HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-11-16, Page 3well*** 0414
Orate loss. 0
EPP**p'*ps, 4
eter •T1Me$44V0atli' . n , lattein
.10*40 44 Ilib-the Centralia1*n*
i-eperatiVO . •WareisOnaa . at 'Walla
liOndaY "night, and.the rObliaa *Olt
'WM*, been Aneeessfiil.' had; they: nOtt.'lieen
l*liteAgd. away by ilo, Me 0 the *Wager*,
Mr." 101,renk".140Whe ,$ilePteted.,Ilkenethink,
was ,-Wren0ri 10- aid ;he. got 1,n, ' touch with ' Ititt* it:
'bordo,00014 ,who telephoned Mr Lo kds
,ciegive 0.4 10. the -manager Of -the-Oom. ;.-, ,..,,?..„ ,..„Peewo dist I 1„t„*titigutc,0 up
.1 em -1414 4, VOA COW* W" Une4 lit - tilyklat
*Ay., , $44 ,10c1rAt: AttMeti, With 11,,..411Otst.• trotatbe awe comfit. .laCkbeadsciaa
'gtm.and 11004n0anted by Mr- )0P0131-04' 'writett4. - ic.:,, azkl.t..Vedtp"rielIT
and a lark mac '
and Diek'a,TAtet`o• Went to the ware. how - ,iFiattst,tilee,1.4ameniCriattaallt,o' kut,l14t '
'Mr and .Mrs. WIUam,,Ward ,Of.0
4114washiP1:anhoilnee. the_ titsgEmaut oL
theh.,,- daughter, -IFtheli May, to: , Mertin,,
1.a*10* Richards, of-,
go,'tQ tae p1ac later izlloveinher,
kleafertn. : EaPoSiterl. Mayor „ .suther.
104:1-elletetdcer,Of Seat.Mtis, OOP ad-:,
-` vises leitteeria,not to feed transients.' He
'"The Belief Committee, in order
to prevent tinnesittUni Again request the
citizens to direct tratitlent$ to the
, 'tom' bill, 'where they 'will he given
'Tom* treatthenc1000 a04 lodging after
they have **rated .an the Ole' of rails
with a 'hileicatiVh -The :bunch Of . five a
days Age, 00 refused to cut, A Alois,
- Were weil led by *Oweof the eitiseris who
no doubt, eonligain Of the annoy-
ance in a short time, for it does not
take 'long for .4k;transient to give .at pal
.the direction to the houses Where the'
ea/4 marks live. The coinniittea have,
Places for articles of clothing, floor cov-
ering, etc.; and -Will ea11 for any article
at Ittiy time, if advised."-
. ,
.-Coughs1 Colds Gone
.sucKutr:s,mixioutis.,i4ot a Agora a*,
Lrioratiabe: le:4400. al liens 44 it to co'
42,w,at,rttitY04. Antehwitteriaaln,
temmunion'iterviee* Petilher .29th;'
new.ipinatoo. were added Ao the VA,'
Iseven on vontesSion of faith, 1441014:*
'total of 29 additiOna during the Year.
R.I.,...,.,.........,A,-... ' '
OVelp, - -1th A AqUila Or 0014r alit iA COMA -
any other tOMItratteltio' - - -
. ,
- littekir4,1140--"earstilltaustwrod-tlutt.."
dose Ow uninisisksbie solisf. Two doses may
tPtolP your cough Ce teitt or.ntireir.---GOodAye
fa 44:kitting' syrups etal 09,1111 PriPoraultus•
Tak• Beaksets It moms' Hie, „sure, instant
,relief 'from cough.,,colds, 'On or .broatisitis..
- "I; seta. like a ,011,-..* sittglo sia_proom it...„,".
„ PlaY-.447--144014 aubstituatCliuskUses is 1101d''
Ine_Fitther_to - - '' •-« -
es_ _
I • . •
KTOKED.:!trir V0,4'84 :
utyltalph 11*- 4,41,‘ 09
Saturday, ,,was X10104,1ri :the leg by tt.
horse, - traettlifng,bOth hone* Of the leg
above the anide. DingoP Attended
the *tared man and had htm removed
tO, victoria 404nital London Where he
Is 'getting along nicely.
TON Or 'woo ram
d Vile *often, believes
that time* the influx of motor * cars,
truckst!and,tractors, that there are te8v
tine ' sliehnena 'Of horses to he seen.-
Sueh was not the case hurt week, how-
ever, for among a load of splendid ani-
mals StaPpecl Thursday to VOn- Mae-
Itensie, one horse In .the ,shipment,
fine beast, Weighed 2300 •pounds. This.
horse, was purchased in Eruce,township.
