HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-11-16, Page 2le • • .14,1101.• 4'4'.444t44AZIo.mtavvrppenNic4Rpivf.1441•12#614.11140d1 ell vont Ili d'*Ut be ettli 4 the Ste tesotenued., ItIthintITANCICIS shOld4 isade by registeted* letter, :Water et Oode- Vrtga#DAY, 1.TC1MUER, *8414, 190. 4,••••••...4 WANTED --A CLERK AND A • TREASURER Oreof •the eurPrising :Oboes( of the , investigation into IfuroretountY ilhences and the eilMinal trials easing. thereront iS the Candid ednitsSiert-of scene. and I:Wen:tette; of okra tJt county abbots wera ameintedertd • ce siMply beeautte , they were ".1004; eflows end heiongett gtherf their -position let_the_battle for: to this gr that pelitteal Party. The oni.4 business with, their 00,mpetit0rs on the aide theinielVel. *Invest withont excep..4 h*hwitys. ik'eeter '1) , min, who a1so *I *Meter of * the of COW 1' fah* ruW1flt much ictient-d*Y longer asocmL /It! 0 Y'''WOCv411110)f 101 methOd of transportation, free from 'itnelet1e4 of the NO; ifoonolOt lie stetedp t‘ok,eeeeMil place to ,the ptibitc's denstend for %Peed, Ut thought the Mete ..0ar Mallnillotnrril need not be Alarm - et thie develoPmetitt for the Mom Peg.° e Moved *bent from Plato to PlaPe the WIth would btheePrOlperity with.cory reePOSidingle larger antontobile letalesesa tet et thrivert on PrOSPer1tY4 RidiViSY men Were rather caught rtap. ighif by the Unerected expahaion icof entemotive transpoetation, but new dee itartures snelt u thi*. rubber -tired trial 'iliew .that rail executives are net over, - :looking anything that PreMises to stren- Von, have admitted 'bnder oath that they :•-....4..•••••••••••••••*"11",""."4,""""""1" leer SPEA 1, 0 • ,t1•A• MINT rei, An .Editorial from thp, 'Seafortri Expositor That is the part' wherein the accoun- tant Stets forth, his "Itecomniendationee* 6trtlge. aslt'°tSeNnevilVe14t4 1otghMeit IPt these Vatever, : have We heard either' -vettheillerS et"'T4W' PaYers thseuets -them in any wait. In hlitMIleiretl°n1.r.,i4bit downtheroiteevthe49n10be4Pby the OotintY, Gannettin; the future con- duct of its Ilnaiteial afffrs. The.ree001.' ,ntendatiOns are not 'oanciPlite; but much of the. ground, war* islaid_ out. and if. ;fur= la to,prOlit in .tuiy way frotn. its lamentable blimders )4 the past, Mune,. Otte 043140,0ton .itfisst be given to the future conduct of its finances and • to those -Who -will hamet7W-.7-11andling tifefif:- - Buron-ltas,eurtered-a4et4stanchil loss, under vief regrettable -circumetan- ces. But the IOW is'history now. It has gone. • What, will we Make of the future. In regard to county finances? That is the real question. . As one would expect the report of the chartered soconntent, who lute been en - Staged for eonee Menths in an examine. • tion of the coUnty's .finseseiel affairs, Tionid be & doetinsent, of ebsoebing later - est to the ratepaYera of Boron. It bag Proved ittett_that, -_,The report .wasemade-public-teP. days ago and While it proved ttoo voluminous to be printed verbatum, a comprehensive synopsis of -cOntenta._appeared in most of the • • litre' utterlY hrontPetent to.