HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-11-16, Page 6kA,404,014`.4.404;
',,,,4,110eYekthte.40.10 '1.1'.',„•,1,04;,
,ost4440,1,00,4.4 le.14M4 IYA.„0„10,4,
..0"..s•Vol,..4 •
'141, s'stAXet"'
•••”4,0,414,4/.141, t •
(Conflmied' ...,
* #0 yourg. PAIIY. the's Year .c.eitacil Oti , Id* *Wit, Itsts June,
Tore e hL1tkCA $2 ie *di ,and .kt •*-4t,tie,r1thAt 1110On5ed.,114 net used t
M ite4rI. llisikto .A4r,,v9upg,•• uords;t400.4:,it-11,..01,v,,optron' A
`waf, not . and' auao. . v,ibt,, heon-- liorOblY.
ht Ite
, ' 0a;:,X.4,110 a,114. "91 ,
:gcz know„ abcUt ,.,h,b. 8ai,14,orit, li41-11:,!rrta-4;,t,`th 7 - :,;e;;;;;;;%-g7,,ciTi4
',,dleilasSest toriferenesi In 'the, ol Of the '114004
e "S 0,We altil I $ had heen *Plea' County has- - „ .
lOut IL • Altke,ther he 'Ilad; 'keit Paitt ' 4.1:41110'tt'' ' v . Po,- rtml..t, that:esteti_s!
2 extnfor the'1931.ssattilt 'tie sai, dtort be eemptUnt.„ , 11. mOre.hnpor.
' 1,,Lartt„ that their hoes;hOneet, .SteC
- sss nrOl4ht report and aeldShe •IVOU14.
r. • ins 'tOlyk or: 4014 Imvn ug
0! fali b its AO Matter, Whet Other
„ertian dertgatorY XeMara* 11t1Qttt, '441e ,able 'to conclude. but that thbs ,Statealea
Iteekett VP" ands 040e0t ee.:epOlegize,..ter„ .AUdite Might dissieSe. have not -been
.tondition otArtairs In Ow Treasnret4.0r- Was' entireIlS a WO, Beath knew he
'flee as fie back as 1931. • Sine* 1021, be wee presenting an aUdit which was :not.
, .11ad been *Otto Ott.04,00 OeSaSi011a Mut .eorreet. Ile is net an auditor, no, ,04
s :oleo were -getting et,eaddy wore& In he have the eeStetenee Of an. ittlditell_he
Youtri (Alec Ito teetifted, in the sisyS himself. he 4 very aniateurist, . but
what !treriepirett• lie frankly *4- In spite .ot.the Set of hie being. an antes
Pitted that ho knew nothing ehMit ands teur, the defene* argues that the fifty
.Iting: and thet he was "therOleiblY the doliars.ivat not AILW or iteeepted cerrepts
•ecinpetent." He admitted. . that, :he did. 'Seer wilfidly, 1 an forty that 1' CeannOt'
not know what, asdebiti hank DUO Waseand aeeceet that Vietr., 1 tamiot.bring to My,
Said he had never seen one befOrei a:re own mind: that, the Money, was net ac -
though Booth Said that ptleS of debit eepted corruptly. - .the money had not
thlte had lain .on the desk before he and been Paid to him would he have taken
'Biggins throughout their .eadtt, 1/14s the same tourSe. 1 say to that question
gins -said that Booth • was. the smartest -ozio,, and that was the reason WhyBeoth
• luid:bef3t man he had ever worked swiths was not As. :_'horribly with. 140
on an audit; but in 111$ eVidenee 13iseth County Counell in assisting them to And
told, the court he ,considered hire1011, 11 out the •things which he was shielding',
novice at 'auditing and that he was ill- 1Ite evidence eboVes clearly that Booth
. • 7 had AUfrielent experienceto And.out that
INtifirr Vii4frrr'llffirlitits7lettrIts•st
• • Ifteterleas Book -
There Ws 'much -discussion -sibout-i 'Ih011td-h*sand that he was- Able- to-Alls.a.-
• 'mysterious black book, something In the
nature of Si effibhiee,' v.thich Wong used
for making. oat his .ennael. treasurers re-
portto be Prted in the constti- rohlutes,
app3Wnt aspittnirt
''„,14„ •
ine_audit for 1932
and was revised by them, ore wen
• ••to the *entity orbiter. That wee the last
bear o
'101 UPIhIH WAWA St*
ItL le p.4 IN WOWOO
to lies Iliggine end- that title Pe_Yinent
centained.in $.$0 eheqtte,"
Colborne.' Reese Oalled
ri t .110
*What 40 relation
O . , •••
M • totbut tbOY were doiqly related
rklefoltiite .the-brdertivere.not
there We lookedto
eub book ancti;we Onna-tberA !iota
• 040''Initherhg•h* SYlrfeht
.ingtyked ; paid, *10,Ve, had 44r;.