N'enr auccsaful 14*, 4000i- !co,
tik3/40:"? was prewnted fin. the .1c44,*#, ha,
ItidaY evenIngo under t4* 144$004 o
o sW904eits$ AES041itiqh of 0011$1,000
„n4ed ehOrOx '0W14 tO:thei.atorm
'highif.,there Was not '4O large an attend
anee-aa tilere..WtSdd40erw.i* iniVe bee
The $0110wing too ParV 'utI*140--iotro
M*0004414, IslaneY Weft BerniersIteallhi
Ohlir *twat Margaret *APIA Xelatill, •
Culbert, AVO471.1. Culbett. Musc wasfttp-
'hished',betiVeen ad*, Dorotby -S
Where the thieire:k 'Were trYing g'" 441
,entrance by yrYing,0ff some boards. The
thieves 1;04 to then° heels, Matting be-
hind some helc tars and ,disappeared.
They abandoned their *Alto whteh had
been poked near the. schoolhouse and
Wialob. was :found to car that had
been stolen IA London the same evening.
A Jeint ,meetintrof the Exeter district
of the,Probittition Union, including Hen.
Dashwood, 'Grand Pend and Elm -
,*11.10, convened itt the teWri Wed-.
gesday_night. The -ReV,, J. W. DqWri
presided, Miss J. Murray gave an In-
terestiog report of the provinoial convert -
WO to Goderich. Closely following the
,Deseeehe ear was. another ear ,driaten 4'itY
;Fred Milton, alsoloofng drEven to.Oodet,
Mr. Madden% car • Was driyert
'thetetiee Of 20M, 130: feet along the
way While the tvArellY ear was 'turned
templet* around 'faetter in the direc-
tionfrom whit* it had come. The third
car rammed the D'Arehy car, After a
'change of Urea all three tars were able
to proceed on .their way. The itecidetit
was investigated by Trellic Offfeer Lever
and Constable NorrY.
tion held at quartette PeterborocontribUteti
ugh. The Man
Street male '
number and the Ouronitt male ohorus Seaforth ,Eapesktor: If the enthusiasm
sang- two .numbers. _now .Q J.! Moore- which prevailed at the •armual• meeting
o f ave a stirring address of tte„Beaver 'Hooliet Chill on 'rwesclasr
.evening is any indieation of the support
the team 1011 be ghten when the playing
season starts, hockey in Seatorth this
Wettoos attetulance bigger. thane**Yeeeeli
at. oat. athletic meeting• here ton some
years, the 'Beaver Club is_assurect of a
g00,11, start, laayor A. Da Sutherland wasl. One et the oldest and most highly re-
in•the chair in the absence .of President spec -red residents of the Township--ot
Frank Sills. A financial report showing! astuield, PasSed away at the home of
a slights -deficit was ---presented by thel ner claugnter, Mrs. Isaac Andrew, on
secretary -.treasurer, „Ass , 1.inday, ssthe person of Mrs. Mary
1ew ofIh'-zitadt that -the' business ot'thr -Anne, -Andersonr,,--avhct. Was....tra her •94t
Merchants of Seitforth4-•--.411 big -support. year. Her maiden name was Mary Anne
NiTednesday, -November I:6th, at L30 p.m.
ers of. hockey -was seriously affected by so/easter, and she was, married 70 years
h use oBrusselsg
.ssir, and Mr k 0. H, Venner announee on tompor _
ance of today. He said the
.the engagernent their youngest daugh- forces of the liquor Vastness. were :UP
ter Marguerite May, to Walter Roger •
pepper* only_sen., Igr,aand Wks. Fred
luOq' Place aeons
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper announce
fife engagement of "their -second -daugh.
ter, 'Helen Irene, to Mr. John SteWart
*primer, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Fraser of Blyth, the inarriage-,-to takc
lace,the latter- part_of-this..inouth. •
F. J. Re -r01,45T11.4„, •
4. •
EYE„ EAR; ,NOSE, -"elestOAT._
Zeta HOUse Surgeon Ne* 'York Orph-
almic and Aural Hospital,' assistant at
ooreffeld'S 'Eye *Hospital and Golden'
Square Throat Respite'', London, Eng.
