HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-11-23, Page 6• rt t ud • e ••1:41 DER' r CT, 41[144, • 'e• ses. • It ' '11 ittlt0 . N3v. 2OE-.8tM1d datki „.-4.01,040.15 the. :tititam thc Ati!ate. , al ,etrielel* tealeWing an appea sfese' p, K.V.; irkt; the ,Attorne.**43"-ener* etre •DePertroetit., 4'404 'befOre, the Ap.. OsitoOde ,l011 Stating:. that '.Cluet. 4041 devolved th0.te: partictilarlY 'in Aeel* Where s plea ot gnilty*X4 heen ,niTere4, , • • Mr. Sedgwiek% obserilitione Were' Mad ring the Atterneye0elterare aPPOT for penitential", lia„pittee cr 4' reformatory Seritenee for Gordon Yottniter lorrber,, treaeurer .of the, ,00enty of flure0,: eerie tch4e4 to 114 010400definite and. El' - months indeterminate' for entheatleritent- and destruction of bolos letid records. . Llved tip to $40,7 Pollee Istiatistrate C A? Red's reidene for sentence stated that YeUrig was now, 60 yeare of age and had WYY.14101Y borne got elleesteter. His selery had been reduced, frollt $1,000' to $1,300,* Volt 0'04 t being. married w.th seven children, he 11.3,4 • found, it Inipostible replace Abel Money taken, .4e the eozilat -position of the accused."-Itaidt "The magistrate ought not to look ist Sedgwlek, "deed eoeitel positiOrt geed' ehiredeter may ,aggtoatate- rather than paillate the offence," Me context. - that -&-erefOrMatory--eenteuce- was •• generally Intended for.,YoUng men with , the pasisiblifty of ,r"efOrette *et wtth poSition ..from.._ the court and from .C.•A. TheMP,Sere (mimed for Young. * "The ordiOarYihtetitiVa of the Zeirlse latUre .as that. an often:et of it* •kind Shoititt.-laa treitteCtitere" SeVerelYr Sedge:leis proceede4„ Not a &Miller Thetran' ors Said that ,the sentence • leadben irtuilly approved" by the - CroWn. .0111.e.er at the trial. "There is 1 'fray. The & *Fraser Rive sIingtbrougb its •••••••••••••••• 1•••••••••••.,f ••••••••••••••rtrt., 44 a 4 ••• ;"•.: ••:••• Duffing tor ...WV „along the tumbilni0Praser.canyontoter roaring trestles and through .taverpouse .tunnels, the • ',Royal .Scot" is -.shown • here. -as Preached. North -Held,- aar-o-the- oftee of her 'eresigelOg-of thoPAho* : Scottish flyer accomplished 0 Boob:lee croseing aritholit.benefit Of apuellee: porter and entirely under, her own -Steam!, thus writ* hag another achievement into. the' reeorketeller-tanadian-anit:Aine- erican tour. The rugged nature Oeki es oVer tb e teenic main of the ,mounta1 ntraiOng the C PR not a Word svhieh Itidleittes that the di line of the eabadlatr, P1,401ti4 Hail- line near North Bend, With the Magtstra e was influeneete by social peg - tion." saltl tountett °If . he had been Mao Who" approWlated, the money 'for goeubling 404 so on, It Might have been Zeit Thortipeon--ereferred to the sen- . lenees in the brokerage veep. "'Mere.' he said, "hundreds of thousan4s of dol- iaxswere taken And the heaviest Penalty was. three years. gr. Sedgwick satd the • . reformatory Is tor •yotmg people. That is_tuta 1 „it 4.15tattlitto.,-pr4Positkon, -one ;icier • argued -before this eourt .before. Eve* day persona of mature years ore , sent to the, reformatOry." Mr Thom* son &led Orie:ease; 'that of a middleeage4 solicitor, for steeling clients'' funds. Tfoted out that the brokerage involved "commercial :under- -takings." • • Mr. -S,eriewlek •saiti-that 4e- did not • die., „pute the previous goat eharsieter • of oung,.. Voeod Cithienship. • 