•de the well , EDITORIAL NOTES . .0- to tii4int Von.) ur n • • Tee 21.4 made there itse evittenee etinenW- iyeeseive---uee„ TeekTeeeeee bereeteenett- ot •ttnhtnesee In county Council_ eircies, quite apparent, there has been - * '-'70r*Igt* *. • • volley of 4you scrateh my back and Nyeather prophets' who! forecast , ateat, or-_ • these detailed figures than-lti any other volnItY PaPetwi • " fiance oUrjast issue, hOWeVert. rnnner- ow inquiriese have been Made shout the detailed resume, Of the finences beck to .,21928.evir-complied- struLtsittelated by the aceo7Untant in his reports: - en fact there' veeuldeetillOr 436 as reater intere.st manifested in the intervening Years first`, the ties50- * * * I ? 4Whyrt"47 :11%1 ethris-el"inrtte.rest in figures? , Th. e P3n Winter haveebeen snowed under. eee Atimieterted1W/Iftelet--..el.Phone- - -,scratch eours " for thee long time and in 0 . • • -body. _of etitele_wrt contains the results -that 'theireheatts.---Whateit- tiro- -74'ornet43en-el'a --and-fOtals-arrive&at-threittTL'.3,1106. -Oetutty has, been going through these Member or We Ontario 'Cabinet to an- ures and pats 'them ineVes1 ,WOres- pest -tow morithe • le_timply elimax, rri ed at It evaaineVitsble.gog What has.. happen. 'ed,should happen. It Was only a Matter ol tinia, and to ,scoreS Of people 'who are tOuntyeeffalea-it is not eet. all sertprising that it haPPen. for no eitilon in liminess tonducts hirCaffairs e in 'the "slovenly" (to tiee the word 01 .the court) Wenner in Which this cont , ,bUsillese hes been eondticted for years. - - 4. • Why then are the lin gs and. published considered of,.less import- ance and Interest than the iliattesetheme selves?• „ Is it because. cotutty caUncillora and , would-be county councillors See in this Anass of figtires, unlimitedmiterial. readY with-witelr-teewageebettle at the fortheoming Municipal elections? Pigures make fine Materialfor caM- paign speeches and there are enough in the accountant% report, if eat poly handled, to becloud any other municipal issue as welt as the electorate and the epeakere themselvee, 'pounce a change in 'Me Ontario V9uor Control Act -whereby restrictiotrflon tie sale -of beer Will be removed: This is bad. news for the bootleggers. ' '* * While it took a criMinal proseeutioritsi have it publicly admitted • that Huron: County has been appointing 'incompetent auditors annually for years back • the fact has been generally known for a. long •time, . The position of auditor IS not an honorary position, as many -em to think, In' another column an, editorial is Tee' • polluted from the Huron EXporditor, OS:forth. With • it The Star heartily .-jeTheesditoteofeThelfripesitor-has been 11, frequent vesitor to the county or years OW he knows some- thing of what his been going on. He -iota iteettainiseheethese words: eljpwairde Of eleven thousand dol. tars were absconded frOin, the public. eirteeurreighteunder the noses 01. the_ MIA OountY e0entell Ond its Pre- rwaiersflnmberse *se bodice were engeged on what 'etlteye'er..ontddertete-eznere-hnPortatttee - ••••,••••,..wv.••••••-•,. 4.1,,i0oopeo••••. 0•104•44,rt...03 t • • if 43,s. 1 4 • • 4tritOM MOS OP Mit OODI RICH ^ gm* Nov„ • og• iii*::i0p*r thou .tv fo intaky;�sr . • a...L.,. 4.4 •01,,,140,04, . .44r .