HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-12-16, Page 3present ay, and re conk. prepaid lauyot ^25 '5:3a and go -..er. we ,,lion o Atilt' tlin 8 of the kieeve.-- g,AcnET;i', Clerk 11.1 tlitte•worn meth. bra iding, received Aright lttgt, when in} .p,ent;aged in I's • flue 20sideua0 pared supper iii the': Lund..11l'1, $ruuwell. 10 work clouu by the urciuisee dining thsi' oven of the builtling, and geuoreusly to tuvite thewi to4eio first "feed" in se Accordingly there ,Was a Sowed of by night • It • Is needless to. that, that there was.,a1fu11 attauid= d quite, as needless to bay that the at is were alt inure than eatiafied with -the iu rvl.ich', they were entertained by• '"- r ul and his . aniialite wife. a 1 refloetec at - Barnwell,' it:vb4 pleasant a+•euiaw d away iu liarnulthas arnusen t,. and the company. Mr. Kydd stiitained station' of Auld Scala 'by re;idering o Laurie,"',':Highland Mary," and `'Sala 11500D1". air hie -usual hearty manner, Erin had an' aide champion in 1Ir. Ed. •d, After a siuging "He'sa jolt) good " the boys . dispersed at a seasonable highly pleased with the • hoipitality them, and wishing long life and hap - 011v. 'and Mrs. Samwall in thoknew 1;zAturfA'kiotts:-'-The .second 1ta11 aninatior)a ,1f the Exeter ptiblio scllcjyl Held as foll`o}vs-A'I►ss Rowe's departmon Monday a, lir,, Mies Dickson's on,Monday Taylor's on .:1'u esti ay , a. n,,; Mise O Strang's on Tuesday p.m.; Miss Butcher's on Wednesday `n n,, and Mt. !.'hos Gregory's on Weduesaiey•p. m; A Qordiel invitation id' •GC extended not'ouly to the tresiees but all otiiors e, iu`the welfare of the sol1ool..._ at ELECTIox os OrrIonns.—At the animal calla r Fri- ' the men lug no to the is part A rloasur , at it' so, he cards is lar e e for Preseut� saute character. ioksellor, g.sater, ger E `d ales. °EMIBEtt 16, 1830. NEWS. TlreFu talc Be • Co., Marshall, Mich., tfiitl send eir alebi0,tete,Illeotro-Vcltaie netts to ;lie .at0ictrcl. , ou 30 dn.l,s trial. Speedy eines uaranteorlih;` iqy moan what they say. Write ' them wit b A. young man wlio has reoeiatly taken a wile; • says he didn't fund it half so hard to gut mar-, tied as ho did to get furniture. He curl not try Johu Drew's furniture store, o4 he World. not say that. More new boots and shoes just received._ Sotak complete in every department. See ad- vertisement.—Chas. Eacrett. Renton Bros. want 200 .cordsof good dry cord wood, and 500 aords,greon, most be body wood, and fres from rough -knotty sticks. CriBIFTAIAS Canns.-5 beautiful Christmas cards in a package for 10 gents at Central Drug S ore. Set:cr..s NorrcE.—The new Methodist hymn books are to be found at J. Grieg'e, Bookstore in ve•ious sizes'and bindings and at bookroom prices. Vauses, Toilet Seth, . i,Iantle Setts, Writing Desk, Work Boxes, Fancy Boxes, jewel() gees, Photo Albums, Autograph Albums, Bibles and nil varic;ties of fancy articles suitable' for %rues presents both for young duct old at tneCentral brag Store—cheap. Winans old stand. C. Lutz. READ Mr. John Banton's mammoth adver- tisement ou anotherifago. He talks columns. to you. S. S. QeNvn TION. --A number of Sunday Setiool workers aro in Blyth attending the County Huron Sabbath School Convection. WooD WANTED. Sleighing -is new first-class and those parties vlio intend paying their sub- scription to the Tinos in wood should bring it at once;l gooLAL:-Tho social in aid of Christ Church, which NrA hard ntthe residence of `1tov. E. J. Robinson, on Thursday evening last, was well attended. A very pleasant_tinne was spent,' and the > • ods amouuted to the very snug sum. 20. meeting of Nuet fire enghre company, tliisfol. lowing officers wore elected for the' eusuing year :-- Cap. t min .