant I.he an - rent meeting of the L. O L. fin. 1035 took place on gTlrursday, lOt11: iu3t., the following ot£eers_ were elects' i for tale• ensuing year :-1tl. ;1L, 13•n.. A. Dade man; 1Y M , Bro. 3. Pollcek; 'Teas.,. Bro- G. -Poster; Soo., Bro.. IV. aatheell;: Cbnp.,. Bro. J. btowart; I> of CO,. Bro. J. E. Sparrow; C `m., eros. D. 11- bili• eon,. J. MOClytnontr 1+1. I3t iggs,J. 4lfatt,. J. Turner. 11L3.UUR1ED.; HCxoarxsnar- SVmcos.•-At tl►elresirT snee c f he bride's another, Exeter, on Wednesday, Doc. 1, by the tile,;. J. Balms,,.'Jur, John Trffalo, Dee: 8.—Hogs steady, Receipts 80' cal s; shipuhents, 08•uars.. Yorkers good to choice, $4.0) to $4.70; light, $4.35; medium and.heary, $4.05 to $4.8D ; choice heavy held, at $4.65 -to $5e Buffi,lo tive'Stock rArket. 7tirffalc-'E°ee..8:-0at00.—Extra steers, $3.25• to,$5.50; lig'.rt. $4.75 0c45.10 ; good shippers, $454) to $4.70•.:llght steam, $3 to $3.S0 ; mixed lits, $2.40 to $8.:50. as to't;,uality; stockers, fair light to good, $2'.50 to $3:10; fi'orlars, •$3.25 to, 1x3.50; course rnu;h'lo good oxen$2.70to$3.50;. elrnico, ee to $4:25; bnlls,fat,$ .75 to IS; s•osk;: "' 1'11.75 to 112. Sheep and Lamps.—Western sheep good to • choice, $4.50 to 1c4:7:5;' extra,llb to 123 pounds,. $4.50 to $4.75 ; selected tvrtht'rs for feeder s, 114.51) to $4.85; Western lambs, $4.7..5 to • 5.50, as to -quality;. Canada, lambs at ;15.59 to $0. »01(Tal:AI1 Ct1Tl.F.. LTAI.IO(T. itf-ntl•eal,. Dec. 8_ 13ccf, 32 to 4#'t+ts por- lb. Inferior gi a:1es, 2I tb• ae. per 1b.. Choice' helifees 4,10. pone). CHEESE.. �- Mica, N. Y., Dec. S.—Cheese iOo:.to lee:,. :sling prices, ile. . Little Pall's, N. Y:. Trac. 8.—Sales of tweet? ottoose, 3,000 boxes at 10Ie. to 12e. , the bulk' sold at lle. 300 boxes of farm da'ry Neese s:Il& at, Be 1l1c.. SANTA etAus° IlEAD RAND X.,q111aS' Display —op.— HOLIDAY FA:I\TCT GOODS' ti' gleatvariety, cousisti"g of Wbrei Boxes, \Witu]g Deskey. Ladies' G'mpanions;, 1iuteitinson, to Aiss. Strap Wank, both i o3king Horses,,. `bullet Sets,. of Exeter.. ; Coasting Sleighs,. Ten, Sete,, .autograph* and. 111OR SALE in the village of Bridger - a. vi11e,• Sevew)tcresof loud in the highest state of cultivation, with all neerss.try buildings. etc:, berry bushes, Suitable for' market garden, For further partlotilars appe14 personally Cr by - letter to iil)WARD GRANT, ltodgorvllle. P. O. Q.TRA.:SED.