*1•14,‘,0• ••,0 • .4 cu. Desiths diltingMri.sithO we* InclUde e, PA nifh Oct Vito Cath-Ortni ..xr r.ne am , A number of, the critwe,of the :TO* Nianttott and rarnrnt haVe lett 'Or their hOin * * '* The linOifail 000 ()Wen RoUnd*Ilas been itbnorMal. rive ,and a quarter feet We fallen ••sibee winter set in r forty /Aline have fallen in November, Over five inehes fell wItisin twenty-four Amos. * * We would strongly advise against, the * * adoption of any ,such campaign on the part..otoandidates at the corning elec. ,Remenibratite Dey, 1933, will be re- membered for the cold, wintry Weather which preemileel,. but It Ode not • prevent -.0.0a0Ohilites_ fowl paying fitting and reverent tribute to Its war dead. An -outstanding ,fillOre at the !service was Venetable Archdeiteon •Joneseleatemitn; elec-i-r stood bared heed t•hroUghetut most of the teremonY. dee- imeineu. /Mt *yenta 4ayePAM? --nitre the cold-Seenosph,exe, .W141.4 that PettetleingetteilOrelt at the agg. •d lailing 549w. got and leaving * 'bunghole • An7,11000401e extent:" It- /I. Greer,etee0., of iroiorito, defence taxPaYers 'toes ,n3r noticeable extent apent, 401 hat plAt the tsipaYers Vona. It wouldilt pay, reason:. Boned down, the figures in the financial part .of the chartered • aecoun- tant's. report on the finances of Huron County 10 one and only one story. And that is that upwards oir elev-- thousand debars were absconded from the-Pnhtiee, treasure' right ,under - the noses, of - the present to -linty -council and reiteeeesera, while the members, of WHAT OTHER EDITORS SAY s•nomose.i4.:4444.4.,404,440,,a,/, . --:VV111(-140T-1 (Toronto State The Pleshertort Advance wants a photograph of the permitebelder ieen every.711quor permit. Nii.h,V not have two -before and, after taking? • letere was conialf,M soffest street intersection on rrid*Y'betWeen two her - e5 drawing cutters. One of the *ninulls.' a colt, reared up and its front feet atne down on Cutter No. 2, 'upsetting it and SO* • •Olt . 010 afecito Orgatte tO. * * fla n chart for the colatora d. aaraot, — • in ogr n 'tete Steve' r e SS In tpgi*sn • (131. Irie 0.04010 Weecie.2Often lgibsoped. , net siky. read a book where It explained these thine." ..Say, "be :which eXplabeedetheseethInglW' • . ' ' ' Ntolen7 ineet l‘fallee, boOlek Means one bOok. "lohres and ligary'e means, more t °,1)40 o:0:ei say, kOlf"etlatt ill.' Y alierd to bli3" uttturte ,drieer.. 'Th.ere was no one. seriously, 'tale 3:Ouse' 130$ '0all in 0 - -Mae/ Ofnms lo_r 19(4-04-1 - ,1:1_res1-- ,ricr, not, go,- 41- liave...,00 doilhiLblit ...110.- theike' Say,. "It is much rnore than, ,* • * 'dt:catint,::. L. Rortorn*o; ...:,:v.tt• Dpan. Rout gtvlekt::;* yurillou. il4_ngo."k.S" ay,' 'T ha_ve:::::_dO, u_. bt',_ that be seereteryr Harry eicelaw, The team will will go' . Wilier, J. CamPbell, ..ii,vitiggos, Bellry itZf„otosasayy.: .:,'Itt Isis' site: 1/2./wholirnnyou7osu:a13dati.dt line up, from goal anti IC. IV,ta.eod,' D. ---« -lit ribc.:01,t(T1 .IPIPIwuPtu2624 . a The Colborne 'House struck * Weeny edagazin,e. Principal accent is on bat ,ehought when the p.roprfetor had maim. 4aetured . a epeeist lizie, of cigars named sYllable'' net the fiz.st" ' 44Pat's Vivorite.- The brand is labelled Bouquet Pronounee 'boo-lca, oo as in with- a Yerli-1400d2litl,10-1"Photo_of:Our__ bootee -as in day, accent last syllable.' -C_einetery. -2PrO1101Mee semi.e,ter.4_, not old, DP not 80,Y; °It is lot mo:re than you Fr..,4••••••••*4.