—W. -- Calitnin.—W, Treble. 1st Lieut.'—E. Howard. 2nd " —J. heeler. lst Brauoh.--I. Handforcl, • 211d " -Q" Johnson. • F. of Hose,—;r. Crocker. A F.of—F. Howard. • Soo.-Treas. —D. Spicer. Assist, See.—J. Weeks, ELECTION or Orrresns.--At the last regular meeting of the i,xotor 11. A, Chapter A, F. cC A. M., the following officers were elected for the Durr ent year : lstPriu.L.—Bro. • W.lfa' heson. 2nd " —Bro. W. D. Might. 3rd . " —Bre ;R,. Scldon. Scril a E.—Bro. G. Samw ell, S. N. —Bro. B. S. O'Neil. P. S. --Bro. G. IIeLeod. Treasurer—Bro. G. Willis. Jamitor.—Bro. S. E. Jones. ELEc'rsow 0r Ors on ts,—kt the regular eolnintwication of Lobation Forest Lodge, A. F. & A. M. No, 193, Exeter held on Monday evening last,the following gentlemen were e1ec: ted office -bearers for the ensuing year :-- W. —W. M. -W. Bro. W. D. Bright': S. W.. -13..o. O. Senior. J. W.—Bro. B. S. O'Neil. Chap.—Bro. Rev, E. J. Rubinson. Treas.—Bro. G. Satuwell. Sec. —W. Bro. M. Eacrett. The installation of the above officers will take place on the'evetiiug of the 27th December. Tun TnIG0EB.—The Exeter Gun Club is abont to have new life infnsed into it. A meet- ing of the members was held at tho Central Hotel on Friday evening last for the purpose of re-orgauizing for the winter's sport. Mr. F. G. Simpson,of Ingersoll.fornierly of Exeter, and at one tiiue an enthnsiastio member of the club, has presented a gold ruecla1,valrtod at $50, to be shot for by the members. The first match for the medal is to be shot on Newt Fears Day. Ube follewiug ofiicei s were elected for the ensuing year :— President.—T. President.—T. Carling. Vice-Pres.—Dr. Hyndman Captain. 3. We tcott. Treasurer.—R. Sanders. SAD ACCIDENT, --On Friday evening last, as Mr. Frank Anderson, of'Osborne, a short dis- tance below the village,wee retru•u&ng home from Stephen, accouruanied by his mother and a young girl, aged about 10 years, his horse took fright in passing a team in Exeter, and becoming unmanageable, ran away,precipitnti- iug the occupaLts of the cutter upon a ;pile of brick in front of Dr. Browning's drug store. The old ladys thigh was broken, the girl sus- tained a severe sprain in her foot as well as 'having a small bone in one of herrlegs broken.. Under medical assistance they are pro grbs,ing as well as can be expected, but it is: feared that the combined shock to the nervous system of the old lady, who is aged about 88 years, and thefujury to the bone may result fatally. A New IDIrA.—The secretary of the Railway Committee, Mr. Renton, is in receipt of a com- munication from Mr. P. liyudinan, C. E., in which he advocates the building of an inde- pendent railway from Bayfield to Stratford by Boors STOLr . f.The ether day some cheeky a stock company. The road to ;be ultimately thief took a ps} of felt boots from in front of extended to Goderioh. Mr. Hyndman is of Mr. C. Eaerett's boot and shoe shop. That is the opinion . that such a line would receive not the way Mr. Eacrett purposes toboot pen- hearty support from the people of Stratford, ple. but he is willing to take the boots back as it could there be made in all probabilityyto and give thief a taste of jail life to boot. But connect with a competing line to the Grand to aearoh for him is a bootless task. Trunk. Several years ago, Mr. Hyndman rnade a railway map of the Western Peninsula, A MnsrAHE.—We :are happy to be informed but this being lost, he made another which be that Mr. Thos. E. Case, who was reported enclosed with his communication to the seem - dead by onr Blootning Hill correspondent two tary. The idea has many advantages to rte. weeks since,is still in the land of the ]iving,and commend it, provided we were certain of get - is expected hone tomorrow. He has been ting communication with a competing lino at attending McGill Modioai Collette, and was Stratford: • stricken down with a fewer, from which he has uow fully recovered. COUNCIL MLETINo.