unt,*.a ,I(Orlf :that :We! 00:*ent, was
,bona • !de." Mr.* Booth worked listin's
On the beak* Ita4: • nothing to •do
With the time of Making. VS Seletiet.,
, uss • Booth proceeded to: edVe.
• A, J. GoldthOrPer reeve Of Colliorhe and
chairman of the werden'e eerfunitteer was,
the next .witneete. He WAS present at the
Meeting a tile council which, aPPOluted
Mr. IloOth as, auditor tor. the, porppets of
auditing ,the 1932 &counts, And heard
Mr. Booth address the .Meeting of the
conned when lie' spoke on the *Wit, .On
, exantinetion by Crown Attorney Ifointea
he repelled that Ms BOoth had•explahas
ed. the audit found the books oorrect and
reported a shortage of $1400 :outstanding
cheeues,. •
- 74C9hirireltrilirlilirdirinifisety -30.
tover 'defalcations. ' ' • — 041 cant rememberst ,
What did he say about the audit?''
•"That It was perfectly Correct' and he
would stand by it."
apparent surplits- -Young_ oftered, molt 1 'istehatsclid le say aboutscheqUes?"
$50 and their'. aceePted, ',Booth. admits ereeas_he found $1400 s outstanding
t;''141/it-Inaa'asT4IP*4balcs*Wier-s'setiereiseessertettettiliiesteisssitattessectreeponde •
ne sari I .Viae not aooePted as .* htihe• svith eeveral people who bed ontstandhig
'hnt Po a eft or reward. if* found J.usfAs cheques but they had not rieelved therm
During the coume of his evidenee-Hass:- recel•Yerl _ That he found the books of the treasurer
licetion because 41.6038 had
some• money the year before., • correct." = • '
gins 'repeated the dickeringi with'Youtig
SYoung says that when Booth -took the _
leading 'up, to the payment of $90. It
fifty dollars Ittiotb t014 him there was In crossseigunination b4e. Orem; the
seas' ninth the same as that related by
no necessity for hint to .make good the witness ,admitted th e was a Ieeling of
: -$100. That ' of seourse, la the statement uneasiness* in the council attributable
Beetle- Blaine reealied, that the con-
ensatten Was to the eftect that he and of a selfsconfeesed embezzler and thief. IargelY to Beetles audit, and that there
, Booth were underpaid and that Brute
The witness 'Wright, lielvever, Wae. osi was a stibstantial reason for an audit by
County itedltore received -$190 'eacli„ a professional auditor; that there was no
friendly terms with Beoth. In MY oPIns letter or resolution, and Mr. Booth made •
Young laid raid that he was overdrawn
ion Wright told...the trail, perhaps not a good Joesr "1)1d yott :receive any money from
in bis salmi; but that he wceild put it
all that he knew, but he eorrolxinited in.
Ile then told - of .reeelvitig the* "You and Mr'. Booth made 'a good lob, Win?'
money. leo sake joke or desessesseisea large Part the evidence of Young, Booth. why net . give Mr. Booth the tredit t "I did."
actfiated to N.Vright be took the niOneY Perhaps you want all' the glory your • "When sued under whet -eircumstan-
surrounding the pityment ef $32 to him- arid said it was to help Young in bis sour. . :4 - Ce'S?". • '
the year before, over and above .the fee
fixed Iv council. _, .,
r1is— -,,yen- .0,ceount for
l'Our audit agreeing with the treaserers
- --- -se- e. ft
sieu - -susPicious. �f '„ young?'"
