HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-12-16, Page 2Our 't'tlinrout.i•
passing event make it next.'."
A clotiles comparison-ematetting
Swans sing before they die,' They
have to, if they sing at all..
La avin' cottage is more 00111 111 011
King and•Astted permission to put one
question. to him that might, perhaps be
oonsittered rade.. •
4•What• It r said the King,
Will your' Majesty inferno me
whether there are two kingS hiF.rancer
•''What does 01.14 mean, ?' cried ..i.Jeuis,
growing red ttntl angry in 1114 tutu.
'What does it mean ? echoed Rose.
It means that if 111 le Prince is a Kitt
than loviu' the cottage mistress, as well ita you, we must weep and bow
A IV's brief is sometimes very the head before the tyrant • but if he
The new N"eritin Medieloe cures Sperinatorrhira
IMPQTENCE,.staiaLtuervoirsoomplaints re
suiting In Loss of Illentory4scrio its impediments to
Marriage, graa1 depression, oto, 700 per MITI 1
for Soltt try druggists ererysrbore, 'Whole-
sale-LYMAINI LELS, 4 CO., Toronto. Sent bri
man, SentirelY sealed,.061 rptet price, Address
Inunt vita 41c-rale:no Aftenev. 144.2s,0319P.O.. ',Toronto
is only the first prinee of the blood, I,, FRANK COOPEK
It don' t take n very fast horse It) ask jastice of yon. against him for .yon
°atoll the epizootic. ewe justice tu all ysbjects and, ATITISTTC PROTOGRAPTIEIL
It is the flourat who loves to have others alotaki Doe mane them u
to be his ISItulio 874 Riehmond street, London.
flatter him. •• prey r
A, Nevada ball report says.: The,Riog, eveoffect rinse of his. 1,0,,ai All tee latest improvements iu l'hotography at
- - Cub WW1 C
I11.0\111 814,110 . pti0p1.0 Ot kOtOr
rsaiy, 'who As ordered to rento've
tont vi.,•in.ty °urn() and $019 wei wlieu you come to
lionora X. Was full of eclat, in fact she nave
was the ec, 1a y pies 1
. Lutithai
the inundation of foxes alia compensate
Many Mullett eek to imPress his neighbor for the damage they had WILL. D0 YOU TUSTICE
th,..•ir hearers with the tait that life is done
short, lint forget' it in ttooir sermons. We, are "LIGHTNING " on Children.
Ittr. Love was married the other day
ftt' Wilms., at thews of 88. It wes an
old L •ve affair.'
• al r'wh wa 110.11 01 1 netted
like tting en gentlemen's
The manufacture of char coal and,:,
iron is to be commenced at Kingston..'
]'es better than ou ladies ; don't you,
The Canada, Oentra,1 Railway 18
It iaa meau:thing for a hautborne a•l'ing"an tulusuallY lan'e blisjile" at
m •ti to go ti) at town and giro every
iaticatimi of being in the marital; until )1r K,thler has given up the harnesi
buisness in this village, thus leaving 0
1pttr the are wild about him, and
good opening, fur some one of that
then Sena for his wife.
Nobody Knew.-Drolessor_cmr, Ar craft.
t' r e I. (after
what is the answer to the second pies-
At Brockville, on lornlay, it‘anag
• a sneak thief, was tried and sentenced
.11waiting u
Nobotly Se0111S to three years in the penitentiary.
3 f 1)Ir. Matthew Harrison, first Dep•nt3 _
to be prompted) ...‘
Reeve. of Darrie, who vi,ited Europe
The BEimiurdt. carries a
walking atiok. you, cian tan thu dif. lot the benefit of his health, but 1.15V-
ing experienced no relief, deoided re•
ference between the two of them by
the fact that the latter generally goes
without a hat.
'We had a Short cake for tes, said a
little Erirl to n. neigh -ars boy, to whom
she was talking through the feLce,
dad we,' he answered ;• 'very short
-so rery short it didn't go round
A souih-westeru editor, speaking of
a large and fat contemporary, remark-
ed that if all tyro gra, be must be a
lead ahoy. Iexpeet ram,' said the
fa,t man, 'from. the way the donkeys
are nibbling at roe.'