—Frona Let 5. con. it A 3 Stephen; about the latter port of September.. a•rodlfat cow about five years. olrti Any person, glvng• tnfinmation:leadiu to her recovery will Le• suitablyrowardod. JOHN' BY,0v, Offa. YOUNG' ME7LT' Unsrn Telographl and �ri++iY earn: $:l'1 10.0500 a moatb. lIvesy 5'I'suuate guaranteed a paying situation.. .AdOese R. VAI15l' 1'INE,ii'su'sgor,.ranesvtlle,wi8 .S 7 7{y� a YEAS Ali anti expenses to agents• `outat fr+o. Address P. O. VIOK. EKY, Augusta Moine. ��' 40 elegant ebromo tarda;new styles; sec. Agents RUCTION AT' CLa NDEBOYE. eutedt <,.Iro'NF s de. 00.. N'L1•an.14 Y A DVIZRTFe 'RRS, shags' ter our Selbct List' DVRINO WR10R A NVD BRR 9Ri1T9 A41tt 11 Dell Ne%wnsome, Geo. P: solve Fr1161) FROM A UEVOLVER-somtEST 8refe r' dpruao lit,N Y' THE PA111I0IPANTS-.LONDON1 aoNSTABLRS'1 — !t HAVE •THEIR' 130R1lti3' •HARNESS Cl1T WUILh'' OW TRE ROAD... A. rolvtoetati}'red' 1n (,II ntlobnve hotel 4tept• by oe,4,,rao15',r,;l _'part f'f ng' men, assembled: in the bar-rnor>nf inrillq the'nvening, and' got eornelvhat. under the. influence • of;hq tier. Cote of the"peaty 'named John '1Vincl ter ,: oto McGlllivrav, got itatol an altercation' with the len !lord, Jackson, When, it got ears at JaOItSO;l Reizaduausehitfletree them it apthat atond behind the bah', and threatened f0 nen if; W1181'6111)on; tete ygring elan Windeer stetted( at hie), and ' in the ru,rlee'it is Mid, boat. twoshots from a. IP.v1 • I onr• were. . fir 9'1 isy.• ��•+nsls+'1tf;, lSurt,. wit Itrirht d'eirng-arry' burin, !I'1Io. storyf bole the shnI-'.'_i . , r) rs e'it)arlioteil l L1 (1's, butte J tolcsolt) • AND ,Choice Family Grocer e8 5J or AND II NT.„;' ,.• �' Photograph Albums,. 1lf etelephnnes,. 1letyl}iaces,. Toy Watches,. Mouth O' guns,. Tag 21stols 1)1dees° Lanterns; Dominoes,. .Building Bloc • eelhessmenr A,lphabe Draught, Bocce I, War Candles,. Tai ae• Ftoe l%ii 'sate w tbonemmi and one outer crud see fur yonsssry • �. W. BROW. Vomition Laborato •,.$ Senate for the, IU? ,14 t 1J .nt' i ` :S le rl 'Cr Xl`it'111111rdir17, rbinoon's blmit,..Atit►t M., 1'Fseter'r OP' digfbra 4A,e i'iI1ia-3 .. sews' andi.Eibinit3.that noble .OIP INET) Al NE.M•BI.TTCHIER $11GE' one toor south o01:e.13i:tat, n); d,RhOhandbalteet•. thesame Idiboua] patronage wet, luta been wow 0O,c11dto Win iatelre, r!'&iLd$se 2fu .L Y w:AGON. I eSI.11. (I lin ee.11Jboxvie114101 41,1)1-tohrre mem.branetr ' ) einves 131.8 meat wagon tineas• , at;th a resit lents. off the vElaAet)sontotimesoaa3.'Iweekand' FRESHI:]i' ;ll Lit k':nets kept mon stent1I3 an, taa.nd• air ht, 1ntb)bets�lrerp.. 1Le ooke•Il.ftbiep'r) 4Ivagoe,rn;etlEtn.goarried I is tu]3Tits b.ranahee • Ii.. 7JAVIS. n ]1j'VA RD.—The above rowel) speak/ttiltheg3rontotn give such 1l ohnnatihu that rwiill lead to lin em n,ifett n of the pat our hood toy NeWfb 05dland. deg AC teetnoarning poi the ZOtla titer DOII.w.010E Exeter,. Nov.. 1(8,1$811.