0-,ryOtt-,1,,,ather. hold-,iteagetnst--hint.":„ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .0••••••• Bladder Weakness i Troublesome Nights Swiftly:Relieved. , . , • It you are troubled with • a but. :sensation, Bladder Weakness, . frequent -:--alailreartugaitnee, --Cetthata0P-01-ghte• 44 liktet-,10 back, ower iliamten and do throitah ,groint shautd try. the. . amazing Value cf Dr, tiouthworttee *ttraithe god vbet 4 Vairtdeiful-dife- ,1,:e..ren ail *if this grand old, formula A-• well known finyeteisi . brings. you. the twit and satisfying vonle . • fert it tAs.,:bteught, to dozens 'of others, rivill ---- -----.----tita14€ _ .. _ _1**4 0-*1-reir*ell hich ' . It' It: • not setisfy, the drug- gist that suppli you is authorised to Aturn your money' On first box_ Orem- ed-# 'bits three Vat :Se ten-day test of "Oratilia" Isithout risk, or cost unless Plated With results -So, if seti_woidd oya4katetht .reettiititle • *nd Aleormairbealthr bladder, )stiv,,rt -the test WO. MY good drilggiat can. elit) ig$' WI. • .„ remarked -Justice, Deadspe,-Plti ths eoun- 1F try, social position means an. entirelY • RMER GO daerent thing than In 'Lae case you cit.! ett, lt alinplr m Ole goo citizePs4IP • in the cotnntunity," leIr, 'Sedgalek sald that was the sente in which he used it. Attlee Masten -"Just that he was a good -decent man." •, , • "Jestice., lefaedotinell•-•="Eyen In England it is synonymous with , abed character." Chief Justice Muleelte-"Invi the Re- formatory a penal >institution?" Mr • Sedtwacitt "Morin Intention." -OrdefeJusticerhat-rIght-lusage-you to have- him there,. thenl" (Mr. SedgWlek argued that the reform-. atory systetn had been devised so' that As offenders +would not be incereerated. itir-herdenekerlitilnals;-' Th ter evIdente-had- not been transcribed. don't Wills: thee sie anything in the Cat...11"e4a1tInt...: ihataincli taken down," said ,3,tr. Sedgwick. .eChief Justice'. "We mast have all the evidence to determine whether the magi- , !trate acted rightly or wrongly." -11r-Sedgwiek:. deavor to get that evidence., Judgment .04 ' q a • GREAT GAL • I toelty taverna. to the Ilsgelfic shows the klhol, tot. IettnntrY that _ taiiieua Rritledi train-tiniqueret-mr- 'her history -making trip over the Canadiall.Pacifie. . Catraillana continued to give the ItoYet Seer -a' wa-Wriehearted.'wel-- - tome; Western- Canadian titles turned out -almost en maese„ to cheer . and examine the visitor from the Mother land. ' • • ; . • It tt• • • • • • • • • •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 t , • , . MORE FINE WEATHER, .••••••••••••• =alien- Sae, Near-Serinner -.Te e - peisstures to Prevail Before Winter North Bay, Ont. t Nov, 18 -You'll be sorrylf•thisaveek's Wintry touch- prompt- ed you to don iteece:lined undergarments -and avian. vale-. pedal- extrentitles lir 'wocilens, So old Settle 'centroanda, venerable ithtetwiart ht. the Nipissina Indian band. ai Beaticage, ten utiles vest of the oity In a. weather fore:tut made -Wednesday. "Don't be alqinic;_t Olen e westa.er ore a r se n keeps," Mr. Conunanda 'stated. Ile made it even more t.heerful by saying that mar temperatures will_ preiatil before ChristMas, ‘Despite his 163. year Mr. Command* !is found ta 'be slaa0 of eye 'and -nos- -stessedeoferevivid--trientotak.:-Heluteebte rczident of the dietriet front ehildheoci and 'tan readily recite incidents ot th boyhood days, * re Pain in a he a ouId ilardly Move Mrs. Irrol Itetnilton„ It. 11. 