HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-11-23, Page 3,erve,
.0.4Y*044 In*; sro,Rx
ZU1104 Ver44 4)0i ?*reS wlU -1044
ibitt *Mat etop1ytt4 neWS, iteiretsila West" ,
, Coljihena thitt Week, -10.**.tit the titif#1.8
,blikrordesOut 4o p1 there- Is little Oat*:
.448 One, ahtl the JobsOf goitigsthetittentele
Othe-thtt POt• Of 'the n1ie4t,..-Whert
theta:Low is knee ';lesP,- and eyeryhotiy xott,
nleet talko abont th,CotorM..
WNW ISOPX '4010'
A sad party- .of hunterS. arrived .at
-Satiaday hriligh* /With
'them the ;etlialant Of $ittatO 'POPela44$
'Who as tan 4,44:1 4144 as Thurs.,
day when the Inutting ,party 'NO*11 had
:tone Wirth Was Six Mile* Zn t$ bas
Iheother mernbers 'of the partY carrliA'
theta- dead Oranpailion the six miles antl,
• -were 4*, 450 miles from an undertaker,
'The deceased woo a 50a of the late Jelin
Copeland .1144 ta Survived by ins wife,
foritierlyLevin% Berryand one dough,-
•- Ur, Ethel. ' The funeral services were
• conducted on Tuesday, by the Rev, Mr,
,Itovegrove, of Woodhant •
•Stock 'lista
Cough or CoId
it- tons 'Only* teW'Clinti-ta-kikad9rA.....,:.
-. or cold with .BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE_,., De* •
Ouse Surbitterris scrsouresowlY-itootAthsr °DIY
a. few doses are needed to iubduelh•-iougheit
-cons* et-colif. Atid-autIttoys-aitt,wdiluted .
with three. throes ital,yolunut of vigor vatildott it
so still .figther. •
'Will not upset your stomach. Just *aft,
1131,14 instant relief from coughs, colds 'fiu.ot
bronchitis. Play safe. Refuge sulietitutes.
Btuddey'e is sold everywhere,.
ehtfagentente t
eat., elangitter. MatIt ,l'ereegt' fog,.
NfOritlettItartk On -Of Mete
art, 'OaatOrtilto ,the•`.Mirriage'
Z)latO the 'latter Ott of,this Menth;"
gOST rOrtto *IL vow
. , A • •
The' ecett per Orlsorm" peday at the
cPuilty law tor 'the quarter ending Sep.,
teMber 30sIttUt *8.4 Vett*, aceerd#Iit fe
repert Of ClOvernor 4 T, "Trethowy.
The coot 'per daY for the ,prevituis totar.
ter Was 8,64 tents. Ttiereport trivets
there were ,86 prisOrtera , *fl, mpotted
-143 the jail during the three Motrihs. Tlw.
total, 'da.,Ys' ..stity'vvaS 2,009 40%
• OPER4TO O. cotir
' A Olt W1*OS0' lihid• leg was fraetured
Just below the 'Stifle, has been saved fer
his °Wiser by an ext treterinarialt-of
Kttehener. Ont. Plated, tinder an an,
aeathetic and the bones 'fOreed bacc into
Place, the ininred lim.b was 'Placed in a.
heavy plaster cast, After a -month it
was removed and the leg found t,o be
ahnost.as strong as ever.
The funeral of Mrs. 1ietu7 Wolfe, who- nowedays draws attention only when the
passed -away at her home in Ashileld, Prices atiVance, when the ccs hatch
about three miles west- a the villageovas • or when tb.ey..are presented_ to a pullittl
held from .her_late residence. Tlte ser- orator. But Mr, Ted Virarby brought one
v14-fati ht,attirs.,„t.ot.,,nocpc„,zokam,, to this offictiast_week which drew-attene-
ald, °Late Lucknow Presbyterian church.
Wolfe, who beforeher maltrage-
MIss CatlierMe Hockridge, was M. her
50th year. She had been in failing
health for the past year. Interment was
2n Bluevale cemetery.
andt‘e0000,Plica1 table
Syrup Children love
its delielous fitiVOri
•gistrete Walker anti Was. remanded Until
Theredats Nevetriber' 23r4, tor sentente.