"It was reported to Young by aceueed
that his books were in a territ•le ShaPc.
and that he bad both a shortage and an
• .„
144404 tbe Teeple Of
, Faatif911Y-sMnsesttlittda4r
night an *et, great bravery, and daring
'Wok Wee on ;the touitb, 'Vetere ref tt
‘.1.tnrOns' 11,91nt */4404, Jr., saseeten
by Oerirge,,,Stargetin; lett Olt Sunday
morainic for, igettle „Witt he hie •fatheris
beat to .114 Web' 404, Widlen. on. 'the,:
homeward trip the 'redder broke and
qount ot 4t5.:"woriv aft:1011,444 rathers Louis *Lod and, Ottoble Itta:*001 in
an ac- they itette unable la atter the . boat
bid VenditiOn of, bOrikkeePhig and l!aq the former's 'boat ao,w.tbst.tbey were in
filteovered Oat was. in the altatx4•1" .trouble skrut -tried to help, them. Als
opinion * surplitts of 01,0110 over Mes.
Peodittues,' orliitrteedeit to ;And It. se -
counts had *dually been paid Or If they
Were .0.Utittintling, I hid a 'number of.
accounts totaling' 009 or Wee. ----
'"How did you find out -hew they ivere alone,' but „eiteh time they 'broke. toule
paid?" •:. Aolieoa, tried to persuade John and
"Por examPle,-I. telephoned Dr,. Taylor. ,Oeorge abandon'their beet thid eoine
,}le advised Me that The cheque was with him, but John, being a true Salim',
ity 'cheque .on the'lloderich HO. refitted to leave his boat and George re-
paid. for $07i had been coaled. by the fused" to leave John. Louis 'Mete:id -tit-
hospital, although the cheque could not. ally left about midnight, arriving hero
be found." • , , about 1..30 a.m. tittle anxiety had been
-With-beilS'hooklteePilige.aPParent *nettle. felt for _either -boat; viee-thenght,
deposits On tlielone band and surpluses when it became so rough that they Would
on the others 'Mr. Booth in hts evidence go On'tO Sarnia instead of attentPtInic
stated he was not satifified that-a.,eherts the return trip,'
ago actually did not 'Odd'.
.thOUgh there Was M very .4,101 sea,. these
nuenagsed to get a ;Ohain them wileb
tbetlastened around tbeinot 'bUt .with
SeS violent ,lorelt Of the. hetet the Oast was:
ISrokete Off..,They tried. other repes 'and
Wd do'ry°94,30di,seaon vTerhurffisdelaYsmven'- 1‘;':144:4' accatdPante4' 1)Y- bretluIrl
After securing a4ditionalssga4
agessof -$500tV--
- John McLeod. et, Ritehle ligeDool and
41fnivai Stargeen, 'again.. braved the tre.
firild You have- any conversation. with
the other boat With great difficulty
and found the drifting boat south "about
•Young?" _ • mendous waters of Lake Huron to help
-they--got,--out--of the harbor-at-2.19earin
The:"conversation• referred to, witness
• .
Rooth, and the auditors informed 'Young rinrO''''''thritrg'th*"rrrt".tAlf631teverffiThrealred-t°'
of thescleposfts he had failed to make., secure a tew line and briittglit her to the
motith of the hartitir at 6 o',e10e* On
Young. had ,said "timid, was too b* for
me, 1„ „think r bad better rego-rr and et 'Monday morning They were headed
was advised .that if he toUldn't--ildiaa-fc straight for the narrow channel between
the ,Piers when the cross seas Cesight
better system of bookkeeping it was the
et,ese stoma, he could do, -ated the /text them and smashed. the boat' in tow
morning. young tom him he had =wigs against the pier. Louis Meteod;s beat,
ed with the .bank to put the Money back, wrize •11-eiih 1VraA°A 2," just* escaped the
pier by s about an 414 The boat was
Received Money °
work. He also told Wright he conildered "No, I don't want any of it" "On Thursday nierriineof the setcmd
It a ehristian- act. --it would haste been Jetties- AsuarityrieWarden of *Huron smelt, mr. Yeatig-Crune into' the office
County -gave evidence that Mr. 'Booth and put- 41!)pn the -table„"- -This--was
was_tireitiglItzin_ta tba council_ on431s. Bowed,..4y _a_corkiersatAon, ..yo
gestion to :bring Booth to the meeting. and Higgins. When the letter had said
Ur. Greees '411e said he:vioulci stand
-his report. - Be fe ante like -a bult-in
a c sho and waSsprepared to stand
by his report whether it conflicted with
other auditors or not You do agreet
With Alie newsnaper relent that 11e -was
"Yes." .
will agree that. you had discussed
the question of the audit with him. Ile.
lust- as-Cbristlanslike and -certainly slier
rsharitiible _to have done the work. for
Young 'without accepting the money.