1, daterarpti, Out, writes: ---"My husband had been suffering, for a *bele • ear, from *evens *nilin'hit(bitek and -0,isrTeete so b.d at iimo, he contd. hardly mOve.. • ' ' * He tried Many .different emedk but got no . told to get Doan's for hire, whieh dld, laid he has nevei been b0,theted sinee, and his kdneys work ilne,"' F is, oils ataR*we t,atiresi est * vitt by atiasia 4 Li Oat. t rub Bituminous CoaI Coke carryWe a full: o coal. and can alte. prompt. e Alberta Coal -we have is proving very popular nnd we are etting number of repeat o rot or *amt. you born Alhortit Coal you are furniahi work ,foi Cana a. . tint ithing oofing, we iv* prompt folly For Nom tr hi **row* ot ... Secotkol hand Arouse Much Interest Locally 'rile i�th alutaversari- -,,the. -Cireat Gale of. Novenitier, 1913, on the Great Lakes, has been given much, space in many Canadian neWspapers, particularly es star an .1,,Lont4,_ tit sholter, and bell had to ride the gale Telegram. In lts "Sob:gator Days" ser., --"itffiz; e 111*Y .W14Tetrin' • ed, so to come alongside one sinother and Make les, 0: ,1.1. I. Snyder, associate editor ef e,astlegrant, roproduceLioue low* of fast, with aif their -heavy 'tenders, :sup.: nuteh`liat-frestioeilly•--7-11ere etre iohier: rger,ellitil*:httl*Weer threirt1194t. Th"e1LX:rtIln,lt COL Jas* mccannel, of the geed Isilquia, sitting high in the water, was P R steamer Astintoia, wrote from Port brought down to the liacKee's Jove] by McNitoll on Armistice Day: needing her ballast tanks, One was "Beady te_sall in about an hew headed one way-andtheotheethCother. a very blustery day, visibility low, and and the one kept her propeller turning turning._ tattler. Twenty Tears ago yes- tedaYathey rolkeaf"114-111ed the galll--*e mit, nosing or bacsk- r, fterthe Gale e . Great'f-..1913; . • • went into Fort William .1i:1th over 'four ne .-,PAiik:AO.',S.e Just • ; fril""ii.i ...4,74,...,..-0. attort1;1410z,,lomottivor ,e tat ,hae applied,' for the $202 . which 4 H. ,.6,14.41,th,,. We 1 , weaver, fennel ‘,141- the etne , tre of a: bell,` "Of Carpet rags lest liehtlOr ••Itighte. A Xitellertee woman, Who elahne I to he a :,1itnaglater of Mrs, Henry reoev,4, .1 'Xi?* cleceaSed, who it: believed to have rmeed the, roll :of hills in thecentre of the carpet ,ball, has written 1Vr• Asaldth, . lirging. litirt to seeld'Or take, theMoneY to 1 her at , once, , and "God will reward YOU for putting lb In • the ,Pap'er.,1!! , With more than elle ,persont clalmint the Money. Mr. Aequith los decided*that no person shall, have it 10401., the rightful owner has been...established, On Friday afternoon, he placed the nteneY in a, lo- cal bstnic for safe -keeping The 'Kitchener woman learned of litir, AXtititth'e find through the press, word - ng to her letter. She urged Mr. Asquith to look for Mori .money, because there were -three, Or four bate of carpet bells 1 which had been wound, by her mother, she wrote, She described the bags, • and Mr. Asquith agreed- that her deserlption 1 fitted the bag which had been lett at l0S pine. . , As yet, Mr. Asquith has not "beard 'from liars.. W. Weber, 'aft, 1, Auburn, who sente-the rags .