53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford: 'Tele-
7131iiiire - -
At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, from 7
o'clock,on tlie evening of the third Mon-
day of each Month, until the following
stay, Tuesday, at 1 p.m.
,• • 1%
Barristers and, Solicitors.
. HisYs,' K204 Itrid la,. -0, flays,B.A.
--Hamilton street, Goderieh. .
Telephone 88
bOUGLAa R. rAmi, •
Earrhter -and Selleitor
Office: • Hamilton St. Phone 512.
•,Dgelster, Solicitor, Etc- • ,
Phoee WM HAMILTON -ST., Mfferibh..
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Etc.
SticceSsor to. J. L Killora,n.
Phone 97. Office. The Square, Goderich.
and at it, while the so-called 'Clutstians
-welle•-asigePsenstile• job. Ll'he inisiness-
IlicTchurch, he saittrwas',',Lto-- overthrow
this evil and if peoplW Were honest and
lived. up to their professions there would
be no need of camimtgning against this
great evil. He challenged every synipa-
Ulises of temperance and thsirch mem-
'bet- to do his duty.
Blyth Standard,: We :hear consider-
able criticisrn-of the Blyth fireinen tm-
dertaking to keep *order here on Hal-
• SenfOtth. Expositey.;_. - HO. Robext;
;Weir, Minister of Agricultnre, ,whe has
been motoring through 'Western. Ontailo,
.was on Thursday last as visitor at, the
lowe'en, but there is one thing certain, heine of Wm. ff. Armstrong, Hullett.
that there would not have been any, tat •Mr. Weirs during his trip, was inspecting
Shorthorn herds in the district, and pur-
when we read of ' the shoothigs , and
-carryftig-on- iri-some-Oi-of the-oth.ers- places -,.....hastds.fron.i.„ ivir.:
we ought to be proud that we have such Scotch Shorthorn heifer. - It, will 'be
an able bodied organization who are wil- • shipped to Toronto at the olose Of the
hog to lose some hours sleep for the R.oyal,. Winter. Fair to join Mr. Weix"s
purpose of • protecting property in- our show stock, , arid thence to Saskatchewan,
midst, not only from fn.& bit --8186 from where he maintains a large and well
other sources. . • established farm. In •talking te Mr.
PRAIRIE ITCH '. „ . Armstrong. the Minister _mentioned that
condition's In the West appear a- little
Fordwich Record: Seventeen pupils better, but it will nevertheless, be along
,• time before tines are back to normal.
of the FOrdwith public ,school are hav-
it't ---'-'1"4-4e-'1.1-"---. lie -hopes --thathe NRA --will ,be. stideess.-
ing an- _enforced .,vaC et at
Dr. 1A.Thitley, medical health 'officer, in- ful 'in the United States. Its failure, he
• vestigated and found seventeen cases Of said, r woald have a treinendous. effect on
wnat is termed 'prairie itch." The •,..:
scifOO1 was funiigatecr- and the pupils •
binned mutt not return until. they have WOLF IS KILLED,
a doctor's certificate as to. their -being A gray wolf weighing between "25 and
free of the disease. At least ;One nearby 30 'pounds tell before the- gu nof Oren
rural school may be closed for the same Brenner, well-known Grand' Bend resi-
cause.' 'We indeistand-this skin- dbOrder dent, who was On a shooting trrp on Sat-
ia'--Prev-alent throughout the County, _urdity_, near :Beach aPines,_The waif is
many adults being affeeted. the j•feuiof 'its ,sPeeies to be killed- in
•FiRNES,"'y M. LEE.
, Banister anif-Solleitor "
Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria.
, Teleplense: Elgin 5301 • •
Torsinte 2. •
--ss----'s•-s-.. this district during the past year. Mn.
-TENNIS, Mins LtassuE - Brenner was , hunting ducks. While'
. .