Having viewed .and weighed the evidence
_I cannot. diesitheradie than ilnd accus
Wit -
His Honor then passed sentencce.
The trosssexanlination of P., P. Clibbs
by R. IL Greer, ehief exainiher for
the- -defenter-ooeupied-a-greater part -e
Thursday morning,: tvidence showed
the difficuity the auditor had eiperien-
tects in gettirig necessary information
that the least the treasurer could do was
at, •
badly 'smashed and- the tow lino bro)c, ,
agisin. She drifted prito rocks in the
mouth ofs the harbor and despite the
•combitied efforts of the Toms Brothers
and Castle Brothers,, with their bats
and the McLeod boat, it was imposeible
h f nd after being buffeted
and broken, by the waves, she finally satik
'about noon in the Shallow waters 'of the
harken -a total Wreek, '4O11n NfeLead;
Jr--had-the palm -of Ms- hand -torn -which
require about six stitehes; otherwise no
, one w hurt •Both the McLeod 'boats
---"tt ow found a shortage why did- you pays:their expenses, imd when-Youngi - - - •
have cabins so that that men did- not
s'isos.rreport--it?"---sis----S'We--weee-not-suree . _laid_thes$10_onsthestable_the witness had est -so -much froms-exposure -as. they
we wet* still struggling with the sur- asked Min wharit was for and ieceived " .
Pklarr . ' ' ' the answer that ..it was to help pay ex- • . • •
might otherwise have clone . •
Harbor Not Good re-,
bst Was yoUr reason for not. report-.X/lIsts- , ' These brave. inenNho risked their
Ing, the shortge?" A. -'we did na . "When, erse.ascr you get mOnii?"
know there was a -shortage." . , lives to '''Save. others and their eraft ` de-
, "On M•iitay afternoon. about 4.00." serve more than medals. There has not
-, - The -aritness went' on to say that Mr. been any work done on the Bayfleld hat -
"You told Mr. 'Wright there was • No
answexa ,,teati4,tlit lingabla vas sivert the from the .treasarser-s.hecattees, Of _ lita_-re. fatleast° 4eLtb-"I'l-dit° I 4 "t- VII -VD 'was- e zoom when they were bo i „tb *se t -- it
r, r_ _ .0 _:,., _ en_ . .„__,,, , .„, . ,_ r • Or, e., „, wo year* 44c, has
pretection- Of theecourt„ - - - -. -eht:t1##'''''A'hcl; the„, 81°*,'11-..,'A*43'1•11-11.,14111 ths treasurer told him, pis yjas th0 iia-nie, PreParmir O' leave rojOlonle-alt4 malttlie• sheen -With. greats-dilteulty tliatethe -beats
the books,were kelit:'- - 1.4) ''ar. timer 'Ise eras wiciiiiiiriltratiiythe- wanted to- .pay thera-for--the extra. time .ineeeeett to get In and, scut, )1,,,„it_were_at
The addresses of. Crown 'Attorney 1) s
0 te,ok Mr. Greer; "What did he say byi re- witness eaid he had. objected to calling they had /taken. , all rough as the mouth of the harbor has
"You _received how much money?" " • filled With sand and there is• orily one
"$40." • • , • narrow channel. -
od'whQ1e8onc mil
oltiteiri beta.'
(roan ,011t04dVA $0,1ed 0010
Matereinteed to WhiP)
A rEtial Will Convince Yqu
For Prompt Ddivery Phone 299
Whik for Sale at
Meat IVIaiket
rocer o
of Union church Wita beld :on:Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arthur
Tichherrie ,with eight ladies present.
The devitionai ,oteercises. vele oharge
ef Mrs Gordon Orr. Theineeting °peel-
ed with. the reading ,of bY mrs.
,Ttchborne, The hymn; "Peace, Perfect
Peace," was sung, followed by prayer .by
Mrs.. Gordon Harwood, The lord%
Prayer ..waS repeated in :Unison- •The
'scripture' less'on (Bt. Luke- 239-52) lias,
read responsively, led by Mrs. Jas. Ross.