“) his Wade lei-bit- -wovene-Nelther 7,-- has -• -he -heard—front Henry Doerr, a farmer 'living about 'a mile and a •hall South of Auburn, whose *fie is believed to have put the Money into the carpet ball. •aft. Asquith wrote to 'Mrs. -Weber the day after he ini/de the discovery, • ' -7-• In.. theiraitintheeeheiliretroWello reward -for his honesty. A ninnber of • prospective enstomers . hate telephoned him, one of:them-from-ea far: away as ,.. mistook. • According to the Kitchener 'women's letter. Wit's; Henry Doerr died two years ago lest. June. ECALLS ER,1913 GQDERICH The present winter 1o0k as thgh It wao going to -star or a while, making real good sleighing. Mrs. Fred Bel and baby ,daughter re- turned from the Goderith'hospital on Saturday., • • Miss Ruth • Evans sPent the .week -end - • TerhaPg'llie-i-14'ere 1ost-t171reelarluii,Tatithe.....11orne-ot-Aier _parentse around, and tfealleg into the. trough. 1`4"‘Esransclint'667.---- • The dente which was to be heid. The tab•St retnarkaliie eeperienett the in know: Of In that ,gale was that Of the Orange Ira last Tuesday night was etaministiqula and the Meoetponecirm a,c'eount of the storin: Keeof the , • 1.? western„alt.,*.port likr,„ „i,he_g,,tunto,...s The regular meeting of the Y.- P S. Wilrbe. head a the church, on FricIiiy was bound up the lake,'Nlight,.and evening. with Mass Ione Colwell retesid- the McKee vas doming_ down _loaded - with" grain. 'Nether. was able to get in- ing' • Master Gerald Orr- had his adenoids ' i hundred tons of Ice me the ship -all out- Lag into t, atid they came through. safe- .ider400 • ly But AU these ,oak and Cedar fenders ' 4iThe laSt three Weeks have been stor- etween 'them Vere Chewed down into my. Three' weeks, toinerrow got quite et lemiing-oh Superior- TookAnc._ thirtY hews- tar-eroSe. atay'atitual--titststrele-w 237 .knots, but the engbie knots were 315: She was standing on end. eierned to he the only one out- os otvheOlos."41 :otttilly3r �inst°1:1V---e 1)frtn't. miles per weather eett. and lots of plow here enctet. the „Soo.! ;Praia -4,tnt, Hunter,. Gotierieh -boy, Son the Organ* and Choirmaster cz ICrtox Presbyterian sehUreat there "11% i913, and nownto-hundreds ot thousanda-of the great unseen- eteeter*a who listen' to his. Telegram broadcasts, comes this *Witt ors of recollection of the Great Gale of OVI atb„-Vbt-i'se twentieth7-armiversarY we humbly endeavored to .oivetve "Schooner paye .144, weekt.' ,i.".Therti was * ttle Wand itt Qoderich arbor-thearaitice-dredged-onti-iin remember the WO' -the great-. seas tled over the breakwater. poured tilt -O the narbor, and picked up •the harbor tug and entieked her ort the mudilat of 11* little island.- Then the next one would sweep hit Off and *Urge her lilt° deep beck 'again. water. • ;And mgr. wesild" be "You remember cap;,. John Il.taied4h4 ald,. Of the leeheoner AS0V and, who are tithing out of ,Gialericli yet? 141),tonklir "WO"' ,or "Rudolph," 'write* PUigcnt ,e‘Olitribiltions to 43eliooner always pleaze? Weil, the Matdon.,,, d'boys had s little tah tag 41. the bar- ' bee, at time thine of the Great Gale, end the tests that were running picked their ..tugup and landed It, NO it not dry an tho.ixer 'there It e.tayed,,, 13 a lack **Atter tho vat, ,wutu.siittor otter sen. - or as ,boing *raw lip, aft eased At hts, • lifebeit• Midoilskins,: the story got around that there Wat reward eit litteen tit+, lava for er dy found WeakhOple .4 %Axed to *earth the heath notth and lath like boy Scouts on ari ',Indian tont ikt We Would da,if Vett folnut w body wu lewon bOtitihid 111;itt*Thit e6'01 do with fifteen *liars. - • . One day. *hell 'the Whieper went round Ziere's another found' 1 hunt ifeltritt the deer Of the ItOttter. "Ileri„' the haretater„ ow this poor fellott", '411e, to* 'rat' WO, *WO totit a down maw,'-ollakinned• Ssitteneet mew My on th* slaile, with wet to** 'tot-, their POr 'Wor.bettered rat*. lite the toWil boat tbe IMO*, «ho 14004ng'Zikke Raton *Met and ht*ntwat ltuttitiool,natoutidtAkt tot ntie tba the EaterdaY Ott. 