Time head Of .-eattle belongtng to Pat
Noliou gaunt ,Is Said to have
-drItenteff and later soIdreeu1ted in his
arrest .by cetittahle McOre. The cattle
Were driven by Itemised to, thilosi farm
from, Where Wilson ArMStrOngsWas atm
ployed to truck thein. to Gordon NftGee's
farm in West Veawanosh, where they
were Sold. for $64. MeMillartidentified
the eattle (Among* titoGee's herd and. no-
• tified constable Moore who arrested
Gaunt and lodeed Jahn in Walkerton jail.
Stayner Sun: An egg Is an egg, and
Late House Surgeon New York Orleh-
thalintc and Aural ,Hospital, itsaiettant
Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden
Square -Throat H.ospltal, London, Eng,
53 Waterloo St. Se Stratford. Tele-
-phone -167:- -
At 'Hotel Bedford,. •GodeAch, -from '1
o'clock on the evening of the third lk.f.con,-
day of each month ,until the follotellig
11104, Tueaday, at I p.m.
Barristers and 'Solicitors.
R. C. Hays, K.C., and. IL 0. Kays, E.
• -Ifsetnilton stretsetss-Goderichs-
, Telephone 88
oldest 'Mitchell Old Boy, 'having been
born in this town_about seventy-eight
years ago and with the exception of a
few years spent in tife Canadian' West,
has been a centMuous resident here. Be
Is 'also the oldest neentbex of Tudor
.Lodge ANC: and 1.4 tisually found
hi Ills place on lodge night.
The Steamer Eastnor, one of the old-
est of the smaller passenger boats plying
on the 'Georgian Bay, was burned early
last Friday as she lay it her dock at
Wiarton. • I3efore the fire brigade was
able to get to the dock the steamer was
pretty badly gutted. She is owned by
Jo Teckaberrys_of Lion's Head. -She
was originally the tug Jinn Long and- was
built in the eighties. She '-was later
known as the , W. ,E • Blackstone, the
Henry Peciwell. and the Kagawong and
has_been....rebuilt „sacral -Um -M._
• .t il
MT; Oe0,-trees.,' JOhn Baler; executive
ocomittee,-0 Jud403, ,cittigon, OA -
mere, E Vulford, 'The' league WAI ton,-
ast tat* teen:P. 'The tealtle and f4a-
ches ire as followS: Maple 'Leafs, Ogre
aid Kano; Canadiens, la, Castle; Mar-
oons, N. • lavermereet Senators; Owen
Combo. • 'rhere are a sufficient nurnher
of players signed up, to man the fotir
teams and spare.s. A meeting„ ib tailed
for Monday evening to . arrange the
teaMs' line-ups and draw up a schedule.
OlintOn will alSo have a strong team for
the intermediate 0. K. A. groan, whieb.
will , bly consist of Clinton, ()ode -
rich, hell,speatorth and Whigham. James yettne, ot Scottish pioneer stock,
The loeals are forttniate in hexing' Rote who died in 1908. They settled on a
liCcEwenf formerly of the Stratford- In, farm on the lake share road, near Port,
dilute, as manager ,and coach and C. W. Albert, where a family of two sons and
Draper, last seasote& Manager, as atststt two daughten were born.: Wiliam on
ant. .The line-up of players will be the homeseed, Thelma et Goderith, Mita
-ninth- ale -Berne- as -lost season, though (Mrs. Wm. Stewart) of Auburn, and
Wm, not for any of the aforeMeliVon e same neverifitaitaiirlritiMatralf. JanTrffitars7Dltin), who tenderly
-reasons, bwe took it into nearby' grocery store to eared for --her inothinesthrough-herslOng
ut lee -its great site; -- When - •seteettest-t-o-e-----7,
weigh it, George wanted to know who COLBOR, NE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL illness, whitli Was of a most peeilliar and
owned the goose. It weighed. a shade nature, nine operations- being
The municipal -council of the Towni-
over a quarter pound and measured, Shtp of Colborne met tin. the .townsh p performed since 1922. Endowed by
eight filches the longer ciretrinference--- nature with lin unusually strong consti-
unti-a -pullet laid Itt-
0 N
.140Vember th
,rt ,Albert, after YeAra e.