A certain little damsel, being ag-
travoted post endurance by her big
-Mother, fell down upon her knees and
ezied, '0 Lord !•bless my brother Tom.
He lies, be steala, he swears. All beys
:10 us girls d m't. Amen.'
What a relief it ie to tarn from the
pe]tticil editorials in exchangee, to the
elm, dignified statements to be forma:
in the 1.,cal notices of patent mediclift
A colors:1'111mM applying fir a mrtr•
ri Ige license in Cincinnati WAS Mired if
ire 'Ind lady were related. 'es,
ho rnplied. When asked how, .he an s -
wort; 1 1 thonght you, (hludeci to de
e.oder relfolmos ob Icy what prevails
oat-weanus at de present moment.'
Tioro wive the cocterest scone at one
',f t1 a...lurches last S2l4.l. It 8F -e 711 4
'!htt". J (1 (I1 the vacati,311 7.7e S'.7tt 1S bad
been v:tritishid, somehow t:•e
•.;•rei„..1. -was not right, as it
ezi:k.y. Yen linow yon pull
ythiat..3 off sticky varnish that it crAelis
antli:31le0 had ail got seatea,
otl,t.n tits minister got ti
..;.e hymn. and 4I3 the b tstAnetit of his
rit,rtt I:t 1',e of the V411 ih on his
c:; th as 11 e
the wall v. ith 11. 1;i:1m leaf fall-.
• 4 Ili !.:14i toolteil around et the
st•e 113 was 1111 piet.,..0, and
1.1 gtill'y inan p Luta hal eseop.
, I s.,.41 lead • the 113'1.11 )7. Tito
A s triad of- level; v, 342i3 after ,
liad. ttl-41 It I02111ye I
tk3,4 3, 1 1.; 11,411,Ni 11ii 111/11-ei‘ I
1 011 the alto, bail •Iteintn•ta,
91 Tralio hed Out het t
., t s.?•1 if I1I v trnh ,is
!:1:! t 10 au.I.I.tove
1. .;
••• two .1,-s0ort0 got ..1! 11...1.wit 1,
la to piclret, filing in :he Aietatitie.
. • e? of britti,t, and then a fLiw
tt, 15.1(-1 r.ittipta. tl4 1141.
trierri 0.44 4 I, nivli
4,) trttt C.1ii1 tted,
. 1 the.: 110 tvli 11:1 lieliee got ot;
c• at, once with a 80)1:4d of ('15.1,11-
2I1 o2ti-.1:54) yr¶1'it alorir sar•g, "1101:1
turn home, die,1. au the journey home
taw upg.:t Chau ever.
WALL W. 11.114 wouldi ltiulate to theso about to
furoish houses or in novo of au) thing in his lino
that has .01iLid la.tgoly to Ins tat:Ames :tor
turning out ler:,1.-elabs Wkalc. Sash, 14,10,,) Cala
Pi,:ture Ptallit,ii 011 hand. .111 Ordsird Specialty.
(live hint a 04111
Dasawouil, June 17, ISSO
l' • b 1 t WINTE
On the 10th of November, John L. J� IL L 1NE EY
Card, Deptity-Beeve of Vaughan, and
a member of the County Oeuned, elop- MISS G-ARLICK.
ed with Alm Levi' Snider, of Wo -)d• Has reeeivoil a f011 stock of
bridge. The parties 'moved in ths best B
eaver, barna' Hair, and
, society in the towushio, Snider being
I worth $125,000, and • Card well to-do. Felt Hate,
Some years ago Sender became addict. at very low prieos, and Ittest steles. Also a Inn
NI to druilc,...e.nd the titbit grew upon Those who f h -i- with. a call will bo sure to
line of newest TI111.1.111111g5,
him so that lis coulu • Lot transact his
bnsiness. He called' upon his friend
Card to look after his aff.tirs, and gave
Iiim•powei of attorney' over his pro.
perty. Mrs: Snider, who had the re-
putation of being the handsomest WO 01 1112211 they 0 u be get . way-,‘ Pore eIso 111 tetra
man inthe county; • is only about 88 • J.CIABLIClii.
years •of ago. - She had often threaten- MAIN STRRE1', - • - • - EXIiITIrtil
01.1 to leave her husband .owing to his
dissolute habits, •but, no one ever sus,- 5i Fs...1\TILIO OD :
pectea :that she would fly' witlf• Card, HOWLOST9 HOWIIESTORED ,..
who is 130 years of age, and the father we h tve ret;e1111, pabitAlitti 1: law tliti 01 of
often children. About a week pre.vin(1s ,nli.i eo::,LEi3i,l,'S e 1....: 1,1,.1131i,l'T.1.). ieiS.‘..