The roll call was responded to with the
text word, ‘,Peade.". Mrs. Oeo, afellwain
• read an article, "Our- Work in. Trini-
dad," written by kiss- Irene Tiionipson,
mitrilMiaryt-on apes -leave- at-te, r home
111 Vancouver. The minutes_ qf the last
meeting_ were read and odopted. The
offering was received and the .0-reed:re-
peated. The hymn, "Come, We That
toye the Lord," was sung, followed by
prayer by iMrs. geo. Falconer. Mrs. lg.
Phillips recited A Pee/nr "Now Peri'
Bings Another Suminons." It was voted:
unanimously _to stand behind the tent-
perartee union in -their fight Aga* Ina the
return of the sale of. strong drink in lee- •
tets and restaurants, for the sate of Or
young people. Miss Ethel Malwairi read
the poem, "In ,Plancter Figde.". The
hymn„"aith of Our Fathers," was „sling,
and the' meeting closed with. the Mizpah
benediction. Refreshments were -served
-bye-the -hostess. -Bertha A: flarWood,
press secretary.
B, eS ,0,11 r •
leo about an tient and aelialf. Both wereleritim it?" -
ekzeilent efforts•arid reeeived the cora- "Ile did not see the need of it, and
• thist we were asking unneeesSary oues-
sanetitlation of .Judge Costello:,
The ,Issiges , ' "Apart from the slovenly way of keep-
sorhe -Crown' has, built up a very sub- ins books, it was an extra lot of Wink
'eteetses eese legaiiist-stiteciiiects"--ealitLeristhes-auditors-hisordersthert.---mrssBooth-for-tivelVe-years-iiestlie-ageet
- 'Ironer in his summingup before Young's the-Que. ,books, which ,otherwise for VI/Ingham for the Mutual Life Insur-
pasting judgment. 'la hig eVidenee the you need net hare done", - • • ance COmpany, Mt' d works under his
siesused has said that he Wee going to be "Yes.," ° ('Copus l Supervision, ' The average earn-
qiorriliffirfarfoilfeii-iiitiftsirging-vourity --"What-siestiowsunfathoniebles-to-your er-0-$3;450-spe
the $1,300sor41,400soutstancl1ng elieg
because 'they • had been paid; and that
the report ot *auditor Boats had preelpi-
tated the appointment of Auditor.Gibbs.
_character evidence wet giveo bYtFrallic
Copus of Stratford, who had known
4t 44,4 ;iThe...atokunit,of_rnoner„lelOok,,,,h42....
I •
_ "Far arid bend that there is a vegue onte and absolutelyscorreetetoseseen
, and unknown amount for whielt yOU •his returns, remitting PmmntlYi; •
, Nothat give' Iiiortilltaterl , ,:_. ,, . 124 oncluded the morning- ae_Wenr
"/ cannot give any opinion. It )3 SO and court actieurried to meet at 2.30 p.m.
Goan rice8 are advancing!
-bearderse-WIleVTOTOVOr isomleott
Sock.- of hens. free of
charge. by an export with:Yeats of
eperienCe er hundreds of tat*.
fledcustomers tO,..11,ts creditt
range with your nelrhiliira to have
ant Jtkok_cuiled the ianie. nay;
Good priees--1404 for .the tun -
hens, Por particulars' lib one
Vagtie. I outlet given any -epirdou." Istkee •Wright, Reeve of TurnberrY,
• Mired 'What Was his hick regerdirig ,the_flasst.witness_caltedeln„the af
thTs checking- up -of invoices giveirhY'- ite gave eiltefaie, that:Its-3r
"Why did yea' thine Isle got til'e wan, ,John' Moteod only carried tire laser-
•• -$50?" • • anee on his boat; so that it is a total los,S
they can salvage the engine when
"Ilor the extra Work I had done." unless
s thestorm abates.
A,sketi what happened at the meeting *
of the conned -Which tie aderessed, the GODERICII TOWNSHIP
witness gaye 114 reeollection of 'what he • .
had said at that time wheti he declared Mrs. Vector Ross and Marvin are Visit-.
was.stesing....toshe..14iintibLv_t=1yd_c tee ingsatsteuelioing ot her parents, Mr. and
therno and described the ,diffculty lie had: airs-. Chas. Jones, or Nile;lor a 10'0 days.