tly borne; .one of the bert
Olt, resident* orthia ;place
ot ao4, James, Yollog, Rer
lskte; Iltoino 4114144*
e*nte out -from
liclin4k '113'184 .m14 she was 1).0.#k Wet-
!tmo VIt. rettsOitteilliti at OzbOY1',V_ii
Ihe'Orand FUIVeri neat -.''BraiitfOr4,1
here:her girlhood days were 1041t, she
*dining liter *,11fi her Itarenti.04.X,4,1
Mein** Ot the family 4'0 the Tont pn,
the and, co1'10040U 'a 44044 where
her brother- Wm Lmpson atUl resides.
Tra'Velling. Was 'not toinfertably ar
quickly done then as 'now. NO Om. Alkge,t1
A1014 the highway. There 'Was just a
narrow road cut throUgh the bush for
theex sleigh of ...the late Wm. Hayden,.
of ShePPardtons 'Who brought the family
from Gederieh to their . hew home.
There were four brothers and three Sitt
13Perget: JaMes. ,Th.9140 ad wit-
lqary Ann "(lers. Wm, Richard-
son), Caroline (Mrs. Jas. Dunbar), Sarah
(gra. Is& Yount, the deceased), and
Elizabeth (Mrs. William Johnston) all
are paesed on with the exception of
James, William and Mrs. Wre. .toluistto,n.
She was marred in 1881 to the late
Office: Hamilton Ste , Phone 512.
ib PORN. 'We
hall on Tuesday. No ember . helped by outdoeir work hi dors
which were given by Harvey MePhee
the last regular meeting were _read and. g9ne -bY+ the was ttl-waYa
member were present. The minutes of talon
busy _in, the
Cars were- learlAS scarce as ten's
teeth around Nile over the week -end.
Mrs. 4'relfora Ntkell paid, her brother,
John Snell, of Goderich, a Vtett last week.,
The first 'practice for the NII6 Sunday
School Christmas entert a1 nment
held, lad SetUrday atternoen.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Braeewell, of Tor- 'DONNYBROOK
onto, Were recent visitors at the twine of
the latter's sitters Ws. Ross 1VtePhee.
Mr. Jaines Olver plans to Vistt his son
Frank, at Fort 'William, until Christmas
and then go home with bis daughter,
Mrs, Johnston, to Kenora.
rel Cd4e1L-4
tion. The/ instritctors are to be Rear.
J. Mather:4" et Grarld'Iiend Rev D
In nyiray interOsted in
MacMillan of Dungannon, and, Rev, INC
Sheet of Nile, Ond the subjeot* Will be
"Methods in young people's work, Meth-
ods in teen-age work and •the Life of
Jesus Christ."
Notwithstanding the very severe storm
of last week the stork called at the home
of Ms. and Mrs. Elwin Wilson on the
boundary between Nile and Auburn anti
presented them with a baby boy. It
then flew straight down the boundary
andslettste-Littlesgirl at _the, homesof-Itte..,
and Mrs, George •Feagan. _The _nal&
-iines having found goad homes liTalreire-
cidedAe stay. CongratalatiOnal
The Young People's Seciety met on
Sunday evening last, The theme was
Art A eciation and the addresses
A ppr
Irtlife9riVaVailwalrusifa51 jrr faini,,m,..heede, and Rev. Mr. Shaw were in harmony
Hensall Correspondence *1 sthe Exeter
Times -Advocate: A great deal ottf tater-
est is being shown in totvn in the:trial
of the -1932 Huron County audtors which
started at -poderieli on Wednesday of
this week, Oise ofs the auditors is a
'well-known Hensalls treeident. A great
deal of publictty has ''beeri. given to this
case by the press and the radios of this
country. The auditors' side has never
been heard, the auditors prefering to
state their case to the courts when cal-
led on. We believe that when the audi-
tors' side is given to the nubile thereswill
be a great change in public opinion.