The Exeter opera house was a scene of sneaking up on the section of the °Id
gaiety Friday night wheii• a large num- river bed of the Aux Sable River he saw
ber gathered to enjoy the informal arm- the form -0! an animal' slinking across
istice, dance given by the Tennis Club. the -ice. His shotgun leaded only with
• Bill Robinson and his seven -piece. or_76 shot ;or. duckss_Mr. Brenner had
chestra from London kept the crowd on to creep to a vantage point so that the
the go until they reluctantly retired in light shot would, be effective against the
the wee sma' hours. - The patronesses Wolf. Despife the disadvantage of the
were Mrs. J, H. Browning, Mrs.sR. N. light shot the wolf fell to Mr. Brenner's
Creech, Mrs. N. J. Dore, Mrs. J. G. Dim- aim.' In this district, where' the most
,_-Mrs. 111-.C...._0,. flecher, Mrs. .1. S. natural-bush-of-Western-Ontari
rant, Mrs. R. II. Sayers, Mrs. R. G. largely undisturbed, a few wolves seem
elclori;-Mrt. J. A. Traquair, Mrs. W. W. to have crept ins/ Two wolves have been
aman,- Mrs. 'W., E., Weekes and Mrs'. T. killed by motor cars on the trails of the
'Rob wio'Played to1jl.selection*, an salmi,,compots; 'to 0* orgiaAt;'a allVe
G, 04' Treleaven and Miss WilMa t t°tno roomstrwe' AA ebony
Trea uW11°ets. ilaVIFP4' With in°1111hen" streV"sandincase, For travelingthe bride
' • donned A black WM drool trtuallied with
Mune sine velvet a blecle coast,IvIth grey
.Muskrat collar and trimmings, a chic
black felt hat with white and red.trim.
Ming, With. veil and •tiestit to match. Her
shoes and accessories Were black. Atter
a• short honeemoon, Mr„ and Mrs. Sher-
win will reside at Orono.
Junior Verniers Meet
The Sovember meeting Ot the Dungan-
non tl'unior Parmene ChM as held
Thursday eVenhig. ftrdyce Viark, 1st
vice-preildent. 0CePPled the Roll
call was answered by "Name ot Cash
Crop." Announeement wss made of the
winners * the "Huron Co. Howie Plow-
ing CoMpetition,". in which eleven of the
Aneuthere Of the Dungamien Junior Pare
mers' ,Club were tompetitorte A worth, -
while address by Pordeee Clerk on the
subjecte--"Commercbel, ,Pertilizer, does it
Pay?" was given. HeennOnd. Brown gave
an address -"Lumbering in Northern On-
tario,' he himself having ispent Some
engaged in this occupation. In order 10
raise funds for carrying on the club, it
was decided to hold a crake in the near
Death -of Mr& Anderson'
The council met at llohnesville on
• Monday, November etle The minutes of
the last Meeting were read end adopted.
It being near the end the discussions
Were meetly 'pertaining to work that
shOuld be done befOre 100 Meat bad
weather set in, also the new and knotty
problem of rendering relief to those In
need The toUncillors were of the opin,-
1011. that_any_ exPenslitures made for re-
retereehoseebeeforwardect2a the Gover•n-
' merits asking for their portion as provid-
ed by statute. The following accounts
were _paid: Ooderich• PrinthIll.
$11; News Record, Printing, $02.40; Ous
Stsback, sheep claim, $13.50; selecting
jurors, $10; relief accounts, $5582; sup-
erintendentiss pay voueb.er Ne._
91-319:50:-` Connell adfourneCU-Meet• ort
• W141AM Vfolat
The funeral ot McKee, 10.
who died Saturday after a, long illness at
the ,honto of Ills sOn-in-litw„ Dr, Htigh,
Ross, 31 Austin ''erre Toronto,. Was
held Monday afternoon at 2. pan., from •
Orace Anglican chnrch, ` fol-
lowing the arrival of the remains frOm
Toronto.. Rev. W. M. Cunnesithelne the'
rector, officiated. A serviee was heht at -
the home of Dr, 'Ross at $.$5 OniidleY
night, sMr. McKee Was well and f*vor-
ably known in this district, having farm-
ed near Milbank for mariy years. Of
late • yeets he had resided hi Toronto at
the home of bib deugliter, Mrs, Hugh
Ross. Ile is survived by his wife, for-•
merly Miss Sarah Roe, and one daugh-
ter,' Mrsr"Ress. Mr. W. --S. McKee;
GoderielCis is, cousin.
The cheapriese of Mother Graves*
Worm 74tenninator puts it within ressch
ef ail, and it can begot at any druggi.st's.
garnee on Saturday night,. the meeting_ ago to her late husband who predretis- to finish up business for .this - year.
ember 24th, at 1,00 p.m. '
svOuld engage in -no Saturday night beth Webster, &Sown to eVeryone as
Nominations will he -held on, FridaY, Nov-
tirtanimousisrresolveds that -41416i Beavers-ed-her.by 48 years. A .sister, Miss Eliza-
Equipped With electro-magnetio baths.