••••,. • tieeterPatricke-NtiiiT Ctedrannees Veen-Quito:1r run ciotthese - proud to accept .with -good grace the dis- Abjectly. Accent first syllable, not the 's'aectoellinr,dPilliatsheinat7v-ft., 0. as n9b141e,z'seecablittlaunh;:- stressed, principal accent on third syl- of a 'nation front, tyiann3e?" SUBJECTION; este. e:Oedience sehinissiveness, "Likewise'•e&ets Subleetion„ to 'yeeir own husbande." AVM to *00 from- Olev ePleitee not. evade roY que5tioni."' teA.TICIAJITEl an attendant to a prince‘ . or other powerful PersOn. - "The /44 was followed, by his eatellete" • • , • Persian lite•IcazAhe-ideal toilet Sklidtv- it for every'discerning ,womta:-Verfeof in results. Creates compleldone rare beauty and eharni. Delightfully cool and refreshing. Never leaves a VeSigeof e stickiness. A velvety smooth lotion, toning and stimulating the skim Mak- Ing it truly vise -leaf in.,texture. , dainty women inveriablYechoose Ha,lene It imparts •that so characteristic of the elegant ------------- as he Is familtuly known, "has in hiS Eldisteik nce:'4:1‘..eiwun46-ea'rj'Ellenst ftr°' en days becieneefamous, and none too sYllaalle " egg' • tinction he has attein,edi even though he does not•use the weed, * * , t "Mures- ,--le:-eseeeteantlin -Bachand--an Themes Tembyll, of St. Joseph, and P. Hamelee, of 'Ottawa, represen•ttng capitalists. of Buffalo „ NOW YOrk, Mon- treal, Quebec and Ottawa, propose to build and electric railway from eit. Joseph On Like Huron, to Stratford e throngli Zuriele ,Ghiseleturst, Cromaxty, Statile, _Reszeldele„eeinllaxten'e• Cotner, Carlingford and Jevanton. They aeked Stratford or twenty year etas exemption and' sitti,Year franChise-to---4urnisiv-light- and power. They propose -to start work orteefay. let, 1904. • * * `'.3.1! NO lqiiii1P,EicrolimAlux (Stratford oBeaeon4tetald) yew:4f,, fAtnler:.:nettr- Orangeville took bags of ceitded 'ate acre of geolind. In 1924 the average iied in Canada Was 10;0004xminds to the acre, and that:wae-the .highest Year on rd.._ The yOtmg men from Orange- ville grew", 18,M ..pohn,as 45-tholicre, tainly no mean-performancef, thoet bedle$ Were engaged on W y oOnsidared, e. Mope ireportant *heodAess. But , event* 'itstve that_l*actiting eecirtorriy at the spttgot. and leaving bunghole wide open, does not profit the There irt liti tiTeLe-M'eluitherediscussin • 1 et epest .1006, iuditoo, trims,: There is one that ehpart.Gibbs' rePort last- , dieeloeures. whittle have been.ensade at the - Weyer; miltl receive the•de • • . ..,._ Coitittet. belleine ortecent months. Much . .bliciter liee been given to the inVesti. tion_eand the- trtels. The publit is . fairly Well aequainted vette the facte an .leaVe '_deubtlese Made. their ,own (IOW. - .1.0.. this Issue of:The. Stir -there is had net been Ciodetich. since 18943Le- thirty.five, years -*go. . This eminent trindiai laWyer Was, of ceurse, but -a young truth then, He was tbe pitcher of the University Of Teteonteebastballete Whith played hi Ooderiele in the late ,sutroner that year and' during a reeess" at the trial's hat week Ile -waned 'Onle features of ehe game. There was one Particular Melanie winch gr. 