siaraytonssAdvocatet _Bailiffta sales in
Ninth Wellington seems no more suc-
cessful than in other parts .of the pro -
Waco. One day recently a bailiff from a
neighboring town attempted to sell by
•"sauction--the--chattels -of .e.--tarmer in_ th
GIRL BREAKS 'COLLAR BONE ilost.ttern part of Arthur township, which
he had eeUed. The crowd gathered and
the sale conmienced, but Was called Off
it mister, _Solicitor, 'JEWTlirese, daughter of Air. and Mre. Chas, after the binder -had been sold for fifty
Phone 282 HAMIL'ISTGodbrich
5,et. - eents, the mower for-abeat-twitess
'OX ., .
breaking -her collar -bone. This is the amount and a plougl) for.' thirty-five
cents,. Farmers . of the neighber-hobd
-Second Casualty suffered',0y the cronyn
children withina short time. Three would not buy the chattels or their friend
Weeks age Nhe crenyte white' reeding me hi distress. One gentleman, we were
horses heard it disturbance hi • the stall told, who thought he would do some bid -
.,of one of the horses and investigating
found Pat, his three-year-old son, un-
consctous beneath -the feet, of -a horse.
The boy stiffered a broken leg and severe
brutses on the head and body. Dr.
Fletcher of town, attended the children,
both of whom are recovering.
Xeeter Times -Advocate: While happily
celebrathsg her sixth birthday -Mary
F, -Its -DARROW.
Itarrister, Solititoti Notary Public, Etc.
Successor to J. L Killoran.
Phone 97, Office, The Square, Godes-kb.'
Barrister •atid Solicitor
-Sun. Life Bldg:, Adelaide and Victoria,
Telephone: Elgin 5301
Toronto 2.
Equipped with-, electro-mtgnetic baths.
Electronic ‚electric treatment and chiro-
oractie. Chronic, organic and nervous
idtteaSeS., -Lady irk., -pttendmice: Office
hors 2 to. 5, and 7 to 8 pare and y aps
pointment. Cles,ed Wednesday from 12
A. . RrICINSON, 'residence, and-
' office, corner 'of 'South street and Brt-
tannia Road. •Ph.ohe 341.
- -
.James Campbell,' of • Listowel, was
found dead th his bed' Saturday,. by his
hotteekeeper. He had been • in good
e-althttup to _the 'ante af 1118 death,..,, Re'
was born in Wellesley Township tie 1851
and at a reddent of Listatvel for 15
yearset-tefore that time he had lfved on
a farm In Ivlarylleore Township-. He was
married in 4875 to- Jessie Scott; Who-Pee-
deceaeed him Aire years. A famlly. of
five sop, survive, John, Sask.; Willtam,
tRtigh,moorefieldvi Boyd 'Mid -
Norris, on farms in Marlboro Township.
One daughtersEllen„ died 12 years ago.
-,rHQMAS OUNDRY de SON. Beth Gaunt. whose home is on the se-
- Cond contession of Kinloss, pleading
Lie-eStocksandsGeneralLAiletioneets• _to a. chtirgesof_stealingscattla. and
Elgin Ave'. • Sales Gagerfeh,all d1p9sing of them, appeared before Ma-
inade everAliete and 'efforts
made to give you satisfaction, _.
Farmers' Sale' Noted, discounted.
Mink 149. •
• --.
NOTARS runup. 'ETC. ...,
-Geneiat Conveyancing done.
Good -Canpanies Represented. •
?hone 2911: Goderich, Ont..
Value of property insured up to Jari.'
oarl. 1910. $3,648,975.00; -
OFFICERS-GeOrge McCartney, Presto.
dent, R. R. 8s Stiferthf Jas. ConnollY,
Vice.President, Godetieht litentem.