'-`MeSslinclIvirsrlack sprouts-ands-)oa
debit -slips arid -cheques, itice-ser-Cietteriebssweressguests-oe Miss
Marguerite- Falconer at her home on
Sandity:- , • .
Seldom do we heye sleighing so early
In Neventher. Cutters and .sleighs were
-1-4_ re -0'e TIpti-o1710,WISc-cs
Union eiturch on , Sunday, Preaching
SeritiOO at 3 'p.m; Sunday School at 2
pp. Retr' W Cot* 4.411. be in. charge,
Several in this &steel have been a0! -
teeing With* 'Severe e old the past week,
dile no doubt to -the ''SUcideri change in
the weather, ' •
very impressiVe Itenienibrance pay
service as -held In Urdon elitirch on
'Ilueiday. The pastor,. HeY.P Virr
splendid address- oil the -text (Isaiah
• 411)., Puring the serviee Ur, Oralk sang,
tfoliri, ozsy tord and t," which' .WaS
_ „
greatlY. aPPreelisted. •
(troth another eerrespoildeirt).•
There *as'no meeting Of the Y. P!.
lest rriday, night, whi to the Stain'.
:Mr James Adams,o i0Olberne. tovitior
Ship Wiis, a Visite! .at *Onion, church: Ott
43iniday: • _
_J 13. Orr has, ,been confined' to
her home witit erysipela8,. but is Wefl on
the 'War 16 recovery•
MrS. Hilbert Istetlisaire tiai',beeti eons
tined tO her bed. with Mrs. A, Buchanan.
Of 0cderich, attending her. • .
Mts., Pavici Elliott and tillY were In
..toinion on. Wednesday, and tintsday,
where Ully received, fintlier treat/tient' at
the Wm - Memorial' trospital,
Noireinber Meeting'
The ifeVember meet* of' the M.S.
'431: k
Furnace Hot Water
Blatfder Trouble
".*Te-rit.-the witness said his assistartis ,oreseat -14 oie condi litetilw %eh -wit
- handed bundler.rolled, up and mixed up. Was addressed by Wits tooth. He remit• -
peoPle would get a cheque and would not
andledthat the 411:e latwteorn.higavstesandritthd
know what It watt
"Mat did you dtor. o about them" audit.Mr. ilooth had Visited him at his
eksoilned Mr Holman. under Wk., home and had .admitted it ,w'ag not for
-further -eltautruatlott-
Parrnent $ao to Mr. looms
tor, * supplementary sad% inlune; said
'there:was ..* letter from Mr. Holman to
Mr. Geiger that Mr. Young lyt,4 okid,420
rouble With Her Liver
ted Tongue
rief !LIMNS
Tor -000.00.
Every Morning
Mrs. Ab 3,,ii-st;altyl'Albettorit
. write*. at had trouble with my viva,
and ereiy rtiornins4 would wake up
with. * thickly coated tongue, and
would, feel so tired 1 round it hard to
do rny housework. •
One day IC read, about Milburn'
Lactik-Liver Pilti. kgot two vials and
am now feeling wo11, again, and am
able to attend to my household 4uti
'with** any trouble; '
1„ out up oily by The T.Milburn fZe.•tittiiiefl,
Anthracite, Bituminous Coa
We carry 4 full line o oat and
can make prompt delivery. The
Aibez'ta Coal we have is proving
very popular and we are getting
ilumber of repeat order* for
• n 70u. barn Alb*rta Cool you ar irat
work for Canadians.
or Plwnbing, N.ating,nsmit
.11 siork ; ally
•=-14• ,o
eriet of $628, but as a 'OhrIStleat eeet he "No one know e better than , the her
wished, to give lAr., Volute a -chaittel as he ter ofjoyless dais and sleepless nights.