Electronic electric treatment and chiro-
ractic chronic organic and nervous,day afternoon last wee)c, about 5.30.
hours 2 tri 6,, and to p.m. and by sip- Akiittetii:Jbliii-sorweIeventlear-old -ion- of
, pointment. Closed Weeriesday from 12 gr. and Mrs. Murray Johnson, went
to 6 61 IP OWn on message for his /nether.
A. IL MUM- S0111 • residence -.an PPe e
front ,of 'St. 'Andrew's church and bit
tatieue. severing en. artery. He bled
very profusely and it took two stitches
to 'close the wound and stop the flow -of
, blood. For some time after the accident
Kenneth was very weak fictea_ losss Of
, Wake up your Liver
R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk.
- -No Calomel necessary
games. Arrangements for starting train, Aunt Lizzie, who is in her 92nd year,
ing were di.scussed and Trainer A. Re. survives. She is also suxvived by -three Driv Astiun LikeMa 1 Th irn Many people who feel aim sit h a
geny wretctuti*Stakle oft4takinagd
man outlined his plans for the comings1A914.4141.Vur daughters: David Ander- mediate: a
help frqm 1)r. Mag
son and Mri. Anson- Pitiltik,-CirWestern.' seems a/c6.. erallhed mako the gum,r14..ast.ive cris
Ganada; Thomas, Mrs, S. J. Kilpatrick,
Mrs. John Helm, Mrs. Isaac Andrew and
-Wed, all of Ashfield, the latter residing
on the old- Anderson homestead, con. 13.
The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon
at 2.30 p.m. to Greenhill cemetery.
Leaving For Kenora, °
weeks. Training will commence imme-
diately. The Club will enter an Inter-
mediate O.U.A. team. Plans for elimin-
ating the cl6ficit and for teeming funds
-to start with, were discussed and A. W.
Dick and A. Ryman were appointed to
look after this. The electthn of officers
resulted is follows: Honorary president,
W. J. Duncan; 'president, mayor A. D.
Sutherland; vice-president, C. M. Smith;
secretarY-treasurer.-A man-
ager, A. W. Dick; trainer, A. Remen ;
managing conunittee, 'rhos. ChM, Gor-
don 'Muir and Lorne Dale.
Pinery. Another was-shOt there- by a
ITES TONGUE, SEVERS ARTERY - district resident earlier in the year.
Wingharn Advance -Tithes: On TueS- DIES AT PORT HURON
office, coiner 'of:: South street and „f3r1.-
mila 'Road. Phone_ 341.
1411014A6 GelieDrelY dr SON.
- Uve SAO* and General Auctioneers.
Eight Ave., Goderich. ,
- Sales Made everywhere aud all efforts
tnade to give you ististotton.
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted.
Phone 119. • ••
• •
NetTAlftlf runuO, ETC.
Niv• g.. BMUS.
NOTARY ptlar3to-
Generai 1:;onveyttheilag done,
• Good-Compari/WReneesented.
'none • 290. ' Ofiderich, Ont.
• iNSerititelii
Value of property *Mired up to jan-
tlary,.1910, $3,643;9/5.00.
OPII0ERS--0eOrg0 Prest-
dent,. R. H. 3, Seitforth:, 4aa. connolly,
Vice-Prealdent,, Cliodellehl Wilton W141
See.-Treas., Sessfortlit • -
D1REO1'0steee4e3, swre,.Waiton:
WM. Knot, Ceneteriett Perris, Hare
Vicki John Popper, Briteefield; A. Broad-
Afoot,' Seaferth'e Geo. Leinhardt, 'Broad'
, Yeo, R. R. 3, Clinton;
elas. Watt, "inYtlir Ed. ItinchleY, Se*,
forth; John Murray, Sestortat.
PolicYlielldete ten pay their assets-
."'nientS at Ordvin Cuttl store, Ooderich
The 'Royal ttink,.; Clinton, or J. H.
• Reidee B144101(1..
:Tato Lrlica-11--rhodupthes • -
Vegetable Compoiind
. Wives' gCt tired thede bard
thries.-Theyeti the 01010 who stet yheee
the Wllaows of- the family.
eebead contra Mai* with' ore
big Pal Marb100, .`..%-fr-erethe-wise who
-*stun strestill Seal sat mop« „the.;.lieet
of ,7 • -
if you WO -Wed Irma; out 4 r o
bemire. try Lydia It. mama s vet:ft.
wit compound, Maas you siood is a tools
thettrill iv. b#clia11. streitocar, cow/
% oiiew. **ley Iefk women 'Mai rei)Ort'
to as *ay that Ooryario lerielited by tbis
reedithes, guy a bottle from your *qv
gist today. ".and *nos tho.kokati.