—Tile cotnucil met pur- suant to adjournment at the Market House, Goon t7ATTLE. Mr. R. Davis, butcher, of on the 10th feet. Councillors Pickard,Rantou, Exeter, is bound not to besurpassed by any Bissett and Drew present. The Reeve being trencher fu the county for the excel'eney of his absent, .,Mr.. Pickarcl, was chosen chairi an. Christmas display. He has fattened three Tile minutes of the previous Meeting Was read head of cattle, one four-year-old 'steer land confirmed. Moved by W. Bissett, second. three-year-old 1., ifer, and one five-year-old, cd by E. Drew, that orders be granted for the cow. These' Cattle aro said to be the finest in following mine :—S. Littlejohns, $17,50 for the dounty. They rr.I well fed, for wirielt Mr. laller; J'. Winsor, $10.12, do.; W. Long, $4,50, Doris' young men deserve great credit. They do.; E. Edwerthy. $8.12, do.; Geo. Cadniore, will he killed for Christmas uud Now Year's 56 oorrte do.; J. Bnlsdcn, $4.50, do,; I. Gilles - markets, ri�a , , Buthingliani, $1,4,0, for scrap Hutch, $2.60 for nails. -(,rift'• Nur T' ..---Tho new express train which +ltSi fie. 8..1880 to appoint de. has biel0 d of for some time past mos, es ' p �tl y�ttr% 'foul provide polling p {•, ' Tuesday �a , first run t,r the L. H. kt B. It. on 'lYtestili,-3�ti'vl'► lit'b`ii .trail a fjnr,td'thto urns read. a .eon y '� last, The train leaver London at 7.40 a. i►i;,,(tinct fired fliirr1: time enol' fi a'il nsserl on mo: Exete*, a - ^ ,E and arrives at Wingli:am itt ttint.44 E. Orem, srcc r. ofd try .t. Tt tion. ?Inv - 10.45. j' 'ng, it legrea Wntgl,am et 2.55 ell. ^V. 13iei,ett, sect;+,Ard by I rem f'$11iii e roust deokkli the ho revelry rimed ante, 'a tendan mann the po The sp,• ase, Mrs was p tongs the ro 1, Tin wh' How. fallow hour, show piness house, Qtunrrnc.'r A. correspondent —It may not be go last session of the On Material amendment was as regards the qualification lore, etc., and oho that will dis inany who have heretofore held. Municipal Councils. Section 70, 0 chapter 174, P. S. 0. as amended by 43, vie., 0. 24, S. 3, reads as follows;—The persons qualified' he eleeeted, Mayors, Aldofinen, Reeves, Depnt Reeves and Councillors of any municipality shall be such persons as reside within the nnitlicipatity or within two milds thereof, and are natural born. or nattl-•alizod subjects of Her Majesty, an,l inalos of the fall age of twoaty- ouo yeas, and are not disqualified under this Ant and have at the time of the election in their own right or of their wives,as proprietors :is ton 11uxrCIPAL Hoi ona.— o the Sarnia Observer writes : rally known that, at the rio Legislature, a very made iu the by-law • Beeves,Counoil- 'edify a area, eats iu our and tenants, a legal or equitable, freehold sr Itasehold, or partly legal and partly equitable, rated in their own names on the last revised assessment roll of the municipality to at least the value following,ovea and above all charges, liens, aid incumbraucss affecting the same. (]) 1u incorporated villages, freehold, 6600; leasehold; 151,200. (2) In towns, freehold, $800; leasehold, $1,000. (3) lu cities, free huld,,$1,500; leasehold, $3,000. (d) In town - 4013.118. freehold, $400; leasehold, $860. From the above it will be seen that the property OD tv]iicira uman qualifies must be assessed (in the ease of a village) for at least $000 over and above all charges, liens al 4 ;incumbrances ef- fecting it, to enable him to gnaliliy ane make the declaration of qualification required by the Act. Usborne. Audrwnir.