.._1' 1 WO illietul.,);.)-11.`,Ii4e'32‘3u1:..'i'il1,ii?i•tt.;•':1.11:e_3(111;1. (011..1:i1; Titty23i'eTil
to this time 'Mrs. Sender sent 1)0
daughters to a lady's seminary at White I „i,iiii...7,itynii.,:-.,111:ati.11eilt.ri tO ".11 111t. ete., ro-
ily, am11 gave ant that she intended to ,twr.-..:„ itvr,-it io ti sitalott envelope, only 0 cents 0:
winter ill Finricla,. Shma
e ils ample ! •
, k%s1.-.'it;rt:',Irliti":;tiio•ot. this oaleivietitt east' v,
141 epay:A.1011s fr'ir it or do partur:', • and t i..1.33r.i.y I 1441:121,12,,1-3.0;tbi3 Or years. hilue, •.g.-
_, , 1171 pr.1.•.bo,.. .,1,111‘1,-.- Vis",,,eilli• •.S1)1.;.;.; II,
craned 111)011 111any of her friends; Oiirri • r tili42114 •.(h.,.1. wirbont t'.3... a-titir UM- !'0;.1. 7,77
t. 7 g„. , . ,, , ., ,
b 17 a not boon idle, hi1t. rts;11g big Po,i- .:.'i,'..1.:121,',"'.', -....,'',.:t1.(41,•'• 2...`',1:„°,,,:,.,711;,,,11:)1h,-•
twit, .1.,:ist•d• tth 111 t317,000 ou.• his,own r„.•"""til•l),)'.'1".•••••1.--el‘'il;1,01,'?',.•:.
and sniatr•a farm, ant, eame rf, . ,or w.3,0,...1i...,,,.011.3.1-1,,n 1,1,12 .,.., law: 4 aro 1..i1.12,01
1. CAME?, GO ..i..1)• 1 elvowly, 4o -i.‘ ittf:1,, 12 oa h ro.,1;-.711V. -
17,1 1 s. suider enm, , I „,.;i.i.,..,...e.t
.,ve ..em ..., le rti'e lianils of eve,y
it00311,f Our. on(:)03.1 at ‘,111,.:; 2w-0 taa j,111,i,a . by cavil 1 „ ..,.a.,,,t,.,1,1 Ili ill,. 1.
On the 171 11 they visited 'Whitby,_
get something to snit Viotti, both in. style 11214-1.
11. y o o
Holli ten dna r,,int DrUlIlo, Dorlin ona,Fleenv
Wool", 04(1131111g and Slippers, 1111(115.a.t
Ci11.0 221311
1(52201 Mottoes, te., etc.,' These
orieds must bet:leered eat, 21112i vill beside' eheap.
the mother took away her daughters •
from eei.e.,01„ Shin then [ho co .1111•4 etox121,12
have not been heard -cf. About $5,•
(TOO of Card's notes aro held in To-
yormg wairmn • namrd Catharine
Hitchcock, a resident of 1.1.ntitm street,
Toronto, siatthed her mother while
;hunk. inflictiog 11 11,14,Yerous wound,
She, vt•as arrcsted.
rooPting of „iini;:3ali-tts was held at
the 1.1-n1 office, fin r\Iontirty, to consider
;in wimi. inauner Mr. A.rchrhahl F hs.s,
11)0 fahlEms war et,rri,sptinc"kot., shorn
yr&1e0a0021 entertaitted
tipon his "• I
41.11311 Strtiet, NOW 17 111.
. 1
i:VI -'44015.---
'till cfv i tali it Was r7 rir73/
1tirlodt11;:Lrf,1sl41111 Lia?L,.2
1111 tee formed to in aka ileeti6 ALAI for Purifying fIao Blood.
sat arrange:Dente.