DIREt7TORS-4as-Shouldiee 17lfttlt.611V
0.11,6*,--90tiffialept Hobt, Vitt* Bar.
lock; -John •PetiDer, Brucelle14:A. irtoOd-
loot, ElegOrth; Otof .14einhardt, "Wei&
haget. •
Actztrriv. J. Teo, Clinton;
'Jas. Watt, Itlythv VA. rundgey, Sea.
forth: John Murray, Beltorth-
Policyholders ean pay their ,Assem,-
vents at Cs1vin Cutt's store, CiOderieli ;
-4' The Ottypel •..110a2k, mutt, or 3. H.
Tteict's. tiftYllekt '
. Bait ,it• attenoed to
WES liVAW,010$11 MUTUAL -*IX
lltal 6itttet 10114****Iii*Ont
rt »&1dson Diinganftsm; %teal.
itt *ddlttofl,
Vice President,
ding on a buggy, received a poke in the
ribs from a bystander with the advite
tharhe had better keep-his_mouth_shut.
At the annual meeting of the13,, oyal
Viccor,:a Hospital in Barrie, the financial
aatement showed a loss of 34,599 .on the
-operations-for-the-yea-r- ending - September -
30th. Total crevennior the year 1932-
33 was $27,316.27, as compared with $29,-
282.77, a decreaseOf 31,968.50. Receipts
*frOin-15fiy_.,p,,atteat.,-,s yteldect t324.71less.
In non-operating revenue, 3381.35 ' is'
Mas - received from bequests, donations
and interest on inirestinents but grants
and intscellaneous receipts' were $586.01
greater., DecteaseS in revenue, however,
-were more than offset by eavings effected
In_ management. Cost of ' food' supplies
Was z--7e-d-e-d-5959-35:-Surgitataiitt-meti--
ical stuipl es were up 3450.25. Fuel was
down $2639.,9 and light and power was
3405,14; less., Salaries and wages were
down 31002. Total receipts fo,r the year
were 327,851.82 as against expenditures
of $25,722.49, leavaig , a balance of
29-:33 on the -years- operations -F: -but
when allowance is made for depreciation
and bad debts, the year 'showed a deficit
of $4509.53, as compared with a net loss
of $mao for the sprevinuetnar. ts
Exeter Times -Advocate f The rate-
payer& of Exeter will, this year select tneir
mimittpal officers one month earlier than
-lias heretofore been the custom Nom-
inations are less than two weeks away
and elections Will be held on Monday,
December 4th. It is hoped in this way
that the citizens will take a greater in-
terest in miln:zipal -matters than has
been done during the holiday season.
,lhe various municiPai bottles have all
curtailed their expendtures and these to-
• gether with the paying up of some of
the debenture debts has enabled .this
year's ,council to reduce the tax rate from
40 mills lest year to 30 mills this year.
As the tioniitatiOn, cdfries before the
winding up of the, business for the - year
there will be no prhited firtaritial state-
mentsto place In the hands of the elec-
Mts. Vile Will be a handicap 'bath to
the members of the various bodies and
alto t� the .spirants for municipal office
as it has always,. been aroiliid the finan-
cial StAteittent that the greater part Of
:the dSzetiesions have centered. We might
have- said at Ulnae, hot and interesting.
.Up tor date we have heard of, no new
aspirants for intuncfpal office. • The
members of �,ard of 'Education
'.Witesess4riiit' iikpires this year are
-it, bay, W. 11thar1ng arid V, DelbrIdg6".