'Greer Will always remember . coneerns a black. eneith Mimed Theropiott,"who played .on the ti011erich torn. Thompson was t7onirltot4"--4011cri-7laci.Mnit4-11Ft- wont to be, and wore elaeses. Pitcher •Oreer, had retired• the eide th ,ree tineee 14 order When ,ThoMpseut *gain .tanie. to hat. Weer fed tint two feet. emes, 'high Up and eloee:Ati, Sind titeMpsou',Nehtireti her detitied to try: one of Dick ietertheell's 661e -shots', sat outdrop, ,the same ball that hit4 Sent ten other batters Wok to the hear:1i with' head &Or) ng. the blacksmith*. Or he the, ball selar it has tot been" found y4 -a home run., That ,weE, not tail.. Oteet: was triatt,so When the .'smithritok'h0.to the-,Pra:te on iiii'.i.4.#,',.eatipearatice.. the' budding lawyer, `nettinnned Jliat 41 IA& tuck , Who had iLdetermirteet tho, first homer,' sed to Mort tolt-dris the Sairio. at tbitt .10*h '13tettipson, ,had Clouted- over the fence.. The batter whit. fed ihem both„ '711*,eirt, 'Greet In -ought to, pla the 'tufo* ouried him ler to ilt,5hed.up, a high,' and fast one,-,clos14, tddritictd to those which' Tiiiinilton 1114 Missed firsf; fiat: Ow mighty 'vitally =Ade ttu; hall, high and lar utvoy. for' another 'circuit wallop, Mr: 'Greer quit, ,then` and' there, disguSted.. , no lustice, -, Said, Ito swear* the IlltoksmitlVs eye4/ASSeS *00 "lef inth to, 'thick, consideration atthe hands of every county 4ountillor, and that should hold first place in any discussion of county affairs at the-totning municipal. eltetionsi ...gotta azi adVerilsereertf asking for 401ex-tun8 for the Prater% of clerk and Of tree - Wer. .Pieteletpit the, safest and hest way _la _these _positioneAtoild.,, he. to ob- hurt the., tiaintS Of the applicantS, and refer -to thein by 'nuitil)er Ord,y4 forgetting for fraternal. contectiOns, 'place of residente . and all the Other things that Warp the 13c11ticiart*s` bralit:t4Y SUell an eXtent, that ability to Oil the position: I's but darY: vehafderation. Of 'course, We have to bone w e illelerrefen Somehow, or other it 18 difnCtlit to forget 4114, there, were. by ictti&1 COMit. 'Seven • erielober_S of the piesint County Muria who last 4te'ne spokeand Noted against epee Oa *Itdit by .1 ili*iteried atcohntint. these feliOWS 'Should he closely' watched if 'a recurrence of ..whitt:' his littolened_ ie - .:to he prevented* ---8, A RUI3BER-TIRilli TRAIN, vitt*ttte revoltitiortarft thanilta *ar takint place' rallriading !!leiY*a etiirtleis tee1, meter-driv,eje'oiee of -Streareline ionstruttion stOPPed at eattetre Canadian 'paints along the 4‘.1liehs' WI :Central 11,a.ilwaY froth tone% to tktfdi1:,fea3atlY-en rouw, torortsworth, where15 fllonerette on the Vies tfi Une$. osrt unusual 'feature of the train ums,4 rubber4i,red wheels, ott. bees under the locontetivo pot VI' the engine being of .steet, The train atm* the.raPs. with icara and .ts Sald UP he capable :or speed Of SO tO,00 rotte$ per trpt two, bras* pro t treater flexibility of moiVelbea - it, or ,tiCirol.uhltha's ereCitt atiOtt for seiterttYttix diVidtd Zto two' eoto o for whites favi one tot tokut it *owed bytwo sane teretmet with eletir sts 4.:11 ; *Able nechieventen it' in traftePettatied ot train it 00414 PlacsktiMits ter the boacifteoc ma varampaeltait tOOltrt I 'I, 4 O.' oistolinnC itt & c0flt)n. 