—On Saturday last, Mr. Thos. Latin, living nerd' the Thames Road, Usborne,, Was seriously injured, beeomiug entangled in a horse-powe'• at a threshing. kie was stooling. ti examine the boxing, which gets very Trot, whet' his,siuock eaugbt and he ,was dragged into the machine. One rib was broken, ear and hp eat. and the flesh badly mangled neer his ribs. Under medical treatment he is pro- gressing favorably. • ++.o. Heneali,' SlioOriNO. —Two of the noted shots of Hut on, Mr. J. Wescott, of Lxeter, and S. Fairbairn of Hensen, intend. i yingrconclusions on Christmas Day id the Centennial Home, Hensel]. The match is at 15 pigeons and for $20 a slue. About a hundred turkeys) and geese will also be shot for with rules and shot gnus. f ;Stephen. Council met par ,rant to adjourn- ment on Monday, Deo. 6. All mewl t'rs present. A.depatation from Exe, ter addressed the council ou railway .natters, The following orders were. granted -A. McCormick $15.50; J. White $9.50; Mr. Dolehay $3; G. Beuter $16; J. Elliott $12; B. 'tootle $8; A. ilooper $1; Mrs. dander' $8.; L. Stanley $6.50:.Et. T.,+'ulton '$7; Mr. Lartel $1.50; hire. Daily $5;' E. Snelf,. $10; Diver g; J, Staulake $1.75; '•' Burns $2; Mathews $7; C. f-'�aell $65.50; J. $3; F. Eager •Vet H. Bush $2.5 ';T'. reel:.481,t'.;"J. Ryan $5,75; L. Lamport 50tits.;ff. Coughlan $1.25; P. C ugblan $10.75; J. Evan $87.75; J. li' au $2.10; Messrs Verity & Son $1is8104; C• Gilbey $91.08; E. Penick $7.7t; W Bagshaw $3.45; Ci. Christie $5; $. C. Prouty '$4.50; 1 C, kiiuibiuer $7; C. Prouty $12,80; J. Th3bm $5 501 Collector $6,60; Or. 1I' wltne •$5. The Polling places are tin fo1Iowet--.Sub Div, No 1, at S.11. No. 1; Sub. Div, No. 2 at the Town Hall; Sub. div. No. 8. at S. H. No. 6. Sub. div. No. 4, at F. tirrttsrnon u store. Sub. diy; Nu. 6, tit S. ff. No." S. 0 .L'airT1t, • Clerk. ,1' TS zo til I6, will' pay you to ge VERCOAT FOR 1417 or ONE FOR Yo TS Crediton. 15 E XPLODED.—Some Ilia° since a gentleman of this town, noted lar mire than au ordinary amount of comtnc.0 r sense, eauliou, lend general' acuteness,/i? eeu�len,Is o thought lie would liaveadays shootiu., "nidal • for which purpose he furbished up his old fowling piece. Ile frond, however the powder slightly moist, uud pro- ceeded to got over this little., difficulty by the very natural process of ` drying it. Placing the. °twister very ogre• full; in the .parlor Move, in which wee a small lite; and warning his wife not to forget the powder, and not to re pleiuislr the fire, went to hunt up his shooting jacket. In balf an hour be returned, uud his wife, totally ob►ivions of Lis injunctions, remarked that the room was cold, and wished he would put iu a fire.—He calmly did so, like aey good husband, and 'agein with- drew. --In soveu miuutee arid thirty- three seconds thereafter, there wrta a most terrific bustiiication ; the stove flew i11t0, 715 pieces, and the powdei flask has notstnce made its appearance, awl is supposed to be now wrluderiu to the vicinity of some of the greet planets. Astronotners are waruect t keep a look out for it.—Tern stove leg remained standing as a mute meuteuto and to alt appearance were totally nit conscious of the terrible catastrophe that hurl culler over the snperbtru l tion. M�itvl.--$lwiiys'drys,}pelt,pow der on a fire iu the ouea tr, 72,4..eat-eistil.57.