J. E. Wheeler
rtuietal Director and
Embalmer -
Also Ambulance Service
• Groderich Qiitexio
All cal% ilranaptlY att-Onded to
day or night, „,
Phones Mere 335, noose 255*. •
•.The death of Mrs. Philip Baker, for-
merly Arvilii Or•een, tcibk place on moh-
day of last vteeirin Port Huron after an
111. ess of two ears. She was bona in
Grand Bend illIt1L &boa 10 years ago,
when she went to Port Huron. "The de -
eased was in her 80th year. Surviving
are•two daughters and two.sons of a for-
mer • Marriage, Mrs. Charles Gilmartin,
Mrs. Arthur Farley, both of Port Huron;
!leery Wileori,--of---Arkonar-and....i1
.Wilson; of London; also three brothers,
Jonah Orem, Ifensall; Isaac Green,
Thetiford, and Cyrus; of Greed Bend.
The •remains were brought to -Grand
Bend, where the funeral servte was
held Wednesday in the United chureli;
of which she wat a member. Rev. 5.3.
•Mathere" °feasted. Binial took place in
Grand Bend cemetery.
James 'Olver, who was recently ber-
eaved by the death of his wife, is actom-
panying: his daugfiter, Mrs. Robert John-
ston, tO her home in Kenora, where he
will remain indefinitely. Prior to his de-,
parture he was honored by a representa-
tive gathering at ,his home, of about
Accidental death Was the verdict' re- twenty memberi 'of letorning Star Lodge,
turned Monday afternoon by the coron- A. F. and A. M., No. 309; Carlow, of
er's jury at -the adjouniedsinquest into which he is among the -oldest of its
the death of Henry -Cook, Which occurred mernbers, being -ea Years of --age.- He -was
n November 1 as thit.reisnit of Atli aeol. orAinally a member of" the Gocierich
dent at the corner of Mary street and lodge but affiliated With morning Star
Orange streets when Dr. Shaw's car col -1 lodge in. 1921. His father was a Mason
lided with a car owned and driveri by also.. He held the office ofchaplain in
Joseph Redmond. Deceased was a pas- the Carlow Lodge. During the_evening
•senger in the latter's car. Coroner Dr. an appreciative address was read by R.
Hunter; of Goderich; presided, while wit- D. lvfunroe, secretary of the lodge, and
nesses were examined by Crown Attor- Wor. Mister Leslie 11. Pentland present-,
hey D. Traffic Officer Lever, ed him _with a leather -club bags -as a
.0hief ConstabIeStong and Alfred Glazier token -Of their regar-d Tor him. A-WM-
testified. The latter, Who was • riding ,on ter of the other members made brief ad-
'thesrurmingsboard of Rectmond's carat dresses and a lovely lunch was served
the time of the accident, stated that he by members of the family.
failed to see Dr. Shaw's car approaching.
hief Stop _exhibit
scene of_the accident. The jury, con-
sisting of 0. E. Hall. fore/new- H. Char-
lesivorth, H. Bartliff, W.-Biggart, W.
seeiey, T. Hawkins, T. Herman, -J.
Sutter, was out 46 minutes before re-
turning. their verdict. Joseph Redmond
was arrested following the fatal accident
and is at preterit on bail of $2,000 facing
a tharge armarieltingliter.
:Clinton News -Record: 'They grow
some Wonderful apples out in Goderich
township, the StiriMgs, the Nliddletons,
the Sloan -Smiths; and others have or-
chards which are a wonder to those who
are not accustomed to see such -fruit.'
The dther day The News -Record had
proof of the choiteness of some of this
fruit when Mr. J. R. Stirling brought in-
" to this office it basket of apples such as
would be hard to equal. they were a
• variety,- Ontario% Pippins, Spies, etc.,
legs than, two dozen filling an eleven
• quart basket, and the coloring, was re-
markable. With Stich fruit growing in
our orchards this county is to be eon-
gratulated. Of eotirse they do not just
• grow like raspberries on, a bush. M.
Stirling. says he sprayed his orchard SIX
times. But, even though it, takes some
-work, there is.sortiething to show for it.