'ot wax 11 &ill* ell /11$01*$ in< the oeloollt641-, 15t. lames" Ititli fOr'arinistke erem"tttP!, remained, loaded* 103tIlootb; ••ervice tor 0,,;$01% 10 the U*114$ * boy Who *s*elcattlitirtt it, It ***• snot tit* :Wet piertlott the Ountair., './cOliteet **.htet of *ad Itre, Vt. J. D‘Man., The had been oo, tOOky, 4.116W4 LP*00104 Ili the Wheo, the Sollaefleks thilittiri Once into the hailtittli Dreceire* to to attndkg *'isteeorial laWeiOet ,01% ot the hOte l;iicket lati, the PI** 004 *, '.104(410#4: the it4(., 11* biatoid: ttee tht the *e *oh INC.10004... The Star advises strongly against rate/iayers voting in favor of- guarantee; _ing the bonds of the Ontario Weet Shoee Railway when the bylaw is -submitted in JatOlarY.. The signal is . urging ratepay- • v te for the byleve The Star ob- jects because the bylaw does not -etate ;mild* how and when the money is to be PidiViier provide for thee retur4 o any portion not required to complete the purchase of the right-of-way. The Star Is aware that these points have been dis- cussed verbally, but -we are skeptictd and wbulji like to .seethese thinge in black and white. • " . . . Personale-Hector Hays has returned to town after his season on the Great Lakes. . sheriff Resereolds slipped on theeice-end-fell. and he was tincOnselbUS for it lime., However, he soon recovered and is back on: the job. . Fred Craigie, Bucalo, is spending a few days at the old home, _ William street. Captain. Inkster and Engineer Leonard, of the dovernerent .Steamer Petrel, are home for the winter. (cnnet,on News-Reeero - Jockyway, 4,1at .foathet never-1mi; comet ”menotterious. Last Week:7-we had the most glorieue, almost -stuturier wea- ther, Surlily, *aril days, bright, 'moon- light nights. This niorning ,we have about four inches of snow and a eold north breeze. Looks like tile middle- of 'winter and feels not unlike it. Still, we are looking forwerd to ,Soine, More nice weather befote winter really sets ht. • „ • e. • von "Ads Iwo Wain thett orb plenty Ind • ' you'll fool, boitorl, IINIMENI M NG OF Words Often Misskiled Immigrant; two m's. grnigralit.; one m. CamPaign. Observe the aign... De- meanor, or demeanour. Appeal; two P's. .Vareillate; one 0, two rs. Dahlia. Ob- serve the le. . • Synonyms Safe, secure, sure, certain-, insured, guarded, protected. eelerdente --eager; -fervid, fervent,. flery„„ hot, impassioned, vehement. Error, mistake, blunder, fallacy, falsity, oVersight. ; 117Poeriey, edity, aieettation, pre- -tenseiesanctisnonyfeehaMe _ Arcluou.s; difficult, hard, laborious, on- erous, toilsome. , ' Perfidious, 'treacherous, faithless, false, deceitful, disloyal, untrue. • hate*. the einergener.-- broken glasses: Illness: important news: sudden inability to par an ex. p-ecied lone-stimeneSS fox-. - family or, friends — your tele. phone takes care of 'it. A shnple, inexpensive caft puts you in inincedi!ite -personal ioneh, gardleftl of laistinees, • ',..•%s 'a s **or 1* ettan • 41.• • "'Me a', wOrd three, times and it is yours.- Let Ate eiriereaseeottr-vocainfrary by magtering one word each. day. Words for this lesson: INVIGORATE; to give life and energy to; to strengthen. "He was invigorated the cool, mountain air!' REPtiONAM.-'-dorattful-in highl- degrev; offensive. "All rudeness Was re-' pu'gnant to her nature."' , EMANcIPATIOle; act or process of freeing; liberation. "The emancipation „I000•Woo..o•mmM•om..4:......00•P•m:•=No,...7.4.k • • RIONU-d(illisiiRkileC.HVIORKS HAMILTON STREET Beat litaierial and Latest • Deeignil . ' Expert- Worittnanithip All -Work -Guaranteed! _ _-,-.