gsater-stelalaboo in an vi
ataine.gage, a very interesting ad-
passed liking the day' an. ace o no -
mutton to be held in the townsh2p hall 'Ole* Iter life was spent., in de o
dress on Germs. It was full 'of Weir -
on -Friday; December 22ndsat one o'clock kindness. She is survived by sric grand -
and ehould help greatly... in the
and if an election it to be held fi,dng 1 children. She was laid tO rest in her -17113'"'n
war • an disease. The Satiety meets
also the polling' places and appointing
officials in eharge. On motion it was re-
solved that a special meeting be called
conductedby the Rev. Mr. Geoghan,
for the 12t1t of December next and the
rector of Christ church, Port Albert,
regular council meeting to be held on
assisted by the Rev. Mr. Hall, of Bervie,
the 15th of December next The follow -
a former rector and dearly loved by the
Ing accounts were -ordered paid: Road
deceased It was largely attended by re -
superintendent vouchers, $219.08; Bruce
leaves and friends from Stratford,
Grigg, one sheep killed by dogs, $8; Aar-
Goderleh, Westfield., Auburn, Loyal,
Dungannon and Nile. The pall -bearers
were six nephews. James Young, James
arid Leslie Johnston. George .Richardson,
Farold Stewart and Victor
ty, .valuator a sheep, la: Wm Orn Green. The
weddtng dress. The funeral service,
which was held oti. Nov 12th, -fr,om her
late home to Dungannon cemetery-, was
on 'Fisher, two sheep killed by dogs, -314;
J. C.Durst o -two sheep and two lambs,
killecl by dc;gs, 326',- Allan. Watson, one
sheep killed by dogs, 37; Nelson McLar-
--- /thud tributes Included a pillow from the
valuator of sheep, $
L5 C'd-watil 'art; Rattly: a beautiful spray from the meth -
account, $3; Jas. Adams, pumping -water
bers of Christ. church, a spray from the
and digging graves, $14.15; Jas. Aciams,1
teacher and pupils of S. S. No. 1. also a
perpetual care of two lots, $7; A. Nock-
, wreath from Mr. and Mrs. A: °renter,
ads, weed inspector, 02,92; Earle M..
_ -
Grose, • 3x50 pounds drum's atlactde,!
315.45; Isaac Tabb, fence viewing, 32;1
Marr Shaw, 1 ence viewing, $2; Franklin (
Mellwain, account for relief, #,$19.08; T.
T. eireephyssesuinneons of garnishee, $22
The eouneill adjourned to meet Decem-
ber 12th at 2 p.m. , WM. SALLOWS, 4
Utast:ate and sweetdnted* Eldest* larger OetoeStaltt
of Such muscle, and nerveltilklere at lest mato. greens
and cereals. 2. TAI4 A blACIOA, Piestwat ON of
Andropt(lArts- &It owe dr twice s erak. Andrews
boodities your system tiy-oorruting incomplete
elimination of body wsates-nweekitss amoet every -
taints sulkivet to, eves thototh daily babit.way be
absolutely moist; When Andrews &meets this eon.
dition, Nettles does the get. Gradually surplus "fat
goes -and ;new vigour is pitted. Get Andrews Liver
Salt front your tin, 35e ond 60c..
New, iatge battle. 75c, Sole Agents s JOhtt A.
Huston Co., Ltd., Toronto. 1
a' R. Wheeler
Funere.1 Director and
. _Embalmer
Alict Amtulance Service
,Gadezieh Ontario
All calltOpromilitly agettaosi to
day or night,
• 'tants store US,. noose Mint
^ a
Assistant .Clerk.
TUE raviiii?titti
OutiERAt noutiorous
YOU Will EatVe.111E....
Rates stso up
again on Friday evening of this- week.
The Leaderehip Training School which
' ' held No th street
The Young PeoplVs Society will meet
next PrMay evening, Instead of the Us-
ual program a series of lantern slides on
Korea will be shown.
The -W. M. S. Met last Thursday at
the home of Mrs. Jos. °hammy. The
scripture lesson was read by the ,presi-
dent, Mrs.- Norman' Thompson, -and the
chapter th the study book Was taken. by
Mrs. Jefferson, Sr. Mrs, Geo. Naylor
gave the report ot_the -convention at
Hayfield and the treasurer's report -Was
it a readstnteswas given by tare. James
Crabi, At the Clam! of the meeting a so -
oral half hour assistant hos-
tesses being 'Miss Euphemise ,ghemney
and %tin Verna Chamney. • ,
Reduetion. of .eentences tor el*ken ,
and Harry Hockley, by IVIagistrate Walk-
er, in-Walke,rtons was. ordered by -thosOns
tario Court iat Appeal. The, sentences
Imposed by the magistrate were of taro
years in the penitentiary in each Case.