—Troublesome dogs walre primary cause. An lilvisibl}Zoatl revolver,the eeoondar • and S, t superficial observation the final cause of Charley Ault haviug a holo in'his laud, ()hurley wa , hast week, fixing • g his revolver' for the purpose of waging war on the dug of gnestion able repu tattoo. After minute observation be concluded it was not loaded, counting each bole over nine different tithes. Hisconclusionwas supported by strong evidence, but was nevertheless fallaci- ous. Whitehaudiug the trinket thele was a sudden click and report, follow- ed by as sttaugo fceliug iu the hand, and imagination ouly tau depict the rapidity with which it was dropped, This scene was followed by a series of strong expletives hot;found iu guy strictly theological work, after which a bole was found in the hand, and it was unanimously resolved that he was shot. Careful niauiputatiou failed to recover the bullet,--i51unAL.---How to fix a revolver, --First ascertain defiuitely what kind of a revolver you've got, whether a five, six or seven shouter.. Then provide as many lead pencils as there are holes in the thing, and care. ,felly remove the little this g with the holeet,a nd through each, hole shove a pencil, aa:d,lay it away carefully on the top of the rigger, ' feu proceed to fix the revolver. Nome of every deseria ial, all is clone o requiring good s Liar a. cull. it0gt promptly attend() Sure lroi•R. Also Harness of ev iug, \'rbil's, Trunks; Sleighs, &c. ZEES BOOT ce 8 iE 5,,T TBA ' X EL111.lih be ge to a.j 1, •,1 . be has deoided to beeov{ resident of Centralia, whore ire, bout and shoe business itr all itd work clonal The Ls,test K Nous telt tho.'best material au workmen employed. All work g ways ir:stock, foreign zed _done the frost quality. Fine Sewed 1'1'r07')o`. slap ilei.:' tdpronij ,try attended to hie. A. trial is only necessary to custom. `�Centrialia, T ov. •1,1880; ly known ou this issue is al It is innossibe to tell bow I what candidates, will Orel selves for Councillors, 'All is respectfully submitter, Chteelhr:llt, Oi r car s ELgoTED f The,. are the oflicel•e eleute i/for 1 year iu the t h L.0. No. L'i,ltnn, Master ; John Biiu Master ; Win. P►obet H Jacop Latta, Treasure ; nell,�Chapllain ; Win. niittee ; .Richard 3 `Wiugiirid Ililey 3rd 4th; Isaac Moore, 5t LITERARlf.:•'d e Society vwti re• 'wised +paeYt`; with.l).. lignins ;»w 4`,;.:r. Cole Brown Sec. and T. A s Treas. -The first free eutertaiumet t was given iu tip Town Hall, last delay eight, and eoneieted of a Bpi did selt•ation of speeches, readings. recitations and songs. A good wadi nee put in au ap. pnarane°. The ante tainments will probably be continue weekly through the winter, a public ebate each alter- nate week. It is pr poseur to give, a monster ontertaiutu tit on New Years Eve, to which an \admiission wilt be charged, of which due and timely notit a will be Liven to 11iVrlIarlAi..---The candidates already in the field are S. ltorgurth and W. Schuarr for heave, with the chances in favor of Sobnterr. The I+retsent rate of betting is live to three in favor of S&Intern. The largo raise iu our county uesesbarieut this year idaterially darkens llogarth's prospects. Baker and tatz lair Deputy lteeye, t�hithi will be Crediton Dev On Xmas eve a XXr tairment will be net Much, Devon. t will consist of readi d;alogues, enlive`�ned by the choir. Vit inst., the children o examined II liev.,d ject, the inearnat both occasions expected. a ueeu u�utart. The Only bet pltbfl , Y-` ne of Mr Sho suddenly yesterday V Dna' !The matter 'excites hurls 'the ctrcntnstances a� are the theme of cot The finance coul�tii5 on the favorable 'market house debe stated before, waif' Bank at 202.1, high i boode. At/other largeieleaatornis co Why not?,If one Mdsa ' plane surely. two will dor Up with it. arshd b* rte It k now estin were loth 'r 3e Friday:, ,.. lttreS 71 c of aii+tare`tyei tutift SIvw�', t.