„- s Prices' Reasonable Your business. will be ‘ appreciated. R. A. SPOTTON • --Goomen —.-:_ (WI:hick) P. p. Tiox 161 :-, PLUMBING, HEATING SHEET METAMORK Phone 127 V. OA Bo* 131 • Hanover Post--Ooderich :should he 40,.pp*„.,Aa,ce„ ..Sloce- may last ,only has been spent on relief7 'Espeb tiler needs during the winter months the council Purchased for 'e1200 a farm an width there are eight acres of beech and Maple bush. A tootle Will be opened. Workers will be paid krate per cord for tutting, and the wood for the !cod and. 0 • g --theere-reeeived:-Reports-eareete the 'effect that in song way the 'men of ,the 'road got vise to this 'peaetice and the itUinber .became feWer, from Week to eelte A pile of. wood, A,saarhorse and -a buck -saw Were never viewed With faVor. by met who get their.liVing at the ex. Petite of the taxpayer. -Nor are they to he, ONTARIO CoNSFAVATEVBS ; Premier Bennett ,Will be the: chief speaker at the 10th minuet tonvention of the Western Ojeta4ese Arvatbie „ ABgtagion to be ',be& in opsion �fl Thursday, •iletelnber, 7., Arrangeffient for the ratting weed completed at an ekeelftite Meeting of the aeseciation held hit weeks, and definite word has now been received from Mr. Bennett that he Will be able to be present Ilon. O. S, WhO, 13 leaving • for a holiday on evereber 114 Will be back itt time to ate toia:priii6ttfor. t -Storm - caue 4gestiorr. cot #.4 i.tow to Mot: istressing Pains After Every Meal • When Your stomach . us put m proper celedttion you can eat what It after. Mr. M. Kindyhall, 'teat 'itildenatatMan., writes -"Some ..tiMeagOl. suffered idistreseing pains ire My stomach. After eating mr . Meals *Inane would be,soinething. 'Awful1 decided- to try re bottle* ot 13urdoc1iAlood"iiittertrinat-after'---- finishing it 1 felt.very reech relieVed, Fr the pest 55 Years and after having taken throe bottles MAtiorACTURta *SLY Lfirroteck founlihains had completely left mitstiftN-,,v04 - ep„ Tererite„, Ont. — BURDOCK BLO OD MIMEO BITTERS -Modieal authorittei *tate 'tilt ,. nearly "nlne.tentha ofthe, eagles ot etomeett erOttble Indigestion, sour- 'neasi bUtalinf, fiat b1oatinternititel4 ekto.i. ate nue to an teatime ofhydeo. tiaorie add I* '..ebeeittoneerh, The delicate aterrateh MMus, le irritated, dlfaetion is delaYed and fond sour. ravslirlit ibe'dleatteea.ble sltrintords which evert *tones:ck matter knoWse ea Well. e ,,,,, eertlfletal dheetaneta ate nOt need. r e4 In Nom e% caste* and ay do reel ' harta. Try laving resits alt ditestive . aide ant latteat got from any., dr*** tat ,eonle Illentated. Meanest* Ana aka * 'tesa*Oentltt ils lurokte* rlltht . *Mr -oetiltfvricia: sweeten* 'the atOmaeth vrelfihilt* ttlOviortitkliti6n Ot *WAS* Skeld mit viktrik it 110• oitanoth **a or *tali. teiwortitte btesteeta cite tereeer toreveestever MOM Of itralik) ii hatInieee, tetireettaiTh efls. la a fine eseielefr for aeld etotaatit. It to *meet by tkosteeade et *teal* le ettioe' their meets *deb ao fee's' •f Inelsreattave.,. --- ) • 0 TUBES MR YOUR ENJ�YMENT of iitilie#utifid,Pioiranis Nino Wz he Air •••4•0•44.444,4•4 Let Lis Ts* Your Tubes • tk- • RADIQ TUIS HEC BOT ate 1 n ••••••••—.