't to MAO Mei*�a Men. alid-tonslite•xtunoved-nr-aelexandra--hospe, tal, Goderich, last Teesday morning His restny friends hope that he will now enloY :better health, -Craik Cenducterie Ser- vice in tinfoil church on Sunday' and gave an inspiring address on the subieet, "The Prayers of Jesus 7 basing Ifis re - on_ thetext, "Wheeln_the-dales his fiesh when he offered up prayers and suPolibetions. :with strong crying and ebrew 11 ' (From:another correspondent) Mr„ John Craddock • was visitor at Union chureh- on Sunday. match splinters, and the Wooden wale- „ Yee, It's goings to be an open winter, „etrakes alongetheir sides were scrubbed all right 1, • down. lush with the Steelating."- - - 4wIng-tothe eform, ollatt.week,,,there: •was no school on Wednesday,and, the mail carrier missed two, daYs. " amr. Irernian runer visited In GOderich far three days list week at the home of Mrand lyirs..Fred McCullough. Next tP_nSi.a,_Y..-•....gerViee.e•_WJIL.h.e._..ee..JN..nia at ;Iletioni Sunday Scheel at 2 p.m., Imeaelaingeserifie-ate3 . -,The-paeto e 01 .21xxis, „ nfl 0,pr pvirfl. select. jer.seY' )4. uart i32c.per quart (Guaranteed to Whip) A Trial Will Convince You For Prompt Delivery Phone 299' Mzlk for Sale at Th* S'. Meat Market ..;Grocery 'Store. • ••••••••••••••••••••••:, _ Sturdy which was much enjoyed. After- ward a. dainty lunch was served by the iForter's ijill ladies S and a social hotir 'Spent., • . • , On ,Tuesdays. Nov.. 28th, the Goderich Tewnship Mea's Club will have as their Speaker Mr. George Laithwaite, who will speak on The Next War.' A good pro.. gram will also, be given: .This meeting was postponed last week as all .were busy entertaining. Mr. Winter. STAMF ,FOR WARRIOR KING In conmiemoration. of the tercentenary orthe-creath-of -Gustavos Attelphus; swe,,, - den has iSsued a new spt_Lpf postage stamps showing his death scene, The famous warrior monarch was -killarl in. battle on the field of Luteen, and tsie saga_.the statrire,.....wreAL,*41tert 'from dA famous pending of his last moment. xt Is by Wahlbom and is baing in the Na- tional Museum in Stockholm, "divilization is an edifice butt on a -foundation of righteousness; if that, foundation is corrupted the edifice must inevitably crash to ruin."-:Babbi Israel Abrahams. mfler Worin Powders ---are twee palatable to children, who show x.i6 hesi- tancy In taking thein, They will cer weereetreubles to an end. They -are 11' strengthening and 'Ann:lila-1'. big medicine, .correcting the disorders of digestion that worMs came arid impart- ' Mg a healthy tone to the system most. extelelat-tcretevelamnent; * • rt., 0 RS Ell' S • ' FURNACE COAL BLOWERS, HUMIDIFIERS, FURNACE 'aid STOVEPIPE -5 EAVESTROUGHING and PLOABTN _Pomptlevio* Phone 475 ' '• KEAYS ST. P. O. But 399 •••••••••••••• No lees an authority on marines matters than "Beachle" .Melvor, states that the - above observations are- not just accord- ing to Hoyle,: And -he ,proreses to put Matters straight in next' week's-8 Nothing as Good fer-Atthma,.....A.slinial_ edreg tOilitrittid-ttaiit-eacry year -the- e es of the- original Dr J