(YoUtig) .hiat pitenieed, to pUt it back.. There have been. tbalee when 1 telt 1.40-
'011-1300thivere-the vtrZbest les! and "heiPless-earici When! my Wesks
nes* ganged me the -Most 1ntenge-h-Mid1C-
Only :those' iViuo- " have gone
o -err-7-
&tic% O ot,'• Ten Ate • Victims But
WS* Telbi noir "Itratsba" 'Bring
$*lft, *axing litellet
eress(54 Vital Voice •
; Asks For DigniisW
when Au The *owe eatsiessees had theertit!eih; Is:Trileit:"t•teriiti:teltisfiicallOtiettP°4Whibelltn,
been heard Mr,' Greer suggested. to 1118 43outhierthfs IraitTABO brought
Honor that the evidence or the Crown quid re1i1. egtels4etta, are teuty--wolt-
hed eetablaited titilte the contrary to the 'deesee tcrixt, 1 give them, full waist,"
,eltittge;Ot that, of ‘,•sOcithtingsar-404--s,Ot-.. evidence- gerVes. -ten!.
lattentY,.. 'to retrain from .rePortfPg- elVrt: Vineinglirea 010 power URATAUS
'agef," Nothing . had , been Said about to relieve those ,distressing osilmentgso
keeping the payment secret. He con-
tended that 13OOth mittlittlight•the •nutti,
;ter .to the attention at. the tounell and
Would' be "horribly :frank with ,Council"
and' that he would, stand behhiti
audit -despite what ,previong ituditorg'had
satd.. .
Judge Costello. ruled that, by giving his
orient to dismiss the cage he Would be
coMgetely overlooking the erIdeneIt'lf
Wright admittedly a „friend of. Booth;
409 that Of Ballintyne; the Warden, and
the *Unto 'tleidthortoe, say that a large
'investigation, by ogiba was not actuated
by BOWL 1118 Honer directed 'that the
tense be gone on with.
Oeot-ge,rieher, sent and -secret/Or01
Mntual Lite tiviiiiince Co. In giving
tracter -evidente. Old that Booth had
en wlth the twelve yore,
he ua IOWA iteOltite*
eVery soy' and.' handled tbouttind„t
Booth, the octs *21d1
stand tOr otterthred
Weft he iad h19
Met, fie Nat
AY and 1v.,
Often sl handicap to those in middle life,
OVe ',rWorked; Sluggish ,Itidtieys,, and
Bladder Weakness, bring on SO Many dis-
tressing ailments which so often km% to
Serious diseases( that every 'sufferer from
Uwe/less, tit4g iP back And down
tigirigh VOWS* scanty but -frequent urin-
ation. "Getting -up -MOW Nervous
and Lack Fore --should try
the amasing,lialue ot Dr fiouthworth'S
111tATA13$ at weer Any good druggist
will sup*, yeti, On a gUatantie ofSistisr,
fietAin or money
• 404-2441
of Heat, •
PERHAPS you think your domestic -supply
of hot water costs nothing extra when
,heated by grfoa in: your furnace. Actually
this coil is lobbing your home of comfort
, • •
.1-4-fibileIrtctuiLtestsAna. deirktesporsa• -
ble- engineers show that every * heating 2'4'1,,
month the furnace coil in a: house °Coverage- b;.--f-
size absorbs about 23 lbs. of coal for heat- —
Ing water alone. Your 'pocket id suffering
to the tune Of close to POO extra a month.
tt. *qr. 111111"7.4114 .444 •
• Now is the time to Cut down t
expense. Accept the Ilrito, Offer
, of si. free 'electric water beater and
pin% hoe immediately available a
• conitint aUesr lftjiloi ,waterarritice-clean, onvenienr, speedy
andeconomicat-as much as you
want, as biotin you Want. Pill in
the etinion noWMali lesiltbout
FRES—What you
actually got
A Flat Kate .Eleculd Vrater nisi& "
installed complete :With thermor,
sett, rank insulation and iicceisary
'wiring, from the meter board to
• the water heater., •
What You Pay For .
Tto- rectrio Water Beater anti
° equipment are absolutely 'tee o
charsce. inataplumbing or wir-
ing is involved an estkoate will.
be provided before work is pro-
- <ceded wirb.,Pay for the current
you use at *nest low monthly flat.
rater Hydro titteS arc siOW lowest
14 rot.
for every
sk,„-Your. Neigfrbo ..trko ,Hosv,97201,)
yOtir intalnyilro for cOmplereintoraoation. Tite,ac:tual arlpvient
'il on iiev4; Wuble to conteio, 044 tbe toupon.
• 4
, $
thel)**"""itiCSYfl1M *f
Striutroutgoa not