They are reduced -to one year in jail in
each case.
was to have been In r .
church, Godericla, this week, had to be ..• . ,
cancelled on account of the snow. It is Cataract, an eye disease ordlnarily
'hoped, however, that conditions will be associated with middle aged and old 'WO-
mgre f avorable next week and that the ple, occasion ally occurs in , children,
attendance will show that the effort to
18 appreciated. It Coal is now being sold- in paper pack-
arrange h
t tonilsy
be a great help to -Sunday ages of a convenient sire for .1.ropping
School teachers but. also to tall who are into the furnace.
Dr. Wood's
Had lad Cold -
Turned to Bronchitis a
Mimi, Vera t4ehaeferv - Waterloo, Ont./ writes: -!,1
was bothered with,a very bad cold which turned to
bronchitis. I tried several different 'kinds of ineticine,
but none seemed to help inc until I 'took Dr. Woed's
No ,‚rwaY Pine Syrup. Atter-taking six or- Seven -doses
r.pionvall"found the phlegm was brotrt up easily without an)'
. 'hard eoughitig, and after tak fig two and a half bottle',
my cold was gone, and the bronchitis cosnipletely
Price,- 350 It bottle; large family- site, -65-e, at all
drug and general stores; pat up only by The T.
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. .
A quiet but pretty wedding took place
at the James street United church par-
sonage, Exeter. Wednesdey afternoon at
and the late William Pollen. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. II.' Stain -
Mr. William Harvey Pollen, son of WS.
2.30 o'clock when Miss Marjorie May,
ton. The bridal couple were attended by
anghter of MtandMrs: Geo. Virestcott
. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Rouliton, or S irricoe.
The bride Iooked charming in a dress of
blue chiffon velvet with grey coat and
accessorleb_to mate,h,..._ she .catrted A
- bonquet-of-bridal-roses- and lily-of_the
• valley. Following the ceremony the bri-
dal party motored ,to the borne ot the
°1 bride's,. parents where a • luncheon was
erveeto the immedbite friends- Mr,
rtnd Mrs. Pollen left wise motor trip to
Toronto and other places. Both are
ulat_etaillIgs'.Mentle- in- tit& tom
and will have "the best wishes of niany
friends for their future welfare. OW
their return they will reside In Exeter.
The horne of, Mr. and Mrs. C.11. Ven-
ner jklaria_a-LreetClinten wasthe scene
of a pretty thoUgh quiet- wedding on Batt
urday 'morning, November eIghteenth,
when at eleven o'clock- their younger,
daughter, Marguerite Mae. became the
bflde Of Walter linger -Pepper of Tucker -
smith, son crf\Mr. and -Mrs, Fred Pepper
also of Tuakersmith. Rev. P. G. Farrill,
of Qntari0 Street United church officiat-
Sed. The bride; given in marriage by her
father, was charmingly gowned in pale
green corded "crepe and carried a bou-
quet or golden chrYsanthemurns and
maiden hair fern, tied with a large bow
of green tulle. The bridal sitniple, who
' A meeting tor_the purpose of -organlz.
431 g a tota 'hockey league was held In
Bartliff's restattrant, Clinton, on Vtiday
evening.. and judging by the splendid
turnOlit And the-blatria*, transtiotc4 the
hookey be lively. The first
in of 'business Was, the election 'of a
chairman, and en taloa= Of John Butler
it. %Wart Nun utle *at elected.
e office f4, iktretaty,Id to Joint But.
les 0i Mottdu,,a 8.,4istto and
ford. Officets.for the season are as fol.
ow: 116nores.* E. 1taft Pres.,..It Bart.
RADiq -rips wittr,ee ?
• ((dire (1/11/11
*au -
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were unattended, stood cturing the cer
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goldeil chrysanthemums which was over- LADIES' HOME JOURNAL and The Goderich Star: . •3.00
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IVicCALL'S MAGAZINE and The Goderich Star 2.50
the tbillride
bride entered the drawing room on theNATIONAL HOME -MONTHLY and The Goderich Star . . 2.50
arm of her father, played the Wedding
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daring the algnirig of the register. After ONTARIO FARMER and -The Goderich Star
the ceremony A ,,yedding 'dinner was
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Morn betag green and gold. The table
ti with flowered linen cloth was centred
With the brides take, teed in white and
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