re Kellogg's Asthrea 'Remedy grow greater and great, er. No further evidence2eOttld be asked• of :its reinarkstble merit It relieves 11 is always of the Same unvarying quality which the eafferer, front aSthma learns to itte--Doenoteauffereatiotherattt get -this sPletaltd remedy today the Htpti4ASs 1 • We can : given you prompt and iiiktislactort teems* at , mederefie price to the .following littee of plinths*: •,..44etteeheeide • Ciecitaes ste ottrtOrtrt • • win oe, in„ two*. • On SoridayDecember 17th, thefOaro- Ilna jubilee Singers wilt be present at Union- -to atistiet- at -the -.regular - service These Negro singers come very highly reconintencled.- and -eVeryone should make it a pond to beer them. Owing. ,tii7the ;condition of the roads, attendance at Sunday School and thilmli serviee WAS small The aistiter, Hey.. F. vcrratit, spoke to the whole echoot on oirlear-Does-lity:Infitttmeeetteac tO,MY..lgeighbor," M the Preaching ser vice, -Ur.' Oraik chose as his subject, "The Prayers or...testis.° 'froin the text. •"Who itt the days of Ws; itesh, when li had ottered-up prayers and supplkationt *1th Strong .trying and tears unto him that able to 'save him train' death and iinis heard in that he feared" (Reba reivs set). • • POR,TOWS UUL i.titended ter last Week) Snow, snowi, bemitiful,snow Ranks ea drifts 'wherever yott go Mn Lea, McClure is ..gtadielly regatine, ing blefernier health.' • , Glen tewIrlistet' hate returned atter 'spending the fall 4461'411i With Mt Ernie Johnston Mrs, Thomas ast M sPertdIrig a few. days' with her parents, Org. and.. Mrs.: OM* ! 'Mr. Thos. ',nettles bas 'been net So well the last few days. All hope to .ste, hhrn linprirrect tn, health, soon, • Mlla ttere„rtarmer .ritinnot,atter, * Month,* visit . with relativeS ,a4 'Ingten,-,and 'other Plebe* in that • dietriet. ittot"IrldaY' stottf Last •frotat nAtng bte fete roads are o.14.agam Ms. ett ostler" MA Itttle daughter, ding ft* and ;Mrs 7Zoek. Mittel elitee • atbiele Ret R. At :Gale had theta' Wed ..110, service bed *1 Ot hhureb., ittle tO unpleotierit Weather and . U* Meeting et the Oercb Metes Of* was , postponed to • HAWES' FiREE OFFER ftitddrets urio_ .00e044YALtittoreed 1RAW001t; WO, at regul0 :9"-oters., ariathe DIALlitt Oteiteste; One 25o bottle of 1.1.4N11.9 LEMON 0110-ftee-witt!p_orturte; of 14,1): 6;110 _ lilt Pr" s„ Tereets Cireg°131° Coupon g un moil/viols SSA, - LTD., 01 ......... ... . ... ........... . . 41•141res• . . ... I ... • ... • • • • • •••'• .... . • . ................. ...4••••1011 2 5-2 rieet ...... a .... oo • oo as o • o • oo • 000 *Ai 000 Alattilatoortirt ... .• .. .,•• • .. • . toolo,•••••••: • Dec. 4t1 . Buy tiET TH15+ *THIS FREE ' alk14 A Quick as You C:aught: It 0.01,*mtorii 14,4owt, ni*most lee* diestis sere. crush led dee clv* AsOideT1010, _ In whoa Os et *We sod e strosollisat to ialiox, • - oat instAtut Relief in This' Way Tbesimplemethodpieturedi%bOVe is the waydoctor* throughout the World now treat colds, It is recognizedas the QUICK. t way to 'treat a cold, For it will thee* an ordi. as tot At you aukt it. ••••••• is the tradeinsrk of Th Boyer ComPOhY• Limited, and the name Bayer it the form of * cross is a* wit tablet Th3r is.otve almost instantly. And, thus wodc almost instantly : when ion take, them. And for * gargle, Aspirin Table Athwart AO vemigetelY• they have no irritating paiti idea Get btu ol 1 or bottle of 24 etuoteastcre. ••• 4•1,11, s•- ,