- • " - • - • -
(101141 1 Y211 C'til dO it
spee 1iIv, safely a Anrely wil Half -
pais -i,. Now is the
I'f,,142 in to 'Z'Irt4'.1 c this, If you
W213) ! 1 1,r442'ent anieri 101112 nulect
not Ore Most 1i fling 'ii 4' flag
pirtr'S P11101114 BItisaill NI ill never fail
ynn. It 0 'cup, Ai1i 1112', 11(134.
1I'Llio•o4lirig (ion end all P0 1:
ni olary Obtain it of you.'
itirl '4 hair beer i use for 20 vears Ms -•'•
inLiVt,i. 1)) rrt1117itiOn 1.13 thC
&ior 117nI'7aMsB• • EAs'•tM1•..•
.1Lie1R. -PAIN;
Plell't,Ei TI1E FACE,
3p;i:iArr nl all Diseases
pint r.-rn 8. iiisordred Liver orot
I, Tit 42(25,1111,) of our bet
t•Cro it aril give it toheir '
preri'Ibit ,1a12.".tiiy. Those
:0111rtri. reorimend 121' tters:
itis made from Veillow Dock, 14,,11011
gar,a,771'.1.a, Wild ilerrry 96110 -fa
:Mat7711ig ;1747afrpg,teriren.
.4aer w 1212015021110(1028 Roo)s.g
1, rbs. 140 strietly tvtable, and can -
a4 hurt themot&lon.° constitution.
It of 441,7 0.116 medcines in tEefor
the Bowers.
by all responsibldrorgls's
1 etiedoar for a ((1(2*4 bttle, or Lit
441 oolos for live dolla.isse who cannot obtain rehettie of
flarinwlia•Mmar•••, •••10.w• • 1.4610020.
aus 1(1,011042,) from their a:srnet 11315.3'•• •• rol' us one dollr, ard wo 1411 send It
141, ,•••." ‘Nilion the "Il'ellet•tra had Yellow. Orl 'is the: meet. deservedly
1,1 •i1 1'00100'141a 11 hyll ?log"' potiniar rchh;:ly 111 the inatrItot for
services tvcra • ttlitl tbIn .
o •
toe . '
\',,j3 home rayiog lt the mon. that
raises, Fen.t llites,S 're Throat:Liwe t
13 ,co, Contraction of the Mosaics,1
1 ' 1=11Vt01 COk EcSentat6m
1 , Amicawourc,
01N I:, 1:Nw
l'e•irletit el 1he C 111,t ;4
itione nf tlitr.1 o.:• 11 ..ccrOtati..s,,.
sty: (iv 11.1,11 :)1[
1.X, tv.is it tr o.f,'u I of tiro "
Li • f; 01 11101430 C.I1 al Ili lot 4411,) :11
e • oriel 11 1v. when 1? -i
uni !kb r, orti (Ay 111
tt.„. d our 2410 c.v.-nor/it (4.
Ott, o'll's, h i it1110.4
04(1 to 'sell Ors Itro!,:t,A v,, 1m:1i/to
E.21:11., /oar 1111 hod f ovitr tita
141.; tti.tti 8tred..):1.11,e,)1 to he
,(20.011 p, Q1i; Lee.7:, nc1 every vi ety clf
P maths'.): 11'0
441;01112,1 Ai Well 15.4 external rise. Yel-
low 011 .tillirt:vor f.111 yrni fiiid by all
deniers ' 4111020410,' • ."
(3•20).• '10 uf Ilov,),:ard's Pec•orall
eelie, C:,,t 111 4''>Er •rtitrol •
tri lir e(501)•!i344tl of
its met, i'.1 15.4 rabro t1, aid Lin llOal)u
i, lin:grail specific for rill-P;thuottary
41,13s tetilittg towartis 0Jostti2it.
ti.trr. flat: s most' plait:ant, 1(09'
and t C d 41.1 '31tre ku., Ili,
Sol lc by . le,.