°Mr.` Stirling IS .contemplatilig Shipping
some apples tb, England.' The latest re-
ports are that the market is rather de-
firested Just now but with winter fruit of
thistotality there shOuld be no diMettity
of getting a geed, itiark'et, later on.
, .
An Oil that is Prized Everywhere.-
the market Without -any flourish over fif-
ty years ago. It was put up to meet the
wants of a 13ma11section, but as socin as
its -Merits becain, known it had a wholel
,continent, for a field, and it is now
known and prized throughout this con-
stinent. There is_nothinuequal to it
MIEHM111111: Mgt role
The Junior Institute
The home of Miss Edna Craiiar-d--iras
the meeting -place of the Dungannon
Junior Institute Thursday. Roll call
was responded to by An Economy
Wrinkle." The restgriation of Miss Mar-.
garet Durnin as president was received
and accepted with much regret, her rea-
son for resigning being due to the fact
that she -is- away 4roni home. Miss- Hel-
en Anderson was_elected as president and
IVass Margaret Ryan as ist
It was decided to divide the district Cov-
ered -by the Institute into three kroups.
each of which, assisted by members of
,the J1111104. Partners' Club is to get up a
one -act play, the three to compete at a
concert, the losers to entertain the
innerLat a later date. Some children's
clothing was donated to a needy family
at Port Albert, and it was decided to
pack Et:box of Christmas cheer for a
needy family in Dungannon. Reports of
I the Girls' Conference at -Guelph, and of
the Kincardine Convention Were 'given
by Helen Anderson and Cora Finnigan
Have st attentted-10 13$ the
EstabI4shed 181$
Heed Orneet Oite.
Robert: DevIdeets, thitiginnoti, *ed-
. -dents_ tirued,gekett, notontal., Vibe-
loretident; iri addition tothe'1'1040*
anti vitt rteaktent* int lotinaing are
mettors: Win. Wttilpn,,, 'W . 3.
ichernOta, A -
Lticknow W.,;:r
t *Wet, 'rim
Broiftli BrOS.
OtINERAI Mitlt=0013, _
as* EMIIALIStitlitli'
ata0 "
11,1, !
Exeter itimes...Advoeate: Wednes-
day• afternoon of last week /three cats
Were hiVolved itt an auto actideret which
took'. Vlotte at. Doyen Cornera. 314 Miles
South gicket. Tim of the ears vete
,but -fortututtA4f-no,,
pertion WO injured. Mr. J. Madden.Datteirood, With, three passengers was
coming hrtto the highway from the Crediton. roads itfe had stopped at thei sign
but on 'totting oat) the hIgliway he Was
sideswiped by ti tar driven by Ilarold
D'Arehy, of =son*tile Ott hitt
, ,Vafta
HOW' 00 VI) 'SPELL ,
,,.t,nwint.dori jungitg: nvh:t.b. on y molls
Nevertheless it is only a natural remedy 14
used in a natural way. The smoke or birlittjt" I
onoec. is to wake-up your liver
u 1
r iver pouriug tho (laity two
pounds of lottid bile into your bowels. Get
your stomach and intestines worldng OA they
should, once more.
Cartel 4 Little Liver Pills will soon fix u
up. PureN vegetable. Safe. Sure. Qufrk
Ask for th.tm by !IRMO. Refuse substitute'.
26o, at all ovugatsta. , 61
vapor, reaching the most remote passage
of the affected tubes. brushes aside the
trouble and opens a way for fresh air to
enter. It is sold by dealers throUghout
the 'land.