Y. (VAN A4ent,
trAy PUMP. 1.,V0111i6. •
• 1.„211L, 1.1 apt"' ('0 tV 713771173wan12.111777.1', ,1,41.1 1)7'c;
Airel ;1 171,:e ,oglitgity 1, 77,8 7..:1a7i1 101120 104,4, g
I 1 747 v ititiolJ • •
Superior fo,..o.nr Faolor In the 00voty,
.101 0:twice:le1it. :tory selopeti thin, Wells aril
..listierits dug en the 01,10114441 1183122(11',
11thg,e0.11; a 1, the Illy Pomp ri'V'eriti.,
71055 of T:;:zotg
.'•,?!etkerinv,terc „
iiomiiiioii On...tills and ..
, toopii
The Largest and lie st Complete Factory fii tile DOzninii.v.
140x100 feet.
highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker 'in the 'Work
mni).u. Am) DIPLOMA AT 01.7,NTENNTA.1,, 5.42724,
Do• do • SYDNEY, A.f. IL1LI.1., 1877,
I1U41J1ST tWAIID AT IND'UST111:11 ENHLIKTION, `r011tINTO, 11175,
'WO are now manufacturing Square and 'Upright Pianos.
Bost in the marliet. Correspondence solicited. Sena for 11-
ustrated. Catalogue: Mt:Elea free,' AZ:tress
.113.=AirAlmt. Organ arid wo Cay
'IS ND ,3O1\113XST :
Truth• Concerns * You More Than Counterfeit,
- _„,__
Thereforeiread,poretrase, and &Wiry Its Lierge ins. Wlitr» 1 sa v I intuniftrAnre Inv own Porn iture 1
ut prepared wit II uty prool-Areet 611121 the penpie can i Ispect, 145 14113' sinus by imiling 32.2 ,.1117 'War.;
1' 0340 whore they wiltsee a superb dis play of
Furniture inAll Its Branches
iintrin tot -m.11 by 17150,751 v4 1 inv e.raionteil .trtistle gool...el,ricinanship. 1 Clef ,411,C Wit
peotil4 with a ataics t 1,'Itrniture that cannot 1,9, 104: 7212,1-211:y 4)1' price 11,1.
Erteter,anititt,:swing to too eon trary atatior.:.
Nearly oppm,ite Keuip'ti Tobacco Storealain Street, .21'eter.
ii CAN
il,F1:7. '
\ .....
•' •
Coughs, Colds, lloarseriess,
Throat, Bronchitis, influenza, .
Croup, Whooping CouGh,
Asthma, and every
affection of the
Throat, Lungs, and,
" does 'not dry wp avow/it, and Imre the
beland, as is the coo will (41081
bid Zoosens i, deansas the ZINgs and hags
4481(041,1 15.225 removing the cerise of complaiat.'
330 NOT BE DE0B3,17ED IT
bearing a similar•name. Bo. 81.0-11 you got 1)it
with tho.. signature of "1. 1.1.17::-.ilr:" on. 5::::
wrapper.- 110 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle.-- -Pre-
pared by Srrn W. Fowarri & 1,01, BoRtO, . , •
Mass.. Sold by clruggistsandt.I.ahrit
'4 I
It'rrotectod' Solution of the Prottode.o of
• Is as easily digested and assimilated with 212:1
• blood as the simplest food. When the ,blotz
does not contain- the usual quantity of Iron, eau ;
deficiency can. be' supplied by the use of 5414.,
PERU WAN SITUP. It cures a " thousa
filo" simply by Toxitto Ur, It.mooxitviso. and
VITAL/MI% the sy,etem. The enriohea (020
vitalized blood permeates every -part of 'tire
body,,repidring damages and waste, 104l4')4,)l4( •
001 trforoicl Sacretito.- ' -17 •
CliSen Se 10 feed 111101x, in, in VW ,S.,,Ort`t 01tilt:,
wont:taut suceess of this rertagly ill curing
Dyspepsia, Liver Conapiaint,
Dropsy, Chronic. Marlton,.
• Ner.v.ons Affootions, roynalo
• Complaints,
Atrd'all diseases originating in a bad state of
the bloo I, er aveoutpanied bef clohility, or z low:
• state of the systortri
AtIT.V.)11 Bo sttre; you get 'Lite
HEM W. :Ns, Prop
; 442j42257 1.• p Seld.bytirrivagog.ri:ti ss
811y, Pa. ;eta svot frwio any address
I Mass., '