Could Not Sleep -at Night
Tired Out During the Day
Mree-biAAk0weY.1-0akburn, _Man, ---writeels-
"After an, operation was left in a very weak and
run down condition. '1 could not sleep at night, and
would be all tired out4uring the day. -
• I tried td1 kin& of-medieino, but none of thorn
helped-me•Austall used Milbsien's IT. I
took two boxes -and I am very thankful for the hap •
they„gave me. I would strongly advise all those
being m a run down condition to give these Pills a
thorough trial" -
Yoe sale at EU draft and general stores; put up only by
The T. Milburn co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Sherwin -Alton
Clubbing Rates of The Goderiek Stir -
Save You money. The list:
TORONTO DAILY STAR and The Goderich Star
THE GLOBE and The Goderich Star
THE NIAIL and EMIIIRE--aritisTIWG-Odeiich-Star•-:-.- .. -,100----:----7----
I THE LONDON ADVERTISER and The Goderich Star. . . 6.00 -
THE FREE PRESS and The Goderich Star 6.00
Goderich Star •
AMERICAN MAGAZINE and The Goderich Star 4.00
CANADIAN GEOGRAPHICAL and -The Goderich Star ▪ 454U
CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL. and The Goderich Star. . 2.50
CANADIAN HOME and GARDENS and The Goderich
Star . - . -.• --------------------------
-- f-4.50
CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST and The Goderich Star $2.10
CANADIAN MAGAZINE and The Goderich Star " 2.50
THE CHATELAINE and The Goderich Star 2.50
COLLIER'S WEEKLY and The Goderich Star 3.50
.The home of Mr. David Alton, conces- . .COSMOPOLITAN and'The Goderich Star 4.00
cession 13; West Wawanoshe • was the COUNTRY G1ENTLEMAN and The Goderich Sta,r - 2.50
scene of a Pretty autumn wedding at
high noon on Saturday, November 11,- THE DELINEATOR and The Goderich Star 2.50
daughterTHE ETUDE and
IVIary bath-
. The Goderich Star
when His youngest ,
erine, Elila,beth (Beth) was united' in GOOD HOUSEKEEPING and The Goderich Star 4.00
the bonds of holy matrimotirto Wilfred LADIES' HOME JOURNAL and The Goderich Star . . : . 3.00
Winston Sherwin, younger son of Mr.
MacLEAN'S MAGAZINE and The Goderich Star 3.50
I itrid Mrs. Walter Sherwin, of Orono. To
MAYFAIR and The Goderich Star ' 4.50
the strains of the I3ricial Chorus from
McCALL'S MAGAZINE and The Goderich Star. . . .. . 2.50
Lohengrin, played by Mrs. William Alton,
sister-in-law of ilie bride, the winsome NATIONAL HOME MONTHLY and The Goderich Star . . 2.50
bride' entered the- drawing room on the
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC and The Goderich Star. . . . 5.00
arm of her fat#er, by whom she was 2.00
given in marriage, and to6k her place
before an arch of evergreens, prettily de-
corated with maple, leaves in rich aut-
timn colorings and pine cones. She
looked charming in a gown of eggshell
silk net, embroidered in silk trePc, and
'Wore a 11 of -White silk embroider-
. ed n'et caught with orange blossoms.
SheCarried Talkan'roses with vill
.A cold house is terribly hard on it baby. -affeY-
lilies and maiden --hair fern. The 'bride
He can't get down 4:11. the floor to play. WAS attendd by Miis Lila Ric ilardi3; 65
. He can't have enough fresh air, Nat- bridesmaid, gowned in yellow silk or-
gandie with picture hat and matching
accessoriesand she castled a•bouquet- of
roses.' The bridegreem was supported by
E. Trowbridge, of London. Little
-Master Arnold Alton, nepho-w..of.41e
bride,- a white start" performed
the duties of ringobetiver. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. S. Tucker,
pastor of' Lucknow United church. Dur-
ing the ,signing of„the regifster, Mies
Myrtle Webster, of Weliesiele sing 'ilerYi
sweetly. nikraing tougratulatiens, the
gueste iiumberalg about fifty, repairc-d to
the dining-reorrt where * sumptuous
pnit Wedding repset wee terved. The w
th groom's gift to the bride- Was Artabinet
usursirty bt diver; to the bridesmaid* and soloNt,
jot,r_scs. • - =r6„„AtArasAla'..1..."1,11 .04,f
itrally he gets cross.
And Withall your , precautions he may
wake up in thednight Witt Abe ortrOP.
Let the Heat Polka warm your house this
winter. It ftV111 mettri better health for
the baby and the rest of the httrilly,
„ •
ONTARIO FARMER arid The Goderich Star
PICTORIAL REVIEW °and The Goderich Star
POPULAR MECHANICS and The Goderich Star
POPULAR SCIENCE and The Goderich Star
RED BOOK. and. The Gederich Star . . . .. . .
Abti)i,ND GUN and The Goderich Star
SATURDAY EVENING POST and The Goderich Star . . 6.00
SATURDAY NIGHT and The Goderich Star. . . . ▪ . 5.50'
SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE and The Goderich Star 5.50
VOGUE And The Goderich Star. 7.501
WESTERN HOME MONTHLY and The Goderich Star . . 2.50
WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION and The Goderich Star 2.50
WORLD WIDE and The Goderieb Star • 5.00
. 2.50
. . . . 4.00
Order Now
Phone 71
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